-- / I . Curry County Abstract jljalty Company. Tow n and C o n a tj. | I M ore big robberies o f safaa, U ain a,! ■ . .. • í r-t-r- J ERE- a i - ¿ _ _ iï‘ Celebrate a t Port Orford, the only and bold upe oa June 17th, than on ; P * * » '□ C a rry county th a t w ill ob ■- . '--■ -■ ___ .... Thsre w ill be nothing doing here in the way o f celebrating the 4th of J u ly . JtJooke lik e the people of this section are getting too u n p alri- 1 DENM ARK John h . S u m w alt, « h o has s|ieat « V other date of the year. P « r-!*" fVe **»a N atio n ’s birthday, the lest year in Jackson and Joes- ;'M pe the robbers were uelebratiug ■ G o ld R e s e l i , O r e o n phine, was in tbwn Monday, having the battle of Bunker H ill. otic to observe the N atio n al h o lid a y ,' (H akbob N ews .) When having an abstract made see Eo?k.d° ’ “ K08“ e r iY e r v i‘ W M ‘ ' B obn , to the « i f . of Georg. It being about 7 years since there that your certificate reads right. "A was a | t h of J u ly oelebration here, ’fidlfar EIBUMEj Q uigley in P o rt Orford, Ora., June careful search of the records by rsfer- W ill E. Durigan of M arshfield, * 0 ‘ b, 1911, a son— wife and Ktfcy I suppose that you have begun ’to M r«, W m . C lark, of the N o rth •nce to the indexes therto” is not a N s » Goods and Fresh S up plies » ill be re- food eertifleate. The certificate should r« P « *e'>ting ■’ H . Newbauer, and j doing w ell, and George w ill s u rriv e. th in k after not hearing from us for F o rk , gave an entertaiossent last t^ « ^ i n g . Unless U can he relfod J *“ 1* Flanagan were in town W ed W e congratulate the happy pair. oeived by every Steamer. so long a tim e that we had forsaken Sunday in the hue of p feast for the upon it la o f no valqg, n e s d a y nig h t, having came down you. benefit of tbe old bachelors, grass Dave Carey end wife, attended the front Bandon in a buggy, end re There ie not much news down widowers and old maids of the funeral of th e ir nephew, W in n ie It sh all be our purpose to keep a F u ll Stock w . H . M ER ED IT H turned next day. The people.have talked neighborhood. Mrs. C la rk is so well Marsters, a t Gold Beach, and passed this w ay. o f Groceries and Provisions, Boots Ind Shoes, A TTO R N E Y amo CU UM UK IJ , OR C. 11. Dooaca'm ade us a pall S at through here on their return F r i W ooley Port boom, and Floras lake and favorably known in this and Mens* and B oys’ C loth in g, Ladies Dress A T LAW urday, H e has sold out his proper day evening. boom and m ining booms un^il the Dei N orte couutiee for getting up G oods. Hardware, G ranite and Tinware, Ci» ty in Bandon, and after a vis it to atory has become threadbare. And good dinners th a t any comment on L a Folletie is out to fight T a ft P O R T O R F O U O , ()« K O O N gars, Tobacco and Pipes, Candy, N u ts and her culinary ab ility is unnecessary, Bogue river, w ill go fa Portland to ■ i t seems th a t the railroad spouliags for tbe Republican nom ination fur the table being loaded to kv fu ll N otions, Boiled Barley, G rass Seed and Seed through the newspapers are gradu eee a sister who wants h im to make the Presidency. Tbe slogan is; “ Lb / D LOUCKS E J L O N E Y his home w ith her. capacity w ith good things includ ally aubeiding. Grain. Foilette, and victory, .o r T a ft, and H q U q Public ing strawberries and cream and olh John Brookings and wife, o f the \\ a lio n M ille r and wife were out defeat.” T h e Democrats w ilt ra lly er luxuries too numerous to m en Fire and Life Inaursnee. We rep- riding in th eir new top buggy Sun to W ilson, H a rm o n or F o lk . 