or Weak Women Prominent Citizen and Taxpayer Favors Fort District, T h e fo llo w in g s t a t e m e n t from L o u is K n a p p d e fin e s clean ly h is p o s itio n o n th e P o r t q u e s tio n . A s o n e o f th e h e a v - '■'Wst T axpayers in th e p r o p o se d D is tr ic t M r. K n a p p w as s k e p tic a l in th e b e g in n in g a n d o p p o s e d tp t h e p r o je c t, b u t s k e p tic a l ! ¿ ir e f u l stu to d ] y a n d a. th o r o u g h u n d e r s ta n d in g o f th e q n e s - tio n r e su lte d iu th e c h a n g in g o f h is v ie w ^ U fl, O » SUHBUBtPTIOM ? v « a ..Y m r UlTEb,' S t T O One Copy Six Month«....,’ .. ,O im > Ûnpy Three Month»..... W flR b s »M M Port Orford Hardware, Wall Paper & Furni ture Store. et « «('Ske-< wwv.aty.y.' w Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription * Jt fte k e a W«aA W om en Strong, S ic k W om en WeO, re< is ■! the m P o r t O ifo r d , O r,, O c to b e r J2, 1911 ‘ T H IS M t V d O ItC a g S ; ' » » q-HOM by t ia s ■ 8— i s s l n S M m right in the prirea<r d ittot», aod to abhorrent to *i , T k *p riitM lu a r e u a a y w r p < i|H .'t, { tb o w tib td iM la p a tc h yuui «o»- 5 • «ariatlon 1» said. ’ A:>VaX*fSQ 0 ^ A T I I RXAIOMA1.LB T h is is to c e r tify th a t a fte r a o a r e fu l e a a m in a t io « o f .t h e , m e r its o f th e p r o je c t o f th e P o r t o f P ort O rford, b o th arf to-, th e law on <1»< j su h je o t a n d th e c o m p le te G o v e r n m e n t re - ¡p o r ts w ith c o r n s p o u d e n c e f r o t n th e O r e g o n .R e p r e se n t t iv e s ih 'C o n g r e s s . 1 nm . h e a r tily s u p p o r t in g t h e P o r t p r o je c t a n d t w i l l work ¡»hd viHv for it. I anj f u l l y s a tis fie d t h a t th e re d u ced fr e ig h t r a te s for a ll N o r th e r n C u r r y c o m ity , w ill m a n y m ' . Justice Harlan of the U. 8. Supreme y he (rasi was regard- By many ,ed as the greatest mem iber of the court .gnd the oply <me that WSS»}<d »servant .pf the lutatosi».. His piaea should re- afe meant until the People of the Na tion have boon beard from, aa in Cal- ■ • ____ i i _l n » ,. The Place to Buy your Furniture A dvisor— 1008 paga», nowty jw riso d feiadfog for 31 stamps- j A j f * - » Dr. » . V . W w . »sVri. - rk tt ( C e e e B a y N n w » ) Way we ca n g T o r t'O ifo r d li I 16 cents a pound, Mr President, the Com m ittee on , The Coos Bay ,Gss ifc O il Co. has P‘« 1 6iBc“ »nd P‘* 1 / both U ™ £ t o d w ith a aanital of ' S « ’ 4’ « « “ “ ha’ * u ,,d tr con ' .£ fc-. ' • . w h ic h h a s b e e n s # t o n g n e g l rt d istr ic t, a n d t h a t jjqçg . Z' X CM RBEHT TO PIC S: ? " ' 'f t 'y j H.UrTO N,* • E ilito r T H iB vn m - * " ‘ ! n* th an that fo r short hauls. 7 But V icto r Berger, lone » « « ¡.lis t n,em ‘ " “ I*- J J » « » • * * > * » “ « * “ f* * ‘ whatever the ultim ate action on the her of CongrXe hga a bill, before t W i ,u"«- 20 « M » ’ n ’ e M lbe question of parcels poet, 1 see no | f lie ooql.t not resist the T rq -fe '» ; unw arranted and unsupportable po- Q w l, which was b u ilt last Summer, reason for delay in the enactment ih e peal', tpin he do it in the future. va riab ly bu.ineaa men body providing for “ O ld Age’’ pen for Capi, Oi boon, of Sail FmnoiiXX). .o f this law ,g ivin g Am erican citizens A man once hypnotized, can never who are interviewed from Cnoe Bay sions, T h e ln«t seotioiruf said bill Á » í» l B Jack F arley, w ho ia Ashing nt the as favoiable postal facilities aa this second attack, it is «aid. _ . ‘ are strong in the prniae o f th eir lead» as follow»: forks of Gooa riv e r, caught 8 tons of G overnm ent extends to residents o f uT h a t in accordance with eeetioft Hurt