Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1911)
V o lu m e IS g iin li« r 2 | W E D N E S D A Y , O C T O B E R » « « IO L I 2L X . O FFIC IA L DIRECTORY ■ tats visible ght is part of it. Keyboard in sight is the It is as important that you see what you do as to see w h at you have done. Th®icey-for-every-character MODEL 10 keyboard of die easy action, light running ie only truly visible w riting m achine W rite for information to , Syracuse, N . Y . V isible W riting fVswplete C o n tr o l, fro m T h e Smith Premier Typew riter Company, Inc. Keyboard Branehe« cvoywiisw a sd niwrswT orncs»»: •7. 8, Sen’to—J q n a th a n Bourne Jr., of Portland and Geo. E. Cham berlain of Salem J C ongressm an, F ir st D istrict— W ¡Ills V" C. H aw ley, of Salem- G overnor—O sw ald W ent, S alem . Secretary of S ta te -B e ® . W. O k u « Ha- lem. State T.easurer—O ec A . S teel o f S a lem . ’ * 8upL P u b lic In stru ctio n —L. A . Aid erm an, Salem . State Printer—W illis D u a l w ay, Salem . Attorney G eneral— A. M. Crawford, Salem . Clerk M ate Land B oard —G . U . Brown, ' S alem . ’ i’ J o in t Senator for Coen and Carry— W. Q. Chase. Joint Repress® ta tiv e tor C oos and Carry—8. P. Peirce. I Judge, 2d Ju d icial D istr ict—J . W . Ilam 11 too, Uoeeburg. Prosecuting A ttorney, td Ju d icial D is trict—George M. Brown, R oseburg. U. 8 . C om m ission ers—J . H . U p ton , Langlois. oovktt orrtosaa. I County J u d g e —E . A. B a ile y , G old I Beach. I County Com m issioners—O tto Ism ert, Gold B ea ch ; Ge..Chenoweth, L a n g lo is. I Sheriff—W. A. dish el, G old B each. A K e y for Every Character WILL POWER AN ESSENTIAL I n ih e ’t'n lted States Land Office. Kom burg, Oregon Lttnd D is tr ic t M in eral Application No. 00879, An- gust 22, 1911. /N o tic e is hereby given th at -»■ , N xw ros 0 . D iv s t » « « o f Port Orford, Curry C ounty, O regon, lia s m ade application for a U n ie d State« patent to the follow ing described gold and platinum b earin g la u d s, lo cated in Sixes M n ln g D istlto t tanor- g a n iz e d ) Curry C ounty, O regon, to w it: I NEJ 8 W |, E) N W J K W J , E l W J N W J 1 W hat would you think r>T • young man, am bitious to b "oa1 a lawyer, who should surf wind hltuself with a m edical aiib< phere and spend his tim e read -b m edical books? asks Orison Hwett Harden, in Hacvesa. Oo you think he would ever bei ouf-'. h ." “at lawyerBy follow in g sui uucoi . K W J, and S I 8 W i N W J Section 9 and SK I 8E1 NEJ Section 7. Twp. S i South No, he m ust put l in t'-st hl . » - - • « of R ange 14 W est of W illam ette Meri atm osphere, where he eno n” ■ dlan, co n ta in in g 100 acres, known ss it ami be steeped in I t uutil L. ■ th e Acm e-Em ergency Placor C laim s, attu ned to the legal nuite. J1 C onsolidated. , ■ , m ust I* grafted in to thp leg The said laud« were h e a te d J»y a p tree so that.b e can toe! li a ■» p p lica n t and id s associates on, or about cu la tia g through hurt. February 28,•1896. and relocated by H ow long would it ta a e ft •"» aald Ip p lloan t and a iso c ia te e, L issie D lvelb iss and Em m a Bowne, D ecem man to become successful ber 9.1902, a s shown by notion woonh p o ts him self m to an a u n o sp n ed In Book #, Curry County Record of of failure and rem ains in it M ines s t P age 70; an 1 said associate« h e Is soaked to saturation v h a v e assigned their interest in said the id ea? H ow long-would it i a lands t o sard ap p lican t. Tiro app licant a m an w h o depre +e»-hi»i*. tor patent, and th ose through whom ta lk s of failure, w alks like a fc he claim s, have expended over five ure, and d resses like a fuiluu hundred dollar In labor and im prove who is alw ays com plaining of t t ■ m ents on e a la lands In developing insurm ountnblc difficulties in bis th eir m inerals and m ining. - way, and w hose every step is on A llo t raid land s are adjacent, s.l-J the re I to failure— how 1. join in g and co n tig u o u s to each o t h e r ,' would it take him to arrive til th. County C lerk—G eorge W. Sm ith, a n d th e quarter «ectiou corner ut the SW corner of SW J Sec. 8, Twp. and It. | success goal? W ould a n v iie Gold Beach.