TUE TKIBUNE. WEDNESDAY, /A N f t , tttL dtfMMÍRirñoN a ATES U a e V 'o p y O n s H o m e s te a d e r* N o t W a n te d in W hile itb a a often been Hated • that bona-fide hiim esleiulera are wel (»>tu*4 wilbin the Forest Rtwervea , by government, such i* not the •r , «■•*«, for Forest Rangers and Spec s ; ial Agents, as a rule, instead of an I oouraging eeltler* or eveo treating Y e a r ........ Use Copy t*rx lfnutha. ; . ....... 'One Copy Three ¡gmitha. . . . . . . . ' them with passive indifference, dti In diaonurage , them frvia entering theee restricted dialrieta. Autocratic department ruling* hi or.C nftb* moat effective weapon» need; for inxlaaoe, a Forest Ranger ma lung »¡ iu ? if credited with the assertion Uiul no one could take a homestead in a Reserve at p ie present lime and acquire title to ^l unless he plowed at lea at one W hosays the cost of living has increased? • Well, not since “'J hr L anglois C ash S tork ” started in business ply you ivilh strictly First Class Good«, at practically wholesale pri prices with those you have been paying. Spue * will uot permit of are a few of our bargains: W i everything poaaibla ~ A n f c e i i u B aras Bcawtrai^.a. ft - A h ,1 #J h a il of the la ad. Such ao idiotic „ requirement aa thia whan applied to lahd in the public doiuaiu of Curry potinty, removea-the homestead far, beyond the react) of the would I'm „ settler. Thatauch arb itra ry rules r ate not law make« but little differ , ence, Ba the average man oaonut afford the expense of litigation with F- , government. , Irt^pereon files upon a pise« of i . land within a Forest Reserve, un­ less be hag first guns through a te- . dloua process of having the land i listed and restored to entry which I ia as about aa difficult as for. the I proverbial camel to peas through i the eye of the needle, his filings are i rejected at tba locar land office I without explanation other than 1 that the land ambraped is hia entry i fa within the National Forest. T hat 1 there was virtually a bounty u|ton t the aoalpe ofhomesteaders when the I Reserves wire first created, and in r dreatidkapoint that i t is atiil there, si I can ba aeen in the remark of s Ran fi I ger who visited this section several o years ago when ha said that hia companion stood high in thegerviea Uftsaaaa Nnimd secured theeaneeila- tton u f ao many entries within the thousand* pf dollars are being spent various Forest Reserves, end the to advertise Woudrow ivilson. Kith d irty tricks that Bangers will often er Mr. Wilson’s friends a're coming through In a most liberal maimer, reaojrl to to secure ifaeee cancel I a lions has been exemplified in a num- or he is not the enemy to the noon ber of instances in Gurry comity. gy interests he would have the poo- And Jb* above Rauger who “ stood pie believe. high” with his superiors for his valiant work in finding so many County B ook» 8 h o u ld be Ex “ fraudulent” antriss, aolually dkA 7 p e rte d . ... Two yaaisago the Taramrcadyo cated a thorough «»pertalion of the boo«« kept by the various officers of the county, and at, that time the move received much support but ja r some reason the work was never done. However the time ia now ripe when tbg peqpla cau and, we Relieve, will force the issue. A t the coating «lection smajority Of the court, a* well as other offi, 1-ers, w ill be elected. Make the ex­ e r tin g of (lie books a campaign is­ sue; reluse your support to any candidate who wilt not pledge him­ self to work to thia end, and the result will be accomplished. That the books should be over­ hauled is eesentiaiiy necessary and practical; it is something that yon would nut think of neglsoling ao in conducting your • own business— then why do it with the county’«, /vhicb is also your own business? For over fifty years Gurry county has heen a Corporation, but not once in all that lime has her books been experled. I t is doubtful if another county in the state bos sinksn such Hardware, 'Furnitui Wall Paper, Hope Window-glass 100 IbaJ&est Granulated Cane Sugar for 16.75, o r 14 lba for »1.00. p «e Famous ‘-Snow D r if t " Hour. Every sack guaranteed a t »1.46 Carnation W heat Flakes, 30 cents per pkg., or two for 6 Í cents. 16 lba. small W hite Beans, »1.00. Bayou Beans, 17 lba. for »1.00. Corn Starch, three packages for Í6 cento. - S’"' Trophy Baking Powder, only »1.90. Give thia a trial. 6 lba. Chirardelli's Ground Chocolate, »1.116. S lb. packages Pearline, 20 cents. 