Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1912)
, í I- ft Bv J L O O K - - H E R E Who says the ccst of living has increased? H . U rru M . E d ito r I' k ibix k : l u . Uhalle» Stelzte, I’reShyter- '.III of New Y o ik , discussing the ¡0- c u » -n g unter*, say»: n o t iince “T iik LA kgi . om <‘ a * h S tohb ” started io business. ‘Our aim is to ••J; m all right In demand that ,.ig«n.z il labor »hall purge its lank* ply yo»-with strictly First ( Una« at f radically wholesale prices. Compare id la« íer» method-, pruni pies, pui hu*' prices with those you have bvi-tj paying. Space will not permit of everything, but por»» .md (lerson», hui, by Ihe [nre “ ivw of pur bargains: token, lei employers in their ci i t i m i , set metr workiug tutut a aiclii.l» in America belay II,e u»rn Hi th e ranks o, are inn organ ized lalh.i .Abu «taas to which'you! v‘«b 1 I violi I h palit. 1 l'l*e motil daiigeiiiu» anar are high in tor < o merle ad i-<mtmi-tue ami fi na ne«. •’I f ein ploy era di (dim- to give jus ijce to ine worker», if t|iey decline Io recognise ihe men in the orgaui zaboor which they theinsel ve» have cou»tliut> da if liiey inaisi up-m ex- le n itili. iliiig these organisti fon»— > i iri- ii. tili« i o n in i i liuu. J. H. I^ptoi,'» at Ode ynitri the captimi <»( Curtein Topi«, in yllin ¡»»tie of the TuiBUXK is mie iti extrantilinary inerii ami i h , m i tn uve In tiim i) ,n lab.trer» tiul li» e v i-ry ju v ir u fliu .ii» u iiy , Jilierl) sipi Itu S o c la il.m .’’' man righln. t l »li«mj<l he earne-lly l ’re»ideut Taft rn«d and tìleil ,w «j- fnr futureMu<ly o ., the other day; sup our here 100 Ibn. Best Granulated Cane Sugar for *6.75, Or 14 lbs for *1.00. The Famous “Snow D rift" Flour. Every sack guaranteed at *1.45, or *6.76 bbl. Carnation Wheat Flakes, 30 cents per pkg., or two for 66 cent*. 16 lbs. small. White Beans, *1.00. Bayou Beans, 17 lbs. for *1.00. Corn Starch, three packages for 26 cents, •tt 6 lbs. Best Trophy Baking Powder, only *1.90. Give this a trial. I 6 lbs. Chirardeili’s Ground Chocolate, 31.26. • 3 lb. packages Pearline, 20 cents. ' Star and Pearl coal oil at $1.26 or *2.40 a case; Elaine at *1.66 or *3.25 per case. Large cans Carnation Co ..-lensed Milk, at 10 cents. The Celebrated Rose Brand (Good as Cream) at two cans for 26 cents. Hanhvare, Funi Wall i Paper, Ko i Window-glass G o m e to. ar our OPEN Fil Ii) fact wo keep everything in tiife Grocery line at the lowest possible prices. All kinds o f Grain and Millstit^» kept constantly on hand. Give us a trial. PLAGE SI The Langlois Gash Store » • 4 ‘ leiiilcut-yriu--6evor of Ihe Initiative atid Keteiesdinu , R i . l l , a j<\ T . M C M U L L E N , P ropriktok W. U. SABIN, M anager A S alesman S ‘ j r y grumi miu ) in H ^ h ly . made the' broad »tateilleni liiat: _______ , è, ,-____ ;______ " - ‘Not all of our peuple are capiiMe LaFollette Has Not Withdrawn! Senaioi Hen Selling of Portfatul, of wlf-guveinmeni, hut many |»eo pleure afiiiid Io »ay il. hut J dui" who lia> a "rack”,- ai»4 i« n Tuft Never in the history til American' Such aye doublten Mr. T a il’s Iniit man, ami .«ays he in a '‘progreastve’’ lailities baa a eaTohdale been »<* mis e r i, delilrenite »cullment», whatever but he linen nol deijue hi» »1)1« of | represented, not only as Io hi» prin may he «piti of ihe grammatical ,“ prt»gre»»iv«ue».