THE TRIBUNE. ' hi« homeatesd, is asies«ed 03 B£2ZBJ real jch, for, lliough the stale had title,) HOTEL MASTERSON estate $l,00l), p- ritmal property <75 they had none and the $ !• ! • die- let ua »ay, for beginners barn nut \ avowed llte title in favor of the eet , .been in postthm Io accumulate much ; ilare. Port Orford, Oregon ; slock while making the necc»-ary ] The corporation la-iug thuè ont- ' iniprovenietita on their holdings to gt-m-ruled. fitiailv »tied t it a com- Published Every We-lucoday, by • ul»i>l Callie and borro*, but have pronti«« order A'» get the Stab« HARDY f . STR WA RT. Board by the Day, Week or Month, at Rea JTyauk A. Stewart. Awofiate Editor meanwhile been making their place» title l-> that pari of the latid tilit _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ¡ •■look good. to tlie Assessor by per- war really swamp sonable Rates. A 'share o f Patronage - - sistent loti »nd self denial. B , C Solicited. < Sueh w»s the ha-ia upon which The tuoni io)|M>rtant lliiiig, lucati) j ami I), therefore »(and on the tax (tov. West b;l* lately closed op the ' to be voteti upon in Rie live north- , „ . . 1 laaiks Intoka crediteli credited wlth with a t, paltry <75 mailer exeept ill it West P-qoire I 1 erti preciiict» ><f Curry m u n ir ni . » - ’ j *'exeuiptlon eaelil And B, C and lite company lo p iv certain A ny fee. Louts K napp , Pres. C. W. Z umwalt , V. Pres. "ìbe primary n.ext Kridov is j D arc llte one» who most deserve ind'tding one for <1,000 Io ex Gov nomili alion of Comini.aiont ta for lite E. J. Loxur, C ashkr. ) favors if any are In be granted. The ernor Lfird’s estate Ite (L o rd ) hav j J’orl of Bori Orford. I t ì» a mailer ¡only Just “exemption” would lie baa ing apparently been employed as i in wbicli personal coni-vltiaiioii ' ed on the wlittle asaee**d valuation “consulting attorney.** Just why ahould noi euter. Two of thè can j without di-eriininatioo al to kind lias nut been disclosed for it was be didate*, Meaaera Wli ite and Cheno 1 of l>ro|terly, an'l that would look who as Govern«*» Iwd permitted f « B ilia re foi thè Fort unti two, U Æ I N K O F l i O I V J P < > i e i * X > l < 1> foolish to Mr. I. 3. Smith as well lit the Co. to make its last blanket en - . M ee«rr» Hughes i-Otl Slittili, are l l t e rest of us. try, this contrary to the 320 acres ••Oppiateti to it. A vote for lite t«o>i Another and no. le«» object tunable : | YOUR- BANKING-BUSINESS SOLICITED former genl]ciHv,n is a vote for lite [ feature of this personal property And *s if to accentuate its genera), principle liiat the majority should. „ , pesa i is, that prop ’ , , , , “exemption” business , -. . . rule Slid liiat li.e Port should lie, . .. . , ‘.I , corruption in those day», thq Slate a*seSBed nt at its full . erty is sehl«>n> a-siSRed ’ , „ . , ’ tgiven a fair trial by a friendly Coni , , , • Land Board actually paid Logo« value while • exemptions” stand on „ . , , , , , fiwiekion. The voler in inaking hi», , ,, ’ well <2000 out of our school fund a full 100 per cent basis. , . , , ■ , hai lui Frldsy sliould look upon i _ . for having Secure«! PO RT ORFORD, secure« the reve/sal of N O B A N K W IL L H A N D L E At a time when C uriy county * These finir tnen inerely ni Factor* in Hoke Sihilh, who had/ righteously OREGON -Y.CUR B U S IN E S S B E T T E R was regularly being assessed on a, thè developiueiit of ili« community, e. i i i t , given the settlers lire lauds they 3 3 j |>er cent »«sis 1 made a careful ? land Vote for tllòse two wlioin be be have just now, after all these year» analysis of our roll to determine a fjevet sdfocate priuciplea tbal if of till moil and vexation, secured , laiut whirl proportion of our people . 4 ° •carried otlt will trend to »tiuji de- . , ,, , , peaceable, unquestioned, possession were receiving'! lie full benefit o f . 1 . 