-B SjBSBSR—!—■ BW F u r iteuuty "lerk. * S. S. J E F F R IE S j , lo i « It x r lt i'F R lin n - i n ' ... g. ’ | c o n n e c tio n w i t l i OUOO «Xinij T o w n p n d C o u u tj. I H u g h M cLain of M arshfield i s * Vorltond, March « - - S U U G am e ----------- , candidate .fur Joint Senator for Cixis W arden F in ley leave» »hi» m orning 1 hereby reapeetiitlly at<"»nnce my 1 tie li#l2 fru it pullutife is good ,»nd C u rry counties. for S L A n tb o n y , IduJu», dhere be candidacy (nr Un- nomination (or the office ui Couute'p e r *, subject to the . . . v in ir • » q * w ill take charge <»/ the • hi pin m t uf will of the iieputgiean voura of Corry A-Auulphufcn of D enm ark, m in K<» Divelbiaa w >• in from Sixes wu H arness r e p a ir in g . 11„.« oo busiheas. M onday, and aayt that his m o t h e r ' » recently presented to the County, as expressed at the coming Primary F.lei tion. . ’ who was q uite severely injured by a S'*»« O ie« ° n b7 * • BaUooal I f elected. I shall m»ke it my boai- P o r t O r fo r d , O r e g o n Istev eG allie r te a candidate are to be lib- ness to perforin tha duties of the office .J"r fall a few weeks ago, has «bout re- « o v e ru m e n t T h e t elk lk »re In a manner that will merit the approv­ next door to ltauk. ; llie He,,*,».,Jc.g, noruii.ation a Forest Re a l of «11. ° r covered her ueuui usual in health again. ‘ «rated in the W allow tvertu iirr n iiu op’ant. -X . zxza a Respectfully, — — 8 h e riff of Coos county. rr* rr . ». 1 . J nerve in a paature ofitoOO aaree that J- It. S tsnixbo . T he T ra m p called in Monday and r . i x i S ./.< z ... hat been prepared for them. I “ W J “ E lk ’ * i,h »’ « ' W « H » T . W h ite and George ' b 1 at tiie ensuing primary election. D lB K C TO K S ; . X « iir e ’ ’* " ’ * * ” « ^ « j C h e h o w e t h exprete tl.e .r d«s-ir« ... ; Q lo r all the good he le ts ea t of bis food. The result is tlu t thv stomach g ro in ••«seek” the action of the »rffioo of difeatioa and nutrioun are im paired mtd the seen auCera the qUagrios M dyspepsia and the a g o n ic , oi Urn- atB ‘"trattie M Kut aat! nrc/Z ee r*e eenffie ed t ta s u r iir Aenfed nw rjkp sf 1 ■<-*-. eesfnrn the • c t lr lt r of the of» gnns nf > r * < t n r (Ae ner-ree, ■ee Or. Zfeswe'e OnfZe« Wedfeaf D/acorery. I t fa en np« Ane tA e co aS fd e o ee o f p A y a fc /e n e ps C apital AÛ b u sin e ss w ill recotvn ¡‘rom pt A t t e n t i o n ,1 HARDY T, S T E W A R T , IT , M . G O M M I8 W M J W K « , “ * el ■» Ito - ‘ * ’*< V o i t O r l o r l l , O r ti^ fo w . _____ * Officeitfoys in town- Tuesday, Wed­ nesday gnd Saturday of each week. W . 11. M E R E D IT H »TTORNKY A>n VOCNSKBbUB AT LAW * j> O U T O l t F O l t l » , O R E G O N J, H U N T L E Y , O O L P BEACH, OKKÜON. G m . r a n Ic e d A l w l « ’«tcti* o f ’ R eal p r o p e r ly F u rp ta h e d . Thirty year» practice in the Comity- w . A, W O O D a TTO USBY » at law (H IM ) BEAI H . O REUO fi. - -■ ■"‘h < " pi ' L. A . U O R E U T b , ^ r r u u B U fiy a . t M y . tie P o in t , O re g o n . Probate buaiuVBs'a epecidiy. «■u . - - - - ——- t ÍE G B U E M , U B C W N , 4 T I U l* N K Y » A T B--Y- " UU SlB L’KU U R E I.US • J. J. b T A Ñ L E Y Uwjer, h , th e fati. * D. Loucks wag in town the #b),ut it . - p rM id e „l ,||r4.ale„g to tgge the R.g Stick ^|1 gigus ore favorable. ___■-------- _ _ _ _ _ tor T h e Bustlet; lay at the Port Orford