I , W JF ¿'J--- ............ - J--- 13 Shots at your Finger Tips in . g a v a 0 e w r- i X «itlc« *<•' A p p l i c a t i o n fu r P a t e n t 1 to F t n e e r L a n d » . 4 THE TRIBUNE, ¿ a t i e Unitod States lan d OOoe, Hua.Lorg', Oregon, l and District. Mineral Application Nd. 0767«, Jan uary 27, 1912. W o KELKB AKD WILSON, N otice i» hereby give» I hat II. T , S T E W A R T E d ito r h id I P n b lislio i H o t i i r y M oti«»« E owabo U . Dr.'stair» of Port Oylprd, Curry County, Opegou, *- a L»» uiade application for a Vnited «Ht«F patent to the foljos ing drsciihod gt(fd y«M s and plstluura bearing lands lupatod in Sixes Mining District (Uu..rg«n'»»l). Curry Co»ntv, Oregon, toWit*. NWJ of LIGHT B l’KBJK« & JtAPJD, NW*, the S* of Hi of NE* of NW *,the H u l l B e u r li ig . b* of H*J of NW* o f NE* and (ha WA QfW jof SW.‘-4 of NE* of Section 7, Township 32 South, Range l i West qf WiJIntrette Merjdlsn, a)nt»ipi|ig «6 S3 acyee, Jwown a» the Fro,per, N ecessi, ty, Ouija, (Consolidated), ai d l^ st Chance Placer C iai»». The said lands were located by D. H D .velldss and associates on or abonX April 17. 1895, apd relocated by said T h e OgKep.N D x/f.y J ourk |>. 1(1 the lead in g D em ocratic new spaper of D. H. DiyelbL» and associates Mary A. piyelblss aud Ernest H. Dlvelhiss, on Aprjl 30, J901. »8 shown by notice Orejfdp, i»»p/)d at Poriland. i * m <1 M ito yenorded in Book 6, Curry County . The rnansgej» •)*<> issue » yrblcli i» «specially adapted Records of Mines, s t Page 408, also by I. D. Mpek pn August 12, »Mb “» shown by notif'C recorded September for people who do pot Mare for a Daily, Lot wgnt a pood family.paper. „ l« i l, i’l l B o o k 8. Curry County Mln- ipg Itecords, Page 68, and said locator» Any of these papejre eyn he had in combination »»U> the having atulgued their interests in salij lands to said applicant, the applicant F O R D T R lB U N a , at tly» fojjou ing rgty»: for patent, and those through whom he clulins have exjiended over Piyp Hundred Dollars In tabor and improver p e n is on said lands in developing their minerals And m ining. All of said lands are adjacent, ad —T -A .I N I )----- joining and contiguous to each other, e aud the quarter corner at the N W cor ner of NW* bection 7, Township and Range ufore»«W, is a corner of one of t)ie subdivisions of said land applied for, to-wit: the NW* of NW* bection 7, THX T ub N bw I dba WogAN’s M aoajixb is an authority im D n ^ siosai. aforesaid, said quaiter section corner nerv and Household Economy, It average* m o r e t h a n loo j ,i •SW ING being an established corner of the Gov month. We offer yon therefore at least 121K> pagi-o ol good a n M A C H IN I ernment Survey. home reading for an additional cost of only 26 cts Hkmples fr> e O ff * There is no known vein or lode, or Q U A L IT Y . other mineral bearing rock In place i on any part of said land and uo ad joining m ining claim s. *OT. Any and all persons .claiming ad •OLO versely the mining ground described PN D SS above, or any part thereof, or vein or ANY lode, or other Interest» therein, »re OTHEN NAM E. traslto U .S. Office hereby notified that unle.-s llieir ad verse claims ste duly filed according W A S H I N G T O N O .C . You can have it to law and regulationa thereunder • ^ W AMR A N T E D F O R A L L TIMI, within sixty days from the date of the I f p m purrliaxc the X E 8 T H O M S you w ill . h u . o A 1I.C M.4L.I n t vhf prive yuu p a y ,a n d wU| first publication ol this notice with tb« r.ut luive itn Citala o f rv p a ln . Register of the Roseburg, Oregon, N o tic e o f A d m lu lo tra tlo n . in The Evening Telegrsu United gtates Land Ofiice they will be laud, Oregon. I t i s t h e I. Notice 1« hereby givea to nil persons barred in