a, v-a -T 5 ? J2L_ THE TRIBUNE. Hundred and Thirteen, Fifty-Third Goo- Port Orford harbor the unexpended gresa, Third Session. Jan. 13, 1886, to balance of the $150,000.00 appro o u t not to exceed *¡908,336, and the un inriaiitrn made iu 1879 for Ihe Har expended *kalance of the appropriation ■pruiJNEHnAV, o c r «. i»n- heretofore made March 3. 187», for the bor <4 Refuge, and to get thia rtion | establishment o f a harbor of refuge on ey u»ed on Tort Orford harbor work, I Pobliaheil Every Wcalürildey. hy the Pacific eoast is hereby transferred the C om m erciti Club is urging lire • R A K D tT . KTEWAKT. to be expended on this improvement, if of tho Port D istrict, Frank A. Stewart, AaiirUt« Editor inithe opinion of the Secretary of W ar u|l lht. ^(,H i„ view of iw ui Mÿi the interests of commerce demand such alam i »äU.UOO in bonds lo ni ako up expenditure.*’ /. the difference between (he am nnut The u n te set also provided for a sur SUBSCRIPTION R A T fe. O ut Obpy One Y ea r........... ,»t A» v«y b i Port Orford harbor, Oregon, with noor lu the credit of Port Orfmd and ,r> estimate of the improvement and its , | ie *200,000 i.ei*»s»ry td build 'One Oopy Bix Mnnlha.. "iti importance to shipping and commerce. ^ . < « ( 1 a . rw co m u teu ^ l bv Capt. ‘ •Tu« Copy Three Months Thq item in the act c f June 3rd, 1896, ,,, .. .... .. . ’ making appropriation for th . improve- T h "*’ W. Sym...,« t i n . would be, ndnrpM t‘M yw’f i»a»*er I i h l'be n printed n .en tef Port (jrford harbor by render- • lung term bond issue, und or. the I w R t o whlFh Jut. I A m I»' / 1» |«ptM ing available the unexpended balance of estim ated valu ation o f properly In the appropr.atli n of March 3rd, 187», ,b e D istrict by C ounty Clerk, Geo. for the eatabli.hm ^t o f a harbor o f W. Sm ith, of over tw o m illio n dol R àtbh R masói MU s B. refuge on the Pacific coast contains the , . provision "if In the opinion of the Sec- ,h e ‘« 'n <!«rry th is tsrue retary of War the interests of com- «long wouhl be 1$ m il Is, but would merce demand such expenditure.’’ As decrease in rate each year as the I the Secretary of War has not decided property values increased, and as t ratten from the Coos Ilsy Timex In it» that the interests of commerce of the cap ilil| eftlne intu thU Q>ul, ty , o * locality demand such expenditure, no , , . . . , . . . . . issu e of rept. 11th, 191i.j- work of improvement has been done. d eveloP "• aUra<Äed by th e sa /e bar- ' The county court o f Curry county has It ia to g et this work started and the h o t,th is Worf would (pake. ordered the special election on the A il» " incorporating the Port of ques- Port n.oney already^ appropriated for Port, I l has been alleged by som e of GHANT) H A L E T hk D airymen ’ s A nnu X l B all Will be givon at Langlois, Ore gon, on Saturday, October 14th, 1911. Grand March at 8:30 F. M„ Sharp. F loor M anagers : Jake While and Ernest McConnell. S upper , a t the new hotel “ Lang lois”, now under the supervision of E. M. Pitner. T ickets 1 1, and a jolly tim e thrown in. Fhe Port of Port Orford Woman’s Power Over Man most glorinos endowment it the power to awakoa and hold tbo pure and honest love o< a w orthy man. W hen she lo s e s * and still loves on, no one in the wide world can know (lie heart n/onv Th e woman w h o suffqrs from weak- derangement of her special womanly or- lotcs the power to swey the heart of H e r general health suffers and she loses her good looks, her attractivoaeas, her am iability and her power sad prestige as a w o in jn . D r . R .V . Pieroe, of Buffalo, N . Y . , w ith the assistance o f his staff of able physicians, has prescribed for and cured many thousands o f women. H e haa devised a successful remedy fo r woman’s ail- oumto. I t is known aa D r . Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. I t ia a positive apeeiffe fo r the weaknesses and disorders peculiar to women. ' I t purifies, regu lates, strengthens and heats. M edicine dealers sell it. N o U t u t l dealer w ill advise you to accept a substitute ia order to m ake a little larger profit. W o s a o ’l Port Orford Hardware, Wall Paper & Furni ture Store. ’ The Place to Buy your Furniture WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF DRESSERS, CH1FF01NERS, DINING TABLES, PARLOR TABLES, ROCKING CHAIRS, ARM CHAIRS, RUGS, MATTING, GARDEN IMPLEMENTS, RANGES, STOVES, HEATERS, CROSSCUT SAWS, HAND SAWS ft SAW SETS, BUILDING PAPER, WIRE FENCING, I Orford to be held on the 30th day of Orford Oriord harbor harbor spent spent there there that that the the elti- elti- the opponent« o f the Port D istrict , October. Attorney W. R. Meredith “ “ "® orffanl**n« . th® ’’“f 1 ,f)ri<’tl that the Com m issioners w ould keep 7 WIRE STRETCHERS, ETC., ETC. presented the petitions to the court rep- f 00 bonding and rebonding u u til the resenting the Port Orford Commercial the dl»trlct “»»tired at the coming elec- » ? Chib which has been pushing tbe port «on, it ia the intention to take the mat- peoplo were taxed beyond reason, project. As » o n than fifty per cent of ter up immediately with the Depart- This is an argument to frighten . _ s m a rt» F n n d n ix e e a a r trl « H a z 4 . il a . the legal voters in proposed port dis- ment of Engineers and the Oregon del- honest supporters of the project egation in Congress as soon as the reg- „„ i „ „ ■„ ,, tiict had signed tbe petitions, though • ® «■ and those advancing it are not . wor * session of Congress assembles in , , , , the law only requires night per cent to ular December. ! rying about any rebondltig, but they eall the election, it is assured that the. Government soundings in Port Orford object to any bond issue whatever, qnestion will carry by a large majority bay show the depth of water to be from Large land ow ners and non-resident when the vote is taken. • The proposed port district will include thirty to seventy-five feet. Within ten lim ber owner* who do not, w ant to IT M A KES W E A K W OM EN STRONG, feet from shore at Tichenor’a Cove, .._i „ ,u „ :. u«i i: . _ -n . . all of the northern pkrt of Curry coun there ia fifty feet of water. The pres- 1 1 lhe,r holdings will natural- SIC K W OM EN W ELL. ty, Euchre creek being the southern On Fbnaa’a o xmasry or me a isin ci ana me vooa- «nt wharf, a very short one near grave f T vein,, II, Ltnr ana Bmreh, boundary of the district and the Coos- Curry boundary line the northern and yard pomt^oxtendg into thirty feet of «hey »«1 receive tbe most benefit water at low tida. .There is also a lake from it by the great increase in the eartern boundary. a.aeaaed to you, your additional lax - The Port Orford Commercial Club • of fresh water one and one half miles value of their property. The law «»-will only be two or three dollars long and a mile wide in places, with ' __Lti.ii. k.. ,ii _ i - z . has been in correspondence with Sena water ranging from twenty to forty P ^ h .b .t , bondtng in,txcess o f ten a year. You can eave that amount tors Bourne and Chamberlain endeavor feet in depth, only a half-mile from the Pp r c e n ‘ «he assessed valuatiorf of A reward of One Hundred Dollars ing to gq* the federal government to do a dozen times over in freight ralea will be paidlfor the arrest and convic bay adjoining the* town of Port Orford the p«rt d istrict, and no bond issue •some work on the Port Orford harbor, annually, or make it that many tion of the Party or Parties who killed a Hull Elk on Chetoo mountain near but found that no favorable recommen on the north. It is known asLakeO rf- could be m ade by the CommiM ion limes in tbe increased business Will Moore's stock ranch, during the ________________________ dation Could be secured from _________ the De- ord- To dig a canal from this bay to that w»s not approved by the ma b»oughI to northern Curry by the summer. y rtment of Engineers unless part of J*“ lake givtef.