* » ' . «è . . - /> x : 8 In carrying on any work jn S U B S C R IP T IO N K A T E S . Que Copy On» Y «xr ................. v » lA t this act provided to be carried on One Oapy A x Mouth, . 7 \ » the sal,I corporation shall have (lie Oua Copy TUrea^Uoutba. ............. W tam e right of em inent domain and THE TRIBUNE. W K D N E 3D A T , OCT 11, l« il. FnbliA«<n'. vety We-luento y. i.y HAfiUY r. hTKWABT. t F ra n k A- S tew art, A t, telate R J itu r GRAND BALL to take property for public usee a t exist nt «ucb tim e under the laws of (h it State in fav<>r of corporations organized for rite cunstiuclion and ojwraLio.i of railroads, and to be ex -j T h e p ria .« « « M r a M d n y o r r p a p a r , ! ib a w t t t o .4 a l. to w takk l ont t u b - 1 ‘ ^ fljÖonUpata. A » v x m « i> o K atku R k a ih m ia l l x . T he D airymen ’ s A nnual B all W ill he given a t L anglois, O re gon, on S a tu rd a y , O ctober 14th, 1911. G ra n d M arch a t 8:30 P. M „ S h arp . F book M anagers : J a k e W h ite a n d E rn e st M cC onnell. S upper , a t th e new h o tel “ L an g lo is ” , now u n d e r th e su p erv isio n of E . M. F iln e r. T ickets f l , and a jo lly tim e th ro w n in. erciaed in the same manner and on ' Meètiutf at Lan Huis to Discuss the i Port . o * f i tni» |^ ^ Stale œe,èr’M .?!* 0,6 TV “D prQvidthi in caie of M h i Port Orioni. - -*- Ì corporations, save only that ia th è I r , < - ' 4 ,, ' i t 1 ¡case ufCorporalinu.urganixed.under i • I • • , An Ah W oced ebewhuru tit tin t uwuo, a „um ber . . . ' the provisions of thia act the rig h t of t h e , half extBhd lo {b, u k illg wf> ftlld citizens o f P o tt O rford am i v ic in ity will g<> to L an g lo is n e x t S a tu rd a y , O ctober 14th, and hold a j>nidi»’ m ee tin g in *bé a fte rn o o n a n d one a ^ a in in th e e v e n in g to d iscu ss th è (|U« iioi) of c re a tin g th e P o rt of Pore O rford. E verybody, especially th o se in o p p o sitio n to th e m ove m e n t a re c o rd ia lly in v ite d to a tte n d an d tak e p a rt in these tn^eitings. T a lk s w ill be m ade by som e of th e old pioneers, a n d W H M eredith w ill read th e p o rt law and rep o rts of o m in o ó t G o v e rn m e n t en g in eers on im p ro v in g P o rt O rford barbio-, Q u estio n s of all k in d s a re in v ited , a n d tbo oppo n e n ti of the p o rt will be g iv en au o p p o rtu n ity to sta te thcirxobjections m id t h e i r rea so n s for th e sam e. Aif. «¿pen, fa ir d iscu ssio n is w h at th e boosters of th e pre- j'«* < a n t, for th ey believe th a t th e m ore th e people u n d e r s ta n d th e q u e stip n , th e m ore th e y will su p p o rt it, * If the p o rt d is tf ic t is a good th in g , we w a n t it; if it is n ’t we d o n 't w a n t it^ C om e odt a n d g et a ll th e reliab le in fo r m atio n on th e s u b je c t you c a n . ’ such corporations «ball there is hereby granted have and 1 to i t ' t h e j rig ht to take any and all private | property' iiudcr M id rig ht o f em inent j domain wiiich shall be found neces sary or co n venien t.jn carrying on [ any work or the exercising, c a rry ing out or executing an y (lower In this act provided to be-cartied on. Port Orford Hardware, Wall Paper & Purni- tu restore. - The Place to Buy your Furniture YOU’RE INVITED 4 And to the fu ll extent which the State of Oregon m ight itself ex WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF DRESSERS, CHIFFOINERS, DINING TABLES, PARLOR TABLES, ROCKING