1 Brookings Lum ber Co., who have Orders taken for a n yth in g not in stock. A l tion. A fte r partaking qf the boun resent the Beet and Most Reliable d ay, and w epLout to Chas F o rty’s been spending a few days w ith us so orders taken for Mens' Tailor made su its tifu l repast, the guests then depart A rth u r Meyers, who came here companies. place on E l k ’ river. They started departed for tb e^io rth last Bunday. from the best Tailork In Chicago. > ed fur their various homes tm ilin g , from Portland, and is m in in g w ith D u rin g M r. Brookings short etay down Tuesday to vU.il th eir re r ® r t O i-fb rtl, Oi*««go|) end the bachelors and grass-widow M r. M artin on E lk riv e r had the w ith ua we were unable to learn a t spective parents on Cedar Fork. ers doubtless im ag inin g they were m isfortune,to fa ll end„ break his to hie plana in starting business in several years younger. As to the J. H U N T L E Y , • Charles Bailey passed through collar-bone last Tuesday. Dr. Lowe this place, but it is hoped th at (he > T T O K N E Y A .T L A W . town S aturday w ith 48 head of of D a iry villa was called to treat Com pany w ill start the wheels ot old m aid s, there were none present. blooded sheep, which he purchased him. ' * • . O ccasional . G O L D BEA CH, OKEOON. busiuess m oving in the near future. in Y a m h ill county, for himself and Mr. C lark, who owns the Jo Ney But when th at w ilt'Be ie a m atter o f G u a ra n te e d A b s tr a c ts o f R e a l neighbors. Charley has taken more ranch ou E lk river went out to P o rt O rfo rd W ill C elebrate. conjecture. The only way to find P r o p e r t y P u ru la b e d . paips to im prove his sheep than Roseburg last week, and bruught out is to w ait and see. T h e meeting called for Thursday any otheT large fiuckowner in the bis fam ily boek with h im , where T h irty years practice In the County. A. J . Marsh of Norlhen C u rry . , evening June 15th by IbeCqm m iliee « ------ ¿ — J----------------------- ------------------ county. they are enjoying life in our cool who has been in thia vicin ity for a from the Commercial C lub far the beautiful - The famous Draper bloodhounds, clim ate, a n d .J t) th eir few days, returned up the coast purpose o f discussing the question W. A . WOOD have been brought to Portland to home. Thursday, takin g with him the coun of holding a F ou rth of Ju ly celebra L ouis K napp , Pres. J . D L oucks , Caahier. A Ç fO ttX K Y A T L A W run down the m urderer of tbe H i l l D . R. H u rlb u rt and w ife, W alter ty road scraper. tion waa largely attended. I t was C. W. Z umwalt , V. Pres. E. J. L oney , A w t Cash fam ily. T hey have run down more B. H u rlb u rt and E lm e r H u rlb u rt, ”, HO LD BEA CH. OREGON. G . 8 . W ilson, accompanied by bis decided to hold a local oelebration desperate crim inals than any pair of Castle Rock, W ash., have spent K obt . M c K enzie , Director. o f bloodhounds in the world, and a few days camping at Port Orford. father, returned from an p u lin g to in a beflutag manner and to in v ite . L. A . R O B E R T S , J. M c K enzic , ” have successfully followed tracks T hey desire to find a location some Bawsley Butte lest Thursday. M r, our country neighbor«. Tbe follow W ileon w hile out looking after his ing committees were named: 4 T T O H P Í E Y A T J L A .W . four days old.'