Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1911)
fill':. TiildliXfc. wkdxebday . dec J Jilin J Ä IL .L . CURRENT TOPIC« Bv J H . U rro h . .. ». h » h Editor T kibvae : oati-m by the taxin g kulhoritiu» o f ■ M ic n g a ii and Minnesota an I w ith j i'uhUahed Every Wednesday, by ’ H A litiV f . STKW A:sf.‘ ' / ' * says th at V it too Labor is discredit ed by the ooufeseioti o f Jsutes B F »»iA A- d£ôw»rt, AaaieUts E d ito r M cNsutais a leader, to nom plietty in blowing up the Tim es building (U H H C lilP U O S K A TE ». at law Angelee! as a matter of fact O i »« C opy • ’ ne Y ea r ». dsioee B. i» «im ply a country p rin t O n e C o p y ftix M o n th s ................... S tt er and belongs io no union, lie cfopy Three U J u l r » « . . ■ -— leetive lturu« now say* th at only Tas srintsa os y.srr aspsi- ’■ one ot the live person» d irec tly Itu- iS n w ib r - t a w !.. w k trk ' plicated is a V u io n n»»ti. « «rl(.iii*. I * * **d - - an alacrity which should be uu , presstw i<> tiiosf who ssy the single tax w ill n<4 w.wk, the big trust <le-.‘ ci-led to let go. E v e ry other trust wopld tin the mute th in g under th e' Huw exer the “ greet” newspaper«; < w ill, w td, sums in iug headlines,' __ make the most <it’ ihv opportunity . p.ekenled. But did these kindred al , i . papers play up the olisrge agatust > ! the ¡standard 0*1 of biow iiig up the I independent refinery a t Buff *lo, pro and tffo d yn am itin g Of the JfeginJan. 3, Continue Four Weeks George idee given a prauiioxl appli The Marsliheld Kvwuhig Record Cmistderalde oominent. both O. A. C, Short Courses Steel T ru » l is simple euouglt. T t ' J found itself up agwiaat llw IJeiiry I INVITED A t Boyle’s Jewelry Store Bandon, Oregon < suffrage, One Valued $100, and One $50 u nit , end commuting i ^ ’ y e l i e o Iro n W o rts , thia U. a vert the i Thursday evniiiig'R oaeburg Lodge given in Governors as a rfsiln re of tlie compromise engineer ' of E lk s was honored w ith a visit ard ag.tintlpossible mjustice, to V a j^ j by M r Lincoln Steffens aided j (after lh ^ r regular session) from sd with discretion where extenuat* by „ „ „ „ 2,| business men of t h e ’ Capt. W m . Packwood of Baker, < Meta have com« to light after <* c b j.fl , Q , MVe bb( weai( brutbe,a neck ¡Oregon, the o n ly s u rv iv in g member iivicdon, etc., not to defeat l ^e ' f (o.n the pwsibla noose. ¡o f the convention which framed the Lent and purpose ol the w tll o f , gjuw . , ho Burn, J Constitution of Oregon. W hin* , people. Ve believe th t G ov. L „ ,,„t a ,me.„ber of the o rd er, C spl. r « y , ' T rne w h i , Kl X h" nld i iM Vlu#* the ‘ r" il wf • nathlwr Tncxwood has for n u u y years been I, wc quest • he her he a b o n d ; financed the » « » 'v e ,p r e s c r v m g , as far as pus ? mrer" 7 ,,‘ P attempted wrecking o f. bridge. Bl m ' i . c , the native E lk o f Oregon *n • W" h ' “ »» K - « - » ^ b l y c o n tr « .,,“. who « ^ o t i m t . C.*pt. Packwood, if . 1 niMbrbW by amployera o f, w‘" ' •• •cIi« iD acaba MONARCH M A LLE A B LE STEEL RANGES. Large A ssortm en t of H and P a in te d China for Christm as. L an tern s, L am ps and C utlery. R e w h o v se S teell raps, P o u ltry Net? ng M AIL ORDERS PROMPTL Y FIL L E D m u -k w ; w |lil. o f lhe | , w y m w | m ghwl Congrea«, the m ajority could not 1» defenders of th e ir co u ntry, but could only be defended. And .vc his solemn m il to » e en< an jm(j n<> j 0 the Tim es wrecking ¡actually to the picked portion only ffiold all of the aws a l i e i « „J to never have been in C a lifo rn ia 1 the man of m ilita ry < Bge,r-jThoinaa , doing nwny w ith cnp.t.1 P«»»l»h gM, „ y ^ ^ ¡„ g W entw orth Higginson. ’ ,n t he itjlliA ea one o f the > • « j ba„ W I„ „ le w n n re , loo w ill, ---------- ------- 7— 7 at he is sworn