The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19??, August 09, 1911, Image 1

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Volume XX.
Some typewriter advantages
w hich, when investigated,
inevitably lead to the selection
of the Smith Premier—
Swrngwt Marginal Rack». writing. Protected Ribbon
Gear Dtiren Camagea
Ribbon Coa'roUotWrom Keyboard
Variable and Uaivcrtal Line Spacer
Perfect D w i Guard
Back Space te r m
Carriage Retarder
Improved Marginal Slops
A u m l e i IO
» . IO 1 1 .
A single motion is quicker to
Rem o, ibis «ad Isterchaogeabls
Rtvwnble Tabulator Rack
Ball Bearing Carriage
Complete Control iro n Keyboard
Sample Stencil Cutting Oerice
Drop Forged Type Bara
Period D an Leek
Bichrome Ribbon. UniformTouch
Ball Bearing Type Bar
Column Fiader.aad Paragrapker
Decimnl Tabulator
Perfect Eraang FariKtiea
Interchangeable Carnap«
Riahl and Left Carnage R a im a
E D X E 8 D A Y , A U G U S T
O R F O R D ? O R E G O N ,
r t lr v a g r * — A m B a p e w la llF B e w » « a la l
» t il t nXD oiavaiCT
office an ;
'J. 8. Sen’ta— J o n a th a n Bourne J r., of
Portland and Geo. K. C ham berlain of
B a le ra .', ■
Congressman, F ir s t D is tric t—W illis
JQ. H a w le y, of Salem.
G overnor— Oswald W est, Hnioin.
Secretary of State— F. W . Benson Sa­
< • . P a ra a w a SflM ataVI
P fapapaW.
"Yodel" “stuffed" paper» for a Itvtrfg,
In case the reader doe, not understand
what thia art ft, It w ill Le explained
that the "smiting" of newapx,^,» la
one of the moat laborious branches of
work connected with the great Sunday
tnuea. The magazine, comic, wont ad
aud other section, of the Sunday pa­
per are printed ta r lltr in the week, and
from Thursday until Sunday morning
dozen, of hand, are kept busy Insert
ing these parts Into one harmonious
Even the latest type of preaaef can
not perform this class o f work, which
oilers employment to many nswrhoya >
and In h a lita c ta sf ."Newsboys’ alle y.'»
who saru As much as »Is In (our deytT
time. Of this class, was ’’Yodel,’
Dpwn lu the subterranean dayib.s of
a paper office, with the roar 6t th e .
giant F1
in e • his
n»»va I reverturstlng
V I V l I VJI » » « u r n ,e
* .— —
worked lh la repi «sen la tí ve type of tt
The p artaking of a slice of pineapple
a fte r a meal la quite in accordance
w ith physiological indication,. «Ince,
though it may notbegenerw lly known,
fresh pineapple julee con tain , » -r e ­
m arkably active digestive principle
sim ilar to pepsin. This principle has
been termed “brotnelin,” and no pow­
erfu l I , i t , action upon p ro te ld , th a t
State T.enaurer—Gee A. Stee’ o f Ha
it w ill digest a , much a , 1,000 times
Its weight w ithin a few h ou r».. I t , di­
Supt. P u b lic In s tru c tio n —J.. H . Ack­ gestive activity carte, in accordance
erm an,' Salem.
w ith the kind of proteld to which
State Printer— W lllia D u n tw a y, Salem. it is subjected. Fib rin disappear, en­
Attorney G e n e ral— A. M . Craw ford, tire ly a fte r a time, aaya a- medical
auth ority.
