. The latest returns give the Fort Electric Railroad to Port Orford I Fat and Mike were laying from a ---------— Scaffold when it fell, killing them District 4 majority instead of 3, one both. Pal’s spirit ascended to the Spokane, Wash.. Oct- 38 — Reviv Closed season for buck deer com vote having been gained in Eckley. ing * project plauned by John R. skies. Mike's didn’t. Looking « e u ro s « iueoced today. Halloween night, last night— this A llen of Spoksnc, ?0 years ago, a the great dark cliasm, Fat espied a o ld B e a c h , O r e o n morning gates are missing, wagons group of North-western oa pi tai isle Mike anff asked what ha was doing. The enrol latent io our school is have rolled away,-snd things about is now planning a new electric road "Shoveling brimstone,’’ same «he . When having an abstract made sae n o * greater than it ever was, and tow» are generally mixed up. - fhat your certificate reads right. "‘A «till increasing. to connect the Rogue rtver valley answer." “ Work very hard?” • in careful search of the records by refer­ Monday the Port District passed with the sea. Articlea of incorpora quired Pat. “ No, we work a dozen ence to the indexes therto" is not « W . B- Burrow of Ophir, was iu — Tuesday word comes that a .rail- I lion with the cspilalitatlon set at; shifts a day,” was the reply. “ But j good certificate. The certificate should tow« Friday on his way home, hav- road is heeding for Fort Orford— *2,000.00) »eye filed at Olympia to -, what are ye’a doin’ Fat?’’ asked peon something, unless It can be relied j n g gpon | several days in Northern day. J. Arnold Jfoyleof Spokane, Mike. “Sweeping the golden, what next? ppon it is of no value. (ferry. H . M. Fnrrin of Bo»® and Charles streets,” replied Pat. “ Work very j M r. Woodcock and family form­ 3 . W- Dean has plowed and level­ Kadebaugh of Corning. being hard?’’ asked Mike. “ Begorry yes” j w . 11. MEBEDJTlf erly of Portland are living i|t the ed the beautiful Desk school ground the incorporators. The ro«d, to be' said Pat, “sixteen hoors a day, men j Beecher ¡fess residence in Fort Orf ATTORNEY aan COUflSKLLOR which is ready be sown with known ns the Southern Oregon, is are very scarce herel” - ord, where he will set up a Lapi­ AT LA W Blue grass and fenced. to run from Ashland to Port O r­ dary and cut and polish Agates for K ille d f o r » D e e r. The Hhingle m ill is idle this his |>atron*. Our people have long ford, touching Medford, Jackson­ FO^TOltFOUD, OlfEGQR _________ __________________ week wlplu new tufies arc put in wished that a Lapidary would locale ville and Grant« Fas» sn route. Alice started practically the ssrpe Mistaken for a deer, John B-rnser J 1) LOUCKS E J JONEY getting ,hH'b“i,er B"'1 i* heye, for we have the flneel Agates * itotory fibtie u general overhauling. project 30 years ago, secured a fran­ of Portland was khot and killed by in the world, and with the stil of M r. and Mrs. Jutniason of 81 »e* Mr. Woodcock, we can make our chise, tliep failed in the undertaking a couipaniou while buntiug in | Ftre and Ufa Insurance, ____ W* reí P- were io town Thursday,on business negl 4 g ‘to Carnival « “ T i l i n g of through the lack of financial back­ Washington county Sunday. Tbe yeseut the Beat aud Muy, Me Hable ing. Alien Pow resides in New companion explains that, seeing n and also enjoying a horseback ride, lieuuty, and a joy lorever." pom pautes. flash of white hair, he tho't it the Y o rk . in the delightful weather w eareei,- Contractor Feavse made remark hair about the deer’s toil and fired. P o r t OrfomJ, O r e g o « joylng. able progress last week with nW A buckshot from the gun struck Th* Oregon, Messrs Harpster and Fitcl^ bave school building, having Ideal weath^ ■ ’ 1 - J. M U N T L E Y , ' Buneer in the neck, and death re The battleship Oregon helped to rented a porti.on of Mr. Corbin’s er and a splendid crew of workmen. suited tborlly afterward, 4 * r r o B 9 f i{ Y A t r-M Y - mine on Sixes river and are gelling The building is now all enclosed, build the p«pams eanal.