Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1912)
. * * -OUSF-V V i h - * * ’urrj CgHOtyUitrart- Healty Csàpany. Towaand Conuty. Special music Sunday evening at B a n d o n - P e r t O r f o r d E le c t r ic R . F O B H H K it I K F . , (be ehuroh. £ very use invited. R t o b e R a v iv o d . I hereby reepeotfully announce my li « B s down, from W hile the month of January has J Ura. k Jamie», ’» candidacy for Domination for the office her Sixes river home Sunday and gi sen ua a few good d^ra, yet -it (Incorporated) Later .developments have proven of Hbertff. subject tu, the wilt of the B< - 1 waa trading at our »tores Monday. seeina to be trying to eetablieh a almost to a osrtainty that C. W publ oan voters of Ourry county at the o s p i t a i S t o c k # 5 0 0 0 Ship* will be towed through the ensuing primary nominating eieotlon, record fur atorma. Lake, who was in Port Orford last and If elected I shall aaueavor to mer D ikbctoks : Panama cannl tJy electric locoino For the present the Port Orford week with Steve Gallier of Baadoo, it the trust reposed in me. ,v J / î S ! Ü c ,",h e U 2 ? Respectfully to this place for the purpose B. I M IL L E R . W,* * W,F- I at SOc per thousand. Come and get of looking the country and our har W A Wood bor over relative to the building of 10 B e a c h , O r e o n W ill W hite, the cattle-buyer c a m e th e m while they laat. 8 in c « r e A p p r e c ia t io n . an elsotria railroad from Bandon up from Euchre creek laat Friday Ail bunnesa will receive and spent a couple of days visiting , J. W. Gardner, traveling sales hers. This scheme originated man for Dunhone Carrigan Hayden Editor T s i b u x b : umpt AttqptioD' era! years ago and a company to to town. Hardware company, passed through M r. George Taylor, Isle of Spo promote it was fotated, M r. Gallier M r.W rig h t, traveling salesman oor town^Iast week. kane, Wash., a good, honest old being one of the incorporators, but P IA R P Y STEW ART for Murphy G rant <fe -Co., was in U'm. Gillings, ¿he hardware mer after securing a number of rights man, came to our home eick on Jan. .Ü . to. O O M M U M I O I M K R , Port Orford last Saturday and pass chant, has been haring some car of way and doing preliminary work, 2 ,and rapidly grew worn« until F o r t O rfo rd , O re g o n ed up the const Monday. penter work done on the inside of aome two years ago, the project was Jan. 12, when he |msm>d away. D r. An elderly gentleman from Call- his store and among the other im dropped, presumably from lack of Munn was called from Bandon but Offlee days in tows—Tuesday. Wed oould offer no hope, as a complica forjila, blind and partly paralysed, provements is a neat booth for the backing. nesday and Saturday of each week. was in tbwu last night on Ills way telephone office. Now Mr. Lake, a gentleman from tion o f kidney and bladder and v G m Í Í É d x t h ^ bowel troubles oould not be con to M y rtle Point to take treatment I t is said that one of the Big Rail South Dakota repated to represent trolled. . from a nerv« doctor at that place. — roads is using Coos Bay aa a blind much money, appears on the syene i TTOKNKY amo COVgSBL^O*'** Our purpose iu asking a place ‘in J. M. N y c ,th e s^-ll-known drum and will come from the east via and there is little or'no doubt but > ; jr p U w ./ y o u r paper for thia, is to extend that the electric roatLu to be reyived -— *h o has been^iak|ng this coast iboacuigg u (IN v u * to It) -Port -a O ri Oyford Y/gl Roseburg direet cordial thanks to our kind, unsel and tbitbhe ia i he gt-pt/einsn wh» will 4 \ WherejdWp water isJR»iyi4, and i-OKTOBFOKD, OHEOOfi •^territory for a'rfi*aiher of tears, was r w ill finance R. M r. Lake expressed fish neighbors for their^gp-ocapt re f interviewing our merchants one day make this place Its terminus, Sen himself as much pleased with the aponse to the great need during tba sihte men. last week while on Ms way north. i J ! rseult o f his inspection at this end trying ordeal. The telephone meeting to be held We would call attention ,to the Mrs. Cope and son Lyx and Mrs. of tba proposed road, aud at evi in Port Orford next Saturday af