Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1912)
Shots at your A repp**entative in thia county h y • l*rge real estate oorpo ration. Special induce- pieats to th.oae who wish to |>ecoo,e financially interested. W n/W ** Altyl V1USOX, M pttsrv Alt»?*»«- tf. T. 8TBWABT Edit rami FtiblisUer The Real Estate Security O F«r* Dearbor« B ld g , t'U IC A G 'i. I I ) H n b e o r lp tio u , BCJEKMA «nd P 1 L K C V H B F K K F . g n o w iM » « b a t It was to a n i- LIGHT BVNNING & "RAPID, ter, I wip give F R E E O F C H A R G E , to aBy afln*‘ted a poaltivq care (or Ecsema, Salt Kbeum , Eryalpe- laa, P ile * »n«l S k in Dlceaaea. Im t a n t I B a ll Baaria«. p«r y « « i\ The Leading Paper of Curry County, ¡shed every Wednesday, at Port 5» C A L IB R E A U T O M A T IC P IS T O L JöUÄNA— «Ad. TRIBUNE. | T H E T R IB U N E The Savage A utoow ric jsiqotherts evejry adversary m Abo rapidity of ita fire. V/ben the occasion cpniesyou have ready the quickest, handiest and most accurate arm made. G ive yourself every possible advantage. I t m eans lif e , or .death. That is why you w ill discard your revolver when you see the Sayage, ' ;. # Orford, O rcr W E 5K LY ' O R E G O N IA Special Feature* which will Appeal to f e « 1 EJN 8 H 0 & D ouble the num ber contained in an oidi- narv revolver and two more than other autom atics. A C t p R A C Y; The phitol ig so constructed that all powder gases are utilized, iusuring extrem e accuracy, as well as froednt'4 from fouling" 1 ~J PIM PLIC J Y: Fewer parts than any other autom atic pis tol. C om pletely dism ounted by hand w ithout the aid of tools. No screws to work loose. F A F E Y : Breech positively and autom atically locked during the tinje of discharge. Cannot be fired u n less the trigger ¡a palled. ---«Wbon the safety is on neither force nofc'folly. can discharge it. B A L A N C E : Perfectly balanced.,- Center of gravity well to the rear. Lies naturally in th e band. W ill not flinch on the trigger pujl. T h eo n ly autom atic which D aily and T rib u n e - - - - Tue PROT ORFORDj TRIBUN D aily Sunday and Tribune *— A.ND—— The New Idea Woman’s Magazine Sem i W eekv and Trib u n e BOTH ONE YEAR * ’^’wVpromMtír Always Remember the Fall iMarnc T mb H aw Iu ba W omas ’» M aoasixb I s bu a u th o rity on D reeain axin u . v and Household Eoonom y. I t averages more than 100 page* nth. W e offer yon therefore a t least ISOO pan«« ««. Rood faahioi. 1 .axative Rromo Quinine . . . * , «... _« beautifully ATENTS ill e s m te d monthiy magazine of the wido- , . ■wake W e s t w „ h faecmatmg short stories, picturesque personal pom t-of-view descriptioe of the ¡atewstiag development o f the W i n , and the romance and his tory of the wonderland e f the ■M* H-Sions ” <3f*v x -a Ac. • fit fatti -HC*n fwm M»i ’ ■ ir ro O1 stri» 'Hi- .vM 4» is c W * » «• tM » i» <* l*f»- M M tbfr (•.,f.n «U MItii for fUM nc/M Btt r-ert-y a* ih *c» irli» ' iy nl'iM ^a«ni% t U ytyfi any to offer, or do you know of gjiyoiie who has? I desire )o purchase. A ngus O. M a c k a y ß eet E state A gent, Port Huron M ichigan. • they rau not r— b the I I sHicr— p. Hgyy I® F !» . W aabtosluu. Bea f t t .'lc r a a l. a . Pa. SIM M avel*,.. w h o m i . n t o »Mi«wl.>« Ml » r ■ « -•fis i* D SWIFT» T o W h o m I t M a y C o n c e rn . T he undersigned hereby give notie th a t they are the owners ol the Hoiith h alt o f Section 10, Towneliip th irty three, South range fourteen W est ol W illam ette m eridian, Oregon. A ll pat ties are warned not to trespass ujmi, *» m ake any locations, e ith e r placer q uarts c la im a n t their peril. D. K bllabkb ) ' } Owner». J . H . M cA ra a .J Portland, Ore The Best to be had in Curry County, a t reason able Prices. e ,n e e e e e « e e e e e a » e a e e e e e *e e e < See or Addreaa D. 0 . NECTON, M arshfield, Oregon Th« Milt eh«*-«d er« *war*at««4 -.-rA-hitJn« ffMa«,an4ar« kiteuuallcA t a t ¿-»«fas, «•«•«. fcxMi*4«U loiig-ranf c wart. BUI Meads Letter Heads, L eial Blanks, Any Thini, Briefs, , • Posters ”* Envelopes. Statements, ’ a » » » t ooiarra. m Up-to-date Work Done on Short Hotiee- Satisdación Guaraneed McCall’s Magazine o d McCall Pattens msgasine or patterns. M cC alrt is dm reliable Fashion Guide monthly in one million one hundred thousand homes Besides showing sU the latest designs of McCall Patterns, each laane Is brimful of sparkling short stovtaa and helpful information for woman. I n c o n n e c tio n — kw omq M m 4. No«« WfiüMr t b a t f e n f e I m b i fw r dsafar, or Mr ■»*» fcofi» r S M -24« I f . S7th » . N s « T e e k C h g hi . that pon will bo awrprlaod at the — Ignifcnaeo of the barrier that has k a r t you hack Th e start to saecaea Is to simply fill la nod mall to a . tbo coupon below. Read over the list of oc.