Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1911)
I Wi4d ducks aud geese h«vg beeu Mr. Lstrscin, Ir'oremau of the Port] See Ad of Boyle the Bandon quite plentiful during ths 1st» Orfotd Shingle Mill weot up to j ewe|ar jn' thia piper. siorm. ’MarshBald by Tuesday’« stage 00 j . _ . bu. loess " ' \ ^ ’ A-N»teWUrt went up to Bandon Hume Estate Changes Hands. Thursday on busmea*. Thrift’s new «tore at Langlois, is | . ~ x, o l d B e a 43 h, 0 r e o n unlay m tubdon. a large, handsome budding, and ' j The Hume estate of 16,000 acres I When having an afasfraet made see' Aveistor Roilgcr* flew across the is,alm ost completed. It is a credit They Know Not Wba’tThey Dp. st the mouth of the Rogue wiver, that your eertiticMtc read* right. “ A Confluent from New York to Calif j ______ / was sold yesterday for »250,000 to , careful aearch of the records by refer- om ia in 49 day* of jietiI. I the io town. , ... ! the Maclaav estate, of which R. L. ence t# the indexes therto ’ Is not a '■ Jss. H. Sutton went up'to Lang- During Ihe pust few months the-« .. good eertiflcate. The cerftftcate should C lnu; B a ile y o f W eddertiurn was , _ E. .. . . , i jpean fexnething, unless it can be relied'* in Volt Orfotd Wednesday night .-h’1* ttil t>“V*r‘ ay, w J Twat-Xg has lost three subscribers ( Macisav of Portland 4s president. ! ppon It is of no vaiue. - enroUle bv } S t a t e d a. a member of the Kad- ,n Curry county for the following Thg ( ------------ — ------------- — ----------- :—: • . meu lodge. v reasons. . ■ % unwillingness of the Hum e estate Read the new ad*, in this issue ' of W. II. MEREDITH * by G illings, the hardware 111411,and 's George Quigley returned yester First, a reader , „formed us that day with Ids team from Pistol river we were loo tuucu oppwed opposeu tp H> t me i . too much h e i . . ATTORNEY a so COPIEE LtOtt R. W .lio y le, liaodbti’» » n terjy ifin g where he had been employed oy saloons— that be c«»uld read the . . at raw , ! have been a retarding iactoi io coin- jeweler,. . . ’ i. Get, \V. bm ilh. ' • paper no Unger unless WH d.lsb ed . , . • . , " . . - . , ; i pleting the «1«. A Big shooting match and dance TOBT OKKOKO, OliEüU.N The Port Orford Commercial up something wet enough to ghall p ria w , apol, , very will be at -p Port Orford on " : club, whose membershin continues the news down with.' .... , 'given , . . liberal policy o i settlement snd d^- ^ a n k sg iv in g . Turkey*, g e r u n d , • .Second, we w ^ e '« ^ m e d that Town and Coutity. - Curry Cannij Abstract- ------ Ciiauncy . Wihxlrilff sent up . » Realty - Company. , - « I Urge lot o f Sixes Salmon last Mul- J i Does ae* take iato ooouderatioa the ora I ras The womra wha a sgte nt s her health b netfeedag ths *ry ioaadetba e i ail good forrara. For without health we b u s K i lustre sad gold is hot th u s . W euaaly health whsa lost or iaspaired a u y geaerslly be gsiaod by ths ra» sf D r. P ie r u » Fetonte PreranptMo. ________ . gbpwrerdw rraiw, I doA cats. waaA. » a la . weaegob à a *ra ia »aa la ra» »rnracy or racle a»«aoa v f t t u i rasle Aaria« ra ra to w tt la d s ll. te cate « a a s rlo a la g s M . olTsaalreD' espug- t osaasi carleas. Da. F uses'. Gsaxr F amily D octob H ook . The People » Coounoa Veeu Medical Adviser, newly revised «p*to-da<e editloa— 1000 pages, answers M fla ia Eitglut hosts ol delioate questions whisk every womau, single or merrwd, ought to know about. Sent f r t t , in plain