The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19??, September 13, 1911, Image 1

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    D íu m h e x * 1<J
^ F o llllÜ B
MaBoal Has Just Been Issued I#
Traaoe to Guide Both Men
and Women.
G overnor—O swald w e s t ,
Secretary of Stats— B en. W. O lcutt Sa­
lein .
. . o
State T.eaiiurer—0 * 3 A. Steel o f h a ­
. 4 ia
I s u p t P u b lic-In str u c tio n —L . A . a m
erm an, Salem .
State Printer— W illis D u n lw sy , Salem .
Attorney G e n e r a l-A . M. Crawford,
Salem .
¡Clark State I-and B oard —G. G. Brown.
Salem .. .
Join t Senatoi for C oos and Curry—
W. 0 . Chase.
¡Join t R epresen tative for C oos and
Curry—8. P. Peirce.
J n d g s, * | J u d ielal D istr ict—J . W
H am ilton, Koseburg.
P rosecuting A ttorney, ad Jud icial D is
triot—G eorge M. Brown, R oseburg.
0 . 8 . C om m issioner«—J . U . U p ton ,
L anglois.
con ht y orrioxas.
County J-.’d g e —E.
A. B ailey,. G old
County Com m issioners—O tto Ism ert,
Gold Beach ; Geo Chenoweth, L a n g lo is.
Sheriff— W. A . B ish el. G old B each.
County Clerk—G eorge W. S m ith,
Gold B each.
County Treasurer—Jam es C au ghell
W edderburn
I Assessor—W m . T oim en, H arbor.
School Hup«.—W . 8 . G uerin. L anglois
Surveyor— D . C unniff Jr., Gold Beach.
Coroner- ■Dr. 8. J. M ann, L a n g lo is,
Do you know what a
Removable Platen is ’SB
If' you
learn about it, you will see that a
typewriter without it lacks a featu reth at
is essential— so essential that eventually all
Kznpwntcrs will trv to have it. T h e one
■fate governm ents of Germany
have given a tten tio n to the sm oke
nuisance. The stoppage o f the
chief source of excessiv e smoke
by training tircuivu to be more e x ­
pert and careful liaa been tried re-
cently, and the form ation of sm oke
can be-reduced in this w ay to a
great degree. The proper con­
stru ction and m anagem ent ot
steam boiler« and the prevention
of exp losions ha« received careful
a tten tio n through police regula­
tion« and continued exam in a­
tion« by official expert«. The daily
care of boiler«, however, has been
very often in trusted to ignorant
firemen, a s th e instruction in
ctitu ted by a few industrial asso
ciation s ha« not been adequate
and the owner« of «team plant»
frequently failed to «how suffl
cient in terest in- the thorough
teaching of their firemen. F or the
purpose of supplying a remedy
the m inistry o f commerce and
trade three year« ago in stitu ted
‘traveling course« of instruction
for firemen,’ by which more than
’ H ow one ought to behave in po­
lite society ia alw ays an interest-
ing topic, aud even if we know all
about it it ia w orth w hile to hear
w hat the lateat m entor has to «ay
on th is «core. “The E tiq u ette of
P o liten ess and the Usages«»! "'"k
ern Society in all the CireuuMtnn-
ce« of L ife-’ ia the ponderous title
o f a bulky volume issued in l ’ari*
on th is en tertain in g «object.
A s an index to the behavior of
French women aud French men it
ia significant to note that jo u n g
w ives a te counseled to bauis i
M i ST IN O « o r T B S COUBTS. ~
Circuit Court m eats Fourth M onday in
A ugust of each year.
County C om m issioners Court m eets
first W ednesday iu January, A pril,
J u ly and Septem ber ot each y e s i.
Probate Court raeeU first Monday iu
ea^li month
ccaav oourrv post orrica* *nn rosr-
Chet c o ..........
H a r b o r ......
G old B e n c h .
W edderburn
Illih e e ............
M a r i a l .. .. ..
W rite us for information as to what a Removable
1 Platen is and w hat it does.
P ort Orford
L a n g lo is
E c k le y ...
Syracuse, N. Y. Branch«« tmywHrr«.
...M ls s Id a Cooley.
. Fletcher Gardner.
.............. J. W. R iley.
. . . . 0 . L .W akem an.
. M r. E. H R ussell.
M i». V iola A. F ry.
......... ..A . M. B ilea.
...'.A m e s Johnston
................. J. 8 . Capps.
............... E. Rackleff.
r r . . . . J . A . H a in e s
N o stran ger or more in terest­
ing w ill haa ever been made thun
that by which Joseph H. Ix*wis
o f Hoboken, N. J , le ft the larger
■hare of hl« money to the U nited
It not Delivered In Tea Day« ret o >n
The Burrow Clevis
» ■ » t l i m y w ife e n d n»F
Being CASCAKf.lS »cd Jb,
m edicine we li n e «»"• *1Bd ,n
week my w ife » M Irnntw wl
twedeye. etie -• ■ ’
>n4 thcF MliO’.frt U> pain w
«■ m ed iately.
