N u m b e r S2z£ official dibkctory STATB AMO DWTBICT O r n C B B S : part of i t ^ Keyboard in sight is the other part. It is as important that you see what you do as to see what you have done. T he key-for-every-character keyboard of the easy action, light running M O D E L 10 W rite for information to ___ _ _ , Branches «»wywhw oovm tv Viable Writing Complete Control (rot Keyboard T h e Smith Premier Typewriter Company, Inc. Syracuse, N . Y . Hamilton, Roseburg. ~ Proaeouting Attorney, Sd Judicial Dis tricL—George M. Broun, Boaeburg. U. 8. Commissioners—J . H . Upton, Langlois p X ^ l S " 6" . . i * U. 8. Sen’ta—Jonathan Bourne J»., of Portland and Oso. E. Chamberlain of Salem. □ongreaaman, F irst District— W illis & Hawley, of Salem. Governor—Oswald Weat, Salem. Secretary of State—Ben. W. Cleutt Sa­ lem. State T .e a a u re r— Gee A. Steel of Sa­ lem. 8u p t Public' Instruction— L . A. Aid erman, Salem. State Printer—W illis Dunlway, Salem. Attorney Oeneral— A. M . Crawford, Salem. Cleric State Land Beard—Q. U. Brown, Salem. Joint Senator tor Coos and Curry— W. a Chase. Joint Representative for Coos and Curry—8. P. Ppirce. Judge, ad Judicial District—J. W . What is a visible typewriter? ie only truly visible w riting machine? Notice or Appl.i-^iiitn for Patent! ta Plaoer raatla. j ORIGIN OF T H f MffDSTONE. o r »M aas. County Judge—E. A. Bailey, Gold Beach. County Commissioners—Otto lamert. Gold Beach ; GooChenoweth, Laugloia. Sheriff— W. A. ¿iahet, Gold Beach. County Clerk—George W . Smith, Uold Beach, _____ County Treasurer—Ji Cauglieli * Weddeifeurn Assessor—W m . Tolman, Harbor. School Bupt.—W . 8 . Guerin. Laugloia. -Surveyor—D . Cunniff Jr., Uold Beach. Coroner—D r. 8. J. Mann, Langlois. MSKTISOS or TUB COUBTC. Circuit Court meets Fourth Monday ia August of each year. County Commissioners Court meets first Wednesday ha Jaaaary, April, July ami September of sank yeai. Probate Court meets first-Monday in each mouth , CU BBY OOUVTY COST o m C l S MASTBBa, C b e to o ....... Harbor......... Gold Beach. Wodder hum I m m w U Marattal SloM These are features which make the Smith Premier the choice of the man who in v e s tig a te s advantages. ABO FOST- .Mias Id a Cooley, kteteber Gardner. . . . . . . J. W . Ritey. . M r. K. H Ruaaell. Mrs. V iola A . F ry . .............A. M . Riles. . . . .Amos Johnstoa ...J . 8. Cappa. . .E . Rackleff. J. A. Balnea A g n caa ..... Port Orford Langlois Eckley In the United State« la n d Oflloe. • 11 » Roeeburg, Oregon Land District. Fetewt Fewer roputerly Bettered to M ineral Application No. 8687*. An- ht the Mysterious . gust M . 19H. * BubeUaoe. Notice ia hereby given that -i ' K kwtom U. U ivm . f i «« W h e re did th e tu ad etO M come of Port Orford, Curry County, Oregon, fro m ? N o one aeema to kn o w . I t has made application for a Uni ed does not belong to th e m ih e ra l States patent to the following described kingdom , n o r n tn it be aaaigued to gold and platinum bearing lauds. Io -' a place in geological fo rm a tio n », eated in Sixes Mining Die ti tot (unor- ~ ganised)Curry Coniilv, Oregon, to w it: N E L S W i. Kt NWJ H W j. E l W | NW1 tiW b and 8f SU’J NWJ Section 8 and 8EJ HEJ NEJ Section 7. Twp. 39 South of Riiuge U West o( Willamette M eri­ dian, containing 100 acres, known as the Aciue-Eiuergeut-y Placer Claims. Consolidated. The said lands were located by ap- plicant and lila aaaooiatea on, or about their efficacy always know where February 26, 1888. and relocated by the nearest is kept.” One of them said applicant and associates, Lizzie haa been the property of an Ohio Utvelbiaa and E m m a Bowne, Decem­ negro and was placed after the ber 8, 1802, as shown by notice record­ death of the owner in the state li­ ed in Book 8. Ourry Oonnty Record of brary nt Columbus. There it was Hinee at Page 70; and said associates recently applied to the wound have assigned their interest in said caused by the bite of a supposedly lands to said applicant. The apgRraut rabid dog. The dog recovered and for patent, and those through whom the woman to whom it was ap­ he-claims, have expended over five hundred dollar in labor and improve­ plied died of blood-poisoning, ments on said lands in developing caused by the unclean contact. 