organization, and a t the Sius A , article 3 of the constitution, and obiitoiik Salmon d u rin g the lust foreign countries. Especially is law the people ere d eriv in g even The C a lif o r n ia E le c tio n . the precedent established by t heptyl this true when investigation by the greater benvlits, and there they are uf Congress passed over tbe presi twelve night», whioh he ibid to the Marshfletd cannery nk b ru en te per Host UtUce D epartm ent shows th a t Through the influence and grillili putting up dollar for d o llar w ith the dent's veto March 27, 1368, the ex' poond. Tbe fleti were large, weigh, the coat o f transporting fourth-claSe erciae of jurisdiction by any of th # w ork o f G overnor Johnson, aided government, not 25c on the dollar matter ia ap p ro xim ately 12 cents a in g -fro m ‘30"lo-4ó pound»each. federal courts upon the v a lid ity o f by her eensifilo voter» e l the ,lnte a* the Port of Port Orford propose* blection, .all th a Constitutional Io d o , M a r r y Folsom of the Mod thia act is hereby expressly turbid1* - H- B. Dow pleaded g u ilty in Jus- pound. T h e passage o f th is b ill d e n /’ ' .. « w ill in no way conflict w ith any 'Amendments, including W oman . evn Co., of M arsbfltld, is authority life Pennock's oourt, T h u rsd ay, to T o say th at most members of ta ilin g diteaaeJ fru it. T h e charge subsequent legislation on the subject Suffrage, were carried, thus placing for the statement th at the. Siuslaw Congress were fa ir ly duns founded of parcels post. was preferred by H. M . H a ll-L ew i» , C a lifo rn ia in the van of all progrre bar has an increased depth o f flve by th e revefetione couched in that feet end that projierty neer tbe h ar county fru it inapeotor. A fte r hear- hive aiate». Jt ia the greatest victo U ei section is to put it m ild ly . I t LOgTwwA black end white dog ing a statement fro® D r. Dow con t y evdr wonr in a ‘‘governm ent of bor bee Increased eeveral tjiuee In was indeed a d im o veryl and c jn - apewering the name o f **Teddyn, tile people, by the people and for the j value, all w ithin the past'yeer and oerqiug the oouditiuu o f the apple g j rrro fn g Wbieb s - g.-re» law yer, u i drop o f th e o o u iity jn which lie made w ith a collar bearing the in itie le people” . U n til Equal.Suflrrsge s h a ll! «11 a < a direct rp»ult o f the Port rB U n u u lR a p id « , « f tor looking up tlie **Ak rs i Z?y g£■ B Reward WV» W • M ■ w I s it« w<v » return w» » a»-» sa s w in in Qregon, our State can ho i t p ia tii flia I i t tIKefc 11 <ne" to clean no Stu»r»w, aiid th at th e neonle n,abler write« to ‘'th e Hu Win“, uf C all on or address happyÎrVer tfie outcome of tbe veil- orchards; that thè ferniefrf a re - lifitg w rem ain the f o n d u r e o f a ll * [ClritwpM? goes into- the q uestion }. Mgs. Òiu-wi-xv, to g to I Are qp to th i wtf; ‘ aad th a t •yes ae tbe most progressive atatein tu re. ; U Ra • aft* isaiAnrml«lzf T lie Very fact Ihut th e ‘'interests’* «-»««* « ! m .t-h o ra te ly /a » ftkMoWitr foflow»; .'fl Kngpp H o te l, P o tt O rford, O r >be Union. W e sadly reglet to lose • - " * 3 . . a fail.. ... kï.al I I k.I 1,^ ■ i f thè 'fetter o f thb lew ie'Aifaroed. iL meanf'« |.i»i practioalty o ftb e e n tl» « er the Banner of Freedom to Cali should Iw one o f the tlrongeaC argu sffcctiigg atvbio'apdpr*, other uultjio crò p ,.