Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1911)
PROSPERITY PORT DISTRICT IS A VOTE I p®riment of Engineer* an«t »«er» . bere shoqld »uj»|W> ff- » J " * -------- f i a , ’’ . . .. a . --------- Tb# ^ b j^ h n je t U o / the »Ort p f ^ i f n / r jo fhjfl we refer the reader to ^arr’» experience in aeotber C hallenge. M iw r a n p . ^ Œ nyone eta^ t^omaoever Ï ^  and the parallel experience Crump, a late arrival fmpi grrateit »ppmtuoity for Wfogr«» ev [ t y f o w L A few year» ago the Jat í r p ^ p t o ^ c i t i M n . qf Curry land V to f f Ä ^ f t a oX y ¿ r o íd X . I Z j t f r i i } ™ ' " ' be rant to the Port Drfosd Commercial Bn¿ » „ t a i n i y ¿ m » U le a d no mw Club. ? * 'old enough to vote. I t in true «hat tlie Secretary of'W ar i w iiolqfok® re bonding has it at our next door -th e y don’ t nave to’ hunt aB over t^e U n irti tottnd them, There is nqt an old business under t i e min, no m atter jm w profitable, th a t acme have not m et w ith fsHurpis Lhereln. * * ^ b e pamphlet t £ a to toow W « A.ovtrrun'.<o R ates R xaso * ai . lb __ Im proved'harbor w o jk f not m lje M. i ’ ~l ""7 im jiove< harbor w0^ * pot rad)«» l freigh t t rates, “EJj» argwpent argument is Is ra ra in Section 3 o f the Port Law , as to freigh r»tea. 'EM vetert. It read»: “ No one but persona shallow and ndicplon», end so fully eoft- c o ù n t y A v . sppral tq the voter, of ( parchara Northern Curry to nota for the P o r i, Qi,e neighborhood M »hieb his Jand of P art;Qrfprd and ffqt be deceived ,104 y a t inpuyporat.ed • od ,> F aiguqienls of large limber w f* for the purpose qf bqildipg roads ate. In nlmcst nq inpredqloltoiy tiout’sud pon resident». thoyt liqts tjw pr. sold bjs la»d for Krau« M cU iiljen the I gtX) pstf acyy. jh»s may nqt he tax? G eorge ChcPOWelb . ^ffiau d r uf cooquierce justified ure o f f «jOO, «200,900 on P o rt ¡ e x iw itd itu re o O rfo rd IJ a r^ o r, b u t th in g s a re d if ^ r<)nl nQW> - j h, P an am a Cena, W d ' n« t o > ^ 4 « n t l e f t a n d P r e . id ml U Browjj pf f a # » » Y « r> C rib ident i ................. rB| | ^aiJrpofl 0 a iJrp « d rgo-nljy rg P *» tjy M M id. id . , ’ 'T \ \ r, Thera were „ot enough Harbor» on tl.a iuthrtrized to vote within Much d U tric i tradicUd by all history, u p * w e * * * * * * i Pacirtq C oast ¿o h a n d |e £ - J S X t iX “ S S ^ S X “’ am « - > w w — .h . W e g V » ' t|ie traffic » <g • 'o u t that the »203,386 in^rovem en t WW have Pott Orford H a r b o r ready for 'b e a mere “ fcake-ahi/tA . This to an so«»® of U»aj O «*« V»«*« Sam some of U»af blW h,4»ii)PM» ertion the oppoaition refuse to tot I f the challenge in this issue by the * b* ’P ’ “ ’ a h *‘R r t supporters to open discussion to o{, in *PlU • nd F®POff)'n»ndatlOO t accepted by the oppoeition w ill you report, S t o . t S i ^ S ' < * ^ P U jn * > « * » * W ” «ov C £ t Tfto a clew view and X ^ t L S e a L ^ . ^ S w h i c K l i ' W d w O I you tkke tor M . •. ' e r . , ^ . beat * |and ConiUHpUon should * Frank f^angloi» W. K. Catlerlin pbM . W . g o p ija lt T . C. Clarke John McKenxie A l Marsh dp>. K llia AtnM 8 Johnston John R. M iller fì'rank A 8lewart p iu is Knapp W alter Sullon W il li r T . W hite Dick Quellen to coot oertainly T h® 0 j l erin L«t»er. U - . r . l l . W . ,.4 W ^ to ^ ra " Z e T s U n g - ^ UI’ D‘ in * 1 Soulbero P ^ A e ^ ilr o a d » As wjjt intended by tjipif writer * ' * » • ~ "* ' ~ ‘ I l i ‘ n -** e ’ A * very *“ —— — sw m ■*"“ forceful ent^to be. Kng|nper quotft) J# tfi® l-anglols the **Querin leltere" have only add- i t is reported th a t a Marshfield A « « !« ? « , / * I C c ff»iniite.’