Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1911)
' a ? * ’ ; > tarry County Abrtract- Riatty Company. G o ld B e a c h , O r e b When having an abstract made see that your certificate rwade right. "A careful search of the records by refer ence to the indexes therto" to not a good certificate. The certificate should mean something, unless it can be relied upon it to of no value. - W. H. MEREDITH ATTORNEY abb COUI8KLLOK AT LAW P O E T O ttK O B D , O U E O O N J D LOUCKS E J LONBY N otary habite Hr Town and County. I M r. and Mrs. Baser of Mussel ■ creek were in town F rid ay, trading The Institute program appears on at our #torM- tbe outside cover of this issue. Mrs. Chandler and daughter. Miss Cheetie, from M yrtle Point, paid a Charles Jamieson and fam ily wars visit last week to tha former’s tn Fort Orford Wednesday night daughter. Mrs. Ames S. Johnston of greeting old friends. ’ - thia place. W alter Clarno and bride— nee B ohn , at San Francisco, Aug. 17, Ml«« Carrie Stafford.arrived in Fort 1911, to the wife of Theodore Roose Orford Thursday, an<l are visiting velt Jr. an eight |iound daughter. with th e ir relatives here. Mother sod baby doing well, and Mr. Horton of Marshfield, repre the two Teddys De lighl-ed. senting Allen and Lewis of Fort land, was in town Friday inter- Piof. Jones, Editor of the Oregon vei wing our merchants. 8chool Journal, arrived in Port O r Nat Perkins, brother of Mrs. ford Monday and, iw case Supt. Baker of Mussel creek, oauae down G u e rin ’s health remains bed, will by Friday’s stage from Coos Bay conduct the Teachers* Inetilute in Mr. Guerin’s place. and went on home next day. Governor Oswald West and party arrived from Bandon .lost evening by automobile. The Governor ad dresses tho Teachers’ IuStiluts this forenoon in tbs school house and again in the hall tonight, alter which be w ill witness an isiiiation of the historic Indian fight on Battle Rook at the conclusion of which he w ill ba tendered a banquet by the Commercial Club. The distinguished visitor leaves tomorrow for Bandon, where he will crown the Queen of the Carnival just opening at that place. Capt. Cornwall who came down Mrs. E . G. Peirce, was in tows Fire and L ift I use ranee. We rep Saturday, expecting to take the Ran from Gardiuer today, reports the ar resent the Best and Most Reliable dolph for Cresceut City and Eureka rival there yesterday o f a corps of companies. • — eighteen engineers to make the final to visit relatives in those places. survey for the Southern Pacific P o r t O i-T ovU . O reggosa H . F. Seppdnfield, of Portland, a from Winchester Bay to Cooe Bay. mining man, repveebntieg the Sher — Coos Bay Times. J. H U N T L E Y , wood Mining Co., is in Port Orford A T T O H N E Y A .T L A W Leslis M . Scott, lato,editor of tbe looking up mining interests Jn this Oregonian, nod |eoo<4 «tQ»« section. 1 GOLD BEACH. OREOON. late Harvey Scott has bean appoint Ctuaranteed AWfintCU « f U< al Autos are having trouble getting ed U . 8 . M arthaL of Oregon by over sand spots in our Const Toads; P roperty F urnished. President Taft. This ia a direct and would save much time and pi slap at Senator Bourne, and It is Thirty years practice in the County. ely by carrying an ample supply doubtful if he esn^w confirmed by -- -----------— of oanvas. »• « the Senate. „ W. A . WOOD Forester M il bury and wife have F . A. Stewart shipped several been out lo E lk river to inspect tbe a tto r n ey AT IAW trail which the goverriihent is build hundred pounds of agates, on the HOLl) BEACH. OREGON. ing. They returned to their station Randolph to H . A .K in g the Jeweler and Lapidary of Eureka. M r. King Friday. L. A . R O B E R TS , it a fins workman, and has done I t is claimed that tha railroad some beautiful work for people hare, a t t o h m e y A T H A W . survey from Eugene lo Coot Bay is and deserves more ot our patronage. M y r t le P o in t, O rego n . 