HI THE NAVY RA TI OH. HE TRIBUNE. Im m e n r e e i m o a n t o f P r o T U I o a i Con«* • mum »4 V K D K JK^AY, DECEMBER 16. IK«. A m « r> The enlisted force of th e navy d u r­ ing the coining y e a r U expected to oonbunie 22U,(XX) pound« of frankYti. .nr sausAgee and 141.000 poundw of Hftuer- L ran t. This i« u p a r t of the new navy ration, fo r the com ponent p a rts of which eon tr a d e a re sh o rtly to be aw arded covering one y e a r’s aupplies. deliverable a t th a various navy y ard s and sLAv.ons. The schedules for these provisions have been prepared in the bureau o f Mtippliea Jpplie and accounts, and it luiM bw<-n on« of the in terestin g estim ates of th a t bureau to figure out th e «m ount of eubaihtencu of this cJaa« which will probably be con­ sum ed on shipboard, «ays th e Array and Navy R egister. The ag g reg ate supplies, in addition to the 220,000 pounds o f fran k fu rter« and th e 144,- (100 pounds of sa u e rk rau t are as fo l­ lows: 1,190,000 pound» of fresh beef, 287,000 pound© of fresh ¡M»rk chops, 172,000 pounds of fresh veal, 285 000 pound« of fresh m u tto n , £20,000 pounds of pork sausages, 88,000 pounds of bologna sausages, 723,000 pounds of smoked beef tongues, 141,- XK) pounds of sugur cured hams, 141,- XX) pounds of sugar cured shoulders, 141?MX) pound« of fresh beef liver, 1H5.000 pounds of dressed chickens and 71,300 pounds of dressed turkeys. ItfMCftD KVSRY WEDNB’ïpAY hVENI.'«'(ì. WALTER SUTTON, - - - Pablinher. flÜBRCRÎPTION HATCH. On© Copy One_ \ e a r ................. $l.-3 O ss Copy tfix M o n th s.. ‘i) On© Copy Three Months AnvtfKriafNe R ats » R easonable . OUR AGENTS; R abik , Langlois, Oregon- C bah . D ewey , Gold Beach. r The printed » d d re o «n you r paper *‘r ? ¡«bow« th e date to w hich your su 4 ‘ (scription 1« p©id. T u r k s I n s u l t A m e ric a n h . a Y e a r h> !*••• *«r lllniB ,, you ask for Urh. th e police in te rc e p te d th e p a rty , us e t . a t a railway office th e clerk lays «aulted and insulted M r. Davis, a n d ''¿,,vn, h l* «hr»™ «« a . 1... bands y.'.u - . , the dingy bits of p asteb o ard . The das pit© tile rcsistauco of the Consul innum erable )>#ddl#rs uli sm oke cigs- an d bis a tte n d a n t guards, rearra-teU ro tte s all the time. T he low er-class women, including the gypsy women, A ttarian and took him back to •m oke /r e e lj on the streets. prison. Air. Davis im m ediately lowered the tlag over the C onsulate and fo r­ m a lly broke off relations with the T u rk ish authorities by q u ittin g A l­ e x a n d re tta and leaving the Consul utp in charge of the Vice Consul. A num ber o t Moslems seized on th e occaeiou to make hoatile dem onstratlons against the Consulate an d .g a in s t the C hristian s generally, The local authorities assert th a t M r. D avid a tiu c k lb© police w ith rt f u n © , an d tlm t after the rear rent o! o /’ i . AUTOMATIC DOCTOR IN PARIS. !)»«»*<• f<>r T w e l v « l)M V « r « n 4 A i l m e n t s F a r o f c b r e l T>r &*•«*■> r - t n - S l o t ■««bines. I t Is probable th a t the ohnmx of the au tom atic supply era re has h««u reached by the eompauy which is ab o u t to in stall piu,. 1 be outrage, li.ru , " ’ it is anticipated * will lead to strong action ou th>- pari of the U nited S ta le , Io o b tain fu ll reparaliou, especially a . lu ll aatiafactiuu for ih© B eirut affair ha© n ot y#t h#en given. w »>•"« '« •>"»•. which in ra in th a t not only the retne- dies, but also th« p rsacrip tio n s fo r 12 d ifferent ailm ents, »uch as toothache, indigestion, cold hi Uis head and „ “nerves, * * will m be » forthcom » ing fo r the ubiquitous (uuiuy- Thu faculty of m edielns ha» g ra n t­ ed the sy stem s rerttficAte, and th ere is co n stern atio n am ong L'arislau d o o to rs. On« d o cto r spl© will in k - th« op- A U arisu th« Consulate cava^aen, (m ilita ry couriers) attem pted to res cue him , at.d that tu the fracas whicl) ensued th , oavas.es broke the w indow , of t h . prison. T h t T u rk ish authorities fu rth er claim th a t A ttarian , who is a native . . . . of D iu rb ck u r, AJH^U c lu i k e y , bus been trav e lin g about th© co u n try with an illegal passport. T hey .1 P",,lte '1n* ^ J xff th ' ^ ’’‘7 " ,<1’,' re: 1 rati aee m raun wno ■■ Imlf blind vritTi btUriusnewi ptitUug* hU penny In the wrong slot >ad .w aUow ing a c u r . for inllu.iwH. T h at i. certainly w h at will happoii, aiul than those In .