. p . m Hb,et. W hy should tnfn»» Is w ork in g sireinst the-Tort pd confusion, instead uf shedding phtot would J»av» you baliev)'not lbs Southern Pacific Engineer light on the Port Pistript question' W. Smith Lumber Co. Remember when the Port project to all aWikl-cat rabrnne disagree with the govermqeiit engi- Thp iptipfs «re carefully worded for be is talking to you, that he is talking h ,a . I . , ™ » .1 . u , . h . * £ ■ ; " * * 'd * P ',r* the »pie purpura of ponfueing and baa gobbled up a great resource th a t ecunty N<^ flfUen : Hsrbor proj.ct? Simply because misleading the voter. They contain ebould have been youra and doesn t , an article In this issue; the S o u th ern Pacific a re n ot Ju»| practica||y t)U reliable data or im- a rap for you or your w elfare. ; comnare them w ith absentee landlords, j ready to com m ence o p e ra tio n in formation. IJesd your Iplter over • . secret m eetings, g|,iB country anfi w ill n a tn ra lly carefully: take into consideration The Guerin letter, w ritten by one of indicate hireitnga, who are nraklng eo J y #n l^ projects w hich o f the opposition fight, and ask P nw„ lllfl t|ip following facto, and notwp the __ I shrewdest corporation lawyers in 0regih, admits th a t the In itia tiv e R ef yourself which rings true. And B've llie p *°p l* the p"l»pr over the, adroitneee with which it mis leads; First, reaspping as the author of erendum and Recall «ppliee to Port w h0 bqg the Welfare o f fhe county a t w a lé rfio u t, w |iio h tl|S y desire to ^Districts, which the supporters o f the heart and whose judgm ent can you rely gobble up. the letter reasons, the County Court «ert have claimed was the case all the upon—such men as the 16 ¡¡¿natures T h e undersigned p itiM n s em p hal- wpuid eaph year levy a 80 m ill tax - Y e t the Hon. S. P. Peirce is disc disclose er nameless cpmmitte“ an" ' • - - - lose or still trying to deceive the voters by syndicate reprasentat!i?e»y Do these ^ ' u n V » rT ’ exnBct to on your property and would now Claiming that it does not apply, though fifteen pioneers or heayy taxpayers the P o rt o f P o rt Q rfo rd ejpiep to be building a 7O,pOM dollar court i law was read to him a t the Lang- look like a g raftin g bunch who w ant innjffi »pipe 1‘ easy iqoney' o p t o f it, hpuse instead of a «7,000one. The , meeting. See Sec. 8 o f Port Law. to make some “ pitoy money and tfjeii hpt from the fight being made j u(]ge »nd the Comtuivsionera woqld J .. pullout? 'tig.i|nsl the Port IJixtvjct by pnrtiee Le a set of grafters whose aim would to J h slr u l0 aUM lh, lp dealh-. a„d Pam phlet fpll o f M it^infor* p i g S ^ B i n S X S m t i Pok “ M d to sign thpir who dWsi’l didn’t »us a conlin continental about Districts have caused Tillamook, Sius- l«>niphlet it looks like the easy | wj,o « |y » law and Coo» P*y, i» just wf»at T® *ra uninvj " might lie coming from the the welfare qf the country. ¡utl'er'yay The unknown commit Jhe T ribune to In possession o f a lookingtor. Second the letter say» fhat the conglomeration of mis representations I A carafyl reading of the LangloiiO p- p n in n lik l and the G u e fin le tte r Port Commiesioner» power and witkm Committee pamphlet. With the . .. . tn the form of a pamphlet under the MiHMb both p fftlw l bankruptcy for eyery authority to incur lisytyiiibipw and ex false heading, “ Voters Read the True realisation that must follow of its dis bqdy in lhe port District if it* goes pend money will be pracliaq|Iy qp pacts in Regard to the Port BUI.” Its torted facts and evident unfairness, limited, fh e absurdity flf tfii» a«- truths are few , snd Its untruths many will undoubtedly make many votes for through. This kigij of argument is —it is a w olf in sheeps clothing. I t was the Port-D istrict.' One side to fig h tin g ' ¡,, g lid e d to frighten tim id voters eertion is evident, when one atop« m atioh. not intended th a t I t should become p u b -1 fairly and openly, gyer the eignstuies M ,|0 b ,|V(, ,, u t t u v o tig s tc d (lie m a t- to opn»ider that in caw the Com m jationfr» attempt an unjusy act, the Referendum oau be invoked »"4 enough signatures obtained either in Port Orford- or Langlois in an hour's lipa® to (toll nr. election; and under the nom-de-plume o f “ Langlois I Coos Huy.Siusluw aud Tillamook fymeraber, thi» petition calling for E. E. M a r r ’s Experience W ith Oppoaition Committee” , and they state I f o il Districts, right at hou><- have an electiqn »tope forthwith any ac P o rt Bankruptcy. that they issue the pamphlet under