Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1911)
¡tory bwtj Aixtract- . T o m aod County. Judge Bailey wee In town R m K j Supuj. Inal County night, making an official trip to ' M ERC AN T ILE tip The Langlois items thia weak ar- ] rived out day too late fo r oar issue. loot and was unable to leave the tor a couple of day». Ue deeply re- meat that has ever bean submitted The Bandolph arrived here Thurs grata bis Inability toattend the Port ( to tha voter» of Gorrv oounty and day morning from Portland, and meeting at Langlois, and appeals to be is for it with a ll tha intensity of ¿Gold B e a c h ? O r e o n Northern Gurry. hrtraet iun*i aaa* Born, to < r . y and Mr». John want os down to Bogus river. his old p lo n w friend», and a ll oth of an honest impulsive nature. Whaol M r. Elwood of Portland, who re _____ right. “ A Fromm Jr. oi Brashes ereek, Ooto A lly . W. A. Wood of Gold Beach, er», to vote for progress and better ^careful M arek of the record» by refer- her 14,1011, a ana. A com p lete Stock of Dry Goode, Groceries ia reported to have ju st returned thing»— the Port of Port Orford be cently invested 06000 in mines on cnee to the indexM UjarUi” is not a from the outside, a benediot. ia ing tha grrateet and most valuably middle E lk , presented n few facta a n d roviaion at a low price. E veryt Liny good certificate. The certificate should Deputy flame Warden, Morgan, aver1 and figures in which he showed he which event his many friends io of a ll local propoaitioua that < usually found in General M erchandise Stores. 1 something, ante» it can be relied arrived from Bandon laat night, on had juat received a shipment from this section tender hearty congratu appealed for their aupport. ppM it b of no rattia. an Inspection tr ip down the coast. Mena’ and B oys’ C lothing, Ladies Dress Portland that with direct steamer lations. G oods, Hardware, G ranite and Tinware, C i communication would have coat him - The Dairymens’ annual ball at The Bevenue. Guitar, Bear, has W . H . M E R E D IT H THE PORT DI8TRICT. in the neighborhood of 040 freight gars, Tobacco and ipes, Candy, N u ts an d Langlois laat Saturday, was a wait- ATTOOKY aaa COUISJSLU» attended and moat enjoyable affair. ju rt returned from a cruise in but on which he waa compelled to N otions, Rolled Barley, Grass Seed and Seed the Arctic ocean as far north as r«f Pert Orford B A T LAW pay 0124 under present oondiliona. M r. and Mr». Oarer Mather, and Point Barrow and mat no ice, which Grain, BooM and Shoes. Thia exorbitant rate, he said, tla Fred sud Miss Eunies Jainiaaon, is contrary to the uuiveraal exper F O K T O X F O R D , O REO O N made it practically impossible for were among thoae who attended the ience of vessel* at this time of the Pursuant to the notioe in ÜM last Orders taken for an yth in g not in stock. A l him to open up bia mine and ship week’s a w goodly In — consequence may - —- - w — - — — .— we — w w s w ra « T m a bibumk » » —’—— ' — » number of K J LONE Y Dairymens’ ball from down thia year. so orders taken for Mens' Tailor ftiade swirii D LOUCKS the ore lie would like to ship. aoaaidy expect a mild wiater, aathe t f r . ta>rling ciOs«aa and taxpayers m y. Heury roWle M r. Clark, who bought the Joe from the b est Tailors in Chicago. _ ____ - î _d U _ la mastra# of um _A and »luinitw .it tn Port . Orford vicinity iram went to M r. Elaond otm of the E lk river nearneaa of iea fields io winter Nay place lest summer, made a yira rad Ufo lassi arat, Wt rep- - . » • * ) ' «;• xir <» ■ Laagloia laat Saturday, where two «fact our temperature. • r i r. strong argument in favor of tba m e a t the Beat rad Moat Beliak!