8uch a atone was kept in the their minerals and mining. All of said lands are adjacent, ad­ Virginia state penitentiary for joining and contiguous to each other, yearn and was open to nil comers and tlie quarter section comer at the forapplication to the bite of amad SW corner of NWJ See. 8, Twp. and R. dog or other allied wounds. One aforesaid, is the corner of one of the such (perhaps the same) was at a sub-divisions of said tend applied for, Inter date sold for 9 » . '» to w it: the 8J 8 W | NWJ Bee. 8 afore­ S t illm o r e fatnoua was that said, said quarter section corner being brought from Russia itf 1887 by a an established oorner of tlie govern­ physician of that country who set ment s u r v e y , ______ There te no known vein or lode or tied in Nevada. I t had previously other mineral'bearing roek in place on 1 been exploited in that country for any part of said lands and no adjoin­ at least a century and a half, a ing mining claims except the follow­ fact supported by documentary ing : W .O . Corbin claim, W alter Sin­ svidence. The document was w rit­ clair date», John Hudson claim, and ten in native Russian and as no* Joe Hudson dalm . body concerned could read it Any and ail persons claiming ad­ everybody implicitly believed versely, the mining ground described what they were told of It*. The above, or any part thereof, or vein or owner offered the atone fpr sale lode or other interest therein, ars here­ for |l,0 00 and a Joint stock com­ by notified that nnless their adverse pany waa formed for the purchase, claims are duly filed acoording to law ▲ number of shareholders ad-, and regulations thereunder within sixty days from the date of the first tranced 91 each and/ the balance publication of this notice, with the w m made up by a farmer who be­ Register of the Roseburg, Oregon Land came Ita keeper when the pur­ Oflloe, they will be barred in virtue of chase wa^ completed. Ita fame atlll flourishes and it ia aaid that the provisions of law. an offer of 93,000 has been refused B i u a m m F. Josas, Register. for it. comparative ' The Burrow Clevis Always Stays “Put” MB » (b w ir «wife an d m y a e lf I imw « Ixten ■ atag C A 3 C A H V T S ai.d th ey a r r toe best ■ • d ie lo « wo Hava ava. hod In the house I«sat wwak m y w ife waa fra n tic w ith headache tor teroday*. ah« tried «vine of y o u rC 4 S C A K E T & . imd 9 k e rre lie v e d the pate in her bend m nioal Im m ed iately W e both r«H«.n:itn JM* CM&caretc C h a «. b 7« tiE r-»n u F itte b u rf Safe A Depee»< Co., Pittebur*. Pa in«. Pn’-ii'i« r.Arnv TaM* Goo**, lx [««•r fttvk . kVA-tkaiii. «>< Urli • Um. lwc. Aw O U R £ C O N S T IP A T IO N . ... fissa»dv <*M»t>««». <'t»teu»(a,'Rf««rtP*»i. Raw Ynrk. S|7 Thousand!) H a v e K id n e y T ro ub le and Don’ t K n o w It . K o * T o P ln d O u t. Fill a bottle or common glass with your Water and let It stand twenly-fo j r hours: a « . sediment or set- ’ t l l n j Indicates an f rs JrT— J, unhealthy oondt- tlon of the kid- ' 1 v neys; If It status your linen Jt ia evidence of xld- f~ / ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass It or pein In — —— |he b*c|t |s also Sonvlnei.