KubiishedVvery Wednesday, by 2 . I! MtDY T. STBWABT. ' ru e priBlan snares* an y«vr paper sbo«. thsdaiu to wb'tch ric ir aub- eeaiptlawgspnid. , A H U M / W ID X E tiO A Y IIM M B atrb M O R NING B*CA»orTAk,L*. li .Bowerman should be elected •«n .riit of the Senate it would h ten thousand wore Insurgent ' *»t ’(>e next election, and in sure the election of Jonathan Bourne ,m the (J. 8. Senate by an over- vhom ing majority. Elect Bower- >res. , V. Pres. Editor W elcome W ords SUBSCRIPTION KATEft idc Qopy One Year .. ”-e Copy eu .ifou tb s.. •-a Oopy Three Months (t»N«rrh .The C U R R E N T T O P |£ 3 iHE TKIBUNE. Editor T mibi x <: f ’ At a late banqiwt under the a u s-; pices of the “Lawyer» Unbtn,” spread at Portland, many com pli'j ntentsry »perches were delivered.J and the Courts were valiantly de- 'feuded rtirainfl all .aspersions ii\ general ami th o seb y Mi. llooeevell in particular. And tile poiiil was pnriicularly etnphnaiawl that a ll,, high and low, stood equal Imforstlie law! ” ’ But here is another story. The four culprits mentioned in the be l^w dispatch had mocked at t^e law lor years, had iiecom® cattle barons and millionaires by open usurpn- i lion of million» of acres of the pub- , lie binds; had mobbed and murder- sjJ men who had attempted eel -I, tlements on their domain«, and ter J rorised ,axir people to the point of ( abandornqg all effol ts to waiutain horn«« In in»/section after the bwr , on« had extended their barbed whe enclosure« so as to include tbeir claims. The dispatch follows: lasting». Neb., Dec. 10.— Prison­ er» in the Adams County jail here, bt^f enjoying nearly all the luxuries of a well appointed clubhouse, la the position in which the m illion­ aire quartet of land barons and cat­ tlemen, Pari ley Richards, Charles J h meson, Aquilla Triplett and W. to W omen ,n ?re* wh*< * K J- A »s t C » b |< F oot . M c K enzix , Director. J . W. M ç K b n z w , —e skilled and suooesefni vpatiiatsef in the disease > ®f weman. Every letter of this sort has the ¡no»; r®at “an examination.” Dr. KeW bo|j , evemlnari on s era generally aeec- O J P P O J ìT O B P O K II YOUR BANRING ‘B USINESS SOLICITED . o f its kind that la the p re 'u e t o f a rai,.'d possibly do. ordinary jail fare, but the best ob­ Monday. The House devoted a tainable delicacies pepared Jby a half hour Co pressing business and Japanese Chef who hae poesesaion of €•11 and Examine Goods, and get Prices. a largehnansion a few blocks away. then adjourned until nooti tumor- Instead of ilia food being carried by M E R C H A N T haurt'whkn.cooked it is placed in an » . . ’ • * autdmabilgg.and steaming hot, is whisked away totbejigil apartments Boys may be had and sometimes tn .b e feyjnsd qjion china dirhea girl#. The older ones at ordinary iPKttad upon ,a:table covered with enow white linen that to. changed ’ •»»««« and others toA e K'boolettand cnreil for in return for slight ser­ daily. . vice# remlered. KquaK-befcre the law tru ly l Audi For particulars address W. T. it was by special permission o f the and Gardner, Supt. Boys’ end Girls’ Aid S L fresh p r supplies x s » will ’ " be “ 1 received • “ * - by every eteekner. It shall f ' J bn : U. 8 , Judge *t Omaha that thw*p Society of Oregon, Poriiand, Or. » four convicts vi»iled every couniv in-the stkts In automobiles in \) n e -t G R O C ER IES and PR O V ISIO NS, The Mx-Kbol legislation needed 1___* of the ja«l that Upst suited their BOOTS aad 8 H 0 K 8 Ladies! S*ve ju st now in Oregon is to permit ev- caprice. M ENS and BOYS, CLOTHING, >- y district in the State to Control I bus th« law-a« administered by tbs grade» to be taught, and select our “impartial’’ Federal Courts has L A D IE S’ DRESS GOODS, their own-text books, for. nothing made heroes of a band of thieve« ■ H ata ila * will help jon dreaa atrl- H A R D W A R E, G R A N ITE end TINW ARE. more abominable than most of the itnd eat throats. lahly at a niodarata axpenao br k a a p lo s text bonks now in use was ever In­ posted on tbo CIGARS, TOBACCO, P IP E S “ Equality before the bar” let me «at fa s h io n s la C u oloibea flicted upon a belple-s |ieopie. G ive repeat 1 _____ ■ I and hata. 60 C A N D Y , NUTS and NOTIONS. ns freedom in grades and .'text Ami wherefore are we enjoined to i last, * supply of everything usually kept in a wall atockc book» and you will cut (be throat respect the Courts.” • A fqll liue of Furniture; Dreeeer», Chif­ General Merchandise Store. of every fool faddist and text book Langlois, Or. . foniers, Iron and Brass Beds, Springs, ORORRS TAKEN FOR ANY ARTICLE NOT IN STOCK. i,rafter in I he State, and make our acrllM todar or aaad amvv i xra b MWi m ia fur free «ample copr. Common Schools.as good as they Mattresses, Fe*ther Pillows, Dining Ta­ VrC«ll » .