Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1911)
Curry County Abstract RealtjSìompany Town and Coauty. Salmon berries are now ia their Leland Wbito killed a panther on Mies Mamie and John Masterson ---------- , prime, and are plentiful. With bis father’s sheep ranoh last week who have been attending school at Newt and Ed Divilbiss ware in crearo and sugar they are superior that measured 9 J feet. , Portland arrived home on jester : rlav’a at«ttA town Saturday w ith their team aft- Io »11 oilier»— and they always make day’s stage. B 6 ft C h , O T 6 O n er »up pi in. The Randolph arrived yesterday ' us think of YumI Yum! Father Kereney of the Catholic' A. A Jamieson waa io from £ixas from Coos B a y , and is unloading at; The hundredth anniversary of i having an abstract the first settlement of whites i n ' that your certificato reads right. “A Chuieli was in town Monday, on river .Thursday, and says that good the wharf this morning. Mrs. Anna what Is now the stale of Washing-1 ! Gauntlett of Seattle and Jaa. Cuugh eaWful search of the records by rrfeV- h f t way to Rogue river. I progress is made on the wagon road | ell of O. A. C. came down on her, ton, will be obsei ved at old Fort soes to the indexes therto'' is not a Okanogan, on July 3. This event is' mil! blew it» first up the river as tar as Edson. creek. and will go to Gold Bench. The shingle ahingle mill gaol certillcato. The certificate should He reports (hat ‘'Dad’’ Corbin did of considerable interest to the en llie mean'Something, unless it can be relied whialleyerterdsy at noon. It means That Johuson out shone the King Northwest. The ceremonies will he upon it is of no value. welt mining on bii^ lower bar last business, and sounded good. winter averaging eight dollars a day in London everybody admits, but held at the point where the Okas George Dunn was in Port Orford nobody claim s that the “ahine” waa ogan empties into the Columbia. yesterday; having come upon a v is it ! W ill Anderson came over from the same. People could toll the This settlement was raado by fur „ATTORNEY aim COUNSELLOR to h>s aunt, Mrs. Milbury of the North Bend Monday morning and difference, though color blind, if hunters in the interests of the U nit proceeded to Bandon by the Queen they had common scents. â AT LAW Foresters. ed State« and was one of the claim s en route to Langlois and Port Or The Elk river boys and the sec ford. on which the wholu Pacific North JPO BT O K K O U U , OUKÜÜX He carried Ilia violin with- D eath. west came under the stars anil ond team of Dairyvilte crossed bats him and expeeta to do some play last Bunday at D airyvill^ the lat stripes. The com m ercial‘''clu b nt ing while he visits his old borne and J D LOUCKS E J LONEY Mrs. Catherine Gibson Goaney Okanogan ia responsible for the ter winning by a score o i 14 m l 1. friends in Curry county. Maury Public , was born hi the year 1834, at Mans celebration, in which many notable Mitchell the Drummer, who came Will Fleming and wife o f Crescent field, Ohio. In her nineteenth year people will participate, Fire and Life Insurance, coaet ^ro,n ‘***n FraneMfco,-to City came op on the Randolph, ex she was married to James A. Gibson, resent the Beat and Most Reliable ° p Coos Bay in an auto, passed through peeling to land nt Rogue river, but it with whom she moved to Tilla Companies. Corvallis, Ore., - June i7-—The Port Orford, Wednesday on h is /»• was so rough n't sea that the schoon mook county, Oregon, in 187» .re graduates this year at O. X C. in P o r t O r f o r d , O r**|gon turn. H e 'is a skilful and'coura er eame on to Port Orford. Both siding there on tlieir homestead un cluded men and women from geous chauffeur. Mr. and Mrs. Fleming were sick at til after her husbands death in 1890, states and 1 foreign country. India J. H U N T L E Y , A «n a il gasoline boat, without a sea, and were glad to land. They when she moved to TiBamdok City, was represented by 1 student, Ore A T T O K N E Y A T L