— BU THE TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY, AVO « . 1911. Pobliahed Every Wednesday, by HABBY T. STEWART. Prank A. Stewart, Associate Editor , SUBSCRIPTION BATES. . One Copy One Y e a r . . . . . ........ ...$IJhi Oae Copy Six Months........... ... 76 One Copy Three Months....... . . . . . 50 J T M p n a t M K io r m o n y o r t paper » ■how »thedate to which y au t aah-> •e rlp tla a la p a M . ’ Aorsm siw o B a n s R kabocallb . (Coos Bar Now«.) Washington Notes. Grand W 0 W Bally News was received Irom Bandon W ith the disposal of the Reci- yuterday eveaing that a good flow I whieh President Taft of oil had been struck in the B u r signed a few days ago, insurgeuts creek well. We hope the report is and Democrats io Congress iam ed liu e - ■ iaiely fortned a combination for Since the oea loading machinery peering other ta riff reduction bills. has »wen in operation at the Smith The Hours Democrats had passed a mill, the Nann Smith ta k u her car wool b ill, placing the duly on wool The Opening Gun of the Rally will be a Free-for-all Sad go of »boat 1,800,000 feet of lumber a t 20 per oent, the preaeot ta riff be and rails the day following bee ar ing about 48 per cent. When this dle Horae Race oi| the Battle Rock-beach Friday afternoon. rival. There la not another m ill in bill went to the Senate the insur Saturday—the Day of Fun—will be opened with a Splen the world where a vessel can be gent republicans voted with the loaded with such dispatch. “ old guard” and defeated the bill. did Frqgram of Music and Addresses by Distinguished per- The Drain Coca Bay auto line, The La F o lle tt, bill was t hen taken, Q fo,lowed by A vis Allegany, is still in the lead, up, which is a compromise end- p r d ^ ’ ” and extra auloa have to be put on vided a duty of 35 percent. As the 1’ I C I N I C D I N N K I I nearly every day to acoomtnodate Democrats could not get (heir own Io the Afternoon Sports of all Kinds will be pulled off, passengers. They have b u n making bill then they joined with the insur the trip to Drain from Allegany gent republicans and voted for the for which Generous prizes will be given, and there will be lately in five house running time. La Follette Senate bill on the ground B a s e b a l l —N o r w a y v » P o r t O r f o r d Get your tickets at the Buey Cor- that a half loaf is belter than none, ner. , ,. and passed the bill through the a lively bunch from Coos county crossing bats with the The House of Lords, of England have surrendered to the Commons their right to interfere with revenue raising measures. The Commons will hereafter be the real rulers of John Coke Sr., underwent an op England. I t is a revolution, fought erst ion at the Mercy hospital Thurs stubbornly, and only yielded by t*>e day morning, his left leg in which ■Lords when defeat was certain. gangrene had developed being am putated by D r. Horsfall. M r. Coke, . There 19 pplajg intelligent man when a boy, lost his other leg in an from Maine to Oregon who does not accident, and has the sympathy of know thgt Senator Lorimer of 1111* the public in hie present uiisfoc^ne. sola is guilty of bribery; and yet He is 83 years old. Port Orford Hardware, Wall Paper & Furni ture Store. - Port Orford, Or., Aug. 26th Senate. ‘ As the House B ill provides for a duty of 20 per cent end the Senate Wool Bill-35 per cent, it is thought that a compromise will be made placing Ihe-juty at 30 per cent. President Taft although admitting that wool duties wets too high has slated that he wifi veto this bill oq the ground that no further tai iff bills should be passed until the Tar iff Board which is investigating the operation of tariff law, makes its re port, which will not be until about December. I f PresidenlTaft should veto thia bill it is believed hy many that moat of the Western Hates will eend delegates to the Reppblican National Convention of next year instructed to nominate La Follette for President or some other progress ive republican. best in Curry The Place to Buy your Furniture WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF DRESSERS, CHIFFOINERS, DINING TABLES, PARLOR TABLES, ROCKING CHAIRS, ARM CHAIRS, RUGS, MATTING, GARDEN IMPLEMENTS, RANGES, STOVES, HEATERS, CROSSCUT SAWS, HAND SAWS A SAW SETS, BUILDING PAPER, WIRE FENCING, WIRE STRETCHERS, ETC., ETC Miss it,and you’ll miss the time of your life. Grand Ball a t Night Come in and Look O ver our sam ple books o í Wa.11 Paper. i»-'« pou w it h th e B e s t M u s io o b ta in ftb le , a n d S u p p e r cat M r s . M a s t e r s o n ' s , 3 O e p e r In a beauty contest at Portland