« miners has just returned front Port public maatiaga ware held iu tha New Good« and Frpah Supplies w ill bft re- land, with,a Sna span uf jre y horaea A letter from Mrs. laaoa Coy, for Port, Altho' a heavy taxpayer, he Woodman ball for H » pvrpme of ceived bv every Steam er. ,J whieb ba oyeaytd. They ware »hip- merly Mia» 8u*»a Carey, now a rra believed it Would be money in hie discussing, in all its phases, tha ad P a r t O«-fbr-<l, O r o g o a pad tq Cqp^to»j »learner. | ideal of Cold H i l t state» that her-, pocket If the District was created. > ■ y • r Virability a f rfaating « » Port oi H a raid that ha had bean used to Thue. J ^ io r a ff, • J to m ra tra d a r r a lf end husband are enjoying good Top price paid for C h ittim Bark F ort Orford to embrace a ll of north J. H U N T L E Y , j < . living in oum m uoltiw where the near Dr. E lgin’s on the Sues, made health and that "ike“ bra again lis arn Curry. A T T O B H K Y A T L A W . this office a pleasant and substantial tened to the “Call of the wild" and people got in and worked to better Tba afternoon meeting was called their condition and that ha did not eall yaaterday, and incidentally aa is prospecting h r a Dr. Bay. Tha gold beach , omeuon . portion of tha latter, however, that at t o'clock, F. T . McMullen elected believe in sitting down and wailing pr‘->«aed L^a fa ith In the F o rt of Port Oraprraspred Abstracts» o r R e a l took the printer’s aye, was a remit chairman and H . J - Banka scoretery for good things to drop in your lap. O rford. The discussion was opened by W . P r a p e rty F u rn is h e d . , lance ample enough to insure these Ç. W . Zum walt, another heavy A . S. Johnston, tiring of attend good people the T b ib u x k until well H . Meredith in an address in which taxpayer, presented "some strong th ir ty year» practice ta the County. ing to the Telephone office in ‘Port along in the year 1914. Thia set ia ha was frequently interrupted by facta in favor of the Port District. Orford at the expense of his beai not copyrighted, and as many of questions from 8. P. Prime, many He also believed that the benefits near, gave it up, and It ia now in w . A. WOOD our readers aa wish may follow tha of which tha speaker answered by derived would far more than off set Stalled in the flillin g a ’ Hardware example of these distant friends, either reading from the Port law, or the additional tax, and that as an ATrOSXBY A I LAW Store, a most sallsfaetory place. who close by sending their regard» from letters received from 8«n*tor old pioneer he waa not autisfied with MOLD BEACH. OMKtfOM. Bourns to tha effect that in order to to a ll of their old acquaintances. C urry’s progress in tba past but \V . H . Moore, a Beal Estate Deni secure government aid in improv tbo’t that with all her varied rraonr- Those from Port Orford and vicin er from Mexico C ity, »pent a day or U > . ROBERTS, . . ■ ing Port Orford harbor thara must develop far more two in town laat week, and then ity who attended the Port District be local aaaiatence, thia beiug an af A T T O R N E Y at law . went up to Bandon where he owns meetings at Langlois last Saturday factual nags live to tha aasertioa that rapidly. M /iffto Poimi» O regon. a large number of lots. Ha is look were: 0 . W . Zumwalt, John McKee- when government got ready it would More questions from M r, Peirce ing up ooeditfods etong the coast, lie , J. C. Clark, Jaa. Ellis, H . J. a t this time brought a stinging re improve the harbor Juat the same Banks, E. B. H all, A . J. Marsh, and hie viait ia aiguileaat. ply from A tty . E. B. H a ll, in which I a apraLky. regardless of any Port District. f l. W. Curry, Thus. Hughes, 8. P. Other quwlioua were answered In M r. H a ll went ou to explain be bad Govern aseat trail leaving E lk Peirce, Mr. and Mr». W . B. Hurst, GEORGE M . B R O W N , tha same convincing manner, to bad much experience as a mumci; river near tha Dean place «ad croaa M r. and M r*. Jas. C urry, W . H . the discomfit of the qumliooer pal corporation lawyer and that ha ing the divide to the gixea, coming A T T O R N E Y A T L A W Meredith, P. J. Lindberg, J a a .L a ra and the general satisfaction of tboee conaidered the Port law of Oregon out at Dry ereirk, hae been ram p let Chas. Long, M r. Elwood, Mra. N is i preeenl M r . Meredith handled the the beat law of its kind that ba had - BOBBBUie HHKfiOl M a c h in