A W . mast, and supposed to be .Henry went down to Rogue river by stage, where she lived alone for a few years, gon by 106, Alaska by 2, California Colvin’s, anchored in our' bay Sab Saturday. und from there she went to Baker! QOLD BEACH, OREOON. Wisconsin 2, W ashington 8, urday, a short time, and then werft The Randolph arrived hpreErlday City »here she met and married South Dakota and Indiana 1 each, G u a ra n te ed A batractn o f R ea l on, up the coast. We douH kuoSt morning direct from Eureka and Luther Goaney, five years ago. Mrs. Oklahoma 1, A risons 1, Iowa l.a n d ~~ P ro p erty Furutabed. who was on her. New Goods and Fresh Supplies will be re Crescent City. Since she left here Goaney came to Denmark to live Colorado 1. The 49 officers for next Thirty years practice In the County, Marsh and Boice, came up with she has been to Rogue river, whence with her daughter, Mrs. Bertha years regiment include representa ceived by every Steamer. the road scraper and six horse team she ran to Klamath, and Eureka, Nodioe, in September 1910, where tives of 7 states— Pennsylvania, In ’" t.. Saturday having finished the road and thence to Smith River, Cal., she resided at the time of her death. diana, Idaho, Michigan, Oregon, W. A. WOOD It shall be our purpose to keep a Full Stock work south of hero. l'bey will re and back (o Eureka. She will go Deceased leaves to mourn her loss, Washington and California. of Groceries and Provisions, Boots and Shoes, A T r iiK X K Y A T LAW pair the roads north of here. Ray hence to the Coquille and Cooa Ba J, two daughters, Mrs. Olive Cates of Baker City, Ore , and Mrs. Bertha Alena’ and Boys’ Clothing, Ladies Dress mond Capps is helpiug them, as util and immediately return. SOLD BEACH, OREGON. The largest class' ever graduated Nodine of Denmark, besides six from the University of Washington ity man, Goods. Hardware, Granite and Tinware, Ci Mitchell’s auLr threw off on him grandchild ret) anil four great grand ha,s just gone forth into the world. - E lvin Miller and 'w ile passed gars» Tobaeco and Pipes, Candy, Nuts and when he reached Port Orford on' L. A. ROBERTS, children- Death was dye to a oom Sheepskins were awarded to 211 through Port Orford last week, on his return down the coast; but after Notions, Rolled Barley» Grass Seed and Seed A .T T O H P 4 K Y A T IL A W plication of diseases, also old age, students. This Is 24 more than their way to Coquille to have their taking it to pieces, and after study Grain. beirfg 77 years, 8 months and 28 completed the four year course in tie P e in t, Oregon. little daughter treated fora crippled ing its anatomy, and by two days „days. She passed away June 20th, 1910, end gives some idea of the in- leg, caused by Infantile Paralysis- of brain wracking ingenuity and at 7:16 A. M., and was' laid to rest stilution’s growth. Orders taken for anything not rh stock. . Al Scholarship Few Doctors are prepared to treat hard work, be made it go again, Probate business a specialty. tbs following afternoon at 2 o'clock prises aggregating 82,600 were dis so orders taken for Mens' Tailor made suits such eaten, and some lim es they are and he whissed out of here late Fri in the Denmark Cemetery, after * tributed among a score of young from the best Tailors in Chicago. incurable by any known treatin ent. day, declaring he would reach Pis GEORGE M. BROWN, short song service. Her second hus men and women. The highest hon Sunday night, and until noon tol river that night or boat. band died March 16th of this year. ora were awarded to Miss Dorothy A T T O R N E Y A X lu tW W hile driving an old family Monday, we had a warm rain, C. Mason, who lea ves the university a ROSEBURO OREGON which is greatly needed. For forty horse in a lop buggy last Thursday O bituary. with “magus, cum laude,” meaning years ft has raihod between the 20 ( near Knapp’s hotel Mrs. Charles P rop. “ with great praise.’’ In the fifty and 80 day of June, two or three j Forty attempted to drive past „ Dian, at her home at Denmark, years of the university’s existence, J. J. STANLEY leaning Ore., on*8unday, June 18,1911; Lu times but a sprinkle, but often k motorcycle which w o Miss Mason it the fourth graduate long, heavy, downpourtnjuring hay, against a bank, when liar horse took cy N. Hedges, aged 64 years. . Lawyer, to receive this distinction. which it ia not safe to cut until a f fright at the machine and ran away, Lucy N Flagg was born in Plain capsising the buggy and throwing field, III., Jan. 1847,— the youngest ' ter July 4th. June 21, 1911.— Seattle—That COQUILLE, OREGON Mrs. Forty out, but not seriously of a family o f eleven children. Wilson sud Forty ran down to tbe government means business in hurting her. The top, seat, shafts In looking-bver an old scrap book settling the controversies, with re Rogue river reef last Saturday, hav- and harness were demolished, but ' o f fam ily history, I find many in ci lu g nil ideal day, with ocean smooth gard to the Alaska coal fields is in the buggy-body luckily escaped. dents in her life’s history worthy dicated by tbe fact that a small ar a* a skating rink, and killed 54 bull Louis K napp , Pres. ■ J. D L oucks , Cashier, Thirty-six new mem tiers were of mention. Her father and moth my o f speoial agents haa been in fort Orford, Oregon, ssa-lip«e,-«nd got back to Port Or C. W. Z u W walt , V. Pres. E. J. L oney , Asst Cash. ford about midnight. The d a y * elected utftVe annual meeting of llie er, Reuben E. and Betsy Flagg, ein- Seattle for some time, gathering in ÍN A P P P r o p r i« to killing ia the biggest of this season, P!°neer Asstmiaiion of the State o f igfated from New Hampshire to Will F obt . M c K enzie , Director. - ✓ formation. The most of them will and will net them over four hundred i Washington, recently held in Seattle county, 111., In 1830, which at Dipt go North next month, to gather io Pirst-clas. in every reaped. J. W. M c K enzto , F In the new Denny H ell on Lake time was a comparatively unknown formation. Secretory of the Interior dollars. G o jd Fend Stable attachd. Washington. The attendance was and unsettled region. At Ibat time Fisher b as/aid that the matter will J. II. James of Coqnille, formerly large and many historically inter there were, but fo u r. families in not be held up any lodger than ia Populist Assessor of Coos county, esting events were recounted. The We run the Stage from Port Orford Plainfield, and Chicago, 36 miles absolutely necessary. Alaskane all tria Dairyviile, connecting with the is visiting Jiis son's family at Port officera were re-elected, including F. distant, was only a settlement of a 13 j A IN K O F P O R T O R F O B B want something done. If fraud is * e *• Orford Mr- James is an hilelligent H. Winslow, president, and Edgar Btogejt i Myrtle Point. few log huts. The timber for the in connection with any oonl filings and vigorous man, of wide experi Bryan, secretary. YOUR-BANKING BUSINESS SOLICITED Many of the first frame house in Chicago ' was ■ they want it wiped out; but those ence, and of indejiendenl, original pioneers amused themselves talking sowed at Plainfield and hauled to i that hre regular, they say, should thought, and a most entertaiuing the old Chinook jargon. I f was a;i conversationalist. We received a occasion for general felioitaliona ov Chicago by her father, which fact ia I be passed to patent. Should the mentioned in the early history of coal lands be opened,' the Copper pleasant call from him, and thresh er the wonderful development of the Illinois; also that the first dressed , River «ft Northwestern Raj I road is PO RT ORFORD. N O B A N K W IL L H A N D L E ed over the old Populist battles in state, since the early days. hogs offered in the Chicago market ready,to embark upon large im- ____0 REQON YO U H B U 8 IN E 8 8 B E TTE R were brought there by her father in proveniente and important exlen G. R. Graham, wife and son, of A storia’s Centennial. 