*i*® a freBil wat®1’ J o r i t / o f Ihe voters of th« distriot, F. M. Mosoxx, the money for improvement was raised hor here would be easy construction Government work being done here Deputy tn charge, South Coeat D iv i for if the Commission attempted to ~ r ~ ................... njii q . ^ . i q loca.ly, so it was decided to takeadvan- * ork’ •» «hero would be no rock to go Most of those who oppose the sion, Oregon Game Wardens. Bandon, Oregon, Sept. 13th. 1611. lage of Oregon’s port law and meet the «hrough, and when the canal was corn- make an unreasonable bond issue, Port project because of Ihe proposed requirements of the federal govern- Pleted there wouM be depth to the fresh it coql«l I hi stop|M‘d under the Initi- ment. Port Orford harbor is not un- WBter’ ? ? hil* the Wooleyport, Cal., Hlivean-I Referendum, and if the bond issue will nut be in this world #H.OO Reward. known in Washington though it P~Po»«d'fresh watet the harbor is 2 |>e>,p,e arc not satisfied with the when the bonds become du?, an<L long been neglected because to far from wUeB f"?1" .tht oc*Bn’ i*k* only the next generation will pay them I "ir—on the county road between railroads, but with the completion of ? ne * ^ 2 } tke deP«* «*« Fort Orford Co-nniitsioio rs they can iccall one gladly and thank ns for having .Fort Orford and Sixes, during the (Successor to N. C. Nielsen.) month of July, a 89 ¡Special 8. & W., the Panama canal, when it will be nec- }ak®’ Th^se, , wh° know. ®°rt Orford oraM of them at any time, so that a . ‘ « the foresight for ¡Muipg them and black m etal revolver. A reward of »8 essary to load boats that carry heavy . Br;b°,r Bnd oW BaamBn w? ° have •PBnt the arg11ment -that the Commission will be given for the return oi tiie gun tonnage for which deep water is requir- !*7eB ?? the P“ ,flc coaBt h,va has I im much |xiwer falls flat, for starting the work on so great a har- to tiie Bank of Port Orford. ed. Port Orford will come into her own, that th,a • * ? ! * “ ~ w Boon U on all the power rests with Ihe |sople bor. The senlimtnt in favor of the J. W. F laszoam . the map as one of the leading harbor^ , , ; , „ ' , I port is growing daily, and from and the organization o f the port district on the coast. ’ of nf the district. U hen th e Port l ) t » - ! is the preliminary step in getting ready S H E R IF F ’S SALE. * triet is voted tipon favorably, the present indication» it will carry by •* for the big things which are to be when »bout 16 to 1. Why not join hands Governor wilt appoint five Cum mis the Pacific coast feels the impetus of liesr .Mr. Editor:— N oticx I s hereby given that by virtue and make it unanimous. We have commerce through the Panama canal, At Ihe request,of the Kxeot-tive »iiuicrs^n»Wil the next regular elec everything to gain and nothing to of an E locution and Order of sale Is sued o*it of the Circuit Court of the i In 1871 Congress authorized a com liyu. Tli« Commissioners serve Coinuiittee of the Port Orford Com- lose. We spend no money on the! mission of engineers o f the War De without salary, and cannot directly partment to study the question of con- tnerciul Club, I submit thia state harbor unless tbe Government takes atructing a harbor of refuge between ment of Ihe purpose* of the Club io or. indirectly profit by any contract hold first, and when we get U ncle1 and the seal of aaia court, in-« certain and fresh supplies will be received by every steam er. t Ui the Golden Gate and the Columbia river, desiring the orgaoizalion of the the Cotnuiissron may make. It is Sam started to work on Port Orford knit lately tried tn said court wherein “ X t o ’T e l i n e T . r 1“1 1 ,tOCk “ • ’ »'’»«.ing required „ . C. M. Benham, is plaintiff, and Samuel After an extensive examination o t the Perl of Port Orford, and tiiC objects to lie assumed that, the Governor harbor it ia only a question of Van Pelt, etal aro defendants, on a entire coast line, this commission select will appoint responsible men on Judgment and decree ol foreclosure, in GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, to be attained thereby. ed Port Orford as the only desirable site tliis Coii.iuisrioii. Th« Executive short time, with the completion of favor of said plaintiff, and against said The Port Orford Coinniereiai Club 8aiuuel Van pelt, defendant, for the the Panama Canal near, until the available on account of its deep water, BOOTS and SHD K Coit'ioiiiee of tl.e Port Orford Com sum ol *11,269.03, and *20.60 i-o«U