e r y & M o w in g M a c h in e s . seu. Mr. and Mra. T L . Oaray aubjecl ably in viting questions and aver seen. Hv eaid that T E T T S i I I flT iijfF V several mile* nearer ta, the upper r.and Mrs. H . T . utewart. rtroway remarks of whatsoever natiike and given the matter much study, and J. J . S T A N L L Y _____ .h eru n » tha dia E x t r a s f o r D a ir y in g } O s b o r n e , 8ixra settler», and shorten* the die Was beautiful, tha visitors ware treat rending much from the Port law that he waa thoroughly oonvinced M ilw a u k e e M a c h in e r y . tanee to Eckley by ghoet an hour*» ad hospitably— many of them a t aad »»vetnmsqt reports on Port th at the objections to the laxity of traveling. tending the Dalrytnen'a hall, awd Orford jiarbor, and also showing up the law and the tax bug-a boo ware they all returned horn« with the Aa w ill ba noticed by a clipping OKKOON C O Q U IL L E , in an cxbaqgtive manner tha many entirely without foundation, and ba •' w-> VU-. -'N' • \ ‘ from the Coo» Bay News in- thia ia memory of a most enjoyable trip. benefits Io ba der|vnd by all of Nor considered the creation of Port of sue, there are hut few oommeroiul The aociai aide of it was worth the tbaru Curry oounty from the organ Port Orford the marking of a new apples la Coaseoutity. This ahoald trip whether their efforts io hocating epoah in the advancement of North ing of a Purt district. be a warning to tha Cffrry m a n ty fur tba Port District count for any» « Curry. _ Folio wing ,411/, Meredith W. H Port Orfrd, Oregon, fcÄ’ " orehardists to begin spraying hi» thing or not. Chairman M cM ullen took a hand Mbore, a ra il - aateta deal e r from -----LA X— tree» and otherwise talcing good Mexioo, repreaanting « ra h capital in the discussion at this stage rad care of bis orchard eo that wbaa the L akglois HAPPKMixaa. fruitful remarks, and A UM— M and people with a*eans looking for market cornea with the rail road he while answering some of the qura- Ftrst-elass In every respect. homes on the coast, made a few time can aompeta with Uia out side pro Editor T b ib u x b : tiows proposed by M r. Paires ha ly remarks. M r. Moore's disinter O o x l Feed Stabtu attach d . I t ’s been aotne limeainea l ’ve seen ested words gave an insight into tba brought ont that 26 years ago, be duct. . ,,j- any news from Langlois, aq.1 w'*l great advertisement that a ll nf tha fore any work waa dona on the hffr- H. K. M orrill of Laog- We run the Stage from Port Orford endeavor to send some items which bur, tha whole townaite of Bandon via Dairyvllle, connecting with the luis, made ut a pleaaant business I hope w ill he of interaat to your county would get if the government oould have been bought for about began work at Port Orford and of visit yaaterday, He and hie brother Btage to Myrtle Point. paper. the in flu x of people and capital one tenth of what their school house own the celebrated Clark and Dwy Mra. Olaon took her departure that would follow. W hile making now cost. M r. McMullen is fur tha ar »look farm on Floras creek, one for a viait in Cal, last week. a tour of tha ooaat states he taw in Port, f in i last and all the time, of the brat h ill farms in tbp state Born to M r. and Mra. Jas. Cheno San Francisco an item in the Ora and knows how to express liiifisvlf and in a beautiful location on tha atdping hitl* o n t b e A»ortb side o t watb on Tue«lajt Sept. S4, a daugh gunian thqt tha people of Curry in clear forceful language. T^a closing addreaaof the after county were going to vote upon the the creek. The soil is fertile, adapt ter. noon was made by ex assess-ir. A. J. J. D L oucks , C ashier ad Io fru it and ~ ail other crops L ouis K mapp . I’rea. We have had aeveril hard showers « ra tio n of a Port District, and the Marsh, whose experience enabled thought occurred to him that thia suitefte to this latitude. of late which has laid the dust for K. J. IziifEY, A8fttCaxh C. W. Z umwalt , V. 1‘reR. would be a good place to find invest him to give tome valuable informs- . " B