CHAIRS, ARM CHAIRS, RUGS, MATTING, GARDEN IMPLEMENTS, RANGES, STOVES, HEATERS, CROSSCUT SAWS, HAND SAWS SAW SETS, BUILDING PAPER, WIRE FENCING, A B Patriotism ercise and (o control or to which it can grant (o corporations organised u n d ir "Me’drovisioos of this act the WIRE STRETCHERS, ETC, ETC. The stomseh is s larger faster ia " life, libertv and the pnr- sw t ol happinsa.” than u a a t people are aware. Patriotism e«n withstand hunger hut not dysoepaia. The confirmed dya- peptio ia lit fo r treason, stratagems and spoils.” Th e man to ,,lw . * ° r h** couwttV w ith a weak stomach will be a weak soldier and a fault finder. A sound stomach makes fo r good oitizensbip a t w ell ae for health and huppineaa. ' Diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and aulnU on are prom ptly and permanently cured by the us. o f rig ht tq exercise thu same, coriior ations organixeil under the p ro v is ions o f this act shall be and are hereby granted fu ll control of all hays, rivers, arid harbor# w ith in 1 . their lim its, and between their. I i n D r . P I E K E - I G O L D E N M E D I9 3 IL D IS C O V B K T . its and the sen, w ith fu ll authority I t M H a r r Uta b o a r w ttb o o a a d llo a b aoJia m aocla. to, from tim e to tim e make,eslab W h y Yow S h o u ld V o te to C r e T lw law says I bat a P o rt D istric t u The dealer who offers a substitute fo r the * fe lisli, change or abolish w harf lines only seeking to make the little mors profit the a te th e P o r t Of P o r t O r f o r d . ' • corporation, nnd every inhabitant io such harbors and rivers, am i to •ale o f I mw meritorious preparations. of the Purl D istrict ia an Incorpo ra D r. P ierce-. Com mon Sense M edieal A dviser is sent f r , t make, establish, change, m odify or on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing »nt,. Send A selfish man, i f sane, w ill su|>- tor. The live comiuiMionrrs to lie abolish such rules and regulations 21 one-eeat stamps for the paper covered book, o r 31 stamps fo r the cloth bound. Addmaa W o rld ’s Dispensary M edical port.thnee measures which beneff» tskeird by the peopleaftor tlw lr f in i for the use nr navigation in such ■« v - Fierce, M . D - , Preside«,, Buffalo, N . Y . and eiirich h iai. A -patriotic man term , w iti be the representative harbors and rivers, or the removal of managers of (tie Port. T hey have w ill support nteasujwA tlia ; benefit obstructions therefrom , as it may extensive powers, serve w ithout .a l deem oonvebient, requisite or neces greatest work of all the Port of Port A v e rts A w fu l T r a g e d y . and einrich his Country,‘ O rford, to be decided by the voters ary , hut are at all times in reach of T im e ly advice given Mrs. C. * I f a man came to you, nr the Big . , »ary or Wi the h*»t interests o f the of the P o rt D istrict, Oct. 30ib. W illo u g h b y, of Mtirengo, W li.,( R . Rancher,, nr tim ber »>« ner, aud said, I he people. The people are thus the; ln a ritlm e , hip p in g and commercial D , , T h i» c e rU fh ly fif a creditable N o .l) prevented a dreadful tragedy “ 1P1 w ill r p e l i f l T i l l « ! d o l l a r s In .rixulutê masters. Don’t lie foiled I ¡ , „ ertsU ,,f the Bai(, on t in . point, and try to defeat « » ! a . j , ! am i regutatfon. eo made • ho’rU’ « fr,,ro8rt 8,n‘‘ l, and“ saved two liv e .. Doctors had advance the price o f your property, it tkf ei,f„ re e | by euoii fines j ,n 1,0 8*lo rl • t,m e- 111 0 said her frig h tfu l oough was a “con w ifi you spend One ttollar?" You great,at b,.amt » h p ro p o s iti,» n o fg m e j, tti all of Northern C u rry th a t has j .......i . ... ¿ 1 » « «»«>' »"ter, that the C lu b is a sum ption” cough and could do little Would quickly answer, “ Yes!” Now ! .! « • . Merck» of eound disrretio,, m ay f ?"