$ > p u iy Prosecuting' Attorney WINTER RATS. ' Muditi , 'b ú d rlü í* *yV* c ,u ^ til*f and ih'uee to L itjé q v in azaèd t h f ’eittiirt* to-/ re m it » ¡in ita- favor. i» t-y a w - " » -— f o r n w .. A n d luaamueb as we set a ; m Nfefoen, the Port Orford jM lh t example of- leader» h ip in tbe O M MiUiyegiikagjuat received a shipment poet, go m ay our aiater state plant pf up-to-date winter hats, which she of the B anner on-even loftier heigbte>j«eg nn Ck>MMgWM> y« A ” (Iu<^ . j |(t) „„piróme eoqrt » h a lf b *v» fers at very reasonable prices, QaH og r»1Us wfuJZA h ard sh ip on any her before buying elsewhere. T b e In itia tiv e end "Referendum opposed to any and all imprpye ^ |iM lW s ^ tA i» » H e tio d i’'k U ll aktuiaim lt» ,jii m lA d q w ith ew<itegb*pliune:,a«ul body, bu»he. swats deefefik and fay• and tbe Recall carried by a vote - of m ei|l fty aa the surrounding J l» n n b * d li.* ; T - ,X * P g' t---------’ piore than Unee to one— the Recall advance in v«lue * r w ill they be * p .|* r tuvh.regulsluing m t \ * g r r f f . (d e a rtn a id i in. getting rid o f fru it NOTICE. z . v « - pent a« i leading a ll other atpendmenta. 01 compelled 1« pny » larger U x ,. •i»4ifheJl^U »like.” i.- . ' • e WIRE STRETCHERS, ETC., ETC. should be lin ed only after the moat careful m vhatigation. believe ’ dutchirg aloMglp ' ’. Congrras « d lf e»tchliali a psrcels- <’ • • “■ n- \ , , , -a la .'.- K n tee ep d Btptlig have gUrted to post rale of less than 18 o e n fM t|) - * » f o t z q | :fpr O i»pn> new pound, end a re ts very much less - . • s . ■ no ¡t'n ijk k r« I ■*". . . - 'e-- V WE HAW A FU U LINE OF DRESSERS, CH1FF0INERS, DKWKt TABLES, PARLOR TABLES, ROCKING CHAIRS ARM CHAUS, RUGS, MATTING, GARDEN IMPLEMENTS, RANGES, 5TQVES, HEATERS, CROSSCUT SAWS, H ||n )- SAWS iS A W SETS. BUILDING PAPER, WIRE FKHQMG, r aiders lion biHtyfor tlieeeteblighm ent o f | * taels pAst. I o m y o p in io n, the specific {¿delniona' o f such a b ill Pinco breathing the healthful air of the W e e k e n d gelling his ear In aa C u rry pounty so hud I y need* at M ie ground, T a fU backbone L«s S tif the present lim e. A nd eg ale, , :<he W e d enough in enable him to shout ) l<U(,r 0loH,8 by gay;n ii j „ effect i'..' • -.¡«,. —h , •. .5, > UO j w Com e in g,nd L o o k O v e r o u r s i m p l e books o f W a ll P a p er. tu c k to the Treats; “ Dissolve or tie t Q r,g „ n Horta «re not prov Dictulvedl” But dip» t|e IO »W . ¡’ I ' jn g a mcceae. Tlds is ‘ •k in g •« . W M . CI IC IN G S . P rop. < AMES S. JOHNSTON try- (Successor to K, C. Nielsen.) - J! Krt M . A. w*« ïj a t . . . Ik, . F»aa*r t h u - s th e o i n v e n lid n u f I accqr ding to a Bpi.tlt repreerotauvn - , as ith iey intend to hold their .lim b e c . javit»»»»» giving lbe »upretne o-afri- 20 a t 1-5 year»,th ey are oppos«] to |HUfr r t.ta n u u i nets ofCimgrssw. But taxes of whatsoever n atu re, «» is m e supreme P U irl has refe's'edly W h y then should the people trust evidenced by ihe severs! atto rn «)a exercised this power; and it ha» o f years been generally accepted aa n these men who w ill not trust th e m ? 'w b o tried to best down Gie tins- fact that Congress wn« helpless ' to pnn anybody give a sane reason? her assessment at the Inst circuit resist ju d ic ia l usurpations by that trtb u iiaf-e,tb at the .supreme. Ooturt. | t is « o fth w h ile to have liv e d in an court. These people w ill retp 4ge when brave, free, intelligent , rich reward fro m Ih e ir holdings in fact, had become, through giad- People enact guch law», foi the good nnd .it is only J«*t aud ««putable tfa1r ipsidiout encionchments. the ' - h a . done. I t ! th a t they should be made to co n .ri- ! ^ rel!L“ . and irrm u n o .ib l. piw sr. of n il, ns C alifornia W hen ft ha* been proposed iti Omi- js the grandest rush for R ig h t our bp'.e to tbe development o f the ooun greva to curtail or regulate iujftnu Country ever saw— and there are ty. And again taxation is tbe o nly tion jurisdiction in certain cases, Others to come, u n til the people of rneaus-by w