P ■ • - - • ' ■■ - ■'S-'. ?; H IE T R IB U N E . W EDNESD AY, JU L Y 19. l» ll. Published Every Wednesday, by LX - ' H l "■W W W — I I f Man bad had the «»gin w rin g atepa to bring the m atter before the o f Rugue R iv e r’s Channel to theses, Count? C o u rt a t it» next seoainn, he would, n» doobt, h are made i t F. A . Stowar», E- J. Lossy, W . 11. straight, and shortened its distance, M eredith, E. L . W h ite and John Port Orford Hardware, Wall P afer & F urni­ ture Store. ■ from U ran ia Pare by one half; B u t , G illin g « . ' ~ ’ *'i ' N ature ia often wiser than M an, as' T l« nuere-s of the port o rg a n is t' the course of tb it grand river Sbund lion at T illa m o o k , Toledo, and HARDY T . STKW ART. Prank A. 8 t e * e r i, Associate E d ito r anti? «bows; ' 1 Fboeno, wae nuely rich ore«, its illim itab le lira nxtot*one>l placa. raying that the OueOopy Three M o n t h s . . .. ....... ' berf ii« agriculture, horticulture, e tc .. "old epiril w ar to a il berk w .th fold .■ j _ « ■ ^ a e r a — w w w g r He. J ii like proportion. Ita grade i» ed hand« in the hope that the gov •■B I« e » aa r« M ® a rv i r p a ,« r . I t i» the natural outlet tor em inent w ill do the work T h e new * ________ Tn»| '•eripibHfi'aald. ’ w j j g t t u — x - j i ....... . aasmiww» u s t mt.g g ’ga A » ru *iM > o K a t m i Kasson a m a . . nil of Rogue river valley, and ia sp irit ia Io organise, to cell the beat i rich io lim ber, of the moet valuable men in the co m m un ity together, | varieties rurh »a Sugar ' Pine, the ! and do »omething f r r y e u re tlre r.” " ■ ■ —— ------- - — ’--------------------! various J its , w ith vast forests o f There is over #140,000 to th e credit P o r t O r f o r d vs. C r e ic c n t C it y . • p p rt o , f u, j Cedar and Tan bark Oak 1 of Port O /ford harbor left fro » the O ur people regret, th a t the c iti ,,n ita lower reaches and tributaries. ’ appropriation o f 181» to start the A hundred years w ill not exhaust ’ harbor d f refog». l*he o nly way to sens of Jackson and Josephine these billions of feet of these best '(.ouuties, through the Commercial and rarest limbers of the world, and < luha of Medford and G rants Pass,’ by that tim e a new forevt w ill have have taken such a deep interest nt (grow n ifi the moist, temperate d i another a id e , by booming a iaiho.id ' m ale of'th e West slop» of the Coast tc CreaceugCity, before*they have studied th e far better ruute, in du< cments and harbor which their own stele possesses. We commend their iw local local developments they ieir x«»>k XtiU'ii) ijnam y, ami ano thevulendid young e 'Uglriiig, 1 ditles th eir energies have created; d we lie s rlily approve their de- t i > to be connected by railroad to gel tha government to spend thia mouey here, ia to «how them th at we are w illin g to do something for ourselves. Every e tisen in C u rry County should boost the^port prop­ , mountains, where forests are inde osition, U w ill mean much for the 'atrnclible. From Gold H ill to the whole county, and once the govern­ ' ocean Rogue rive r cuts through a m ent starts tha work here, i t means ' thousand mineral ledges, that have that we w ill get the breakwater that been dropping th e ir, wealth into its I was recommended in 1878. tu rb ulen t waters, m aking it the Pactolian river of Oregon. Innu- merahle ledges of gold snd copper are found along ita.w ay sod in the adjacent . mountains, that w ill for centuries, furnish rich ores to be hauler) to local, or distant nnelters. T h e largest ships ia the world w ill come from everywhere to Port O r- ford, laden both ways w ith freight T h e R e c a ll a n d L a w y e r * . L iw y e rs are doing Judge Coke incalculable harm. T h e unanim ity w ith which they rush to his defense, and bias th eir denunciation of the ■ . _•» recall*of