-wtetlone la the coupon, m ark X before V*»w ean« yov* w a n t to enter, dll la «■a med the coupon to na. B i return mad wo wid ten poa how you ca» aaellp, — apsnstvely. and 1» pour spare tim e qaa ilfr pourselt tor the position pon wane, and we'll tend proof of B bi the form of facts ns to whet we have done for other». International Correspondence Schoelo is doing lids for thousands ol A n-erieau women to-day. I t cured M ra. J one« and that is why she writes this Sank letter i McCALL’S MAGAZINE T H E TELEG R AM , PORTLAND. OH. ATENTS M. k I. Sulo fp t-H n e w ., Too much housework wrecks wo- uicq’s nerves. And the conetjuit curepf children, day and night. Is often toe trying lo t » » •" • strong woman. A haggard lace tells the story ol the overworked house wife end mother. Deranged menses, leucoirha-a and falling ol I he womb result from overwork. Every housewife needs a remedy to regulate her menses and to keep her kcneitive female u-gane In perfect condition. ...----- to*M, * 1 be I m 4I* b AdUarery DspaiWMl , I In "The Evening T elegrgm , of «’ ¡lend, Oregon. I t la the large. *n in g newspaper published ir. •• igon ; it contains a ll the. uewa of »1« state end M the n ation . T ry I t lor .month. A sample copy w ill be w a il nd to vou free. Address •esfoV—if $clt«ii?i« H.3í?tóu,. d lM u w , portion of t h . ear. There l i only eae | war to cere ite»!n— . aim th a t is by ronrtltu - Scasi rameelea. Peat a — I. — d bp ea la* named condition Bi the m u « — « M a c o f th e Bu.tachlau Tabe. When this labe Is la la m e d you bare a rum bling .ound or Im perfect hear ins, a n i when I t Is entirely closed, destasse la the rem it and uni— the InSam atlon can be taken out and thia tube reatored to Ita normal condition, te arin g w ill K d— roped forever! nine ca— oat o l ten are eanaed bp C atarri, « h it » 1« nothing hot an In Ila med condition of the p iu r w i .urfneee. w . .11, riv e O»« B aadred D o llar, lor nnp housew ork 0 ,-r.d a a n e , Kp., r «b- IS, ISSI. I am «« glad tu st po u r W in e » , C a rd al la brlptw g m» 1 Sin iM ltn g b e tte r than I bave f * l , <or ; ! am doing m y own w ork w ltb o u t any help. west,ml b o l v r e k and » a a n o t o n . bit S a d . T h a t ak-w e th a t th e W la o la dolnc w i. good. I am » r itin « do.hle£ «haa I ever .-a« bolora, and sleep good and eat u -a rtp Before I began t a ll n g W in e e , C a rd al, I u m d Io h a .e to tap dsw a dvs o r a li lim es every dap, b a t r « a I do not th in k o f ly in r dow n Ib ra n g h (he dap. U as. Hiena an .loans. to a Better Salary Per ’ K Q p . . Tei Mouth '-’Month • hputtrte ¿tum i A Co. :ew«4vi huMit c',.»ri»fu V a liat OeaAseee C a n n o t bo C a re d . m Xoini.luu fn.H Op Matte kA &• Patent Office WASHINGTnv D.C. seen a Sunset? op local apptlcatloM , Of. „to Cure» a CoM fa One Day, Grip in Tw o H a v e y a u ever Timber Claims, F O R #1 7 5 . f « M A T «ALK« prows the gres» Vfi merit of Hood’s Hareaparilla. w ith . Trespass N o tic e . Notioe is hereby given to a ll persone whom It may concern, not to snter up on o t trespass upon the premises of Eli Bagley, for tbo purpose of hunting, or fishing w ith noon and line. Said pre mises «re situated on E lk E lv e r, Carry County, Oregon, sad described as fol lows ; The West h alf of Section twen ty seven, Township th irty two Sooth, Range fifteen West. Any person o r pereors bo trespass- ng for the purpose of b u n tin g , fishing, or traveling through in a n y shape form o r m anner, or tearing down fences, or leaving out e1!*« gates open, o r molest ing imrsonsl property, w ill be prosecu ted to th e fu ll ex te n t o f the law. W in. R . Johnson, Loereeof the above described premise« Hotlee is 1 nreby given th a t I have been appointed agent to look a fte r the E . W . Jensen propertv, situated on the “ B e a d s ” at P o rt O rfo rd , Oregon. A ll parsons caught trespassing in the dwel ling hosse w ill be prosecuted to the Hood's Sarsaparilla sella because I I Kcompllshes CRKAT CURBS. Mt Of*