the invitation of the supporters o f the Port T o the V o te r* in Proposed Por^ ieodial Uniila for P oll improv. inents tion on the -act attem pt'd by it}® and that the people are prospering Commissioners uutjl (he people > make the discussion o f the project District o f P o rt O rfo rd , E. E. M arr, asaiatant light bouse (Bore thorough, but the fa c t th a t this there more Ilian ever, and are get «hall have voted upon it keeper at Cape Blanco, came into C u rry Q ounty, Op. Committee refused to come out to tpe ttng good returns for Lhqir money. » T hird yon are warned against the Port Orford with his fam ily last ■' X .to. — late public meeting a t Langlois and the The uudereigned resident citizen» >Vhen Uncle Sam yepommended Cotumiraioner» because they will week, and before returning to the further fact th a t they try to withold their argum ent-until it to too late for and (ax payer» qf Northern Curry spending monyy, don’t let tome possess power. Bo<er is just what Cape was interviewed by the Tm - knocker or pop resident tell you it is needed. Concentrated reply, shows conclusively that th-'y do power B(jgK reporter on the Port question. county desire tq cqll t|je sjlenliqn V et want ap open (air discussion o f the is a “.wildcat scheme” fur Uncle 3niu guided by the hand of the people^ is Mr. M a rr owns a farm (not town question, but instead, w ant to garble of the voters ip thp fo rt Pistilpt tq qpd (lie enginyert »re not >" l ^e S necessary adjunct in the develop property bordering on the harbor, the facto and mis-lead the voter at the the misstatement of the fact» about the Port of Port Orford in'"a letter V.wildcat bq*ineM.V Jhe port Q r f ment o f any muuicipnlity. ®u r j mind you) within the boqqdajiea last minute. ’ One o f the firs t false statements in sent out by Qeo. H . "Ooerln of ord Harbor project ha» the O. K. Nation, Stale, Cooniy and School of the Port of Siuslaw. The Rbrt the pamphlet is th a t a*harbor does not of the beat government engineers, Districts are oorporath.pq with was created something like a yea( Myrtle Point Oregqn and in a paqi ^teatfi business, and, to prove this as pWet »igued by lh a ‘‘L*nglois Q|ipoi- and we tgke t|ieir official word and power veap-d ha. thfir officials— it agoj. and. ja bonded for «200,000 sertion they go away back on the A t rnoommendajiqu tqbe »ufilcieiit. We ippst he **« ®l*® w® would d rift like putting upilqllar for dollar with the lantic coast where harbors are plentiful, ing ColIlluitt^I».’, Both the letter have carefully e^aptined the goy a derelict at sea. Good corporation» government fur harbor improve which is not the case on the Pacific, and and the pamphlet try to juggle the then climb up iap> the rock-bound shores facts about the government report ernment reports on Port Orford are rajed by pommmtities, bad ones meat. M l- ¥ * ! ( ' • taxes have been of Maine before they can find a good on the harbor, and leave the in» Harbor, ana are not guessing ,a l by ipdiyWual»- W iihQ H tihe Port alighlly iqpreoo®d, but every few harbor without a city and business preesion that the «‘20fi,33fi project what we say. We have also care District the people of Rorthsrn Cur daya he i® receiving ap offer for his around it. The illustration reminds one is a |»art of the ra?en to ten million fully rend the Oregqn fq rt La or, «nJ ry are helple-« to bogin negotiations holdings apd these offers often o f a drowning man grasping at a straw. To compare a harbor in the East w ith dollar Break water and would then- while thaoominis»iqn has brqad pow with Congress and secure the neces- being more than doqble vyhqt he out resource« behind it to one in the fore be a waste of money. The re ers, i t is at all linpea subject to the «ary improvement for P o rt Orford could have gotten for his property West where resources are unlimited to a year ago. To illustrate the in port of Captain Thomas W . Symons recall lag, »pd al| its acta are sqb- harbor. the heighth of absurdity and foolishness. ject to thy fiyferendqm, ao that the Fourth, the?