hich* these Syndicales a u d io provide for ju r y trials in contempt caXes nut comm itted "in America rule Am erica as the Swiss may be induced to put m ills »n and presence of the court, the claim has rule Sw itserland. cut their lim b e r o ff so th at the pres been strenuously set up th at t b it I ___________ _ 1 e r t generation w ill derive some wf would tat an u nconstitutional -an* M o n e y B e in g U e e d to D e fe a t ' »he bene««., and by the way the enrichm ent on the functions of tbe f 1 _ _. timber interests w ill pay two th ird s ju d iciary of which the supreme P o r t D is tr ic t. of the taxes in the proposed Port court would and should m ake short w o rk/ District. There seems to be no question, in Last week practically a ll of the W lm is qualified to dispute that tike face of the foregoing constitu voters of Northern C u rry received a $203,306 w ill n>>t make a good, safe tional provision, of the nuapi», poW long circular letter, presumably llio’ sm all harlxir gt Port O rf ird, er o f Congress to regulate, lia u t or exclude supreme court jurisdiction from a form er old an ' when Cept. Thue. Symons, one o f except in lite com paratively tew pioneer of thfe county, (Gen. 11 the most em inent engineers in the eases where it is o rigin al. But, as G u e rin ) in opposition to the etva government em ploy a t the present M r Berger «nipts atdpM out in bis hie speech (ion of the Port of Port Orford. time, says th at " it w ill? .W h ile I t is a well known fact th at the irt-xl rock is convenient, s h u t drf. t th e 'U M ts d States supreme opwrt 0 . A. Sm ith and other large Umber .f (h< to fby JL -----. rt « - rtfotw * :t4 -s i. NEW J ww. q», , r: ’ i'H? J ' - • . *, gn^ fresh supplies w ill be received by evety steanusr,, . , ui j,-. ' Pupils attending tbe ^fot Orford school - from out-side districts will be ß g r c e l« Pont. charged tuition gt tbe rate of | t per J- month. j, — By order of B oard o r D ir e c t o m , June 23, 1911.— M r. B o u m esaid : Port Orford, Or., Oct. 10th, 1611 M r. Hrteldent, I introduce the fo l ■ '-oU ^ ■ P p r t O rfo rd > l;,w 1 W h a t a slap to T a ft ami Woodrow W ilso n . N either one o f these trim mere would trust the people to recall * Judge th a t the iieople had elected I n. < i“' i- a., G R O C E R IE S and P R O V IS IO N S , f 'iia a i or BO O TS and 8 1 | J K M^NR and B O Y S , C L O T H IN G , - , >v L A D IE S ’ DR ESS G OO DS, low ing b ill, and ask th at it be read 9 8 .0 0 ltew nrd. for the inform ation of the Senate. I t H f f t y brief. , l x x r —on tlie county road bet' , ' Be 1t enacted by the Penste and Port Orford and Mixes, during the month of July, a 32 Special 8. A W ., House o f Representatives of tbe black metal revolver. A reward Of 68 U n ite d S tn te e o f Am erica in-Con will be given for the return of the gun to tlie Bank of Port Orford. gross assembled, T h a t from and a f J. W. F laxaoam . ter the passage of this aot no higher postage rate »ball be charged for tbe transmission of mail en tirely w tthiil the U n ited States-or its pos • ■ ■ > H A R D W A R E , G R A N IT E and T IN W A R E . < v OIOARa. TOBACCO, PIPES C A N D Y , N U T S and N O T IO N S , ’ - - - ’ ’ ' I n In a , a supply of everysbbw wauaHy kept 1 » ,» GeneMrt Marchand Ise S t o r e . ■ >, 0R D R R 8 T A K E N > 0 R t a f ANY A R T IC L E «• w. - “‘- ‘m-* NOT tH STOCK. ' { « Call and examine goods and get prices. $100 Reward L sessions than is charged lor trans A reward of One Hundred Dollars mission o f m ail pnrlty w ith in and w ill be paid.for tbe arrest and oonvic- partly w ithout tbe United States or tion of the Party or Parties who killed a Bull Elk on Chetco mountain near its possessions. T h e Postmaster W ill Moore’s stock ranch, during tlie General is hereby authorized end summer. required to establish^ and enforoe F. M . M o m a m , Deputy in charge, Booth Coast D iv i roles a n d regulations which w ill sion, Oregon Game Wardens. give tbe |*eople of the U n ited States Bandon, Oregon, Sept. 16th, 1811. rights and privileges io the use of the U n ited States mails ae lib eral as N otice fur P u b lication . 