Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1912)
«■■•■' Remedies are Needed ■ Town « id Contit j . Curry Count, Abstract- Ronit, Euwpany. X io ld « 4 Read tHe- Ouuwark ! Mercanti!« . Froi. K ent and « if« returned to Co’», pew ^ . Ik** . ad i" . _ , Langluta Friday, where he re®um«®j y y_ g y , « , ! went down tba $ e tt C l l , 0 r e O n : hie leaching. COOBt J ,„ Thursday on * social “ lli ----- i— I When having an abstract made see ..y * ,,, Chin» many othersi.h'F® .U o touod it out, TJT - 7 - * • H M yrjls I’o*nt, Ore- D®°- 20— By a , Herbert Uuiaaa, who went below voM ©f 427 to 18, t l x prupoallon to j sine« our ly rte m i have b r ,ou w a x -» » 8 «•— w - * v Uhin»?” ______ ||w u W T k . HkinoU M ill was idle la»t i bnslneas visit. 8 | and broken dowa through as eu iron Ike early sgto, ics err seeded Io _ _ Natwm several day* ago, returned Friday organise the Port of M yrtle Point | accompanied by Mies Be.ris Lewis, tarried at the spetyal election here ad “ ** to p o d . troubles, there b a M edical Diaoov- D r. : hw s i x - s i ’s ? 2 s r : - — • * - * »ood certificate. The certificate should Mrs. W .u M iller of Coquille » .teed oni amount of error £ w something, unless It cw be re U e d ji-iiin g her .mother, Mrs. M n-.form er filing. upon It Is Vt no value. I Bride, at Port Orford. | (¡i.rence W right and A J Th» T b ib U « whelming M a il had been aolicipn V ° wife have letter from N . C. NWM®». who say M r. Barrett and fam ily, m e n « ret up hmisexeepm» . . ¿ng his wife, mother in law and soo building, where they srscnxily fixed, his ol w . H . M E K E D IT H » forty yearn w ith groat satiafoetfon to an m _----- a n . ------- ot ',------------------------ io the g, _____________ __________ to, L iy a r C om plaint, Paia Palato the Stomach etiar eft - c.ria - W «k ' D iarrhea ’ H eartb ara, Bad Breath, Belching of food. Chronic and other luteatioal ** « ■ » --------- ,»r fe • t r a i t - p r o r a «nd most e fic U o t i itiiiody • . , | That the Pacific Northwest nerd • n(j< w k „ teCoI„j p|aw w lth any olh spent a few days in town lately »* and where thev will be pleased to but it may a ( settled ®r section of the country in feeding W I it »• ' • ------ the guests of Mr. and Mr». l,»rsoa- (ee their friendb. ' } •• _ e o n * -u t h . fu r n it u r e •»<* ***••« > •*« l¡rt» to c k -ÍS show .. by AT I«AW down by pnrobM inj in u m Q-f A 2 100 pound d own b y p n rc o a s in g tbs o» » r u u n n « e ,. . , Dave Carey has leased the Bond Lsel Friday morning was the of the St. Francis Hotel in Moun-j ' K "u„a P O B T O a r o ttl), OKKOON stock yen da place on E lk,river fmui M r..K napp ooldest morning experienced in Port tain View, C a lif, 42 miles from ban • l* * r “* ' * »WIU ’ lit mt slsxiaaaassl «kill /2 14 I per cent. So that dressed out 72 14 ■fid hap moved bis househo nid goals Orf.iitl thia winter, with ice è »neb Francisco. H e 4M not forget to or J U W iiE Y J D LOUCKS mid will thick and ground froxeit. I l la the der the T b ibü m « x n t to hieaddrêas. far s» koowu this is tbe best per and fa m ily to the fart», an centage ever suotri» anywhere. The tiutary Public northern sweep of the cold wave engage hi dairying. much lidnated corn bylt I» surpass that struck Denver and