The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19??, December 12, 1906, Image 1

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» o h im è
. 1
v •
■ -
W A N T E D : by a Chicago wholesale and
m ail order house, assistant manager
(m an or woman) tor thia county and ad­
join ing territory. Salary B20 sad ex­
penses paid w eekly; expense money sd-
anced. Work p easant; po i os y i-
manent. Ms» investment or experience
required. W i lie a t once for fu ll par­
ticulars and enclose self-addressed en­
lSw .
IBB Lake 8 t , Chicago, 111.
i utlioua tomptexMU
* a u ty for ten cents.
To T . W . Newman, the above nam -
ry, as ad defendant.
y o n ars hereby summoned and re^
quired to appear and answer the com-
Ptate p la in t of the above n a m e d p la iu tiff fll-
e on ed against yon la the above entitled
“• N o Court and cause w ith in six weeks from
the data o f th e firs t publics
n of this
th ,,f sum m ons; and if you fa il so to appear
proof' and answer said com plaint on o r be-
G overnor—G eo. E . Cim m berlain So-
Supk Public Interaction—-J, H . Ack­
erman, Salem.
State P rin te r—W illis D u n iw a y , Salem.
Attorney G eneral—A. M . Crawford,
/ Salem.
C lerk State Land B o ard —G .G . Brown.
““np# fora the le d day of January 1907
u, £ £ the tam e being the last d ay o f the time
i o i n t Senator f b r dooe and Odriar—
John 8. Coke.
Joint Representative for Coos an d
C urry—Robert B urna
Judge, 2d Ju d icial D is tric t—J . W .
Hamilton, Roseburg.
oounvv o r r g u u .
C ounty ..Judge— E . A. B ailey, Gold
County Commissioners— J . W . Cooley,
Chetoo; Ed Bypber, Langlois.
. Sheriff—8. E. M arston, Gold Beaoh.
Town Lota, ano Improved County Clerk—George W . Sm ith,
' L llvr .n of Seattle, Wash.
‘ » rge T truer o f Roeebnrg, Ore.
r t . u r H o w laad o f GoW Heach Ord.
-e ¡inly the auove described lands are
- nested i file th e ir claims la this
••ffio* nu nr before eaid 24th d ay of
January i«»7.
B a w a a n L. E ner
Prosecuting A tto rn ey, Bd Judicial D is­
tric t—George M . Brown, Boseburg.
V . 8 . Commissioners—J . H . Upton,
F ilin ga and Final Proofs M ade on
Homesteads and Pre-emptions.
EY A M C 1N 7
Gold Beach.
County Treasurer—James Caugbell,
" Wedderburn.
Assessor— A. J. M arsh, Port O rfo rd .
School 8 u p L — Antes 8 . JohnstoL, Port
O rford.
Surveyor—D. C u nn iff, J r. Gold Beach.
Coroner—D r. F. A. Bchllemsnn, Wed-
C ircu it C ourt meets Fourth M onday in
August of each year.
C o un ty Gonattautonem C ourt meets
l )><• G kicuom D a il y J odbmal to the leading Democratic newspaper of
first Wednesday in January, A p ril,
J u ly and September of each year.
Orogiw». ie»«tbd et Portland.
Probate C ourt meets first Monday iu
each month.
r't-'tnejiegeN also issue a Sum— W bmkly , which is especially adapted
<>r i» - ,p ie
who <1o not osro fo r« D aily, but want a good-family paper.
oocirrv roar ovrioas sxn roer-
Vuv »f these papers een be had in combination wltL the P O R T OR
G old B e a c h .........Mias Ltozie Caugbell.
W edderburn........ .......... ..Fred Odgers.
Illih c e ..'...................M r . K. H . Russell.
« O R © T R IB U N M . at the following rates:
r-ally and Tribuna - - ? *
------- X
.r.R ttm Id a «Solry.
Harbor.......................Fletcher Oardner.
O p h ir............
C o r b in .......
P o rt Orford
D e nm ark. . .
L a n g lo is . . .
E c k le y .....
_ ‘-
8unday and Tribune
S I Weeky and Tribune
2%g Best to be had in
Carry County, at reason­
able Prices.
'iiil Beads,
Letter Heads,
Legal Blanks,
Any Thy»g,
. . . T . W . BUliagu.