and unequaled anchorage and the protection Wlt* organized a year a g o ,. and im big breakwater will be built efrtire dl bureeineuta, to me directed and de MENS and BOYS, CLOTHING, mercial Club is com^ised of the fol afforded by the high surrounding coun- inedintuly thereafter began n corre ly nt Government exiierne for a livered, oomn.ending me at such Sher iff to proceed to notiep of sale, and to trr since then the Department haa spondenoe with Senators Bourne lowing: John McKenzie, Chas. W. LADIJfiS’ DRESS GOODS, “Harbor of Refuge” for the whole sell . ho teal property in said writ and Zumwalt, John It. Miller, E. J. Ln- and Chumberlain relative to getting order, hereinafter psrtlca’.crly de HARDWARE, GRANITE and TINWARE. (nine the cost of the construction of an !ncy, Willi» T. W hite, 8r„ Dick Pacific Coast. Be a Irobster and get scribed, »ml to satisfy said writ and order •xtensive harbor, The first report in the Governm eul to do som e w ort of sale, as by statute in such case made Quelten,' and the officer» of the Club in line with progress. CIGARS, TOBACCO, PIPES 1878, by Mrj. H. M. Hobert, Corps of on Port Orford harbor. T hey re- and provided; now, in obedience to Respectfully submitted, J. D. Ixiucks. II. T. Stewart, W. H. said writ and order of sale, and in pur Engineers, made a project and estimate plied to Ikes« inquiries that the De CANDY, NUTS and NOTIONS. W. H. M kredith suance of my duties as such Sheriff, I f e r s harbor of refuge which contem- partm ent n f Engineers would not Meredith and Ames 8. Johnston. In fact, a supply of everything usually kept in a w«ll stocked Secretary Port Orford will on t^ COnF rUm OnJ ? breakJ ^ r »>«te a recon.rocod.tion for work Most of these men are well enough „ * i/ii x satuiday , ocroata 7th, 1911, * ~~ - General Merchandise Store.._________. ; C uim nercul Llu,b. >n-fr»t)t *>. the oourt house door of said 1,500 yards in length and to coat $a,000- _ k n ow n in Gurry county -to insure pit ri> i . County, at Gold Beach, at the hour of 000. The second plan and estimate for ORDERS TAKEN kOK ANY ARTICLE NOT IN STOCK. ’ Io Ihe voters that any recoin mend«- 9 o ’clock in the afternoon, offer for aa'o a harbor .of refuge at Port Orford was bf tlie money was raised locally, as lion they may make will be éonaer- The friends of our Port Orford and sell to the highest anil beet bidder made in 1877 by the boanbof engineers Tillamook, Sinslaw, CoO* Bay ami therefor, for cash in hand, all the right, for the Pacific coast, consisting of Lieu- other ,Miints where the G overnm ent vative and for the best intercala of Port are cautioned to 1« on their title and in te n e t which said defendant Barauei Van Pelt hod in or to the land guard against’the falsehoods circu tenant-Coleneis Alexanders. Williamson w4s.doing work contributed locally ‘h® C° U“’y “hd ,he U x f,8>'ers- in said-writ and eider of sale, or any and .Stewart, and Major Mendell, which , , .. . _ . lated by itseneinies—some of whom " J*“ “ *”**■ Io assist in the work. Thtwe points ¿«“»‘her argument .against tbe part thereof, oh the 1st day of March, contemplated a breakwater 6,780 feet ,n the W“rk’ r*’™ I*’" " * I 1910, or at Any lime afterward, or now In length and to cost *10,600,000. The “ « organized Port Districts D istricts under uuder 1’<Xl Pr»jec«’ '• ‘hat the local money are outsiders, and no doubt hired has, of io and to the following describ- j wilt tie raised and epeut first and to defeat tl.e measure if they can. ed land, to sat sfy said writ and order third survey, plan and estimate for a Oregon’s port Law, and «fier corre It ia also re|K.rted (bat Bandon of sale, and the costs and expenses of harbor of refuge at Port Orford, waa spondence and invealigalinn by .wtr then tbe Government would not do tnakingjsnch sale, viz, Thia is not true, as and Marshfield are slyly working ^ t yJ t j°ir1Í M KWÍl’On’.C<>rT . Oí C.m.mcrci-1 Club, it w.a found that anything Donation Laud Claim No 38 of Hiram Rngfneere, in 1878, which contemplated ., there will be nothing S|»ent until against us. Just ask yourself why? Tuttle situated in sections 4, 6, 8 and o a breakwater 6,000 feet in length and P°rt orga.Hl.l.ona were sue- in Township 41 South Range 13 West the Government authorize« the And the answer is the strongest Will. Mer and bounded and described V, coet *9,406,000. The fourth plan and ce**ful ln nccom pllsbing Ihe ol.j.