Salem . » -
W ith the coagulated albumin of
C le rk State T-aml B o ard — G. G Brown,
eggs the digestive process is «low,
Salem .
while the album in of meat i t , action
« a-
J o in t Henatoi fo r Cooa aud C urry— seems firs
t to
* PulPJ K’’ln t-
W. 0 . Chase.
inous mass which, however, com­ "alley.’’ A t the surrounding tables
Joint Representative for Cooa and pletely dissolves a fte r a short time. three other ’’slespouts’’ labored aud
When a slice o f fresh pineupple is
C u rry— S. P . Peiri-e.________
, while they laborril they sang. On*
Judge, ad Jud icial B ia trlo t— J . W . placed upptf A » W beefsteak rive stir day "Yodel” chimed In the cbu.~u.,<
face of the steak become« gradually and then started to yodel after thy
H a m ilto n , Roseburg.
gelatinous owing to the digestive ac­
Prosecuting Attorney, ad Ju d icial Dis' tion of the ensyrae o f'th e juice. Of fashion of the Swiss singers whom he
tric t—George M . Brow n, Roseburg. course, I t In w el>kn ow n that digest­ had heard from the gallery seat of a
0 . 8 . Commissioner»—J . H . U p to n, ive agents exist also in other fru its, . vaudeville theater. «
j High above the noises of the presaw
but a , it is considered that anaverage- his voice rang out and every one of
the 50 "giulfork” s u ,.p id their, work
oovbtt orriozna.
pints r f Juice I t w ill be w t n th a t
C o u rty J'.'dge—E. A. B a ile y , G old the digestive action of the whole and stared at him In asti »Ishment.
Then every q & h seemed to simuitsic»
fru it must be enormous. The activ­ ously etart their band* to dapping.
County Conitnisaionera— O tto tsinert, ity of thia peculiar digestive agent I "Yodel” was the boys name th*rq-
W rite for information to"
Gold Beach; Geo Chenoweth, L an g lo is . la destroyed In the cooked pineapple, after.
but unless the plfteapple la preserved
SherlfT— W. A. Bishel, G old Beach.
Big” B ill, the foreman of the
The Smith Premier Typewriter Co., Inc.
by heat there la no reason why the 1.. . “¿¡L
was the only one who dis­
County C le rk —George
W . Sm ith,
Syracuse, N . Y .
tinned f r u it should not retain the
liked "Yodel." Something abbut tli-
Gold Beach.
digestive power. *
County Treasurer—James C augbell
T he active digestive principle may lad’s delicate face acted on hie coarse
nature like a red rag waved In tit*
W edderburn
be obtained fro m the Juice by dissolv­
(ace of a bull. In that room, where ev­
ing a large q u an tity o f common salt ery Inmate had an Interesting story
Asaeaeor— W m . Tolm an, H a rb o r.
[ S
School S u p t.—W . 8 . G uerin. Langlois In It, when jk precipitate is obtained of h it former Ilfs to tell, ’’YudsP’ was
urvayor— D . CunnifT J r., Gold Beach. possessing the rem arkable digestive Instinctively recognized as having fa l­
powers ju s t described. Unlike pep­
len from a b tih er estate.
C o ro n e r--D r. 8. J. M ann, Langlois.
sin, the digestive p rincip le of the
"Big" B ill knew thia,-an d the boy
xirriNuaor rug cocbts .
pineapple w ill operate in an acid,
always irritated him. On a busy Sat­
C irc u it C o u rt meets F o u ith M onday in neutral, o r even alkaline medium, ac­
urday alteruooa '"Yodel" had Just Un­
cording to the kind of proteld to
August of each year.
i t m a v there 1 ubed warbling with bis birdlU-e voice
County Coinmlsalonera C o u rt meets
when "Big" filll stepped up to' him.
b e aaaumed th a t the pineapple f
first Wednesday lit Janu ary, A p ril, fore,
enzyme would not only aid the w ork , "You . want
. . . to
. cut that
. o u . t!” . he
. . cried.
J u ly and September of each y iin .
»“ * •»« 1
of digestion In the stQmach, but • 1 ’ * ,ltx>d 11 • * *
Probate C c n rt meets first Monday in would continue th a t action in the in In’ to stand it any longer. T h * b-./a
’t do their work while thsy're 1U-
each mouth
tentinal tra c t. Pineapple, It may be 'can
' tenlng to yotL If you ever mak«*tbat
ccaav o o tn v r cost officxs a so fost - added, ‘contains much Indigestible
m Asrsas.
m a tte r of the n atu re o f woody fiber, noiaa. you call yodellng, acafa— I ’l l lira
Chetco.............................Mlag Id a Cooley. but it te quite possible th a t the de-, ' you, sa*l"
"Yodel" did not reply to this tlraAa,
H a rb o r....................................... ...F 'le tc lier Gardner.
cldedlv digestive properties o f the
.fo r he did not want to losa Ms poal-
G old B each ........................... J. W . Riley. juice coinpeneate fo r title fact.