virto« of the provision« «1 (eiiing newspaper ptibllslie iutelrated that on the ’7th day of Jan gon ; it contains all the r R kvjamis P. J on «», uary, 11)12, the nnderaignml w »r ap- »tate and of the nation, .month. A sam ple copy wi Register. liolnted by the County Court of Curry ed tb von free. Aildresi county, Oregon, Administratrix of the Estate of (Jeorgo L. Taylor, tlwossod, the T E L E G 1 ECJJEMA and PIL E CURE’J late of said oouety and state. All per ------ POETLAXo. sons having claim s against said estate F R E E Knowing what it was Wsiif* H a « of xvrttne «nvwhvrv 1» »> fer, I will g've FREE OK making the « I f y o u wjxnt a sewing m achine, w rite fag will present thelh to roe duly authen CHARGE, to »n yam b ted a positive If von w in ! Is bn m e •••tv V —ff or.r latest catulngue before you purrhu*v. ticated, for allowance, oorreetion or cure for Ecteuia, Balt Rheum, E i yslpe. von want to better »our ponltlun— P ile , and Bkln Disease». Instant Tte New t a Sewing Madjne Co., Orange, Mass. rejection, wltldn six months from the las. mo A, Ike Ila rl. W e have made the aeiief. D on’t suffer longer. Write F. date hereof. tle ri Qkey, and we have made the W. W illiams , 4i)0 Manhattan A vecae, Dated at Curry oourjty, Oregon, Jan. wAeZr war to aucccie eaar. So eaa», New York. Enclose Stamp. 22, 1912, at my residence I j nd'essouth la ¡Mt. that you w ill be lurprieed at of Langlois, Oregon, my FoatufBce ad the imixuiflcaace ol the barrier that o»‘ chit », r.n o h u k a r t you beck The start to qiiil.tx' in mr<IÌ4oi Lictory. piovt-t dress. auc$eea la Io a.'mply fill Io end mall Ma»- C- M. U ptow , j»«-To-n«e »«r rirtr o « .» . ¿-Mi iparil n) I «Aeo.r*merli un tcTL the coupon below. Administratrix. » u s re ts V e e ti L uj & cco tubit ’/TAÌ1*? w<-?2 kuuwu to nuy oilier bus. t l A ilaructfltfo M i* l» s » « M :lp J p « * » ’ The Leading Paper of fu rry County. e r a ) Wednesday, at Port Orf j O T O N A— And. T R IB U N E . 33 C A L IB R E A U T O M A T IC PISTOL« "T h e SUvage A u to m a tic sm o th e rs every a d v e rsa ry ii, ¿ h e ra p id ity of its fire. W h en th e occasion com es you have ¿•oady th e q u ic k e st, h a n d ie s t a n d m ost a c cu ra te arm m ade, G ive y o u rse lf every possible ad v an tag e. I t m ean s life or d e a th . T h a t is w hy you w ill d isc a rd y o u r revolver when you see th e Savago. fc Special Feature» which will Appeal to You T E X SH OTS: D o u b le th e n u m b e r c o n ta in e d in an o id i- n a tv revolver a n d tw o m ore th a n o th e r a u to m a tic s. A C C U R A C Y : T he p isto l is so c o n stru c te d th a t all phw de£ 4* gases are u tiliz e d , in su rin g e x tre p ie accuracy, as well as freedom from fo u lin g S IM P L IC IT Y : F ew er pa^ts th a u any o th e r a u to m a tic p is to l. C o m pletely d ism o u n te d by bau d w ith o u t th e aid of tools. No screw s to w ork loose, ■ — J3A FE TY : Breech p o sitiv ely a n d a u to m a tic a lly locked d u rin g th e tin*& of d isch arg e. C a n n o t be fired u n - less th e triggei is pu lled . W hen th e safety is on n e ith e r force n o r folly can d isc h a rg e ft. ). B A L A N C E : P erfectly balan ced . C e n te r of g ra v ity well ‘ to th e rear. Lies n a tu r a lly in th e h a n d . W ill npt flin ch on the trig g e r p u ll. T he o n ly a u to m a tic w hich lo c k s a tth e breech w hile th e b u lle t trav erses th e b a rre l " ' .........---- --------------------------------- =--------- . . 