Southern riré and Ufo lu au rp n «. We rep D r, Bchliemsan of Gold Beach, Gold B»»cb, ed.» ’ Tl,c elm,iipion steer, at the re resent the Best and Most Bell able ws, called to Euchre creek last week ¡C altfo rax, tojunng or.ngu trwan. National Livesiock*T»how in ceni' ~~— " s» OMBpasle». td attend llw daughter of Mr. a n d , Frank Garrison, who was tri«d oeut. During tbe yeur just pa«t more Chicago Oii»i»»d 08.2 and M m W ill Monro. The lk ils ! u ,e U o n d Ume in CoOs county for l ’ o r t O i - f o r d , O «*»|g<r» improvements are apparent In Gold one w as much Ix lir r when fast heal'd the murder of Roy Perkins, w*» W eifuhe fi+quently sse ihe name I found guilty of murder in t lx first Beach than has heen made In that from.( . touno guiny k past ten or fifteen years. of Ralph Ralph B. H un u n t of Eugene, eon J. H U N T L E Y , degree and w.s a e n te n e d Ito ' come io; n e w U c te d with the Pacific Great West The meet in ga of the Port Conk banged «V Judge Coke at C o d i l e New pm p e have . ^misaiopera will be held in P oll O r I houses have gone op, and the stain ero Ry Co. kfr. H u n t 1» a gradu OOLD JBIfAOM, OREGON, last week, but the date of execution ford et 1 P. M . on the aecund Sat part of town is gradually springing ate of llre 'BsBdon High Schixr- u n gguaruutoed A b s tru c ta o f K e ill ol eseh month slid not on •’Tuesday was not Set. x t; up oh llu, elevated'fial h a ll, a mil» der Prof, llinlgins. and is ii brother The petit ion f ^ the restoration of and more south of the m -xtk of th» to B arry imd -B P. H u n t of Baitdop. P ro p e rty F u rn is h e d . as was stated io last week’s T u t the former mail schedule is bein? river where a ll the U)»n was locate,! Mr. H u n t was born ii’ C iw county ■» , Thirty years practice In the County., BV»K. very generally signed, the m trits of „ ■ • $ , »ndepynt »^.1.11« eariv S1” ! pf . his Emperor Fr;ncis Joseph of -Aus -tlie’ea.e being recite,I In some de in early days. —-7 One of the first improvements to life near Bandon. After graduating tria, the oldest ruler in Euroi»e is tail, and many aie hoping lh “ l 11 W. A. W OOD catch the eyp of a visitor from the from the high school here be enter as id- to be dying; »*»<* «aritius trou will restore tbe eohedule by which north is the t^rjX»U»ry sone* hi tlx ed thwHUte Haiversity A f. Eugene A r e a » .',' b y a t l a w h ie is anticipate,! after hi» death, the mail » •« received a day earlier Bishel hotel, which nisk»» a large and graduated from that institution fn many wavs he has bee»*'wise than under tbe present schedule.—- MULI» MMAt'H. OREGON. •ud well appointed building, with as a Oi-vil engineer, »and has been and noble rqler. •" M yrtle Point E nte/piiie. 29 sleeping rooms and a large, airy meeting with'excel fent-success in ' ' ■ - - - - - -L . L. A . M O h K B T a , The Rogue River Courier »tste» Votes east in the Port Kb-ellon parlor, sitting room, dining»’’« ”’’ Ijits chosen prdte»8ibn.