, „ y r,' t g?' s? » ¿ a w R LO O K - - H E R E sa y s th e cost o f liv in g h a s increased? |4a«v I» ’ hat «toctoten ilia Judge uevcrilwd th« rrt«I ioti employs» ami employe« «« lh a ta f “ ntaalur and .erv.u t," a ltd l.el.l I hai the master, W kltS E ^nA T , ^ A R H , l ^ . having a “ Propartjr’’ interest lu ¡his waa entitled to recover Published F.vefjr yi>.ln«-sd iy ’’.r »gainst any person for eolici n him Well, unl pi neo "T hr L anglois C a s h S tore ” started io business. Our aim is to sup HAUNT r . KTR VAÜ T. .. . . «o « 1, t — ¿’rank .1 «tewart. As» « U to M i t « , <•* l" '> E « * ll- b P ^ ’ ply you with strictly First Glass Goods, at practically wholesale prices. Compare our ■ - ! « le nt » T h . O re:-n Supreme Court ba. p ric e s w ith those you have beet» paying. Space will hOt permit of everything, but here < TOeptiBU^«4«raM0B yurrpaiwf» < ifcedaw t« whtefc jrooi ««*-> rendered a d e rn o n against the a r e a fe w o f o u r b argain s: 'orrlp'IOBUMM. ’ i- Slate «hio!» giyva (be Corvallis and ' Eastern Railroad Co. all of the title ' 100 Ifaa. Bent Granulated Cana Sugar for 36.76, or 14 lbs for »100. The edition* in China are — ,. . . . -, .»• « The Famous “ Snow Drift*’ Flour. Every sack guaranteed at »1.46, or »6.76 bbl. reUllion * nd marthlandf un and «ear the V a ,?ul. Murder, rapine ar.d Carnation Wheat Flakes, 30 ceateper pkg., or two far 66cents. inaina anil Alie-a river*, and the are .-laying thousand», while f«u> 1« lbs. small White Beans. 11.00. Bayou Beans, 17 Iba. for »1.00, ocean frunl h.r near 20 m mile* ile, up ine is .laying millions. ’'thin \ n d down, rliua locking up both Corn Starch,* three paakggea for 26 cents, 5 Iba. Best Trophy Baking Powder, only »1.90. Give this a trial. is the veiiéering.qf civiligaiion th a t., , .. . . . conceals the barbari.» in all .4 u»I” ¡J*" harbor, »gainst all iiimerg. Tile 5 Iba. Chirardetti’s Ground Chocolate, M .26. lands thus wade a present of In the 3 lb. packages Pegrline, 20 cent*. . , r — Foreign troopa'h»ve again marched Star and Pearl coal oil at »1.26 6k »2.40 a ease; Blaine at »1.66 or »3.26 par case. company robe the Stale School to Pekin Io protect their country Large cans Carnation Condensed Milk, at 10 cents. The Celebrated Rose Brand /fund nt near »2,000,000! llien. These trull pa rbould remuin (Good as Cream), at .two cans for.-26 cents. W h il* on the eutif-etol the Cor 'liiere qi.til internal inenrrecilnoa rShrnad, bn ill are aetll«l, ami the Greet Republic valhe and Eastern In fact wo keep everything in thd Grocery line at the lowest possible prices by Edgerton Hogg. I call to mind »hail win,' V, the strike on that rosd when Hogg Al 11 kinds of Grain and Millstuffi kept constantly bn hand. Give os a trial. - 'The Coal Strike iu England, in attempted to scale down dollar n -toiiiája «I A ». volvtng wore than a million is liie day wprknjBii one half on the plea, that be wk« bankrupt. The men Hirst serious one ever undertaken. k ??• M * h « ^ ' All England is involved in the fuel called a jatfclgng Mid made arrange- W. U. SABIN, M anaorb S albsmak F. T. BfCMOLLEN, P ropriktqr god fond problem, und great suffer greats tntaar the rails and ties up, whereupon a (rantio appeal was jug results. The Coal Barons are heartier?, and the government may made Pi G<»v. Pennoyer to order will trade (hem W ilde for the Pan seise the mines. S lairalinu wager out tlie m ilitia. The Governor an ama Pacific Fair appropriation they jbave run their course io England, ‘ swered: “ Fay the men off and that are serkipg'from Oregon I” Th*s hint created consternation and the liipit is ill sight in thia w ill settle the trouble!” And they in San