8 ta r and Pearl toal oil a t » l.fc or »2,40 a case; Elaine a t (1.66 or « Large earn Carnation Comkhaed M ilk, at 10 cents. The Celebrate. (Good as Cream) a t two cane for 25 cents: » ■ In fact we keep everythi. g „ ri. All, kind*, of Grain and Millstiiff« kept Gome in and see , ¡owe cuuatnutiy ou baud, STOVE Store T. MGMULLEN, P ropríxtojí W. U. SABIN, M anager A S alesman GENERAL .t. Blacksmithing . W,ood and Iron Work promptly’ done at a J eaaoDabie price. Your patronage solicited. JE SS P o rt Q r fo r d , O ree en m C. W. Z umwalt , V. Pres Í£.«T. L onby , Cashier, g f&J-Port Orford, O r.-t^ NEW end gbt loet in the outskirts of oue Of o u f eoast towns. , The pnrposp ot the creation of the fo re s t Reserves is to conserve the timber, and iocidentelly the game and other natural resource* of the land. In no way can thia ba done M O JVÜ ÄO T MALLEABLE ¿TÄEL RANGES. >. Large Assortment of Ba ndPain tod China, for Christmas, Lanterns, Lamps and'Cutlery. Newhouse Steel traps, P ou ltry Net?ng MAIL ORDERS PROMPTL 7 FILLED - Wagons and Buggies for Sale,-kept in Stock, ‘‘also Agent for All Kinds of Fanning Im­ plements; Osborne- A Deering Mowers, etc. BEECHER ti o ft “ » w . . ' » O « t i a O ’ W R» and fresh supplies w ill be received by every i Ï U ”K V û . k" F ‘ " ‘u required »> G R O C E R IE S and P R Ü V I8 IO K 8 , N Q B A N K W IL L H A N D L E PQ H T ORFpRD, «nolosed space, only American* Y C U ftwB t l0 I N E 8 8 B E T T E R haviogbeen employed, and jdioto« OREGON raphers have not been permitted to approsoh. The equipment and but taries of the F > are not to be di vulged- By tbe use of kerosene U> I want to buy some good boars, 8 to generate power for heavy oil engines 14 months old ; also some calves two the boat w ill have a radius of action weeks and older. of 8200 miles, w h id r ia a greater I have some good bock sheep to sell, also some good ewes. Add distance .than* that traveled by 40 aerqs in Township 36- H W other submarine now in exist. Wedderborn, O r. 14.-— Timber. She wjll carry 18 men. M E N S sod BOYS, C L O T H IN G , L A D IR b ' ORKBS GOODS H A R D W A R E , G R A N IT E and T IN W A R E . i* self evident; in order to protect C IG A R S , TOBACCO , P IP E * himself tb*settler must protect the C A N D Y , N U T S end N O TIO N S . ’ ’ forest* from fire, and It is an eaiab Itehed fuel that the actual aettle.a In fart, a »apply of everything usually k e p t In a w all stocked of a country protect, rather than G eneral Merchandise Store, destroy, its game. I t is bigh time ORDERS TAKEN >OR ANY AÊTICLE NOT IN 8T0CK. that the gofernmeut awakes to the Injustice ,l)ging done the homa- •teadera by the Forest Rangers and ineum|«tent Sped41 Agents. In ­ 165 acres in Township 34- stead of becoming more easy to ac­ Notice of M eetin g 14.—Timber. Fine hog ranch. I, the nnderslgned, hereby give no­ quire as they should, the homestead 85L acres in Township 34— j tice th a t I have a ooi.veyanoe from the ia being surroanded by more and There w ill be a meeting of those Patentee to ttdelaDds and water lots In more red tape and difficulties. ' interested in the proposed Rural 14. Fiue stock ranch, the H arb or of P o rt O rford, Oregon, on Farmers’ Telephone line, on Satur­ 160 acres in Township 34- a portion of which a p a rt of tbe w harf is erected w ith ou t m y consent. A1 Legaoft o f th e T ra g e d y day, Jan. 27th, at 1 o’clock in the 14.—Timber. parties are hereby warned not to drive afternoon, in Port Orford to disenss Correspondence solicited. piles or tresiK H in any manner what­ The startling and-saddening trag­ tbe matter of a telephone system lo o r w ater tote. Port OrfoiM, Or., Nov. 6,1911 soever on said tidelands edy enacted si Coquille the other take jn the territory enibiserd ¡n Mss. A mxa O. D abt . day and the equally shocking story E lk and hix»a ricer districts and i% Portland, Oregon. lax methods in conducting its bus! of the prevalence of immorality in oonnect up with the present long neve. that usually peaceful community, di,lance. ,.A good attendance of a ll New officers will be going in be fo rm a serjem-ef saddening facts- parties interested is requested. fore the end of the year, and it l* a Their sorrowfulness is jMcentuaied* I t ta Wty Intention to handle Real Estate ta C a r ty eoenty, and I expect Improved D » acre home in East Ash­ moral wrong lo oom pel them to take by the knowledge that a married, to 'iave o it iq ^ in T o r t O rtrtd and Gold land ; alm o stjevel; faces oa two street« j over hooks that may be foil