' tlon. But when the foramen had
W e d d e rb u ru . ............... C . L . W a k e m a n .
I walked away "Yodel’’ was surroundod
Illllie e ............ ........... M r . K. H Russell.
GREAT MAN’S S E N TIM E N T S liy a group or sympathisers.------
. M a r t a l . M m . V io la A. F ry .
i n
’’That' fallow don t tike rde.” ha said.
▲a Expressed h y H is 8eretary Under "W hy. my old mau used to order
A g n e w ........................'.. . . A . M . Riles.
R o r v O r f o R t r ....r .. . . .Amaa Johnston
aaound dozens of fottoww Ufca h im .”
>a W ondered A t.
D e n m a rk . . . . 7 . 7 7 . . 7 . . 7. .7 . J. 8 . Capps.
- "W hat did you run away from home
(Or, ’Yodtl?’ " asked a sympalhaUc lis­
L a n g lo is .............................. E . BacklelT.
“I have been requested,” fiaid tener.
E c k le y ..,. . . . . . . . . . . . . J . A . H s a i
the great captain of industry, ad­
" I don’t know. Just got tlrod of it,
I f not Delivered tn Ten Days retn ra
dressing hia third assistant secre­ 1 guc3a,” answered the waif. “ Had a
home up on Dlversey street, but
tary, according to the Chicago swell
1 got the ’bumming’ habit an* drifted
Record-Herald, “to write a mag­ to the alley."
azine article on how to become a
“T hat’» where Big BUI goes,” said
magnate. I wont you to get up another "stuffer," "up on Divarsey
««. tething that will reflect credit strsst ts sss his girl. I heard him
Johnson about IL "
t.u me and make my,friends won­ I i tailing
"Dlvers«y etreet_le a long thorough­
der at my literary slyle.”
fare," leplled "Yodel." and the whole
Three days later the great m a i l m a il laugued.
read the article to which his name Oo>.t:ti'.rday night a press broke down
was signed, and again addressing z ..j delayed the ••»tuff«’»." F in ally
his third assistant secretary said; -• ova papers again t>egan to appear on
ilhg table the boys were kept busy
’•Thia is excellent. My reason­ I working like fleurfa to get the mall edi-
ing ia perfectly dear. The young |tlon out Nobody sang or whistled;
man who can’t after reading this every one was laboring like a Trojan,
Refusing Io Lead.
Afraid of sudden falling of board
article pfrolne start right out and and nt> on« notice I that ■ Big j B j l l ' ^
' Riinniffg away when h a h er or bridle isTemoTed.
become a captain of industry is „ '^owia« a «roup oT WendiT the alght,
of the
^Getting fast in stall.
Afraid of sight and sound of steam
1 hopeless ease, und don’t deserve glanced at the party, and his isce
1 Pawing in stable.
K icking at master or strangers
success. My logic can’t be beat, pued. »hiic bis e;es glittered with ex-
■1 Tender bitted.
Afraid of sound of buggy or wagon wheels
my literary sty le It beautiful; I clteu-eut. as he looked at the face of
Stock and poultry have few
liuve free and easy command of a a £ lrl iu the troup.
troubles which are not bowel and
Pawing when hitched in street.
Afraid of touch of shafts
"New, the fun,” bs whispered
l i v e r irregulnritieo.
B la c k -
whole lot of fine, big-sounding io his rijbt-uaud fsilow worker. •’Yo­
j Crowding in stall.
Scaring at ltogfi or dogs along road
Dran«lit Stock and Ponltry Medi­
del" threw Lock his head sed caroled.
cine ts a bowel and liver remedy
Refusing to halter or bridle.