- The pro A t Eurek«, California, the same ready for a vigorous rii“ this win ¿lie roof completed, and the Balfry forw«nce of lb« grPat »hip »»• th« OOLD BEACH, OKEOON. day Philip MeHbews was also shot Up and flag staff raised and ou bat sentiment Bt»ker that overwhelmed and killed while bunting- H e (Joaraateed A bstracta o f U eal ter. urday at 2 F. M. the Flag was un­ the otdtim» oppoeitinn to the panel- A. Adolphsen of Flora» Creek, qUacked so well in decoying duuks ------ F roperty Fiirntahed. furled for the first lime in the pres The whole world washed the Frank Cook of Sixes, and Walter while in the water reed« that hi» ence of the workmen and a number Oregon’* progress down lbs Pacific Thlrty years practico in the Oouuty. Sutton of Fort Orford, started to the two companions were deceived, of invited witnesses— Dr. Glaoville around Cape Horn and up to Flori­ county »eat yesterday with the bal­ They fifed into the reeds, where deliyerjng an eloquent and appro | da. Jtwas a transcendent spectacle, lot boxes from their respective pre­ later, M«Hhews’ body W«» found, W- A. WOOD print« address, ending iu three J tw a s a long continued feat that cinte. There is no excuse for taking » (H-net rated to and made every cheers for the Flag. 4 ’rroKNEY x r LV'V man for a deer. Sheriff Bi-hell came up last week The Battleship, Oregon has been American heart beak A t every Nor was there any reason to fire UübD PK4CH. OKEGOfi. with election supplies for the North fireside in tbe nation there was ex thoroughly overhauled, at an e* at an object not knowing exactly ern Precinct» that voted <>t) the pet-ptnoy and bated breath. a hat it is. Old hunters rarely, if L- A , R 0 B E U T 8 , _ ___ 4 Bolt proposition. T. I,. Carey de (»ense of over a million dollars, Iter When the journey was finished, 13 inch guns increased from four to ¿ T T O h n e y a t a * a w . 1 livered the supplies to Sixes and eight, and her other guns increased and when the thirteen inch gene of ever, do such a thing- Shooting blindly because the brush moved, Eckley. M y it,« p u la t , O regon. and many changes made that- con­ tlw gallant ship had «ent the Chris- or because something quacked in the tobel Colon to M»s boHot»»- The The election at Port Orford on the vert her into a much more .formid water reeds or because tbs buutes Port Proposition was a quiet order able fighting i»aukine. 8he will Panama canal we« Mgdhd M huilt. saw a flash of white hair, is done - Prob«* ba»»“« * • »t*»“ 1*?- ly affair, with no unpleasent feat­ lead our fleet through the Panama There was uo use to longer OpIBW» only by such tyros as have too little ures— exey pi that it lacked bitt 7 Canal under the e a n iw s d of Rear it. Its opponents were driven into discretion to be permitted ll»« use GEORGE M . BROW N, Votes out of 116 of being unaui Admiral Clark who made her fam ­ confusion, and their power of resist of firearms. anoe overthrown. The inepiriug a t T o h n e y a t L A W gioua as it should have been. ous iu the Spanish war. She is now By nnd by there w ill have to be whence journey of t|ie Oregon did iL ROSEBURtì OREOOS ¿ An apple tree near Albany Ore- ion her way to S.tn Pedro, legislation to remedy the condition. f t ie by right of her own •chieve- gon has been sold for $600. Jt is sho will come to M ire Island, lake Increasing population, greater munt and tb»t of her gallant crew over- bearing, maturing fru it si a l l ! «hoard ammunition, and return to Scarcity of game and the steadily J. J. S T A N L E Y that the Oregon should (ead the increasing power of apxlern «reap