Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1911)
10 Shots at your Finger Tips 4 Representative in W ttK K L K ß A NU W IL S O N If o T u r y M u tto n . this corporation, Special induce m ents to those who wish to become finan cially interested. H Te STEWART Editor and Publisher The Real Estate Security Co v»rt D e a rb o rn B ld g . C H IC A G O , I I I M u lM s o r ip t i o n , £1.£SO p o r v e n t L IG H T R U N N IN G & R A P ID , U n i i B v a r in g . J» C A L IB R E A U T O M A T IC P IS T Q L * T h e Savage A utom atic smothers every adversary in i the rapidity of its fire. V/ben the occasion comes you have, toady the quickest, handiest and m ost accurate arm made. •Give yourself eve,ry possible advantage. It m eans life or death. That is why y d s will discard your revolver when you see the Savage. Special Features which will Appeal to You T E N SHOTS: D ouble the num ber contained in an oid i- nary revolver and two more than other autom atics.i BA LA NC E: Perfectly balanced. Center o f gravity well •• to the rear. Lies naturally in the hand. W ill not flinch on the trigger pull. • The on ly autom atic which locks at the breech w hile the but let traversés the barrel The Leading Paper of Curry Conuty THE TRIBUNE The.OaauoK D a il y J ournal it the leading Democratic newspaper of iahe« short roads. Tjie manager« also iaann a S r iii - W s e r l y , which is especially adapted WEEKLY OREGONIAN for people who do not care for a D aily, but want a good fam ily paper. A n y o f these papers can be had in combination with the P O R T O R B oth P apers one y e a r for $2.26 F O R D T R I B U N E , at the following rates: and Tribune The PORT ORFORD TRIBUNE Sunday and Tribune ** <s ■ Weekv and Tribune The Nëw Idea Woman’s Magazine A lw ays Remember the Fell Ncme laxative Rromo A u m m e — B A^MHBBBeBER Cures a Cold in One Day, Grip LaT.vo. n r i -¡m / T ub N aw I dba W omab ' r M aoaximb la an auth ority on DreaamaRing, M ill- nery and Household Economy. I t average« more than 100 pages each m onth. We o R ery o u therefore a t least 1 son pages ol good fashion and home reading for an add itio nal coat of only 86 eta Samples free. Send oudel, u a tc b i r i 1 <35 c i it, v u Ito» 1er treereivx-t an rsMn»»t itny. Ic i trae to o k , H o irV > 8 a c D » T t r 3 1 » 6 | / C ««M s Pstenw s o l I ftw Q fc -fitr ifin d to joado U- iy» '« i'tO fl W A S H IN G IOM D C. H ave y o u ever seen a Sunset? f A besutifully i l l u s l t a l e d monthly magazine of tha w id«- awaka W e « i w ith f*»cinating short siorias, pictureique personal point-of-view description o f the u u r e tiin g development o f the W n t, and «he romance and his tory of the wonderland o f the earth. A ik your k c a l newsdealer for current i««ue or-«end $1 50 foryearSaubacripilon. T h e book. "Road of a T h o tu in d W onder». — 120 beautiful Western views in fear color»— w ill be inctudSd— SA V A G E ARM S COM PANY, È T IC A , N E W Y O R K Iicar'ncsM C a n n o t bo C ured uy local applications, as they eaanot reach the tllaeaMHl portion of the ear. There la only one way to cure deafness, aud th a t la by constitu tional remedtea? Deafness ta eanaed by an In flamed condition of the mucooa lining o l the Bnitach lan Tube. When th ia tube la inflamed yon have a rum bling sound or im perfect hear lng, and when It la entirely cloeed, deafneaa la the result and nnleaa the Inflamatlon can be taken out and thia tube restored to tta normal condition, hearing w ill be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by C atarrh which is nothing hut an Inflamed condition of One De la v a l Separator No. 28. one the roue'Mi« surfaces. * Wo w lh give One Hundred Dollars for any Disbrow Combined churn and worker, eno 