*•. th i" « * KPhelp her, efter m any remedie. th a t ia exactly the proposition ever been voied upon. W ith a protected harbor at P o r t J h Z fu Z ‘ i in placed before you by the I ’a r k , O r f failed her au n t urged her to take O rfo rd , w ill, no but, w ith u n ifo rm , evit.(, !1 , 1 8 frt>le" UP ° ° M t. Mere D . K in g's New Discovery. “ I hays ord P o rt D istrict. The* G overn deep water, regular steamer trans: ’ ,w W ) W f l , h , llu. hs,.lu wf suii| i <l“ h our etn ce.it Secretary, whose been using it for some tim e ,” ehb ment is to put in three dollars for every dollar we put into Port O rf P” r’ «Pf»" »*«'« « > » « , freig h t rates . correspondence has been very exien wrote “ the aw ful cough is almost I corporation in 'a n y court o f Ibis ord Harbor. O ur part w ill not 1 » . wl11 «hes|>er, w harf chnrgea * >H I Stale having ju ris ilio tio n of aciions sive, and upon whom fell the task goue. I l also saved m y little boy p u t up u n til the Governm ent shall * * ' rniBh«»*'! by the Commissioncro' f„r t(u, r#c,,Very of f l ,, , , „„,( )rt.,ia | ' of guarding against legal-pitfalls in when taken w ith severe bronchial have put up her part, and under interests of a ll. CertalnHr a l l ^ ; , . , h y tlio State l.tw«. and the preparation of a ll necessary of- trouble.” This matchless medicine taken the H arbor work, i r Gov ¡N w rih w n C u rry , w ith its rich lands »h.«n Irmire and beking io said cur- | Bcial documents— a bard task which has no equal for lung and throat em in ent w ill not do this it is not j “ '“ 1 veried resources, w ill r e a p e n o r - a n d , « f t punishments so , be has done well, and for which his troubles. Price 50c and #1.00 proposed to issuo the Ronds for the ' * ’i;* * * * " * ' Ut',> * n‘* in vllluto iiufoi<*rd«ehi«N lie enforce,! in the chief reward i i a consciousness p f I T r ia l bottle free. Guaranteed by' sTl Como in and Look O verour sampJe books of W&ll Paper. » 1 1 * - WM. Gil^INGS. Prop. J #50,000. O ur b u ito ra OMurc u s t i'A ^ ««tale. V i» already hove of th a t there ¡w ill b e q o Unable to g e | ,ro '" i f i S j ? “ , *‘"„ri.O r ¡th e our G ovt, to p u t up at least th r4 jT ’*H K ^ irh ip li5« n * * " V nixile b a t p j , ,<ilJn Now every person in the propos propos ed D istrict should seriously consid er what would be the results if I’o it O rford hsd a protected harbor, in deep wuter, where vessels could come a il o f us. , al ti,iii s and misdemeanors I t was resolved that the Club I n . t i e r e s i ' l Is-« ?. should visit D a iry v ille , in v itin g 5 Rotates io Tugs everybody to go w ith them, on S a t . and pastenger.«, rnnking two trip * liebst, e in im p ro ving harbors urday Oct. 14, and hold a meeting Ihcse are some of the rea etc. there at One o’clock P. M . and also sons why every voter should stand 7 Rslatos to h.ivtog and fellin g at 7 o’clock P. M . at which meeting for Progress, and cast his vote for property. addresses would be made, discussing the Port of Port O /ford. OEXERAL >II2H.<DU:^iNrjr„ : Orford, Or.