- where in our mountains where they CoMMITTKK o r AKRANaXMENTB. stock came aoroaa a doe deer th at M y r t l e P o in t , O re g o n . The Randolph, gn w . are inform oan prospect end trap for fur bear W . H . M eredith, M . T . W right,. bad been shot reoently and lying ed, left Rogue river, last week for in g animals. near by was a young fawp io a starv E . J. Louey, H . T . Stew art and J. It. K la m a th river, where she w jll load Probata business a specialty. T h e School Meeting at P o rt O r ing condition. I n order to save its M ille r. with salmon for E ureka. Tbe Ran ford was a quiet one, w ith rather a life , he brought the little thing A thletic C ommittee . Y O U R B A N K IN G B U 8IN K 88 SO LICITED ’ dolph is wanted at d ie te d , M ack’« sm all attendance, eonsidering the home w ith him where i t ie begin E . J . Loney, R. M cK enzie, H . T, G EO RG E M . BROW N, Arcb, a t well as at Port Orford and fact that we are to erect a five thous ning to thrive. S tew art and W . M . K e n t. a t o r r o R M » Y Æ T L u V W R ogue-river; but she is too smpil to and d ollar school house. E v e ry C ommittee on GgounDS. _ A very dark and. strange looking do til 1 tbe business t b s ljg offered thing was harmonious. H . T . Stew ROSEBURG OREGON E . L . W h ite , H e n ry Adolpbseo, man, whose name we did not learn, her. » N O B A N K W IL L H A N D L E a r t was re-elected Director, and Mrs. P O R T ORFORD, has been about thia piece for the R obert F o rty , Dan Jurgensen, H e r Louis K n ap p Jr. who has been at K n ap p was re elected Clerk. bert U n ices , Clarence W rig h t, Del Y O U R B U 8 IN E 8 8 B E T T E R past ten days. H e pretends th at he OREGON J. J. ST A N L E Y tending school at ihy Colum bia U n i L o rrin f o r t y , second von o f Geo. is in the Governm ent em ploy. H e m ar W rig h t, Oscar Posts and W m . versity, at P o rtlan d, arrived home F o rty of Port O rfo rd received the ie called the snake and' bug man Slediog. x ' ’ L i v y e i ,; by S aturday’s stage. He had been appointm ent as third Assistant down here. H e ie collecting a va M i M, C ommittee . J as . S l Capps, 4>Come In and see us and get Prices.^ W. HANK OF PO R T O RFO RD Ç O Q U IL I.R , - ORKOON KNAPP HOTEL, * P o r t Orford, Oregoi^ KPfA.PI* Propriety First-class in every respect. a model student, and made fine pro L ig h t House Keeper a t Tillamook', gress in a il his studies, and is fur- and left yesterday to assume the lunate that he can spend b it vaca , duties. L o rrin is a universal lav-, lion at Port Orford. 1 orlie, ju s t verging in to manhood, a 1 fine serfman, marksman, and a ll Abe Sypher. an old pioneer, and father of ex commissioner Ed. round _fello w fu lly competent to Sypher o| this county, died at the take care of h im self under a ll con latter’s home on Flora» Greek Jun< ditions. We shall a ll misa h im and wish h im well. 13tb, 1011. aged 92 yegrs. M r. Teams are d a ily swinging into Sypher resided for many years, in early days a t Rogue R iver, and is Port Orford w ith dead cedar poles for piling and telephones. These known by a ll old timers. riety of snakes and other reptiles consisting o f Heards, scorpions, M rs. H . T . 8tew art, M rs. W . H M eredith and N . H . Larson. frogs, worms and bugs of alt descrip C ommittee oa tion. H e is thought by tome people M ra. O. Leneve, Georgia F o rty . to b eacraok. D ecobations . O live Posta and . -v. T h e m atter of refreshments end Messrs. A. F . G ardner, Bert T o l- d in n ei waa left to the ladies o f the man and Fred G ardner returned to this place on M onday from Rosa tow n to look after, and we know burg where they had been in attend ‘ **«t H » y cannot be outdone when - - .