• 1 3- SEMI ANNUAL REPORT. ft. A good D a ir y H w n rb sitasted on Sixes River, .9 miles (rota Putt Orford, consisting of 3 2 0 acres ol ia n d -3 © acres bottom land under cultivation, rest beach*« nd hill land mostly In grass The plnps la capable of run­ ning a Dairy of It cows a t present tis^e. two houses, two barns, two orchards, plenty of good running water and place mostly uuder fence. For further particulars call or ad- draaa me at Port Orford, Oregon. and H T, STEWART Editors Supt Public Of the County Clerk of Carry County, State of Otegon, showing the amount and number of claims allowed by the County Conrt of laid county, for what allowed, amount el warranto drawn, and amount of warranto out-standing and unpaid, from the 1st day of October IM S, to the Slat day oi. March, 1909, both Inctosive. No. of > * Amt. Claims Amt War« Claims. For what (riven. allowed. rants drawn. 44 Bond and Bridge................................................ 91991.93............ 4lM t.M 13 Fan p e r .996.93 ..•••••■,■■.999.88 6 Crim inal, Circuit C o u r t . . . . . . •• • , . . ■ • • • • • . I f . 9 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A99 8 Criminal Justice C ourt................. ...................... 71.10......... ... .........7149 7 Stationary.* • • • . . . , . 9 4 . 9 4 ■...••■••■ • .94.94 I Court House and J a il .................»LOO.................... 28L09 J. H . U PTO N U .Ä . C O M M IS S IO N E R , NOTARY PUB LIC; Jblnt Representative far Cone and EEKLY OREGONIAN Curry—Robert Burna. Judge. *1 Judicial D is trlc t-J . W. Hamilton, Roseburg. Prosecuting Attorney .tjA Judicial W e- triet—George M . Brown, BeeeSwg. 0 . 8 . Commissioners—J . H . Upton, Langloia , <} oou X t t orrmaas. County Judge—E. A. Bailey« Oold Beach. ~ t ~ -7 .7 - County Commissioners—J. W. Cooley, r Cbetuo t C. W. Haines, Eckley, Sheriff— e. E. Maretera, Gold Beech. County Clerk—George W . Smith, Gold Beach. County Treasurer—Jamas Oaugbell, Wedderburn. Assessor—A. J. Marsh, Port O riord. School Hunt.— Am«a 8 - Johnston, Post Orford, Surveyor—R. J. Canfield Agnesa. Coroner—D r. T. C. Oman, Port O rf­ ord. ~1 ' .* Circuit Court meets Fourth Moaday la August uf each year. Oounty Commissioners Court meets T he O bbsom D aily J oobbal ¡a the leading Democratic newspaper ol first Wednesday in January, April, > JUly and September of each year. Probate Court meets first Moaday la Oregon, issued at Portland. reach month. The managers also issue A 8 bmi - W rkkly , which is esp ecia lly . adapted cuaav oouwtt roar omens a h i roer- L in aio la , Òcnnv Co., Osso oh. Healer la st to a square post, thence 800 a westerly direction to a square M nce I W foet up said River and 1 to same to a suuara post, 8U0 feet in an easterly direction Atoo t b a t o e r t a iu M ln la g Claim known as fhe W illiam Brown Claim and particularly described as follows: Beginning in Ure oeuter of Elk River at the lower end ol L . W. Deyoea Olaim. running thence in an amterly dlrectidnSOOft.toa •q a n » P < > » .^ M « Ilatbafc Oold Beach. Wedderbnrp Illlh e e ... . . . J fia rW . . . . . . Agnesa......... O p h i r . .'. .. , C o rb U r ..... Port Orford Duii mark Langlois Eokley. ., fBffiRD T R IB U R M , at Hto following rates: Dally and Tribune - - - - - - Daily Sunday and Tribune / • Sami Weeky and Tribune - - . ...Fletcher Gardner. M iat Liasta Ceng hull. ... . ____ FredOdgere. . . M r. B. H.Rqaaail. . . . . . T . W. BllUngs. ...M rs . J . D . Cooler. 7 . . .. . W . E. Burrow, .........8. xnesteada and P(i»-ewptinos, G E N E R A L O O N V E TA N O N IG Bine Prints of Township maps showing all vacant tends, 80 cents each. For reliable ioformstion.con­ AM O UN T O P O UTSTA NDING W ARRANTS U N P A ID . cerning Government land, write to Outstanding unpaid County Warranto on the Slat day o( March, 1909. Frank E . AHey, Abstracter, Roseburg Estimated interest accrued thereon s 's V / 'a s s e s s e s s a . e . s s e s »,»4 a a e e a e s 1 Oregon. . . i~ ': Total amount of anpeid County Warranta thence up said River and parallel ^ K i k ‘ U ^ W e e a U w b o d a n m m t t s iu j ^ ü ^ A nr o f these paper« can be had. in com bination with the Town Lota, ana Improved and W ild lands. 