da a well-played game of baeket New York and Massachusetts hpll teat might the town team teat largely lead In thrw reentege o f te­ Cobnty Court last week. » Ilia high school by • * » " > uf 5 to »• n u ity . They » « »b« threw»« of the The i Unlit, Fromm slid wife have mov­ 68,000,000 feet of lumber *a a Montv Powers, and thus earned be oljths^toeel^phroetoe S ta tis tic s o f U . 8 . N e w s p a p e rs shipped from the -Coquille river ed to town for the winter. yopd any other portion» of our (lu cJrp orated ) fro m Condite B u lle tin . , i - country. The Curry County Abstract Com­ during 1911.' • Langlois w ill soon have another pany ha» a uew card in thia isaue. County Court held a live day’s Number of Publications 21,148. .«loon,— 1*. F . Beaulieu having ap , 8|ieci»l music at the obu-ch Sun- aaion— adjourning Monday even D ik k c t q b v . r * s * te o d to w o * P * e B plied for a licence at thej January iog. The State U r thia year to Value of material* used 201,000,000 J Ward, Fred S C aughell i da>' • ’ •®‘ °8 - »««rybotey invited. ” ” Products 737^76,000 term of the County Court. - nearly 113000.*» aif*' net leae then W A W ood j C. H . Hearse, with Carl W Mtn as Number of employees 358,000 F. Choir practice will be held In Ahe $0000 in 1«11; the County levy to G o l d B e a c h , 0 r e 0 U b«»l»r, is doing inside work on the ■ restores and rs(,listes Dr. Fieme*» Salaries and wages paid 268,000,000 12 m ills, end ia Pvrt Orford pre­ church Wednesday evening at 7:30- paio sad builds up sad • new rohuol house. ' i tho AoMiiinM I A ll the young people who sing are cinct there are three special levies AH business w ill receive i Sivss it a U r I OacaZ Neygren ami hia sister Nora A Memorial Tower 850 feet high esked to he present aa a young peo­ amounting to 5 milht. The Globe jn t Strong, of Bauiiun were in town Ttieeday P rom pt A tten tion . w ill be erected in honor of the corn was awarded the County printing ple’» ehoir w ill be orgsniaed. .---------- -- ------------- :----------,-----------_ S ie k W ern en W e ii. night calling upon their old friends. p letiQ ^»fthe Panama Caual. I t F. B. Cameron, formerly publish­ by 2 subscriber» over the T bibumx . Yoe eaa’t eford to moept e sraseT oostrem es a «nbatituto will permanent structure and W . U . M EREDITH A. Marsh was in a tte n d a n t M er of the Agitator st Marshfield, wee adietas or shown oourasnio». become the property o f»San Fran County Court !»»t week in connec­ iu the city a" couple of day» this “ B o b " Evans is D e a d . ATTORNEY AN» C O U N S E LL O R ctoco. I t w ill be the highest struct- tion With hia duties as road super- week, buying fouls for a chicken AT HAW ure In the world excepting the Eiffel Rear Admiral Robly D . Evans, visor. ranch be expefil« to establish on tower in Paris. I t w ill coat $1300. F O B T O K F O B O , OUEOON the pride of the Naval world— the Chas. K. Mulhci», »ho haa a Coo» il.iy.— M. P. Enterpriah. *» A ....~ — ■ - —— —— — 000. * rnnel spectacular Naval hero sinoe homestead on Middle E lk , returned Fifty-tw o longshoremen are em­ E J LONEY home Saturday after aeveral week’s ployed loading Mie steamer M. 8- Hie days of P»ul J““«« * ° d L °rd J D LODGES (Cooe B ay N bws .) Motor? PuUic Nelsto,— died suddenly in Wash­ atveuoe at Coos Bay. f Dollar, which arrived S tiu y ls f* at ington, U. C., Jan 3rd, aged 66 yra. Fire and U fe limu ra nee. We rep­ Frank Cox was in Port Orferd the Smith m ill. She i» to take Vessels arriving from Portland resent the Beet and Must Reliable Friday tuuking final proof on hl» 2,000,000 feet of lumber and is ex Though outranked by Dewey, E v ­ last week report having pasted a ans Was heat known throughout the companies- c Hoii«e»teaut <)« tl»« Pa- Sating X ’maa pie J H e alack in landed to any other «»llroad. aorpo- r«bin last we&k ne»r Crescent C ity, L-ific coaat. Eve^y d e ta il w f the ratloo that ia opposed tu lhena. bis thumb •. < ;- T o r tlF r f O v e g O tìT ' ; nd „ third 'in d i,! ! WS. ed It makes the life Indian was rescu rescued. A n d d r a w o B ta il“ » ’ “ " '1 Chas. Mnrray, who waa shot by A a c w A T » !» F ’l - o p w t o t o r They bed hetd a social meeting and equipment o f the 3»ndon Obi what a tfig Boy a « I." Goldw Bee too it, Dee. 21aL on North imbibed too oiucli for safety. . -----.. complete — — Re­ Pa. elation most indeed.