lately,conducted by the D aily News, P la te . Miss Pearl Riggs, of Marshfield, —V- was acclaimed the prettiest girl in Portland. The number of pictures submitted to the judges was 2,500 elcome ords to omen and a handsome ring w u the prise. Woman who »offer w ith disorders pomdisr to their tax should write to D r. Pieroe and reeeive free the Tim above item oonfirma Jack edrioe at a physician o f over 40 yean* experience London’s praise of our Coast girls— —a skilled aad tuoceesfiil specialist in the diseaeea of women. Every Utter of this sort has the moet they are all that IjS claims—^ador eareful eoosideration and is regarded as sacredly confidential. Many sensitively modest women write Tbs Oregon, the pride of our navy, able, incomparable— end stoop to fully to D r. Pierce whet they would shrink from baa been reconstructed at an expend conquer their rivals. tailing to their local physician. The local physician is pretty sure to auy that he eaanot do anything Jack London, tbs noted writer, iture of a million dollars, and is now * without **aa examinatioa. ** D r. Pieroe holds that ready for war. She w ill lead our who spent some time in Curry and generally need The G overnm ents few days ego in rare cases, Beet through the Panama Canal. Coos counties lately, said to the Re concluded the prosecution of the view reporter in Roeeburg lost week Dr. H er feat in going from thia Coast to Wire Trust as being .corporation H b M Favorite Cuba under forced speed, and arriy when asked bow he liked Oregon: o f them the w orst of in restraint of trade under the Slier ing in perfect fighting trim 1n time "Great; it hat the most beau iff ul ftis lh o ' o f its kind that is the produet of a regularly graduated man anti-trust lew. The trust’offi- only I ____ enough that its maker» dare to print its every to take a leading past¿n the de scenery, the most delightful climate, Ingredient wrapper. cials were tried and convicted in There’s no secrecy. . . on its outside ______ . . . ir . . _____________u win I t w struction of Cervera’e fleet, will, per hospitable people and beautiful girls N o alcohol and no habit-forming drugs are found in it. Some unscrup New York, and' the judge instead o f ulous medicine dealers may offer you e subetitute. Don’t take it. Don’ t trifle haps, be never equalled, and it gave W hy I never aaw-enytbing like it. (Successor to N. C. Nielsen.» sending those men to ja il or impos with your health. W rite to W orld’s Di.pen.ary Medical A.sociation, D r. R . her a place in American hearts, any place in the world. When I V s Piero«« President, Buffalo, N . Y . t—-take the sdvioe reeeived and be well. ing a tine so heavy that they would which has aver grown wsrmsr,even look a t your girls with their won derful complexion, that beautiful D#ver * * t0 »»»behava again, rivaling our love for “ Old Ironsides.” A Rich Section. red lin t of nature in their cheeks,! 8,niP'y inrpoeed a p itifu l fine of P e o p le T h a t J a r U s. looking the perfect picture of health U W 8#ch o f the defendants, Some hunters that we know are M an y DiaflnguUhed V isito r s that they are, and then at those o f!™ » Bü,n ’■ on,X » lrifle to “ The largest and the richeet un - “ beauts” In Port Örford. Southern California with no oolor those bloated millionaires. This is developed -section of the United They couldn’t even ehoot the chutes. in their cheeks, or life or activity, I certainly an instance in which the States, outside of Alaska, is N orth There was never before, since the cannot help but realise that the lo-ople would gladly recall those ern California and Southern Oregon, Some bieoksmiths are such stupid men _ dose ol the Indian W ar in 1856, Oregon climate is the most wonder federal judges from office if they had which includee Mendocino, H u m They couldn’t even shoo a hen. the power to do so. These anti such s gathering of State officials, -ful on earth.” boldt and Del Norte counties in and f it appHes w^ll be reoelved by every steamer. I t sballile < trust suite have shown very clearly and notable men as during the pres my pur ito keep a fu ll stock of everythin? 1.. »a_ California, and Curry, Coos, Doug Some pressmen sim ply d rive us wild everything reaninul required 4 by the trade in . celine that many of iheelafe and federal ent week at Part Orford. Not only The Greatest Gates las, JosepKine, Jackson and K la m They couldn’t even feed aehild. Judges are whally subservient to the Governor, the State Superinten G R O C E R IE S and P R O V IS IO N S ,..- ath counties in Oregon.'