______ ____ aforesaid , is the corner o f one . f the lieve in him or expect him to wai i County Treasnrer—J a m es C au gh ell The m ajority of failu res began eub-dlvisiouiCuf ssiii land applied for, to w it : the 8 | SWJ NWJ See. 8 afore to d eteriorate by doubling or de A ssessor—W m . Tolm an, H arbor. 8chool B upL —W . 8 . Guerin. L anglois sa id , «»td quarter section corner being preciating them selves, or by lot Surveyor—D . Cunniff Jr., Gold Beach. an est.b bah ed corner of . the goveru- ing confidence in tbeir own ab iliti in e n tsu iv ev . C oroner--D r. 8. J. M aun, Ian gtoi«. The m om ent you harbor dou'.t There is no known vein or lode or and begin-to Jose faith in yourself M XSTINOSOr T U S COUBTS. Circuit C ourt m eets F ouith M onday in other m ineral bearing rock in place on you ca p itu late to th e . t o n ■ any i>art of said lands and no adjoin August of each year. Every tim e you gritnowledj; in g m in in g c la im s ex cep t the follow County C om m issioners Court m eets w eakness, inefficiency, or luck first W odnesdsy lu January, A pril, i n g - W .O . Corbin claim , W alter 8 in - ability, you w eaken yon. »elf-« I J u ly and September oi ouch y e a i. claii claim , John H udson c la im , and fldence, and th a t is u> trade» (i In« Joe Hud«ou claim . These are features which make the Smith Premier the choice of the m an who in v e s tig a te s N o tic « o f A p p lic a tio n fo r P a t e n t to P l a c e r L a n c ia . „ Probate C ourt m eets first Monday in A ny a n d a il persons cialin la g ad each m oath v e rsely , the m ining ground described ment. o ea sv c o u » * rosT orr above, or any p art thereof, or vein Ok. So long as you carry art ” «t -- K A M T It KO. .Mia« Id a Cooley. lode or otlier interest therein, are here failure atm osphere, and radl i Chetoo. Fletcher G ardn er. by notified that u n less their adverse Harbor doubt md discouragem ent. , c .......... . . J . W. R iley. claim s are duly filed according to law G old B each wifi be u failure. Turn abon. fare . . . .0 . L. W skem sn. and regu lations thereunder within W edderburn off all currents 9? fai . Mr. K. H Ru& ell. sixty days from the d a te of the first cut Illlb oe. ure thou ghts, of dlseo'drage. Mrs. V iola A . F ry. publication of th is notice, w ith th e M ariai L j .J ..A . M. R iles. Register of the R oseb urg,O regonL »nd thoughts. Boldly face re . . A g n e a s ..... < ___ Antes John stoa Office, they w ill be barred in virtu e of with a stou t heart and a P ort Orford mined •adt-avr.r, and ye« W’l utf ..J . 8. fSp p». the p rovision s o f law D enm ark. . . that th in gs will change B mnjamik F. J o ssa , . .E . IU ck leff. L a n g lo is . . "Register. but you m ost see a new world J . A. H ain e» E c k l e y . .. fore you can live in il. It is io w hat you nee, to what you believe, to w hat you struggle in cessan tly to a tta in , th a t you will approx! m ate. comparative The Burrow Clevis advantages. Always Stays “Pot” »■ •tta ray retta an d m Tre1 1 M ing C A»C AU ETS sud tb«r are to« » ta t v w lt c lu r e bure «re. bad the boure Vre»- « M k my » II« » » • IninU « » ' ‘ b «woday*, »he »rl*» »otneof yonr CKSCARBTS. and they ro ll. re« «h« pata b«r M a d »taita» iB iM d la M Iy . WS i» th revomin» n.' Cascareis C sa ». S T n iir o ftii. Paw ing when hitched in street. Afraid of touch of shafts Crowding in s ta ll. Scaring at hogs or dogs along road R efusin g to halter or bridle. R u nning away P u llin g on one rein. Striking. 