~ r - - - -- ’ DOORS - W INDOW S - MOULDINGS sues in a land contest between Ray it comes to getting up picnic d in G ardner and F ra n k Dalayan, where ners. T h ia end o f the program is a decision was rendered in favor of solely in th eir charge, and we would W e ru n the Stage from Port Orford poles would be called logs in the G ardner, tbe contestant. I t i e eaid suggest th a t they gat together and W ill M cP h illam ey, w hile pulling via D piryvllle, connecting with the East as they are about I foot a t tbe that Delavan w ill appeal the case to make th eir own arrangements. H u g e to M yrtle Point. stumps nt his father’s home on Six sm all ends. O ther teams are h au l a higher court. I t is desired th a t everyone ep es, had the m isfortune to get bis ing railroad ties, several are hauling point themselves a comm ittee of one hand caught In a block abd so had Assessor W m . Tol man is now a lum ber from the E lk river m ill, to aid in every manner or form to ly smashed that three of bis fingers resident of Gold Beach, having n o r - while others are hauling shingle make the celebration an enjoyable b id to be a m p u ta te d .__ H e was T » ;e ,;;'n h th e “ « u n d ' 7 i ^ ^ bi,J ,,n H j' ’ hsgg»ge_to bolts. brought into town and is now at the above mentioned place, where carpenter’s hammer, and tha sight a ovi i I f the soliciting committee fess D r. G la u r ille ’s home for treatment. they w ill reside for bq indefinite of new buildings being painted,give not already bad the pleasure of re Tha little two year old son o f M r. our town a busy appearanoe,— and period. lieving you o f some of your surplus H utchinson, who lives between Elk i f a n y th in g life -lik e ie wanting, tbe Mise Sadie Heiberger, who has cash put your hand in your pocket and Hixes, fall into a tub o f hot northwest wind more than makes it been attending high school at Cres and shall out. B E E C I|E R J E » S water a few days ago, and both arms up. cent C ity , is now spending her va’- P o r t O rfo rd , O re g o n , Io the elbow were lite ra lly cooked cation w ith her parents M r. and Mrs. Speed Program o f Coos Bay John G illin g s and wife, o f Sheri before the unfortunate child G . Heiberger of thia place. , _ dan, W yom ing, arrived here Satur- Racing Association, at M arsh Wood and Iro n W ork prom ptly rercued. ‘ resting dfcy by iU g e ff0 Ifl B(U,don h # tjn g J. De M a rtin of this section met fie ld , O regon, duly 3 & 4 , done a t moderate prices. Rive n.e (he ch ild , and says D ial i f it survives come to Coos Bay on the Break with quite a misfortune on the 4tb a tr ia l before going elsewhere. it w ill beorippled for life. W O R K W IL L SOON S T A R T water via Portland- M r. G illin g a o f June by losing a fine horse. I t monpay , JU iy 3 rd . after you take D r. K in g ’s New L ife The W agner brothers of Loa An- is tha ton o f our H ardw are mer is said tha horse died from the e f J . H . U P T O N ,- No. 1.— R u an in g . 4 m ile dash, for P ills, and you’ll quickly enjoy their gales and a M r. E m ery o f N o rth chants, M r. and Mrs. Wm. G illin g s, fect of eating poison weed. horses owned in Coos and C u rry fine results. Constipation and in « . C O M M I S M I O N E H , Bend, who have been on a prospect and hia wife ia the daughter of M r. The hay harvest ie close at hand Counties since Jan. 1,1 911 , catch digestion vanish and fine appetite ing tour from Salmon m ountain to ' and Mrs. J. D . Loucks, our banker and it w ill not he long before the weights .......................................150.00. NOTARY P U B LIC , returns. T h e y regulate stomach, Iro n m o u ntain , were in Port O r and leading financier. The young h um m ing of the mowing machines No. 2.