ey required build such • fleet »« 133,74i against.BÛ.OJl; majority, repreaeutrd in tb» « « pr>*Uu o f th», 72, • 1® U nit'd Bute# • Steel Conu»rnt««m i* No. L every eighteen mouth«. ¡»iooatui WKhNEBnAÏ, NOV. 15, Utti Under the »ingle tax system ~»t)ia against, great crpuraiiuA would I hj practi ' N’>. I PubHahad Ev -iy W...Inceder, by «ally exempt from «•ntriUnirtg to provvr harry t . utbw I ht . the support of lire government, and (tonal h Frank ( . St jw a h . AsaucUU E litur thia extra burden would fall a** a lion».— rule, upiui the bone and sinew of 790 J aw A ' i»t: m « t ît t lM H O Îf » A T » the eouutry — the iniddl» class- > No. I Ü b « C e p * O ne V w r Thu» »1 would aver be, but few .>|«er»£e C a e C o p y R ix M o n ti * « ,.» . a . . . iif the exveaaively rich ptwuiug HO 138,811; ugaiust; 64,221; m ajor.f), U n e C opy ftira » Ilo n t h a .......... TBE TiiÎBI.Nr. Tae prune«! «air»e»ho r«i'I »»lair «kuwstkedsl» »>> .which vertí wHptlou it »«.M '. *• AiivXv^iai»« R àtb » ftaxaoHAkua. * Yeatle, are never bar bound at Port OrfiwtJ. \V hen in,bled they oau always go to sea. The American people «re rapidly ¿limbing iittb th« »addle, and they will ride to will" ugihist all lu te I resit.| . ' • • g Is nu Independent iper, and i» for La eaideot, against all foy Folk against all dqn't feel mixed in ou r poltti®», ettber. laud ira ■ ajieuk of, must of their 69,190.. I 'wealth Iwing tied up id mill», f«c ', N o 13, prohibit* Change of text torieii and railroad», which would books ofteuer llwn onoe in four 'Winac-LiuuLleAatJiit', v«htr».— For, 168,010; agaiurt, 48, fiaciitg the euti e expense of 943; majority, 424.0S7. la o v e r n m a u t imm U that land would No. 15, w aking Kallrpad Cmu À t Boyle’s Jewelry Store Bandon, Oregon Two D iam ond R in g s One Valued $ 1 0 0 , and One $ 5 0 C a ll a t S t o r e f o r P a r t i c u la r s o r s e e C ir c u la r s o r H t t n d b ills . it, and it is by no mean* cer power»— For, 188„746; against, 76, (pitth e .breaking yp o f thq ■ 240) majority 5 i,« 0 » .- AGA In.ltlings of land by tiiia ay« -No. 17, relative to election of ould be of any material bene- , wily aud eoUiity idficet» by. major- the land.!«•* m an, owing tqr rty Volt— For.KIT,lyfi; ugatnat, t>9, uniat ■prohibitive tax be would ^(W2; tnajn'ily, 76^14. »pellet! to pay tu occupy. a « y t. No. 1H- peiinitling LegislatureU>, ^abolish Justice* of the Fence—»!;ol', '*104,105; again«», 98. «3 ; tmijoriiy,j jo l8 2 . ‘ ’ J L ouis -K napp , .q U R R E N T T O P IÇ S No. IS, ¡tori.uriitogX**«^ ©dices , land member» of the Itailroau Creti- • 11 y J H. U m w f mission >0 accept pas««—^For, •!«« , P16, against, l0 6 ,l l6; defeat«,< v„. I 6132- , R. W. BOYLE P L A C E STOVE KJ , l) L oucks , Cashier E. J. L onf . y , A«st Cash I out . M c K enzie , Director J. W, Mi K enzic , Prea. No. 20; making clerk of ijuprei. e O K F O K I> B A N K lyil, y . Involving a oorrupi map Court appointive— For, 122,731; whereby' a lawyer nauibd Win. again«'*; 77,284; majority,.43,46/. YOUR BANKING BUSINESS SOLICITED W illett bad secured tile iwminalion N o ,2 1 , giving Legislature power for »tale Supreme Judge.