8. H a ir claim an the extreme liixh wa­ ter mark on the right hand hank oi B k Blver going up said stream, run­ ning thence «00 feat In an easterly di­ rection to a so os re post, thanes down and parallel with mid River IM O fe e t K. Dartt. Blver, 1 hence up the said Elk River on Ames Johnston a line with the extreme high water h rö T S n iffrfft Cappa. m ark along said bank 1390 feet to the ’’‘a^wULsppear ¿y affidavit recorded' i n Ute «ffieeof the Ooety C lerk of Cur- B i S S ’i S k S ^ W k Y M ? 7 S ' jitiB E ii L and A ct , J umb 8, 1878— STATE 28th day of June, on the 10th day of January, i w j , in or- der to hold mid premises, under the provisions of Section 9394, Bevtoed Statutes, being the amount required T imber L amp , A ct J umb 8, 1878— to hold the mme for the year ending December 61,19»- 1^-7’?’’ . - « ’s , W J i T K Z ) h iîîf ' ■ ’ l l 1.1»; » J - Ai, County, a t reason a^le Prices. Briefs, Posters, Envelopes, Statements, Bill Beads, Letter Beads, L efal Blanks, Any Thing, Hl N otice fob General Fund P ublication . ‘ That said work amounting to the ■aid sum of 1009.00 waa done by F. O. Bancroft a t our expense between the i»t day of January, ! « » , aad tee first day of January i t t t ; That there to new due from you as Co-ewner of said Mines for your proportion of mid aareaament work Mm num of One Hundred Dollars, and you are hereby required, within ninety days from the date of the service oi thia notice upon .........Sold to County.. . .944.94 Erronloua A Double... .994.F of 93) Third Street, Portland, Counted Multnomah. State of Oregon, filed in this office on Oct. 97, 12«* Banjaara I. E ddy , Register. Sheriff A Tax CoUeetar. S K lfl-A N N U A t S U M M A R Y S TA TE M FN T, O i the financial condition of the County of Curry, State of Oregon, a t the etom of bnatrn m Maroh l is t 1904.' L IA B IL IT IE S . To warranto drawn on County Treanur/ and outstanding and unpaid 91MM.9S To estimated lsterent accrued thereon.................. ...................................... 9641.90 Total Liabilities................................................ ....... ............................ fiSMkfl RESOURCES- By funds in the bauds of County Treasurer applicable to the payment of Ooun tv Warranto...................................................... .......................... 99171.91 1878— ¿labilltiea Timber la n d , Aet Jane 8 NOTICE FOB PUBLIO a TION United Stoiaa Land Offire. • «..A . X * K to a « » Vp-to-^ate Work Done on Short .Votive Satisfaeton Guaranteed ’ Roesburg, Oregon, A p iil 2, 19O6. Notice is bereby given tost in com­ pliance with th«N>rovlaionj of the not of Oonglees of June 3, 1878. entitled ••An net for tbe sale of timber lands In the Btstes of California, Oregon Nevada and Washington T errito ry," M extended Io all the Pnldta Land States bv aet of August 4,1991, H A B R T C. LU D O R F of 119 H Ave South Seattle, county of King, Stele of Washington, filed In this offire on Oct 94, I9t>4, his »worn rtate- ment No «634, for the purchase of tee lots 11, 13,18 and 14 of section No » , Township >4 South of Range 14 West, and will offer proof to show that tee toad sought la more valuable for Ito County Cletk W A W V T B o O k t t T A T M b L l B ^ S u I c C Ï I L l I Ï A an N W H ALrCS Hair Renewer Perfcaps tm Ilka vaar m y hair; thea keep k . Perhaps a a fi tbea re o M b e r— H all’s H air Renewer always restores color io ffrty hair. Steps fa>»ag hair, also. ■ ftnd bcfo teTSe-B W m w Aim W A N T E D : by a Chicago whofosnlesnd Receiver at this office at Roseburg Ore­ gon, on Thursday the 39th day uf June, mall older boom, assistant manager lman or woman) for this connty ssd ad­ ISM» ■ He names aa witness»»: - joining territory. Salary 990 sad »x- pensre paid weekly; snpturn taBBsynd- vsneed. Work pleasant; position pei- W ilfred J Iaw rie of Seattle, Wash. nianent. No inreetmest er Saperh-nre Fred O Stewart of Roseburg, Ore. A a r and ail person* claiming ad­ required. W rite a | once to» full versely the above described lands are rwqnMted to file their ctalm* In this ticnisrs and cooper a offire on or bofort aaW » day of June, velope. taa Inka St,Chicago, 11A 18 w. l * * ' B skjsbi W L. E o M , Register. r» In connection ï with co, F R A N K A. STEW AMT Notary Public, Port Orford