Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1911)
official directory OLD-TIME METHODS. 1 « the U ntied B u te * Land Offloe, Rossburg, Oregon L an d D istrict. M in e ra l Application No. 06878, A u •J. 8. Seo’ta— J o n a th a n Bourns J r., ot banda.** remarked the old man to the Portland and Qeo. E . Cham berlain of gust t t , »011. farm assistant. "Now, I taka aotua. Notice la hereby given th a t 8a tern. wkso there's any patchln' to be done IPs NswToe-GvDivaLaiaa Congressman, F ir s t D is tric t— W illis os the seat of a man a britches aa' the o f P e rt Orford, C a rry C ounty, Oregon, C. H a w le y, of Salem. rest of the wear aa* tear asema to eome baa made application lor a U n i ed on his bead. IPs all labor ear In' laveo- G overnor—Oswald W est, Salem. Secretary of 8toto— Ben. W . OtoulLS*-. Stales patent to the following described Uoas—eoatrapsbuM tosavo a fo lia r gold and p latinu m b earing lands, to trouble, rpuea IPs aU right, but K am I lem. Look, a t you, State T.eaaursr—Geo A . Steel o f Sa asted in Sixes M ining D ia trie t ( unor the way I was r a h i t ganised ) C u rry C ounty, Oregon, to w i t : BOW.** lem . **Wbat*a the trouble w ith ma, Unele 8 u p t P u b lic In s tru c tio n —L . A . A ld NEJ 8 W |, E | N W | 8 W J , E | W | NWJ Dava7** saked the assistant. S W |, and SJ 8 W | N W I Section 8 and erm an, Salem. “W ell. yoa may be aU right; I don't State P rin ter— W illis D u n lw a y , Salem. HEJ 8EJ NEJ Section 7. T w p . 38 South say you ain't,’* said the old maa. "O n y Attorney G eneral— A. M . Crawford, of Range I t W est of W illam ette M eri whan you cama to my son's buntin' a dlau, con tain ing 100 acres, known aa Job what did you do7 »ou got out that Salem. Clerk R U te Land B o ard —O . U . Brown. the Acme-Em ergency Placer Claim s. there dtpfomy you got from the state agricultural college an* eommenced Consolidated. Salem- ~ The said lauds were located by ap leasin' about centrifugal separatore an* Joint Senator fo r Cooa and Curry— p lic a n t m id M a associates o n, or about electric atlmplatfoa of plant life an* ss- W . C. Chase. Joint Representative for Coos and Feb ru ary 8», IBM . and relocated by said pppUeant and associates, L izzie you up to see whether you was stout C u rfy — 8. P. Peirce. Judge, 8d Jud icial D is trio t—J . W . Dtvelbiaa and E m m a Bowne, Decem enough to do a good man's work au’ find ber V, 1002, as shown by notice -record Is* out whether you knew enough to H a m ilto n , Roeeburg. ed in Book • , C u rry County Record of feed a cow 'thout founderls' It an* keep Prosecuting A ttorney, 8d Judicial Dis M ines at Page 70; and sold associates sober when f ou wen t after the mail. asks trio t—George M . Brown, Roseburg. have assigned th s ir interest in said you If you can run a gasoline engine an" 0 . 8 . Commissioners—J . U . U p to n , lands to said a p p lio a n t The applicant what experience yon've had w ith to ll Langlois. ■ analysts. Oosbl Then you got the Job. for patent, and those through whom ooumtv orricsus. he claims, have expended over five There’s engineers aa* M otetista an’ County J-.Mlge—E . A . B a ile y, G old handled d o llar In labor and Im prove chemists aa* electrlelans, but there s t a i Beach. ment« on said lands In developing no farmer».” County Comnnseloners—O tto Ism ert, th s ir minerals and m ining. -IP s different, that's all," said tbs as » Gold R each; Geo Chenoweth, L an g lo is . A ll of said lands are adjaoent, ad sistant. "W a get the eroga Just Iks Sheriff— W . A. Bishcl, Oold Beach. join in g and contiguous to eaoh other, "That's the p in t I ’m m akln’.’* sal« County C le rk — George W . Sm ith, and the q u a rte r section corner at the the old mss. "Ton do It easier. Too sat Gold Beach. 