-cQ) as follows: Beginning at a point 21.96 t tímate waa made in 1880 by a board dezired— getting guvernnien . aid for spending of the money already ap- proof you need to make you support chains East, and 4.06- chains North of * < f engineera conetituted of the fellow- harbor work. Il waa therefore de- l’rcPria ,id *"r Tort Orford harbor, the great Port ajt Port Oi ford with t i e south-east corner of the south-west j .ng officers o f the Corp« of Engineers, d .le d by o«r Club to ask the m-onle but W'B aniii“ 'on of ‘ he Port all your might. Remember also, quarter of section 4 above Township Range, and run thence South, W ffiS L •n i^ M n^ T ne^MS‘eW^,'•í• “ f N orthern Curry county to unite D i’ tri<* P‘BCe lh e c i,ix e"B llere that the control of the Port will al and 18.08 chains ■ thence West, 88.38 ch ain s; tama< n and Mendell, and Major Oil- . _ in a position to make definite ar ways be in the hands of the people. thence North, six degrees and thirty lespie, which contemplated a breakwa- ’*» organ izin g.th e Port ol Port Or minutes West, 13.M0 chains; thence r with the government If the CommisionersdooT please u- North, thirty- three degrees and thirty rangeinenis ».in ter 8,960 feet . I long and to coet *8,950,-' ford, and petitions weie^tccordingl v rangements minutes W e-> 4 ns. ..«rn«. Vatf W . The fifth plan and estimate waa prepared, signal and presented to Kn* ,"eer'' »<» ,h »‘ ° « r Senator« and w»«»n remove them by the Recall. 92 60 ch ain , to the place of beginning, m w fom 18W by Cxdonel G. H. Mendell, rt,e C ou n ty CouH n » * i f e « l i r Ne|.» ee Mlt o t i t c a n do something If Jliey should attempt to levy an and containing 10o.:)4 acres, excepting ih t rnF C,PUin Septem ber, and they f0 ’’ 0 ’; The improvement of Port unreasonable tax, or do any therefrom one tot livretofore sold to William Kirk, and containing one half other outrageous net, we have tl.e acre. Also Lota 4, 6, 6 ,7 and 8 and NEJ of SEI of Bection 6, Township 41 plan and estimate except that tba c o e t ,l,ii<’ question for Monday, Oi-tolier ", " , U.. m’ *’ *c,or,e»* p*C-. Referendum to resciud their acts. Bouth ol Range 13 West of Will. Mrr., and make other improvements in W ith these absolute safe guards, the was reduced to »7.820,000. . 30th. containing 18«.20 acres. Ale», Dona tion Land Claim No. 39 of Christian T lv river and harbor act of August Every one who lia» m ade any all northern Curry, and give work People nre always the masters, and Tuttle in Sections 8 and 9 in Township 18, 1894, provided for a survey o f 18, ii»4, , i, . ,, and employment to all at good it will be our own faults if we sub 41 couth Range 13 West Will. Mor., ’Port Orford, with a view to improving ' " 7 "[ ,hd t ’o w '’ ,ne“ ' r e ,m .t.o „ and bounded and deicrlheil as follows : It shall be my purpose to keep a full »lock of everything required by the wage«, and mnke a home tnarket mil to unreasonable acta. Just do the same for shipping purposes and as <»^ Ibe PnCilie, know« Beginning at a point 15.15 chains North a harbor of refugn?, commencing at ’bat Port Orford hrti one o f the trvst for all products grown in Curry your own thinking over the hints of the north east corner of the south- trade in the line of qusrter of the south-east quatter Grave Yard Point and by jetty, sea «lerp^wtler harbors on the Cnnat. county, as well as giving cheaper in thia paragraph, , and don't let of sec Ion 9. and run thence South 16.15 Wall or other proper construction ex- It was r.com .nended for a Harbor of and better freight mtea to »11. The your enemies pull the wool over chain«; thence West 98 chain.; thence North, thirty-five degree» West, 18.60 GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, Commission can also regulate your eyes. « ch ain .; thence East 106.20 chains to tbe wharfage charge» and have them as BOOTS and SHOKS dace of beginning, and containing aeeeeeary, and suited for veaaels of ln '**'3, 18* t, 1880 and I8‘JO, and MEN’S and BOY’S CLOTHING. I 63.38 acres. Alsu, all the land lying low as at Bandon or Coos Bay. The Notice for P ublication. ^middle draft; and stcondary, if necesaa- <hi»t a breakwater to cost about and being between ordinary high tide, As this who1.? 