>••«« rernwt
vUAR. fcTXUi
p itttb u r g üato £ V apor’* C
Pttln’nb»*. ptiorf. Trite C
flood. Hwtur Mffcw«» WtMSbeu. Ufi* b«
Have you a Horse w ith any
One or More o f th e follow-
uoni.h» wbicli a««' net tw»olI w»d
l i v e r irregularities.
o la e a -
Draught Stock and IV n ltrj M®d‘-
“• k bowri and hwrr«n«»dv
»took. 1’- P«b» t'«e «rgo»;« of
digestion in » perfect coiwuWo*
pA iuiscnt Araer.ean breed«» and
faruien k'*p their herd» and flock.
hfAlthv bv ffivinff tbFin an jeca*
■ional d.««e f BI»«* hrau gb t kte»A
I ’o-dtiy
Any stock r»i«er msvbuj a
25xent half l-ound ^ M ig h t j m
this nied.uM . fn sa h i* d. ale.
F ill s bottle or common » with your i
and Veep hi’ »♦«** l" •»i'>r a «
water »nd let It stand twenty-»oar hours; a I
t h ter week». healer, g e n « -
«edlment or wst- i
«ling Indicates an | ’ nllv Yen’ Hluck-Drswht stdt* and
I ’o u lU f y i r j " -'"«'-..
-i ?U I« n X
w unhealthy COndh . I
not. -e n !
’« f ” » s
{ S Z f /r , W t lo n of the kid- I
can to the manufar hirer. T
' 1 V oey’ - if •« atatn® I
ChattsaiK^a MedUms Lo., Oust
your linen It Is I
evldeoce of kid- I
tsnoog». Teiin.
\ ' T f f f * / t i ( ncy trouble; too I
/ F * 'S X
frequent de.lre to
B» ; k » U A O».
pass It or pain In
B U c it-o » i««* s«01
the back Is also I
« » « • ■loe I . ta » h“et *
oonvlnclnf proof that the kidney, and blad­
«toe* w*» o - * ) » « b»<
mo th e m -« lc l® s
der sre out of order.
jo O. ii - i * •» S í « - - ” 0 *
W h a t to Do.
per o»«»«- h sder.
Thero I . comfort In the knowledge «o
Often eipreised. that D r. Kilmer's Sv amp-
Reot. the treat kidney remedy fu lfill, every
wt»h in curing rheumatism, pain in the
back, kldneyA liver, bladder and every part (
of the urinary passage. Il corrects Inabi It» ;
»0 hold water and scalding pain In pasr.lng
It, or bad effects following use of liquor, ■
wins or baer, and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to go often
,o t oo.»a<leutl»l le t u r b»roro .p -
during the day. and Io get up many limes
ita n li It m sy t>« worth n o n e ,
during the night. The mild and the srtra-
: nbtelu V . »• « “‘l P o r e in
ordtnary effect ot S w a m p -R o o t Is soon
It stands the highest for Its won- i
derful cures of the most distressing caaen.
If you need a medicine you ahould have the
or ph »io and * u Rend «n W S f
best. Sold by druggists ir 50c. and $1. sties.
r a r & report on pat*r.»aWHtv. w e ®ire
You m ay have a sample hottie of this,
îh e b eS . « • ’ eartlco «nd »tWfce, a n d our
discovery _ _ ( ' L L - . — * j o b a r v * »re
Try us
and a book that * e l l s ^ T T ^ » > ^ j i - 13
more abokt It. b o t h s e n t ^ ^ « h < ‘,;
p a te n t t M r t r m ,
eboolutoly free by mail,
address D r. .Kilmer ft h « » <«’ ••mi'-'r-«.
Opp. V.8. Prient Caa«.Wfthi«qt3<i. 0 &
Btnghamlon. IC Y . W hen writingmen-
gen reading thia generous offer In this paper.
Afraid of sudden falling of board
Refusing to Lead
B it in g
R unning away when halter or Brian
G etting fast in stall.
Afraid of e
Pawing ip stable,
Tender bitted.
Afraid of sound o
Pawing when hitched in street.
Crowding in stall.
Soaring at
Refusing to halter or bridle.
Pulling on one rein.
i Lugging on bit ,
Bad to burnt
Lunging and plunging.
H an
.Jumping fences.
Refusing to bo
Afraid of «automobiles.
Bad to 1
Afraid of paper.
Lolling the toi
Afraid ot umbrellas.
A fra
Afraid of sound of gun.
Afraid of canvas top wagons
If you have horses addicted to any £>t the abovt
Honed bad habita or vicious traits, you can cure the
And permanently too, by following the system
en in this course of lessons, thereby increasing the
of your horse many-dollars worth, whether you w
keep or sell him. It will increase your safety and
dvneo in driving and handling any such cnimal.