9 W corner ol N W I Sec. 8, Twp. and B. on < self-harvester blnder-thresher- County Treaaurer—Jamas C aug liell aforesaid, Is the corner o f one o f the esoker an* go through s field o* grain W edderbiyn ' suh-dlvlaions of eaid land applied for, thout dolh* a Ilek moss's puthln* a but to w it: the 8$ 8 W | NW J See. 8 afore ton or pullin' a lover, an* then you Assessor—W w . Tolm an, H a rb o r. School S u p t,—W . 8 . Guerin. Langlois. said, said q u a rte r seetioo corner being think you’re smart because you done It Surveyor— D . C u un iff J r., Oold Beach. an established corner of Urn govern easy. Look at you. 1 e'd wrestle you. collar *n elbow, or say holts you like Coroner— D r . 8. J. M ann, Langlois. m ent survey. as* wipe the gronsd w ith you. as old a» I There la no known vein or lode or MXZTinoa o r t h b ooubts . am. I could llek you w ith one hand tl»-' other m ineral bearing rock in placw on C irc u it C ourt meets Fourth M onday in behind me. I bet I ess pitch two foals any p a rt of m id lands and no adjoin of hay afore you could one—but you’d August of each year. County Commtesinnera C o u rt meets i n g m ining claim s except the follow rig up a derrick an* k portable auto matic hay fork aa* eave tim e an’ do It first Wednesday In Janu ary, A p ril, in g : W . O. Corbin claim , W a lte r Sin- easier. Tim e! A in 't you got »11 t t e time J u ly and September of eaoh yoai. e la ir claim , John Hudson cla im , and there 1»T You g it oat an* saw wood In- Probate C ourt meets firs t Monday in Joe Hudson claim . •taad o’ gettla' a eteam engine to do W, Any and a ll parsons o la lm ln g ad each mouth ___ an* your hack'll ba tbs better for Jt. versely, the m in ing ground described^ Pump water fo r the stock ea' tot the above, o r any p a r t thereof, or vein o t wind do the w ork the Lord intended aa* lode or other interest therein, are here you'll rates some muscle on your arm. Chetdo............ by notified th a t unless th e ir adverse Pitch your own buy aa* git a ebaat on H a rb o r.......... G old B e a o b . claims are d uly filed according to law W edderburn and regulations thereunder w ithin Illib e e ............ sixty days fro m the date o f . the first M a r ia i. , , . . publication of th is notice, w ith the Agnese........ Register ol the Roseburg, Oregon Land P o rt Orford Offloe, they w ill ba barred In v irtu e of D e n m a rk . . . the provisions of law. n a r s amo DISTBICT o r r i c s a e : • - What is a . visible typewriter? * in sight is part of it. Keyboard in sight is the irt. It is as important that you see what you do ! what you have done. T h e key-for-every-character d of die easy action, light running MODEL 10 ly truly visible w riting m achine V isile Writing ~ Complete C ontrol from Keyboard A Key for Every Character W rite for information to T h e Smith Premier Typewriter Company. I n t Syracuse, N . Y . Breach« ovwywhen Bichroms Ribbse U u il m Touch Ball Bearing Typo Bor Column Finder ond Parspaptor Dorirnd Tabulator „ Perfect E /w n g Focihu<i taaanhwagaabia Cawiagw Right aad L e ft Carnage Roho~ G e « Driven Camas«« Ribbcn Cotoollvd from Keybowd Vanabls and Umvenal Lira Spa««« Psrtot Durt Guard Space Lever Cwriage Retard« Dmed These a re features which make the Smith Premier the investigate* comparative The Burrow Clevis advantages. HEAD ACHE! « ■ e t h way w i f e a n d a y M l r B • a t a g CASC A lt ETH and they a n ■ •S W IM WS bava ever bad la the be wusk my « Ita « a . »rankle with hai Saya, aba «Ned roinc of yourCAt »bey relieved ihe pain In ber ti« Immediately We both roeommend C O s a i . bTsnsrosn. a groaod. Look at the advertteemeats la the papers A li of *am to save