Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1912)
. * - >• A ,- .. .-*»**«* IHÉ TlíJBl.NK. „ _x. .¿' .*. re, F ïirniturel C. Short Courses 8UMMABÏ WEATHER Begin Jan: 3, Contiuue Four Weeks WKDNEBDA*- JAS. 1». 1012.' ____ * _ • ** • • P u b lis h e d E v e r y ’»'.’• Á p v a iía y A y - A Complete Eeport of weh Month Showing Curry ty’s Wonderful Climate. YOU ARE "' iriK U V f . KTRWA'r"’. (Temper »tU'ej Frank A. S tew art, As» » U te E ditor , ¡H ig tfC ö w jM . j l > l n f a l l ;C l» u ’ P C 1. 'C l'ily |R a .n y|M t» c lla u en u s . 8UB8OBÍPTIDN K a T»>. One Oopy One" Year ■ ............ - Una Copy Mix MonUut.. x a _ U lu r ft r f ■A, '•h ie Copy T h re e M o n th s . B atí » B e.’ «“»» am :». W j X f t «Í I J .« I si I * ” | ¡08 í' ¿ I T 2*" 51 Vrw-t en 6 4ay-, Ha i 7 Thi'.ie«r «. Fra»t <« s aapa, Hei i 8 .jä ~ I T 3 ~ á i'í'Í S 'l I L » F e b ra p rÿ [ > Wei « h Ap tC“ A o v a r-< M M t I ¡ H 3.9« is T 3T m '.'hanUe. . t • I “'-.I 11 I T - Prual ou S dhÿe. ti T. H J, I9~ j 7 11 b -> 19 U l, lüsúíi treat un th è iota. T 'j 10 1.1/ te f. - 5 '• [Foesy S üajra. -rr i « ¡ ' « j . ’Ä T i i |U - Ju.y 1 S K oe I i b U0 August " . f # I « , Clu-fktt Piieha, hem! o f the Young 8»>pt«<un’r| 81» I H ( 9ú [ • JJB 18 I » T u ik e, ini* i»wn «•■«»»aiiiaiwl by the Ô i’j ^ ils f- j lÂT i C i 4 9 * j * * J * *•** fatiaiie-, «riZ> prefer the whl w ays to '¿ T h November) t» j 30 | 4« ) ¿41 i 15 "l - ,J jK llllng froat ôn i l A 21. (Modern pri>grendvem-s».' P uorT qr 15 j K illt«¿ ÎrS ê lï «Ky»,'" ' ÏT ir E U [J L*4ya»y f a o o j p ^ . i y ’. key I Her giibblipg d ays aye about Hecoui e r «4 j 9 4 4 3 j •■‘•8 tí« io« 74 «0.57 103 rotai», Mêôu’ïèin p . î l ,over. J. D. LOUCKS, Observer Tde. Densncralic nom inees f«w V ov- •lilo r , U nited States Senator and Congressmen!!, were e ll elected; So cinltsla en d progressive HepubliCans Uc I ping to elect them , l b s I«ek'»- lu iu fe stand 16 lJeiMut'l'Hlio S e lta to is mid 4 I.cp iib h can ; bO Dennocratia .R ep iesen liliv es and 6 Re,iuhlicat>. T a ft would not allow the |« n n le tp vote oB the Recall o f J u d g e s , but the inoonting l.egialntuie w ill enact it again in spite of 1 aft and e ll the J. I) L oucks , Cashier (/»oía K napp ,. Pres. E. J. L onky , A sst i ’aslt C. W. Z umwalt , V. Pres. H obt . MLK enzik , Directo. .- . U A M i O P ; 0 U R iiA SK iN < B U SIN E SS SO LICITED For Sale-or Exchange F. Ï-------------- Reward. N ow, w ill the above m ovem ent have the sagacity not U>sny deceit c y , to forego the intrusion of p a t ronising" airs, w hich if indulged >0 towatd their ward* eould not fail to render their last condition worse Cherry, Aris , Dec. 97, 1911- then their first? Kditor T aiau n x: T(iv Supreme Court o f W ashing I have been w atching with inter- wet tbe light for the Port at Port Or ton State has a (firmed the judgm ent ford. As the |>eople have the Ke o feo n v ict'o n again st H illm an , the eaii 1 esu n ot for the life o f m e see town site fiend, and he m ust serve w hy th eie should he such strong Iris sentence and paj^a fine o f $10, oppusidun to the Port by some o f 000 besides tbe edets o f the prose the Cltixelis. ms (lu-y can recall tire cution which total up another 910,' C oum iitsioneis if ttu*y »*se»* the 000. Rut he is a m d lio n a iia and taxpayers loo high and often. Once can stand it vary com fortably. get the Imrbor wo'k t,»rled, aud in .T h e main plea on hia appeal was ray opinion, Curry county w ill that I wo Socialists o f groat influence boom and prosper as few people oat on the ju ry that convicted him! d leu in of. Som e of J. C. Lee's Suutti Lake W s have ju st passed through an port victim s got after him bot foot, excitin g cam A rn ou a, anu whereupon it ia Mid th a t he fled th e progressive Democrats, Repuhfi in to B ritish'Colum bia. H e richly eao a a n d Stor.