! This Some dentists we would like to taunt , i In the World. < three great corporations. Y s l these dent of Schools, the State Health statement was made to the Rogue They oouldn't fill a long felt want. 1 C C T S and E H C K judges who are willing tools of cor Officer, and the State Game Warden, River Courier by John T . Flynn, O f course the greatest gates in the M E N S and BOYS, C L O T H IN G , but distinguished Educators, and '^world are those being built for the pora (ions are poeing as something consulting engineer of the Pacific Some pianiats as experts pose sacred. W ears slowly but surely Coast Harbor League of California, Who oouldn’t play the garden hose. prominent Business men are here. locks on tbs Panama canal— forty L A D IE S ’ DRESS GOODS, awakening. They came to learn and they are ho spent a few days in Grants 8ome baseball players make me scold six of them, costing over five million H A R D W A R E , G R A N IT E and T IN W A R E , learning; they came for pleasure and They oopldn’t even catch a cold. Pass lately. dollars, and weighing together sixty are pleased; and whatever the en C IG A R S, TO B AC CO , P IP E S To M a k e G o ld O f Iron. Speaking ef the possibilities o f thousaod tons. Piled on top of one Some landladies give us a pain joyment they shall achieve, it will C A N D Y , N U T S and N O T IO N S . the Panama canal, he says: “The They oouldn’t even board a train. another the result would be a tower hbt equal the enjoyment of ourpeo Edison believes that bars of gold completion of the canal will witneee s mile and a quarter high. Eaoh of In fact, a supply of everything UBuaily kept in a well stocked There are some cops— no names we pie, at the honor conferred upon our them is as tall as a nine story build will yet be made from bars of iron. a revolution bf the transportation General Merchandise Store. mention section— at the generons recognition ing, and so thick that they bear a H e thinks we are approaching the business oH he world, and there will Who couldn’t even arrest attention. ORDERS TAKEN >0R ANY ARTICLE NOT IN STOCK. of our isolated region as a part of concrete walk on their upper edge. end of the gold regime, and that by be nosection where its influence the great Slate o f Oregon— a p a rt Some anglers in the lake we’d fling . i They weigh seven hundred tons the processes of alchemy the yellow w ill be more marked than in the destined ere long to play a gran / “tach, and swing on hinges of nickel metal w ill lose the tremendous pow- sea-board states ofe California, Ore They couldn’t cast a shoe, by jing. part in the development of thia a rth a tlib a s T o r ceil l uries exerted gon and Washington. steel ten inches thick. Some printers we’d take down a peg Coast, wherein Port Orford, through “The 1,500 miles of coast line, em They couldn’t set a broken leg. Such are the general features giv over the human race. her grand harbor, and infinite re In wireless, we found an occult bracing these states, w ill be the en by the American Machinist of Some sleuths, the public are deceivin’ sources, and match le u climate shall electricity, and why not yet find an scene of the greatest industrial de "New York. They couldn’t find the Lost CborJ, N o tice o f G u a rd ia n ’s S a le o f R ea l shine with inextinguishable splen The construction of them calls occult chemistry. The metal man velopment the world has ever seen. even.— A NO N. dor. P r o p e r ty . for the work of the structural steel of yesterday is a mental midget to A ll of the great valleys of California, The Commercial Club will tender Oregon and Washington, which lie maker and also of the shipbuilder. day in the field of science. Notice le hereby given that the un- Hots. thesedislioguished guests a Banquet, N o tic i is hereby given that the* d |. I t took unknown centuries for parallel w ilh th e coast at a distance, They must be made to fil’ with wa debiinned. as Guardian of the person and everybody w ill try to make rectors of Port Orford School District v ~ , « 1 J , . . , ; “ nd estate of Harold Godfrey Bond, a varying from 50 to 150 miles, will ter tight joints, but as they will man to cross the English Channel You will find a nice lot of new spring minor, by virtue of an order and II- No. 1, Curry County, Oregon, will re their visit so pleasant, that its mem have to bo moved at a touch abso in an aeroplane, but 13 flew over it be tapped by short railroads to the hafs at Mra. If. A. Nielaena. cenae of sale duly given, made, and ceive sealed bide for the building and ory will be unforgelable, and lead granted by the Coani nty Court of Yam painting of a School House. Said P o rt Orford, Oregon. lute accuracy of surface will be de together the other day. From 1492 ooast ports, where the products now hill County, Oregon, on the 22nd day to recurrent visitations— and help manded. The lower half of each to 1911 is the step from the caravel carried on the long rail haul of 626 of June A. D. 1911, and duly entered building to have three rooms with a to put Port Orford more prominent N o tice for P u b lic a tio n . 