candidale for Jo int Senator in that cratic rule. T h e Tribuna haa Iteen W h a rf Wednesday night, and went district. Ilrg olil friends all wish , f(,r La F o lh tte from the start and down to Rogue rive r next morning l,T» «unoes», fof-teeds arr em in e n t 4 w ilt be tfith trim in the finish. with a heavy load of sawmill ma ¡scholar, a profound rea«oner,andnn Roosevelt in a defensive campaign ia an unknown quantity, w hile T aft chlnery. ideal gentleman. in fallin g »s be is, w ill,gather ino T w o 11 tuna combined w hialiing m enittm and burst when be bits the T h a Socialist» N o m in a ta , and autom ati« acetylene buoys bar« g«oni.d. And so it looks that after ¡arrived a t Astoria lis tn New Y o rk , T h e Socialist# held a meeting in (J l, L a F o lle lle , the pfoplya friend and w ill be placed at P o rt Orford Port O rforil Saturday last, and in 1 npd choice, piuy be the negl pre»!- Reef by L. H . Tender, M anxanita. dotsed tlic folio« log list of oaiidi dant. „ Miss E dna R ichard, who form er­ dates for nom inatlnn at the prim ary 1 * ly worked in lite T ribu n e office, is Portland Oregoniant The Afneri- ¡.election to w it| again at a case, and it is Strangs Sain’l V n nP elt for Joint R epre-! can people like B«y »B, They should, bow much interest our young men s e n ta tiv e --. He is a great political »nd moral now take iu the T rib u n e ’s welfare. evangelist. H e ho* nut been eoiled E . II. H u ll for County Judge. C. J . Brusche nf ^ ir s b f ie ld w a», George Heiberger Commissioner. by contact w ith tough problems and OREGON tO Q L iL I-E , - - H R. H a rtley for County Clerk. tougher politicians I f j ’p po rtu nity in Pott Orford M onday, and went has passed him by he has not been down the coast next day in quest of Geo. H e n ry Sheriff. O w ing to th eir unorganised con­ left alone. W here he goes, there tim ber for sàie. M r. Brusche waa * - . .• form erly connected with the Corbin ditio n and lack of time a full ticket multitudes follow. H e is worth lis t­ waa pot put out. Socwlism ia grow ening to, always. H e may never be Com pany on Mussel orcek- ing throughout the world, and if President, but bo w ill always be |.. . IT N A V J P I ’ r o p r * « ’ »«» A Douglas county farmer ia set governments do not place labor 1 Bryan. T h a t ia a supreme achieve - ting out 75,000 tomato plants. I f above capilnl, and man above the ' ment the plants were set out 3 feet ap art K rsl-class in every respect. dollar, the day of peaceful revolu i t would require a tract of tend 300 Qo >d Feed S ta b le a tta c h d . lion is near nt hand through t l ^ To the Voter» of the Port of Port yard» long by 2 W yard« wide. i gathering host» o f triu m p hant Orioni.' ’ W h a t back aches rise in contempla W« run the Stage from Port Orford , socialism. . yla Dhiryville, connecting with the tiou. W e, W illis T. White, Sr. and George Rev. 8 . L- G rigsby, pastor evan­ G am e W a rd e n , B a k e r, V isits J. Chenoweth, hereby announce o u r Stage to M yrtle Point. selves aa candidates for the office oi gelist of the Presbyterian church, : Port Commissioner, on the following N o rth e rn C u rry . j . H . UPTON, after bolding a seties of ibtereating ' platform of principles: 1 oe ' Assuming the pnbliatie«! published report to be meetings in P o rt O rford, departed i NOTARY P U B LIC , I W e received a call yesterday from trUe