1 yelopmeiit. i the then prevailing<300 exemption . of. WKDSESHAV, A P R IL 17, »Oli. Mrs. A. Masterson, Proprietor C U R R E N T T O P IC S . : B y J II . U pton . Editor T hibcnk : hsurdity and found tlm proportion ; » narrate the above happenings f tli«.io a* I to lie a trifle less than one third, the ! • my memory two remaining thirds struggling nbled currently their occurrence along from -no exemption at all up, during the year» covered by the to about <2U0. At tliat time I in ; dirty business. sisted that, to he fair and consistent, And it is worth mentioning tlrttl, all “exemptions” should go on the uliliougli at the lime Hoke Smith, tax books reduced by 6(5J per' cent < DemiHiritt, gave tiie settlers their thus the value of a <300 “ exemption’’ Itoinesteuils and pre emptions, the would be but <100. But I failed to man Coggswell was a Democratic convince the powers that be of the j Slate Senator from K la ma ill and injustice and al.surdity of a 100,per Lake counties, he flopped over to) cent reduction from a 3 3 | assess the Republicans and supported i ment. A ll the'bénéficia lies of ail McKinley in 1S9(>. Politics for pelf. abuse are generally in a position " to And wlietlier that fact has any sig be heard loudly against its suppres nifiennee or not, it is matter of re sion. As examples to this" point, cord that M cK inley’s Secretary y i note our w.Nilen and e. it ton g-nd« Interior reversed the decisioif o f t’ s tariff schedule«; also iron and steel. [iredecessor iiiiii^reiiislated the pre I f G ENERAL • * « Blacksm ithing Hardware, Furniture Wall I’aper, Hope Window-glass Gome in and see our OPEN FIRE- PLAGE STOVE M ONARCH M A L L ^A BL E ST E E L RAN G ES. • - \ LStrge A s s o r tm e n t o f R a n d P a in te d C hina. L a n te r n s , L a m p s a n d C u tle ry . N e w h o u s e S te e ltr a p s , P o u ltr y N e t ’ n g M f^LL O R D E R S P R O M P T L Y F IL L E D t The Recall is not a new expert nient in.thia country. I t ought to Wagons an<I Buggies for Sale, kept in Stock, • fie morfe generally known th a t. Sec- also Agent for All Kinds of Farm ing Im ■Jion 5 of the Constitution under the plements; McCormick Mowers, etc. - J3 colonies proceeded to business 'provided for the ‘‘Recall” of mein Wood and Iron Work prom ptly done at a Iiers of Congress, and that two Penn- 'Sytvaiiian members were actually reasonable price. Y out patronage solicited. 'ousted because they were op|M»sed fa the adoption of the Declaration »t< r<< nt » r ipf Independence by that body. „ ' Let us b« fair a ll, round. The people at large resent the treatment iof Dr. Wiley who had been bullied -by his superiors iif hie war upon Justice and decency though long il'itorv gang of land-grubbers to the , food adulterators until in very de (Successor to N. C. Nielsen.) delayed have lit Iasi prevailed and pus tions they formerly occupied, “ Ni-« Y oik, April 12.— Major Gen 'gpair he resigned. I t is now sought W om en of C hina. Abe Warner Valley larmers are se on the record. eral ifrederic Dent Grant, command fa blame Taft for ita ll. This is not cure in ilieirs homes, though after E. Hofer, a close observer of men e rirfilie eastern division of the 'a square deal, for while it was Taft long and co\tly litigation, n* G.iv- and things, says that “every capital United Stales at in» r and eldeot soil -¿•From every direction American who decided that whisky is whisky! , ii . i • ernor Meat, lifts just concluded the is infested with rings of grafters of General Ulysses K, Grant, died women are sending congratulations -¿butt nllowiog-the vilest decoctions „ , , , . fight begun by Gov. Chamberlain more or less bi-partisan.” He here early today as the result of to the new Chineafe Republic on its branded as whiskey, it was Biaise ab,y «econded by A tty. General i-i,uld have inentToivd tiie L ’>rdft j h<<tit trouble. I t is believed that extending votes to women. -veil, who in response to the clamor Crawford. Seereiary Olcott could and Galloways at Salem as Oregon’s die end was luistcneil by worry and Tiie State Central Committee o f <of food poi«i>ners, appointed the render a dislinet service to lhe whole q 'lotx of thaepeeies. fear that a cancerous growth on the the Oregon E. S. A. was bolding a ■*fRemson