-,’’ . »« ^>*>nhig ci pies hut ns to his aefwnt state hl-n«elt a» »iicciwsrir of SetMtiit structure n t the ataiVe averniept- inents, a» Skmnlor La-Folletie. llournr, ami him w iitlrit thnu-nnd» Those only are capable of seif gov Senator L iF o lle tle h i/ eeu . »..... til letters to Oregonian», linking iin m eo t who lake orders from the i working um'i-asiuglv for veus» and Boases, te b i» view. ) their o|iininiir— u|»m reading his j lie is tired. He is mil pano r e it ly Wagons and Buggies for Sale, kept in Stock, Hotierl old Alai L im o in hail eelf written i ulogiuni.— »« Io what I disabled, although newspip r re also Agent for All Kinds of Farming Im Umj they think of hi» chance». fie I lien difli-renl vie» of the of the ve ..... .. ... , , plements; McCormick Mowers, etc. publishes the letter» I in his favor, "Cunmmn Plain Peuple." In bi» l-oiiveved the idea that be U -u a and squelches lliur« that ure unfa .m»»age In Hem-,„for, 1861, he »aid: „ , ||||uh, n of 0,,||lt|,^ . M r. , )F „, “ Il is even hinted it, some quar- ,e,„-has la-ett cmn,a-lle.l t.t, ¿ k - . Wood and Iron Work promptly done at a vornlde. A committee of di-interesl >- tern ihni ttioi»trchy would lx i»rrt . . . . ‘ ed men should demand a ll there eruble 1 eaeonable price. Your patronage solicited. in order Io get uway Iron» *v" renl, »lid Walter H«>< aer letters and make a list, »bowing the the power of the people,»Inn let me , cbnirmaii of llie Progrem v* R. j.ub prepondeience of npiiiiins, Sill I we cxuibm oil tbut if you ubould ever J I icnii Canipuign Committee iu u« d a consider the mailer ton trivial for eiirrtiider tbc power you bow, new j gtileioent »vltiiig forth Ibot foot, diwultilitiei* will be ml dee J until • oil u serious consideration. Bourne is a of liberty will be lost.”. ‘ - I Ms »lal.-mriit was ooi.strue i hy a true "progressive’,—and as Lincoln ■Titige jHiition of the press, to l>e a And Mr. T a ll was chief »,Mikes- : W)l 1(,lr(1Wll, froA he (laid: “ i t isn't safe to »wap horse» »■W « while crossing a sltiiitn,’’ especially ............... lainquet in New York on ....... . (Successor to N. O. Nielsen.) eoiirlruclion con Id tile 12th in»t: ill honor of Lincoln’s i for a smaller horse. ! Ohly l-e piaceli U| m > ii it hv II n de' Louis K narp , Pres. birth, but we may tie »ure that he C. W. Z umwalt , V. Pres. sir« of II iom * whose iiihfesls aio,i Id d N not quote the stsive nor whnt I he «erv.-d by the retirement i >t La E. X L obby , Cashier. Theodore Roosevelt deiivererl hia follows, uttEFjUt by Lincoln imine-1 ffo llcte id ■ e front the conte»), _ The Plulfurm Speeidt before an immanse diatcly after the clnte of the “ * " r* 1 SlH leloelit is mi follows: audience at Chicago Feb. 21st. I i He »aid: , ' - “ ) ‘1>ee to the future a erieie a | e ‘ HSeoaior L i Folioi!« find» it llcC is a bold, manly, open hearted talk, B Á .I V K O IP P O R T O R I ^ O J t I > hike a lew ive< k»’ »1 which says in plain wordsjust what proocldng that unnerve" me and be mean». I t covers all the lead eaures'me ,<> tremble for the safety Tïli» may prevet», his - ii :,l mg ;; 7 yOUR BANKING BUSINESS SOLICITED ing principle» of progrea»ivi»,n in nl my country. A» a result of war, -pccl-cs in llij^ in lc s which arc to corporations have been «„Miftone.1, hold early pnin .rie», and fric ds a manner that must please La Fui aiid an era o f corruption la., high and 1 fveah fresh su' suppHe» will be received by every »learner lette’» friends and send» comderns place» will follow, and Ihe money fftr there »tales,* ill make »ui h cjt,n- a y puljiOBe to keeps full stock of everything • re«,/ tra« paigu for hi,i, as in Ihwir jud >n cut do m tire line of NO BANK W ILL HANDLE tioiT into the ranks of T a ft’s demur power of the country.