that the appropriation heretofore M onday jntirping on the north ­ 6 „ ~ i.i « ." » . - ‘ ¿ a s T S ’S I S i w KNAPP HOTEL, Port Orfrd, Oregon, L aiolois , Cuttav Co., Oaxaca. bound stage for bi» home a t Med . . . H U M E U T IIL I C l. S T U T ie Place where Yea get a Square Deal, Head-qaarten far the Best af Everythiag ia the Llae of Dry « Ggads, Groceries aad Previesoas. Il fact Everythiag usually found i l l Gcaaral Her. g jk a a d i» « Store Boy»'ClotbiM, Boots aad Shoes. Ladies' Dreso Goods, P omf Goods, Cigars, Ply««, Tohooee, C«ady, Wot* ««d IMtea», Hard. » m 4 Tiaware, Rolled Barky, Grew food m 4 Sood Grek. Orders takss for Aaythteg wot 1» Stock, which kehdea Mew' Made to Order Saits aad Overcoats. Call and see «« Jas. S, Capps, F o r H k u riff. . P rop . To the Republican voter* of Ourry county, Oregon: I hereby respectfully announce my candidacy mr the oomi- natton to the office of sheriff of OtJiry county, Oregon, subject to your deci­ sion ut the coming prim ary election held April W, 1912. try Respectfaljy ' W. A. B I8 B E L To the Republican voters of Carry ublh county: l hereby web, submit mv name m _______ ____ _ jhe nomination a caudidate tor tl Langlois Hardware Store For Hchool Huperlnteniept. Hardware of all Kinds For Sheriff. Sheriff, aubieclrto the will of the — publican voters at the primary election April 1«. 1919. I therefore reier you to my friends aa to my ability audlnteg- rtty. Respectfully r '' F r a n k h , OWENS. To the member» o f lb« Republtoan party of Curry oounty 1 th e re b y an­ nounce myself aa a candidate for tlw office of County School Suj*rintend«H at the coming primary election. J elected I Will discharge the duties the office, aa well as auch woik a» would have a tendency to increase the efficiency of our school», tu a progress­ ive and buaint'Hs.ilte maimer. J. J, ERKMIXO. Agnes«. Or, F ur Assessor. I herewith respectfully announce myself ae a candidate for the nomina­ tion to the office of Assessor, subject to the pleasure of the members oi .Ip, Republican party, at the coming |-p- I mary election qn April 19,191». Respectfully C. V. W O O D R U F F, F o r J o in t Representative. i Baker, who from now on, w ill lie at |w n .livertcd from ita original purpose, the head of the service in Curry ^ ^ ' ^ ’ ^ '" a -u ln c e of any bond» To the Republican voters of the 6th Representative District (Coos and Cor» C. H . Pear*e was in from his borne anJ we were much impress- ag a matter of taxation unless auch la- ry G oountiea). bktlsmin : I am a candidate for on M id d le E lk the first of ‘ J« ed at the program he te pursuing In p V d ® ^ “ the nomination to succeed myaelf aa hooking over the lum ber which he a(|n,iii^ ie rin g duties of the office, i the matter of a further tax levy; Representative for ttie 6tli District. baa . eaaoning f o r t h , completion <»f I l l i a h .:. p ur,,w to v i.il ell the «rewRI d is t e K w “th rir i f l Before walking your t,allot on April tilth, I respectfully oak that my can­ the new Bchoolhouac. H e w ill be- p ^ p j , of ,h e Cobnty in order to gel formation In case it should be required didacy be considered. Very truly Repairing Watches and Jewelry gin work o n - the building »g«1" acquaj nted, aqd enlist aM a e llle n to t o be, and abMe by their 8 P. P E IR C E . specialty. A ll work guaranteed. w ith in the next l» o weeks and w ill , u k e Bf) ¡n