‘tainted« letter asks crease of values in that Port LRs-1 in 18S|4 for a «203,336 raawatl from What a harbor w ill do in the W est is ypter« qf the district need not stand what benefits you are going to re trict Mr. Marr tqlfi of a place that demonstrated a t the Siuaiaw, where Graveyard point ^00 feet or m<»re for a »ingle dollar of bonds or a ceive to cow |*nM te you tor the phl>* told some three year« agp for «7000 »hipping has been increased four-fold southeasterly is a complete project in on« year; it is demonstrated a t Coos by itself to be built and computed ■ing|e (pill of lax uniew a majority galioo ypu propose to incut, aqd which just changed hands again for |)ay' and again a t Bandon in the way l«n per cent a consideration of «fO.OflQ. jn for that amount of money. | t h«* pi Ih(up »o desire. Don’t be deceiv gqes on to »late tb®‘ Jhera places have grown and prospered noibiiig to do with the large l>rea| ed aboqt (he Commissioners powers w ill reeeiv» *ny benefit, directly nr I p|y t0 » question from the writer since their harbors'have been improved, for the ooqimissioners are only yoor jndireetly. 'P*e fir* ' 10 he said that he attributed the rise thus a Western harbor DO ES crest? water to cost seven to ten million servants. You can stop any bond derived w ill be the expending o f , o( value a direct result of (be Port dollars'recoin.-indeil for a harbor commerce, and fu rth e r, it is w ithin the W r ite ’s personal knowledge th a t a of refuge for the whole Pacific poast. issue or any tag levy they may at- «?pn,00p in cur midst, the second of Siuaiaw. The assertion by thoe« Aoolen-mill, a saw-mill and a wholesale When this l»rge project is built, it teolpt to make | | yqq deem it un- benefit w ill be the »mount saved on opposing the Port of Port Orford jobbing house, are among the industries j” | 1 will be done entirely at Government reasonable. The unfiefeigned resi every article we buy ip the store or that a harbor wont create busines» coatem plated for Northern Curry f» dent citiijena end property owners ship to applfier point, the third ben is “ knocked into a oooked hat” by event of work commencing on harbor expense, for every port on the Pacific Improvement, and these will not be coast is interested in having a liarless beliyve that they are a» much in efit v»ill be the doubfing snd (n I j r - M a rfa statement of qondition» Auilt, for years at least, if the Port llnrbur of Refuge. The river >and tereated in taxation an apy citifm a many cases auadrq.plin^ of real eg at Sin»l»W- He says that before District is defeatqfl. Ilarlxiv'lliw pnseeil by Congress June in tha district, and would qot sup (ate value» thronghou* U»e Di»triul the Port of Siuslaw was organised In a deliberate and ir,t(,ntional lie the 3rd, 1896 contained the following port spy project that would increase and the fourth wfil be the upbpild- and work done on the harbor, there pamphlet says that the appropriation tagee unreasonably. Furthermore ing of schools and industries that were 6. or 6 veeslea r u n n *ng there for improvement at Port Orford was i t e » j . •‘ Improving Port Orford Harbor we have inyystigated the ports of w ill keep our young men and young whi|® J)»* there are $0—.and all made w ith the.proviso th a t it should only ba used when "th e demands of at Graveyard point Oregon noourd Tillam ook, $ U » la * * nd Coos Ray women nt home. Instead of help- this within the abort space of lime eommerre justified i t ” , and goes on to ing to a plan recommended by and find that oqtaiile o f t few knock ing 10 percent of its people the P o rt, of one year. Common wnae logic tta te that it would be illegal to use the Captain Thus. W . Symons of the er» the large m ajority of (he people District w ill help 100 ppr cent. I f | M y » that as Siuslaw and vicinity (honey, etc., etc. The proviso referred are well pleased with H*eir P°rt or you don’t believe this, wire to Cooe; have benefited by a Port j>istr(ct, to reads “ I f in the opinion of the Sec Corps of Engineers a» per house retary o f W ar the Demands o f Com document N o . 