advertisement of Ihk Langlois Cash Nellie Langlois rendered efficient ' t i n and U f e I ns s r a nee. We rep- dance of his inlentidn to do business reseat the Beat fo i Most Mellabie ternoon promises to be well attend' Store in thia issue, of which F. T he is about to beoome ths owner of aid, while H arvey Atkinson and ed, as it Should lie. T he importance McMullen is proprietor. Thia feed oom paules. aome valuable Fort Oiford property. D a v id , Jenks, A llis Farrier and of the meeting will compel the a t and grocery store is a late addition I t is highly probable that work will Chas. Bydnam, Joa. Kreutger, Geo. P o r t O r f o r d . O i* u |g o n tention of practically all the pro to the business bouses of Northern oommeaqs on this road in the D. Chenoweth and M . Cis pshaw grCseive men In the community. Curry, and ia quoting prices that spring. watched with the sufferer in the or j J. H U N T L E Y , der named, and A llie F arrier and Beecher Jeae, Port Orford’s en are sure to bring mueh patrdnage to — ~ -1--------- v f T O B N E y A T L A W . terprising blacksmith, has a new ad. its doors. Chaa bydnam returned to watch Klamath County to going in for GOLD BEACH, OKKOON. in thia Issue of the T k ib u x b . Beech Messrs. Loney, Larson and Mere agricultural eduoatioé in its schools. one night with tba oorpae. Funeral ter vices a t fo e house on o u o r a a tu a « -A h a tra c te o f w is enlarging bia business and ia dith have lately purchased of the A tract of 86 seras, has heeo bought the 14th were conducted by Rev. keeping abreast of the times, and Crawford estate, 240 acres o f land and an experimeat station w ill ba P s m g a lr t y ’F u r n i s h e d . whenever you want anything in bia north o f tlie lake, and w ill probably established, where students w ill Higghn^asaistud by many gentle thirty years practice In the Caput). line you cannot do better than to |Mit it on the market in small traeta practice agricultural methods under men and ladies, a ll excellent sing* --------■'.■‘■ .■ ¿ A m w .. ■■ . * ■ ------- ». give him your patronage. Quite a number of ten acre tracts -the direction o f an expert who will In dqe respect to his awn request, W. A. W OOD The Randolph, which has been have been sold during the.last year be secured from the Oregon Agri deceased waa buried on an slave in that vicinity, and aome of- them cultural College. long over due at Ahis place with tion adjoining thgy Floras Creek w ill ba improved this year. freight from Guos Bay, got out of S O L Í RKAt'M, OKKOON. Cemetery grounds, the .said eteva The report that the Greet West the bay-last week but wesit on to Railroad mileage in Oregon baa tion so chosen being..a part o f a , ----.y .-.-w , >• ». ---------- ern from Eugene to Cons Bay bad increased aTa rfcmgrk»bie-rate d u r Bogue river where ^he ia again bnr- ' U A M O B je ftfc ; atrip aTground be bad. porehaaad bound. Shu has freight aboard for told out to the Southern Pacific ia ing (he past few years and the out t r r o H N E Y "A/t a » a w . this place, and there ia mere await proven to have been a canard, star look for 1912 is most encouraging. from Mr. Gao. Farrier. . i - .1 ; M b . axo M bs . J. H . U ptox . tug her pleeadre at both Marshfield led, probably to cheapen rights of According to ths report of the Stela M y i t t e P o t a t , , <Grcg«to , way, and depress real estate a t Com sod Bendon. : , - x. llailraad Commission, Ibero were {(Coos B ay N xwb . > Bay aud elsewhere along the lines* >882 miles of railways in Oregon at tM. Sherrard a n d wife arrived in . frohst» b u s iness g a p ec b ily., of survey. The Great Western to the and n tjn o e , lV lO . By the end Port Orford Sunday, and are visit- Judge Cbka adjourned circuit said to be a H ill pro poet tion. of December, 1011, this had grown ootfrt Saturday, but is w illing Ac ju g at T.' L . Cqrey’s, Mrs.Sherrard’s G E O R G E M . , B R O W N ,, Sunday waa an ideal d ay,'w arm to 2888 miles. ' brother. John Sheilds and his bold a special term to diapaee Of .the ilT O a N E Y A T L .V W aud clear with no wind, and acores brother-in-law came down with desteott and Foots murder eaaas, if