wrapper to ray addnws on rooeipt ol 21 one-eeni stamps Io opver mailing ooly, or ia cloth binding for 31 stamp.. ~ JÔ J 10N EY D W ÜCKS Fortune Telling ■»"■I I ■" ..... —im.ii.MS' H ■■ ». — ■ -- , DENMARK MERCAMTILECO Jtetsry 1'uWtf The courts have at last decided; Th« shingle mill started up again 2 “ ’b y^undeVscoriog Overhung with the romance of, Fire and U fe Insurance. We rep- . pese lit the Best and Most Reliable »hat Maine went dry in the 1st« el- f Monday; afte. being closed ddwu » I... • „0 >> «°W h« ntin8 dM*», rich “ V ection, but lhe Wets had a good couple of weeks while some of its , Companies fflend curtly b ith a control over the river m opfl,, u gt(tp|)w, and U . banks on botR sides for In | . long time to wet theiy throats over machinery was being overhauled. , O i d i i r d , O r e jfO M 'their supposed victory. We undersund that the new wfe‘ MtlviMll<n| lhe creation o( a n d jn c lo d in g a h ie Gold Beach school house is going tol of p Orr„rJ) I mile coast Une where center, he The slew ffotel nt Langlois isgsv HUNTLEY, cost ti.e neighbor»,«xal of *4,W 0 , £n „ol „„„ of lh i hbove instance. f'‘n)OU* W* k’ * ° td »*»nng ssnd. the ing rplendid .a titf.c lio ii, and its A T T o U N K T a t A-.kVV. ihrou is first It is cogy and iostead of |a ,0 0 0 as rfaa ft».t ¡«z w,e the T u ib v XE chargcal with cdt, ; lr“ns,e[ of lhef «re“ 1 e8,- le » , , j 6 i ■ counted one o fth c m ost important GOLD BEACH. OREGON. Comfortable,uttiri travelers are treat le n ,k d > 2 H ...u n tr n fl, or using , a,i(1 .» of Ousr. til Iced A b str a c ts o f lte u l ed most hospitably. . Miss Mary Isuiert died Nov. 13fli an unfair argument—only that 11, o )U j rejB of minerg fc(jd gold P ro p er ty F uruU iieU . Gene W hite and wife drove up to 1 9 1 i , . t the ism ert Home on P i.t o l' advocated something at variance y river, after a long illness exten.ling ; iVith the views o f the reader. 1» a fwm frOm tliosKMik ranch Suuday Thirty years practice iu the County. town returning the same day. It is a ; th-oUgl, .e.veral years. TheTklHl'SB way w« regret the • incidents. nut c#li'f„rnia lo try fur f„rtuno in the long drive but bis black’s can step ! vXien«l« its sympathy t«> the several i that we would reca.l anything ’ black sands of the coast. Gradually said, for rather, 1 relative, of the deceased. u have — l e-------,h . W. A..W 0GD , ; “ . -“; , “' . we . r would ym- V*. I the slow panning process wer. »up off the mile, at a rapnl gait. phasize uui stand ,11 each case, but _ i-« ,» On account of unavoidable delays ar)J gorry fiud ¡4, tl,jg age o f bl«menie«l by gold iu ning p a The vote in the U» Angeles Pri «ORO REA?'M. «REVON. iwe the t u * 10 “““ ter t ie go pro mgry foreshadow* the election election ol of a the Postals Saving» de|mttm««t of ( frBedl>n, and progressiveness those r, In the (>er*on of i the local pnatoftice did »<4 open un- ! who cannot bear to read arguments [d“ulnf{ ‘■ ‘■B'““’ m-°dern ® SociaTist Mayor, in the L. A. ROBERTA, iUon to lu their lhetr ,,wll have « 7 « been Ud on Harriman, one of the A ttorney, in I til (Saturday, «¡nee then over »300 , j(| np ipposiflon own private private the H H um um e e estate, estate, but but now now tlml that it it is is ......... ................................................... 'i’i.