« « « , w ill enable r o e to make In yoer were hiifi a century ago when oral o w n liu m e , W i l l i ru u ru w n baud«. clo tb ln cO ir Tim ber Claims B onghi yourwelf and rb ltd re n w hich w ill be perfect bles and Chairs, Rockers, Arm C h*in ng and tiales were in use, the lit -ly ln and Du l*rice—Dona higher tbae IS real«. Rand fur frvo I’atl.ra Catalogue. « 1 will consider the purchase of flr ext books in competition, and Lot- Baby Cribs, High Chairs, Parlor Tables. Wa win G I-. T n Ftaa FmaaaW for g e llin g gnb- »Vrii»liMi» among jooir friends. Rend for (tea *- H she’ Malhiimatio» and Rbel and cedar timber claims, the descrip- 1-rgKilufo I 'a ia ln n v «m l Caali P rlre Offer. All kinds and sizes of Rugs and Mat- t on whereof la submitted to me bv the T»£ a s u cw«n. a» u 2« vm 3M m m v mg N o M or« C ed ar t„ S p a re. . were taught in hundreds of original locator. If well timbered, and ting, Ranges, Cpok Stoves, Hester Tools, . N o tic e ft»r P u b lic a tio n , Or«dP>n achools, and (lie best minds anditi favorable locutions I will pay I moat husband my timber to re­ Dsra«Tii<«T or thr I ptbmjob . of the Stale weieem ployed ns teach cash therefor, address • Oarpet Sweepers, etc., etc. U. « Land b »ce at R o ra b u r /o tg o n . place fences and buildings on the .j> i. AN G U S« MACKAY ELBERT HERMANN era. Teachers are horn not mud{, ®*l8l November 2», 1*10. farm, therefore I must not spare any Resi E -u te Agent Attorney at Law, Koeebnrg, Oregon. and we can return to our high es Notice la hereby given that Port Huron, Mich. more cedar. Please dtf not apk for it tats by two sim ple pieces of legis E am . J-Darron, of Hare, Curry couaty . . . • H. U pton , Special Attention to Matters Befor Langlois, Or., August 27. 1210 Oregon, who, on June 7th, ISOS, made g/S K ***’1 »PPlIeation No. OftliL for United Stetes Land Office. ,'f i.’ -.r.-.- ' V.- ,s S .R ** 8Kl «4, T'owa- 8blp W8,, R. 14 w , w Meridian has Hied T he P a e ltic M o n th ly ’* ? strong (Tort will be made in S p ecla N U R SIN G M O T H ER S notice of Intention to make Fin loom- ,' January 4th, 19U. ■ ! ring there is considerablA'like- 1 . full infortattion about the reaourras of Januanr i» n . Notice Is hereby given that Claimant names as — ‘»— esarn - and opportDolties of the country |y|n« libood tliag^it. will curry. Nor our •' C u v d i E. C lark tbe Rook* ’ 11 telu »n ®bont whose post-office address is Eckley, part we believe there is a ^luss of the Government Reclamation Projects Curry County, Oregon, did, on the loth John Moles, of, • »• •• ir'® ,9°’? rnnM’n 1 l*»d and telle ¿bout oriminsl» who are a curse to them ­ day of May, l#l0, file In this office Harvey B. Smith, of ” « the district» «-lapted to Irnlt raising d"lryiot, poultry raising, etc. i t nfj selves and \he worUla&oul them— 1 Sworn .Statement and Application, No B xs / akir Joxxe, 0618», to purchase the NE| 8WJ. NW1 ’pl<*PdM stories by Jock London and Regie tor. men who oomraitcold blooded, dia-< 8EJ Sec. f, To. 32 8„ R. 1$ W„ fr, Me­ other noted author». rid ia n . and the li m her thereon, under (adical iimj rder— that in protection The price is gi .so a year, bnt to in- the provisions of the act of June 3, i ro P o rt O rfo rd , Ora. A nything you Need in Mill, W ork W rite us for P rices or a n y Informa­ tion you N eed in thia Line North Bend Manufacturing Co JNorTli S e n d , O r e jfo n I a JOHN ß. MILLER. f+ y -P o rt Orford, O r.~z^ N E W GOODS, PORT ORFORD FURNITURE & HARDWARE STORE loll and examine giSbds and get prices . The Place to b u y Good F urniture a t Reasonable Prices. Give ua a Call. day F. w. Kinds of Hirniss u d SaddsJry u p th e ir ow n stre n g th b u t to properly n o u rish th e i r • —then why not ith'li^M» the 1 ''rtalTsuil and let them »lids intoi c h i l d r e n . “ roll v as a warning to others hot I >1» in thair footetepa? Uss '*■ iw-nalty with moto disqrrtion s - w r e .^ - « — t u n a s , . rai Brafc .ra Chur, ra .i.k a.ra. w ' 1, h-jt don't wipe it offi the k « M r a U r . i a s.w l- w -.o -iir a r r a , •te tu w boots I •COTT a DOWNS, sea mart s u Man Ta rt H . T. 8 T E W A R T NOTÂRY PUBLIC A CHEAT record «,* cures, u m . uuaned m m edical h le to rv , proves Hood« Sarsaparilla pcseeasra merit ea- $0 any other SflEDICIMK* know n Anything not in itock, wilt be pleased tc order RepAiRiNG N oatly * D one I ia n d o n . O re fp o n making proposition and want to tell you about IL Write to-day foY oar- ticulanu Address IDEA PUBLISHING CO. ■*W NNNTOM.R.T. T resp ass N otice w » â . ï £ ? t