The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19??, July 12, 1911, Image 4

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A representative in this
couply by a large real estate
corporation. Special induce­
ments to those who wish to
become financially interested..
The Real Estate Security Co
B u t u r y M allo«».
v«w Dearborn Bldg. CHICAGO, III
* fia«- *E-
K n ow ing w hat it wan to » a f­
ter, I w ill g ive F R E E O F
C H A R O K , to any att!T--tod a positive
core for Ecaemn, Halt Mftenm, E>yal pe­
ls», Pilea au<i H k lu Dte»uaea. In a ta n t
Jeiief. D o n ’t suffer longer. W rite F.
W . W u iiiM « , « I« M a n h a tta n A te r a v .
New Y ork. Encioae Stamp.
The Savage Automatic smothers every adversary, in
the rapidity of its fire. Vr’hen the occasion comes you have
ready the quickest, handiest and most accurate ana made.
Give yourself every possible advantage. 11 means life o£
death. That is why yoy will discard your revolver when
you see the Savage.
Features w hich w ill Appeal to
The O bmuom D a il y J o d b x a l i t ihe leading Demoeratic newspaper of
Oregon,Issued at Portland. ,
Hats and Caps,
Oil Clothing,
Boots and Shoes.
The managersalso ¡satis a S k u i - W kicbly , which is especially adapted
for people who do not care for a D a ily , hot want a good fam ily paper.,
T h -
TEÑ SHOT& Double Ihe number contained in an oidi-
naxv revolver and two more than other automatics.
GROCERIES, The Best, Only,
Any o f these paper* ran be bad in oomMnalion with the P O R T OR
F O R D T R I B U T O , at the following rate»:
ACCURACY: The pistol is so constructed that all powder Daily and Tribune - - - -
gases are utilized, insuring extreme accuracy, as well
D aily Sunday and Tribune
as freedom from fouling.
SIMPLICITY: Fewer parts than any other automatic pis­
8emi Weekv and Tribune
tol. Completely dismounted by hand without the
aid „ of I t tools. No screws to work loose.
SAFETY: Breech positively and automatically locked,
during the time of discharge. Cannot be fired un­
less the triggei is pulled. When the safety ia on
neither force nor folly can discharge it.
BALANCE: Perfectly balanced. Center of gravity well
to the rear. Lies naturally in the hand. Will uot
flinch on the trigger pull. The only automaticwhich
locks at the breech while the bullet traverses the barrel
I .axative
Rrom o Quinine
Cores a Cold in One Day, Grip in Two,
pósito U . S . P a te n t O ff
W A S H IN G T O N ■ D . C .
Have you ever
seen a Sunset?
A beautifully i l l u s t r a t e d
m onthly magazine of the w ide­
aw ake W e s t w ith fascinating
«hurt Horias. picturesque peraonal
p o tat-vf-vtrw datcriptwn o f the
interesting development o f ihe
W est, «ad the romance and hi»-
tory of the wonderland of the
Ask your local newsdealer
for currant issue or sand $1.50
foryear’s subscription. T h e book,
"R o ad of a Thousand Wonder».
— 120 beautiful W estern views ia
four c o lo n -w ill bo iodnded—
U T IC A , N E W Y O H K
D eafness C annot 6ê Cared
Too much housework wrecks wo­
men’» nerve.. And the constant
care of children, day and night, ia
often too trying*for even a strong
woman. A haggard face lo ll, the
atoryof the overworked hourewtto
sad mother. Deranged metises,
leacorrho;» hnd failing of -the
womb result from overwork.
Every housewife needs a remedy
te regnlats her menses and to
keep her sensitive female organs
in perfect condition.
M A • R IN - E IN ... SU R A N C E • COM PANY
- •
o f C a lifo rn ia .
Abreys Remember the Fall Name
WEIGHT: 19 oz. including magazine. Length over all
GJ inches. Price F15. Any wide-awake dealer will
show you tlris miniature rapid fire gun. If* he will
pot supply you, kindly advise us and we will send it
* M |jtáí¡¡^
»X local aprUrsMoaa. u U M J « « » M l «earh the
aiMMUcd portion of the ear. Th«ro l « « l , o n .
way tu c u r . <laafne«.. m d th a t I ■ by ro a itltu -
rsmwHci. De*fne«a ia rauasil by a . la-
Bamed eondltlaa at the m oron, lin in g ol tbs
Austarhlau Tub*. When Ih la ta b . te Inflamed
you bare a rum bling «ound or Im p r r lw t hear
Ing. au-1 when U ie entirely rlosed. dsafBMS la
the assail and nnleaa l b . In flam allon can ba
tabaa out and tbla tuba raetorud to Ha normal
condition, te a rin g w ill ba destroysd lo r . r a n
alas eaasa out ol tea are eauaaS by C a te n a
which la nothing but an Inflamed cond itio n ol
the macona anrlaaoa.