— Recorder. A f r o a NKY AMD COUNSELLOR Y o u o a a 't gaaaaav y wo TO aaoao< a eases! Boctruss OS ■ si_b»,huto lo r thia a n . l b » oe aot even though the urgent dealer may a zw awoww QOMFoamoN, v thereby m ake a little Mggw peoAl Pleautnt Pallets i » D r. Pierce’s r i —----------- ¿ y ----- ----- tovigorute stomach, liver t»ke «s oaady. BOTiKI MOTILE CO. STCEE per AXTO«JNKV AT LAW. ^ rrO H N E Y a X I s A W . that rich ore worth a dollar a pound by precinct» were as follows, vi«: •u d other necessary comparWoeUi».', has been atruck in the Gold D rift Annonnoernent that as »wm as 12 The up to date bank b u ild io f,1th a l O|,hir v ¡X- mis«, tao miles north of Grants HÖ wwil up last summer^ adjoint the Tillamook harbor ia imp-oye,l a Port Orford Pa»., a dity in the winter of one of 45 hotel on Ihe south and book of tb« »1,000,000 saw m ill’ W ilt be built g ixe, • y * : i> , Frühste business s spool.tty. the richaat roih«r«ti hil*la In the bank a abort waya fo D . M. Moore’s there should cause th® Arm y engi 148 Floras Creyk 12 residence, and **u ‘ '■*lu H,le neers to revfoe thylr prooess of rea would. r E okky UKOKUK M. B U 9W K , , where the old j ’ U atood is the soning about hprbor im provem ent. Tbe Sherwood peoeioq b ill pa»»- Y A X LA W 833 cement foundatiQO for fk® n?w, Instead of condemning a, project •d the House io Coogreas on the - Total court house, while ju st aoruBa the Itecana» there .fo commerce act 12th by a vole o f 22# to W - l l ■ 0 bubbbvbb ob *« oj A deep sm fishing Industry w»y street and a little aou\h A lf.G s u n t- ualty using a harbor anit which gives a pension to a ll aniriving soon bu added to Oregon act,tribes, United Slates veteran* of the Megi Owimr« of lb» x is to of the late R. lett has about completed a pew ho cannot Ije psadior lack *tf ihtprpsa- J . J. S T A N L E Y tel building which be intgnda to ipent, let them consider whether m b and Civil War», allowing 11 • D. Hunts BiB I'k H y to carry for re n t *nd w ill himself , retire from ihef» ara resouacce in me td buuay day to tboa» Who »»rv»d a y»ar Of ward the plans iX t by M r. Hums . U»j«, • ■ catering to 'tb « ’Wants df thk-puWu». region to prudude oommcice. I f more. .i . r v ff . , . ; i for placing 1» »ervis» s tl«*i of fish Crossing the old bridge going |ha resources gre there, tbe project A Captain, Bngioear an<T D?ck i ing craft on the banks o flftb « Mouth a . OKKOON batik» off tb* foXtlV w u lh'«ne Cftmes 1 ntq^ the should ba jtpRr<vred, »or they can J J lf f t o l 2 Gold liysoh W b M h»n<) ,ta»»ed through Port Orford |srp Oregon eo»st »t Puri Orford H safely trust A m e,io*a enterprise to " ■t T ’ u « l week on their way to Wedder taking haltout a»d other V -h u b l* .n h m the ua.t sprung up.'wHbW th® P**1 X «** W develop those resume»» and produce schoor fosrtt to ttk e the gsRiltne schooifor ( - two. Among tb® mod«»»>re«uwxo. X b ^ ^ te^ U »’/ ! xThe E lk h^roei that Werd built isyt gt»«t»gr •T o r t ü r f rd , O re ÿ o u , are thods of Banker Wood, la w CkMcfon W p d d ih f. t r --- k k U r joxvoer. of lbs Hums property. The hov* pt«y«l » ‘¿ i rreUaml g.„ B N A P P jP * u p ‘---- yer Wpud, Prof. Staanard aqd Rnterpriae will he retained to iBn ball Monday ig , u O.i the I f l h d»y uf December, hetaesu Rogue river a„d P1*/« " « w“ ^ 8 * ’ ‘‘£ ' £ Geo. B. M iller, tfhila a ouratxr of -trst-rin»s In every respect. nuuus ie»iden«e» — ............I - 1881 A . H . Ç k &R a#4 Mi»» Ellen less pretentious have ford,-when the eompsfty -P N X M„ was a .w .ft game but a part G o Ad Feed S ta b le a tta c h d . a ............. — < * ’• * * « *> gone up. And in this ,V j« of town ^.x-kwood, both of this oounty.were - school ' • •----— Ul1ited in marriage at Umilh River, ia also found Die new ho properly- *' — **■ - æ'-» » - aac MX paca..