Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1911)
t I IN n i n hex* V o lu m e ZXLX O F F IC IA L DIB K C TO R Y statu ano distbiov o r n c iM : a . F. Sen’to— J o n a th a n Bourne Jr., of Portland and Geo. K- O ham bertaln of S alem . C on gressm an, F ir st D istrict—W illis C fR iw le y , of G overnor—O swald W est, Salem , Secretary of State—B en . W. OlouU Sa lem . State T.eaaurer—Thou. B. K ay, o f 8a- 8upt Public Instruction—L. A. Ald erm an , Sale nt. State Printer—W illis D u n iw ay, Salem . Attorney G eneral—A. M . Crawford, Salem . Clerk State I^ ud B oard—O. O. Brown. . Salem . Jo in t Senator for Ooua aad Carry— M ines at P age 70; un i said associates the Palais de Casulle are wurvsls of h ave aeslsn ed th eir interest in sai<l beauty and worth and eons'itute a v s ri- iands to said app licant. The Applicant table “ 7* h e claim s, have e x pended ove< five been aeeepte^ Tbs es a ts hundred dollar in .labor and im prove- eovert »goo iquare yards of land, m ents on sa id lands In develop in g Taluei s t* ltO to *200 a yard, th eir piinerals and m ining. All of raid land s are adjacent, ad-1 Joining and con tigu ou s to each other, j A ll necessary operations in writing, billing or statistical work are accomplished from the key board of the light running, easy adtion M odel 10 (Visible) an d the q u a r t « section' corner at the . SW f o r tier of JiWJ Sec. 8, Twp. and It. aforesaid , la th e ' corner o f one , f the sub-divlM oos of said land applied for, to w it: the 84 8 W | NWJ Kec. 8 afore s a id , said q u a rtet section corner being W h e n a p o p u lar cam era w as an established corner of the g o vern firs t under consideration, i t be m ent survey. came necessary to secure a good There is no known vein or lpd eor lens a t a p o p u la r price. T h ia w a r Other m ineral bearing rocK in place on any part of said lands and uo adjoin-1 in g m ining claim's ex cep t the follow- j H»rtx>r ln g : W . O. Corbin claim , W alter 8 i n - ; clalr claim , John H udson claim ,, and Joe H udsou cla im , i , ■ ’ A n y a n d ail persons c la im in g ad v e rsely , the m ining piound described above, or any p art thereof, or vein or lode or other interest therein, are here by notified th at u n less tlielr adverse claim s are du ly filed according to law and regu lations thereunder within sixty days from the date of the first publication of th is notice, with the Register of the R oseburg, O regon L»nd Office, they w ill be barred In v irtu e of the p rovision s of law. B rou g ht to th e m a n u fa c tu re r In sm all slabs, 11 Is c u t by revo lvin g W edderburu saws in to th e d iffe ren t sixes and IH lh e e ... . . . th en subjected to a series of grin»' lugs and polishings th a t m ust A g n e a s ..,.. e v e n tu a lly enable th e te s te r to fit P ort Orford th e lens over an absolute fo rm of D enm ark. . . th e shape and aise requ ired, so per- Langlois B xmamin F. J ons *, E E e y ... fectly th a t a d evia tio n o f one tw o- m illio n th o f an inch la in s ta n tly If not Delivered In Tan Day« rata N o t i c e f o r P u b l i c a t i o n . 06869. detected. T h e cement used fo- b u ild in g up lenses from single lenses is a p rep aratio n so delicate th a t it cannot a lte r th is p erfection T h e m akin g of lenses fo r photo graphic w ork has now become an who»- post- office addreUi U m Ov. r- |n i:iw nsf- n du stry, and in mu v look I'.lvd., l*orUau*l. tire , did , mi the ca»<'- tlie sh u tters are also made « ■ e t a « i r « rifa » « a r a y r a ir b a v a trae» 23 day of Jan u ary, bi l l . 