We w ilt gl»» One Hundred P o lla n Mir any
rare o( 1 tea In err (canard by catarrh) that can
not bo cured by H a ifa C atarrh C u n . fland lor
« Irru ía n (ms. F. J . CHBJIMY A Co., Tolad
Sold by lavaggista. Ills
Take H all'« F a m ily F ilía lo » conati pation
to a
The Best to be hod in
Curry County, a t reason
P o rtla n d , Ora.
See er Address D .0 . NEWTON,
Ba rah Held, Oregon
Bill Heads,
Letter Heads,
Legal Blanks,
Any Thing,
l 'lu - t r - , i-m. w ith Silt
d a r i p lo a o f t h i s
hnndbo -n« M w gu«.
frew o n roqooot or
W’ft li c o m nloto l » f > a < «
«w talog fe r S s ta m p o .
ÌV p-to date Work Done
• on Short Notice-
Satisdación Ouaraneed
C R C A T record ©.’ cares, «.no-
quui^d in medical history, prove»
Hoods S a rtxp aril'a pc aegaaca m erit nn-
kuow n to any other M K D I C I M B .
I t lo a n » saipa.
T h e undersigned hereby give notice
that they are the ow ner* of the South
h alf of Section lfi, Tow nship t h ir t y
three. South ran ge fourteen W e s t of
W illam ette m eridian, Oregon. A ll par-
ties are warned not to trespass upon
make any locations, e ith e r placer
q uarts claim » at th e ir p e r il
D. K t u u m )
J . H . Mc'Arac.
AaU Fela 1'Ula.
!" T h' E ven lB lr T eJe<r»m , of P o rt.
¡land, Oregon. I t ia th e larg est ee-
fenfng newspaper published la O re­
gon; it contains a ll the news of the
and o» the n a tio n . T r y 11 for a
m oflth. A sam ple copy w ill be m a il­
ed to von free. Ad d reg.
Sctcnflfic PûFBCM
Si.»« A* MMOMk
N rrta a ia or r t f ': I t „ 4 , - t , M «W1
gu tekly to Ib a Influm c» O t BngL
Month 5 O C j ,o„thr
I .m as glad that year W ise o l Oardal
to haiplug mo. I am feeling bettor than
1 have fe lt for year*. I am doing my
•w a work w.thowt aay help, and I
washed last week and wae not one bit
tired. That ah we that the W ine to
doing me good. I am f«4ting flo«htor
th a a I ever wae before, end bleep good
ar.d eat hearty. Before I negao taking
Wine of Oarrfut, I need to have to toy
dewto I r e or elx tim e* every day, bait
new 1 do not think of l v ' ng down through
the day-
Wna. K j c w a b b Jonaa.
A b in ARS TOOL'
a r » u i . m am. u. i*.
all f o i'
P O E T I A N D , O B.
is doing thia for thousands of
Americas women to-day. I t cured
U n . Jones and that la why aba
w rit«, thia frank le tte r: •
I fbr ie C N H la stamp«.
T oo can h ave i t
In connection with
Notice is hereby given to a ll persons
whom It may concarn, not to enter up­
on or trespass upon the premises of B li
Bagley, for the purpose of hunting, nr
flahinu-anUi book and line. Said p re­
mises are situated on E lk R iver, Curry
C e a n ty , Oregon, sad described as fol­
lows ; The West h alf of Section tw en­
ty seven, Township th irty tw o Bomb,
Range fifteen West.
Any person o r parse» a ao irnepaaa-
ng for the purpose of b u n tin g , fishing,
or traveling through in an y shape form
or m anner, or tearing down fence., or
leaving out
gates open, o r molest­
ing personal property, w ill be prosecu­
ted to the (a ll extent o f the law.
W m . R , Johnson,
Learae of the above
described promisee
N O T IC E .
Notice is I a.’eby given th a t I have
been appointed agent to look a fte r the
E . W . Jensen property, situated on the
“ H eads” at P o rt O rfo rd , Oregon. A ll
persons caught trespassing ia tha dwel­
ling house w ill be prosecuted to the
f a ll extent o t the law.
P. J . U W D B F .R O .
U C O -C