-iaiiel« won a great vie deaurveya M jty co j’s sentence iu in ry. The anM iiUM *! t e ’the Com, Stripes. • stllO tibn carried by 90 per cent. L engloir, Or. i S H A N G H A I, Deu. 2«.— Or. S o s Y at Sen was “unanim ously elet-ted president o f tbe Chinese repuldio (»day. T a n g S h oo Y i and Wa H o g Fang agreed today to accept tbe form of G overnm ent which tbe na tional assem bly called a t Pekin sh a ll select. I l w ill be either a li ited m onarchy or an absolute repeb- lia. W h ile negotiations are on tbe eim istice w ill be extended. Pre m irr Y uen Shi L a i is reported on " tick leave.” I t ie know s th a t be tendered hie resignation, bat it was refused^ It is feared be w ill be asaaseieated. T be election o f Dr. Sun president marks w bot is believed to be th e fi nal collapee o f tbe Mancha d yn asty. W iring Io N an k in g, where he was eleetkd,'from here, Sun said hie pol icy b ou ld be peace and a stable gov tin m en I. Im m ed iately on receipt of bis election, »000 tyoupe Weredtk- petched to N an k in g to protect offi cials o f tbe new republic— to be. , N o tic e f b r P u b li c a t io n . M l06 , , Z'xraa'mtsT or «no la v a s too, U. 8. Land Office'as Roseburg.Oregon. November 93, 1011. Notice is hereby given that T uaddbvs U b « sn of Port Orford, Oregon, who, on De cember 8,10(18, made Homestead entry Serial No. MI08, tor Lot a. Sec. 1, and Lots 1 and 2, flection 9 Township 33 8 ., Range 14 West Willamette Meridian, bos filed notice o f intention to make Pinel Five-year Proof, to establish claim to tbe land above described, be fore Hardy T. Stewart United State« Oonuaitsiener at Port Orford, Oregon, on the 6th day of January, 1012., Claimant names na wltnesaea: ♦ w. o. Corbin, of Port Orford, Oregon. W. H. Matbeoey, A lfred Halts, of Danmark, ” ” Georg» O. Mother, of Port Orford, ” B aaixu ia F. J o a n Beelator o» ” » M e S » I« tn e e n 1*».,». clean tdnud mesns a d e in skin, bo tm uty without it. C h m re U , Candy Cathar tic clean JOW blood " * had ‘ k«ip it clean, fo U i-T in g UP t il« la«» liver and driving ail P u U m hum the bony, begin to-day to “w ayii pnngieS,, twtlq, blotch«», hU ekhiw U iK?saÄ‘ Ä 2Ä M _____ m OPEN FIRE- P O H T tfo lots. Tbe letter show s thst the wri■ ter is in ■ progressive state, and that be is one ut tlie progressives, is e v i denced by hia strong stand iu favor of the Port of Port Orford. our •» P ortland, Or., Jan.2 (Special j — A slate-w ide campaign of eduvUtlon that lends toward instead .o f sw ay N O B A N K W IL L H A N D L E ffwtn the farm is to be tjnrfertwkew- YCUR B U 8 IN E 8 » BETTER early in the year. T be S la te B an k ers’ A ssociation, tile Oregon A gri HAROY T . 