1 ail sw itchers Permanent os the hills, but can be L ugging on bit. Bad to harness. Bad to groom L unging and plunging. — H ard to shoe. - 8 h y in g removed la • »ee rad of time. The J u m p in g fences. R efusin g to h o ld back goin g down h i l l only Clevis naw on the market that Afraid o f autom obiles. Bad to hitch to buggy or wagon stays where put. Afraid of paper. L ollin g the tongue. Afraid o f robes The e x clu siv e right to handle th is Clevis w ill be sold by C ounties or Afraid of um brellas. A fraid of olotbes on lin e States, or se t oi three can Ire pu rch as Afraid of sound of gun. Afraid of band playing ed tor 91.00. Address Afraid o f canvas top wagons. Afraid o f cars Stock sad poultry ksvs lew trouble« rH ich Sr* not »ovrel and l i v e r irr-’ U'ularitire. B la e k - Dranfflit Stock an-i 1’v l'try M e li- eiue 1« a bowel and liver remedy for stock. U P»t« ‘ Le tags«« n l digiwtion in a | -rtect condition. Prominent America- breeder» and C U R I C O H C T IP A T IO M farmer» keep their herds and flocks Thousands Have Kidney Trotthle and Don't Know It. B ow To rind o«l. Fin a bottle or commcn j l m with your water and let It stand twenty-four hours: a sediment or set- ' tling indicates an 5 / t 1—75, unhealthy condl- tton of the kid- 1 your linen It Is 1 ev|dence of kld- ney trcuble; too frequent desire to pass It or psln In — — the back* Is also sonvlnchig proof that ths kidneys and blad der are out of order. . I jLXA I ^7/ C t Y -A vs»: ^o d o . _ Thors Is comfort In tho knowledge so often expressed, that D r. Kilm er’s Swamp. Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, patn In the baok. kidneys, liver, bladder and «very part of the urinary passage. It corrects ln»bllltv to hold water and scalding pain In passing It, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or boor, and overcomes that unpleasant nacsaslty of bolng compelled Io go often during the day. and to gat up many times during ths night. The mild and the sxtra- ordlnary effect ot S w a m p -R o o t is soon realUso It stands the highest for its won derful eures of the most distressing cases. If you need a madictns you should have tbs best. Sold by druggists Ir 80c. and 21. sires. You may hav« a sample bottls of this «renderful discovery , , and a book that te ils g J B te jE H * .: . m ore about It. both sent iy abaohitely free by mail. ' address D r. Kilmer k sore •< e w » - ' Co., Binghamton. N . Y . When writing men- gsa reaSng this gsnerous offer In thU paper. healthy by Riving them an occa sional dose of Black-Draught Stock and Pwsltrr M edidne in their {nod. An r stock reiser mny boy s 25cont half-pound a ir tig h t can of this mediciaa froen his dealer and keep his stock in rigorous health for-weeks. Dealers (rn « r- sliy keep U lack-Draueht Stock and Poultry M e d icin e.. U jo u r ’ 2 * s not. send 25 cent« for a «anmle can to tin’ manufacturer«. Lb* Chsttam-osa Medinins Go., Chat- tauooga. Tenn. Ro.nai.La, Oa., 2»o. 3». issa. jS -D w n jtbt Stock and Po«l'Jy Ina 1« tn» tic«» I ever triad. Our waa o o kln t biul wh«n von «.mt l( ni-diotao and now Ihey are , an ».I«. Thar are lo o k in f IS a t. b rtt«r. • • If you have horses addicted to any ot the above rnen- i tioned bad habits er v iciou s traits, yon can cure them . And perm anently too, by fo llo w in g the system as g iv en in th is course of lessons, thereby increasing the value i of your horse m any doll&rs worth, w hether you want to ' L-min ,,r « « I l h i m . It w ill increase vour safety and to n n - L an glois, * 0 write (hr our confidential letter before ap plying for fxatent; it » » J be worth money. We promptly obtain U. 8. and Foreign SW IFT & COn P .ito n t l a w y t w , IVervous re It c Y W e,utarne* wtlt yleM «uickly to ths InOuM ita of ! > .. k i l w ' i AoU-VOla P«Ua » dreu » cania DOCTORS st(»ii'siMiisio\ Opp. U.S. Petest OWcs.Wssklsgtee, fl.6. T K E 8 P A 8 8 NOTICE. Any person or persons tresp assin g upon the Croft L a k e Ranch,—th e Me- L e lla n a n d M arahull R anches, w ill be praeecuteil to the utm ost ex ten t ol bhe la w ; and a reward w ill be g iv e n f or in form atiohau tt w ill 'e« t-le c -lc h t -o tlon o f the guilty pu riles. Wlta 1, oy» I ** « , The green trees will grow so d th e dead ones w ill keep. x- J. H. U ptom , to w . J. At. L an glois, ' « 8TEW A R T N O TA RY PU BLIC N o tic e to T o w n S to c k o w n e rs . For the ncnommcxiRtion o f th ose <le- •ir tn g to ralte blooded ca ttle M- L. Barrett hfui b rou gh t hi« pure-blood Jerney Wi’l Into tow n. The an im al ha* aiw av» been ppentle. b u t it« ow ner w e iv e e e U lie h ility . Service« | l . Z «« K A T «ALK« prove Ore gross V i m erit of H ood « baraarrerills. M lle»’ A n tl- ndgl» « « k itk a , L anglois, O regon. g->«>l »» L ssglois, Or., August 27. 