The only licensed horsetrainer in Oregon,
work guaranteed
H. Z. H AN SEN ,
Langlois, O r
sa y c o n ta m p tio n ca n ba
cured. N ature alone w on t
do it, it n eed s h e l p . ___
SWS?T & CO.,
b th e b est h elp , b u t its uas
m ust b e continued in sum ­
m er as w?U » • winter.
n I. » uni» <wu au» « V»*»
» » « will« r.i»<
barde, tur» «rasteuÇwi
,C O ’»U. «'f-i -
or F
q u ic k ly t o th e
A jk U -r a ia THU.
have to be, puitL The interact S ta t e , to ds use«
shown In the in stin ct lea is con ment of the nan
sla n tlv Increasing, and its value, w as *7 years old
based n|Hin the ,i /u lts obtained, with an old house
is more mid more «i«preelnted."
j l«>ru of English
______ -------------
¡«land of Jamniei
1 th is country wbe
------ -
,H)V n e enlisted
X ”
l,’ld fOreV,*r
Mrta T hat ^
» .
> « *
Mr. H. Irving Hancock, jour
n alist, atriboe, war eo rn sp o n d
ent and traveler, is now associât
ed in the pnblic mind as the
American exponent of Jlu jllsu .
says the Critic. During more than
seven years Mr. Haucock has
been preparing him self for the
w riting of hooks on this subject by
taking instruction under Japan-
n be ese teacher« both In this country
The I and in Yokoham a and Tokio.
that Not long ago Mr. Hancock w as
laid on the sh elf with the injured,
thl« kJ a PUP*1 w bo w as taking the
,, or third lesson — and by a wom an at
:l,as that! W hile laid up, and with one
foot propped on a rest, Mr. H a n ­
cock w as visited by m any of his
friends who proffered their sym
W E. Burrow,
Corbin, Ore
w as an engraver
„hop ¡,...,r Trlnlt
,nt,,M -vf -the fashionable wedding
card» were engraved, uh were th«
door p iste s of the rich. In that
dnv the door plate w as a m ost
Im portant adjunct to the front of
a house, slid I.ewi« did a thriving
trade in engraving them .
Though he retired from b usi­
ness nt an early date, h is comjie-
tence w as so invested during tlie
rem ainder of the years of his long
life that at his death his e sta te
w as valued at over
He had many plans for tin- (Inal
distribution of bis fortune, but
■ none of them plensed hfm ns del
! the idea of leaving it to h’s conn
try. H e often told hi» friend* that
he hud made his money in this
N o M o r o C e lla r t o S p a r e .
I m u st h u sb an d m y lim b e r io re
p lsce fen ces a n d b u ild in g s an th e
form , therefore I m u st not sp are any
eqtinl, a woman should be as
m ore r e d sr . P le a se do not ask for it
stron g a s a man. Mr. Hancock,
The green tree» will g r°w *nd the
with his clothing on, does not look ,
like an ath lete. He is five feet six '
J. H. U pto n ,
L ssglois, Or,. A uguf 27, HIO inches in height, and w eighs ICO
pounds. He does not look us if he
weighed niorethan l.Tfl. n eia b ro a d
of shoulder and of large cheat ex
pansion, hut is sm all in hia llnibt.
T U E 8 P A 8 8 N O T IC E
notary public
He elnima to have the average
' Japnnaae build in all but w eight.
Any person or persons tresp sw ln g
Mr. H aneoek’s w ife is five inches
upon th e Cruft L ak e Banch,—the Mc­ P o r t O r i o r i
sh orter than be ia, and w eighs
L ellan an d M arshall Ranches, w ill Lo
prosecuted to th e « t o t * exten t of th e
som e 20 pounds less, but he haa
N o tice to T ow n S tockow ners.
l« w ; and s reward w ill he g iv en f or in
trained her to such a degree o f
form atioban tt w ill >e- W e c -ic h t -o
For th e scoçm m odstion ot’ »*»«* ‘if skill in the Japanese fea ts of com
lion o f tile guilty parties.
sir n g t - rube blooded ra ttle M . L. hat that she is able to throw him
B»rre t h a . brou gh t hl.i pure-blno. at w ill when she can auccad in se ­
i>.nx>v l>u I lo to tow n. Th« an im al
i “* ‘«J. ° * ° ' r curing the proper holds.
ones will keep.
waives all lia b ility .
jr» .¡tv tnwc
,<i niA«h>«
S e r r t« e » |l.
of patr|
flint rfiison lie wished to rej.ay
bis intli'bt« lines« ns best i.e io n l- ’
W ith flie exeeption of a few sm all
beq uests th e en tire fortune ,,f
(his patriotic man w as turned
over to the U nited S ta tes govern
m ent.
Csllsd the Turn.
The elderly maiden had reeent-
ly inherited a «40 acre farm.
L ater a man from an adjoining
village appeared upon the scene
“ W ill you be iny w ife?’’ lie
asked. “I love you with my whole
. ,
“F o rth e la n d ’asake!” exclaim ed
the giddy old girl.—C blcu goD aily
N e w s .. ______ '
An Oddity.
W ife__The woman who recent­
ly moved next door is certainly an
H usband—Ilo w ’a that?
“W hv, she d oesn ’t belong to it
sin g le 'society for th e prevention
Qhicago D aily
of anything!"
kc-ljH < 1 ;
Mi?, o« énn .pi«-»»«»
9»>T4»-£*« <«H
«hud U»»J8«St O l l l
la a tru u M - LUMW
SS d u a * i SS c t r .lt
to ‘