06889. In said Coart, empowering and licens ten foe« basement above ground, with gate will be a water tight air cham to the Olympic. In every city the per ton w illb e delivered to the ing her so to do, will on and alter the brass locks, hinges and window fitting», ly on the innp of Oregon. Panama canal steamer 'at a cost of cars are moved and the streets and DarawrxKKT o r thx I m tib io b , ber. By vertical bulkheads each 1st day of September A. D. 1911, pro cost not to exceed $6000. Plans and gate i . divided into six series of homes lighted by electricity, but less than 65 dollars per ton. This U . 8. Land Office at Roaeburg, Oregon. ceed to sell at private sale, for cash in specifications to be submitted with hand, pursuant to the terms of sold July 17, 1911. AFTER TAFT. Edison says we are using less than means that both the H ili and H a r water-tight compartments. __ order and license, the real property be bids. Said bids to be opened by the N oticc is hereby given that longing to said minor, and described Board of Directors on the 31st day of Such details throw a vivid light 3 per cent of that mysterious force. riman lines will seek short down JuaTcs H. ScaiTBMiaa, as follows, to w it: The undivided one- The Congiessionsl Investigating On the magnitude of the total con Newton said that the wisest man h ill line» to the coast for the low whose poet-office address is 779 Over third of a one-eighth interest in and to August. 1911, the Board reserving the Committee on Alaskan affairs,say ' gtructlon, of which these gigantic is but a child picking up pebbles on grade products, leaving the mein look Blvd., Portland. Ore., did, on the the following described real premises: rig ht to reject any and all bids. South East . 0 No. u .. 40 and ------------------* order ‘he Board! of Directors that they w ill probe Io the bottom gates form but a small part. They the beach of the ocean of knowlege. lines for thq transportation of high 23 day of January, 1911, tile in this of lan d Claim quarter of goath hast quarter and Lots thia Slat dav of Jul v 1011 a,Jr or Julf - fice Sworn Statement and Application, 7,8, and » In Section 1»; South West of the scandals in that territory— lilueirals also the fact that In mod When Edison tsHs us that steam as class freight,and passengers. E L IA K N A P P , No. 06869, to purchase 8 | 8 E | Sec. 32, uarter of North West quarter and Lot es, tecially as to Controller Bay, and ern engineering enormous size offers motive power will be scarcely used “ W ith smelters, aud custom mills D istrict Clerk T. 30, 8. R. 14 W. A lots 1 A 2, Section x In Section 20, ana West ball of Sooth Port Oriord, Or. that no man’s position, however no excuse for roughness of constrnc- in the next oentury, that the pro established, millions of tons of cop quarter and South h alf of South ( , Townuhtp. «1 ,8., Range 14, West, West . quarter and North hast East h aei a quarter high, will screen him, if guilty of tfon— delicacy and accuracy of fin pelling force of transportation will per and gold ores, now worthless by Willamette Meridian, and the timber 1 of South West quarter quarter In In Secth Section 20; fraud. This means the elimination 1 ________ ___ the West h alf of North West quarter in ish are appi ¡ml to structures s mile be electrioity, and that paseenger the absence of transportation other thereon, nnder the provisions of the act of Taft from politics if the Commit- : Hiid t quarter in total lieiglit, no traffic w ill be largely moved through than wagon haul, would not only of Jane 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, Section 2« and East half of East half S crip L ost In Section So, and Lot 1 In Section 30 tee does its duty. T a ft and his less than to an ordinary steam en the air, who can dispute it? yield a handsome retarn to the known as the "Tim ber and Stone L aw ,’’ and Lota 2 and 3 In Sectional, a ll in Thelollowlng described County W a r at such value as might be fixed by ap. Township 32 South of Range 15 West apologist* nan no longer convince gine. Edison still believes that books owners, but afford employment to pralaement, and th at, pursuant to such of the Willamette M eridian, containing rants have