Francisco, and caused Gov. paid. oouptry and Grrman’y. At lart, Fennnyer’e setlh-meht of that Johnson to sit up and take notice, /•coal ia being shipped to Newcastle." strike was widely published, and sod, while he criticised West’s ulti I t looks us thnugli the Jnwurree Grover Cleveland, the corrupt tool matum as undignified and all that, _____ _ he nevertheless felt impelled ,to sor the “ ________ Intereata'’ _________ wrote the ___ Gover liooists of Mexico will suu-eed in of W»gons and Buggies for Sale, kept in Stock, the overthrow of Madero who over nor inetructing him as to his duties render and send ua Wilde, the wily also Agent for All Kinds of Farming Im threw Dis's. Madcrb is loo gwxl a in such cases, when Pennoyer an lM»kur thief. plements; McCormick Mowers, etc. man for the Mexican people. Though sweretl: “ Grover Cleveland, Presi The Wilde miscarriage of justice Gt . • » ■BSaBS593SaS=9 Jiimself a Mexican, he reema n^t to dent, Washington, D. C. Yours re calls to my memo?/ • ” rf similar Wood and Iron Work promptly done at understand their treacherpus na ceived »nd contents noted, and fur fiasqo pt Washington City fihq» i euonable price. *Yoar patronage solicited. tures, and he has lost.valuable time aueWer I have only to say: Y ou at Gen. Babcock, Presided! G ra i^ ’y in not cruehing rebellion in its in tend tu your business and I will at Private Secretary was indicted for cipiency, until it now looks like their tend tu mins. burglary in connection with the „ SYLVESTER P e XNOYBR, combinations are too strong to be Whiskey Trust scandal. Babcock Governor.’’ was indicted for burglary in having crushed. I f our government docs not intervene to protect foreign in As an aftermath id this episode, a blown open a Department safe and terests, England, Germany and most unique and baiharoua m ilitia alwtractir.g therefrom sundry1 in L usà . Franca w ill— although they have law was passed aoou after Judge criminating documents. The ju ry a — t flio ei r r ------------------------------------- jB.-st asked our country to do so. A Lord took bis seal aa Governor. This, wr.a ordered lo acquit, for that the C. W. Z umwalt , V. Pres. Jew more days will tell the story of law provides that any Colonel uf indictment uughlto have been fo r» Louis K xa P p , Bree. .Mexico's fate. M ilitia may, when he deems an “w ilful attempt to obstruct justice’’! . „ . E , J . L oney , Cashier. ; emergency lo exist, order out a suf Aa in th e W ilde oaee, there was so C U R R E N T T O P IÇ 8 . ficient furvg und proceed to quell doubt us to- Bahoock’s guilt of some i'" * ■ . any riu«or riotoon assemblage. And crime if only the Attorney General Ibis savage law passed at the com had s'umbled upon the right name By J H. I'pTog. mand of the "Intereeto’' provided f(,r jfJ Again , he qiwry; Editor T rlbcnk : YOUR BANKING B U ^ IN E ^ SOLICITED ; farther that no hyetandw injured, A,«y . General Ignorant or ( f ) ” - ' >- n ‘ Gov. Wilson brought down ppon .id i | Ì, •. : ” , \ ” or the legal representatives of any k . . 4s _________ _ ‘“'»-.e»-'*A cT ... 'A o»se of tlie abstraction of io - himself the maledictions of Henry person killed during the quelling of I »aasii.e wo t I'o jlc id t ’ S crittiinatlhg papers, rs now «p m Waterson, not by his misgivings such riot shall hsv« resouroe to civil N O éÀ N IfW fL L HÄHDLC du*»--’ P O R T O R F O R D , Washington City in the ease of Mg of the propriety of endorsing the or criminal prooera for redress. This jor Ray, Army Paymaster, a pro Y C U R B Ü fe iN E 8 8 fcETTER championship of Harper’s Weekly, OREGON law waa ppofctod so as to be on the fisMl^emMiinirel and Ijbertlne. Ray owned by J. P, Morgan, and