313, fifty third Con ganisation» and m*®? Vbtert there Bsy, Siuslaw or Tillamook; we do ao would Port Orford and vioinity lh ® (ilZ not have to scrape all over the U n it be benefiited by one- merce Justify the Expenditure. Six gress, third session, January 13th. who wery deceive^ teen years ago the Secretaty thought 1895 the cost not tn exoeed «203, argument always advanced by large ed States and cite you to cases in the expenditure was not Justified, Wit where Kansas, W i««’nain and Maine to 336 and the unexpended balance u f | l , ® h « r corporations, now i f he thinks it is today, and there is no Whether (he Port District carries they were mistaken, qud glad the prove to you what Port Dist.-icte gueetion but th a t it is justified now es tbk «ppr,>priali<>n heretofore made or act, the Gold Beach Globe is en porta uarr|e<l4B *P’ te wi *heir oppo pecially with the people helping out, March 3rd 1879 for the establish Will do. . F ilth , the letter state« that the titled to the gratitude ot the people (here are no strings whatever attached ment o f a Harbor o f Refuge on the aition. Mr. Quetin does not live in of Port Orford and vicinity for the to the appropriation. This is a sample Pacific ouast is liereby transferred Curry county and is not interested •2O3.fi66 appropriation w«4 hut for of w hat the opposition calls a “ thorough loyal manner in which it has sup a wharf from Gr«v®y®rd point. in cheaper freight mtto for those to ba axpeadnl on thia improvement discussion. re (he if in the opinion of the Secretary o f, wh<> live here, neither are the non This was shown as false last week ported (he project. W hile there Again, to * pamphlet shows “ oomn|u- corporations nOr as the estimate was made by the waa a good show for « “ rake-off” nities which have lost by bonding them W ar tha interests of commerce d a -. resident timber corporation from the non resident timber hold selves", and in order to find a couple of maud eoch an expenditure.” The Coos county porta in favor of de eminent engineer, Capt. Thoe. ty. examples it goes away back into the unexpended balance of the «150,000 veloproent of Curry county, and the Symons, and was a complete project ers in opposing the Port, the Globe has gratuitously taken a staqd for interior states (beautiful eompariaon!) appruprUtion ia still to the credit ’* * ‘ hat outsiders are fighting it is creating a email protected harbor. » f Kansas and Wisconsin. W hy, the of Port Orford Harbor, and the de- ‘ he beet reason why those who live Sixth, th e ’letter S«ye no com progre«» by supporting it. lie until the middle of tba week or later, o f responsible « e n and in open debate, t . r btiI twriaiwiy ...... no inlelligvrU eot w w w B be too late to reply to ' snd the other to'fighting over nom-de- . , u ..„ i„ „ | its faiee arguments, but through the plumes, and through tainted letters and er qf C ur >, to I J 1 Courtoyy of a friend we received o a e h ir e d yepraeentativee. Which side h * f h^. ¡t. They cite an tsolptpd bond the appearance o f right, and which o| ii| a foreign state that proved ahead of time. wrong? Who to trying to“ present thè ^ j | ure> L y i falied to mention that I | I ing yoprself riph, hut if it Isn’t, It* * distinction wjlhout -a difference. fieventh, the letter plosas by try ing to nuke out that Fort piytyifts are a failure. During th * pa»t couple of months the wrilejr b*> >,u ierviewed people fyopa all waljts of life who were acquainted gritb the work being 'done by Oregon Port Districts, and ws have yet to meet the first man who says the Port of Coos Bay. the Port pf Siuslaw or lh® Port of Tillam ook, it not a suc cess, and aliBoM invariably enthus iasm Is shown over what has already beea accomplished. th e foregoing touches but a few qf the “ facts*’ set forth In th a “Guer- ip letter— space fot bids more— but each paragraph thpfjn could be ap- swpred fPHy af convincingly. This letter is unquestionably the product of a corporation lawyer, w ritin g at the dictation of a timber syndicate who cancelled the greatest resource of our country, but