— Front atoeet, died Friday afternoon at the Merey hospital. Tbe woman B. H- Jo«, b.-other to Beecher corder. First-class in every reaped. Editor T ai bu s «'.— Would you allow me to oontment was with him at the hospital since Jess'. Port Orford'« bu»y blscksroith, Q o x l Feed S ta b le a tta e n d . < M a il R o u te to R e m a in As I t I«. upon a ph rate'in a'rtceo» wditorial she waa waa released on bail, end is H iiiv e d in town with his fam ily in which you refer to the “ hide ■aid to bo very week phyeteslly. last week ftom Sjilten, Or., and as We run the Stage from Port Orford We und^ratsnd that all the eon having bed very little steep end no bound eocieltets, etc " via Dwhryvllle, connecting with the he like« lh a look» of thieonasl coun­ try he expects to liwule here and templated mail clisngss between Allow tae to say that I th in k that dwnrefor food daring the time she tltage to Myrtle Point. thia placegnd M yrtle Point have a person who knows why ha to « » ■ « s e a t hie bedside. H n rrs y . who engage In business later on. gone by the board, and that in the claliet, from study, tea little better ares about 30 years old, hail served There will be a hssketball 'game future, as in the psst, the mail will qualified to. decide condittoae of four yean in tha U . 8. have, before in the hall at this place next Satur­ come via the Catching creek route. membership in the party thaa aa eoAing to the hay shoot three years day nigh between our high ethool Thia will lie good news to a num­ enthusiastic booster for LaFollette, ago. He refused to make any ante­ boys and the ltetoyvilte h »m . A ber of people in this section who ob­ even whan they know th at by boost­ mortem statement ooooeraing the large crowd ano a good gsme ia ex­ jected to having ihe.tnail come via ing the Wisoonsin m»«. it means a shunting. Hia atep-falher sod moth pected. Admission to the game Bandon, and hence delayed a day er live In Texas, epd Fred Lytte, a boost for the fish of Oyetar bay. 10c, fdHowed by a dsneo. longer in getting here. There la .no SocialiaU are eot ¡anxious to re­ friend of the deceased, haa inforim-.t tragedy. Goldie There are th.ee Basketball teams good reason why the Curry county cruit their rank» fh>m the people them of I**« B K T s X - ’I A K X * Jicote ail cannot come over the Cetch until they know why they want ^to Besontt is at the Cooe hotel under Voa-t O rfnrrt. O r e g o n in Port Orford: The Married Men, m charge of a special officer, having the High School and the Young ing creek route from Myrtle Point 1 join our forces. to Port O rforrfln one day, and come i Oura ia • campaign ol education again been placed tinder arreettoben Men.. This ia going »«me for so Wood and Iron W ork promptly in good shape and arrive here, be­ in social and political economy, Murray died. She haa now to fact dons at moderate price«. Wive me small a town. Besides these, the E lk Rivets live near and »lay their fore 11 P- M. aa it bag been doing a based upon princi|ttoe In bonrgeoia * new charge of murder in tbe first A tr ia l befortegolng elsewhere. practice gamer in town. The hall number of times lately. I t is said economy which wakes vn a vo io a e .« degree.— The poet mortem held by „ , that one of the causes of trouble at a continual ejaaa struggle, ever in ­ D r. Mingus ahowed that tha bullet, is unfit for the fascinating game, J. H . U P T O N / and steps ought to be taken to ' the present time is that the carrier creasing in intensity. We teb not which entered the left ahoulder from M yrtle Point to Hare to try ­ make thia struggle, but recognixe blade, pierced both lungs, severed FOTABY PUBLIC, . build a Town H all next summer, suitable for the gain« and fof other ing to run a stage at toast part of -its existence end that this struggle the spinal cord and lodged in the IiANaLOIS, Ovaav Co., Oa. OON. __ | public purposes. W hy not ask the the way, and thia throws him way cannot be avoided under the present muscles of the body at the right Commercial Club to take up the behind schedule time. Contractors economic system. ’ . ..i. We area unit if* opposition to matter andgmsh it to successful ac­ should be compelled to take Ute mail through as quickly aa possible, these causes, and recognise that a complishment. and leave passengers and traffic vote for any old or hew party or The steamer Alliance lost her alone if tbqv are being delayed ganixed upon, or sustaining the