— T ro ttin g and pacing, j liv e r and bowels and im p art new Í ford last week on their return borne. couple enjoyed their long trip , and L aholois , Ovaar Co., O bxsom . w ill be heard, - m ile heats, 2»30 class, beat two out strength and energy to tbe whole They sold th eir horse» and outfit were jo y fu lly received by their old of three . . ................... ><75.00. system. T r y them . O n ly 25c a t T he fru it crop w ill be very light here, and went north on the stage. W yom ing friends, and oordially No. 3 — I m ile Burro race .15 00. ell Druggists. in thia section owing to the pelting They look out samples p f ore to be welcomed by the people of P o rt O r No- 4-— R u n n in g j m ile w ithout assayed, and expect to return in the ford, w ith whom they expect to b ail storms, frosts and Quid weather rid e r.................................. _____ 825.00. so late in the season. fall. make their future home. R id a f n r Concessi ou». No. 5.— R u n nin g { mile dash The little gasoline launch Eagle, The heavy winds have bothered ................................. .. 8100.00. Bakerfield, C al.., June 12 — Born owned by the C o lvin brother», came KepfUrlng Watches and Jewelry a Wileon and Forty tome in th eir sea Bids wilt be reoeived up to Saturday, No. 6 — j-m ile dash, catob weights June >4. for concessions to tun a re- specialty. All work guaranteed. M nry down from Rogue river about ten lion h u n ting ; but whenever they Novem ber 1, 1788, Mrs. t for horses nut trained this season freshmen t stand on tbe grounds daring Orders taken for Watches and Fancy run out to the reef they usually k ill Rodrigues died here today at the days ago, and is at anchor here in ...........................................J ’ i 5 0 °- the 4ih of July celebration at Port Or Jewelry. Work turned out on short Irom 25 to 30— all they can take age of 123 years, 7 months and 11 the river. J5 a ford. Address TCE8PAY, JULY 4 t M. notice. Ootnrrrrsa on A b b a h o u m » . care of. T h e y skin the animals with days. She waa a native of Mexico. T h e boys contemplate Ifehing for ,N o . 1.— Running, | mile daah,for C m H »a me a t L anolom , O bkoom . the blubber on the skins, and then A fall in which M ra Rodrigues sus h alib u t and other tea fish at d iffer horses owned in Coos County sines bring them in to Nellie's Cove where tained a fracture of s h ip bone com ent points between here and Cres i E L L IO T T Notice to Town Btochow Jan. 1 , 1911;catch(w eights. 80O.OO. pelled her to spend the lest five they cut off l lt j blubber, which they cent C ity durin g the prevent season. No. 2.— T ro ttin g and pacing, 1 bring to the w harf, where they try months o f her life in bed, but there For the accommodation of those de T h e H ig gin s mine, situated on m ils heats best 3 in 5, free for all tofore «he had h ard ly known a sick sirin g to raise blooded cattle M. L. out the oil and put It in barrels. O f upper Cbetco was sold teoently to a .................................................. 8100.00. Barrett has brought bis pure-blood (Suoessor to A. B. S abin ) day. course they save tha “ trim m ings.” company a t G rants Paas, Oregon, No. £ - R unning | m ile, caich Jersey bud Into town. The animal haa mways been gentle, but its owner for th irty thousand dollars and a Dennis Cunniff, County Surveyor, G rants Pass, O r., June 1&— A weights, horses not trained thia waives all lia b ility . Service» 41. | with a crew of men has Iwen sur party of Portland men, composed of ten per oent ro y a lty for all ore tak season ......................................... 820.00. Go id Feed S table attachd. -- • Anjrthing jrou Need in M ill W ork W rite ua for Pricea or anjr Inform a tion you Need in thi» Line | N o rth B end M a n u fa c tu rin g Co Slack N I Xiend« Oregon ghrn th in g 1011. W ATCHM AKER 3 £W. W. J. SAAMIIN AIKinit i f H ir n » and I vsylng a new road Saddelrj from E lk river John Powder of 91 Park street en from tbe mine aa long as it te N o. 4.