troubla. Why waste Urne stroppln* a rs a o rf W hy trouble te eook f Uas thoaelf-acUa'thte Eckley choice- of the m^n who July 17, 1811. N otice is hereby given tu n t JurTtn 11. H c u iis m im b , whose poet- offlee address Is 77« Over look B ird ., Purtlhud. Ore , d id , on the 23 day ot January, 1011, file in this of fice Swum 8 tu viuent end A ,»p lie s tto lf, No. 0686J. to pun-base KJ 8EJ Ban, 12, T. »0, S. R. 1« W . A lo t» I & 2. Kectioti 16, T.drnehlp » 1 .8 ., Range H , West, M illanivtte M erid ian , aud the tiuilw r thereon, uu e i th>- provisionsuf the m l o f Ju n e », 1878. and actr ainendHtory, known a s t h e 'T iin ' erau -l Shine L a w ," a t aueh value a» m ig h t 1« fixed bv up- praiseiuetit, ainl th a t, pursuant to such application, the land and tim ber there- ou have been appraised, $205.00 the tim b er estim ated 410 000 board feet at 60 cents per M , and tl>e land n othin g; th a t said applicant w ill offer final proof In support of his application and sworn t s u te iu e n t on the 6 day ol October, 1811, before Register A Receiver U nited States Land Office, a t Roseburg, O re gon. A ny person is a t lib e rty to pro test th ia purchase before e n try , or in itiate s contest at any tim e before p a t- ' ent issues, by filing a oorTol orated af- ' fid a v it in this office, alleging lacta which would defeat tne en try. B u m a m ix F . J o x n , Register. Have you a Horse w ith an y BLACK - One or More o f th e follow- DRAUGHT STOCK ■"d in g habits? sin g to Lead. A fraid o f su d d e n fa llin g of u n n in g aw ay w hen h a lte r o r b rid le is rem oved. B itin g POULTRY G R R efu e ttin g fast in s t a l l .' A fraid of sig h t a n d sound of steam MEDICINE T Haw ing in stable. K ic k in g a t m a ste r or B trangers ender b itte d . A fraid ,of sound of buggy or wagon w heels b o a rd uri. P»i«i,i-i». pm »«« ,T»«v.0 ~S. J * ¡•welet«" WMt«n. u, «irle». Un. £•■«• C O M I C O N S T IP A T IO N . Thousands Havo Kidney Trouble and Don’t Know It. ■ o w T o F in d On». FUI a bottle or common glam with your water *nd let It »land twemy-four hour* a . I'B t li »edlment or »et- ,Hn* lnd,c* ,e* *" z» unhealthy condl- m a K y / l l o S of the kid- a e y i; If It «tain« 3 L J > A | your Hnen It 1» evidence ot kld- u f ney trouble: too /• t 'A frequent desire to pass ll or pain In -■ the back I , also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der s n o u t of order. W h a t te De. * « T h a n Is comfort In the knowledge «0 often expres-ved. that D r. Kilmer's Sv-smp- Root. the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pstn In the book, kidneys liver, t ladder and every pari of the urinary paaeage. ' l l corrects InsbllMv to hold watar aad scalding pain In passing It. or bad affeots following use of liquor, Wtneorbesr, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day. and Io get up many tlmee during the night. The mild and tha extra ordinary odecl ot S w am p-H oot I , soon reallrad It stsndk the highest for Its won derful cures of the most distressing oases. If you need a medicine you should nave the bast. Sold by druggists In 5Oc. and 31. sixes. You may have a sample hottie of this m o re »bout II. b o th ,c n t M u j I N l i i ' ebeolulely free by mall, Addrsss b r . Klhner It h « . Ce., Binghamton, N . Y . When writing men- daa r-r-F -g this ganerous offer in this paper. R d w ra ,« T o a r ytnwcta W ith (Yindy «'»«hnolr, cur« « m .tlp a i..» forar«r Ksrvwua or forTi Ifm ulacbsa W « ulckly » • the Influence of P r a a U -re te n i t e » fo m s « csa! l i v e r irregular itus». BI »ok- D raught Stock an.1 Pon'try M edi cine 7» a-hovel and liver remedy for dock. I t put» the organ« of digestion in a perfect condition Prominent American breeder, and farmers keep their herd, and Hock» healthy by f i r i n g them u i ooca- aiooal do»« of Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine m tbeir food. Any »lock raiser may bny a ¿S cent half-pound a ir tig h t can of thia medicine frcai his dealer and keep h i, stock in vigorou, health for week,. Dealer, gener- allykeep Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Mediefoe. 