19 Shots at your Finger S A V A 6 e Wn EEl.ER AKV w lu s o s H T. STEWART Editor Aliti Publisher ■ *<»«ui-3T M oti«»«- H n lM a o a rip tio n , 5*11.¿50 p««* The Leading Paper of Curry County, HURT UL'KKlSti A RAPID, , H u ll H earin g. Published every Wednesday, at Port Orford, Oregon J O U a i ì A - A n i tribune « C A L I B R E A U T O M A T IC P IS T O N T R IB U N E J •'The Savage Automatic smother« every adversary in ¿he rapidity of its fire. When the occasion comes you have { ready the quickest, haudiest and most accurate arm made. ’’G ive yourself every possible advantage. It means life or death. That is why you will discard your revolver when f ''you see the Savage. ¿ ‘ j recorded in Book 6, Curry L o u u iy R ecords of M ines, at Pago *0». *lfw by U D . Meek on A u gust 12, IDG, « shown by notice recorded S ep tem ber 6, l u l l , iu Book 8, Curry C ounty M in­ ing R ecords, P»gb 68. and said locators h a v in g »»signed their interests in »aid land» to »aid ap p lican t, the applicant for patent, an d those th rou gh whom he claim s h a v e expended Over hive Hundred Dollar» in labor and im prove­ ment» on »aid land » in developing th tir m iueral» and m in in g. A ll of »aid land» are ad jacen t, «d- jo in in g and contiguou» to each oth er, uud the quarter corner a t the NW cor-, n e t o f N W'l Section 7, T ow nship and R ange aforeaeid, 1» a corner o f one of the »ubdivisions of ««id laud applied for. to-w it: th e N W l o f N W tS ection 7. aforesaid, »aid qua. ter section corner being an established corner of the G ov­ Special Features which will Appeal to You TEN SHOTS: Double the number contained in an oidi- 1 *• narv revolver antf two more than other automatics. D a lly a n d T r ib u n e - - - - ACCURACY: The pistol is so constructed that all powder gases áre utilized, insuring extreme accuracy, as well D a ily S u n d a y a n d T r ib u n e as freedom from foúling SIMPLICITY: Fewer parts thau any other automatic pis- S e m i W e e k v a n d T r ib u n e ? tol. Completely dismounted by hand without the aid tools. No screws to work loose. THB BEWINO SAFETY: Breech positively aud automatically locked M A C H IN ! ernm ent Survey. during the time of discharge. Cannot be fired un­ There is no known v e in or lod e or OP it oth« ------ --- . The New Idea Womans Magazine BOTH ONE’ YEAR i s ’» M aoamink 1» an au th ority on l»re«unaKing Mllli- niom v. I t average» m ore than Itki p ag’’" th erefore a t least 1208 p a g es o l g o o d fash ion a m ttio n a l cost o f only 25 «1» Sam ples free. The Start tú a Better Salary You c m h a v e it *11 foi Per T oo much housework wrecks w o­ m en's nerve«. And the oonstant care of children, day and night. Is often too trying for even a utrong wom an. A haggard face tells the story of the overworked housewife and mother. Dcrsnged nienoe«, leuoorrhtra and falling of the womb result from overwork. Every housewife needs a remedy to regulate her menses and to I keep her sensitive female organs In perfect condition. in T h e E ven in g T elegram , of Port­ la n d , Oregon. It is th e largest e v ­ ening new spaper p u b lish ed in Ore­ gon; it con tain s all the n ew s of th e sta te and of the n ation . Try it for » m onth . A sam p le copy w ill be m ail­ ed to von free. A d dress T H E TELEGRAM, - ttatl. 9 making the I f you want to bo «no « » « to t-if yoe went to better jo n r poeltlon— m att l i t ¡tart, h a y . medo the ,lar! eeay. end we have made the wAeh woy to seoceu eeey. So eeey. In fact, that yon w ill be «nrprteed at the Inelgnlflcenee of the barrier that bee h e ft yea beck The etart to success Is to .Im p ly fill In end melt te u* the coupon below. • Read over the U«t of i o ™ etlone In the coupon, m ark X jtfo ro ♦ * » • o n e w o ts w e n t to enter, fill in . m the coupon to ne. return B u 7W, Jcrsel.e, Fa. à.n. àia F l o w .n > l.la . » I l V o l l . r t k o « i)ll» »tl». • • " y 1 O . q o H ty ••'•'L'* tfc. p o s itio krto«. a il e » I » . . . « . . » • « » ^Repeating Shotgun Hi la doing thio for thousands of American women to-day. It cured Mrs. JortM and that U why she write» thio trank letter > aiaBdoano, Xy., Poh. IS, 1SSL I so, w glad that yonr W ins of Cardul la helping mo. I am foaling better thon I have fe lt for y e m I am doing my own work without nay holp. and 1 washed loot week and woe not one bit T h at okyw» that the W ine te doing me good. 1 am getting fle.hler then I ever w e. before, and »feep good e n d eat hearty. Before I begen te k ln f The n tw take-down eoortructloo allows you to take fu n apfirt 'in ten Bevonoa for cleanlnc or racxinc, yet the joint la always as Arm and ried tu n a nr« rumrantoed eloae-ahootliig, ?»ard-hHiln< «nna, andi aro cnequaUed for dueka, ceaaa, foaeo and all loog raoc« work. IMS Snd. E^MW Bici T R A D C - M A R K S prciuplly .Mala»* to alt co.intrn-A . . ' i l 1 I . . . » . obtain FATBMTS T H A T R A V , s d r s r t i s s i h o i w u k l r . A S Me O ipt'tjo, and a *•> m in —<■ good model, photo or rtM d h (or FRCC report eo pelcnUbUlty. »0 yosry’ pracUos. H U R - if PASSINO R C rC R C N C C *. FortM O etae Book on P ro ll..b l« 1’rto n U w rite la PO S OOS S e v e n th S tr e e t, W A S H IN O T O N , O . O . 1 ■XWfoffiRSk. new Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Legal Blanks, Any Thing, Briefs, Posters' Envelopes, Statements, gun, on ret’ue,t or wlt^i complete 136- pago Vp-to date . Work Done McCall’^ Magazine : ua J L’cCall Patterns Per VFbmcn More TiHada than any other ir, 'aaiae or raiternn. McCall s im the i ,i*bU I iisU n Guido monthly fa . mil: one ht:t ¿red thousand ? i » I) Ai-'.f. - showing all the latest i. - s . R. J o h n so n , *. Lessee o l th e above described premise» IAV JOUHSAL. ZZ.., • -«.a nrt»rt —.... . «“*»■, V m » U « t u n «MV TUM. tf m m « w M » A l t v JOUSKAL tms « uhdav r o n » » * » - lO U S H A l Wy. wv - r t rts ■ M a» » M . » w r t l WWW ¿.«■WS Owl yw W W u s X CAW m m w<~ w —**< ■ . fa adfaTHHi •: «** tfsM. JOURNAL f a r » J ■ark merece daw «rAm R n o tic e I n connection w ith Notice fa hereby given that I have been appointed a g e n t to look after the E. W . Jensen property, situated on the " H e a d s” at Port O rford, O regon. AU persona ca u g h t trespaaaing te th e dw el­ ling house w ill be prosecuted to the fu ll e x ten t o f the law P. J . LIN DBERO No-To- !»•<• for fifty €•■<•. mt*-d R»»w»ct(* curts^Bftkw wiMI UU4£. |VIUO-J pur« K* r ,>L AL dragglMB