old i.r rudder early Sunday morning off thereby.. Properly equipped peck economic system to a vote a o a im t Repairing Wetehoa and Jewelry Cepe Blanco, whera a Wireleaa dis­ ho'ses can bring, the m ail from ouwsxLVce, henos the alleged pro­ specialty- All work guaranteed. patch waa received and a tug was M yrtle Point to Lstngloia, in good vision tn our bylaws which seems you know Orders token for Watobee and Fancy , L # u r ,Torj wM received shape on schedule time, and from th a t y o u a re to yon ao Jobjectidnsbla. We seek Jewelry. Work turned out on short that the tug failed to find her, but a the latter place it can be driven Justice to all men, nut do aotjrecog- g e t t i n g th e ootloe. ‘ steamer picked her up and towed here by stage over one of the beet o ne p r e p a ­ nixe that Justice can be done under I her to Portland, where her large wtntek roads in Coos .or Curry Co. C a II on me Ht L anqloi - s O r room . r a t io n th a t the present system. list of passengers were a.tfe at to«», h a a a to o d - --M E . B. H a l l . and w ill never cease to Wees the t h e te s t 13 B orn in 3 Y ear«. discovery of Wireless Telegraphy, o v e r th ir ty - T O P E K A , K a n , Dec. 26.— Rev. fiv e y e a r s the miracle of the age. Oklahoma C ity, Okla.— Hia re Charles M. ftlieldon, author of " In (Suceesor to A. B. 8«»ix) a n d »till re ­ The town tease of basket bell cent complaint th at the pairing H is Steps,’’ "The Crucificetion of m a in s t h e S te n J a r J room of the railway afetion at Boyn P hilip Strong” end other books pur­ players played a practice game last t o n ic - f o o d « m e d ie i n e , e » J J n ln u * Saturday with a team composeo, composed of j,,,,, 061»., was without fire on a porting to show what would happen uaed a n d re c o m m en d a d u H u D u ll J three of the married men’s team and bitterly cold day, led to tbe dieoov- if Christ were to return tb earth to­ h y th e OTedical profes­ A I,V th in s ? not in stock, w ill a couple of piek Ups, the latter teas», ery lfaat j jj . Jackson and wife ere day, haa resigned from the Central sion th a w o rld o ver. ■Anything not in sic« , 1(,ng end of . i$< |he of 14 children, is of Congregational church here and i be pleagcd tC order to 7 re Thn w m e WBa fast and > whoB, were born in 3 years. 'T h * w ill devote biroeelf to lecturing oa H ava ik in g h ie A T L '’ D o N B iWrnal Forty, '»ho acted as referee, m | , child, a son, to now 14 year» socialism. ..................... ... ■ old. S u n d a y 8erv ia e s a t P o r t O rfo rd The increase in the Jackson fam­ ttie rough work out, and he acquit IS t h a a m h o d iin e n t o f ted himself very creditably. The ily became marked fie f years ego. Sunday School every Sunday at elem ents th a t m a k e fo r D E N N IS C U N N IF F , JR ., Twine ere now five years old. T r ip ­ line-up follow»: g o o d h e n lth and 10 fi. M. Pica lets succeeded tbe twins In twelve — ora »CW w ------- Dep. 0 .8 . Mineral Surrey^ w r t t UB f Christian Endeavor a t 7:80. A strength- 1 i N h » ’ *00 months and in another year triplets Forw .ru. j g aertiae ____ ____ _______ O m short song M T « « ' w ill ba held first. L W h ite A i* - - at C W hite fturveyorfor the D istrict oí O r­ Guards • J Jj L F o r ty , egon. Me wart children on the same day. I «eno, J Stone ' - - -- ‘ - Í . Jt- Y . . . O regon G o ld SÜencel Curry Ciuntf Abstract- Rialty Company. ¿Capital S to c k $ 5 0 0 0 W , «. r. MaAee Wteafr Wwnea i IW U IH ATTOHAJKY A’A’ JUA.W. Jas. Ss Capps» I AT Langlois H ardw are Store K N A PP HOTEL, i P ro p . Hardware Kinds Mflbchlificrjr & M o w in g M a ch in es. E x tr a s fo i D airying^ O eb orn e, M ilw a u k e e M ach in ery . _ P a in ts , O ils & S tu m p in g P o w d e r F in e lin e o f G un», B a se b a ll p ara- p h e r n a lla , an d o th e r S p o r tin g G o o d s k e p t in S to c k . B la c k _ S m it h in g D o o r s a n d W in d o w s In variety c o n sta n tly k e p t o n h a n d . P ip e F ittin g » , Plumbing* a n d T in w o r k o f a ll k in d s d o n e o n sh o r t n o tic e . Cheever ® Bowman, L a n g lo is, Or. WATCHMAKER By This Sign DOORS - WINDOWS - MOULDINGS E L L IO TT W -I. SJVBI3N for 'Anything you Need in Mill Wcrk W rite us tor Prices or any Informs,- tion you Need in this Line NIKinfs tf Harnt» and j'* North Bend Manufacturing Co E m u l9 lo n i M o r th i l e n d , O r e g o n Hr