fc>< uphold. *•»• j th * atu „ ,p i 1» blow u f ->A c I4 » w - T h e Roseburg Review says: “ On h OPEN FIRE T w o D iam on d R in g s e high office lie now h.d. s lie j J,4,n J. M cN am ara, who wa» even these statistics very imperfetR- icw that capita! punts., was, kb^ , p|)ed a t i„d i„„a p o K a and 1st ly r e p r i n t tlte 'c s e . . T h e y do aot w of the laws of Oregon, yet h* j er by the pmsecoitot, to have i apply to the whole male sex, but a I niwr*, R. W.BOTLE. G ILLING S^. J/)ui8 K napp , Pre». J. D L oucks , Cashier 0 . W. Z umwalt , V. Pres, E. J. L onky , Asst Cash R ost . M c K knkic , Director J. W. MqKsNsie, B j V IV K O lì' I * O » T O R F O R D YOUR BANKING BÜ8INE88 SOLICITED (Snecaaaor to N. C. Nielsen.) Oregon’, earliest p.o introduced by !!< m i . PORT ORFORD, i^ z r P o r t Orford, O r.~ z^ OREGON Beal Estate Notice. tioe that I have a oonveyanos from the Patentee to tldelands and water lots in the Harbor of PortOrforU, Oregon, on a portion of which a part of the wharf is erected w ithout my ooasent. Al parties are hereby warned not to drive plies or trespass in any manner what soever 6« said tidatanda o r water lots. Mas. Anxa C. D abt . Portland, Oregon. «Ik appears upon the G rant Seal of Oregon. Capt. Pnck woods im promptu address was n a tu d ly ap N otice o f Special M e e tin g plauded. Although now aver 80 years o f age he is enrpute to Cuoa d We, tt>e ..n<l. raigned taxpayers ol snd convicted and goes to the petti mute tliati 80 |ier cent. Besides ,r Road District Ne. 7 ol Curry County, B ta le o f Oregon. aBd jxmstituting ten tentiary for life, or rather he is sen wages in England nt the present _ peT cent of the tnxpny+ts of w M 4to- fenced to the penitentiary for life nfa 60 (tor cant higher than before - trict. do hereby call and give notice One Governor has shown executive “ fre e jra d e ” was inaugerated. that there w ill be a “meeting o f the And w hile on the subject of dis viem aitcy, and (terbspa with bi« im F ; taxpayers of said district npon tbeSOth 'mediate successor a “ p u li’’ 1« made ingenuousness, it may ba in point r -' d«y of December, A. D . »11, at Fort and by noigreat stretch of ¡|n<igina I tu mention th at, early in the "A s- 16 Orford, within said Road District ttthe ; hour of 1 o’clock In the afternoon of lion we kee this human moustrocily «eptbly camimign, the Oregonian, ! said day, for the pnrpoaeof voting and w alking forth a fret man, to begin i iu order to accentuate tb« im port J levying a special tax for road purposes again, w ith added cunning, h i. ance of partisan adherence, instano 0 w ithin said Road District and to be fiendish work; hu a soul »>pervert ed tb« alleged fact th at Julius Msy j expended therein lor the Improvement Wi as In glory in the buteheiy o f *he (slu e* deceased) the great Port- ® of the roads of said District, 'women and children there 1» no i land merchant, had imbibed hia Jr-1 hope— not iu this world. Let them ■ radicahle h estility to the Democratic pnrty while liv in g in New Orleans In I8 6 0 , after witnessing tales of a f g T o t a l .......................... g9t,908.a 'L IA B IL IT IE S ’ negro »laves front (he auction lil<N-k Ospitai stock paid In ......... , . . 10,000. Emerging from the w ild woytto-of Undevided profits, lese expenses and tassa paid..................... 888.38 Kentucky— a farmer boy without Individuai (topo its subject to wealth Or twiwerful friend»— th» hi» i ; " check ...............183MJM a **4' • ■ ' Demand certificates of deposit 487. lory <>f Cham p Clark should prove ‘ Time certificates of deposit.. . . 1740.80 nn inspiration to every American schoolboy and convince him th a t^ ^ T o t a l .............................. 