«« e '— - t Tb» --------------- Dr. Grow, the Justice of the Pesce aad tba pecking p la n former work aud fina b-tskst throwing of We run the Huge from Port Orfortt Last Saturday eveniftg tb e Gold Bernal Forty, who made 12 points is a handsome structure, and ia * y Lof Smith River Townahip presiding. eta Buiryvllle, connecting with tbe Beach High Seined boys defeated out of 14 for the High School, whfoh fsr »he l«est school a building te On the 12lh ..r of Als!« thia .nmilh month tho th » ' in e iko tbe Huge to Myrtle Point the town basketball team ia a fast won by a «sure of 14 to 8, with L a r county, with the exception of the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding --------- - ■ t - w S —r—---- -— ~ gsroe in Gauntlett’a hall by a score sen Referee. The liix u p »«» »• on* « o * bang huMt stiFort Orford. was nwlehratsd during 0>e afternoon of 18 to 17. The boys had oaly The peaking plant is not yet com and evening. Mra. Loc-sw'.s.I, ’ he follows: been prncticlng a week or U n days, E l x R iv x r ,n ,° bride’'1 m u -b *. «wked the wedding H i » h B ohouj , ptai«!. aud i» * »»«à*® 1» d ijo e r in 1881 and the tu is -y for ■nd considering this they displayed M B ‘,r.7y ’ I For* “ rd* by Frank Betier end W, J. M'afd. ¡D W ri/h t . _ . excellent team work, making up in the i f 11 dinner. She is now 91 the suce«»* of which uteao» much to E Lor 7 ’ " . G Sutton ('rotar tha fanners of that saeffon M it will yeul» of age and acted will) -lirshd’ C K ilt* S m i t j l l l l f l ? sp«*d what they lacked in IP Zum walt 1 ® The plaver* are, Clsrehee Caoghelt, R McKenxiri Guards ¡R Z u m e a lt give them a market for Ibeir slock, ma Cooley who ta 8« years o t age as 5 Dixie Root, Asa Turner, Weaiey A E llis it being the intention of the gentle bridesmaids. Mr. and Mrs. Cr-«il| gJKKCKMI* JKM » / G.’ untlsU, Sidney Walker and Roy A representative of tho T bibo nx men to peck aad ship various kinds S’* the first couple married at Smilh Bishel, and ihey will make worthy was lately a visitor-to what was lot- of meals. B ite r who to «1« celebrate the P o r t O rfo rd , O re g o n , j River who lived lived to Going another half mile further anniversary of their weddiug opponents for the Port Orford High merly the Peck mins, but now own Wood aad Iron W ork promptly 8« h,ail team when they meet at Gol4 ed by C»pt. C.. H arry ThuNp*»«, R eonlh frem this part of town "■« vhMr«. Their entire fam ily of chll- Tks P k f where T ub g«t a Square Deal. Head-quarters 'for Ike Beat ef Everyth«« ¡a the Law M Dry f a r 1*. Grueeries aad Pruviafoaa. la fact Everything usuaBy found fo g General Mer- ' c h a a d ite Stare . ; . Mena, aad Beys’ Clothing, Boots « .d Shoes, Ladies’ Dress Guuda, Faaey Gauds, Cigars, Pip«», \ ’ Tgfcgpcu, Caady, Nats »ad Hotieua, Hard- ware and Tfowmu, Rolbd h rie y . Gra» Seed « d Seed Grata. Orders takea for Aaythfog aut m Stock, which hdudea Meat* Made fo Older Suita aad Overcoats. M y i du H o llit, O re g o n . UH »id im m Jns 9. Capps, no __ r. KNAPP