111« in thia ••f- a l l a g CASCAHB-IH amt «he* a ra A M Sra« fiue e« o rn Fta «m em and App ii-utioli, ■ ra ffln I wa have a w . brat la the boast. Laa» *- • -»r «raek « J «Ita «aa tram i« with headache tor Vo. 0OK6:». I«i puicinta« l-j l»M M »Atra «he «riwl « o r a n i yöni C A SC A I!B fS . aaS «bar ralla rad thè pelo In bar head aimoe« T. 80, F. RJ.I» W. A lota I <4 3, Fw tiou In — » -'r W» '«Hfc raropimenC Ceeeereu 5, T'.wnrhlp .'¡I s ., ita n g c It, W e st,. OHAS. S u A .ïK .im th e ir w ork, the lenses are a ls o a l p itta m ir( Sota a D epor" Co . Plttalm rs. P» W illam ette M eildi.iU, hii i, th>* tuplier w ays th o io n g h ly tested by tbs th e rm a l, tin .«i t h - provisions of th« u< t cam era ex p e rts . T his does not Refusing to Lead. Afraid of sudden falling of board o f Jun e 3, 1K7H, uml aclt* Kiui ud ttoiy, m ean f l i n t th ey are subjected to Running away when halter or bridle is removed. Biting known as I he "Tim en .tn l Htmie L aw ,'’ a t eu. h v d u e u s m ight I* fixed, by up- an y th in g like the d iffe ren t tests Getting fast in stall. Afraid of sight and sound of steam prsiaem eu t, ami th a t, puiaount toauuh the am a te u r w ill apply la t e r on. Pawing in stable. Kicking at master or strangers application, the land and t iuber there b a t finish, focus and m o u nt, and lender bitted. Afraid of sound of baggy or wagon wheels on have been appraised, *203 00 the th e focal scale is tested by objects Stock and poultry have few Pawing when hitched in street. Afraid of touch of shafts trouble« which Ate wot bowel And tim ber estim ated 410 000 board feet at a t the stated distances; the Under l i v e r irregular Hie». B la e k - Crowding in stall. Scaring at hogs or dogs along road 60 ueuts per M. and t ‘:e land noth in g; is brought in to A lignm ent, and D raught stock sod Poultry M edi Refusing to baiter or bridle. «tinning away that said applicant will offer final pr.xd th en the cam era needa only the cine i* 1» bowel »ad li"er remedy in support of liis application audhworn fin a l touching up o f rubbed apots for »tock. It put» the orgm i. of Pulling on one rein. Striking. Tail switchers digestion in A perfiet eonnibon. f»»W Mild RIH statem en t on the (Iday of October, 1911, to be ready fo r the m a rk e t. P erm a n en t as th e h ills , b a t can be Lugging on bit Bad to harness. Bad to groom ■lam u» f i ’ I Prominent American breeder« and before R egister A Receiver U nited farm er, keep their herd* and flock« Lunging and plunging. Hard to shoe. Shying rem oved fa a secon d o f tim e . The States (.and Office, at R oseburg, O re TO NEW~YORK FOR REST. healthy by Riving them an orv-a- Jumping fences. Refusing to hold back going down hill o n ly C lev is naw «■ th e m a rk et th a t gon. Any person is at lib erty <•« pro Y h e n a a n d s H a v e K id n e y T r o u b le aional done of Blar »-Draught Ptock test th is purchase before etitry, or in end Poultry Medicine m their a n d D o n ’t K n o w It. Afraid of automobiles. ' Bad to hitch to buggy or wagon staya w h ere p o t. itiate a con test at any tim e before p a t food. Anv »lock raiees mav buy a B c w io rio 4 Owt. Afraid of paper. Lolling