1910. a rie c ita n >uur Liocd » nt k .c ii tt -i- an, OJ <ti-rw g up tie r (arv live r »»O arrêm g a ll i » .riiies from th e lo ó ? . IM P » }• pi»i»k«s.*, blot-.l«», Mxcklicad* Bn .hat tiiUry bi-ious u-mpivxiun l>y i«kint < * » r* M ..¿unly fur ter. ..u ta A lld r W 1 U , a ú ’ ixctio» »uavr.-dssd. Uh- üc. *v FOlt HALE Oue De Laval Separator No. 26. one D isbrow Com bined churn and worker, on e 10 inch prai ie Qiieuu breaking I tnusthushaM my timber to re plow , one good B uggy, one team weigh place fences and buildings an the ing 2000 lb»., one s.-t o f h eavy harness, H. T. çf.VJSsJfç'SfiSg® orptv-toand w« rend an IM M E D IA T E ohrexre .--re moderate. Try re. W, B. Burrow, Corbin, Ore. No. 0-9(6». lo pin vlierv hj id.J !-ec. 12, to o k n o n ot T !M1, 8 . R. IS W. A lo t . ' Jit 2. Bottloli o f a t i l l Ul ii'; T w ill hip H l'S ., Pttiige is . W est, (KW, fn r |1( W iliaunAte M erhtbui, * n i tl»i-t.i»il»r y .o u s s ? tt„ t iberem i, tin ei th--|>rovi»ioii»of the u- t .,a j j f o f Jun e H, I«?*, and ucta. ii.u o m to to ry ., ^ lt,„ I(inV kii«.Wn MttHhe “ lEn t r Mli'l bU»(ie Law , • Ut bUch value a« m ig h t 1*3 Uxed l»y up- ® 1' 1 praibtineiii, mii VT ttiu T ,p n r ^ a u tW w o tr thL* muUUiJ • pplieatlon, th e la d d and hm lier there-1 » tr e v t o n e ou have been appraised, $205.00 th e c h e c k , u ccl tim lier estim ated 410.000 IM>»rd feel at in H u c cc ss SOcepta per M, and the land n o th in g ; i I have b that said applicant w ill offer final proof w o m e n in In support of liis npplicntlou and sworn th e m v e r y statem en t on th e fid sy of Oetobur, 1911, i h a g g le o-*’» before R egister -» Receiver U n itea i f tUo?. w , States i and Office, a t R oseburg. O re- j tlje g o ii. Any per »on i» a t liberty to pro- te st tills e-irct-n«-«-li’.foro en try, or I n - ; N ew p orT itiste a ool.test at any tim e before ra n . c la im d . t m t issues, by lilln^ * corroborated of- , n . „f, tld avit in tlii« o fliie , ullcinng IscU which would delea» tne en try. fo r canal« U xmamix F. J o sx s , I ,) , a f s h e u Register. .. n4,r dn farth, therefore I must nol spare any oue Sclinttorgiviagnli a» more cedar, l’lease do nol s s k for it For oarticuiare write s. p. nnooKiNoros flrtnm** Tt»«» «Bwara!« With Ci»ar«r*T« Candy CaUmrilc. «are k-onaup*»^« for f le cfe. If C O» O fail. OrumriaiM r f Jad nw:n> It is notorious that the rich nr- often scandalously slon in p a y iu r their b il’s. 1 recall one in stm e where th e w ile of a m ulti m illion a irc (she w as afterward divorce«/1. H ave y o u a H orse w ith.,any BLÂCK - O ne or More o f th e fo llo w - DRAUGHT in g hafeits? STOCK and R efusin g Io Lead. Ab'aid o f sudden fa llin g of board R u n n in g away when halter or bridle is rem oved. POULTRY G ettin g Tast in sta ll. A fraid o f lig h t and sound of Biting steam Paw ing in stable. K ick in g &t m arier or strangers MEDICINE Tender bitted. Afraid o f sound of buggy or wagon wheels H ood’s Ssrsaporills sells brewosa . accom plishes CREAT CUEES. .1 ires «rta »« •«« •■»•e-o«» r, I ree. leereW« leS«r- . ... K o - T u - I m m ! t a r S ttty C « a t» *,nai iti'-» .1 t-i'we»-« hatut cure, stakes «-su» a..«»iro.Ht. (riiMe» pun, SLSrasstres one of th«« ■•closest” of oiw idb lion«ires. He hud liesi’d of 11 i aluminum n.iint, n:irr n'-‘d to L- i p sliitn w ii’d -ut mi!’ li . ’«itiys, and I r - had forthwiih given < ders that the brasses on his Is ;l yacht be smeared over w iu paint so tbnf it might redo pay roll b;. (he wages of ie.osi- oni prev iouslv needed io cle thes»- b rasses! This gcntlem ai. income moat be a t leus' Wd!