HOTEL, rough«^ S la c k O. Bek is. L. E. Porter and Mr. Par- comet to the oldC dnniff place where and grandchildren were pres- done at moderate prices. Give me Beach, Feb. 22. Many „reiul, <jn«mental and a tria l before going elsewhere. Mr. am» Mrs. Olean, assist*nb- melt, who have done much develop the Black Bund Plant is in opera #nl from the Insane Asylum at Salem., m e a l uorit,— brinkiog on 'afina head lion. The magnitude of thia work v, | u»bie presents were eoetved by c»ine Beaah last week came down uowii to w Gold - -------------------- . of water with ------ abundant premura X incalculaole, for if lb» p M WNI th„ estimable couple and a nn»t J. H | U P T O N , evening after Mts. Bergman, »bo u n f U r l« ^ , ^ installing an Ecclanon Con do what its owners claim that it is ,,Xasat»t afternoon -and cfnlrator,— besides making ra i;,y j no< doing, not only hundreds M i v e ru speriLw-Del NoVle Reev'd. who waa lately Pf°- eanLrjtor.— besides making many nate woman pr° NOTARY PUBLIC, __ __ __ bar M t other eseendal igsprovemenia 1», t ^oui4Ild | but million» of dolls»» . ■ >■__ noonoeal insane, and took '- T, (o the Asylum. Many of the peoole p0, ihe mine in (tret dess condition wiH u k e „ (>ol of th eC ur'V couo O tear 0 °., (Hum»». L aç of Wedderburn and v k to tty. who for . uoi x f n l o,oration. ,T h e mi-re ’ |y beaches by this R ***® ® - P>® are famiWar with the details of the «msislB of 80 »crus of blackaand.’ n((W rMf,ning wjth screw of case, are indignant at the way th»y being old beach, X veral hundred kgeven men, hot they «re h n r td W - aiiege Mr. Bergman treated bis wife j feH hixher than any other which brought abdut her' pitiablu ,niqe on „ur oousl, being 8 or 7 condition, and if what they x y is m lW fc,ck from the vceam -T h ® overcome in the spring J»* running Repairing Watches and Jewelry a true while they were taking the g(, | j on a || the ‘’old'’ beaches ta pipes into t lx ocean aud pu-uping specialty. AH work guaranteed. wife to one publta institution at 8a •rusty” ----- j gold, _w sod tb® sand contains all they need. T h * pfotit eau now hgndle 500 tons of Ooncenly»^» »nd lem there is another institution at cunsid'rable platinum Orders token for Watohee and Fancy the best IN the u<ip, c ity be;easilv tnereseed Jewelry. Work turned otft oa short the same place to which they should — The company * ia- now em ploying ------------ W O R L D ------------ eix men in plscind their machinery i B| mogt u ,iliiiiit« l have taken the husband. notice. because it »a-inade o f and will sou® I * mining in earoeat, They Hre 12 or 15 feel down at pi*s- Call on me at L anu I oia , Osano». the purest and best in One of the best gadfoe of Baeket g r e d ie n ts, b e c a u se it W M . E L L IO T T , ball ever seen in Port Orford was and the T k ib v . me certainly hopes e|jl , illk j l|g through the gray sand that their methods w ill be success ! Ju bedrock, ami say they are strjk- contains more \kealing, played Saturday night between Ihe ful and their highest hope» realis'd i |ng (| rj(jh n|l lhe way and saving ev strengthening and up E lk Rivers and a picked up team in _________ _ - x»y value carried in th» sand. I t W . building m a terial than Port Orford, odfoprising three mar is r .i.k « CnrKr 1 has