-.g proof that the kidneys and blad- Sar ars out of order. W h at to D r. There la comfort In the knowledge so often expressed, that D r. Kilm er’s Swamp- Reel, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain In the bask, kidneys, liver, tladder and every part t l the urinary passage. It corrects Inability M bold «rater and scalding pain In paaslng K, er bad effects following use of liquor, wine or bear, and overcomes thet unpleasant aacesUtv of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra­ ordinary effect ot S w a m p -R o o t Is soon rsqllxso It stands the highest for its won­ derful sures of the most distressing cases. If you uaed a madlctne you should have the bast. Sold by druggists ir 50c. and $1. sixes. You may have a sample bottle of thia woadsrtul d is c o v e r y ____ ftd fiir u ty T o that u r flWw**lR iata and a book t e l l a ^ TTHW p f l W < k 'w t f r t M kx if^ i Candy C a th a rtic . o»«rf* couwtlnat i* f .* .” snore about It. s e n tJ E : jriiT la « e I f C t t both d falled«8tf a u * - ljP *•; « H iiA ',jij absolutely frae by mall, addrass D r. KUmer & near» C«.. Binghamton. N. Y . When «rrklng mon- Ban rawing er thia g gsnsroua offer la thia paper. yvsrraes i r t TTMidschcs wftt ytet« « u lc k lr to the AAÜ-raUl r o i * In flu e n c . of Dr N dnaaa Si eaala €)ne o r More o f th e follow DRAUGHT , STOCK «md in g habits? Refusing to Lead. Afraid of sodden falling of board POULTRY "Running away when halter or bridTe is removed.> Biting fast in stall. Afraid of sight and soutfti of steam MEDICINE* GoUiJkg Pawing in stable. Kicking at master or strangers trosl'la* whieb B*e not bowel and H e a r irregularities. B la c k - Draught Stock »ml Poultry Medi­ cine 1« a bowel and li'.vr remedy for »tiiek. It puts the organs of digestion in a perfect condition. Prominent American breeder« nnd farmer« keep their herds and flocks heal I by by s irin g them an occa- »ional dost of M ath-D raught Stock and Poultry Medicine in their (.Mil. Any stock raiser may buy a 23“cent half iwund a ir tig ht can of this medicin« fr o a kia dealer and keep bi» stock in »igorotn health for weeks. Dealers g«-ier- allv keep IPuck-Dranght Stock and Poultry Medicine, if your» doe» not. tend 25 cents for a »ample can to the manufacturers. The Chattanouga Modicux Co., Chat­ ta n o o g a . Tens. Ro jl'BLUfi. O r ., w, I9W. HlBCk-D » u g h i »tnclr and P u a l> y Med*^tne la th e b « * i IffY ’H*tried. O ur ffto«k waa o o k ia f bad whan ro a a<»nt me the m w tie ia a and o® v they are g ettin g an fine. Th a y ara looking I t per eaeu b itte r. ft P. R B O C K 1N O T O N Tender bitted. Afraid of sound of buggy or wagon wheels l’awing when hitched in street. Afraid of touoh of shafts Crowding in stall. Scaring at hogs or dogs along road Refusing to halter or bridle.1 R unning away Pulling on one rein. Striking. Tail switchers Lugging on hit Bad to harness. Bad to groom Lunging and plunging. H ard to shoe. Shying Jum ping fences. Refusing to hold back going down hill Afraid of automobiles. Bad to hitch to buggy or wagon Afraid-of paper. Lolling the tongue. Afraid of robes Afraid of umbrellas. Afraid of clothes on line Afraid of sound of go n> Afraid of band playing Afraid of canvas top wagons. Afraid of cars If you have horses addicted to any ot the above men­ tioned had habits or vicious traits, you can cure them. A.nd permanently too, by following the system as giv­ en in this course of lessons, thereby increasing the value of your horse m any dollars worth, whether you want to keep or sell him. It will increase your safety and confi­ dence in driving and handling any such cnimal. The only licensed horsetrainer in Oregon. All work guaranteed. H. Z. H A N SE N , L anglois, O r to w rite fbr o«r confidential la tte r barer* ap­ plying for po ten ti i t m a r bo w orth monaar. W a prom ptly obtain U . 8. and Foratga The exclusive right to handle tala Clevis will be sold by Counties or States, or set ot three can bo purchas­ ed for 81.00. Address W , E. B urrow , Cor bi n, Ore, I must husband iny tim b er Io re­ place fences and buildings an the farm , therefore I must not »pare any more cedar. Please do not a»k for it The green trees will grow and tlie dead ones will keep. J. H. U ptok , Langlois, O r., August 27, 1810. $100 Reward H. T. 8TEW ART PATENTS DOCTORS o r i X OU>,1 » . s e n d u I f l f l M E Q I A T f i F R E E report on pataataball’ y. via gtaa She K ‘«t «affai aorvioa and advice, and our Utargoe are m e le rate. T ry ue say em u um ptio n can be cured. N atu re alone w on’t do it, it needs h e lp r SW iFT & CO., SffHI'SIMlISIOM P a to n t Low yttr», Opp. tl.S. Patent Ofltca.Waahiniitne, fi C. H rn v fy r Is IWoofil I h r i i , ,’i(WB h 1»’«*! iTic-ïU» a elann akiir. No r.ity w irX 'u t it. CHM-arria, O uh ljr Câthar il.