18 inch p ra t lie Queeu breaking case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) th a t can not he cured by H all's Catarrh Cure. Rend for plow, one good Buggy. For p artic u circulars free. F. J. C H EN EY A Co^ Toledo, O lars write Hold by D ru rg lM i, Ite . J. I f . Langlois, T « k . ll a l l'i Fam ily Pill« lo r coniti pallon Have yon any to offer, or do you know of anyone who baa? 1 desire Io purchase. Angus G. Mackay, e l Estate Agent, Port Huron, lohigan. e BOTH ONE YEAR FOR $1 75 We pro«n|iU'/ <»%«<•:• li < and Porsttf w oa Boc. 25c. W EIG HT: 19 oz. in clu d in g m agazine. Length over all L GJ inches. Price <15. Any wide-awake dealer will show yon this m iniature rapid fire gunT^ I f fie will - n ot supply you, kin d ly advise us and we will send it « prepaid. Timber Claims. ter, I will g ive F R E E O F C H A R G E , to any RtRI-ted a punitive care (<>r Eczema, Salt Kbeum , Eryeipe- las, Piles amt 8 k in Dteeaaes- In s ta n t je iie f. D o n ’t suffer longer. W rite F. W . W ilX in a n , 4U0 M an h attan A v e ra e , New York. Enclose Stamp. TRIBUNE ki'U U Ä N A ACCURACY: The pistol is so constructed that all powder, Daily ■ ' gases are utilized, insuring extrem e accuracy, as well i Daily as freedom from fouling. _ SIM P L IC IT Y : Fewer parts than any other autom atic pis- Semi : tol. C om pletely dfsA oun led by hand w ithout the aid o f tools. N o screws to work loose. SA FETY: Breech positively and autom atically locked during the tim e of discharge. Cannot be fired u n less the trigger is pulled. When the safety, is on neither force nor fo lly can discharge it. E C Z E M A an d P I L E C V U E F i t E E K n ow ing w hat it wan to s u f- T e ro t Manaa venen e " r * Zf' ' Convoinor a A e. Any.5i*a rtf’.g a »kateli ni d »«ripe io»» ta*sv rwlwkly « I » f h i t f Ol-nrl -U f'» « » . * H t » r » i '.t/p i.f't.H I« 1 t •>!«>•: rlê( !/•> » • iHiMttÛtl. lla n .I'/V M i <*: H a lan te s e .itf.w * ige.«*y l*»r .;r»»nren e u t*. t 'a t e i.u LAk-ll Urr.rf.L-^ M u iH i A C * . («M«ÍTt Nw o-’ f v 'tb O u t e b *r¿ « . U&tk« The Start to a Better Salary Per Month Per '-'C m on Hi in T he Evening Teiegrun,, of Port la n d , Oregon. I t is the largest ev e nin g newspaper published in Ore- ¡gon ; it contains a ll the news of the state and of the nation. T r y It for a m '>nth. A sample copy w ill be m ail- to von free. Address C THE TELEGRAM, P O R T L A N D , OR. ScUKtific Anuria» PATENTS S«iA»«imsly Glkstraiwd * • « « • / . M rs ilatloii «.f say »viertidc Ter» ier : lour Months. (1. BUd L /a ll r-ewpt ÏUNH £ C o .” ,, w *"’ N bw ■ r a a .- k ' I f l o . 0 Tou c<H have it a ll toi 1 » , W u fa lw lo e . free. SUBSET KAGAZIVB flood aviLtimo califoxsia »A ir rtA W C K C o D SWIFT«© Langlois, Oregon F O B SALE For sate : Beat 2700 Acre «tock ranch in Oregon. Good im provenu Ute, pien- ly of fruit, well fenouil aud wst- i c i . M orrill B ros ,, H r m , C u rry Co., Oregon. ‘ N otice f o r P u b l i c a t io n . Utepeatlng ¡Shotgun 06(38 DRFAItTMRNT OF T H I Ix lC R IO B , V . S. Land Office, at Koeeburg, Oregon M ay 24th, 1911. Notice la hereby given th a t JcrraaeoN C. E rxrch , of Sixes, Oregon, Who, on J u ly 1, 1810, made T im ber and Stone application, No. 06438, for L o t 3, and SE( SE1 be ing the fractional; EJ H E |, Section 10, Tuwnehip 32 A., Range 14 W est, W ill am ette M erid ia n , »as Bled iiotii-e of in tention Io make Final T . & 8 . Proof, to establish c la im t d ilh a In t i l above deficrlliod, In fore J . H . U p to n, U. g. (¡oinnilaaioner, a t Langlpia, Oregon, On the 28tl. day o f July, 1011. ,'C la im a u ln a m e s as witnesses: Goo. D . E lg in , of Putt O rford,O regon. M iltS . Bucher, of Port O rford, Oregon. Cln.,de C lark, of