«ril| endeavor PORT ORFORD, wliHe-st serve the progresniv in n ,o prolong its reign by wbrkiug op allied anil detnoraliziiig stami-pat G R O C E R 1E 8 and P R O V IS IO N S , Y« UR BU8INES8 BETTER OREGON ters. That Roosevelt w ill beat Taft on the prejudices of the |ieoi,le, no eipl«» which liis candidacy n-jue- ttl all the wealth is aggregated io a B O t >TS- for )he uoinioaiioii we believe. Few few hands to d the republic is de »■•nt». »' ‘ ' •. *;• ■ . » Bad as Russia. M EN S and BOYS, C L O T H IN G ,• " In any »late where his friends »elf re»|Micling republican« will sup stroyed.” find it un|Mi.-sib|e la-cause of hi» in- port Taft who know his record anil A t heart Lincoln was a Sueiahst, L A W R E N C E , Mass., Feb. 19.— L A D IE S ’ OH» realise the enorm ty of his crime in ns witness tHfs extract from one of ability to fill spehkiog engagem.-n s, Real Estate Notary W ithout any warning and appar H A R D W A R E , G R A N IT E and T IN W A R E .’ ’ the Controller bay flaaou; anil feu his Speeches in Illinois in hi» Cam Io secure the election of del«J- es ently withetri cause, a detachment for him, they will best serve the »elf respecting democrats will »up C IG A R S , T O B A fi puign tor tbtf U. 8. Senate in of tn fa rtry tislay, aided by 200 po port Wilson or Harmon with the prngresidve cause by instructing C A N D Y , N U T S and N O T IO N S. wherefore Socialists commemorate lice and 15 cavalrymen, charged s 40 acres in Township 36- Morgan taint aim-lling to heave,i hia bird? on,tach recurring Fehru delegates, where they find it ) o si body of 100 orderly women striking In .fait, a supply of everything usually kept in a '»• from both of them. Champ Clark ary 12th. He mid: ble to do so, for Ihe thofoughgiring 14.—Timber. textile workers who had been pick General Merchandise Store. * should heat Taft ingloriously, hut and definite principles which be, as eting ths mills. A number of the 165 acres in Township 34- ‘‘In the sweat of the face »hall ORDERS TAKEN hOR ANV ARTIULR SOT I ‘ Clark and Roosevelt would make a thou eat bread,’’ and with tile ex advocated and aided in embodying women were knocked down and ar 14.—Timber. Fine hog ranch. race which would appeal to all vo oeptiou of the light and air from i progressive statutes, proposed rested after the disorder had been ters of progi«ssiveiie»s and lo v e 'iu T heaven no goad tiling ha» been of constructive «neiisiire» which he fm 351 acres in Township 34- straightened out. The arrests were can lie enjoyed by ua without dr»l introduced in the United S tab - LdSAa country. 14. Fine stock ranch. having cost labor. And inasmuch Senate, and in addresses which 'he made on charges of disorderly con dnet and intimidation. The charges 160 acres in Township 34- a» all good things have been pro duced by laltor, it follow» that such has already made in this Campaign. on the part of the soldiers came 14.—Timber. A Great Decision. “ Senator LaFollette was Urged to when the women approached the thing« of right belong Io those «Uiose labor has produced them. become a candidate hv the most Correspondence solicited. m ill workers who were going to the AVashington, Feh. 19.