R unning away
-for stock. It put« «he organ« of
ing of, and, taking it altogether, Up. up--aigh shove the uols<*s n l thn
ilige.tion in a perfect condition.
nalllag room ros* bis silvery voice,
Prominent American breeder« nod
Lugging on bit
Bad to harness.
Bad to groom P e rm a n e n t as the h ills , lin t can he I’m mighty proud of my ability as ia J gxerx one looked around in aston­
farmerr krrp their he rds a n d docks
' Lunging and plunging.
H ard to shoe.
Shying rem oved in a second o f tim e . The “In fact, I’ve never read a bet­ ishment.
healthy by givino them an ««cn-
B ill’» face turned red as Ire .
siuoal dpse of Black Draught Stock
Jum ping fences.
Refusing to hold back going down hill o nly C levis now on the m a rk e t H is t ter article than this one of mine and "Bis"
he hastened over to ths t>ny, fol-
stays w h ere p a t.
and Poultrv Medicine in their
Afraid of automobiles.
Bad to hitch to buggy or wagon
I on how to get to the front. Tlte ’ ¡o*C;l fcy the i-est of his friends,
t'.wd. A n v stock raiser may buy a
25 dent half-pound a irtig h t can
Afraid of paper.
Lolling the tongue.
Afraid of robes The exclusive rig h t to handle till« qualifications d e e d e d ; how to se- i " 1 II tre you!*’ te shouted. " I told
of this medicine from his dealer
Clevis w ill 1» sold by Counties o r p ure
returns for the cf- 'you cot to holler any more, didn't I f
Afraid of umbrellas.
Afraid of clothes on line-
and keep his stock in vigorous
States, o r set o. three can be pnrehas-
exix>n<, , . (, . w b erC i w h e n and For two cents I'd throw you out the
heallb for weeks. Dealers gener­
Afraid of sound of gun.
Afraid of band playing _____ c d fo r t l . ( k ) .
Add re
ally keep tthmk-Dmopbt Stock and
Bui the newsboy was not listening
h o w to hegih; ail these things are
Afraid of canvas top wagons.
Afraid of cars
Poultry Medicine. If yours does
so clearly set forth that I don’t >«° B|e' blu- Neither wag the rest
not. U'lid 25 cents for a sample
the group, ih e girl was staring at
If you have horses addicted to any ot the above men­
seehow anyone who can read them 'o ’ f Yodel’’
can to the manufacturers. Tna
and "Yodel" was smiling back
Chattan-K^a Medicine Co., Chat­
without understanding why 1 at her.
tioned had habits or vicious traits, you can cure them.
tanooga, Tenn.
have clnm to the top.
•H enry!”
she «creamed.
"W hy.
And permanently too, by following the system as giv­
“That's a mighty good point yon H e n r y ! ”
BO ‘MUtcx, (»*., Jo so, isos.
en in this course of lessons, thereby increasing the. value
lll*cX -D sugbt Stock and Poul-ry
ntnke there about the importance
of your horse many dollars worth, whether you want to
do >ou go with this big dub?” he
X»<l‘ - t n s ls * ’># *,v, ‘ , , ’ ''r t , «,’d- Our
of asking for what's wanted, too. snorted defiantly. " I ’ll eon« back
»lock was o o k in i bad wh«o you sent
I m u»t husband m y lim h e r lo re
keep or sell him. It will increase yodr safety and confi-
mn the m -dicloe and non they sro
That's til ways been one of nty prin home If you’ll promise to topo him
(Stung so a 1«. They sre looking ■
dence in driving and handling any such rnim al.
eipleg. Things don’t come to peo­ duwnl"
» t eeax b itter.
A l l fa rm , therefore I m ust not spare any
The only licensed horsetrainer ip Oregon,
g. p. aaooxixoTO«.
ple in this world. You've got to
"You ought to have seen Big Bill,"
m o re cedar. Please do n oi ssk for it reach for them, and if you can't
work guaranteed.