the tongue. Afraid of robes The e x clu siv e right to handle tnl« e n t iasues, by filing a corroliornted nt- 25-tent half-pound a ir tig h t can Fill a bottle or common gla«s with your of thia Wis dealer C levis w ill be sold by Counties o f fid sv it in litis otliie, alleg in g (acts Afraid of umbrellas. Afraid of clothes on line water spd 1st It stand tw eniy-fojr hours; a Mtd keep his stock in ’ igormi» States, or se t a t three oan be psrebas- which would defeat tn e entr' _ sediment or eet- ’ Afraid of sound of gun. Afraid of band playing B injanih P . JOKItS, health for weeks. Dealer« g-uer- Is n ’t it strange th atp eo p les h o i A’ ed for fil.uS. Address ’ hng Indicates an Register slly keep Hluck-Draugbt Stock and Afraid of canvas top wagons. Afraid of cars go to N ew Y o rk th rest up? Y vt» Ç 7 j f Y —- , unhealthy condl- Poultry Medicine. If your, does Ü L t / Î r V r t'.on of the kid- know w hat B ro a d w ay and F l m not. -'iid lb cent« for a would« T y ' I tf ney« ; If It stains If you have horses addicted to any ot the above men can to the ma-iiifactiirer». • “« avenue are fro m T h ir tie th to T h ir your linen it Is Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat tioned bad habits or vicious traits, you can cure them. ty fifth s t r e e t —the densest, noisi evidence of kld- tanooga. 'Venn. And permanently too, by following the system as giv I tX “ «y trouble; too 1 est place in the w orld , w rite s a cop / ' Î ’A «raquent desire to A reward ot O ne Hundred D ollars en in this course of lessons, thereby increasing the value respondent o f the I ’ittsb u . g IM t an jesccs, O *.. J *e . » . I»«*. pass It or pain In N o M o r e C e d a r to S p a r e . will be paid for the arrest and uonv e- B la ct-D augh t IttoeV »nrt Poul ry of your horse many dollars worth, whether you want to puteh. Y et I know a prom in- i.t “ the back Is also tl»n o f »tie Party nr P arties wlio killed 0,1'- in . I« t h i ih r a t le v r t r l« ) . Ou» aonv1rie:rg'proof (hat tha kidneys and blad who keep or sell him. It will increase your safety and confi I m u st h u sb an d m y tim b e r to rs a B u ll Klk on C hetco m oun tain rear P itts b u rg business man oak wa» e i’k tn t b«*1 ’"b*’ r»u « -" * der are out of order. ,o tno w «tietoa and no,« th .y ara when he gets tire d , slants down Ins place fen ces a n d b u ild in g s an th e dence in driving and handling any such cnimal. S h u t to I X . W ill Moore's stock ranch, d u rin g the «Wink ■> A n * Ttray ara tonkins S» There Is comfort In the knowledge so ro ll-to p desk, seiies bis esse i • r • • n u b »twe. ____ farm , tiierefora I m u st n o t sp a re an v sum m er. often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- B. P. BBOC7KI9QTOW tit lies the tra in east. In New VZrtk F. M. K ono . i n . m ore ced a r. P le a se d o n o t ask for it Root, thé great kidney remedy fulfills every Deputy in ch arge, “'/nth C oast D M he p atro n ite s a w ell-know u hof? wish in curing rheumatism, pain In tha The green tree« will grow and the dead sion. O regon G»mu W ardens baek. kidneys,liver, bladder and every part much favored by P itts l >itg rs. Bauilon, O regon, Sept. 16th. lfil 1 ones will keep. - « ( the urinary passage. It corrects InsbIHtv r.sks fo r a room on the tw e iftb Io hold water and scalding pain In passing J. H. U ptoh , floor, and if be gets it, o r one