8T E W A R T cultu ral C ollege an d the Oregon U . «5. C O M M 1 U 8 I ® N E 1 1 , D evelopm ent.League are oo-operal- P o r t O r f o r d . O r o jj - o it iug with th e State Superintendent o f Public Inatruotion to form ulate a Office days in town—Tuesday, Wed courae o f stu d y to lie ihtruduoed nesday and Saturday of each.week. ' * _- ................... in to public schiHila of Oregon. T k jb u n U and Gome in and see J. W. M c K enzw , A conference wiH be held at Cor Its vallis about the m iddle o f January » . seadera a happy and prosperous new at whioh the various interests will Iuiproved 4% acre h o v e In East Ash tie represented aix^u course o f in year, 1 remain land ; almoat level t faces on two streets; struclion w ill be adopted. Com Y onrs sinoerely new live room cottage, with closet aud J amhb C ox. m ercial organisations are expected p a n tr y ; cow stable and four henhouses. • “ A ll Atrtloaa wants the recall of to arrange aimujtaneouH m eetings A ll under poultry fence and act to fruit Jo<lg«8 rè incorporateli tia the oon throughout the stats at which their trees—some bearing. City water for « titu iio u ,” »aid Judge Frank li n£ C U R R E N T T O P IC S . members w ill be informed on the house use "and Irrigation ; ono-fou rth *‘an<t lite itesi part o f it all is There mile to »00,000 new High School, alao plan and speakers selected to v isit w ill be op|Mieitfon to ' it. It is n««r paved streets. the local sc h o o l» sa d deliver - talks B y J H. U w o n . not so much that A it a n t e » fear the Cash price »5,500. Would exchanxe Io the children alotig tlteseljin e » . for rood agrtcnltural property or dairy judges ns the arbitrary manner io Editor T k ib u s k : which President Tuft oompelled the )•,' One o f the great m istakes o f Urn The school m eetings w ill also ba farm of equal value, or divide to auit - Address (owner) • held “Hi a date to las anpounued lot« purcboaer. people to vote it out o f the consti hum an fam ily has alw ays »men n ' K F. 8TABB, t-r. » v tu tino in order to be adm itted to IcBdepcy to strike et effects w ith no M California, S t , Ashland, Qr. 1 Stalk Imokera arc stro n g ly beck* th e union. I expect to tee a scram in telligen t thought oi cau ses.. , rug the plan end are contributing ble ih the legislature fo r th e h on or T o W hsu It May CsMscern. ~"T have just her« reminded o f the fu to m aintain an orgaoiaer io b f introducing the bill for the sub- •b o re facts fresh by reading the ac the geld, who w ill visit, fhe varhma 1, the undersigned, hereby give no 'm ission o f thia am endm ent.*’■—Kx. epunt o f a réceuC v is it by a band o f , ha-al sc I kh H bonriis and teachers and tice that I have a conveyance from tbe gttod wi)4ihw-to itè- "red lig h l’’ d ie Patentee to tlAelapils and water lbte in wtBat’their aid: ' . ' T h e weather »«port for 1911, in . .th e Harbor of Port Orford, Oregon, on titut in K ansas C ity for the purpose th is issue o f the T ui tu g a, shows, we S olos in terestin g cooipnrieons are, „ p^tiop of yridch » part of the wharf o f offciiog em ploym ent in respect’ believe, th at C utty fu o a ty baa as « .. -» - ueradted without tpy ooxyent. Al able home» to euoh o f tbe inm ates shoW ifhy G overnm ent figufep on dquuble clon aie a sfw n be found in as would aiweptThe offer. A t hoe Oregon's population, just gleuoed parties are hereby warned not to drive In any maaSies what buy part o i the UhiLeu HtmeS. We o f tbe places Yin led . » g k l ofapjie r from tbe last ceurus bv the Depart- ~X rifree from cycTones a n d lo i nadoa ent culture soblavl out, "Oh, if 1. ^aenToTCnijimerce and Labor. The - Mm. A sma 0- Daav. ‘— have lilllp enow«>r ice, end ere Portland, Oregon. oould have m et ''women .like you 'liu m lt e r o f people Io the square m ile seldom bothered with the fogs that after v y mishap, I would not have from < 3 iu 1900 Ui 7 in 1910. The frequently