Board” for the sol» pur people of Oregon by compiling and Thu Oregon Legislature, ca-tiiv» tongue, fur which lie was operated meitiug in Portland when the good- pose of overruljng and humiliating having printed for broad circulation atmul for a job for ex-GaV. Lui«4,jupon Wednesday night, was similar nows came. I l was received with the Chief Chemist. and fresh supplies will lie received bv every steamer, lU l a history of the Warner Valley iliwovered that the people were to the affliction which killed his tumultuous joy, and life secretary my put pose tui keep a fall stock of everything require! > ' t. Benzoate of soda used in prepared trade In the line or tragedy, for tragedy in some of its suffering for a reCMiifioation of their • fattier. was instructed to send a message of foods Dr. Wiley especially reprohat a-pects the em'irnglio resembled. « laws and straightway voted <10,000 congratulation. The campaign-corn G R O C E R IE S and P R O V IS IO N » ,— fed, while cannera of meats and fruits i Under a law passed in 187U*there fur the undertaking, and put the. m il tee of the Portland Woman’s did not deny that by its use the Coos Bay Tim es on F re d K. BOOTS and S H O E ) seems to have been no 1 i-iiil pre E x Governor to wors, and, during Club also sent a message to the Getiins. •lin k of even rotton meat could be M E N S and BOYS, C L O T H IN G , scribed, and under it many blanket the last session voted him <l,l*00ad Chinese Consul in tliat city. disguised. Mr. Roosevelt’s Rein entries of swamp so oulled were per J it ion a I Pi re-iuiliursc him fur Ii ire J “Through you we send greetings The Times is a progressive repub son Board permitted wealthy • .. LA D IE S ’ DRESS GOODS, milted, but the Warner Valley grab help while he had been sick. and congratulations to the great lican newspaper. I l believes in canners (and Vice President Sher H A R D W A R E , G R A N IT E and T IN W A R E . happened to not lie among them. But the fact that leaked nut dur progressive republican principles. Republic of China, that, in establish -man is a leading one) to continue Later on the law was amended re ¡ing the closing up by Governor C IG A R S , TO B AC CO , P IP E S I t believes that members of the re ing the most modern form of govern «heating and poisoning the public. ducing the area one might take to West of the Warner Valley embrog C A N D Y , N U T S and N O T IO N S . publican parly should be permilted ment, it hus mad« the republio a ■ And it was this same Mr. Sherman 320 acres. About this time the cor- lio, that Mr. Lord had a bill -of to select their candidates for ollice government of ail tlm |>eople, and who as a member of Congress de Iu (act, a supply of everything usually kept iu a «eil stocked j [Miration called the “ Warner Valley <1,000 against the stale for serrtoss without tiie dictation of busses, cilh not a government of half tiie people feated Dr. Wiley’s full-weight pack, General Merchandise Store. Cattle Association” was orgaiiix -d “ consulting attorney” in said cm- as we have in Oregon. All hail the er political or- newspaper. I t be- nge bill. For this lie was, liy his ORDERS TAKEN FOR ANY ARTICLE NOT IN STOCK. ' in California with Chas. A. Coggs broglio, needs explaining, since it [¡eves, however, that it is not iptly Republic of China, the true democ neighbors dubt>ed ‘'light weight well of Oregon as its President. had been by his ¡«rmission while | (he province hut the duty of a news racy with its women as free as its Jim m y .’’ ' This cor|M>raliou secured as s nu Governor that the grabbers had laid pa, t o inform the republican men!” - Milwaukee, until Captured by the L rftA f - - - ----- • cleus for its o|>eralioiis a limited vandal hands u|»on additional thou- voters of the facts concerning the Similar action has been token in Socialists, had most frequently gone urea about the take that wa«, ill f«t*<[aan(]* of acres, many other places. The New Or 1 qualifications and records of met ‘Democratic. This spring, however such land as comes under the leans suffragists sent a message to W ell, thanks be, the settlers now offering themselves for the suffrages the “ tod” old parties have fallen , Swamp Land Grant to the States by the women of Chius through the own their homes, hut who accurate and honors of their party. ■upon each others breasts and wept, tlie Government. Coggswell A Co. Chinese Minister at Washington, ■in hopes to win back and divide ly compute the cost in money, hopes There are two candidates for weie ambitious to spread out over asking tliat missionaries be sent to •the spoils between themselves. deferred vexation, embarrassment Slnte Senator from this district, I. S. llte adjoining territory, much of America to teach the principles of and uncertainty? As a fact some Smith and Fred K .Genius. Mr. » John Galesworthy, ol Canada, I which had lieeo settled Opnn, bv true demoeracy.— Woman’s Journal. 'o f them hnd aUindoued their hold Smith is a lielieverand supporter of author and pi ty wright, is visiting families and water was brought io : ing*, water ditches and all, heart progressive republican principles 'this Coast, and, lieing interviewed ! .« u ... ir ...» : .i i . . 11»> irrigate fields fur immediate co! nt sail r ranciseo the other day, said . , , broken and discouraged, and gone tliis year, last year and the year be A n iin istr a to r ’s N o tice . i n .. I • , tivalion, the lauds the.realiout Iwui-i I elsewhere to begin lifes struggle all fore and premises to tw in tiie years he was a J.iperal in politics at home of excellent quality, oiily lacking bind tliat the crushing defeat of his over again. And thia is justice! to come. Notice is hereby given that the un water. l»arty in the Referendum vote on Langlois. Or. Fred K . Gettina say« lie will favor dersigned baa been duly appointed by Coggswell A Co. Iiedevilled Guv. Reciprocity fairly look the breath “ progressive republican [xilieies— the County Coart of Curry county, Or egon, Administrator of the estate of (C ow B ay N ews .) away from most people over there, Pennoyer for years to lie allowed to B ut — Frank Smith, deceased. AU persons make blanket entries but weie tth 4 t had been so un«x|»eeted. Askeil Fred Getting was a staunch sdvo- having claims against said Estate are The Poll Orford Tiihune say* i f Champ Clark’s annexation talk ’‘• '" " ‘ely refused the privilege, iiut catejind supporter of tiie Assembly required to ['resent them within six tliat Capt. Dan Roberts died lately cut much of a figure in the campaign ■ after <lov„ Lord took his seat they months from the date of this notice, two years ago. at the ho-pital a l N orth Bend. die said yes, that tiie tories made the! were |i«rmitted tnspread themselves, Fred Guttins was a nominee tor with proper vouchers, to the under signed at his residence in Port Orford, most of that foolisli claim, hut that A PPe* 1 * * ’ '"»d« b> I'»« »eltlers to Somebody misinformed the Tribune. office on the Assembly ticket. Oregon; and all parties Indebted to J’resideut T a ft’s out giving that l,oke S,nil1' 1 an h,'ne»1. «on*-’»»» Capt. Dan was in a dangerous con Fred Geltias refuses to sign State ssid Estate are required to pay tiie same Canada li*<i "coinc to the parting 8«cr,!t’ ry nf the Interior, w in .! d '“ on for “ wbl1*. but he haa been ; ment No. 1- for the di reel election of to me without deluy. It shall be my purpose to keep a full slock of everything required l.y the improving for some time. id the wav*'' was tiie hardest jolt *lt*iw.