M rs . J. D . Cooley.
. . . . W . E. Burrow,
. . . . . . 8 . K . ' a rtt.
. . . A n n Johnston
............ J. 8. Capps.
........ E . Baokleff.
■ of-
^ 9 *?
to answer prescribed in the o rder dt-
recting the publication of thia Hint-
mona, the p la in tiff w ill apply to the
e tw rt to r the re lie f prayed f i r In hie
complaint, of which the following la
a succinct statem ent:
1. For a decree of said court requir-
dark yellow, a heavy ugper-stratum of
Indecisive brown and a number o f scat­
tered whiaoa o f ¡zons* rod.
A ll o f the h a ir was naturally wavy,
and It was rather attractive and fetch-
lug oa aeoount of the oddity of ths color
schema of It
Her husband liked it—which, under
old- fsshlon s d domestic canons, ought to
have bean enough—and he called her
the "rainbow-headed” and the "pris-
matic-hairnd" and the "crazy-quilt h lr-
suted”—not s t a ll In n mean, coarse,
masculine way o f filin g , but la a manner
of affection, because he really liked his
But she didn't like IL
Its variety of tints worried her.
ln 8 » "d directing you the said defend- touche^ up.”
a n t to execute and d eliver to the ptoiu-
“Joe ' let his pipe fall out of his hands
• B*»«! * “ *• au® cient deed tor the aad got ashes a ll over his new »1.48
follow ing described real property situ- Caney vest.
ated in C u rry County, State of Oregon,
" T a re , h eyT ’ aald heT “ You only
via; 8 W M of 8 W M of 8eo. 6, 8 E W of thin k yon are. T hink again. W h at are
» r-
the 8EJ of Hoc. 4, MEJ ol N E | of Sec.
you dreaming of, anyhowT*
------- '7, and tbe M W t o f M W | of Sec. B. T .
"Just this," she replied, la a matter-of-
78— SB 8 . R . 13 W . W . M . ; 8J of. N E W -
and M W W of M E W , MEW of M W W of fact, lt'a-aH-off tone. "T h e n 's a hit of
See. SB. W l of 8 E L EJ of 8 W J o f Sec. every color known to science In my hair
33, SE1 of 8 W I of Sec. 23, EW of N W W except bine and green and purple. You.
and M EW of 8 W W of Sec. 26, and 8W
yourself, call me chameleon-topped.'
' * » • qf M E J, SW jt o f 8EJ, and E H o f 8W J I'm tired of having all aorta and condi­
eon«- of Sec. to, aU in T . M 8. U , 14 W . W. tions of hair. Moreover. I've got a fair.
Uly-whfte skin and bee-yu-tlful hasel
S. T h a t p la in tiff b are such other' eyes— I'm only (.noting you, and you
and fu rth e r re lie f in the premises as know you used to tall me they were the
may be Just and equitable.
gorgeoiisest eyes on the map—and
S T h a t p la in tiff recover a jud gm ent bronzy h air would Just suit me. Where­
again st the defetxinnt for his costa and fore, I remark again, la a tone o f mingled
dubureem enta in thia suit.
yearning aad settled deetstoa: 'Joseph,
T his summons Is served upon th e I'm going to have my h air touched up.' ”
dsfendant above nam ed by p ublica­
"W ell. I'll tell you one thfhg. he re­
tion thereof in the P o rt Orford T rib u n e
lor the period o f six weeks successive­ plied,'gazing at her steadfastly, "if you
ly , by virtue o f an order of eubUcation do that It'll let me out. I t 'll be the fin­
made by the H on E . A. Balmy, Oounty ish. I'll go to sea. I ’ll go to New York
nthss eaeaHy,short routs
proof to show th a t the land sought is gon, dated Novem ber 17, 1 (M . The to the demnitL
tion bow-wowa Tou hear
more vsluwtfy tor its tim ber o r stone d ale of the first publication of this me a-talklng?”
than fo r A g r ic u ltu r a l purposes, and summons to Novem ber 2!. 1906.
"But, J o e , " ________ _____________
J . H ijM T L B T ,
to establish uta claim to aafd laud, be­
dressed him now from no greater dis­
fore the Register and Reoeiver of this
Attorney for P la in tiff. tance than his own knee—" I Just want
offloe a t Roseburg, Oregon, on Tues­
to have my hair touched up; see?”
d ay the 8th d y of January 1907.