832,308.83 STATE OF ORKOONl ua high ideals and common honesty, I COUNTY O F CU R R Yf »till hold forth careers more fnset ' . I. K. J. Loney.a ¡in natiug in tpetr liv in g reality titan Cathier of the above-named bank, do solekinly swear that the above state any rumnnee ever w ritten, i t te a ment to trae to the best of my knowl great apd i» -« u tifu lth in g tu live i n , , h edge and belief. E. J. IXJNEY, a country where such thing» are * A Cashier. ■* a I* ’ Riibrrritied and sworn to before rue pueeitiie— a country which gave to ' thia 13th day of Dec . 1811. history the name» uf Daniel W eb ,^ u A w n 8, Joaaeron •te r and Abraham Lincoln— a c o u n - f ^ Notary Putrito. gre»» thing foe 3 m«n 1» know t h a t ; lie Inis tlw respect ami confidence of 80,000.000 |M*ople. Beside* eneh a i t f»ws».»11,n, ilia weaitlt o f a Rwuk»** tfwi foller or the power o f a M organ p a l'ry indeed.— E x. OoaeXev—Attest : O. W. Z umwalt , Ixxtin K maf », Directora Reward The undenigned lost a valuabla vac- m int dog on Nov. 18th last, of the fol lowing description: A black boend bitch with a little white on front cf neck; a bunch on the throat; two white reading men uf both partite w h o . hair. ware »uppoaed to favor euch enforce A reward of 81« w ill be given for toén l were dubbed “ U n ion Saver»” her return alive or In f ormai too aa to V . <4. C O M M It o t t lO F f K X R . but the epithet was applied exclua whereabouts, and a reward of «60 I ively Iu Demnerala after the *111 be given for the arreet and eon- F o r t O r t t o r d , O i-eg fo u . | launching uf tha Republican parly vlcttoa ol say person or persons who ¡In 1868.- I stole or hilled her. ’ lin a lo i» . O r 1 « . Mowrxx Baon. HARDY T. STEW A R T M E R O H A L I^T . G Bin- YCUR B U W N E R 8 BETTER try in which the plnwhoy of today 1 may become the cnptaiu of In d u s try ; | n n.' the m ighty tlatesmsit of tumor gti row. On the other liaml it i» a 1,1 1 PLAßE STOVE lie ia . j^ grnerai suffer for the wrongs o f j f , i f i f o * members? Aa well impeaoli denounce wuinan , T l.e T x in u x x believe^ th a t Ilia J ,h. M e th o d i.l frutarolty io r < -b o tl, ¡„ four o n . th at he . X i } t j In the Stole o f Oregou while Ila chief executive. : , ti>« law to eftfoffM» uw m . w , @ome in and see g re a t' ’ |he sins of «um o f i t . praafelters now ; ¡„ j« i| a l Portland under three in fd w t m e n t .’ for debauching young ir to . \ •« : ? t. 2r ? PJBN RRS l i l ’S I b E ¿ T u tiilR S K BY (O R RES Pv N DEKCB mine gentle compulriot*. H u t u w - l 1 o f v o ir tru st-h u -ie r* coMtiuu** to rely on other tneaur,— Jutinotowu ' Pa. Democrat any con, has taken place - i t . the distillery a t Chicago by the W h ir- ; prior throughout tlia »tale durin g key Trust becaura iuo w ner« decKu the past week over the at sad GuVer- e d to Io jo in revo ked no sensational 'nor W e -l ha» taken in announcing .chargee against the T ru st. '** ' th at there w ill tie no more hangings | And why »h<mld Ldbor U n io*, a cvenior is wrong,...aofar as carry g .«it this policy he must violate a oath » f "ffiua— t»nraJ>y i f «“ * gaily. W hen U eat qualified ^ g Erery eWaeu o f Oregon to cordially Invited to <<*«*.! th-- abort course-uf the Oregon Agricultural College, beglc- aing January 8. Klsvea distinctive ooarraa w ill (w uflkred la Agricaltare, Mecliauto Arts, Domrath.