^ ..w im ssi. .. .......... :_____ ' the has been de|Mi*lled. The poet mast the McNamara prosecution. opinion. Jf a country newspaper is A -T T O tiP iK Y A A ’ A_u,h.W ar ia not allowed to divulge any not givin g its reader. »1.60 worth MaCleay property, said Mr. Maeleay An exchange say* that the reasons U c .F p iu t. Grogo«i. ■names or amounts as the plan of the of local news each year it should llie riuh possibilities will be devel given for the rc nomination of Tail postal system is not only the safe be stepped, but because ofdifference oped to the maximum. Raoeutly are sound. But is the man who Probs» business a specialty. keeping of fund», but U, maintain of opinion, when the editor states the goverument has sent its experts indorse, the man who tried to steal the same absolutely secret.—-North , vjewa jn a Mnd gentleman to look into the region and it ¡.sa id ’ Controller Bay, h im self sound. GEORGE M. BROWN. • / Bend Harbor. ** | |y mi nnfcr, is ,io exou»e whatever. reports were highly favorable, pro» vided the method of m ining i. right. M i\ Loney moved int<f the coxy ' 7 Forl Orford jg (l Ugy surrounded In regard to saloons, the TgtBUga W ithout the gold the estate has a Dean houhe last .Saturday, »jU C. threp gid(;i by land wilh „ ^ ¡de is uualterubly opposed Ur them. value thought by those familiar ROMEBl'Rtr OREAOS ¡«AV. Zumwalt moved Iris faiuiPJMrtto entranoe at the sea. Its hold head- We believe that Curry, county is wk,h the property much in execs* tow ntlie same day occupy ing th .ir land on the north project* south , better ulft without tl.eur— we know , . » of its quarter million purchs». p r ic , town residence whioii Mr. Jyorrey west for over a mile, and along it. that Fort Orford has been— and We Four thousand a c r e are heavHy course are two small buys the inner j are ‘-dry” lirst, last and all -the time, 'vacated. . . timbered; 7000 a c r e ara open gra»- i,ue from Fort Point to Graveyard j As to Socialism, tbu rMlHUNghad The roa«l from Bandon tn Lang- ing land and the remainder ia brush Foiut the latter being the one our never adVocared it, for in fact we, gecond growlh. ' |oi«ds so inexcusably bad. that s improve if our Fort ! are are an un in individualist and o«.— believe • in ■ , , ” fcO Q U lL E E , - - - O H K O O N ' . .. ,\ ¡,. hll, people detire i t to o improv« I, our rorv m v .u u » » » — , U(JW grg 4600 1 nion» roan could not des«rii>e it; but is' shstaine.1 by our regulated „««.petit,on and a just . pru¡<o»itiot» fr< m Langlois to Fort Orldtd it is a sheep, and quite o number of h o rse solution. courts,-«, wo believe it will be. , , means ot taxation as pavement h, comparison— and yet cattle and Angora goals. ' arriv "" 'Î [ J Í, j. An eld T~— erk gentlem an, who * «lu, «vils that I h -»«L i ° ur some |>e«Jt'le don’t want to come to “ We «hall »took the plaqe to Ita ,,1 in Fort Orford the first of Ul. ; but we are not. prepared to say that im m ediately.” Mid Mr, ¿•'Port (Ayford. Port f i l l ’r d , week, went o « t i HnbbanFs creek, * d > u7 > el * weaJ capacity _______ ______ Maeleay.1 “This d o c not none» John-R. Miller has had a cover,’ g... A i'll* F r u p r t e t o Monday afterntmh U> look »<- ,r) u * ,VC i »ardy mean that r ill transform with glass doors and windows, built ■ t timber, lie found timber, so thick , Iraa rudi '* *ttto “ ,1,oc'1 ranob, f'W we don’» over tire poydi in front of hi» store, and so much of it, that be soon loC '»-H says that ,t w, 1 be „ n ic e rad,- ( „ - »trst-cliies in every respect. • extensive an ar p^tleciing lhe entrance irmp winter cal ohanges are raw s. 1 . , , ß o s d fe e d S ta b