04020 th# 1#ffchu ftnJ p rlv iiegee th eU n tfo d DrrABTMivT or vn« I ktbbiob , »be* hZbrissiWbifo fo R ifli JOHN R,'MILLER, . GENERAL MERCHANT, Port Orford, Oresron« U,B. Land Office, at Roseburg, Oregon '« « l ^ P le ° f Sept. 27th, 1011. w » 1 . xt » faouet tavrfred nation.” Notice is hereby given that : .V . fi ,ei ___________ _______ esident, it m ay seem strange "■ Ji » F axa cisA .C o x ..d ,'^S - Concerns are fighting this movement, . pu:„. ... „„ ,i . G h k * 4U»tiue Qhaas A p r'e ‘ 3, i»6&, . . . . . . h. < r * ’ u Vo Nrtibbirs of the Senate th at there of L an glo is Oregon, who, on August •n d». shoplii,be a piiesiU ltiy of legislation 16, 1908, made Homestead entry 141S7, l . ---------1 ---- uf 1 i being _:— ,i._ I . « _ii II . the earm arks the ..... HrirlSI No.'OtOaO, for l-ot« 12, 18, rt and • »•’ •«« anni And Cept.-Sym ons says that it can . By refusing to g ra n t the I enprbme W<i- Hr--' g ivin g American citizens privileges (6, HqottouM, Township SI M., Range .lU tii! duct of a corporal ion law yer, court n yelu oh the acte.c^Ouflgteea - — », , 16 W ert W iUamette M eridian, has tie. tiis.çoovention of IS^B, p tu h ib ilrd ,in Aty U n '1« ! Stales mails between ffled kotleewf IntowMon to make final ir q , ta misleading from beginning to ie by tlis t trib utàri o f suc h theospelvvs eqtrtil w ith those enjoyed 6ve-year proof, to establish claim to tbu exercise ,l9 g > 4 •u d . Ils author elidei, vpr» to »core A n O b je c t L e e to n . fe ll powers h«Jt' .granted by ¡residents of this, country in the land above described, before J. H . heavily by setting (o rili exaggrrut United S tatu Comrafesloner, by the federal oonstitqtiun o f tlie l re a re d ion uf business w ith residents Dpton, at Langlois, Oregun, on tb » 8 t day o f /if,: . sd tax conditi'ius. A * >hi* m atter During the late storm, with » south United.States’— whether to its ju d i of foreign onuutriee. T h e facts ere November, 1611. waa discussed so thoroughly at. I lie ' C laim ant names as witnesses: I t shall be m y purpose to keep a f u ll stock o f ev eryth in g required by the wind blowing 70 miles an hour off shore cial, legislative or executive-depart these: W ith in the U n ited States Rarl Hafeof »rem ark, Oregon. Atseting at L^ngloi^ i ii t u n l i v , we as reported at Cape Blanco about 5 ure)! le-^rere forbidden Roy Halts of Denmark, Oregon. trade in the line W h y these im portant and fnr- the rate of postage on fourth olass David Crowlev of Port Orford? Oregon. trill not take it up fu rth er, and be miles north anil about 3 miles west of reaobing preoedente, now brought m atter is 16 cents a pound, w ith a Alfred Hafte nt Denmark, Oregon. si«tes, the long list of heavy resi<hnt Port Orford, the wind scarcely reach ‘ » BxsMMin F. Jonas into lim elig h t by M r. Berger, have liqii.1 o f four pounds. T h e U nited P R O V IS IO N S , taxpayers w ith in the proposed Dis ed 80 miles velocity in the Harbor of J been iguorod by CoOgrees and the Port Orford, and during its highest ve- B O O T S and S H O E S 8 ta tM is p a rly to a treaty • under tric t who are in fuVur of the Port , , . , loeity, the Tramp la> eecure in the count* y for more thau 40 yfotra, it w hich resi<fente of £9 foreign coon, MEN’S and R O Y ’8 C L O T