1833, who had come into town to sions. — :------- San Jose, who have spent a year attend a conference of the Metho B E E C IIE K J E N S lour’ng the Klamath country, with The Astoria Centennial Célébra dist church. P o r t O r f o r d , O r e g o n a team and camping outfit, and (Coos B av N ews .) lion will open Aug. lOtli, and last In 1832 was the memorable Black spent the winter in Eugene, arrived until Sept. 9th. An extensive Pro Hawk war. The little settlement at Hugh M. Coke, who ha* resided Wood and Iron Work promptly here Sunday, having come in via gram has been («sued for each day Plainfield hastily erected a stookade, in Honolulu for several years, but done at moderate priées, (live n-e Roseburg. They will go on leisure and night, and Ihe displays by land called Fort Bigg, for their protection • trial before going elsewhere. ly down the coast looking for a lo and water will alone repay the and defense. It was there her moth jrho now resides at Berkley, Cal., is cation that suits them. They are thousands of visitors for their con er showed the true courage and good here visiting relatives. J. U . UPTON, enjoying their sensible health g iv tinuousattendance. Many Govern judgment the women of that day The dredge Oregon commenced ing trip, and whether they find a ors and em inent men will be there» often exhibited, which saved the work on the shoal near Bandon U 4» . C O M M I S S I O N E R , place or not, they will always talk and the Navy will be in spectacu lives of the little band. last Friday, and is making rapid over their varied experiences w’th lar array, while all kinds of boat . - NOTARY PUBLIC, Bamantha E. Flagg, her oldest headway. It is thought that tbe pleasure, and benefit others by the races on the Columbia wiH surpass sister, was the first white cbTld born shoals in the river will be dre dged L àmolois , C umby Co., O bboom . knowledge gained. by the end of August^tnd the Ore any the world has ever ditnegsed. in Wilt county, III. What ia probably the most im The founding of Astoria, took Ore Mrs. Hedges being (he last of Ibis gon is expected to return to Cooa ' portant business change in the h is gon, Washington and Idaho from noted family, leaves no near rela Bay about September 1st. tory of Douglas county occurred Fri the dutches of England, aDd the lives to mourn her I om . ; Governor West issued a proolama day when tbe First National and Northwest will oelebrate the event Mr. and Mrs. Hedge* came here lion on the 16th, sellin g aside all the Douglas National Bank, two of in a manner worthy the great from Vancouver, Wash., last No (he state lands in Oregon as game the oldest banking institutions in achievement. The Programe can be veraber, thinking pci hap* a change refuges. There are in all about Repairing Watches aud-Jewelrj the southern part of the state, con seen in the T ribune office. of clim ate would benefit her health. J 3000 acres of this land. Game birds specialty. A1I work guaranteed. solidated. The capital is 1150,000, bhg felt much better for some time ¡of all kinds will hereafter have a Orders taken for Watehea and Fancy L , ... ... J e X - Work turned out on short and resource. . million dollars, T - W e d at Bandon. and waa greatly encouraged. 31 r. haven of rest, when pursued by re R. Sheridan, son in-law of the late Hedges engaged in the mercantile lentless hunters, ¡if tracts of state notice. P. Flanagan of Empire, haa been Miss Ines Jenkins stole a march buiineva nA Denmark, but the de land wherever located. In season • Call on me at L anolou , O sxoon . President of the First National for on her friends last weet and was cline of hw health, soon forced them and out of season no hunting will be E L L IO T T 26 years, d e itin g to devote his time,1 married to Mr. Bennett, chief oper to retire to their ranch near here,¡allowed on these land«. to his private business, steps down, ator at tbe Cape Blanco Wireless- where Mr. Hedges was in constant The movement organised for (lie and J. H. Booth becomes