been lost by the undersign* Intelligent men by denials. He se Reading these descriptions Col. in the future w ill be printed 00 j thousands of miners and thuelraas- application, the land and timber there in ail 827.08 acres, being the Joel Bond ed aad all person« are warned neither to bay nor dispose of the same: cretly connived with a gang of rob GoethnPs requirement of a year’s leaves of nickel so light and filmy form idleness into industrial aciivi- on have been appraised, $205.00 the lands In Curry County, Oregon. Dated thie21stday of July A. D. 1911. Walton M iller No. 467 for »2.26 Is- bers, then issued a secret orde. re experimental working of the canal th ai a volume b f 40,000 pages w ill! ty- Add to this, the lumber possi- timber estimated 410.000 board feet st Viac.im* B ond M c E lbambt , Guardian of the person and estate of sned July 9, 1909 on Road Diet. No. 8. storing the land . around Controller and its many appliances before it is be only two inches thick. I t is a bilitiee, as well as the choice fruit 60 oents per M , and the land nothing; J. E. M ille r No. 833 for 936.00 irsued Harold Godfrey Bond, a minor. Bay to secret entry; and Ryan ee thrown open to the commerce of the book that would weigh but a pound, 1 land and agricultural land, now va that said applicant will offer final proof July 9, 1S09 on Road Diet. No. 12. In support ol his application and sworn crelly prepared, and secretly gob world, is most satisfactorily account and in support of his theory, the! cant in the territory, tossy nothing J. T . Coy No 838 for $21.00 Issued S h e ep F o r S a le . statement on theOday of October, 1911, Ju ly 9,1909 on Road Diet. No 22. bled the land. There is no other ed for.— Telegram, wiiard.ineiats that he can now pro- of the greet empire of the Klamath before Register A Receiver United J. H . Upton No. 612 leaned July 8, course le ft for Taft, other than a duoe a pound of these nickel leaves countiy, end one can understand States Land Office, at Roeeburg, O re Fifteen head of registered Cotswold 1908. $1.60 on General Fund. gon. Any person is at liberty to pro denial. Besides Controller Bay his A K I N O W I I O L E F T H O M E more flexible than paper, and at a why H ill and Harrim an railroads test this purchase before entry, or In »beep—twelve ewee and three bucke— W altoi F. M ills *. treatment of Garfield, Pinchot, and set the r world to talking, but Paul coet of only 61.25. now ia Southern Oregon, are jeal itiate a contest at any time before p at can ba had for 6228 before shearing. ent issues, by filing a corroborated of-1 These sheep are the pick of the F. M . Glsvts, Ilia vetoing the admission of Mathulka, of Buffalo, N. V . says he Looting back on Ike me Jet lie ously watching each other. These ° ® <* ’ f»cts Langlois flock and will show up well Arison a and New Mexico, and his always K E E P S A T H O M E the discoveries of the past, end rem era great ey.lems, operating wilhia 100 which would defeat tne entry. z F O R BALE. In any company. I am patting In more BKjuiurx r . J o h n , uniform opposition to progressive King of all Laxatives— Dr. K ing’s bering that Edison ia far out ou the miles of the porta of the Pacific, Register. dairy cows and haven’t room lor any legislation, and his fondness for the New Life Pills— and that they’re a outposts of science, who knows what must either grasp (be opportunity One Cabinet Grand JPiano, |oud end other stock. W rite, phone or cell and fall tone. Also some desirable town Interests,— should damn him eleru blessing to all his fam ily. Curecon- the century rosy not bring fo rth fl now afforded, or prepare to eee oth eee sheep at home of lota for sale by ally in the hearts of men fit to be stipation, headache, indigestion, dy. Who knows bat gold may yet be ers do so, because the Panama canal B. M. Paxaev, Vifty C n m . ship has ooms to stay.”— Rogue Mrs. I f . A. N iklskh , Bandon, Oregon. O w r a n t M l iob«Mo k th lt «or» m ò ia 1 free. spepaia. Only 2.5c at all Druggists. made of iron?— Ex. River Courier. was MTOW. kMoS F w a M t. K AU O n * Port Orford, Oregon. Near County road on Two Mile. our d irty Senate is too debased to expel bim, end the so called invee tlgali on drags on in the slime. And how, Senator Stephenson of Wiscon sin is to be investigated for a sim i lar offense, and wilt no doubt profit by Loriraer’a tactics in smothering evidence and in delay. Whewi but the Senate stinks I W W WM. GlttWNGS. Prop. W f S AMES S. JOHNSTON H ; m e r c h a n t , f ^ ' P o r t Orford; O r.~ z^ NEW GOODS, Call and examine goods and get prices.' Notice to Contractors.