The green trees will grow and tlte dead see what you want, you've got to said ’’Yodel” the next day, when, ‘re­
splendent In a new suit of clothes, be
ones w ilt keep.
ask somebody to pass it Hlong. stroiled back to the "alloy.’ "Bay. hs
J. H. U pton ,
I'd be mighty sorry if you’d forgot tried to square himself, hut sis’ passed
L a a g lo i« , O r., A u g u ri ¡17, 1810
i to pnt that in. Everybody who him up. It was no go after what I told'
her. Me? Oh, I ’m going back to
know« me will at once recognize school. No mote stulDlu’ for mine."—
to writs for oar conSiteatlsl IsUer bshirs sp-
them as my ■¿ntimeuts.
plyias tor patent: it rosy bs worth saoasy
H. T. ST E W A R T
Chicago Record-Hr raid.
O nly one motion is ne
make any character desired on the
complete, Straight-line, key-for-eveiy-
character keyboard of the
easy action
light running
Escapement, Speediest ever
C o m p le te , S traight L in e
Keyboard and
A Key for Every Character.
The Burrow Clevis
Always Stays “Put” ;
•«Reth hit t r l f r a n d ru y ate lí h e v e b een
neliiu CASCA ttE TH utsd th«y nre tflR
medit iue we bato ••••« hud lw th r to u M . L o »
VMk tny « lío wm fruíalo wíth bc»tí»che for
tvodu jrj. Abe ir¡e«l ocuieof yourC A9CAKÉ.T8.
u td »hoy r^Hoved «be ruin In ber head ».moo»
taunrdlaU)!) . We >»oi i» rerow awad Cascaron '
OóAB. bnunamm».
PUtabni* 5;tfe x Dexxje** C©. PiHabiw«, Fa !
M g tn t. l*A la ta b < n . i ’ . . i Tan* Good. Do
UooO. noYor M n ’k f r t . Waaken. t» Gri«. IOu- 3S*. wo
• . . . C U R E C O N S T IP A T IO N . . . .
M .rttssg letaerfy
»»•»•*«•. *‘••« » *•1 . lew V e * .
IltP u h l a » n r d . c wnnranL«e<1
b y a l l « ir o f-
V M K T o to a u « » lla b iv
Thousands Have Kidney Trouble
and Don’t Know It.
H cw lo Find Out.
R Il a bottle, or common "loss with you'
> Sr.d let It stand twenty-four hours; t
sediment or set-
ding tndteetes sn
I - —3, unhealthy condl-
^ ' / ” tlon of the kid­
neys; if it (tains
your linen It Is
evidence of kid­
ney trouble; too
frequent desire to
pas. It or pain In
the bock ts also
convincing proof that the kidneys and blad­
der are nut of order.
W hat to Se.
There Is comfort In the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Syamp-
Rool. the great kidney remedy fulfllli every
wish in curing rheumatism, pstn In the
bao't, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part
ol the urinary passage. It corrects Insbllitv
to hold water and scalding pain in passing
It, or bad effects following use of liquor,
wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity c( being compelled to go often
during the day, arid to get up many times
during the night. The mild and ths extra­
ordinary effect ot S w am p-R oo t is soon
realized It stands the highest for Its won­
derful cures of the mo3t distressing esses.
If you neod a ibedldne you should have the
bast. Sold by druggists in 50c. a n d jl. sizes.
You may have a sample bottls_o( thia
and a book that tells
■Mre about U, both sent
absolutely free by madl.
address Dr. Kilmer tt
Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men­
tion reading this generous offer in this paper.
KMrvimar n « /, no.
Have you a Horse w ith any
One or More of the follow-
W , B. B urraw ,
Corbin, Ore.
Langlois, Or.