Judge», w ill cost Coke bun- »or-,*, good harbor on the Coast— a ru'-essity which they muet and w ill have, before their wonderful re­ sources can be fu lly developed drede o f votes. W h o are lawyers 'B u t, before they edheentrate their anyw ay? T h e y are equally divided energies on any point, they should on the right and wrong side of every know all points, and select the that comes and goes on a water grade case tried io C o u rll T hey sell th eir down Rogue rive r— the heavy freight (best one. I t is to enable to choose wisely, that the Port O r­ on the down b ill, and the lig h t services for money, w ith rare exenp lions. W hen they gel th e ir diplo­ ford Commercial C lub, extended a n ’ freight on (he return. - mas. no D ivin e gifts are abed upou in v ita tio n to the Clubs of Medford T hb C ontrast . them to lif t them In Common sense end G rants Pass to visit Port O r­ W h a t hah Crescent C ity , w ith its and honor above the average man; ford, sud get acquainted with its rocky, barren h ills to show, in com­ and their practice n a tu ra lly lowers deep water Harbor, and special feat parison to die continuous and i l ­ their slahiiarda o f virtu e below the urea— it's extent, direction, and lim ita b le resources th a t line thia ! average. T h e y grow sharper, and central localioopmand - a im pare it Pactolian river from Gold H i l l V*|„»„outlier and trickier In most in ‘fa irly w ith Crescent <■ C ity , or any the aeuT W ith mountains to ba other harbor along our M iddleCoasL climbed or tunneled, w hat engineer,1 stances, ju s t as detectives and gam- tilers do. Law yers can ao longer, W hen, years ago, Senator M itchell or business man would back such a urn. I rol the people ns they once did. secured a law authorixing the selec I rol, u fr<| can offer G a r ■>r be governed by tha people. I f rejected because of its shallow water, riw B # b < |f the Recall of Judge Coke shall w in, and the lowness « i d direction of its i m i, a aw#y< an ..,obbying.. accompanied by his wife, arrived of the year, save when an occaaion.l Washington D. C , and it was ru at Port O rford F rid a y night from winter storm from the South W est roored , b a l be „ „ KOfking jn (h#^ Po rtlan d, having coma to Coos Bay was prevails. A t such times vessels interests of Crescent C ity against on the Breakwater. H e im m ediate must go to sen. .T h is is the only Port Orford. Accused o f disloyalty ly plunged in to the object of his drawback against the harbor- to his state, he published an open mission,— to get acquainted w ith To bu.l.i the B w e k w a t y r iä iin ß U f c r ö r «¡ C s p r A V « ' Tichenor, and our people, and to study our harbor, nwd, by the Board of Engineers lhe wrUer of tbia . r U c k , denying our resource«, and the future proa would cust about nine m illio n dol­ the report em phatically. pecta o f Port O rford under proper lars to c o m p le te ,-b u t one third o f, A nd a f,er p or, Orfor(, development. H e le ft here M onday the amount would ije a ll th at might aa H ie> and i h in k in < (lf lhe WBler. for G old Beach; and w ill return be needed for fifty years. O nehun- grade dow, R(Jgue ( , w < u h a , jka here Wednesday to attend a Ban- dred and fifty thousand dollars is itu d y of Cr.scent C ity , we shall ax q uel tendered him by our Commer appropriated for the work; but our j pecl of tl)e bugines, mPn of Kl>gue ria l C lu b, which he w ill addi W ar Secretaries say th at it is not R iver V alley , a recantation of all principal speaker, and w ill be fol­ enough to begin the Work. ¡misconceived opinions and utter- lowed by M r. M ered ith , and other But, when Capt. Thos. Symonds, #ncei. * members of tbo C lu b. M r. Sayer now Colonel, was on this const, he ' n _ . n _ . _ i u has mode a fine impression upon . . , Port Orford