of ac safe side should another Pennoyer via* given h i. commission by Presi cepting a large campaign contribu ever occupy the Executive chair. dent Taft for some very disreputable tion from Thomas F. Ryan, but by Acd who tlfirt lias had acquaintance his childlike frankness and bilfnt work done by him in Chicago in ■with the average m ilitia Colonel *v - Port O rford, Oregon the 1008 campaign. Hess in saying to Waterson that, at rutting forth to exhibit his shoul “ neither the championship of Ifa r In conclusion I must not omit der straps, will doubt that, under pet's Weekly i.or a money contribu - ' sttoh authority, the properetnergeu- mention of the tragedy attending tiun from Mr. R y.n c o do me any j the undoing of the Solicitor of the Board by the Day, Week or Month, at Rea good and may do me much harm, i ~ . General Post Office (whose name es . . . . . . . .. Preach iug to the nutliorities io sonable Rates. A share of Patronage ^nd it is not likely lh a t,_ in lit»| „ Be capes me though lie had achieved Solicited. reply to a press cm respondent as to . ■ and four null” Y et Christ some notoriety hs a Democratic 'what he had to say ns to Water — - himself didd a victim of the rage member of Congress from Indiana.) son s puli tailed objections to Ina po . .. , , __ . . Thia case involves the abstraction E x-P resid en t Roosevelt at I oiled out of it before its dwHvery. ,, , . , ‘ , and malice of these same aulhort- | Mr. Roosevelt’s declarations for the sition, he was conscious of any t«oe- ,. . . . ... .. of papera also. It will be remem Colum bus. . ttes.chargedwUhpreachingdiscon- Stb e 8tiug in simp y aaytog: Col. Initiative, Referundum and Recall ’■ tout with “ things as they a re !’ , bered that, a few years back, a gen Waters.in is a line old gentleman" ) . . Mr. Ronsevelk’s speech last week are unqualified and definite. His , . , , 1 Only the other day m illionaire eral hoosecleaning In the General Ut these six words constituted the . . . ... Poet Office was entered upon, result before then Constitutional Conven speech is therefore of the highest . „ . . . . . w l»»nker WrUe, of 8an Otego ws* put ing in the conviction of quite a tion of Ohio in session at Columbas, importance ae a sign of favorable J u s t feather’’ that t m m e d . a t e l ^ , „ ld £ ForUapd( ch, rged W|lh number highbrows in the Depart was no event of first importance. public sentiment. I t proves better .yra.ghte.1 down W aterson. p i en),M of | 9 l,)O0o of th# roent. Well, among others, Mr. So No man in American public life pos than newspaper editorials can, al t nee. j funds of the T itle, Guarantee and licitor was indicted and fell tick. eemos in ?sc grtat • degree as Mr. most as wall as a osnsus on ths sub- The truth is, that, when the Mor ! T tu H B„ lk> c, uling , he failure of Meanwhile hie wife buried herself Roosbvalt, or neos so freely end Ject oould, or an election at which /tan-Ryan crowd espoused Wilson’s institution and lues of hundred, working up his defense. O f course acutely the faculty for catching and it was the dominant issue, that the cause it waa thought, judging from of thousands of dollais to its pooler a hook he had written, and h i< depceitor., the richer one. having he advised her of the dangerous refleeling public opinion. He seems people of the United States demand known admiration for never toiseeson out hie conviction*, the Initiative, Referendum and Re (jrover ! BCted |¡p , H|ld glll frOm under character of some documents in pltyeland, that he waa altogether safe which were cauqjng him no but always «o get them from public call, demand them all, demand them by withdrawals iuimetliMlely prior sate ami sane, and at that tune *'• to the closing of its doors W il l* little worriinent. W ell, she was opinion by some sort of chameleon in their fullness, and demand them was But soon after his election as W WI i„ dictod for „„bexslement, sod equal to the emergency. She sought ic inetinat. Wasn’t this to with now.