"You're a pretty fancy wheedler, but It
W A N T E D —G O O D MAM in each ooun-
H e names aa witnesyea:
J Q G ilb e rt and
ty to represent and advertise oc-oper­ don't go. aeer* waa his retort.
"But,” ahe peraiated. "can't I Just have
W arren B eatty o f Roeebnrg, O n .
a tiv e department, put out samples, etc.
Charles W Good, of Seattle, Wash.
Old established business house. Cash It touched up a t the aides and around
Em m et G Prastou of W aterville Wash. Salary $21 00 w eekly expense money the front and top—Just a little, teeny
Any aad all persons claim ing ad ­ advanced ; permanent position. Our weeny bit—can't I, pul-lease, Mister
versely the above-desoribed lands are reference. Bankers National Bank of Man?"
requested to file th e ir claims in this of­ Chicago, Capital »2, 000,000. Address
"Nope, you can't,” he replied, w ith de­
fice on or before said 8th day of Jan a M anagur, T ua C olombia House, O hi-
cision. " It ’s all off. I have spoke. Aad.
a ry , -1907.
oago, IU . Desk Mo. 1.
aay, would you mind totting me read my
evening paper in peace tor about tour
consecutive seconds without Interrup t­
ing me wltb such foolishness?”
T im u kr L and , A ct Juge 3, 1878.
T hat the matter wasn’t settled, of
Motiee for Publication.
course, anybody reading this w ill know
United States Land Office,
In advance without looking down the
’ '
t *d"
* if? *
1 1his
F eb -
act o f August 4, 18(2,
M m . H a bsikt B. D a w
of 431 S ta rk Street, Portland, Oounty
of M ultnom ah, State o f Oregon, filed
In th is office on M ay 9th 1904 her
sworn statement No 7S4B lor the p u r­
chase of the Lots 2, 9, 4, Sec 18, T p St
8, R 14 Weat A MEW N EW of Section
No 24 in Township No 31 8, R IS WeM
and w ill offer proof to show that
the land sought is b o o valuable
foi Its tim ber or atone than for agricul­
tural purposes, and to establtah her
d a m to M id land before the Register
and Receiver of this office at Roseburg,
Oregon, o a T hu rsday the 14th day of
F eb ru ary 1(07.
She names as witnesses:
Loreuso L Stephens of Monroe, Wash.
John Q G iilte rto f Marahfie d, Ore.
W a rre n Beatty of Roseburg. Ora.
George T u rn e r of Roseburg, Ore.
Any end a ll pereons cla im in g adverse­
ly the above-described lands are re­
quested to file th eir claims io this office
8ha got a very swagger blue tailor-
made dress about ten days ago. and the
Idea of bronze hair In combination w ith
MBffJ gBVA q/q V/UBg|(g I ■■ ut
effBUlff? »>, the blue dress took pttsneeslon of her. v
1878, entitled “ An act tor the sale of
“Joe.” she said to him on ths evening
tim b er lands in theStotasof California.
Oregon, Nevada, and in W ashington the blue drees was delivered to I her,
T erritory” as extended to a ll Public "w ith reference to my sbout-to-be-
Land States bv net of August 4, 18(2, bronzed heir—"
" I have the honor to Inform you that
Dacia B. M, of Seattle
Oounty of K in g , State o f W ashington, ther* Isn't going to be any bronzing."
filed in this office on Mov. 14th 1908, Interrupted “Joe," carrying out her
her sworn statem ent Mo. 7182 fo r the business-letter form cf conversation.
rebnae of the SKJ M E L MJ 8 E |, 8W ) Whereat she ceased.
W o f Section Mo 1 in Township M.
South of Range Mo 14 WeM, and w ill I l l Just go down and have It done,
offer proof to show th a t the land eeyway," said she to herself the neat
sought to more valuable for its tim ber morning. “H e ll be so delighted w ith the
o r stone than for agricultural purposes, way It looks that he'll Just rail upon my
and to establish hes claim to M id land neck and weep w ith very Joy.”
before the Register aad Receiver of
When the Job was done, sad ahe saw
this offies at Roseburg, Oregon, on F r i ­ herself to the glass, she didn't admire
day the U th d a y of Janu ary 1907.
herself so much as she had anticipated
She names as witnesses:
she would. N or waa she quite so confi­
0 W Good, Seattle, W ash in gton.
dent that when her husband saw her
W T M ile«, Seattle, W ashington.
transformed heed he would fall upoa her
- J Q G ilb e rt, R'Sieburg, Oregon.
neck, etc., etc.