«il them to -nukeentry iif their Dated this 2t)th day of March, 1912. ‘ United States Senators by the people We noticed cheese from Langlois, E. J. Lomv, •they got finin ibis side. Thus it homesteads. Theh came a new Sec trade in the line of Fred Uettins does not declare in Administrator of tiie Estate of ictsry under President McKinley Curry county, in the loyal market was that two more or less beefy pvt favor of the recall and the initiative Frank Smith, deceased. G R O C E R IE S and P R p V IS IO N S , ed slatesm in hurled the boomerang who reversed Hoke Sm ith’s decision lately. Coos Bay and the Coquille i and referendum. BOOTS and SHOES th at became a vital element in their and threw the settlers hick on the Country ship’s great many tons of Fred Gettins’ political sponsor and mercy of the corrupt cormorants cheese every year to outside points M E N ’S and B O Y ’S C L O T H IN G . own undoing'. father-in-law, Judge C. A. Sehlbrede 06124 ■ Mr. I. 8. Smith’s somewh it elab and their allies in the State House nd considerable cheese is also ship i is a reactionary of the old school Notice fo r P u b lic a tio n . L A D IE S ’ DRESS GOODS DcraRTWKiiT or thk I nterior 1 at Salem. |ied in hereto supply the local trade. orate platform as candidate for Slate . type who is against all progressive U. H. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon F A N C Y GOODS. E lijah Smith, for many years political principles. Senator include« a promise to secure' Then came upon the scene Gov. March 14th, 1912 C IG A R S, TOBACCO, P IP E S , a <300 or < l(>0 “ exemption” in as Geo. E. Chamberlain, who, with the president of the Southern Oregon Notioe Is hereby given that Every man is rightly entitled to Ben H ' T chksom «eesments. This for the relief of aid ol Atty Gen. Crawford, reopen-1 t o ™pany and well known on Coos liis opinion, but he should stand C A N D Y , N U T S and N O T IO N S . _ the pis» families of the State! And ed the cs»e with Secretary H itc h -! Friday nigbt squarely for his principles and not of Port Orford, Oregon, who, on April IS, 1910, made Homestead entry Serial the worst of it is, that tiie absurdity cock al Washington and requested Mff*d 72 yeara. The Evening Tele be an Assembly candidate one year No. 06124, for SE*i NEJ<, E)» SEX In fact, a supply of everything usually kept in a well stoexed General of such a prifposition is not obvious him to withhold patents to the Stale gra<r> “ f Saturday says: “ In the ami a progressive republican fur of and SW'X SEX Hection £), Town Merchandise 8lorc. ship 32 B., Range 15 West, Willamette to most of us at a glance. I t works as the grafting cru«*! were presaiiig death of Elijah Smith at a bical fice the next. lfeiMilan, has tiled notice of intention ■put shout like this: A, is assessed for final title from the State Depart ! «■nitarmm last night, one of the to muke final commutation proof to es Every progressive republican tablish claim to the land above describ in ' ower*ng figures in theearly history should vale fur and support I z S. ed before H. T. Stewart, United State* on real estate <1000, personal prop ment. Hitvlirock tbereupou lbc R*cific Northwest was remov- Smith, who is a progressive without Commissioner, at Port Orford, Oregon, erty <500, total <1,500. The am coutcnipt of our State De|>artment, on tiie loth day of April, 191X, , •esaor deducts <300 personal proper proceeded to issue the patents, and 1 ed front the scenes of his many en- any strings attached and who de Claimant names as witnesses : E. B. Hall, of Port Orford, Oregon. iy exemption, wherefore A stands at the request of the corrupt, per dfeavors. For many years this «tal- clares for all the progressive prin II. J. Banks, of ” on the books charged with <1200 jured grafter Coggswell, mailed them ■ wart 1'iupirr builder wm a noted ciples including the initiative and W. H. ltcnnott, of ” •’ * all and Exam ine Goode, and get Prices. figure in the railroad ami industr- W. P. Bryant, of ” ” taxable«. B, C and D each struggl directly to him . But the tuerce ial development of Oregon, Wash- referendum, recall and election of B e w txis E. .T omes , ing along to make his way out on nary crowd ivn uol out of the woods ingtoii and Montana. U u ik d Slates Senator by the people. / Register. L BEECHER JE S S P o rt O rfo rd , O re g o n It G IL L IN C rS ^ æ i, j AMES S. JOHNSTON f ^ y P o r t O rford, O r r ib ^ N E W GOODS, Call and examine goods ar,d get prices. ‘ JOHN R. MILLER, GENERAL M ERCHANT, P o rt Orford, O reuori ll as opened a new Store, with JMEW GOODS, Orders Taken for Anythin! not hi Stock. JOHN K. MILLER.