— Ths Public. governor and when he was, ,a.r sfter lbc Bvidfelice WIIB it out a lock expert, and together tb«y him at the time of the Cuban war, ..re, tbrtiat intoicontact w ill. “ prab f AM disLvered ‘that I,« had be. o in entered the r«.un in the night time, and again during the dreadful era Sr ¿teal politic-,’’ a wholly new and d.cted for the wrong crime, «bough snd came away triumphantly be/tr of impetiabeni? Wasn’t it so when strange Hgbt dawned u,xm him h„ crimc of conspiracy with the ing with' her the coveted documents, Big Business was in the ascendant Real j6ptate Notary wl-ich’ moved him to a complete to w,eck the bank was not Tba aoltoitoy waa soon after brought in public opinión,- and so-again bout face iu Hie matter of partisan 1 disputed. So, the ('iiu rl ordered to trial on the pending indictment when ptfilRr opinion began to find ethics and | m >] itiuul economy. the ju ry to file a verdict of soquitlal. and wak1 acquitted, lie then ap Big Büslrftne out? I t i t this in Wherefore, to have continued t<> That the bank had iieen fleeced of pealed to Rgaiaevelt for reinatate- stinctive faculty of bis and his hab 40 acres in Township 36- smile u | miu the work of his ’.Vail »00.1*00 itaa plain «hough and that ment as a vindication, and dwelt itual use of It— With the narrow 14.—Timber. street Coadjutors would have been Wilde waa enjoying the fruita of the on hi. acquittal as proof of inno perfection» and dangerous imper dishonorable; and if be Jid make a tlieft waa equally obvious. 165 acres in Township 34- But cence Mr. Roosevelt briefly re fections th at "ohsrRcterfze all in mats of it in shaking them off, no Dial. Attorney Camnrnn had igno joined that: “ I f your wife had not stinctive procesase— that give tran 14.—Timber. Fine hog ranch. on« except Col. Waterson has taken rantly nr (? ) indiatoti him for em- cultivated the acquaintance of the scendent importance to Mr. Rooee 351 acres in Township 34- nflense, and he only because lie con- herslement when the crime should expert -with the Jimmy* the case veil’s CólUmhu* speech. 14. Fine Block ranch. sidersd bis friend Ryan slurred have been stated aa conspiracy and might have gone differently.’’ which Mr. Roosevelt has not been known when WiLon an uniliploinniii'ally : p|ajn theft. was true. * 160 acres in Township 34- heretofore to have had pronounoed repudiate.1 the financial nssi.lai.ee A l, j , her, | , amU8jng> not to 14.—Timber. The job of-Solicitor hud been ere; opoviotioos favorable to the In itia which Waterson had sHiicited. hu(Dorous episode which should sled for this Democrat by President tive, Referendum and Recall; and Correspondence solioited. After Mr. Taft had named Judge be I erne in be red along with this McKinley for bis having come to he gives new only verbal testimony ’ itney of New Jer-ey to eihaaa-d W ilds fiasco, which should entitle the President’s relief in pulling him to oonvtctloos thoughtfully arrived Port Orford, Or., Nov. 6,1911 he lamented Harlan on the Hu- Gov. W tsi lo a niche in'the H a ll of out of the hole “Our Plain Doty to at on that subject. P lainly, ^bie pren.e Bench, the ever child like Fame where other great jokere have the Island pnsseesfona is to givè Columhur.peech is an instinctive T o Whom I t M a y Concern. knd bland Gov. Wilson again put. been embalmed in the past. I t Was them a territorial