been know» for year« that «n- any other Emulsion, and ried men and twt> young men. Tbe (Suoeaaor to A. B. S abi ») r ’K . der the old process but a small I s r because it ia a p e r fe c t boys all showed marked improve- M i-. Georgia Forty and Clarence cent of the values fountI ir, product of a » c ie n tific - ment and foul» were scarce. It ! W right were married in Port 0 . - , sand were saved but I , what o lly p e r fe e t proceau. wf» close at all atagee and a ll the ford Thursday Dec. 28th. at th . ’ extent — 'n u t re a m e d » « d i a cou players fast in «very way. A tie ford lhursaay ueo. io m i , »• D octote the u w rlJ over r H C n ,» "M® ' ' • A n yth in g not in stock, wHl i . tOr>d for quite awhile in the closing home of the bride's perents. in U x; pie “I . \ s rU r o e b last is th h<lf, g lf.a ana n d in e la a lq u e r of f.h the in lh me of , Iiuulber ot friends aud who baa I * . ,, n.inm ter of f » n t - ^ e Bernal Forty’ threw ^ U llv e < M . T . W r|ght tying th e ! B I . ® - beach; t o X w d X W frfo ,X « „ be pleased tc order _P r o n . , i. ; L a n g lo is H a rd w a re S to re r ' «r - '■ • ,-r-‘ - 1 • '» . ‘ ‘ ; . r , - • I • • . ■ e , r . Hardware of all Kinds ‘“ •u' - M a c h in e r y & M o w in g M a c h in e « . E x ir a « f o i .D a ir y in g , © » b o r n e , M ilw a u fe c c M a c h in e r y . P a in t « , O il« & S t u m p in g P o w d e r F i n e J i» e o f G u r h , B a « e li» ll p a r a p h e r n a l i a , a n d o t h e r S p u r t in g G ood » t e p t in S to c k . Door» n n d W in d o w » i n v a r ie t y o o u « t» n U y k e p t o n h a n d . F I » « F i t t i n g , Flwn»t>i“ K a n d T i n w o r k o f a ll km dN d o n e o n sh o r t n o tic e» Cheever ® Bowman, L a n g lo i» , O r. S C O T T 'S W ATCHM AKER É M ÏB I0 N -J MUKinds sf Hirmu Saddelry R e r A iR iN u N oatly K fin d o r t- D one O reuron U K !fN I8 C U N N IF F ? JH-, bep. 0 . 8. Minero! Sarveynr Surveyor for the D istrict o. Or egon. 0 .1 ,1 K c«cb . - - - O " « -» a bakket on a foul, and won th ” knot that united the happy «tuple, mg» •>»" game by a score of 14 to l l . The who grew up together, schoolmate, the l.bmafory «< «<» »» s.nd from chlWbood. T h . bride ta tb . plant. P * « r, , i „ g line op was sa follows: | Scott’sEmulsion] os the S ta n d a rd prepa- ra tio n o f C a d L te e r O i i a it . oBuoufoya.. E u c R iv b b PoBiOproBD eldest daughter of Capt.Geo. F o r ty ,. to ' u> the ton ' i n “ plati u-« ia well educated and for a long lim® J»bo^tt tlO .W R to tb®,***** i n “ F*»u . B Forty / ForW.rd s j J and other was a typesetter T biburx of r ! » » ■ . •»« typesetter In in the the T bibunx o nun. . . 1200 1», » _ * L Forty I ’ ,, i i 7 1 , C E lli» -C ent« D W right The groom is a young rani, of minerals, an flee. £ to M irk n uM industrious habits. Thu »M . *« work « 8 foi « U x f o uud l t « for U.® (OrB W -^tsetws w«l nt. P> A aus- auloUr to •"«»»«“ ** l<Mks bluek ®aml p lq F b Atof&is tnx. ‘ M a— » Barrett took fr . ¡T bxbu M »bhre tbsm success and • , in second half piuious. I long, h®ppy B i W hite’® place. 4 I DOORS - WINDOWS - MOULDINGS Anything you Need in Mill Work W rite ue for Prices or &ny Informs.- n you Need in this Lino North Bend M anufacturing Co I^ o Pl h O repron x