- Bctonc* »nil Art. Commerce, Forestry ami M*i«Jc Every eonra. |» designed to I1KLF the «to-lent hia dally work. Make this • pleas ant and. profitable winter outing. No tuition. Heaaonahte accommodations. For beautiful illustrated IniHetio, adores« ________ H . M. T E N N A N T , R eei«ter,porralli , Ore. Hardware, Furniture I Wall Paper, Hope ’ Window-glass I 7'-'" Dated this 38th day ol October, 1311 Posted November 17th, 1811. Ames 8. Johnston John K. M iller J. D. Lonoks Beecher Jena Kobt. McKensie O. W. Zumwalt E. A. Hushes J. A. H Kocii B. W Dean John W . McKousie W. R. Humt M. T . Wright J. 8. Hughes T . P. Kugltea Thon. C Clark A. Richard W alter Sutton A. J Marsh F . OlSeu Louis Knapp F . / . Lindberg O. Lsneve Johnny Un lean Wm. OHliugs H . T . Stewart I t t o n y Intention to handle Beal Estate la (Hurry county, and I expect to have oMcea io Port Orford and Gold Bsaoh early in the Spring. In the mean tim e I w ill ba pleased to corre spond with any one th at has property for sale. I make a specialty of handling farm and tim ber land I have parties that want E m it, Dairy, Hay and Unising land. W. H . ttooax. !KU-Henry Building. Portland, Or. NEW GOODS and fresh supplies w ill be received by every steamer. , G R O C ER IES and PRO VISIO N S, B O O T8 M il S H O E M EN S and BOYS, C L O T H IN G , . L A D IE S ’ DRESS GOODS H A R D W A R E , G R A N IT E s.,d T IN W A R E . CIGARS, TOBACCO, P IPES C A N D Y , N U T S and N O T IO N S . I n fact, a supply of everything usually (tept in All persons are hereby warned not to enter upon the lands of the andersign- ed on Elk river for the purpose of hunting o r ffsblng, without my cost- sent. Any person so doing will be prosecuted to the fa ll extent of the law. K o bcst McKsnsta. ------ ,— Oeneral Merchandise «tors. ORDRRB T A K E N > 0 1 AMY A R T IC L E NOT IN MTOCK. ’all and examine goods ar.d get prices, GiAs»»úa<áeás Mrs. M . A. Nielsen, the Port Orford Milliner, has Just received a shipment of np-to-date winter hate, which aha of fers at very reasonable prices. Call on er before baying elsewhere. GENERAL MERCHANT, Port Orford, Oreuron* Faaxcm A .C o x - > of Langlois, Oregon, who, on August 18, 1808, made Homoatead entry 14137, Serial No. 94020, tor lx>to 13. 13, i4 and 18, Section 36, Township 81 H., Range 18 West W illam ette M eridian, has filed i.otioa ot intention Io make final five-year proof, to eatebllah claim to the land above described, before Hardy T. Stewart, United State» Commis sioner, at Port Orford, Oregon, oa the 8tb day of January, 1312. Claim ant Barnes as witnesses: I l »ball be my purpose to.keep a full »took of everything required by tb« Karl Hale of Denmark, Oregon. Boy Bafte of Denmark, Oregon. Davit! Crawler of Port Orford, Oregon. trade in the line of G R O C E R IE S and P R O V IS IO N S , *? 0T8 M E N ’S and B O Y ’S C L O l H IN Q ^ N otice f a r P a M te a tlo a . 0400» N etice rt»r I ’ u b llc a tlo n . O41M DxrABTnxirr or tm x I htxm ob , ThtrAWraerT or ran Ixrsaioa, U. *. Land Ofltoe, at Roseburg, Orego D . 8 . Laad Office at Bosaburg.Oregoa. November 18,1811. > November 23, 1311. Mottos to hereby given tbat T haddbc « Gasan of Port Orford, Oregon, who. on De cember I , itufi. made Homestead entry Serial N q . 04188. tor Lot 4, Sec. 1, and Late I and 2, Section 3 Towaship 388^ R aare 14 W « t Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Five-year Proof, to eatebllah claim to the laad above described, be fore Hardy T . Stewart Dotted States O onraiM toorr at Port Orford, Oregon, on the Mh day of Jasaary, 1312. Olaim aat names aa w itness« r W. O. Corbin, of Port Ortofd, Oregon. W. H . Matheeev, of « Alfred Halte, or Deanterk, ” t ieorge O. Mather, of Port Orford, " B bxjam ix F. J o « h Register t »11 S lX m th V lin * “ lr ‘ fUl1 ’ U>0M Ot eTe,yu*h,'r "*l»lred ,< Notioeto hereby given that Hsnay M . A xtxll , of Port Orford Oregon, who, on Angna 14, l«05. made Homestead entr Herial, Mo. M008, for MWf H ER BE i n , 8« ME) of n i l , gee. 17, T ow u bh L A D IE S ’ D B K 8 8 G O O D S F A N C Y GOODS, ' C IG A R S . T O B A C C O , P IP E S , C A ND Y, NUTS and NOTIONS. In fact, a »apply ol aeerythtog osaally kept in a well gtoeged G Merchandiee 8tore. of Port Orford, Oregon • of o M WWF B ».w Call and Examine Goods, and get Prices. JOHN K. MILLER.