of people were on Agate Beach, an The Roseburg Review says: “Jet tba attorneye w ill agree on a date. KtWEBl'KG OR BOO I them, and the three men went down I jo yin g the aunshiue and watching E. Lynch, son of Thomas Lynch, to thoCsryy raucit lo hunt for n Senator B«urne*k to APP«* “dlwx'-esr” aid Ong the wild hogs the tumbling, roteuHuoos breakers » barber who lived in Roseburg 16 pnate |1M),66O fq r -A t1 t r e t - e r buttling with the shores. But Sun years xgo^ is In ja il at Glendale on Mussel cieek. lightship at Fort Orford Reef, off day night a south wind came blow awaiting tha arrival of Sheriff Quine U rn Capa Blanco, Oregou, waa favorably Chaa. Crew and Frans Nordberg, ing in upon us, and Monday our of this city, to bring him back to reported at Washington on the 12th while down as far as Whales Heeds beautiful day became but a memory • — Roseburg Io answer a charge o f lar- by the Senate committee on oom c o Q U H X B , - . - O R E G O N prospecting. for Wscksand, have of what had been. oany, preferred by Sam Sm ith,'The raerce. ... • leased the mines at H un ter’s Cove— Mrs. Neumann, mother of Mrs. local deliveryman. , H irin g a team Cape Sebastian— and are moving Capt. Pete Olaon launched his Quellen o f Mussel creek, has suffer Irom Smith Friday afternoon, say their household and mining fix .e new gasoline schooner Rustler laat ed, lately, three strokes of apoplexy, ing be was going out to Dixonville, tures down there where they w ill Thursday, from tha ways at Kruse Port Orffd, Oregon, and is very low at her home, with Lynch drove out of town in that engage in mining on the beach. A Banks' shipyard at Porter. Bite L« K N A P P P a r o p i - l e t o r They are two of our heethrach m in-' but slight chances of recovery. She direction, hut duripg the night is a good, staunch little vessel, sod is 81 years of age, but is blessed came buck to« Roseburg, fed the era. They have found aome good well fitted for the trade with porta with remarkable vitality and ener team in the street and then drove First-class in every respect. sand and they can save the gold along the Southern Oregon coast, gy, and would recover where others southward. Upon reaching Can for which she was designed. and platinum if nnybody can. G o >d Feed S t a b le a t t a c h d . would succumb. We sinoerely hope yonville at 5 o'clock this morning Mayor btrsw was serve,) with no E. It M iller of Wedderburn, fifes that she may win out, and enjoy be failed in an effort brsell the out lice of a contest on his alectwn, Fri We run the Stage from Port Orford the opening gun of the 1912 political many more years with her fam ily fit, then drove on to Glendale and day evening, and also ws* require,! ria Dairyvllle, connecting with the campaign io Curry county by an and friends. was arrested there this afternoon. Stage to Myrtle Point. to appear before circuit court yaa- nouncing in thia issue of the Tat The horses bad been driven e dis The Fort Orford high school bas tariiay. H is attorney, J. M. (Tptuu, BUJic his candidacy for the Repub ketball team went up to D airyville, tenet of 50 miles.” appeared at court and filed a mo J. H . U P T O N , lican nomination for sheriff Mr. where last Saturday evening they The late Thue. Lynch was Engag > -toto. .*.*•* M ille r needs no introduction to the nere defeated by the young men’s | ed ia the barber business at Lang tion to quash the citation. R. A. MOTA BY P ffB U C . Copple, who was Mayor Straw’s op voter, as he has been a life long res team of that place by a score of 20 lois a ooupie of yea<y sgo. ponent, is contesting the election. ident of the county and has always to 7. The game was fast and clean, L asolois , Cuaav Co., Oaaoos. The tax levy for Coos county this been active in politics. He has the and not so one sided as the result Peking, Jan. 18.