99 miles, and from Roseburg to Send your beat agates lo him for Coot Bay 98 miles. We hope they mounting. tell the truth. Probate buaiueee a epeoLlty. The Crooks Sherman show gave Tha planer is now running, and ua a vaudeville treat Tuesday night, * GEO RG E M . BROW N, its melodious song, timed by the in which the girls danced wall,and A T T O B N E Y A T l a A W “sip” of the shingle eaw, makes a Sherman performed some- funny combination of music that allbuei-' stunla, but the best of all was lbs ROSEBÜRG OREGON . oess men love to hear. wonderful playing of R. E . Jamas on the Xylophone. After the show The Bandon called in here Sat J. J. S T A N L E Y urday morning for railroad ties, but the floor was cleared and dancing U w je , after taking on 7 or & hundred, a was enjoyed. light south wind snared them out, The Ranger, Capt. Schilling, with and they pulled out for San Fran- “ Sootty” Nicholson, came down from C O Q U IL L E , - - * O R E G O N cieeo, fearing a storm. Cooe Boy Wedosoday, with a full KNAPP HOTEL, Port Orford, Oregon, . U. K NAPP P r o p r W t» Fresh apples are source this year, and are selling at our stores at 4 cents a pound. Money it the cheap est thing we have ibis year, but it is hard to get and still harder to keep if you have to eat. Ftret-elOM in every respect. A copy of tj»e Coot Ray News, la- G o rtf Feed S ta b le n tta c h d . sued Aug. 14, 1878, eajrs that Fete Hickey, who was mining on the South Fork of Sixes river, fouud a We run the Stage from Port Orford via DairyvlUe, connecting with the nugget of gold worth 9186. We be lieve this is the largest nugget ever Stage to Myrtle Point. found on the river. A com plete Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries and Provision at a low price. E v ery th iu y usually found in flonam ! M ordtam lise Stores. M ens’ and B oys’ C lothing, Ladies Dress Goods, Hardware, Granite and Tinw are, C i gars, Tobacco and Pipes, Candy, N u ts and N otions, Rolled Barley, Grass Seed aud Seed Grain, Boots and Shoes. Norway Baseball team in Town Orders taken for an yth in g not in stock. A l so orders taken for M ens’ Tailor made su its from the best Tailors in Chicago. The baesball team from Norway, Coos oounty, arrived ia town last evening to play a series of games with our home team. Gamas have been arranged for Thursday and Friday afternoons and Saturday forenoon. The Saturday game w ill be called at 9 o’clock sharp, and w ill be played for blood one 960-00 purse goes to tha winfito. Port O r ford w illfia v e W b ee» ihtoup in this gnme, and everybody in the surrounding neighborhood is in v it ed to turn out and help root the liorae boye on to victory. Remember the deter, and welcome tbe visiting teem by attending the gamer. Free Agates. Euch and every peiwou who visits the Port Orford Furniture A H ard ware store during the Agate Carni val w ill be presented with a eboioe agate free. The Herald is to have a naw edi tor and manager next week. W . C. Conner, founder of tbe M yrtle Point Enterprise, and for aeven or eight years editor and manager of the Roseburg Plaindealer, and for about tbe same length of time that of the Cottage Grove Leader, has swapped tbe latter paper for tbe Herald and ia due here in a few days to take charge.— E x . Big Circle Meeting, New Goods and Fresh Sup plies w ill Battle Rock Circle Women of Woodcraft win have a Mg time in Port Orford October find. The oom mittee in charge have arranged to make this fraternal event the great est in the history of Curry County. Twenty oandidates w ill be in ilia ted on thie night and an elaborate- banquet w ill be served. Mrs. C. C. Van Orsdall head of the order will visit Port Orford and lake in the big fraternal event, this w ill be tbe first time the head of any fraternal order ever visited this oounty. Mis. Van Oradaii is the leading lady fraternalist in the world and the heads of all insuranoe orders look to her fur counsel and advise, she will plan lo speak to the public while in Port Orford. — The local circle has secured a special dispensation and w ill taka in new members during thia cam paign for just the local medical ex amination of one dollar. The following committees were ap pointed at the last meeting of tbe ciiele and w ill have charge of the big time. President, Ena McKenxie; Vice President, Sarah Johnston; 9nd Vice President, M ary Stone; Secretary, E lla Knapp; Treasurer, Henry Adolph sen. W hile driving out of tuwn'wilh cargo for Port Orford and Rogue, his wife end a lot of lady friends river, for which place she sailed next last week, John Un loan's veteran day with George Forty as Pilot. team .suddenly met an auto at a She will probably remain bare dur turn in the road, and became eo ex ing Carnival week to make excur cited ea to threaten to capswe the sions on the briny deep to the fish wagon, whereupon .M a Sylvia ing grounds etc. Quigley jumped «Ot and sustained As the Agate CarniYal and Teach a dislocated ankle.. Tbe men in tbe ers’ Institute uoaur s t tbe same anto stopped and rushed to the res time, it is understood that the pro cue, and prevented a serious disas grams of each will ho varied as tha ter. They took Mrs. Quigley in the exigencies demand so as to avoid auto and hastened to Dr. G lenville’s, any serious