seasons of the growing ppriod, with ! Puget Sound. pageant. She won her title to the k w j« , onk w ill make hunting accidents buds, blossom* and apples -on the We c«l| attention to the ttespas* honor. She should have the place mors and numerous. tree st the same time. A nursery notice of Robert MeK«m*ie in Diis of distinction, and Captain Clark Then there will h»»» to Jto pep. ( lO Q V ip b R , - « ' OKKOON .company has bought the tree sod |»aue. In the pssl Mr. McKenzie should be on the bridge. Thia is «Itiea for accident* to force men to w ill try to establish a new everbe«r h«s generously permitted . hunting the |>qeiirun President Teft takes, know what they are shooting at be­ ing variety ! and flshiqg m) his plit«-, which «f and il do»» him credit.-«Jouroal. fore they fire. Then it w ill be a L. W . H ale’s two teams brought fords fine sport in both three lines, penitentiary oflbnse to ehoot with in 360 salmon from Sixes river last but the nbose o f this privilege hsa BffWrnff Endorgex U F o lle tte , fatal results at a flash of white hair Port week, which were shipped to Oooa peoeeaitated * trespass ttoticu. L i» t or tbs quack of a duck. I t is a l­ f... IAIN A - A ’yopploto , Bey on the Randolph. Chauncey week giant |>owder was »liot off at Uaitad Stotee 8e«»vor Jonathan ready msnslsughter in some stoles. WotMlruff, who caught the fish, lyts two place near the mouth of Elk Bourne, Js., of Qrsgou endorses the v-rTbe Journal. river, and hundreds ol salmon were Kirat-elaaa in every re«pe, t- been fishing in the river for the past candidacy uf Senator L * Follette killed, and iu addition to thia • for the Republic»« natntnnUun •» 0 o > d Feed 8 |a b lfi a fta c h d . couple of weeks with good success, sending the iiioet of hi. catph over­ number of Mr. McKenaies lame against President Taft. ducks were killed by some youth Senator Bourne’s statement is in land to Bandon. Wo run the Stage from Port Orford fui sportsmen. The killing of the the nature of a challenge to Big A letter from Judge R. 8. Bean, yta Dairyville, oopnecting with the salmon is a et-riou« offense, sit’d it is Business and meets the charge of of the U. 8. llistricj Court of Ore fltage to Myrtle Polpk hoped the per,télf store can be radicalism whiob has been lodged gon, notified H . T. Stewart of the brought U» justice. against La Follette by placing Port Orford T x ib u n b , that he bad against thi» statement the legisla­ been appointed U. 8. Commission tion enacted in Wisoonsin under (Coos B ay N bws .) er in place of Hon. J. H . Upton, who the leadership of L * Ftfilette. Hen resigned becau«e of his age and The Sblngle m ill at Parkíreburg, ator Bourne said) physical infirmities, after having “ Why have J for months Been so e on tbe'Coquille, wax destroyed by ably filled the position for insistently for-SeBslur L * Follette Keeps cniiurcn ' The origin years. • ’ w , O bsoom . » — kor all tho«e. I f investigation »hows results obtained hy the Rood grad The Pacific Great Weatern filed W M . E L L IO T T 26 0 4t i er, Gravel and Brawn and Brain three deeds for right-of-way on the them to be protective of personal 21 7 __the best road-maker»« in the Eugene Cooe Bay line, .1 Eugene liberty and property right« then sup no .00 49 53 26 W . -J- S A - B I 1 X port him for President. - I f destruct wni Id. on the 20th. 00 .00 60 M M (Suoessor to A. B. K abix ) ive of personal liberty or property W ill G auntletl was in town Sat- Prospects of a railroad terminu« righto, bitterly oppose hie candi ¿7 "«3 " in " " 1ÓÓ i in tbe vicinity of Pony slough ctus dscy. 8nch an investigation w ill ’■ii" ioo ■ ” 0’ »' 66 cd a little stir in real estate in that show Wisconsin laws to be con­ S&ddfllPV 1 time M»«“ **- H ii n'‘pbew H * rry 1 neighborhood last week. Empire .0 100 Si 29 *3 structive not