- :. . , r l k. f|> ’ • • 1 ' ‘ir ii i op tt’ > Iju v Ifvelr i v a day la .:a I pih'p.e«, boi-«,. bì*U’!ó ie n tl* M l i e ’ A • - .H i ÓM 4u. ’ Lx«»-. * i » Permanent as the h ills, but can be removed la a second of tim e. The only Clevis now on the m arket that stays where, pot. U n lik e the o rd in a ry steam ship, the fish forces ita e lf th ro ug h th e w a te r m id u ite ra ita c o a ts * by m eans of the mime organ, th e ta li. Several Inven tors, though, have frie d to jic rlo rm troth func- t lions w irli one piece o f ap p ara tu s . T h e ftrwt n p p lira tio n o f th e Idea— > a t least o f ¡ate years— w aa m ade . to the subm arine. Some F ren ch » boats o f th a t clans have been pro- • vided w ith a peculiar jo in t in tie- b p ro p e ller s h a ft, Just outside the t ste rn , so th a t the screw ita e lf cat! ; be sw ung from aide* to side. II; 1; changing th e angle n t which th e 1 th ru s t Is made ag ain st the w a te r, j the bout Is steered and rudders a re made unnecessary. F ro m n short re p o rt mnde to t b * d ep artm en t of eom m en e a t W a s h ‘ ln g to n fro m fh * A m erican consul ■ a t B irm in g h a m , it w ould ap p ear th a t the anme system has beer trie d on boats which a re m ean t to . tra v e l on the surface only, lik e n ap hth a launches. A n English firm is In tro d u c in g th e inven tio n , but the la t t e r is o f F ren ch o rig in . , T h e "p ro pu lao r,” ns It is called, . can be applied to any boat a lre a d y I in existence, If It is not too large, r H o w the connections are ronde is j not explained, but th e consular re p o rt wavs th a t It is possible to 4 dispense w ith the necessity of borin g a hole th ro ng h the stern post, and o f supplying a jierniari- en t p ro p e lle r s h a ft and stuffing box. I t can lie atta ch ed to a boat nod rem oved fro m the same w ith j F t ilin » eounJS U r M lle T Anti-rum fu r ka» j iw h a , « « ’ r a lx lu . « e te U c s . rta T U K 8 P A 8 S N O T IC K , NOTARY P U B L IC Any person or persons trespassing upon the Croft Lake Ranch,—the Mc­ Lellan and Marshall Ranches, w ill be prosecuted to the u tm rrt extent of the law; and a reward will be given f o r ia fnrinat.olisn ft w ill le . tdeo-k-bt -o I, the undersigned, hereby give no­ tlon of the guilty parties. tice that I have a conveyance from the Patentee to tldelands and water Iota in tlie Harbor of Port Orfor I, Oregon, on A«ue«a pwr-ffid »MM» '«8«. 38lL»*|S«48M a portion of which a part of the wharf 99 Irara* in^aw« ’n juo ino ii'n jw iiii. c, is erected w lthoat my content. At H!* Il «Kl W to* firtP I • 'I ■ ••W* u*» j * J&. n ÄW parties are hereby warned no* to drive piles or trespass in any manner what­ soever on said tideteuds or water lote. >l«s A s i a Q- V ast . Portland, Oregon. out any m odification o f the Iroat its e lf. A nyone ta k in g th ia “steer la g p ro p u la p r” t6 a la k e ,riv e ro rth e , ' I seaside ntey a tta c h it to any bout* he finds th ere th a t is w ith in Its range of |rower. A s the p ro peller can be co m p letely tu rn ed around, a reverse action is given. The f A u to m o fo r J o u rn a l sta tes th a t a ; ' I I , I !' j • • i I i given nnm ber o f these tra n s fe r ab le propulsors have b«v*n ndo, ♦ ed by the navies o f F ra n c e . Russia and Ja p a n , and th a t a 12 hors« p ow er propulaor haa been succew- f u lly ap p lied to a launch, which to w ed a 800 i * n caaal barge w i'b • load of 100 tons of sand.