t« a tta c h d . i ■ l » ¿ j* i rangement inierfere with a liberal hie bearings and as night »w com The T biucs « claim s to be Jnd4- |' • ...................... , . . storm. Ames S, .loiinstonis having ing on lie sought shelter under a ., . , , "i policy of settlement and develop , the front of hia dw elling house#im pendent Republican, but even t h e 1^ large log, where he passed «me of the most loyal supporter, of the old jroen ' We run the Stage from Port Orford wrot« , „ l . ' wildest niglns of lhe season, arriv rta Dairyvlllc, oopnecting with the ' ' par lias must adm it that under their Btage to Myrtle Point. Jolip Fromm Sr. moved into his ing at K napp’s hotel tiw next day regime economic condition» in the new -town reviden«» Saturday, where saturated with Oregon lain and al- U nited Stale« h»ve gone from bad he will enjpjMt more restfhl life, so with a better knowledge of the An L. C. Smith Typewriter, a . good to worse. Either the Republican while the Unc lunch he has carv«j tutie requited lu look over some of and Deimfcralih par lies must right as new. A snap. Inquire at the Tgi out of the forests will be looked aft. Curry county’s dense timber -about-face or they will be super- BUNE office. <-r Ry Id* »on*. No getllfr iifjQfifJX. ¿ £ ny ceded by »«me mew. party n^oj«, Work has been »tatted Io harder than Mr. closely .allied to the will of th«f peo-j [ S m i t h i n g county . FrQinm, has nor worked i the site for the 42 siorv L. C. Smith met more deserved !» 1* - « ' ' “b i{,u l Kstate Notirv Public Bdflding in dirattle. c - i — *t Slice e»s scrjbei has bad h i. name stricken nl,<l n u . o i y a wu .v have been let for the construction K K ÌÌ3 t;I* K » J FiW» Mrs. B. W. Dean’ her daughter winch is to tie rushed. It will re from our Ijsl a thousand and one P o r t Ö rfo rd . O re g o n Lottie, and her grandson Frankie cases of a greed-cursed land h iv e , quire etghteen month* to complete . { Dean, left here Saturday for A»h the building. It wiil be’.the high come to sight— how an able bodied ' 40 acres in Township 36- Wood and Iron Work promptly i«nd) wlu-re they will «jwnd the one of our large cities, uu •ml outside City, OKI UUlriUe of VJ| New ±>ew York J.«’*» V H J , in i u n all ii a • i 1 done at inode rate prices. Give me winter with her daughter Miss An . i», r . .k« able to get work and weakened byl 14.—Timber, the world, making a feature o f th e B X trial before going elsewhere. nie. B. AV. Dean4 drove them op to Fseific"co«"" " r h e " i Z . t o T y " ^ « »Unger,"tottare.1 into a public park> 165 acres in Township 84- ____ ________ ._______ _ U m glois wl\cnce they went by stage and lay down to ------- starve; a,— how . —Timber. Fine hog ranch. Building, Seattle’* new«j»t skyscrap , H UPTON ,o Bandon and will go out by Rose- family in New York were starving er is now being occupied. 351 acres in Township 34- burg. M& Dean wilt join them in when a horde of rat. attacked them and a little baby* bands and feet 14/ Fine stock ranch. <j » . CJOMMiaW SIOTfK», » few weeks. T h i. i» the best year the canned 160 acres in Township 34- were eaten ofl before help arrived; Henry A xtell came in from Grants salmon industry has ever known. I SçfrràJlY PIIÄIJC. host women lind girls have been 14.