E E C H E R JE W « Tha new “ Hotel Langkiis” recent this year. B obt . M c K kxzim , Director. uneut for capital and homes for pco lion along tha line of taxation D r. 8. J. Mann passed thro’ here to show the foolishness of the fur P o r t O r f o r d , O r e g o a ,y completed and opened to the pie who want to live in a live ooaat J. W. M c K kxzic , public is one of, if not tha beat, hot- last Friday evening on hie way to community. As a rw u lt he start ore created by some for fear they w ill be taxed to death. Mr. Marsh Weed aad Iron Work promptly telry in Curry county. The ar Dave McKentie's on E lk river. ed immediately for Curry county. rays be be lives in progress, and so we gone at moderate priera. Hive me rangement, especially on the ground M r. Z. Boice was down from Ban Wa might ask, if tha mere fact that find him one of the most ardent floor, ia excellent, the room» being U tria l before going elsewhere. don laat week looking after business s vole ia to ba taken upon forming supporters of the Port project. large and cheery with a borne like The meeting in the evening was a Port District starts capital thia matters. air about them. The hotel ia mak practically a repetition of the one way, wbat w ill it* creation dot J. H . U P T O N , Perry Randals who has been em in the afternoon, M r. Peirce again Y O U R B A N K IN G B U SIN E SS SO LIC IT ED ing a good name for itself both io A t this point Commissioner being on hand with bis questions ployed by O. P. Haagensen for some faro and service, and under the 4J « . C O M M I S S I O N E R , time, look hi* departure last week. Chenoweth took the floor and made and again oomir.g off second best. management of E . M. Pitner tbefu an impassioned plea in favor of the Talks were made by Commission We did not learn where be was go NOTARY PUBLIC, tore looks bright 'for a profitable Port, in which he was frequently er Chenoweth, Chairman M cM ul ing. boainasa. interrupted by enthusiastic applaus len add H. J. Banka, while W. H . PORT ORFOHD, LaxeixMS, Cuaav Co., Oaaooa. Dr. Low k f t here today for his as. I t waa M r. Chenoweth’» first Meredith made a ringing speech in N O B A N K W IL L H A N D L E Dr. Crump and fam ily of Poplar which he climbed to oratorical O iK C .n N home. We are again in need of a public speech, but be acquitted him YC U R B U 8 I N E 8 8 B E T T E R Bluff, Missouri, old friend* of A tty . heights and made the ball vibrate Doctor, but hope that the next doc self with ability that would have with his earnest eloquence. W . H . Meredith, arrived hero Mwo tor wlli come and bring hi* fam ily The only regrettable feature of done credit to many a »»orc expar day night by etage, having come with him and locate permanently. arianoed head, and bis earnest word» these meetings waa that a number directly here with a view of perma of our northern neighbors aeem to Who *ay* that Langloia i* not on rang with a sincerity th a t oonvinc; nently locating if eouditiona, and have their minds made up to vote Repairing Wstchea and Jewelry promises of future development» the ’•boom” with the “ Langloi* Ho ad his hearers that no “ undue influ against the F ort and are not open specialty. A i| work gnaranuwd. warrant their remaining. A young tel” juat completed, and a new enora” had bran at Work with him , to conviction, or nt least would not Orders tehee for Wstohra and Psney man named Furgenaen oama with Church nearing completion ateo a aa have been used to strengthen torn out to hear the arguroenw in Jewelry. Work turned out on short (hem with similar intention». A l fine large store building for E . B. up the opposition to the movement Its favor. A glance at the names of some of those present a t these police. < ready, tha agitation of the Port O rl- T h rift and Co., being erected, ora if indications count for anything. meetings w ill show that the Port is Tba tax qraelioo was taken up by not a wild cat acheroe, that I t ia Call co me a t L aholou , O a boos . ord Port ia attracting paopfo- What Wholesale »tore bourn under con w ill it be whan the Purt ia eatnb- struction for F, T . McMullen and the Commiraiooer, who showed how backed by a majority of tha leading lishad and Harbor work shall have three fine large dwelling houras the County court had tha power to and heavy taxpaying citisena of the diatrict, among whom were the fol nearly completed for L- W. Hale, levy taxes many time» ns high aa begun. lowing: Frank Langloia, F. T . Me M. W. Langloi* and A H . Boice the Port Commiaaionere could levy Mullen, Mr. Catterlin, M r. Clark, The diffbreoce between a Bar all show that Langloia i* on the and th at it waa jr a t aa reasons hie A. J. Marah, C. W . Zumwalt, John r to A. B. S abix ) Harbor and Port Orford was well to assume that the Court would at McKenaie, Geo. Chenoweth, Jaa “ boom.” illustrated by the experiences of the Elli», and other«, while tellers were Mr. K. 1». Pitner, wife, and little tempt to levy tha maxim um tax read from W. T . W h ile, 8r. Randolph, Tram p and Hanger, all daughter, of Sprague, M^rahiagton, each year a» It is to assuura that the aad L. Knapp, heartily endorsing of whom arrived a t the same tita ', Port Commiaaioner» would do So. the movement. and ail destined for Bogue river. arrived here laat Friday and took Anything not in stock, will The Bandolph went down to the poeseesion of the new “ Langloia M r. Chenoweth alao showed by the The meetings disclosed at least aenaua reports that Curry county one important fact, namely, that the river but found the breaker» on ibe Hotel”. They were accompanied by be pleased tc order bad stood still, if anything retro boosters of tha Port are tba cnee who want the people to thoroughly bar roiling mo an tain high. She Mr. fleu Smith who w ill help in tba RerAUtiNo N oatly D orm then put to aaa, fighting the haary dining room sod keep hooka graded in population in tha past understand the question— the law ten years, aud he told how decade and how it applira. the government gala and sans and after nearly e x Mr. Pitner h • profeaaional oook, after decade the young men of reports on improving Port Orford hausting her gasoline railed back to and wa sinoerely hope ba w ill meat C urry oounty have been foroed to harbor, and the grant good that ran Port Orford, and all ara waitlpg to r with auBBiaa in tha new hotel. M r. DENNIS CUNNIFF, JH., go out into other oountira to aecure ha acocmplished by tha exnandi tare of 0*00,000. I l i a the limber • smooth bar at Rogue B i* « - 1« Pitner says ha w ill give the finest employment— how he had bran forc ÿep . 0 . 8 . M in ä n i Surveyor the maanwblln tkey onold have •upper that wa* avar laid ayra on, ed to go, and that be hoped bia boys interests aver fighting improvement J" , not the supporters of the Port Dis made round trips to P»rt Orford. so you, ora and a ll had hotter be would not have to travel the trict, who ere working alvi slyly and in ___ _______ « working present on tha evening of Saturday But it la not more trip», but regular rough road ha had travafod. la.aid iou eiy tom te^ad « 4 befuiblle Surveyor for tka D iatrict oi O r aura tripe, that wa want gnd must Oct. 14UV abort, M r. Chenoweth elands for tha voter. egon. | . ^AWHJra- J Jas. S. Capps, P ro p , Langlois Hardware Store Hardware of all Kinds Uvjv, P a in te , O il« & S tu m p in g P o w d e r P in e lin e o f G o n s, B a s e b a ll p a ra p h e r n a lia , a n d o th e r S p o r tin g G ood« k e p t in S to c k . KNAPP HOTEL, m D o o n a n d W in d o w « in variety c o n sta n tly k e p t o n h a n d . P ip e P ittin g « , P lu m b in g an d T in w ork o f a ll k in d « d o n e o n sh o r t n o tic e . Cheever ® Bowman. L a n g lo is, Or. Black [Smithing O F F O R T ’1 O l < F Ç » T ' W ATCHM AKER J liM . ELLIOTT DOORS - WINDOWS - MOULDINGS W . J. H A B IN if Nariuii ud SaMelry A njrthiag you Need in M ill W ork W rite us lor P rices or a n y Inform a tion you Need in this Line North Bend Manufacturing Co — * Ion . O r e ifo n yeM Bee«**. - • ‘ P’ « ’* ’’V * jXorth » e n d , O regon