cn tk. H, or had effects following use of liquor, Lasgloia, O r., August 27, 1910. wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant floor e ith e r above ot below, he i, necessity of being compelled to go often happy. .Tw elve floors up lie is re U) w rit, fbr our mnUdviitial I s t t . r beton, ap- daring the day, and tq get up many times H. T. 8TEW A R T ptytns ftw r a to n tiU may be w -rth monuy. m ovetl fi out th e noise ot th e busy daring the night. Th e mild and the extra Wu pron ptly obtain li . S. and P e t . . c n ordinary etfect ot S w am p -R oot Is soon pavem ent below , Bo fa r as q u i NOTARY PUBLIC reallrad It stands the highest (or Its won etu d e is concerned he m ig h t .'»» derful eurss of the most distressing cases. g e ll lie in a co u ntry tilla g e . If yes need a medicine you should have the Any person or perçons tresim sslng •a y coruam ption beet. Sold by druggists In SOc. and $1. sires. the m o rn ing th e b rig h t sunsL. upon the Croft L a k e Ranch,—t h s Me- ettfed. N atu ra ale Yeu may have a sample bottle of this “ t « ••rrt's j and •« •< ••, sud oar L e lla n an d M arshall Ranches, w ill L s steals in a t his w indow , w l . do it, i t needs bel oh&rfM are m edw au. Try m pm w rttted to the u tm ost exten t of the overlooks the riv e r and tb e d o e k t ■ o ra shout tt. both « e n t ^ r a J f c K - t H L i ^ law ; and a reward w ill he g iv e n f o r In below . A t n ig h t the view is on» »f «brahitsly free by mail, I , th e undersigned, hereby give no form atioh an tt »rill i«u tde o-ich t -o enchantm ent,« wnt< hing the . et radrras D r. Kilm er k I w a w SvunraSora. Opp. Ü.S. Patent OBce.Wsshlaqtcn. fl C. tin ' th a t I have a conveyance from the tlon o f the guilty partie«. sets move to and fro w ith ''ie i Co.. Binghamton. N .Y . W hen writing meo- Pak-nte« to tid elan d e and water lots in ttsa rratlnc thia gaosroua offer la thia pop«. m y riad s of lig h ts. A n d ,a lt h c b / the Harbor of P ortO rfor », Oregon, on th e re is g ayety below In a dor> a portion of which s part of the wharf a»«r t e - k illin g io l.M er*’ afieamO ta tMooH Mt e|*. r»«*e w ith 1 '«••rwr*«*u I« corners o f th a t self-sam e hotel, jc is erected w ith ou t m y oonrant. A! •«» nwt< — <ht M—«■ clc^r. b»«od iuta»« « «>’ n «ki». No Eharttc, our« fnrex«r vv<O* i y—, yrv-l« U»« * h - sound of it ever p en etrates t o b l* ceutT without it. C*ot*Ortlk< AinlrCathar Î . O C mH. ir tw r lM « r - f und mon*» “ JJ parties are hereby warned n ot to drive i.ic <*Mp«n )wur l»!ond Mid bitp it ri«»o, b» q u a rte rs . B n t th is is only one c' ,i"" p lies or traspees iu an y m anner whst- virriOM wt> U * io« r m '.. c di wring mm i h so ev er oh said tidelat.ds or water lots. I'.ic 'iiia ity poaaibUUies o f a * p rove (he grass « t i . i i t * purnìe». io».«, Eoleht*. Tflrï-K!**<&» Jfa M ss. Aswa 0 . D abt . «I J-.dt ai’A -y bilKHM c ’inp e i »nr tgkwo ffbtblns <-n<i»W Or Mil« H o o d ’s Sarsaparilla sells because Î - IdRfiMty fft Vil! iS.nL*. Ah ît^if ES Portland, OrrRon. Pitta iot braarasus. srarutola. t»w, ra fi^aeUon »ua/ntiteed. 1“*- V>r The Barrow Clevis Always Stays “Put” - HEAB ACHE STOCK and POULTRY MEDICINE Have you a Horse w ith any One or More of th e follow ing habits?: W, B. Burrow, Corbin, Ore. f H. Z. HANSEN, Langlois, Or PATENTS DOCTORS SW IFT A CO^ Psfwtf Aatryera, Sf OlI’SI Ml I S I0 \ W £100 Reward