Eckloy, Oregon. George Taylor, of Eckley, Oregon. B m ja m in F . Jons« Register. fH.lhS - J 'rtfP W T V lm O f Thi* new, M model Ì» the «impleet, « Id « H ir l I ,o9 ejection and double extractors — special fllarflj. lee. Trespass Notice. Notice Is hereby given th a t all per sons lonnd tcesp!»i<sing npon the follow ing described land for the purpose of Auntina or fishing w ill he prosecuted fit the full extent of the la w : Lots 1, 2 and S Hec. 36; KM of Sec. 8«: B X of SW )< Bee. 23: E M o f B W t, NW 'l of 8- W I, 8 E ( o f N W | of Bee. 84; a ll In tow n sh ip 31 South, Range 15 West. I N O IH N E BRO'B. Denm ark. O r. P o rtland, Ora. The Best to be had in Curry County, a t reason able Prices. ’ I ' •'(, eod U«te«t 12- C3'tge repeater made. It has the solid top, r turee o l c om fort an d convenience. T h e closed-in breech keep« the action clean and the ehells dry —keeps out rain, enow, dirt, leaves See or Address D . O . N E W TO N R a r s h flr ld , Oregon e te jn ln « e r r a t .la r , y « t the Join! le a lw a y s ee firm and fie ld a , in a aoiid firatna, „ a n - î ak*Z4 ° w.n. * “ " -T>ie 1,1 f 'reerm fila r e a r b g lA e o d h r lra astek oparaüoa. T h a filli rho' . 4 r u n a ara ru aran taad eleea-ahcM iof, .la rd -h lltin s a n a *, and nra nnaqnal'rd 1er duaka, gaaea, feaae and nil long ranca w ork. Bill Heads Letter Heads, Le£al Blanks, Any Thin£, B r ie f s ,-------- -r Posters Envelopes. Statements, / clrcwUr la r *« flluttr««i*»n, w ith flifl dseirtpttow o f t h i s hands'1 ns « < « gun, •e n t 1rs« on roqnest or w ith com oln • 1 JB-paf • Vp-to date Work Done T o W h o m I t M a y C o u c e rn , I , the undersigned, hereby give no tice th a t I have a conveyance from the Patentee to tideUnds end water lots in tlie Harbor of Port O rford, Oregon, on a portion of which a p a rt o f the w h a rf Is erected w ith o u t tuy consent. A1 parties nre hereby warned not to drive plles or trespass In any manner w hat soever on said tidvlnnds o r water lota. M m . A rma 0 . P ast . P o rtland , Oregon. T h e undersigned hereby give notice th a t they are the owners of the South Half o f Section IS, Tow nship th ir ty three, South ran g e fourteen W est of W illam ette m eridian, Oregon. A ll par- tire are warned not to trespase upon o m ake any locations, e ith e r placer q o a rtx c la im s at their peril. D . K rllahir | } Owners. J . H . M c A vxr . j '■Hrììiz H/òdii. C R E A T record o«’ cure«, Mie- la nu-ilicnl hi «tory, prove* A Bond's Sarsxparil a p<.»se««ra m -rit un- k u o w u to auy oilier on Short JVytice Satis*acton Guaraneed M E D IC IN E DR.KING3 In connection with Notice is hereby given L> a ll persons whom I t m ay concern, not to en te r up on or trespass upon the premises of Kli Bagley, for the purpose o f h unting, or fishing w ith hook and line. Said pre- mines are situated on E lk R iver, C u rry C ounty, Oregon, and described aa fot- low a: The West h e li of Section twen ty seven. Township th irty two Sooth, Range fifteen West. A ny person o r persor a so ireepaea- ng for the purpose of h u n tin g , fishing, or traveling through in a n y shape form or m anner, or tearing down fences, or leasin g out aid» gates open, o r molest ing personal property, w ill bo prneecu- ted to the fu ll extant o f the law. Wm. R . Johnson, Leareeol (he above described premises Notice is In -e b y given th a t I hare been appointed agent t o look a fte r the K. W . Jensen pzoperty. situated on the “ Henda” at P o rt O rfo rd , Oregon. A ll persons caught trespass! ng in the dwel- Il n a house w ill be prosecuted to the fu ll extent o f the law. L IN D B E R G . P. J. M u r a t s T s a r « • » • ! ( W im - — u r u t . Is. S e | ( c . G 0 t a lk Grafficele r*t aafl m s m s