interference. A large who treated the petieut. There crowd is anticipated— too largo for were eight men in tbe auto, whose the school bouse, and the managers names and mission We did not learn, of tbe Agate Carnival w ill attempt as they passed throughtown with to interest tha overflow s ta ll proper out stopping, and went on down the Coast, but, anyway they acted white. times. State Game Warden Finley and Deputy Morgan arrived in Port O r ford, yesterday morning th d drove on down lo Gold Beach in a buggy, but will return in time to meet the Governor, and tnke iu the Institute The Randolph celled here Sun sod exercises tonight. day 1 1 E IX H E e r H a J ra E — S S F. r . a E. , Colley, v o lle y , Dist. u m . Manager manager of ui the uic down to RogUO river (fom which f o r t O r f o r d , O r e g * • ' W., O. W. arrived here S u h d iy , and place she will go to Eureka. Capt. w ill spend the week here, so as to Anderson * - J------- — says - u* he u--1 had - - a splendid Wood and Iron Work promptly take part in the Woodmen’s rally, run to W illapa harbor, which, he «lone at moderate prices. Hive me and the sports of the week. He will eays is the beat and largest one on visit Gold Beach, Harbor and Cres the coast south of tbe StrSiti of a tria l before going elsewhere. cent C ity, before returning to Rose Fuca. The entranoe at W illapa he says is a mils wide, with 28 feet burg. J. H . U P T O N , of water. r Ames Johnston spent a few days Blaok Smithing DENMARK MERCANTILE CO Governor West at Fort Orford. COMMITTXB ON B a NQOXT. Christina Fromm, Eunice Jamie son end Regina Marsh. be re- ' ceived by every Steamer, Top price paid for C h ittim Bark . <• ' r» „ . ’ t • • Jas. S. Capps, P ro p . ¿I“ «. Langlois Hardware Store • -? Hardware of all Kinds M a c h in e r y & M o w i n g M a c h in e s . E x tr a s fo r D a ir y in g O s b o rn e , M i l w a u k e e M a c h in e r y . P a in t s , O ils & S t a m p in g P o w d e r F i n e l i n e o f G a n s , B a s e b a ll p a ra « p h e r n a lia , a n d o th e r S p o r tin g G o o d s k e p t in S to c k . RaCXPTION COMMITTXB. Belle MUier aud Florence McKen xie. ■ L ■. ■ • D o o r s a n d W i n d o w s i n v a r ie t y c o n s t a n t ly k e p t o n h a n d . iM ITIA nO N . -Robert MeKenxi«, Fannie Caugh- ell and Grsoe M <^i unity. Many visiters w ill be present from the Circles of Oooe and Curry and the oommittee w ill leave nothing undone to make their stay in our city a pleasant one. P ip e F it t in g s ,« P lu m b in g a p d T i n w o r k o f a l l k in d s d o n e o n s h o r t n o tic e . Cheever $ Bowman, L a n g lo is , O r . Chicago, III., A ng. 1«.— Two hun dred thousand parsons saw W illiam R. Badger, tbe Pittsburg millionaire J. D L oucks , Caahier aviator, fall to his death here yes Ix>üi8 K napp , Pres. terday afternoon. Twice that num O m in N o n e E. J. L orry , A sst Cas h G. W. Z umw alt , y . Prefl. ber witneased tbe death plunge of B ort . M c K enzie , Director. W m . M iller and family spentSet- St. Croix Johnstone of Chicago into " J . W. M c K enzi ©, urday and Sunday at Gold Beach Lake Michigan. Badger died in a pit in the avia attending a quarterly meeting o f the lion field. One of the wings of the United Brethren chnrch. propeller of the Baldwin machine be Several from the community have was driving broke. He fell 100 feet B jk lM K O F P O R T O R F O R D been trolling for salmon in Rogue into tbe pit, breaking his neck. *■ river with some auoceee. Johnstone was soaring 600 feet Y O U R B A N K IN G B U S IN E S S SO LIC IT ED Frank Moore has had a severe a t above Lake Michigan when he start » . C O M M I 8 M O N K B , last week rusticating at C. H . Pearse’s W. C. Conner passed through this tack of the shingles and spent the ed to fall. He was caught under romantic home in the classic wilds city on tbe stage Tuesday evening, latter part of tbe week taking treat the heavy engine of his Moisant NOTARY PUBLIC, of E lk river. Johnston can sing enroute to Coquille, where he has ment at Gold Beach. H e ie now monoplane and carried down into andJPearse inja violin virtuoso, and taken charge of the Coquille Herald. on tbe mend. L amolois , O i ' kbv Co., Oasoor- PORT ORFORD, the water. N O B A N K W IL L H A N D L E if the Angels mistook their music D. F. Dean, who bag owned tha These were the first fatalities in OREGON Beldon Harrison, of Rogue riker the three days of the meat, during Y O U R B U S IN E S S B E T T E R for eolian echoes, And bent their Herald for the past 28 years, goes ears lo listen it was a human act to take the helm of tbe Leader at was over to Sunday school Sunday. which time 86 flyers performed. which we all moet w illingly would Cottage Grove, where Mr. Conner Three other aviators fell yester The Moore boye are getting out do. But they are both expert in baa beau in charge as editor and piling on tha Woodruff plaoe and day. None was hurt. W alter chin music, also, and are adept* at manager for a number of years.