— The su But it has so bs,,pe„ed j,, «|| ages! Progressive Republicana io tin works— these they sought to have Port Orford, Or., Nov. 6,1911 the World that some have lnt»>r«d, . . . , , prem« court refused b» take juris of and others, sitl.out Ishor, have en ,h“* refrain fiom workiug. The men diction ol the suits contesting the joyed u large p o rtio n of the fruits. ! betl‘‘r l,,* n • n '’ otl'«f ’"*>• end women -trikers, when attacked T o W h o m I t M a y C o n c e rn . g alU ity of llie initiative anil refer I hi» is wiong und should not coo I by the whole course nf liis |><>|hii-ul by the soldiers, did not attempt to linue. endum in Oregon, hut decided by I''lin e . To secure to each laborer career, represehte.1 represented those prini prtncip ip fi- ! retaliate. The strikers say this is I, the undersigned, hereby give no implication that the initiative and , ,b* »'•* <*•*> He would nfvejc have Consented t° hut anuil^e» instance of the m ill- tice that I have a conveyance from the referendum is constitutional in th« ! w • ' ' ,irll,>' stand as a caiididaie, except in good men’s unfair way of treating the Patentee to tideiands and water lota in ap|>ealed cases. ' J**‘ " f <«»eniment.” the Harbor of Port Orford, Oregon, on fait h. Though he finds hi» plans locked out employes. a portion of which a part of the wharf ____ ' When Siicialiets meet to honor interfered with by his temporary “ T h e women w ere try in g to plead is erected without my consent. A1 The supreme court of Oregon ba» *h,i ■ « “» •T <»f lh« M artyr Presi indisposition, in fulfillm ent of the with the strikebreakers and the at- parties are hereby warned not to drive also decided that the In itiative and i dent’ quo««- liberally from hi« implied pledge which hi» candida : tack wa» juade on us because we pile» or trespass in any manner what Referendum is constitutional. The : M ) ''DIP *0 '* .SrltInge. No, »,. Re th ' m,lt' R ,o "ho have always had been denied the right to meet soever on said tideiands or water lota. em-miea of the ineasuie are at th y r > publicans, who must confine Maa. A nna 0- D abt . " 1,1 Beljeved +n the sincerity and co n-, any place in an orderly manner to rope’s end, and will have to carry i ***’ *• , o Pletltud«. Portland, Oregon. ve. „ stenoy of bis zpui |»>st-s, bis name go ovel qur wrongs. Several worn their fight before the |>eople, who1 To relieve the pressure hpnn the will lie presented to ,lm National en were seriously hurt by the bay- will rtahd in solid phalanx for »friking New Koglniid m ill work- Republican Convention and dele onete in the hands of the ¡soldier«.’’ jliia law which is the greatest law of j Cr,‘. •¡'e Socialists and lai'tMir Unions gales w ill make an aggtes»ive 01)11 Where t-o u r boasted “American all civilised people. What « ill the of New York are caring for train test for hia uominalion a,<d fpr s \ I t hi my intention to handle Real It shall be my purpose to keep a fu» ,t ,wk of everything C hivalry", when «uoh horror« a« the Portland Assembly shysters now do?» of I'ttle children, |hi« to heart- Strong progressive platform. Estate in Curry county, and I expect above can be |erpetrated under the They can ii ad their doom in ihe 'l l the factor^ )«laves to hold nut to , trude in the line of t " I'o this end, the Progressive Re Stars and Stripes— in the land of to have offices in Port Orford and Gold Beach early In the Spring. In the ever increasing vole of the rritfo hitter end. The m ill owners publican Campaign Committee «"lj Ihe Free and the borne of the mean time I will be^deased to corre G R O C E R IES and P R O V IS IO N S , woilhv to lie free— men who will have, In the past, counted u|M>n the devote its beet effort«. Biave(T) I< would be a fit Betting spond with any one that has property ron this country nod know how to surrender of mothers and fathers, . ’ M E N ’S end B O Y ’S C L O T H IN G , B<>° * “ Whatever lime Senator LaF !