has never tried to made a survey and report for a - , . . . boom for a mushroom grow th. Sbe our people, and is enjoying surpris­ s m .i l .r h .rb o r. Owe was a , (1™ llol de, ire, or expeet to g ro < es wherever he goes, a t the richness sea-wall from iiaveyar« u nit beyond her developments. H er of the varied resources, of Coos and {where the w harf now ia) to erwt y 0Wlb ¡#* hgglthy one, She , abides „hides CurrYi a t tba e x tan t of w hat baa 1 150,000. Alao another tea-well the tim e in patieuce, proud <>Tkar *)ee” d ° n® >D development, an d at from the next 0oint further out, beautiful she, her splendid climate, the infin ite am ount a liil Io ba done. which would be a laiger Sheltered and her matchleaa harbor,— know H e realises the necessity o f r a il­ area, and in deeper w a te r,'to cost ing th at Ifof hour is near, «h en her roads, and harbor im provem ents to 8260,000. The tots) of the two works m erita shall ba known and she shall this Section o f Oregon, aa he never v puld he hut 8400,000, and would : sweep to her destiny among tha be»t bould have realised before his c riti euable several large vessel« tu lie cal exam ination. W s shall oount I cities of the Occident. i secure in any storm. I t is the p u r­ F. A . 8. him as an earnest advocate and pose of our Commercial C lub to u r friend in tha future, and doubt not ganite the Port of Port Orford t o ^ o r t O r f o r d C o m m e r c ia l C lu b . th at much good to ua, shall result include all uf Northern C u riy, and I __ from the report of his experiences. probably 20 miles South of Port Or- The Commercial Club held an im- ford, for the purpose of raising funds , „ ria n t meeting last Wednesday T h e last meeting o f the Port O r­ by bonds tha government to for evening. Communications were ford Comm ercial C lub was the moat nisli thlee limes os much, to build read from Sen. Cham berlain relative im p ortan t one aver bald. B ut o f a ll the sm aller of lhe sew walls da»ig to the Life Saving Station,and from lopica discussed tha one relating to noted. After seeing i t . u tility; Sen. Bourne relative to work on the the organising o f a Port District when completed, we have no doubt harbor. A oommittee was appoint­ hers was tha most enthusiastically that the governm ent would finish ed to arrange to give a Banquet, received. T b a plan is to ta k e ia all the second one, and hasten the con- when M r. James J. Sayer, Field Sec ­ of C u rry C ounty north o f Euchre struct inn o f the m ain Breakwater. retary o f the Oregon Development creek, and bond tha D istrict for the The im pending struggle fo r the ijeague, visits Port Orford. purpose of inducing the government Commerce of the Pacific w ill maks T h e most im p o rtan t work of the to spend the money now appropri | t a neoaasity. m eeting, however, was the u n a n i­ »led for this plaoe, for im proving W e ask our neighbors on the oth mous decision of all present to push tba harbor, according to tba plans er side of our rich mountains to the org an iiatin n of the Port D istrict of Engineer Thos F . Symonds. I t •lu d y the foregoing brief, but salient proposition, which has been freely is planned to hold a rousing meet­ features of Port Orford, and ask diacuseed since the June meeting of ing at Langlois a t the proper lim e, thefii to come, investigate, and be tha Club, and baa been favorably to discuss th e proposition and start fx iin i . :ed. W e are forced toabridge, received ip this com m naity and at Patiliona for tha Special election r e ­ in v for M» say something of Langlois. Tba following co mm it tee quired by o ur Statutes. T his plan |ld tin t R tv x a as a R ailkoao R q u tk was appointed tu taka tha necessary of '‘ helping ourselves” has been sue- 4 -t . The “ Golden M o rirei Discovery" la set a potent meritora