~~c^ N E W GOODS, the creation of the Port D istric t in shall never exceed 10 per cent of the all its bearings. E ve ry voter who assessed value of the Port D istrict; j ** honest, and wishes to vote rig h t,! find fresh supplies w ilt be reoelved by every steamer S M u T . u i * ? SfUU ,tOCk ° l e w >,hin« ’W — W e a th e r R e p o rt a t P o rt O rfo rd F o r the W e e k en d in g O ct. T , 1011. n il G R O C E R IE S and P R O V IS IO N S , B O O TS and 8 « ) E Temperature. M E N S and B O Y S , C L O T H IN G , i L A D IE S ’ DRESS GOODS, H A R D W A R E , G R A N IT E s„d T IN W A R E . 8 L im its the Sale o f Bonds, which S y n o p s is o f th e P o r t L a w . and go at all times? (fiacceoor to N. C. Nielsen.) said corporation in any o f doing hia d u ty , as one who wishes Druggiate. State having Juris, for progress and better things, fo r) times the (amount raised by our *e r' Parties nnw_ stand ready lii Port D is tric t,'a t i t did at T illam o o k 1 Ah auto trucks to carry freight biuslaw and Coos B ay. AMES S. JOHNSTON 7 44 C IG A R S , T O B A C C O , P Ip fc S ' O f course it would benefit Port 25 49 63 Petition (or Special Election to por exceed fi per cent interest. i is asked to attend these meetings, Orford b u t'w ill i f noCTh g rtu ler Or ¿0’ b i' 46 i f G rants power to levy a tax • ^ a » k q w iarionai sta t u h is uncertainties | less degree benefit every settler, organise Port D istrict must describe 1 1 «?■» ' t g F boundary of D istrict and have at ’ ¿o’ 87 needed of one percent an n u a lly to nnd either be coovinoed t in t «Vu are fnneher and dtilrym nn in the Dis trict, by giving all a better home least eight percent o f the legal vot i * y interest oil Bondi*, and con tin * right, or convince us th at we are) as 44 66 wrong. Do not be mislead because | market, and sure,steady, and cheap? ers as signers. gent expenses. » 6« some paid enemy from abroad has -W ith s n c h a Petition filet,, the er transportation? To the person Taxes are based upon the k « t 'so 61 ’ misrepresented things. County Court must order the Spec 4H who has from 25 to 50 tosiW of C ounty assessment and coll«xrted as A vor aine T h e C lu b especially invited a l i i iieight annually, it m eins a yearly '*1 election, Canvas the votes and county and State taxes. 60 47 the ladies of the vicin ity to attend | saying of more than his taxes if *he proposition carries, the Court Sec. 8— In 10 d a ys a|te r theCouo Fo<gy on the 34th. for they w ill always support a rig h t for the Port D istrict w ill ever b e .' ,nus* announce the result by proc J. D. LOUCKS, ty Judge’s proclamation, the G o v er ful cause, and we hope they w ill J The money spent here on th„ lia r - ; lttm*rio n . A ll expenses of the elec- Observer nor w ill appoint 5 Commiseiouere soon be voting in Oregon. bor work alone w ill vastly increase ,,on are l ^e County Court, from the qualified voters of the Die the volume of business in the Di» anfl ,he ,,W officers m us tact as J u d : N otice fo r P u b lic a tio n . 04020 tric t, who shall q u a lify by official trict and county, and no one w ill Ke* Glerks in their reS|,ectivu R o y a lt y -fr o m S a lt. DarABTMKXT or t h i I x t x # io b , oath, and d uly organize. -reap gieater benefits than our labor- *n d perform th eir duties U. 8. Land Office, at Roseburg, Oregon These Commiseioners w ill serve Sept. 27th, t » l i r Saletn)(0 r ., Sept. 15.