l,,regl j n the preservation* ‘ *In ttie meantime, and during ’ ___ W llhin llifl nexk I« u "e e»’ «■'“ ...... ] take an interest in me p rp -ervau on In ttie meantime, ano c u r i n g o u r For Joint Representative. O rd ersU ken forW .tcl.es and Fancy ho hanim er goillg u n til the of a l,.l enforcement of the tew. te ter.n e «tected^ nil of offlre office if we shouldjb should be etc , - • « ---------------------- , „ r , . . , we w ill ’ use Jewelry. W ork turned out on short ____ 1 „ „ . , , .... . . “ I all ' l proper and legitimate I hereby respectfully announce my structure ia finished. j H e lias already visited aa far south: „„.«ns or methods to Induce the gov- candidacy for the nomination for the notice« . ' .. wherH he was well receiv em inent to reapproprlate the money office of Joint Representative, subject A U who have been fortunate na Glietco, where IJ heretofore diverted, and to Include as the wilt of the Republican voter» of Call on me a t L asolou , O bs - oon . ___________ r. «.eiirotlio service» of Mias ' ed and found all our responsible mUph more ns may moy be poaalti possible amt to Coos and Curry Couutica, as express­ enough to secure U10 services 01 .«1 « r, . « t v « condition» ...u it in n « justify. tiia tifv . W 7 A . E L L .IQ T T E n a M cK en .te a« a trained nurse, ettgens ,n hearty accord, and ready ed at the coming I rirtikry Election. W iu ja T. W « ,T*» 8 “- I f elected. I shall endeavor to per­ G bohuk J. C koiowith . speak in highest terms of her » k ill «0 . » t e t h ,m ,n enforc.ng the aw ------------------------------------ form the duties of the office in a man­ it H ie r profession. She te equipped againat intentional vmlaters. iey ner that will meet the approval of all. ly, w ith the best and latest in s lru m en t. w ill help him guard the boundary A. J. M AR SH. (Suoeaaor to A. B. E*Bip) for all k in d , o f cases including eur- , between Oregon and C-rl.f-wnta, a F o r County Commiaaiouer. Ior .. 1 gainat the notorious raids of the past. F o r Commissioner, gery, and is in reality a physician To tha Republican vnffiws nf Curry He is now on his way throughout To the Republican Voters of the n J J I th a t ctirea by splendid nursing- County : I hereby announce my can- N orthern Curry where be pursue» a didui y for tl.c otfice of County Com, County ot Carry. State of Oregon: I hereby announce miself a candidate 'p c . Oterk received by the Osprey s im ila r policy. W ith all our beat miasioner at ttie coming primary elee Tor the ofthe of County Commissioner tiou, April 19th, 1912. from Po rtlaild several miles wire sa of je „pholding h i r efforts, our at the coming primary elretlon. Should ‘ H E L M ER C O LE G R O yE . A n y t h in g n o t in s to c k , w ill I 1» successful and elected, I will per­ which he w ill use toeuclose wj(1 protected, viotelers w ill I fencing, form my duties in said office according be p le a se d tc o rd er I the “ Jo N a y ” place on E lk river. to the progressive spirit of tiie times lie scared away or caught and pun- |?or Surveyor, with as little expense to Die taxpayer» H « V A IR IN G NeATLY D o n e ; lMr. C lark is a “ live wire” in prog ishctl, and one half of all finea col J. W. M O B B I8O M . To ttie Democratic voters of Curry “ P° M ‘b,e j9l*<*UC<*lA Ì rea resai ve fan n in g , and i n a li f wj|J be given I» inform ants; • county, I - herewith respect » » * o |H SU I'»B» |«?