bang over the coast both k e n ¿ere, inalead I was mails In “irifi of |h>puluLion du rin g the da M etlee A»r P u b lic s » « « » . O4C7S north and south of us. W hen bans- feel i^ all o f m y sex Ihnt 1 w as a cmle wee lowor<l the uiU ueao<toxay D tra a T U e U v o r vus Iwraaioa portwlion comes and Curry co u n ty ’s l|»pele»t outcastr* And who can ti"in Hie farm s. Teh years ago the U .4 4 . L a n d Office a t Roeeburg, Oregon clim ate becomes know to the world, |mrcenia£u o f (icople io cifiek of December 16,1011 d sp y tb a | »lie *pt»ke tru ly? tb s 2o00 prop's now bolding dnwn 2500 or" more was 32 2 and oa Ute Notice ts hereby given that Some o f the Victims visited b a * the county c n i be dumped in to use ,, 'Eawaau H. DlVHJM’S ' hveikkiduapped by "w hite slave’’ larm s 0?,8; in 1910 ib is was ch an g - o f her cities and lust w ithout mak ed, with 45 6 in the oilies aqd 54 4 of Port Orford, Oregon, who, on Nov. 10, 1«)«, mode Homestand entry Serial dealers, w hile tbe greater number in g any noticable difference. in rural Oregon. H arn ey, L e s s n A. 04073, for NJ NEJ NJ S E lo f N E tf, eortldn’l liv e on the'wages paid ip and Malbetlr bounties average lees and »WJ SEJ NEJ, Bectlou 7, Town ship 38 Kanae 14 Wert, Willamette , t In a “ Straw vote” taken by tbe factories and stores. than oue person to the square mile. lfeiid ian . has tiled no'ice of intention It M-cra« never to have occurred to make Uaal five year proof So estab Farm and Home in New E ngland, Baker held a notable celebration lish claim to the land above described M iddle,C entral, N orthw estein, Wes to these kind visitors, that they had du rin g tbe past week when th eon e- before Hardy T. Stewart, United Matas began thehr work on the wrong end Comiuisatoner, at Port Orford, Oregon, tern and tioutbei n S lates, La Pul- huudredth anniversaty of th e' com on theind dav of Peoruary, 1912. lette beat Taft in every section by of the problem. If, instead of rush Claimant names a s witnesses: ing uf tbe w hite man to th at section hn aggregate of 24 to 1, and Rooee ing to "bargain sale»’’, these good David Crowley, of Port Orford, Oregon o f tbe state was oOserved w ith ap J. M. West, of " ” v e il by tieurly 8 to 1. lei P o lle lle womsit bad resolutely boycotted propriate exercises. The com in g of B. M. Meek, of \ the produots o f factorise which ba is gaiuing all the tim e all over the L . 1». Meek, o f Captain W ilson Brice H u n t over B xmamim F. Joaos, U n ited States, so d ia the o n ly Re oitually grind extortiooate prohta R eg ister land from F ort Boise to w hat ia now publican, w ith the possible ex cep ou t of helpless girls and ehildrao Baker C oen ty was told again and tion of R ooeevelt, who can beat any much goo<l would be accom plished the hereiam o f the early pioneers , Democrat« Few independent Re — mucli more than by raids to re honored. claim tbe fallen— the viedtns of publicans w ill vote lor Taft, nor for T esting plants for the ores of Tbe undersigned lost a yaloable v«r W ilton because h is position against their own greed and neglect. Strike; the Recall o f Judges, nor fo ' aov at the cause rather than the effect. Eastern and W estern Oregon min mint dog on Nov. 10tb last, of the fol- loping description: A black bound Democrat who advocates a "Tatiff Follow ing' th e raid, the loader ing d ih tilcu have been recommend bitch with a little white on front cf ed by tb e 8 tate M iners’ A ssociation, for R evenue” w ithout "Incidental sa id : . i neck; a banch on tbe th roat; two white Protection.” - * "W e d o not intend tA leave tbe w ho ere follow in g out the sugges toes on hind foot; long tall and short lion s o f Secretary Fishsr o f the I n hair. women slim e in their battle lor new life." H. B McAfee, leader in terior D epartm ent. It is ie believ A reward of 910 will be given for E n d o r s e s th e P o r t. tbxm uyem enL H id . “ K indly ^woin,- a d o r e testin g stations m aintained her return alive or Information as to ber whereabouts, and a reward of »50 w ill'a « as sponsors for them ar It is W*ihi»iea«ure th at < e give in the m in in g sectio n sliy the G ov will be given for the arrest and con ter they have obtained em ploy men» vfetien of aay person or persons who Spaoe to tits» follow ing letter I rum to help them over tb e hard plates ern m en t would be o f great value'., to stole o r k ille d he r. the industry. , 4. N oaiaa Boos. 'Jas. F- C ox, an old Cut ry C ountyite and g ive them encouragement in Denmark, Or. living righ tly.” and brother of Justice Cox, o f Lang corporations. W isbing the Wall Paper, Pope Window-glass FARMER^ BUSINESS COURSE BY CORRESPONDENCE - r ’ , The prune« «oai«e« on jo»'r p i p e t . / I b u w .lh e .u i« 1« w h ich your e u —} ‘ «crir.üon 1« mt Id. ' Seeing :tit-jpliuJe in an KasttHte paper that Bod' S. C olei, a New Yurt: a illM n iffif. advocated mhi U lish in g ’‘SflUKlIs T o Teach Social t-ui", the T u fK .tii pieeumed that be bad hnetniie* a- conve.-t to the cause. Hut, be is one o f Its bril lia u . foes. H is school» would seek to educate against Sttcialiain, and if n o . snccrssful life w ould crush it by force. He is a striking exam ple of ’the old haying "W bom the Gods would oestroy, T hey li/st fnakc tnod.” A Class wart between the 'rich and the |>oor is hastened by rich fools, and they w ill go down when it docs come. INVITED Every eHtien a t Oregon Is ourdially Invited to attend Mas» »hurt oourte - uf the Oregon Agrletilt«r»l College, begin ning January A I leven distinctive connate wltt be o fte rw l 1„ Agriculture, Meelianto Arts, D'>m. i,tlr8eieti.'e r.nd Aft. Commerce, Forestry and Manic Every course 1. designed to HELP Ute rtndent i* bis Hally w rk. Moke tf.ia « pleas ant and profitable winter outins. No tuition. IteasouaUr accommodation». For beautiful illustrated holletlu, ».l ires« H. M. TENNANT, Register, Corvalli', Ora. ■ e .« ? * ÏLA6E STOVE PO RT ORFORD, MONARCH M A LLEABLE STEEL RANGES. L&rge Assôrtm en t e f Han dP ain ted China tor Christmas. Lanterns, Lam ps and C utlery. Newhouse Steeltraps, P o u ltry Net?ng AIL MÖRDERS PRÜMPTL Y FILLED OREGON WILLIS T WHITE,Sr It«al Estub; Notary Pnblte Port Orford, Oregon . ■*- J 40 acres in Tow nship 3 6 - 14.—Tim ber, 165 acres in Tow nship 34r 14.—Tim ber. F ine Hog ranch. 351 acres in T ow nship 3 4 - 14. Fin« stock ranch. 160 acres in T ow nship 3 4 - 14.—Timber. G I L L I N G S ^ H S , g » P W W S tH4SP U I W W H " Correspondence solicited. Fort (Orford, Or,, Nov., 6,1911 AMES S. JOHNSTON Wanted. f8aoressor to N . C. K elsen , j I went to buy some good Vronrs, 8 to 14 months old; also some calves two weeks and older. . I have some good buck sheep to te ll, also borne good ewes. Address H. W. LEADS, Wedderburn, O r.- GELERAI« RERCHAVr, Heal Estate Notice. NEW GOODS, - ^ y P o r t Orford, Or.