'W E I G H T : 19" oz. in c lu d in g m ag azin e. L en g th over all 6 | inches. P rice $15. A ny w ide-aw ako d e a le r will phow you th is m in ia tu re rapid fire gu n . If h e w ill n o t su p p ly you. k in d ly advise us a n d we will s e n tlit p re p a id . ‘ „ SA V A G E ARM S COM PANY, U T IC A , N E W Y O R K Timber Claims, II»ve you any to offer, or do you luiow of anyone who bat? I desire to purchase. Angus 0 . Mackay, Real Estate Agent, Tort Huron, Michigan. Deai'nesa C annot be Cured. u uy Ipral applications, they cannot reach I hr dlsssssd portion of |he oar. There is only os« way to cure deaf no«», and th a t 1» by «©nstltu- t»cu«l remedies. Deafness 1* caused by an in* flamed condition of the muooas liuin g of tho Enatachluu Tube. When thia tube U ip flam cd you have a rum bling sound dr Im perfect hepr ing, and when it is entirely closed, deafness Is the result sod unless the Inflaraatlon can be taken out and this tube restored to its qofm al condition, te arin g w ill b£ destroyed forever » nlpe cases out of ton gro caused by C atarrh which is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We Will gltre One Hundred Dollars for any raife«4 Dijal « m ** m (caused by c atarrh) »hat can net becur»»<Tby Hall*«Catarrh Cure. Bend for l I < H K N IY A Co , Toledo, O by Dmggtats, "'*• Take H alU aJanjlly Pills for constipation T H E T R IB U N E W EEKLY PORT 9R- B o th Papeps one y e a r lov $8.25. D ailyand Tribune r - .* - jr ? 8 6 OO. Dailv Sunday and Tribune 8 7 OO. Semi Weekv and Tribune 8 2 OO. fa doing thi« for thousand* of America? woincii to-day. It cured Mr*. Jonc* and that 1« why she write« this (rank letter: aiendeane, Ky., P«b. 10, 1DW. I am •« fla«1 that y<mr W in« of Card«! Is h e lp i^ f me. 1 am fe<-ling better than I hare felt for year*. I am doing my own work without any help, and I washed last week and wae not one bit tired. T h at sb'ws that the Wine la doing me good. I am getting fleshier than I before, and »leap food and eat hearty. Defers I began taring Wtas of Ca «nil, I u»ed to hare to lay down fir« or six times every day, but now I do not think of lying down through *1a«. tha day, M m RKMAao J onss . Per M uni li ULD^IA’E F o r VZcnicn friond. than any other raagttioa >r patterns. McCall's is the reliable Fashion Guidq monthly in ona million one hundred thousand homes B'sidcv showing all the latest daetgns of M, Call Patterns, each issue is brimful u# sparkling abort stories sad helpful infermation for women. Swr» u « (C ow , b, S«vb by eihwriMa, A m AUCeL't at m e . Com only jo Mota • yea,. ««¡..ling any «M at th< caUhrutd M ? m ? McCall Famco. b e . N»m, S h I m s MX m I L e e » . a . i h m hl I,» . I t, oapM cicv. and r n u .b e Mid. More M il Mcl . t i P iltr r e . tb .r ndwr two ■mkM rw chioed. N o n , hishar ihaa l i c m b . ttu , t m . yetM «M ie. c by Mail IroM McCALL’S MAGAZINE W . 37th S t, Naw York Q ty JO B W O R K . X wbst we have done for others. T o W h o m I t M a y C o u c e r st. X. Teieehene Caslneev C iealrie-LIgM i««* g »rtisefii«"« ) e-SarS We* iJP& peating ' ¿Shotgun Survey*» fra tte « *» I: Thb new 6-«hot m odel is th e sim plest, eurebt, a nd fastest 13- g «ug c rep ea te r m ade. I t has th e solid top, t i d e e jection a n d double r r 'r s c t o R — Fpccial ZK rnO r fc a- tu-es o f c c m lo r t,a n d c o n v c r.iw cc . T h e cloced-in breech k eep s the a c tio n clean a n d th e shells d r y —keeps out nu n , snow , d irt, leaves tw ig s ar»< Lfcrid. C u r r y C o u n ty , a t reason, .w» • fnfi.n»»« »an ritwnbar Portland, Or »I « HQ.., See or Address D.O. NEWTON, Marshfield, Oregon P o s te r s L e t te r H e a d s , E n v e lo p e s, L e g a l B la n k s , S t a te m e n ts , Any Thini, I U pdo d a te W o rk D o n e . HAVt». COW». on S h o rt N o tice - S a tis ^ a c to n G u a r a n e e d - KltaLTHI COUGH CURE tw LUNGS The undersigned hereby give nutici I thstThey are the owner« of the South | half of Section 16, Townahip thirty ‘ three,^outh range fourteen W