— Develop era. I l is sure to lie followed by as st other elections; Notice is hereby given that w ith o ut salary. A t the next elec ment of sodium chloride and other inm ig rstio n , and by people who de After the proclamation th ein h ab F b a x c is A. C o x tion we shall elect "two, apd two | of Langlois, Oregon, who, on August salt deposits on the basis of a pi iire to live in our celebrate^ eliuiale Bant» of the Port District, are a cor years later shatl elect three.— all for « 1 . 1 « . » , Id s »»0.000,000 » , » . l ! f c ^ « ^ H ?» ™ 5 ; l| . ;. S , » . « i and by men seeking investment in ("»ration, w ith perpetual succession, a term of 4 yearg— subject to recall. irreducible school fund o f the state 15, Section 35, Township 31 8 ., Range a country ju s t beginning to develop. « <th |x,wer to do and perform all T he rest of the law relates to ad final I t w ill, as soon tsconipicted, double things necessary for the oar. snd m in is tra th ’ V affairs and duties and b r «lease of three Lake C ounty .he va lu e .» f every acre now owned proper management o f the Port D,s- - p o » .,, dr« ih . Com-missioners, who.« lake« is a proposition put op to the five-year proof, to eatabUeh claim to MtMtA thrniiffh A Ltornpv.GpnprAl lhe ,an<i above described, before J. H . in die dnWHct, and no one w ill be trial, an Jias power, , acta are egiBjeCt Jo^the/efereudum . through Attorney-General u pton/UnIted 8UUw (fem mlMlonar. Crawfardiiby Swain and awo fat Lan&lois, Oregon, on the 24 day of more greatly benefited than the I T o improve ail bays, rivers nnd L i large lim b e r Imlders who aee said harbort w ith in its lim its and b e -’ T h e P o r t .O r f o r d C o m m e r c ia l d a te , of Portland. According to a M witnessesi to be bliu.lhr fighting a dollar bo i ween its lim its and the sea for such recent report of State Engineer Lewie Earl Hale of Denmark, Oregon C lu b these la k e , contain almost fabulous D ^ M C re w fe ^ o fP o rtb rfo ^ 'O re g o n , cause it cost# a few m ills in tax««. n id th and length and to such depth C A N D Y , N U T S and N O T IO N S . In fact, a supply of everything usually kept la a well M arked V “ 1 - ORDERS T A K E N kO B ANY A R T IC L E NOT IN STOCK. - Call and examine goods ar.d get prices. ’ JOHN R,’MILLER, GENERAL MERCHANT, - • a • Port Orford, Oreuron* Has opened a new Store, with C. M. There is lea« yense in th eir opposi ns may be deemed necessary or con- tion than in any other. T h e ir lum h -. p „„ .................... „ ™ „ r„ c l ~ Creed, and we are sim ply doing the i laisins, ami waterways as it m a y be work, of providing them a e fiip -!deemed necessary or convenient for ping point which they must have the use o f shipping or the extension and we are doing the work fur more of lliecommerce o f such Port, cheaply tbai, they can ever do i l l jf To contract with the govern then.». 1v.i-r bi sides by o u r way lnent „ f ihe United Statsa to do any there-w ill lie no m orioply, aud equal and all or any part of the work of rights w ill prevail for all. m aking m aintaining v/s or u making . » c and — in n in ^ .« V lnen " Ur l a y m e n , or m aintaining such a depth of wat- oor Tiifilierm en and our lahonnen, ' er in I..V « i h . ir t •u ',h bays, nyers and harbors h a v . the stronger reasons for sup . a said government of the U nited wealth in sodium deppsits which ap | Alfred Hafte of Denmark, Ori reson. B k n j a h ir F . Iosa» proxim ate many hundreds o f m il Register. h , u lions of dollars if properly develop I X * £ 7 ed. A n exhaustive exam ination of N otice fo r P u b lic a tio n . * the resources oLlhese lakes has been suing year, and was a