-x^, —»« lntantion to handle Reni county, and I Batate m Carry < to have offices In Port Orford and Gold Beach early In tlie Bpring. In tfie mean tim e I will be pleased to corre spond with any one that has property for sale. I make a specialty of handling farm and timber land I hare parties that wont Fruit, Dairy, Hay and Graxing lund. W. H. Mooax. 3M-Henry Building. Portland, Or. ■ my pat pose I keep a fu ll stock of everything required » , trade in the Hi G R O C E R IE S and P R O V IS IO N S , BOO TS and S H O E M E N S and BOYS, C L O T H IN G , ' L A D IE S ’ D R E S S GO ODS, H A R D W A R E , G R A N IT E and T IN W A R E . . , C IG A R S , T O B A C C O , P lF E S C A N D Y . N U T S j n d N O T IO N S. T R E S P A S S N O T IC E . w • . * In fact, a supply of everything u sually kept in a well stocked General Merchandtae Store. ' All persons are hereby warned not to enter upon tbe lands of tbe ondersign- ed on Elk river for the purpose of hunting or fishing, without my con sent. Any person so doing will be prosecuted to the full extant of tbe law. ORDERS TAKEN FOR ANY ARTICLE NOT iS STOCK. Call and examine goods and g et prices. K obxii V M c K smbim . ’ V « » " « .» A » .-.» - ■ — WINTER HATS. Mrs. M. A. Nielsen, the Port Orford Milliner, has just recaived a shipment of up-to-date winter hats, which she of- fers at very reasonable prices. Call op er before buying elsewhere. .» ■ JOHN R. MILLER. - -• • GENERAL MERCHANT, N o t ic e fur P u b lic a t io n . 04020 DaraaTMixT or THi I ktbbiob , U. 8. Land Office, at Roeeburg, Oregon —- —- Nov. l«tb, 1011. _ Notice is hereby given that Faxncie A . Cox of Langlois, Oregon, who, on Augnst 15, 1906. m al« Homestead entry 14127. Serial No. 34080, for Ixrts 19, 13, rt and a * *’ a 15, Section 36, Township 31 S., Range •» 16 Wert W illam ette Meridluo, has filed notice of Intention to m ate final five-year proof, to ertabtish claim to the land above described, before Hardy T. Stewart, United States Commis sioner, at Port Orford, Oregon, on tbe 5tb day of January, 1012. Claim ant namPs as witnesses; It sh all ba i Earl Hale of Denmark, Oregon. m y purpose to keep fu ll stock o f ev e r y th in g required by the Boy Hafte of Denmark, Oregon. David Crow lev of Port Orford, Oregon , trade in th e lin e o f Alfred Hafte of Denmark, Oi Oregon. i B khjamih F. Joaos G R O C ER IES and P R O V ISIO N S, Register Port Orford, Oretron- Has opened a new Store, with KEW GOODS, a M E N ’S nnd B O Y ’S C L O lH IN G . B ° ° T 8 ‘ nd SH ° KS N o tic e fo r P u b lic a t io n . 00009 DaraaTMSav o r t h i I xtbbiob , L A D IE S ’ D R E SS GOODS C. 8. Load Office, at Bonebnrg, Oregon F A N C Y GOODS, • November 19, 1011. Notioe is hereby given that C IG A R 8, TOBACCO, P IP E S , ~ * Haxar M. A xtbix , of Port Orford Oregon, whe, on Angast 9 A N D Y , N O T B and N O T IO N S. 14, 1009. mode "Tfotnefetead entry Serial, No. 04006. for NW) PEJ, SEI KKJ, HJ NEJ of 8EJ, 8eo. 17. Township In fart, a su p p ly o f e v w y th in g « .« a lly k ep t in a w ell ^ « ,* « 1 Geueral S3 8 . Range 14 west Willamette Meri dian. has filed notice of intention to M erchandise Store. make Final Commatstlon Proof, to aa- tatllsb claim to tbe land above describ ed, before Hardy T. Stewart, Da ted States Cotominsioner, - t Port Orford, Oregon, on tlie tth day of January, Claimant names as w itn e s s « : James 8atton, of Port Orford. Oregon. R .U . McK«snte,uf " ” - H enry McBride, of ” ” ” John Fromm, of ” ” " BaiMAMiM F . Jonas , Bcgiater. Orders T a b for Anythfoi not in Stock. C all and E xam in e Çooda, en d . < get Prieee. JOHN H. MILLEB.