— Two men era year is 17j m ills, which is half requisites to make a good officer and would indicate, the boys having the dead, IS dying and 20 others are m ill less than last year. Judge H a ll also enough friends to at least make ball in their territory touch of the L , seriously injured here today as the informs us that had it not been for his opponents know that tkey have time but fell down in shooting the rf«u| t an attempt upon the life of' tlie great increase in the state tax been in a race. f . baskets which were different from Premier Yuan Shi Kai by a bomb for thia year that the county tax M r. D. B. 6. Reid, of Heppner, the ones tliey were used to. This throwing assassin. Although three would probably have been placed at Repairing Watches and Jewelry a Oregon, has been visiting Curry Co. makes a victory for each team, and of the horsee attach«) to the pre specialty. Al( work guaranteed. 184 mills. In Marshfield, in addi during the past week, looking up they w ill play the tie off st Port mier’s carraige were killed, Yuan Orders taken for WkSshea and Fancy tion to ths county tax, there is an Orford in the near future. D a iry our rtsouroes, our harbor and our Shi K ai remained calm and collect 11 m ill school tax, 3 mills Port of Jewelry. Work tamed out on abort rlim ate. M r. Reid is Surveyor of ville is getting a fast team whipped ed through it all and probably to notice. Coos tax, and a c ity tex of 10 ntjlls. Mcrroto o o fo ty ,' •■><) w ill «<*• » into shape, and our boys w ill have this feet be owes his life. making aH oget^Y•fK ^pU itor^Last Call on ntoiaatbanaact X' to put in their best licks if they good word for ua to whomsoever he The attack on tha t premier was year Marshftetd ; pSppqyty E L L IO T T may meet. He was especially carry off the honors. made as Yuan was leaving the pal paid 48 u ilis . i pleased with our harbor, and our ace for a drive. The first bomb was The Redondo, which has beau on E rro n e o u s . matchless climate— to different thrown directly at ths fast of the tlie drydock at Ban Francirco, ar — <-------- from Eastern Oregon. Mr. Reid prime minister, but it failed to e x dteoaasor to A. B. S ab « ) rived here Thursday morning. Capt. Medford Sun: February 1, de k- aaya there are a number of people in plode. Realising the danger, Yuan M ages reports that the steamer clared Manager Farren of the Ore the interior who are looking for Shi Kat cried “ Drive on,” but the been equipped with a submarine gun Southern Railroad, w ill mark homee along the cqaat, and that order was hardly giveix before (he bell, by the aid of which in dense the beginning of actual work in the thia summer w ill see many of them second bomb fell under the feet of fogs lightships and fightb.tnsee can way of construction from several on the move, eepeciaily towards the horses, exploding with awful be located. Bhe is the firot coaster points on the proposed line. Anything not in stock, will Fort Orford and vicinity. force. Two soldiers who were set to secure the new safety davice.aud M r. Farren^ baa just retarrfkd be pleased tc order ing aa the premier's body guard Aaa B. Carey, who went down to from Fort Orford, where in com wars instantly killed, the bursting should it prove a sucres», tlie Nann Re pa I rin « N oatly D onb Bakersfield, Calif, tome weeks ago pany with President J. Arnold Smith w ill be sim ilarly equipped. v fragments inflicting fatal injuries to H a n d o n . O r e g o n to asset a brother from Iuwa whom Doyld^ they have been in conference a score of pedeetrisns, and lees seri I t is said that a move w ill be he had not seen for 46 years, return with the citisens of that city and ous in jury to a score of others. made before next election with tha object of closing the Umpqua river ed here Monday night, having ooroe various points throughout tbeooun Msnchu attendants of Yuan Stai D E N N I8 C U N N 1F R , JR., from Ban Francisco to Bandon by ly , obtaining rights of way for their j ^ j u^TranTns tO con‘ ,nercU1 fi»’,ind- Since Jack- line. were sooueesful steamer. H e is looking fine and of . tha premier. They 7ars being son county people ' t o p . (J . 