H IN G , Sjaiak more etoqeutly than words ..a <mooUi w. U r, of Nellie’s Cove, and the w not easy to explain. N e ith e r ia Notice for Pnlilicatton. this point. But the most flagrant Ranger rode out the storm in safety, it easy to explain w hy, now.that lie tries may send fourth Mess w a lle r L A W J W DRESS GOODS DarAaruBUT or tu x Iicrgnioa, has resurrected them , they ate s till* through the U nited States m ails at and iu tenlioiial violation uf tenth in moored to the wharf. F A N C Y G O O D S, U, 8. Land Office, at Rossburg, Oregon no . * attention hy the 18 cents a pound w ith a lim it of 11 th e letter is where it« w5ifer e u -i These are practical object lessons, giveu little r n , « or "™ 1" Heptombar 28, l« H . showing tbe nature) qualities of Port: PreM °T ‘ " e enuntry. Notice fe hereby given that ... CIGARS, TOBACCO, PIPES, pounds; In other words, a man flrav,irs tu ronvey tire imp(e»si<*n H bsbt M . A x t k a » Orford Harbor which her enemies hate • M r. Berger h at a h ill before Gun- m any send an U pound package tliat thè govrriim en'.’^ estim ale in C A N D Y , N U T S and N O T IO N S . ofPortQrfosd Oregon, who, on Anguat to concede. This Harbor ia protected greas which forbade liye O ourla to from Ban Francisco to Rome, Ita ly , 14, 1906. made Homestead re try 1HSU of 6203,866 fnr ¡»npro^enimt by the confirmation of the land both to n u llify an act of Congress except by a t 12 cents a pound, but i f lie wishes Metis 1, No. 0400», for N W )f> R t, S K I In fact, a supply o f averylhln g usu ally kept in a w e » stoexed General fioiu G raveyarrt Poiut wu« fnr a the North and to the South, aa no oth unanimous vote. A n yh o ff, M r. lo send tbe tam e articles to New BKl, 8 j N K | of 8K4, Sec. 17, Township 33 8 , Range 14 west W illsmetto M eri Merchandise B lo rf. k h a ff only and fornirvi bui tinti er open, barley, harbor on the coast Rer«or w ill put all the members on )^>rk. he must divide them into dian. hre filed notice of intention to. inuch of an estimatyd improveinent is protected. Only heavy 8. W. storms make Final OomsantsUon Proof, toeg> ever make it rough, and it ia the pur record. paokjOge* no‘ 1° exoeed 4 pound! tabllsh claim to tbe land I tlia l wnuld puu*. from 7 tu 10 m il pose of the Port District to remedy this T b e effect of such a law w ill be each and pay 16 cents a pound. A ed, before J . H . Unto*. V n -k lini, dui lare. T h ie ia false; -thè only defect, that we ask all progressive to move a monopoly President lo Japanese residing in New Y o rk can Ceressieeioncr, . t Langlois, Oregon, on ,20 3,366 estim ate was fnr a com men vote Yes on the Port prrqxieition the 10day of .Noveiulor. (9 ll. Cialsoret o»mw a * vritMgsse: lo hie i»lete project— je tlv , sea well, w harl, on October 90th. i t is an act of nu- look well to the character o f J a d i- ! w o <t * „ JJ-pound U a k w a t e r , whatever R m ight be " « " “ y-throw ing out a life-line to cial appointees in the e S ir l to keep friends ia T »ky o a t .12 cents, but ao James Sutton, of Port Orford, Oregon. R .G . M cKreslwof ” •% ” the bench solid. T h e monopolists .A m erican in New Y o rk oan eend H e n r r M c B rid e , Call and Examine Goods, and get Prices. „ .w -.h w * , i. . ..p t. ” " w ill see to th at. ¡onlv n 4 pound (isckage from New John Fromm, of ** protection for a few boats a t any . w , sqtor of the Dietrtot and confer a Bruaxia Jress L an glu is.O r. " f ' S fo ri to Washington and w ü s t pay Rfofefor. (irae of the year, ju s t such a harbor Messing upon generations that follow. SR*«» «¿cord» « Has opened a new Kjore, with r H EW GOODS, ■i of 0W)CWK»^aA Oiilers T a b tar iaylliiii; not io Stock. at ” ” F. ’’ JO H N R. MILLER.