President Station. W . JT . S A B I N attendance at her bedside to the last. recall of Judge J. 8 . Coke, of this Mise Jenkins was night operator Mrs. Hedges bore berillnc«* with (Suoesaor to ▲. B. S abiw ) Jg,' ; of the new organisation. district, ie to be regretted. It is The busiest place in town is at the Bandon telephone station. marked fortitude, cheerful and hope founded purely on spite, because Her only sorrow Beecher Jess’s blacksmith shop. He Many messages were taken up at ful to the last. hrs instructions in the McClallen I not only has a large supply of nfta the naval wireless stat|on,and sent was in leaving her dear husband Spring Hats. " murder case at Roseburg did not Retaining- her faculties to . terials for wagon making-but he has by telephone Io Bandon for trfcns- alone. suit the enemies of the defendant, You will find a nice lot of new spring a shop full of fine buggies and a mission, and it was frequent that tbe last, her last blessings were for although to an outsider they seemed For the artxwnmodatlon of Rioee <te- hats at Mrs. M. A. Nielsens. Anything not in stock, will hack, and agricultural im plem ents the Bandon night hello girl had ue- him. She died as she had lived, a b . i . ™ . j -u h .b . u . i { E s , * i s ku * a r ,hi r s J U s Pert Orford, Oregon. of many kinds and what he hasn t ew ion to talk to the wireless nfan. devoted member of the Unlver-ajitt ing such cases. be pleased tc order Judge Coke has Jersey bu 1 Into town. The animal got he promptly orders for bis ous- A love affair over the telephone, an church and in the full belief of a ■ rliown b n w n h i t n . . l f in a l l r e a n e r t a an able ,1A8 a’wava been gentle, but ita owner inmseit in all respects an ante waiw> „ j g.rvlcea»l, Re pairing N catly D one No More Cedar to Spare. 1 turners—all »4 reasonable prices. engagement and the marriage fol glorious ressurectiou. and upright jurist—a man eminent A F riemh . B i i n d o n . O l * © | g o n 1 Hi# husinees has grown so be will lowed. - ly qualified for tbe bench.— Eugene I must hatband my timber to re Im m ediately after tbe marriage, ------------- 1 - | at oooe build a store room, and haa Guard. — place fences and buildings en Ik« W vow tr la ■ * » • « is» »«. secured Clarence W right as a oon Mr. and lire. Bennett departed for Gwuaroto f'a a d r Cathartic, tbe noet woo- farm, therefor» I mast not spare as v O m a blood arta» , a etaaa e k ih - M s Beecher is alway po Cape Blanoo, and we understand »ertili tn-dicol «isnoserv Of tbe aga, p'ea. OMutv witkoot it. CiuwartW. Candy Ib th a r stant helper. ant and r r t m h m c tc the Male, act fa o tiy more m ot eedsr. Please do no* ask f<ry it H. T. 8TE W A R T tie clean >v«r Wood a id U e u will move to Florida to make their lite, whistles when he werks. and no pnsiUvrly O« ktdLsya. Uvee and boweto, -rj^, There will lie a mee' ing of the Lo-tiea sti-ring op p the laay liver and d riv in g a lit a - aal.« ih . enure »• •u-w. dl»,- I .olito 1 w green tree* will grow and th . d— J home where Mr. Bennett has quite P ig ia to-day to mailer if a bungbole is brought to p u n t i* IH NOTARY PUBLIC of Port Orford and vti-inity, Thursday . care heaeaaM, fever, bastami eaaaäimttea one« will keep. blackboada ; banish . and wuo,i«ne... Please buy an t bias to be made into a barrel, he extensive property interests.—-Coot I afternoon at S: 10, at this church. Ail . II. U rros, , oi O. □. O 'o-dav; ie, » , T“ ------ I «nvitod. IMPORTANT. Bey Times. to vus« sg « druggist«. Langlois. Or., A»guu 27, li l t ) P o rt O rfb r, O rc fro s s , al ways smile*. • CELEBRATE At Port Orford July 4th, 1911 G old Foot racing Horse racing Baseball W. H. MEREDITH Pole vaulting Shot put High jumping Sports of all kinds. Speaking, singing, and a Picnic Dinner. Everybody Invited. r, DENMARK .MERCANTILE CO Jas S, Capps, ^ C om e In and see us and get Prices.^ K NA PP HOTEL, Black W ATCHM AKER WM, All Kinds of H a n s » and SadHtlry Notice. Æ » S'T- ? . s - > * \