of in man was guilty of thw helnoua Beach p a r i * liy the H p rla g In tbe "new five room cottage, with eloaet sod tendons) and unintentional errors. mean tim e l ^ H I ho. pleAS-d to corre­ p a n try ; cow stable and fou r henhouses. crime that precipitated his unlime In justice to the past, present and spond, w ith any one th a t has property A ll under poultry fence and set to frn it ly death and-^ther married men are for sale. “ future offiegreethe book» should be trees—some bearing. City w ater fo r responsible for ruining tbe lives of • ‘I make w spi'Malty o f handling farm house use and Irrigation ; one-fourth put in first clnm shape and kept several young girls in their teens. and tim b e r iatiri I have parties that m ila to »»0,000 new High School, also there. After they were once brought Behind every one of these wrecks want F rq .t, p a ir y , H ay and Graaing near |>aved »treet*. up to date, they could be kept there I t shall he my purpose to keep a fu ll «took of ever land. „ »lauds soma man as the moving Cash price »5,«00. W ould exchange by a not ex|smsive examination ev4 for good a g ric u ltu ra l property or dairy cause. - - W. H. Mooax. trade in the line of -' ery four years that would throw a SOt-Henry Building, Portland, O r. farm o f equal value, o r divide to salt The soeial evil will never be much safe guard around the public purse purchaser. Address (owner) G B O C E R IE 8 and P RO VISIO NS; if at a ll, lessened io long as yociety 8. F . 8TA B B , to whiob the |ieople are entitled. T R E S P A S S N O T IC E . tolerates a double standard of puri­ 64 California, St., Ashland, O r. In asking for the exporting of BOOTS and SHOES ty. A man may start a girl or M E N ’S and B O Y’S C LO TH JN O , A ll (icrrtuni ore hereby warned not to the county books, the Tm »uxa has woman on the road to ruin and yet I 04073 enter upon the tends of the undersign­ N o tic e t o r P u b l i c a t io n . no ax to grind *nd is not easting stand uncondemned in hia own L A D IE 8 ’ DRESS GOODS . DxFARTMnrr o r t s b I m tbsio b ed on Elk river for the purpooe of rtfleetions upon any officer, past or eyes and go soot free of condemns I » the highest type of hunting o r Balling, without my eon- V . 8 . Land Office at Roaebnrg, Oregon F A N C Y GOODS, present We believe that it is a cry December 16,1011 curative food. •ent. Any person ao doing will be tion from society. But the victim > C IG A R S, TOBACCO, P IP E 8 , , ing necessity,.but ¡1 ia within the Notice 1« hereby given that l roaecuttel to ihe fu ll extent of the laaW of a man'» wickedness and her own 1 The nourishing and E dw ard H. D iv tu n s IXrwer of the people to make a deter­ R o b x . i t M c X i Kiia. C A N D Y , N U T S and N O T IO N S . • week neve ia Judged unmetoifully c u ra tiv e ele m e n ts in Port » ’’to r t. O~8»o, who, on Nov. mined stand at this time and recti­ 10, 1S06, made Hom m tead e n try Serial and thrust away. Even when ra- Scott’s Emulsion are so S u n d ay S ervices at P o r t O rfo rd No. 04073, lor «4 N E I N4 S E | o fA IE U Ip h e t, a (ap p ly of everything asaally kept in » » a l l . fy it. W ill you do it? pentaut, even when wirtiing to «•- perfectly combined that and 8W 4 S E | Nlffi. fcctioo 7, T o w l Mercbandite Store. turn to virtue^ way, even when M 8., Ran«« M Wert, Willamette • B (h aU es, c h ild re n and hui-day Schqol every Bunday at ship M eridian , haa filed notice of intention Berlin, ’ au. ».— There were 25, proviug repentance by pure living, •dufea) am equally bene­ 10 A M to m ake final five year p ro o f to eetab- 8 W bi-rlhs of twins in Germany in goaeip and hard hearted nesa general­ f it e d a n d built up. C h ris tia n E tu ir a v .., a t 7:80. A 1811, according to government re ly drive eboii victims back where SKdvt »oi.g «errtoe will be held first. lairte, a deoreaaa o f’421 ns compared they felt. Every bodj- Cordially invited to at with 1810- During 1911 there were “ A white life for two,” a vingio' teitd . - . ’o rt Orford, 261 triplets bora; exactly tha sama standard of virtue for men equally number aa in 1910. There were with women, is tbe only solid oor- Call and Examine Good«, and get Prices. jhree bets of quadruplet* born. ner-slon» of sound morality. Men W IL Ü ST WHITE, Sr Real Estate Wanted, Notary Publie Port Oiford, Oregon Call and examine goods ar.d g et prices. JOHN R, MILLER GENERAL MERCHI Fur Sale or Exchange Port Orford, Oreeron Has opened s new 8tow,.4wth- Emulsion JOHN B. KILLER