—Timber. j Pass Inst week to attend to land The pack is three-quarter» of a mill-1 driven to live» of »Ipime j»e- — L msoxois , C vhoi C o ., Q ubüo *. m allei., bnt will have to readver- iojrlnrger than the best previous Correspondence solicited. cause unable to earn an lionest llv -------------i . ------ —- — — ------------ »— ti.» in ordert«» have h i. hearing be- record. Price, are at their highest, . nd jn # Port Orford, Or., Nov. 6,1911; ‘ fore Commissioner H. T. Stewart. more capital is.invcted in the im | innuultiraUe Henry c i n e thro’ the innun Ulna dnstry and ’*»'•« * Trugp, ar. piUBg up miflion upon E stray N os -I cb . from Big Bend on foot, und about than ever before. There uas been a , , „ . . ' . , ,, . m illions of dollars prohts in the ; perished In the bleak weather, and »liflicieul demand from all part, or These have been nt our Urn, near . . . , , pursuit of unholy and unlawlul Ipncountere«! »nuw waist deep. H is the win world hi* record pack. , ( r Id to absorb I lh»record j* a4,1)enln, rk, Curry county, Oregon, _ . I Kepairlnff Wat. bes and Jewelry claim i» contested by raining Ínte This industry , . of »tradily grow,ng u five h^ - of , w<> yegr 3 specialty. All work guarantogd. cure for all this, and many .innere five h e silo f two year old cattle, 3 importance to W ashington. res ta.__ steers and 2 heifers, branded O on anti brilliant m en believe . —----- that It is, , ------ Orders taken for Watches and Fancy then God speed to Socialism; but left hip. and further described as Myrtle Point want« a little wee Jewelry. W’ork turqod out un short District established, that I Trenton, N. J.. Nov. 8 — Frogr.*» It all cause, ue to wonder if the follows, to wit: One fswn colored I Fort Ul * A^»«B»»-tata ---------------- v ao - ootloe. the great big tax payers can «»cape j ives have received a setback in this one who wrote “ I s int no Socialist'’ j Jersey steer with a small bell, Call oft -me at L anoizui , O rkoon . taxation to improve the whole riv- 1 slate and the Presidential boom of really knew w hst he was saying, or,' marked, crop and underbit on left 'i a i M . E L L IO T T Ler'as progressive men would w a n t' Governor \VUstm has been given i ! if he didn’t in a remote ooruer of ear and under and upperbit in rig h t! to do. We wonder down here what jolt which, political wiseacres *»y, bis u<______ r mind, _____ have _____________ a haxy conception ear. One steer part Jersey, crop «»If W . George Guerin Sr. and R. C. De-1 will put it o u tp f the running when mingled together the (lio’ls left, and upperbit on right ear. One ment will do in the matter! W ill candidates come to be considered. of Anarchy and Socialism. ■ heifer with underbit on left and up tSucessor to A. II- S a B is ) x they work against Myrtle Point as The slate yesterday went strongly In supporting the Port of Port perbit on right. One heifer crop they have against the Fort of Fort republican. A return of a majority Orford ... . we felt . -■— ------- ¡ r i feftesr. .i,... then, as we «■—i feel ——. now . ofT 1 of nineteen New Jersey members of that we were w ort ing for the good oE These cattle h*ve l»een at oar Orford? tiie legislature give the rep«iblicans tfie com m euity, and-présente«! such place since August 15, *nd theown- The past week has heen a «tortuy j * roaj ^ ity of one j„ lhe next Sen facls and argument* as we thought erg are requested to pay pasturage A nything not in stock, will one, hut the rainfall has noi been j #Jgl)teen houge would further the cause of the Fort and fpr advertising, and take them | abnot mat. U s t Friday, the 10. was j be pleased tc order and all of which we firmly