'f jo u r, d im not. s«md 25 cent, for a »ample can to the manufacturer,. Tne ChattoniMiga Medicine Co., Chat tanooga. Tenn. B o .H n x a . O a ., Xea. m, tan. B lack-O » u « h , Btoek sad Poulxy Med*-tne la the b w t Ie v v rtrle d . Our atock waa nokinc bad «be» »“ « um the mvdirine and no,- they are « « tin « to ('>*• They are lenkia« ■ n«r cent, b HUr. ». P. BBOOMIXOTOW P aw ing w hen h itc h e d in stre e t. A fraid of to u ch of sh a fts C row ding in s ta ll. S c a rin g a t hogs or dogs a lo n g ro sd R efu sin g to h a lte r or bridle. . R u n n in g aw ay P u llin g on one re in . S trik in g . 1 ail sw itc h e rs L u g g in g on bit. Bad to h a rn e ss. B ad to groom L u n g in g a n d p lu n g in g . H a rd td shoe. S h y in g J u m p in g fences. • R e fu sin g to h o ld b ack going dow n h ill A fraid o f au tom obiles. Bad to h itc h to buggy o r w agon A fraid of paper. L o llin g th e to n g u e. A fraid of robes A fraid ot um b rellas. -A fraid of clo th e s on lin e A fraid of sound of gu n . A fraid of band playfng A fraid of can v as to p w agons. A fraitL of c a rs I f you have horses a d d ic te d to a n y or the above rnen- tioned bad h a b its o r vicious tra its , you can euro thorn. A nd p e rm a n e n tly too, by fo llo w in g th e system as g iv en in th is course o f lessons, th e re b y in cre asin g th e v a lu e of y o u r horse m an y d o lla rs w o rth , w h e th e r you w a n t to koep or sell h im . I t w ill increa«o y o u r safety a n d c o n fi dence in d riv in g a n d h a n d lin g a n y su ch c n im a l. T h e o n ly licensed h o rsu tra in e r in O regon. A ll work g u a ra n tee d H. Z. HANSEN, Langlois, O r plyin» 16» pfttent: I t ra»> he worth eum ej We promptly obtain U. H. and Foreign PATENTS DOCTORS S i. S -.t «««J « r v lc . aad advfas, aad oar t e a r « « are moderate. Try aa any conaumpfion can be cured. Nature alone won’t do it, it needa help.______ Any person or persons trespamring iqion the C ro ft L a k e Ranch,— the M c L e lla n and M ars h a ll Ranches, w ill ba prosecuted to the utm ost extent ol the la w ; and a reward w ill be given f o r In form atiohan I t w ill le« tdo c-ic h t -o > tlon of the g uilty parties. S W IF T & C O , F a f e n f L a w y e r» , Mc*4tM<y In Ckitrs Wm xl m om » lx »km . N n jopntv iritWont it. ÜMWnto, C nndy C a th a r tic e t o il blood a wl k«**p it f iean, « tarin g up the ïaxv M tor and dttvtng nil t »• -MUitieu f m e t b * H e ti» , to-A iy J» >at.i»h pintnksp boil»» l» !o t -I m », Ll»tk»*iri<w n«, rju tl pm »lv bilioM» cinipi« SM » Ly ta k u n No More Cedar to Spare. I m u s t husband m y tim b e r to re place fences an d b u ild in g s an tha fa rm , therefore I n»u«l n ot »pare any m o re cedar. Please do not ask fo r it T h e g re e n tre e , w ill grow and the «lead ia the heat help, b u t ita uae must be continued in aum- m er aa w ell as w inter. Ttoa I , ta • I IMU « M m ilk or « « « » - P U B L IC N o t ic e t o T o w n S to c k o ' ••M'T** •*«*«****■ I*« ••■««i lto -T o -,> i*« (oc s tra y Cao«». ouarah<o».d «en e ro tu.»di cura. B.aks» o « , -trota,«, blood pu r. Ws. ,1 AI. dru. NOTARY f i . i ,u» v*i..j*4-»* 4 P * » n » « i P * » l * |f eg LÄ *•«»«»» r H u b j .'Í» •e.