- i<> a Russian l ossack scene, where for sale. do It. who could nol endure the spectacle lelte can devote ,<> the cam|mig'- I make a specialty of handling farm hrav«(?) men , barge on horseback and timber land. I have parties that Tlic decision of thy U. 8. súpleme • •f their,little ones crying for bread. ter Inking a needed rest fnr a »• • L A D IE S ’ DRESS GOODS and maim and trample upon worn- want Fruit, Dairy, Hay and Grazing court is Ihe greatest one, most ben And every one of tlte io HI owners is weens, will lie given subject to sue F A N C Y GOODS, en begging for a chance to live! I t land. eficicot and far teaching e v.r made a millionaire, some of them many demand« aa liis olllcisl duties make i« a|so fitting that these American W. H. Mooax. . »* C IG A R S , TOBACCO, P IP E S , io the history of H e United Stales. lime» orer. upnh him. * scenes are framed I d 'th a t part of 304-Henry Building, Portland, Or. It i» stronger than any othei d. chi I t must not lie lost sight nf that W. L. lloi'gr.R " C A N D Y , N U T S and N 0 T I0 N 8 . our country where Roger W illiam «, ration of State Uighis and L id n id this strike is against a cut in wages. ------------------- — Anna Hiftchioson and M ary Dyer P o rtla n d , M e ., F eb . 15.— P in ned In fact, a supply of everything usually kept in a well StOCite't ual Freedom, nod may eliminate the Lnngloi«, Ori g in. M ED FO RD Feh. 15.— E ig m e * ere tortured for free thought and beneath the wreokage o f a d e ra iled IdiMsly revolution predicted by . Merchandise Store. Moore, aged V years, of WooAvilh , human right». O ra n d T r u n k t r a in , w ith one o f h it Judge tlary aml~vhher long headed S u n d a y S e r v ic e s a t P o r t O r f o r d I These sones of tyranny, horror i» declared totwy by friends to tie patriots. Only through the luitiu and inju«iice most cease in the srm s s lo w ly coo king , H a r r y C o rliss, the youngest deadsho, bonier in U n i'e it 8 ta i« s , eise there w ill ba a tra in m a n , was c h lo ro fo rm e d b y a live and Referendum can the |>eo Sund»)' School every Sunday a t | northwest. W hile oil hit wav fr-..n re trilH ttfo ii ro m iitg th a t w ill «hake c o u n try d o c to r a t Y a r m o u th and pie rule; and only the people can 10 A. M I school yesterday afternoon lie shot th» woriu im i i » o ily ,— fo r the fifteen m in u te s la te r bis body was aver, the dire reaulta of- impending Christian Endeavor at 7:80. A and killed a coogar which m -a»ureri American pie are a rm e d , are i n in c in e ra ted . T w o tra in m e n were disaalcr and wrest nor eouotry fr»m ' short song service w ill he held first more than eleven feel ftoin lip in telligent and tree, and c o n s titu te also k ille d in a w reck which fo llo w the rascals and robber» ih,it are Ever)*««!) foriPally invited h» at Call and Examine Goods, and get Prie ih> most iii-t u u c 'iv e force th e w orld tip . th e l i d ’s di>g. had tri-ed. H s ha,, e v e r ’kn o w n , it d riv e n to th e ed a head-on c o llis io n between tw o now thy masters. Und. * animal. w a ll! e m h te S ffo r tt^ n p m » » - fong under im o en d u re C ii V cnttdit b»n| o f lo-m ela GENERAL I Blacksmithing M ONARCH M A L L E A B L E RAN G ES. Large A sso rtm e n t o f H a n d f China. L anterns, L a m p s and C utlery. N ew house Steeltra p s, P o u ltr y N M A IL O RD ER SPRO M PTL Y F I J Á G IL L IN G S ^ BEECHER JE SS AMES S. JOHNSTO. P o rt O r fo r d , O r e g o n i ^ r P o r t Orford, O rrr, NEW GOODS. WILLIS T WHITE, Sr Public Port Orford, Oregon Call and examine goods ar.d got JOHN R. MILLER GENERAL MERCH. P o rt Orford, O regon- Has opened a new Store, wil'h N E W GOODS, -Real Estate Notice. Orders Taken for Aoylhin? not in Ster' fre ig h t tra in s . JOHN R. MILLEi.. u • j •I