(:le B - '* » , ; —— u * S il . ...... — » m rtil F î » V * tklfi matters. Optomiatic workers like Ï.’ ; Coun- • I nDBHUMHVU h im is wh»t o ur county nëeds in be made For bkeriff.. in the open Beaton, and the ty Surveyor. D E N N IS C U N N 1 F F , JU -, D E N N IS C U N R IF F . place uf melancholy kiiookars, ftf ’ way of ,h e transgresaors made pro To the members of the Democratic party of Cniry county : I hereby an­ D e p . U . S . M i ll C T u l S a r v e y ^ T flteted with chrim ic oolto. verbially hot. We commend the F o r School H upt. nounce m j seif as a candidate for tiie nomination fot t e office of Sheriff at I t is w ith pleasure that we an- policy pursued by M r. Baker, f.»r,i To , he voUrg of the Democratic par- the primary election April 19,1W1I. nounce Ib is week the candidacy’ o f, w ilR oul ihe good w ill and support , y of C urry County, Oregon: Your. Surveyor for the D is tric t or O r­ « .!„ » , C l r , — . (« « " » > » U » « »or p ~ l > l . . h u l , Io R S S S S ff. C. H . B A IL E Y . egon. misaiofler. M r. Colegrove te a ca-1 preserve our game hr punish violat ' ' F H 0 „r, E , « . « . w » » S J g J g . Geld R each . - • - ________ Oregon pable, progressive m an,aod the fact ers. L et us all help hold up hie For Joint Representative. To the members of- tiie Democratic - 111.„ 1 he ia one of our heaviest ta x ; hands« in thia much needed but d if For State Senator. party of the Sixth Judicial District I hereby announce myaelf as a cau- lor Coos sn I Curry counties: Consider Io n can register in P o rt O rford be l>*) ’ in Braid -------------------------• for the noimnettoo for State me a Candidate (or tiie nomination for lo r e M .T . W rig h l, W . T .W ’ lu t» an d , ’w p m , n i « m h - T a ft ate 7 banquets in one day dioate Senator from Coo. sn.l Curry «»unties Joint Representative at the ensuing Ames Johnston. You save annoy- .P fof.. F N . D M#reh 20— Returns of Ourry County aa oxpreanod at tha coming Primary election, Apr.l 19, W m . t ’a n d lin , the genial Coquille ¡JheeR" " " ‘ ryU1>, th? l / 7 ll>" 1 I from 1167 of the leCO precinct, in 1M2. I f elected, I will in the futqruaa 1 have in the past, diaeharg') the du­ paper man, was in Port' O rford ‘ la , t 1,18 c< ° n * io its ea . the »late .how that Senator La- ties of the office without fear or favor. UeapeOtfu-lly, C ountv Surveyor C u n diff was i f i p o|,i t l e >e p lu ra lity f « t Abe repub- night on h i. way Io Gold Bench, WM. t o L m a x . town yesterds'v, having come up ' , ieB|| „ om i nation in yesterday's pref- calling on h'a customers, to establish gome lin e , between the erc|,ce p rim ary election w ill he at Judge. Robt. From m »od wife went down i Adolplreen and H u r« l property nn |i l!4l j 5 tOOO. T h e w precincts give To the member» of the Democrat Io W edderburn on the Bustler, where g | a riv e r. W hit» Itere H ie , placed L a F „ | | / Ue 3 4 ,3 » ag ain « 22,977 lor party of Ourry County; I hereby an­ M r. F ro m m w ill entei' the em ploy his aiiooQhcement, asking for te Roosevelt. The vole for President nounce mygctf as a candidate for the nomluatiou for the office of C ou nty of the Mncleuy Com pany. Judge a t the’ Prim ary election, Apnl nnnjinatinn to the office, in tlie T iu - T all is estimated at about 3,000. 