— w ill put them in to keep off the de Brookings was one of theee. R epaltingW aU hee sod Jewelry Badger fell almost directly in story telling, and when it comes to M. P. Enterprise. bris that is brought up by tbe win epecislty. All work guaranteed. reporting the big trout they caught, front of the grandstand. ter tides. '» Frank and Carl Tiohenor epeat Orders taken tor Watohea.and Fancy we draw the reportorial lines at Johnstone’s young wife witnessed Uncle ‘‘ B illy’’ Burr has rented Jewelry. Work,turned out on short Fish stories in general, and theirs part of l»at Thursday fishing from a »o’ his (all. “He's fallin g !’’ she scream his plaoe to a gefitleman by the notice. especially. But we w ill bet they boat on our famous lake, and came ed. Friends would not permit her in with two of tbe longest strings name of Cartwright. Their young to cross tbe field to the lake. H er Call on me at L amolou , O bsoon . had a good lime. era have seen this year. They pass people wilt make a valuable addi hesbend’s mechanic, returning from After spending several days of ed tbe century maik, and many of lion to our circle». the lake shore, told bar that her sightseeing st Port Orford, every the trout were 10 and 12 inches in Quite a few from hare will attend husband had been taken out of the moment of which time they enjoy length. They divided with the the Institute and Carnival at Port labs naharmed. But not u ntil she ed. end having the distinction of be hungry T hibumm fam ily, and were (Suoessor to A. B. S abin ) had gone to their hotel and bad laid Orford this week- ing the first party that ever visited nyver happier itn returning from tbe out dry clothing for him was she Cape Blanco in an automobile,— old fam iliar lake, laden down with told her husband was deed Japan and Russia. the Ashland party, consisting of trout, in the days o f their boyhood. Thousands streamed out to the Mayor N eil, M r. Glenn end wife aviation grounds today to see the Tokio, Aug. 1#-— T hat there ie State Supt. Alderman, Health , . . . and Mis. Hargrove and daughter, - A n y th in g not in stock, w ill left here for their homes Thursday, officer W hite, H . H - Homes, Prof. every likelihood of an international airmen date death. going down the coast viaCreeceet Raab and son, Prof. Traver and complication arising between Japan be pleased tc order D one Ci‘r They see gresUy impressed Hembree arrived ia Port Orford and Russia over the confiscation of New York, Aug. 14.— Roto Piton R e FAIRING NeATLY ' with the besety of our Coast and its Friday night, and started oat next a Japanese sealer by tbe Russian T M o rth B e n d , O r e g o n of, tbe 16-year-oid swimmer,of Bos warship Manjuria near Niedny Is B a n d o n . O r e a r o n delightful climate, and believe that morning ie charge o f T . L. Carey, Von, succeeded today in her atteaspt hundreds of homes w ill soon be for a hunting and fishing trip in tbe land, tha Kossmaodorsky Arohi to swim from East Twenty-seventh built along our shores by well-to do wilds o< E lk river, where trout are pelago, is freely admitted today in D E N N IS O U N N IF F , J it., street, Manhattan, to Coney Island people who with to escape the bet plentiful in tbe beautiful stream, government circles here. Forced to swim far out ot her oners«, Tbe captain of tbe schooner is U p . 0. 8. Mineral 8nrvey«r summers and cold winters or the end game abounds In the rugged she ie said to have covered 21 miles now in prison a t Vladivostok. her interior— end eo part of our Coast m ountiint. They returned in makiog the d is ta n q rtf 18 miles. ia so well adapted for tbe fu ll en Tuesday night in time for th e ln s li Surveyor for the D istrict ol Or Mies Pitonof woe in the water over joyment of such homes as the Coast tuts and Agate Carnival, prepared lU b . C u r a r .ta C uri» I .U ja.i agon. eight hours. rvfV'rf ■ ( T a a SUI W «OT* Sntaamt, lo enjoy a siren eons week. Oregon o f C urry County. W ATCHM AKER ELLIOTT DOORS - WINDOWS - MOULDINGS W . J . S J k B IIV All Kindt of Harness and Saddelry A n yth in g yon Need in M ill W ovk W rite na for P rice a or a n y Inform a tion yon Need in this Line North Bend Manufacturing Co | « o ld B each . F