believe away. marked by an unusal storm, which The straw vote by the Oregon ' time will rorrobwete. N odi Ni B ros . D ° NB KUtlUfniyCBllIC suddenly came U down npoa us ...... from HevAiuiM- pati . y IXUYAIIkinv N ------ UW.I uH '»u — . . . . . . A . .................................................... The T r im «R ha* no spologie* to Denmark, Oregon. H n n t l o n . O v o a r o n lhe north, with snow and hail and Journal, anil which is Prlnte«i in Nov. 1st, 1911, _______________j piercing Arctic winds. The ther- th i. paper, give, one an Idea of the offer for the poeilion it has taken A--------------- - D E N N IS CUNN1FF. JR-. 1 tnometer here dr.ipped’ to 30, and political situation in Oregon today, on any of the above questions, how - Mr»«» •« «.»«»* « ••» . W.*at re;»M a eie*R »km Re thin ice formed. The cold wave Summed up, the vote means that ever, we offer the suggestion to some m vX-sr, k i wiiUtut it. I »*ar«t*, Cand/Catara clean >uur »u«tr blood a.»d keep w it fimn, rl«wn, dj b> Den. U. 8. Mineral Sarveyer swepl lhe whoU « .n , hut only policies of all platform sof all politi- of our “dry,” Socialist and Port ■ ue ftn tdaaii me the i*«y all i«- ta »» "P tha iaxy liver a»d driviaf <t»f - lasted one day, when the south cal partiea m ust he progressive o r . supporter friends, that we would puntied from the ' “ The w people ore ’ Ì ' not take it amiss if they would ÜKÜfen HD ■»•ra— they are failure*. . w thatsw^iy’hthorasratptanra b^tahi» i wind resumed its ew»j sw a y / SUM« and blew Snevoyar for the D istrict of O f- wUtl iu forgeHing about portyism ^ftd look- jsen d us a new subscriber for each æ , N r < i. A Complete Stock of Dry Qoods, Groceries »nd rovision at a low price. F v t j y 'l ir^ H. usually found in General Merchandise Stores. Mens' and Boys’ Clothing, Indies Dress Goods, Hardware, Granite aud Tinware, Ci gars, Tobacco an«i ipes, Candy, N uts and Notions, Boiled Barley, Grass Seed and Seed , 5 •> j ? j Grain, Bootsand Shoes, . A'CFOIVNEV AS LVtV » ■ ‘ Orders taken for anything not in stock. Al»< so orders taken for Mens' Tailor made suits from the best Tailors in Chicago. ,natal New Goods and Fresh Supplies will be re ceived by every Steamer, ; ' Top price paid for Chittlm Bark x — ATTOUAEV A.W XeAW J as. $. Capps, P rop; J. J. STANLEY ' I M S I Lawyer, K N A PP HOTEL, Langlois Hardware Store w “J***** f ' I * k H ardw are o f a ll Kinds For Sale. M a c h in e r y & M o w in g M a c h in e » . E x t r a s f o i D a ir y in g ^ O s b o r n e , M ilw a u k e e M a c h in e r y * Black WILLIS T WHITE, Sr PainG », O il* > S tw m p ln K F o w d e r Port Orford, Oregon F in e l i n e o f G u n s , liH u e h a ll p a r a p h e r n a l i a , a n d o t h e r S p o r tin jc G o o d s k e p t in s t o c k s • r I . D o o r « a n d W i n d o w s i n v a r ie t y c o n s t a n t ly k e p t o n h a n d . .t P ip e F it t in g ^ ,¡ P lu m b in g a n d T i n w o r k o f a ll k in d s d o n e o n sh o r t n o t ic e . « ' Cheever ® Bowman, L a n g lo is , O r. W ATCHM AKER DOORS - WINDOWS - MOULDINGS «J. H A .O IIV A nything you Need in Mill Work W rite us for Prices or any Informa tion you Need in this Line All Kinds ef Harness and — t Saddelry — • -, ,p~- . OoMMrtasK •*«o n - - . - " _ .i< O r« t« iin , w arm brW B. . ______ t i • i tag to progreuivenes«.— Hsibor. J * ! rfthose pe h«Tk Ml tiaU. rat»,a« tms j z *“ ** N o r t h B e n d M a n u fa c tu r in g C o / o r 111 B e n d , O r e s r o n