' f ' •
W arreu Beatty. Roeebnrg, O regon.
Any and-allperaonsclaiL.ingadverse-
"Uh-hah.” he M id. when he came In
ly the above-described lands are reques­ that evening. "You've done It, I see."
ted to file their claims in this office on
or liefore the m M U th day of January
^ .B s k j a m ix L . E o o r, Register.
1 Statements,
r S
H T. STEW AKT Editor o d Publisher,
Up-to-date Work Done
on Short Notice
H sr hair was neutral In tini
-or, rather, it was rerl-hu«ni.
i, n »*
L'.IIWM state« L e a d Offieo.
Sou h Dakota, has oa M a ra t 13th
l-d in this office his sworn atato-
>nri i Mo 7 AM. fo r Ute purchase of the
i.oi i tLw/to, T p 81 8 , B Id W est A 8J
-KJ aRJ q
Brotton Mo. to. In
»4 nshlp \’o. Bi Mouth, R ange Mo. I t
We»t. aad w ill offer proof to enow that
the land »ought la more valuable for
1 • « tiin lw r o r atone than for aerieultu r-
nl ininswea and to establish bis c laim
to sal ! laud before the Register and
Receiver o f this office a t Roaeburg,
<> r-g<»i. on Thu -day the M th day of
J a n e -ry 1*07.
H e II loot as witueaaee:
J O iilb e r t til M a rs h fie ld , O n .
wf C u rry
.oom- W illia m H . C a rte r, P la in tiff,) Salt
he act
£»•**» T . W . Newman, D e fe n d a n t.) Equity,
U . 8. 8eo'to—Jo n ath an Bourne J r., of
Portland and Chas. Pulton o f Astoria.
Congressman, F ir s t D is tric t— WilHs
C. H aw ley, of Salem.
Kt aw »>ure, O re., Oc»., 13, 1(08.
Notice is hereby given that la com-
¡»ance w th tba provisions of the act
. •.•engraas of J«aa ». 1B7B, entitled
I » t b e C ir c u it C w r t o f l M « U t e
off O r e g o n f o r th e C o w t y
The Official Paper of Curry County,
Satisfacton Guaranteed
hblisW every Wednesday, at Port Orford, Orejon
When be went to hla office the next
morning a ateely light glittered le hie
He tugged at bis straw, red. brown and
auburn-mixed mustache savagely.
Then he repaired to a hotel barber
shop and had his straw, red. brown and
auburn-mixed mustache dyed a deep,
dull, unfathomable. Stygian black.
When be emerged from the hotel bar­
ber shop the hirsute fringe oa his upper
lip was ths blackest thing ever seen on
lend or s m .
I t w m so black that It mads him look
like a photograph taken after hla d<-
He endured the guying of bis friends
aad associates tor ths remainder of the
day. and then be went home and buret
into the flat w ith a grisly attempt at a
cheery grin aad a bluff manner
His wife mM him to the Bat hall.
“W all,*hi>w Bo you like It?” he la-
quired of her. “Orest, ten t It. hey?"
Thought r d hare It fixed up m a sort of
soutrast to you, y'know
Mow we’re
both ornamental around the bouse Ton
look like aa orange-padded tabouratte.
aad I took tike a cro re ss ettou of aa oil
"Yodel” “stuffed" papers for a living,
la cast tba reader does sot understand
what this a rt is, It w ill be explains«
that the "stuffing” of newspaper« la
eae o f the meet laborious tranches of
work connected with the great Sunday
Issues. Tbs magazine. comic, want ad
sad other sections of tbs Sunday pa­
per a ra p rle tc d earlier Io the week, sad
from Thursday until Sunday morning
dossus of hands ere kspt busy laseri-
Even the latest typo of presses caa-
aot perform this class of work, which
offers employment to many newsboys
and Inhabitants of "Newsboys' alley,”
who earn as much as »18 in four days'
time. Of this class was YodeL"
Down In the en btsrraaeaa depths o f
r a ,r * * lh e
worked this representative type of the
"alley.” A t ' the surrounding tables
three other “slespouta” labored, aad
while they labored they sang. One
day "Yodel" chimed In the choruses
and then started to . yodel a fter the
fashion of ths Swiss singe re whom be
had beard from ths gallery Beat of a
vaudeville theater.