— R u n nin g, 1 m ile dash 1 bridge, n orthw ard, to interaect the, north, Anton Powder and Charles operated. .................................................. 8100.00. A n y th in g not in stock, w ill prevent road a m ile or so to .th e S lie r, left G rants Pass Tuesday for No. 5 — j m ile M n le ra<-e. ,85.00. A- Nelson a former resident o f Yen will find a nie» fot of new he pleased tc order northw ard so as to avoid tbe gulch, j G al ice, going down the Rogue rive r thia neighborhood who sold his No. ft-— R unning, j-m ile w ithout hats at Mra. M. A. Nfolaens. in a boat. T h e little craft was ranch bare about a year ago. haa re- ’ •<^er ..................... t*ft.oo. Port Orford, Oregon. RefAiRiKG N oatly D one and steep h ill below the bridge. Thia is an essential change, and wiecked Wednesday at H e ll Gate eently married and ia now a resi Please send to G . W . Carleton, j should have been made years ago. and John Powder waa drowned. Secretary, M arshfield, Oregon, for dent o f Los Angeles. D E N N IS C U N N IF F , J1L, , There are other places in our road T h e body haa not been recovered. blanks upon which to m ake your Bear are reported to be num erous1 ' where sim ilar changes should be ina,*« iM .a. •iraa<> T he drowned man had a ll the estríen. aieni^jkin. ho at the foot o f M t. Epimn. «.lean blnod Maa< L ep . 0 . 8 . M in era ! S a r r e y e r Saautv wilXout ¡L t£*rtroU. IMaJy Cathar i made, and ho road money is more money of Ihe p arty in hia poeket. it. C am H . t,e c IÌ mu >-ur Load aad «-»u a «-.raa, bj 'X U-rinx un Iho tho lasv boajr. livor and all i a- : wisely spent, i f properly guarded H e waa a d rive r for M arshall W ells . There was a dance here at the trariiiM from L _ driving Begia to <l*j from Ilio br Hardw are Co. o f Portland, and A n town h a ll on Saturday night which against grafters, than by establish N O T A ftY PU B L IC .Surveyor (nr th e D is tric t of Or luff1pics, oio I c I kn , bluckrMku^ tno ih«t «icily iiilioiw romplciKWi by ukin* ju g a practical, uciform grade, mi all ton Powder, also a eaident o f 91 was wall attended. There were egon. CMeorot*.-Iieauty for ten nrnts. All drug v , I , ---------- . . Park. Street n o rth , i* a baker. gi»u, satiriaeVoa ganrnnteod. l^r iSc. w oA*r public roade more ladies p rew o t than gentlemen. P tA -g Q x * f b r « < i Q g M B e n c h s w w w, Q t R a n d o n . . O r e sr o i* T. STEWART ’.f" Notine Bar Publleatiea. 04071 D bmbvwxkt or tub IxTEBioa, C. 8. Laari ORee, at Stay Roseburg, Oregon 3rd. >911. Notice ■ hereby given that A ira s» H ast , of Port Orford, Oregon, who, on Octo ber 19,14*«, made Homeetesd entry No. No, 04071, .« 14444, for Lota 4, 4,- and 6, Mee S, . and the N E | NBL Sec tion 4. Town hip st, 8 Range IS west Willamette MerMinn, has filed notlcr. of Intention to mnhe Final five year Proof, to establish claim to the land ahora deacribed, befora J . H . Upton U. M. Commissioner, at Langlois, Oregon, on the 43 day of June 1411. Claimant name« as witnesses: Karl Hale, of Denmark. Oregon. Frank O »x,o f Denmark, Oregon. Jake W hite, of fanglols. Oregon. David Crowley, of Port afford Oregon. B svjA jrraF. Jonas Register To Horsô Breeders. T h e celebrated Im ported, Belgian Stallion “ M a r iM n w ill make the season of 1911, nt Bandon, Fourm ila Langlois, 8ixee R iver and Port O r- ferd. Commencing A pail 1,1 9 1 1 . Dates and lim n table appear on posters. T he B elqiam H ome UggEDEM AenaciATiOEKol C u rry County N o M o r e < M a » t o f lg ia r e . husband gey twober to rn- Mfi horidtoge on tbe J ana t nnS spare r da ««task fo ri t the dead . U Uma, 27, 1910