cheerful, en PWASTMZKT J3, TH X I m t XBIOB, made and following the exam ination thusiastic affair. U. 8. Land Office, at Roseburg, Oregon indications point to resources of Heptember 85, 1911. So well satisfied were tlie m e m ! enormous value. Notioe Is hereby given that bers w ith the management of the H bkbt M . A x t x l l , According to the proposition which Club, d u rin g the past year, th at the J has been mado to the state M r. of Port Orford Oregon, who, on August 14, 1906. made Homestead entry old officer* were a ll re sleeted u n a n i Swain promisee to lease from the Serial, No. 04.KI9, for N W | HE J, SE4 imously for the coming year. . 8E1, 8 j NEJ of 8 E |, Sec. 17, Township slate Summer, A lb ert and A lk a li 33 8 , Range 14 west Willamette Meri- A brief sum m ary-of the work of I iakse and pay the stale a ro ya lty of dian, has filed notice of intention to the Club durin g ite first year,shows j 50 cents per ton of sodium obloride make Final Commutation Proof, to es the follow ing results, nam ely; The tablish claim to the land above describ -------- * ’ or common table salts and #1 a ton ed, before J. H. Upton, Un.ted States levying ofAhe 5 m ill U x to build Commissioner, « t Langlois, Oregon, on our High School b uilding, which on a ll other salts. I f the state pre the 10 day of November, 1911. fere he says he w ill p a y s ro yalty of. C la im a n t nam es as witnestoes: carried w ith but two dissenting votes Hutton, of Port Orford, Oregon. the building the new road from town 10 per cent on the net proceeds from James R .O . McKenste, o f .........................’ ” ” to the w harf on an easy grade; the th e sale of salts, the lease to run 40 If enry McBride, of •' ” ” “ Banquet to M r. Sayers o f the State years, 100,000 tons of salt to be John Fromm, of B sgjxw u F. Joaas D evl’mpX league to the State Officials ready for shipm ent and m arket by Register. October 18, 1013.— E x . and visiting teacher«, and the enter ta ir mnui in Jack .(««k London I.nn.i-»« >« ia .. tainm eut to and i _ wife: The annual meeting of the Port fowling our Port Proposition, end Mates may from tim e to tim e de- t h e y w i l l , if capable of deep, clear (erm ine to make or m ain tain , and thought. , 7 - ¿ for tbo m aking or m aintaining of Hom» suppiwe th at the Pori Q r- which it shall or may contract w ith f- rd Commercial C lu b w ill rdn aaiil corporation, and to receive the Port nnd manage it when es therefor such compensation ee m ay »ablisbcd. Thia {« not so. The be agreed on between said govern C lu b lis t nothing to do w ith ft only m ent of the United Stales States and said to help it along w ill, i t , gt>u>| w ill. ! corporation. the Agate C a rn iv a l; and tartly and I# I N E W G O O D S, K o lh ln a enuoW D r MU«»’ Antl-rttofe Pilla for to— Sni toto, M r r a la l* . a X o -T o -IU m lot » »rig Cvate. Uto»r,n'<-.<1 lobo eco totol.lt cor«, mato ' «»a M u ,«* t I t «ball be m y purpose to keep a fu ll stock o f e v eryth in g required by Ike trade in the line o f G R O C E R IE S and P R O V IS IO N S , ’ • M E N ’S and B O Y ’S C L O T H IN G . L A D IE S ’ D R E S S G O O D S * ■ to___ - B O O TS and S H O E S ' F A N C Y G O O D S, C IG A R S , T O B A C C O , P IP E S , C A N D Y , N U T S and N O T IO N 8 . In fact, a eupply o f everything usually kept In a w ell etoexed General. Merchandise Store. Orders Taken for Anytliini not in Stock. C all a n d E x a m in e O ooda, a n d g a t Prices. JOHN R. MILLER..