High above the noises o f the presses
his voles rang oui and every one of
the BO "Muffere” stopped their work
“staffers.” was the only one who dis­
liked "Yodel." Something about the
lad's dslleate face acted on his coarse
nature ilka a red rag waved In the
face of a bull. la that room, where ev­
ery Inmate h ad -an interesting story
of his former life to tell, "Yodel” was
Instinctively recognised as having fa l­
len from a higher estate.
" B IT ' B ill knew tkla, and the boy
alwaya ln lla ta d bl«m On- a busy Bat-
«(torWXRii-.'Wrt»!" Jud just fin
tobed warbling with bis blrdllke voice
when "Big” BUI stepped up to him.
"You want to cut that out!" beeyled.
"I've Mood it six weeks ax' I a in 't go­
to' to Mnnd It any longer. The boys
can’t do their work wblls they're lls-
tenlng to you. I f you ever make that
notoe, you call yofisling, again— I'll firs
you, seal"
"Yodel” did not reply to this tirade,
for be did not want to loee hie posi­
tion. But when the foreman had
walked away "Yodel" wae surrounded
by a group of sympathisers.
"That fellow don't like me," he said.
"W hy. my old man used to order
around dozens of fellows like him ."
"W hat did you rua away from home
tor, 'Yodel T' ” asked a sympathetic lla-
" I don't know. Just got tired of It.
I guess," suswtred the w a tt "Had a
swell home up on Direreay street, hut
I got the 'bumming* habit aa* drifted
to the alley."
"T h a t’s where Big BUI goM," m id
another "stuffsr," "up on Dfversey
street to bee his girl. I heard him
telling Johnson about It.”
"Dlversty street Is a long thorough­
fare.” replied "YodeL” aad the whole
crowd laughed.
Saturday night a press broke down
and delayed the "staffers." F in ally
when papers again began to appear oa
the ta tle the boys were kept busy
working like fiends to get the mall edi­
tion o u t ' Nobody eang o r whistled;
eviery oae waa laboring like a Trojan*
aad no one noticed that "Big" Bill waa
showing a group of friends the sights
of the
glanced at the party, and hie face
paled, while bis ayes glittared w ith ea-
H tam ent ss he looked at the face ot
a g irl In the group.
"Now, vetch the fun.” be whispered
to his right-hand ft»low worker. “T o.
del” threw back hla bead gad caroled.
Up. up— high above the noisee of the
mailing room roes his silvery voles,
and every oae looted srounddn eston^
"Big" B ill’s face turned red aa ir e ,
end he hs.Mened over to the boy. fo l­
lowed by the rest of his friends.
" I ll fire you!" be shouted. "1 told
you cot to holler any more, didn't 17
For two cants I ’d throw you out the
But ths newsboy was not llatentog
to "Big” BUI. Neither wee ths rest
of th« group. The glr! was staring at
"YqdeKand "Yodel" was smiling back
You ought, to b a re seen B ig B ill,”
M id "Y o d el" th e t e x t day, when, re­
splendent In a new su it o f clothes he
strolled back to t i n 'alle y
'-gay he
trie d to square him self, out sis' passed
him up. I t was bo go a fte r what I told
bar. Ms? Oh, I ’m going hack to
sckool. N o more staffiln ’ fo r m ine.'*—
Chicago JtocorJ-Herald. .
Thera w m a slight gale aad some talk
of shipwreck.
"W all, If ws go down," sab] ths eoraM
drummer. " I can keep right on selllog
straight fronts to the met melds."
"N o chance for business fo r me. how­
ever." dreffcrej the corpulent drum m er
-W h y not?"
connection w ith
*T sell slippers."
Both P&pera one yenr/or ^2.26,
Chisago gua.
P o M lh ly to Absorb Them.
Rodrtek—There la certainly a
ber o f blots on nome o f the big