o r secret nostra», a foil in t of its inf radicate bated printed an its bottte-vrrapnor and ntteated andar oath. A fianco at there wto th a » that U cotonine an alcnhoi, e r harm­ ful habit-fonateg drafo. M I» I f a i t « tr a c t mad. with e o n , tripl i r i h a i f flyoeriaa, of proper «traoditi, firn» the rants of nativo Aasattaan N .V . iorect phinti. World*« cessfully carried nut at Siuslaw and other Oregon harbors, and lika en­ ergy and foresight w ill succeed at P o rt O rford, and give us the safest and deepest - harbor on tha coast of Oregon. Let ua all take the qui : tion into in te llig e n t consideration, talk it over in a ll its bearings, for i t ia by fhr-the greatest local ques­ tion of a business nature, th at w ill ever come before ua. : I n last week’s issue o f tha Florae L ake Banner, in speaking of the de lay in building the Breakwater a t Port O rford, it says, th a t; “ there would have to be many bugs rocks blasted out.” This is aaid in dens­ est ignorance, or with “ malice afore­ thought,” when tha truth is, that there is not*a single rock to be blast­ ed, nor la sight, along the lin e of tha proposed seawall. W e ask the E d ito r to w ithdraw th a statement, or stand branded aa a falsifier and self convicted enemy o f Port Orford Port O rford needs no Lakeport methods o f advertising. N o tic e fo r P a b U c u tfo a . 06t»l. L j DxrAaniKMT o r m s Isrsaio a, U . 8. Land Offloe at Kooeburg, Oregon. June», t » ll. ‘ M oticb la hereby given that R oacrr S avkmus , of Eckley, Oregon, who, on April 28, 1910, made Homestead entry Serial, No. M191. tor fxAe 1, >, 9 and 4, and NW1 NE1. », Township 38 S., Range 18 West. Willamette M eridian, has filed no« ice' of intentldh to make Final commuiatton Proof, to eatahliah claim to the land above described, be­ fore *J. H. Upton, U . 8. Commia- atoner, at Langlois, Oregon, on the 31 day of Ju ly, 1911. Claim ant names aa witnesses: Gabriel Bak, of rokley, Oregon. Geo. A. T aylor, of Eckley, Oregon. Claude K. Clark, of Eckley, Oregon. Albert Steph, of Eoktey, Oregon. < B bk / amih F. Jossa, Register. o f Ju ly 8th rnys: Even in g Telegram WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF DRESSERS, CWFFOINERS, DINING TABLES, PARLOR TABLES, ROCKING CHAIRS, ARM CHAIRS, RUGS, MATTING, GARDEN IMPLEMENTS, A RANGES, STOVES, HEATERS, CROSSCUT SAWS, HAND­ SAWS SAW SETS, BUILDING PAPER, WIRE FENCING, WIRE STRETCHERS, ETC., ETC. Come in end Look Over our samj^Je books of W ail Paper. WM. GIVINGS. P r o p . To W hom It M ay Concern. ' I , the undersigned, hereby give no­ tice that J have a conveyance from the Patentee to tideUnda and water lota in thb Harbor of Port Orford, Oregon, on a portion of which a p a rt of the w harf is erected without my oonsent. Al parties are hereby warned not to drive piles or taeapaaa in any manner what­ (Cooe B a y N xwx .) soever on aaid tidelands or water lots. Mas. A sma 0. D abv . H e n ry L - Beck haasucceeded Capt. Portland, Oregon. / . M . E llio t t ’ U . 8 . N , as lighthouse • ✓ inspector In this district. Capt. E l ­ Notice for Publication. 0C4S8 lio tt ia now In command o f the DarAnvwsn or van bmatoa, battleship M a ry la n d , o f whieh he U. 8. Latnd Office, at Roseburg, Oregon was form erly kn executive officer. M ay Stth, 1811. Notion ia hereby given that E . DeurYung was badly injured JsrVKOaON C. F bbnch , at SmitW Ifowers, camp No. 7, F r i ­ d ay, by a fallin g enag. U a was ta k ­ of 81xea, Orejón, who, on July 1, 1910, made Timber and Btone application, en to th e M ercy hospital, and ia Mo. W4M, for L o t 3, and 8EJ 8EJ be- g rad u ally im proving. M ik e Lynch, lag the fractional, E f S E I , Section 10, w ho na« injured a t tha same camp Township 33 S , Range 1« W est, W ltl- oa June 27th, died F r id a y .. B is ainetteM artdten. has