est-e«- Willamette meridiitti, Oregon. All |mi tie« are warned not to trespass upon « make any locations, either placet quartz claim s at their (leril. D . K eli . ahib ] ^Owners, Briefs, B ill H ea d s, J and ♦ S tr*e t » »4 a b le P r ic e s , / circular glelng targg I r n. w ith £ 8 dc.wrip iva o f t h i o •twulsoTns new g««n, <**•'« frss on request or v it t ensrplete 136-rsgs catalog for 1 stA.upa. ClvM In flle o e r G iiW irg C ontraete* A rc M te c le ra l O raN em w Arc hit o«t T eitM c M ill gas«. Cleetvleten Xiee trlea l t "»*«••« The. B e s t to be h a d j j i Tbs new tskewgrmrw eon*trw»*tl«n «flows you to tuke »un apart In ten second« for ele»nln« or y..c Ing, y «| the joint Is slwsye «• Arm and rigid as in a m ild Crams, ..on- tabe-down K I». T bs fc» f Mo r n fils your hand and he.ps gulck r*p«<ettan. The <»f| choV-il runs «re r'lwrsnfoed close-shoetbig, s rj hitting gnns, and %rs uneouallsd for tucks, f t«»K io «rs and all long-range w->rk. mDR.KINC3 NEW DISCOW I Tees pass N otice. ■........ Notice is hereby given to all persons whom it w ay concern, not to enter up on or trespivas upon the premises of Rli Bagley, for tbe purpose of bunting, nr fishing with hook and line. Bald pre m ises are situated on Elk River, Curry County, Oregon, and deecribed a» fol low»: The Weet half of Section twen ty »even, Township thirty two Bomb, Range fifteen West. Apy person or per»ot s eo troeptns- ng for the purpose of hunting, fishing, or traveling thiough in any shape form or manner, or tearing down fences, or leaving out »k’7 gates open, or molest ing pereonil property, will be prosecu ted to the full extent of the law. Wn>. R. Johnson, I-eseee of the above described premises Lg3B0*ftttX>0 WB,VOIOS F W w m t r a g . AWALLTBIKUT AkP AWIUTBBOff AKP LUlfe TBOUSUS _ \u A 0A N n £O SATTSTACTOfTK S>REAT «A LE« pn” * the great V i merit of Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Hood’s Saroaparilla sells because t « compUshes CH EA T GURK«. * Read over the ll«t of oecntetlont to the coupon, m ark »tore to enten 811 la end moll the coupon t o « . B j return matt we wttt tel) r o e how you one easily, iaexpendvely. and in your spare time qualify y eu r,» lt lor the position yon W *el. nod w e ll tend proof o f It la the form ,of facts as to on« wo«* w»et 77larfct f l r r a m s Ca, I la v . Mo” tf»n M ro i» . b«m“i nur«. n » a « « « x p ls ls . w ltb o st fMVtber obligati«»» an kiy part, how I css q a a lltv to r • larg er salary la the po»it*oa balora w h ich I have m arked 42 W ill., « b i t » . « W 6C( A GREAT laternatioa»! Cerrespeudencs Schools Bsx 7H. Scraatc«, Ft. ,!.•« AV DBHirjISTO. r TY’*' U s 2 i« ,U.™ * ASvimy ÌV jS iC Ì’ f 7 7 5 . .. j.ewa Chattoseecs s M «but»« tc . lluttanoof». M cCall’s M agazine and McCall Patterns The New Id ea Woman’s Magazine B O T H O NE Y E A R FO R «*1 75 Know riie Nev\ H O U S EW O R K J WIN 1 « CARDUI Tile PORT ORFORD TRIBl’N, Do You toM Too much housework wreck» wo men's nenes. And tho constant owe of children, duy and night, h often too trying for even a strong woman. A haggard (ace tells the story of the overworked housewife and mother. Deranged menses, leooorrhun and falling of the womb result Irom overwork. Every housewife nee,Is a rcjaiedy to regulate her menses and to keep her sensitive female organs In perfect condition. O R E G O N IA N O T IC E . I n c o n n e c tio n w ith T H E T R IB U N E . Notice is h«reby given that I have been appointed agent to look after the E. W. Jensen property, situated on the " H eads” st Port Orford, Oregon. All persons canght trespassing in the dwel ling house will be proeecated to the full extent of the law. P. J. LINDBERG. Kw-V».na« för Gu»rABi«Ml toh»evo ■ .««J p u r * hl,, I'- ror n , IL <k<. «säet