status At once’’ reflection of public eenttnoent. I t is I, the undersigned, hereby give no his foot in it by oonimeiidiiig th e . thia way. W ilde had to be extra- message had got him into. The To loo, unusually definite for him. selection wiil.out inquiring into the diled from California in order to bo bacco Tros’ had raided him in There are no “ weeeeL words” on tice that I have a conveyance from the judicial anteo'denls of the appoim brought within the jurisdiction of fume, and being constitutionally of that subject in this speech, as there Patentee to tldelands and water lots In the Harbor of Port Orford, Oregon, on le«. Hie selection lias proved very ottr Courts. Gov. Johnson is a in a weak fiber, the poor, embarrassed were (or iaatanoe in hie woman a portion of which a part of the wharf offensive lo labor people who can moua I iwyer whose mere glanca at President had surrendered, while suffrage editorial. Altbohgb there ia erected without my consent. At not furg.-t Pitney’, decision against the papers told him they wer« no the Congress waa likely to admit are apoto ia it which look like traces parties are hereby warned not to drive *>me strikers nt Paterson, w I hms goal- When Gov. West was to id Poilo Rico despite the clamor of of a tendency toward “ weaseling,” pilee or trespass in any manner what soever on said tidelands or water lots. only crime had been to try to d i. of (lie California Governor's t<wd the Trust. | the weasel words, if they were ever ' Mas. A kxa C. Durr. suado others from taking their tion, he .imply ¿aid: “ All right, we Langlois, Oreg >n id, the manuscript, were blue pen - Portlanff>Oregoo. THE TRIBUNE. tri g Hardware, Furnilu Wall Paper, Boj Window-glass W ho ll«»w our OPEN FIRE- J. PLASE STC The Langlois Gash Store •n w -if -t A MONARCH M A LLE A B LE S T I } R A N C E S ./ r /* 5 Laj*ge A sso rtm en t of Ha.nd Pa \ : China.. > Lanterns, L am ps and C utlery. N ewhouse S teeltraps, P o u ltry N it MAIL ORDERS PROMPTL YFIL L> M SÄ4 GENERAL B la c k sm ith in g G IL L IN G S ^ / 1*. a Iin » -B E E C H E R J E S S ■i’o r t O x f o r d , O r e g o n I WW W V W I ' U W I " I U RR R I ' U W U U if I J ■ ■ I N - AMES S. JOHHSTOK .'J .' M M B ' - ' (Successor to It. O. Nielson.) ; O ICIXKItÆra M E R C I I A > ‘é e x p o r t Orford, ’•»Jbgwic o r PORT QBFOliH . N E W GOODS; and fresh eappllee will be received by every «terAner. i S a X V ^ th * U k°*F * iUH *t0° k eTcryth," B '»Muire.l . G R O C E R IE S and P R O V IS IO N S , HOTEL MASTERSON Mrs. A. Masterson, Proprietor ’ V @ome in and > , / -A , M E N S snd BOYS, C L O T H IN G , L A D IR t» ’ ttR E S & G O O l ■ H A R D W A R E , G R A N IT E and T IN W A B K . \ -- C IGARS? TOBACCO , P I I ; C A N D Y , N U T S snd N O T IO N S . In (tot, a supply of everything usually kept in a well at«- i> , ' General Merchandise Store. OflDBR8 TAKRN kOK ARY A RTIC LE ROT IR 8T<M>’ \ * Call and examine goods And get pri< S JOHN R. MILLER. GENERAL Port'Orford, Oregon i r « '4-; ' . : P o rt Orford, Ore iron- Has opened a new Store, with * WILUS T WHITE, Public M ER C H A N T. \ -’ tdg t IP A' í , it' . .T .ÌN 'Ì. m ù NEW GOODS, A » fl .41 i4 •(',/*! I t shall 4 be my purpose to keep a fu ll stock o/'e’v e.ything r r q lM ’-f trade in the line of ’ ' '.- G R O C E R IE S snd P R O V IS IO N S , BOOTS si. t • M E N ’8 snd BOY'S C L O T H IN G , " L A D IE S ’ DRESS GOODS F A N C Y GOODS. C IG A R S , TOBACCO, P IP E S , C A N D Y , N U T S and N O T IO N S . • .1. In fact, a supply of everything usually kept in a well etoexed Merchandise Store. Orders Taken for Anything not io Stork. Call and Examine Good», and get Price». JOHN B. HILLHB. Genera