> <{)w»k«M«4M*<«A»*n«J w * «f ANN I tP Aei Qimna V* ; -J a r i l o x a A F O B BALE, Ona De le v a ! Separator No. 26, one Diabrow Combined churn and worker, one i t Inch p ra lile Queen breaking plow, one good Baggy, one team weigh ing 2600 Iba., one set o f heavy harneea, one 8cliutter wagon aa good aa new. For particulars w rits J. M . L anglois, Lauglola, Oregon. N o tic e f o r J’ n b l l c a t i o n ^ H. T. 8TEWART T R E S P A S S N O T IC E , Opp. U.8. Pairat QRa«,Washington, B C. Corbin, Ore. autcrmatle t'other. D o s t fool away time ehawln' your vltttes; eel the pee- dlgeotod health food (hat w ill save your »•ommlek trouble. Don't use the lege that you've been w alkin' w ith; rids, au* eave the wear aa* tear aa ’em. or stay i t home an' presa a bultos or w rite a -opt-ard aa' have what you want Hroupht to you. W e k ln furcleh youaay- htn' yon've t mind to mention quicker ■n* cflenpar an' raster than you bln do <t ye-^rself by the old-fsabtoned meth ods. Ain't that I t 7 You bet It Is. " I tell you ir tb l/ld e e of havin' every- i bln* done »say an* wltbeto tremble ->ee on there «rout he no nse of hirin'. . a* we'U all git to be the orserieet, tri - lln'eet. »htflleeeeet set o' people on the 'see of the slrth. That's my Judgment. I may be mletskeu an* R may bs a ll right to taka life easy, but that ain't my no- tlou o f IL 1 don't foal natural with a lot o' machinery sewin' an* cultivatin' aa* reapin' an' m arketin' an' snortin' aa’ pufiln' aa* explodin' nit over the place. U fa wasn't meant to be too easy, there ain't no satisfaction to me to do anythin' If It s too blame easy. I like to go up against s hard proposition an’ beat It out. I don't want a machine dep utised to do my gghtln* for me an set back In an easy chair as* watch It done. I H use my bead with the next man. bet I want to use my bends, too. an* the rest o' my body. By Jinks, they've even got oontreptlooe for makln' fiohln' easy. **1 don't want to sit on s traction en gine to do my plowin'. I west to hare my two fists a to it of the plow handles as* leal ae If I wee e-rippln' Ihe sod up myself. I want to straddle t t e clods aa* euas at the homes aa* dodge the ■tumps aad Io other ways work my body ae well as my bead. I want to push, the taw aa* swine (he ax. so' shoulder the sacks o' tatem aa* hoist ea. Into the wagua. Pm a man so' aet Jest a swoU- headed thlahlo* machine—or | used to DxrARTMznT o r t m « I x tb b io b , U . 8. Land Office, a t Roerlmrg, Oregon Septem ber 85, 1011. N otice la hereby given th a t H e a a v M . A x t s i . l , of Fort O r lord Oregon. w*io, on August 14, 1006. m ade H o m eateai entry Serial, Ko. 0 4 0 » , b .r N W | S E L 9 M B E L 8 * N K | of HEJ. Bee. 17, Township M 8 , Ranae 14 ja e at W illam ette Meri dian, baa filed notice o f intention to m ake F in a l C om m utation Proof, to«-a- tat lish claim to the land ibo vedew rib - ed, bef ,re J . H . Upton, U n led Stole» C uiiim iM loner. _ t loingloia, Qregon, on the 10 day of November. 1011 a . C laim an t names aa wltneam*«: Ja m e s B o lto n , o f P o rt O rfo rd , O rego n. R .G . M cKensie, of ” ’’ - H e n r i M cBride, of ” ’’ 8ar«npnrUl*. i p | l „ f r o w n ., c f " ” " , because i I R s K u W a F *« » « • CUR »». 1 ten d o n to Rome W ires. Tetea-tete between Ltfnden end Rome. 1,100 mltea apart, Is the lataat •elepbone revelation. Prof M ajorana ■i»a Invented the mlrrophone for uae with the telephone, whereby erperta of London and Rome have aitefldy held disjointed eonveraatlon 'i\> -atablleb telephonic communie» nun be tween the two eltloe le said to be perfectly simple, provided the connect Ing wire» are thick eneegh It to merely a qneettoa of money la tele phoning long dtatanean psctlena of wire are iiaed. which are effective tar Inter mediate points, but perhaps not tab-