1«, 1912, He is well qualified lor the The great victory o fL a F o Ile tle in Jag. Lane butchered fur M r. BUNE W . A, WOOD. Lindberg, M nndSy, one of the large« office, which he has h tld several N o rib Dakota was expected, but not ■ F o r J#dge, by an overwhelm ing avalanche, hogs kille d in tl.ia neighborhood for ( te rm*- To the electors of the Itupubln an Rhcriff Bitdiel went to San Fran l l shows the kin d of American pol­ some tim e, I l drerred close to 375 party iu Carry County; I am a candi­ citco last week after Carl T ilto n ......... ities .. ... in the f„ peoples _ r _______ e fo ri» to crush lbs. ’ date for the nomination of Oounty M rs James Hughes and Francis ■»•!, ran a barite» shop st Langlms Hcsndalh,,., and to rule the country Judge by the Republican party a t the April primaries. Hughes were in to w n T bu .eday call - a couple of year» «po. .uni te want. lh(.y L a F a lle ft.’ won be Gold Beach, March 10, 191». ing on iheir frie n d , and ra la liv e . | wl W l * On 8 ,r' j cause be is hontrsl, couragettu. and J. B U B T L E Y . ‘ c.inntciiun witli the M eft B ill c«»e | (.»p»l,le, Roosevelt lost because he aud enjoy ing .lh e perfect day of cun th a t tomes up for trial at the A p til hasuu-yer before had io rpake a de For Treasurer, s h in « - term of C irc u ii Coqtt wbicjyoctui feitslve Aghi, and because of llw To the Republican votera of Ourry M re- Geo. Forty was a passenger vene» ____ my tme name as 1 — on — the .. Silt . in»t. - th ird term agilaim n- T a ft lost be- county: I ------- hereby »ubmlt . . the nomination for on the T ro w p , M u nd ay, for Gold Prof. John S. Hodgin, who taught | eam-e of liyjxMcrisy and because of „ a caudidate . (or County Treasurer, subject to the deci­ 1 > aa 1 . . .1 î_ Z X ... a ■ 1 Z ». ix v v ie la n V lr l Beach, where she went to visit her school in Bandon and in C u rry hia.love for our horrible court*, and sion oi.tber Republican voters a t the parents, M r. aud M r*. R»bt. Fas ouunty ‘¿0 odd years ago, is living for all that threatens the subtnerg- prim ary election, April 19,1913 kins. in L»Grande and is a Republican enoe of man and m oral-, by pluto­ Tlu) Peterson broihers have their ®r»t o f th» week, and reports h y d ra u lic mine on E lk river in run- *'*• ^ 'k rivet m ill is running stead m i.g order, and are m aking the d i r t , » * “ •»<» ‘ u rn i,'k w ilb n q l j by Ita u*e. «*qolden M edical D iscovery” is a teeiperanoe medi- Bta nor narcotic«, and it at f r « from tleohoi dangerous drugs. A ll ingredients printed on M a c h in e r y dk M o w in g M a c h in e s . E xtras foi D a ir y in g ) O s b o r n e , M ilwaukee M achinery. P a in t « , O il« dfe S tu m p in g ; P o w d e r P i n e l i n e o f G u n s , B a H eb a ll p a r a ­ p h e r n a l i a , a n d o t h e r S p o r tin jc G o o d s k e p t i n S to c k « D o o r » a n d W i n d o w s in v a r ie t y c o n s t a n t ly k e p t o n h a n d . P ip e F it t i n g s , P lu m b i n g a n d T i n w o r k o f a l l k i n d s d o n e ogi s h o r t n o t ic e . W ATCHM AKER W .a. S A B I N Cheever ® Bowman. L a n g lo is , O r, < ‘V Political Annonnccments. Mi,(tills oi Harness and DOORS - WINDOWS - MOULDINGS uftUllsJ J J iin f lo i» . “ . ’ " ‘L . - 1" : Î& 35S ÏÏ!Ä S Y S » * I J^n^thing you Need in M ill W ork W rite us for P rices or a n y {nforma* tion you Need in this Line N o r t h B e n d M a n u fa c tu r in g Co I N o t - t 1» B e n d , O r c t ? « > ^ *