destructive; progrtea- ^nne J J o a u n lle tt met him here with • team was al.o frequently inuiliuned by too ive, not reactionary, intelligently "¿V ’is SO Anything p o| in stock, wll‘ Rnd him down Sunday. J t! the wise onea as offering a good op- Avorag^s conservative, not blindly radical. b« pleaseti ty? order is 17 years «ince he le .t t u r iy couti i portunity lullU y ,or for mvra.ww,,. investment while 7* «0 « “8enstor La Follette is a states Fo«gy on tbe 2-lth. men, not e politician; a deep think­ J. D. LOUCKS. er, not a demagogue. His candi­ Observer dacy presents an opportunity to sfleasnty ! • I H o o d D e « > . erol ye»*» H i. wife hs. been visit- slough, which command. w«tor nominate and elect a Preaident on i h a n b lood r a m n i A e le a » « km . Wo DENNIS CUNNIFF, JR., Ir g at Gold Beach, and after «short fronl.ge on the bay. “ " ° “ 'J * * his record and not on another mana * u t y wttbont it. < etw a »u w Wood .a d R fissa, by visit thev will return to their home fine location for a wharf, and m t endorsement or promise to follow tic si,-iing up t l» lix r brer «aá ¡trono« »Il i • - Vepv U. a. Mineral Sarvey^r " i i He ha. scarcely chang U r i.l and auppl.es could b . unload- in an other’s footsteps. H e can ’«m i«« from th« body, n*®!» ^"day * • and w ill, , in nomi - , wntflh 3 i 1 „ . a .11 th e s e vesrs. and '• is «•» th« ' • W * m *re >or cimwruu..»» " — ” ■ k - - 0B - .n u w u my . , - opinion, k - - - be - ,b«t «Aly M » Curry Count, Ahtrad- Realt, Company. Honored by Wooten Io w a and County. _ ______ a o o ro f FAVORITE S Z 'A .V U Bufalo, N. . of her Buffering she > have be­ V s t oonfi- Pierce, Every- Y. b e e r'irR s is e to the wuader- workiaW, enring-powsr of D r. pieroo’a Fovosvo Preeeriptioo .—which sov«e »he »eV-r»«* «ra /reel gaS«, and successfully I grapples wish womso's week- I ir q jin ead stoUarw /2 |. | T M A K E S W E A K W O H E N STRONG I T M A K E S S IC K W O M E N W E L L . N o wnosoo's appeal * * s ever misdirected or her o o w Adepoe misplaced when site wrote fur a d v ic e ,.»« the WoBLO’t Dl.rBN.ABV M r u UAL A..OC1A-1ON, l r , R . V . Pierce, President, llu fi.lu , N . V . O k Harava i tef M M B fodhwe aUM aeOna/ Sees/ eroveseoS sate a SBz- DENMARK MERCAHTII.SCO K N A PP HOTEL, orf rd; Oregon, B la c k S m it h in g Scott’s Emulsion C roup Whooping • Cough Bronchitis L oss o f F lesh AliKinds if lim n „»„„on. O re g o n Surveyor for tbs D istrict ol Or­ egon. (liipopition. G old Bette»«. - - • Oregon Lowest. Highest W ATCHM AKER A complete Stock of' Dry Goods, Groceries an d rovicion at a low pi ice. ] \ < it ! ) usually found in General Merchandise Stores. Mens’ and -Boys’ Clothing, Indies Dress Goods, Hardware, Granite-and Tinware, Ci- garg(-Tobacco and ipes, Candy, Nuts n d Notion*, Roiled Parlay, Grajts Seed and Seed Grain, BooU and Show. Order* taken for anything not in »took. Al- *o order* takan for Men«' Tailor made »wit* from tbe be*t Tailors in Chicago. New Good* and Fre*h Supplie* will be re« eoived by every Steamer. Top prie» paid for Ohlttlm Bark J u . 3. Capps, Prop. Langlois Hardware Store «0, J Hardware of all Kinds M a c h in e r y dft M o w in g M a c h in e « . E x tr a « f o r D a ir y in g ? O h b o r n e , M ilw a u k e e M a c h in e r y . Paint«, Oil« & Stum ping Powder F in e l in e o f (n u n «, na » eh » W p a r a ­ phernalia, a n d ' other Oood« kept in Stack. 4 Mpbrtinjt D o o m a u d W i n d o w s in v a r ie t y coatHtMUlly k e p t o n h a n d . P ip© F it t in g « , P lu m b i n g a n d 'I'in w o r k o f a l l k in d « don© o n s h o r t n o t ic e . Cheever ® Bowman, L a n g lo is*, O r . Ei'Ls- DOORS - WINDOWS - MOULDINGS A n y th in g yo u N eed in M ill W ork W rite us for Prices or a n y In fo rm a ­ tion you Need in this L ine North Bend Manufacturing C< îSorth I-Je«i