kicks at paying a cent toward» the development of the community he has exploited. fire you going to be iufluenoed by t|»ese letter» into voting ro this syn dicate may ho|d tbeir ill-gotten rich es in an undeveloped county for the next 26 years, without coutribut ing to progress, while t|ieir children are riding around in automobiles iu the East and enjoying all th e jir iv - ileges of colleges and universities and youra are traiRpiug barefooted to the country school? Don’s for a minute tliink that the author of the •tGuerip letter” is worrying about your tax. Oh, noi W ell he knows that you w ill ba many times compensated for that but it« his tax that troubles him. For 0* your surrounding land in crease» in value to w ill the land on wlijch his timber stands go up in valuation. T hink this over before going to the polls next Monday and casting your vote. fo rt supporters esn cite you to < rare, Wall Paper & Fumi- ture Store, The Place to Buy your Furniture WE HAVE A FULL LINE 6 F DRjSSfiERS, CHIFFOINERS, DINING TABLES, FARLOR TABLES, ROCKING CHAIRS, ARM CHAIRS, RUGS. MATTING, GARDEN IMPLEMENTS, RANGES, STOVES, HEATERS, CROSSCUT SAWS, HAND SAWS A SAW SETS, QUILQING PAPER, WIRE FENCING, I IRE STRETCHERS, ETC, ETC Come in and Look O ver our sam ple books of W all -Paper. WM. GIVINGS. Prop. ¡m* quii uq>L l ' AMES S. JOHNSTON f MM***WM.W/'^^'(lWl *' . i 's . ' ' ' G J B 3 X J E H .^ L M E R C H A N T , f ^ r P o r t Orford, O tr v ^ , . —aw*— — NEW GOODS, and fresh supplies w ill be received by every steam er, my purpose to keep a f u ll stock of everytfiiiiK required tra d e in th e lln e or n il > f Ü < G R O C E R IE S and P R O V IS IO N S , ROOTS and S H O K M E N S and BOYS, C L O T H IN G , L A D IE S ’ DRESS GOODS, H A R D W A R E , G R A N IT E and T IN W A R E . C IG A R S , TO B A C C O , P IP E S C A N D Y . N U T S y rd N O T IO N S . In Iqct, * supply of everything usually kept in a w all stocked G e n e ral M erchandise Store. 0BDBB8 TAKEN k OB t - - ARY A RTIC LE NOT IK STOCK. Call and examine good« ni;tl get prices. JOHN R, MILLER. GENERAL MERCHANT, Port Orford, Oreuorb Has opened a new Storey with NEW GOODS, N o tic e fo r P u b lic a t io n . 04020 Dxraa-n^csT o r th s I xtebiob , P . 8 . L an d Office, at Roaeburg, Oregon Sept. 27th, 1011. Notice is hereby given th a t Fa»Rcie A. Cox of L an s lp is , Oregon, w ho, on August 15, made Homvetead entry 14127, Serial No. 04030, for Ix>ts lg, 13, i» and 16, Section 36, Tow nship 31 8 ., Range 15 W est W illa m e tte M erid ia n , has filed notice of intention to make final •v e -y e a r proof, to establish c la im to the land above described, before J . H . V p to n ,U n ite d States Com m issioner, at L an g lo is , Oregon, on th e 24 d ay of Novem ber, 1911. C la im a n t names as witnesses; E arl H a(e o( Denmark, Oregon. ' Roy H a lte of D e n m a rk , Oregon. David Crow lev of Port Orford, Oregon. A lfred H afto of D enm ark, Oroeqn. B sxjxmim F . Jonas Register. C M C A T « A L C A prore (he grm w rt m e rit of Hood’s H araap arilla. Hood’s Sarsaparilla rails beeaose »r--ouipliahc8 C ¡M R A T C U M I. V , r.- V N o tle e f o r P u b l i c a t i o n . 04076, D s PARTMSNT py TUB INTERIOR U . 8 . Land Office a t Roseburg, Oregon October 16,1911 Notice is hereby given that K alpb R . P omkbov of Langlois, Oregon, who, on November 10, 1906, made Hom estead entry Serial No. 04078, for lo t 6, o r 8 W l£ 8 W l f . Sec tion 23, Tow nship 30 South, Range 16 ■ W est, W llla -n e tte M erid ia n , has filed notice o f Intention to make K n a l Five- ear P roof to establish claim to the in d above described, before George W . S m ith, County C le rk , C u rry Coon-' ‘ y. Oregon, a t G old Beach, Oregon on Hie le t day of December, 1911. C la im a n t names as witnesses: Jat,. Rlunibaugh of Langlois, Oregon. R . A , Raiobe o f Bandon, Oregon. J a m e tM c A o a m s of Langlois,Oregon. John A. Bow m an of ” BsajAMiN F . J ones , R egister. I Wervous o r VIA nradanbM wfl, ri»1« r ilc k lr to the Influence of Dr. MU«W AnU-i-aJfl rW a » does« n ceuta.