W« promptly «M ala U. 8. asd Foreign
io ana
aud we send
* f l ---------------------
eeno an | I M
r t * C E rop-rrt on patentability. We gire
Sie twet .egxl terries aad advine, and our
chargne are moderate. Try as
P a to n t Lstwyof»,
Any person or per one trespaMtng
S< O H ’ S E M U L S I O N
law ; and s reward w ill he given fo rlr.
fo rtn aiio han tt w ill le« tdec-lefct -o
tlon o f the g uilty p nrth «.
i the boot I
Jascorets Candv CatharUc, the moat won-
rful ntndicni discovery of the age, plea»
t and refreshing to the taste, act gently
1 positively on klritevs. liver and bov.cln,
anaína the entire e'strm, dispel colds,
re hwMtMlie, fever, habituel constipât!')»
a a J ta t (iv a ly
« o m p w x i x u lo r t a k i t »
d bilinnanees. Please fcuv and try » box
«acanta -l-aauty for te:, n ate
C. 0. C. m-rfav; tt», Ä .’«tenta. Hold and
I - ' . o «t tiw'astnMl guarr.ntrjJ. Pk V«fc "Y
- santoed to cure h j alt druggist*.
I say con tam ptio n can b e l upon the C r» ft L a k e Rauch,—the M c­ P o e t O r f o r , :
L e lla n and M ngehall Ranches, w ill ho
ed. N atu re alone w on’t
» . ___ 1- l _ i _
3s pruseciited to the utmr-et extent of the
Opp. V S. Priest Qgcs.WavMnqtaa,
r r e a a ty la M o , , a I » « , * ,
cle a n bî.xxl n e .» n . a clean avl-i. No
v atrt.v w lt’- . ut it. C «» c irrta , ( andy C atb ar
r i- t c -n j „ u r blood k.w p tt , .can, In
.t i- t in g up th e iasv iiv rt a d i d i vutg .1,1 ¿X
•ur-iiiw front th e b o a y r-B e g in todr.y to
a,.i»h punpicn, l-cila, >
I.!.. »kcuiM
{« « o u t-, w -tt» >«NJ ’ ’B .’ - 'f a r ,
t.--r» « » • I!« e w < lm M
-» e
fir *
* ,F
•X «• *
ml s T a a t-o n w iy o t ;
« a J
JL C . CJ ftM - « • ths»«..
r « • e»,
rt»-**» ie
* t
.» r-a riN
« ’ s rfrev’ e M wit
»• í . * r - . » . I r A x ♦ » * .«
f V.ja« d‘ «V
-».*««, s •*/« (•*. J* >
♦ t u » re« ••••<1 » • rt"
re.*aa«sM t..*«e* t * e
O r e jfo u .
N otice to Town Stockow ners.
F o r the accent mods tlon o f those tie-
s ir n g t‘> raise blooded cattle M . L .
B » rn » t has b ro ug ht h l* pure-blootl
Jersey bu 1 Into tow n. The a n im a l
I has
__ ______
r s . c t l bren
l . t t gvntle,
f r iu
h r n i o t r its owner
waives all lia b ility . 8 *rv lo e « » l
prove Ute g re «
wa> m e rit of HourT’s Sarsaparilla.
Hood's Sarsaparilla sells because 1
«ccompUshes GREAT CURES.
.“What! Raise your salary?
Young man, do you know «18 a
week is * whole lot more than
you’re' worth? You ought to get
down on your knees to me every
day and thank me for keeping yon
here. Rut I’m a liberal-minded
man, and I’ll tell you what I’llrfo.
I’m to get «36» for this article,
and I’ll „ give you |2<I of it as a pres
p p t just to convince you that I’lll
’ *
generous to a fault.
“I’m glad you pnt In that pas­
sage about boueaty being needed
by a man who's trying to aueceed.
There’s no tree of anybody trying
to win without it.”
There was a slight gale and some talk
of shipwreck.
"W ell, It we go down." said the corset
drummer. *'| ran keep risk!, on selling
straight fronts to the meitgslds."
"No chance (or business, fqy ms, how­
ever," derISFed the corpulent drummer.
-W h y not?”
' "1 sell slippers ’’-G hleago gun.
Toesibly to A le o rb Them.
Rodriek—There Is certainly a num­
ber ot blots on tome of the big Insur­
ance concerna these days.
Van A lb ert—By Uvorge. I <onde li
■ bvt Is why the Insuraitc«. or m ptn e,
gtve ru t oo many b lo tter* as advertise
m ints.—Chicago Dally ttft»s.