9 u w ,'wn '• on«1 o f progress, ry, by another jetty, sea wall, or other »9.000,000 0 0 be built. DBrxaratKT c / twx I mtxbiob , and ordinary low tide bordering on the LADIES'1 DRESS GOODS eonatructlve work extending from the la.ge project seemed too ex p en siv e bnt Xou ar’ w ith , the U. B. Land Office, at Roseburg, Oregon Chetco River in front of and abutting FANCY GOODS, the lands hereinliefore described, to Hepteml>er 93, 1911. « ■ ififh u X S « ^ for the needs of commerce .1 that P^re»« of the l.st forty year. ,0 gether with all fishing anil fishing Notice la hereby given that y r hundred or more feet, so as to . Curry county, then you should vole CIGARS, TOBACCO, PIPES, . rights appurtenant to all of tbe above H ssbt M. A xtell , accommodate vessm» of maximum •'“»e, V apl. 1 h*M. W. bj moil», in . . ,, . ... . ... de-cribed lands, togefiiier with the draft” - ,1894, recommended that a «.nail a8B'n' “ he Dl.tr.ct, if h o w cv of Port Orford Oregon, who, on August tenements, hereditaments, appurten CANDY, NUTS and NOTIONS. 14, 1906. made Homestead entry ances, rights, privileges and fiancl.ines The report contained an estimate of tea wall 1« built from Graveyard i<r’ ^°U l"”1“ >1-»• *»rue to get bury Serial, No. 04006, for NW I PER 8EI belonging to or in any w ise appurten a W t e a ^ fc r constructing a wharf from poil,t to cost about *200,000 00 and ’ "d d° *ousc'h,n8 ‘° helP oureelve. SEL t»l NKJ of KEi, Sec. 17, Township ant to the said land», together with all In fact, a .upply of everything usually kept in a well »tooted 1 Merchandise Store. O n r -“ ‘he appropriation ;nHte“d ° i " Uiin'ii ,'0 ’, 0 ’ n d * Bi‘i0« 33 B , Range 14 west Willamette Men water rights and wnter ditches tppar- dhth, iia s filed notice of intention to Point, "the next high point» or head- ‘w ’ hi» work at that tim e . “ I f f,»r »ometlnng to turn up then you make Final Commutation Proof, to es tenant to or belonging to the said lands herein described, excepting the town Port W’ B" tablish claim to the land abovedescrib- lots sold prior to March l, 19 i 0, accord Lltoi ', l*nd-,y uth* e*ter|y-•• Pursuant to tw . ‘h« opinlnn Of the Secretary of War ,h °",d ’ °'ei Yf" O" , ■ ed, before J. H. Upton, Un ted States ing to the plat of the town of Harbor, river and harbor act of June tiie d em a n d , of ouinincrcs justified) iaation, and urge your friends a,ia ' Commissioner, wt f-anglois, Oregon, on not exceeding in all ten lota, which lota are 26 by 19U fe e t; all the above de- 3rd 1898, contained the following item: such ex,w„diture.” Thia neighbor, to ap,»port R. D on’t l e t j the 10 day of November, 1911 ___ jf Claimant names aa wltneai hedM scribed land is situated in Curry Lk*un- Grave Y a 4 Point, Orejren acroHinw cl,,u,,e Pu! «•'” matter wholly in the tlle,BX bug B b"° ’tBre T"!1- 111 Jain«« Bolton, of Port Orford, Oregon, ty, » Oregon, plan recommended by (> p l. T lJ . W. «•»« Secretary of War and J'®“ BrB a" a*era8" property o^rner j •» , l»a ted a t 1G old Beach, Sept. 1, 1911. W. A . B isubl . Call and Examine Qooda, and get Prices. ajrm- ns, of the Corp« trf Engineers, as *'• 1‘»» •»<•« V*t recommended the and have fifteen hundred or' two John Fromm, Sheriff uf Curry County, Oregon. By D. M. Mooax. •er Housa document numbered Three work. Thera is to the credit of thoatand dollars worth of pr«.|«rlyf ^ ¿ ris“ r Come in and L ook O v^r our sam ple books o f W all Paper. "i WM. GIVINGS, Prop. $100 Howard AMES S. JOHNSTON G E N E H A I / M lS B L O H A JV rJRa ^ r P o r t Orford, NEW GOODS, k Call and examine goods ar.d get prices. JOHN R'MILLER. . GENERAL MERCHANT, P o rt Orford, Oreuron- Has opened a new Store, with HEW GOODS, Orders Taken for Anything not io Stock. ¿i ” ’’ ’ . * I 1 JOHN K. MILLER