^ It was t„ impeach Ap|wllate 2udge»— For, disclosed that the Democnitio ,boaa- \ 157,598; against, 49,345; majority, es led by Jin»« Cassidy, Bad put up Jufi.251. <»». the uomiiiatioii pmclically at action - Fo. 22, exem pting soldier« from PORT ORFORD, and that W illett paid 820,006 ca*J>, luxation ol 81000 of. property For, OREGON and gave bis note for jH5,()00. it 106,554; against, 96,800; majority, tgoald ju»l be too bad to recall such 9663, a judge, »o it would. An< New No. 23. enlarging powers of Rail- W e a th e r R epo rt a t P o rt O rfo rd Ybrk »upieme Judges terms are road Commission— For, 144,205; F o r th e W e e k ending fourteen years, with salaries of 817, against, 63,380: majority, 80,825. --------M o e . i l , 1 » U . It is my intention to hundle Real n California is 000, so it will-be seen that, »imply ( lt ¿ ¡n sev„ t|iat majorities for EitBiofn Cnrry ixinrftyi a n t f i expect ns a »peeohition, VYiHell could well rHngCj ;,1J the way from 3,537. fp •* to huvo offices in Port Orford and Odd T e m p e ra tu re . Beach earljr In tho' bpring - In the afford the price demanded 835,000 i,,,.), 341-,492'jjl. will, b o .j# » 0 . mean time I will be plexaed to corre­ >iy Bos» Cassidy. ' «Iso that each of the tlnoe profasti, spond with any one that has property I i 1 have long contended that the jj, »fleeting the Courts carried 6y for aale. / - , great heed o f huuinniiy lias been |„„r,. than 100,000 majority. These I makers speybilty of handling farm and tlmtibrland I have parties that justice, not charily for any one. ,.r". er If laws did iiot favor the favored bi the ‘Classes, and they are all mmle and oa n o s' constructed in court» by the favor th the ! eil cbiseee, there would be no c I sm Mi hen ' trr beelow charity upon. Thi* 4» ilia j tl, dec prims <>ua* of the developtUent o f , ni Coke, a«Tn able ju rst7T ra “ oihnwfrS7MUiiRtio7 8 buTrebnurry, help'but see the injustice of it sit. np|ieiir» that even cbaril. And the proposition to refjulre the railroads trt carry certain official That the Port Law was IntebdoU iy prises can l>e made pmOt free was defeated l»y “tp * 6,060 AtaL h s fiat/iet» til bwd'ide within jls have Umg eutsrU ined thi scope s«»«h harbors as Purl Orford, it was profitable business ! j iril.v, although It was not • by the n»nd¿ The people |s a fact so apparent that common ix« charity, pud work for ¡to sense tlie possibility tl Sense I* all that is r«-q.iired l>i see it. for what there was in it. f Another fact that insures the dis Isixirer is worthy of Ida 1 i rueils would use this as an solving of the injunction, ia that wiien “ aoHcing” '*t ebari i fur increase of freight rates. the tendency of the times is to do The privileged elns*ex. Iaiugkiis, Or. away with technical help-holes. President Tuft, object I One of tbc reform iheasitr«» carried m is by the people cm tl at tije l»»e California election, was that th e to » * * o f munkio that no Judgie be showed on tccli capable of |M<«per dieuriui tlical grounds to set aside the ver- tween goiai and bad tm diet of a jury, and Judge Henry 1 controvert this aeeitnipli McGinn wf Portland, has been m«k • , yuu would print lit* the ing an enviable reputation for him ¡„fticial return of votes ci b th e h igh est ty p e o f •elf by deciding ease» according p> I l U. Calilornia election i w om anhood. law und justice, refusing to cuimie- propositions submitted t' nance teahntcal points. pie at large. , Many of thefk«kty m ehurge. c