8. Mineral 8arreyor in having Rogue rirer Clonad, it w ill says ba had the lime of his life with T h e foregoing statement t h a t _____________ * _____ r* A . held under heavy guard and w ill be •h a’ tomo— now ba in order for <Mher inland hie brottter and his nephew Ernest U e ttn . Doyle and Farren had beau executed immediately, Surveyor for tbs D istrict of O r counties to follow suit. Salmon are Camy. They have no soil in that ia Port Orford is erroneous. They egon. getting scarcer in the coast rivers section, bat they have sand and have not been here. B at they are G o ld B e n c h , - • » O re g o n sunshine; and if they only had all expected here aay tiase In tha in “Good morning^Mr, Stone]” said ' a ll tba time, notwithstanding ths She water the thirsty Jand shall terests of ths railroad down Bogue Wood pleasantly. “ Aud how are millions turned out by the vesioua tr*» w « r is m » » « t o . » , need to make it a perpetual oasis, riesr te Port Orford, which their Mrs. Stoua aud a ll the little peb hatoheriea, aad, i f the supply offish <1«vs a «Issa skin. N o keeps oa deereasing, it will be only instead of oases and desert spots—- company proposes to build. We bleef” a sty «rithate it. C s M iw ta , Candy C«thar Maa ».-sr blood »ad k«ru it rie»». b> “ Quite weU, thauk y o u ,; M r. a questte* of tim e when a move i - ria< op tbs laxjr b re r a»<) <ln»in< all i n- I t would ba an id ^ i Arcadia,— but know but little about them, but yum. ----- 1 from the body. Pegm tn-day to aa it to, ha woulA not give Curry they have got hold of the boat prop Wood,” replied Stooa. } “ And &ow w ill be made Io close all the coast *nian pimpbw, baila/ b lotch«, blackhead» streams, allowing fish only to be too diet it aicltiv l.ityiHU comploxiiin by takin» Bounty for a ll the coautry down osition in Oregon, and our people asu Mrs. Wood and ail the little eaught for the local market aud not CaaeaiHA, ■boa« w ill give them the glad hand. there. i splintersT” j ,or shipment. A T. Women's Secrets y t . y ■■ I sameta o f ta tit o r llaam», but to D r. KpectatMM of adviaa and help.' . t e * * dlseppofatad te th rir «x-. tn hava baaa »a aSt.S K. V . Fieras te the That tew ef ttese w . ■estettem is p *2 r>£’ **“ ? — « y Q h « P»r orat. U by Dr. Fteroa hava haan absolutrly aad toab a raoord « e u ld ha m n a rlta b k if tha ■umbarad by tendrads a a ly . But whaa ritea • the na i m i i s i «< aM«a thaa htof-.- uni. •-P1 * * * 1*» * sv ar t e yaara, I t ta ahaaamaaai. ’ )r . Piare» l a tba frad tu d » aaoovdad I I b»m by wumaa, aa the Srxt cf to tba treattaam o f w e a a a ’s dta.......... A- — *Y P"? w ait D r . i*^*roa. PUroa b r ***,e r . «teolataly withoat Mated in perfectly p e r ii -A * «•fls d 1, p M ttM In plain envelop««, without ta ra r, upon 1 ***•“ them. -. W _______ _ taar «• with- S C t W f f i r it , without M adteai Axsoatetioa, D r. R . V . P ie ro ., F r e n ., B A U », N . Y . DM. PXKRCKnS FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION « t e s i ns - X . t o r t o l» •V» H M E I U Ÿ V o tn O x x W o U . C d i « s==sssnss==a=ss==-e=====ss=ss==asassaKasnnBes== The Flaca where Ta« get a Square Deal. Head-quarters 1er the Best a f Everything ■ the Lius af Dry Coeds, Groceries aad Provisionx. lx fact Everything usually found b a Gaaaral M ar. c h u u d is o Ladfas' Draaa Ceeda, Fancy Goods, Cigars, Pfpea, Seed C ra b . (M a rs tahoa fay Axythbg M t b Stock, which bebdes Mcaa* Made to Order Sails aad Overcaats. ‘ '-"'I r ' « i- .....Æ ît ;» " Call ' . -fa; we os Jas. S. Capps, P rop, A lix - •». M s t i á i á v ■ KNAPPHOTEL, AKER S to r e Hardware of all Kinds M a c h in e r y M o w in g M a c h in e « . E x t r a « f o i D a ir y in g } O s b o r n e , M ilw a u k e e M a c h in e r y . P a in t « , O H« & S t u m p in g P o w d e r iF in e l i n e o f G u n « , B a s e b a ll p a ra « p h e r n a lia , a n d o th e r S p o r tin g G o o d s k e p t in S to c k . D o o r s a n d W i n d o w s in v a r ie t y ■ c o n s t a n t ly k e p t o n h a n d . P ip e F i t t i n g s , P lu m b i n g a n d T i n w o r k o f a ll k in d s d o n e o n sh o r t n o tic e * Cheever $ Bowman, L a n g lo is , O r. -U----- aa dll': ’ r iit f i l r .fo i* 1KW. W. J. w X in iv AUKindt of Harness and Saddairy r - 'i DOORS - WINDOWS - MOULDINGS A nything yon N eed in M ill W ork W rite us for P rices or a n y forma., tion you Need, in this Line N o r th B e n d M a n u fa c tu r in g Co I V o r f b .L io n e l, O r e g o n H*