filed notice of in skull was fractured and be never tontlon to make Final T . & 8. Proof, to oatahlleb Claim to tha land above regained confciousneae. described, before J . H Upton, U. g. F ra n k Saunders and crew lately Goramlarioeer, a t Langlois, Oregon; oompfatedf 'th e survey o f the buy on the 38th day of July, 1911. C laim ant names aa witneosea: from tlie Sm ith m ill to the end of the Ponyr8tough shoal, and left F r i­ Goo. D. Elgin , of Port Orford,Oregon. M ilt 8. Bucher, of Port Orford, Oregon. day for Portland. T h e result o f the Claude Clark, of Eckley, Oregon. survey w ill soon be made public. George Taylor, of Eckley, Oregon. B u u a m ih F . J okxs Jack London, the noted traveler Register. and novelist, ia a t present engaged in w ritin g up the resources and N o tic e l o r P u b lic a t io n . 03906. scenery of northwestern California. I'aeAMTBBST or thb I mtbbiob , H e was d irt at Eureka last week, U. 8. Land Office at Roseburg,Oregon. June 3, 1911. and it was expected th at ha would Notice i« hereby given thafc. come up the coast as far as Crescent E lmw obtu B. H a u l . of Port Orford, Oregon, who, on Feb­ C ity. ruary i t , 1906, mode Homestead en­ ' A num ber of h alib u t were brought try No. iw :t|, Heri«l, No. 0»«0«. for to the E m p ire fish m arket, F rid a y , HE i Sec. 1» Tp. Si 8., K. IS W. W ill­ amette Meridian, hoe filed notice of in­ by Jas. E lle rb y, and w hile cleaning tention to make Final- five year Proof, one of them, Weighing 86 pounds, a to establish claim to the land above described, before J. H . Upton. United sea duck was found in the stomach. States Commissioner, at Langlois. Ore­ Various arllctes that have been gon, on the 34th day of July, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: thrown overboard from vessels have Cyras Madden, of Port Orford, Oregon. frequently been found in tba maws Chas. Zumwalt, of ” ” •* ” " of sen fish he.etofore, but the find Frank P. Oonk.of ” ” ” “ ing of a duck in a h alib u t ia a diffi Ed J. Pickett, of B khjamin F. Joans, oult oonuodmm for fishermen to Register. . solve. T h e Portland The Place to Buy your Furniture Timber Claims. ABES S. JOHNSTON (Successor to N. C. Nielson.) : G E * E H A I /M E R C H A N T , i ^ r P o r t Orford, O r r v ^ NEW GOODS, and fn i r j s G R O C E R IE S and P R O V IS IO N S , E 0 O T 8 and f f i t K M E N S and B O Y 8 , C L O T H IN G , •j- L A D IE b ’ DRESS G OO DS, H A R D W A R E , G R A N IT E snd T IN W A R E . C IG A R S ,T O B A C C O , P IP E S C A N D Y , N U T S snd N O T IO N S . ‘ In fact, a supply of everything usually kept in a well stocked General Merchandise Store. ORDERS T A K E R k OR AMY A R T IC L E ROT IX STOCK. Call and examine goods and get prices. * OfariWWÎl ■ràtei JOHN R, MILLER, GENERAL MERCHANT, Have you any to offer, or do you Tha annoojiqeaMnl in yeeterday’a know of anyone who has? I deaira Telegram , that the H i l l interests O'' M .......7“ ........ to purchase. Angus G. M ackay, Were getting ready "to push to com­ Real Esthts Agent, Port H u ro n , pletion their electric feeder lines in M ichigan. o, this territo ry, at a coat ot about 86,000,000, covered only a part of F O B SALB. the Oomprehanai va plans th at the railroad systems have in m ind for One De U v » l Separator No. SB. one development in thia territory. Diabrow Combined churn and worker, These projects have a ll been dis- one 16 inch praliie Queen breaking I t shall be m y purpose to keep a fu ll stock o f ev eryth in g reqnirad by th« tuaaed by railroad chiefs, and the plow, one good Baggy. For particu­ lars write bead o f the big contracting firms, trade in the line o f J. M . Langlois, and the buainesa of w hip pin g the Langlois, Oregon. G R O C E R IE S and P R O V IS IO N S , necessary equipment in to shape for active work