- ehluea will be ruil.it a t ju s t a* ninny a d o cto r i. whan he h a ^ w u . tv u iak . a u i.tiU ur'* C o r d ia lly -t.r .c d n llh T .d d r . Gov. Roosevelt attended the recent com m encem ent s t Cornell, and while there was entertained at o n . of the college fratcrnity-houac». When he was about to leave one of his staff .aid to hint: "Governor, the boys have an excellent lib rary in the house and I think they would appreciate its en- la rg ,m e n t by a copy of your ‘Rough R ider».'" "Teddy," In an o u tb u rst of good-fellow ,hip, exclaim ed: "All rig h t, tmy,. I'll be glad .o send you a copy wk h my com plim ent«; the book would be a very sm all retu rn , indeed, for your hospitality. .. «,» w hereupon one of . the b o y , replied, excitedly: "T hat", to, g ',v,,ru o r; 1 ve read It." a m a r i . i c * T h at is in u a i.« . An Kugliah inventor has devised a very ingenious artifiaisl leg and foot intruded for uie in ease, of am p u ta­ tion Iwlow the kneu Joint. It is main­ ly composed of a hollow rubber cham ­ A clerk in th e Baker City popi ber, which I, Inflated in exactly the office, tb u d y n g th a t circu lar lettei» sam e way aa a bicycle tire. The tk e lt- and palters were of no value to the l"“ **"•' (•<•! wood and contain, w ithin it a ruldiet-faced point which owner», threw a h u g e o o n sig u iaen t pernaita of m ovem ent, like thaa« th a t of this class of m ail in 'o the w a tte take plnee a t the ankle. A p s iru fr u b - ba»ket a»d burned it up to save the »>crjmeum»!»* pads aurround the end . . . r of am putated limb, so th at no un- iabor ol uistriB uling it. II© is now (tne pressure (»exerted on the tisane, under <500 bond« for d eatm jiB g m Dulled Slates mail, People doll I ' N O T H II. buy »tam p, and »ubucribo lor newe- Notice is hereby given to all whom it paper» for fua. tuny ctmcern, to enter upon #r tres- jtMMi in any manner u|*»n th© land of th# uaderelfnet. aitii&tcd on Elk Kiver, Curry «*onntv, Oregon, for th© ptirpo#© W A X TFD _F AITT1 ft : L P E IW > N of fitdiiittf, or huntin* with ?nna or d• a law count)©#, railing on n tali m©r- in g .th riiu x h , o r otherwia# tre«l*«»» in d ia n tw and agents Local terrttpry. any uiaiitior. Any ponton or |t©r*nna Hal* nr tM A ü n ar w«* «ik with expeneoe >o enterintr n|wm ©aid premia©# with- additional, all payabi _______ _________ lf a title on an individual. They tak e the form of a royal m an­ m a d e u n d e r a n a g re e m e n t w ith the dam us, and th e issuing of th e docu­ S ta n d a r d C a ttle C o m p a n y w hereby m en ts ¡ m a costly m a tter, which has M rs. Bowes a t th e tim e of th e fen­ to be borne by the ennobled; S500 is practically th e am ount of th e fee a n y leased th e la n d to th e c o m p a n y new knight ha» to pay for th e letter» w ith a f u r th e r a g re e m e n t t h a t th e p a ten t conveying th e royal a u th o r­ c o m p a n y should h a v e th e p u ich ase ity. A b a ro n e t’s liabilities a re about o f th e la n d . T h e d e p a rt m erit de th** »ame. When a “ Mr.” or a “Sir,” is ad ­ cideS th a t M is. B ow es is re q u iie d to vised of th e royal in ten tio n to ele- m a in ta in resid en ce ou th e la n d an d vr.te e ith e r to the dignity of baron, th e letter« p a te n t conveying the t h a t h e r a g re e m e n t w ith th e c o m ­ royal a u th o rity carries a fee of $750; p any in v a lid a te d th e e n tr y , a n d re of a viesount, $1,000; an earl, tl.2 ’0; a m arquis, 41,500, and a duke. $1.750. q u ir ts its c a n c e lla tio n . When Lord R oberts w as prom oted to th e d ig n ity of an earldom a» a re ­ N O T IC E . w ard fo r his service« in South A f-, rica. be find to forw ard a check fo r Notice Is hereby given to all whom it $1,25(X to th e a u th o ritie s of th e col­ may concern, n o t to enter upon or tre s­ lege of arm » for the p archm ent con­ pass in an y m an n er, upon the lunds of firm ing his now titlrt. t ile undersigned, situated ou E lk ltlv e r, But to be fined $1,750 fo r m arry in g C u rry C ounty, Oregon, to r the purpueu 3 p rin cetsffn h a rd e r »till. V hen the of lish iag , or h u n tin g with guns or e a il of F ife—«« he wa» th en —be­ doqs . A lso not to li ave any gate or cam e th e husband <>/ Princes» Louise, bars open on going th rough or o th er­ of Wale«, Queen V ictoria, at th e w ed­ wise tre sp a ss ill an y m anner. Any per­ ding b re a k fa s t which follow ed the son or persons so e n te rin g upon said happy cerem ony, drank to the prem iers w ith o u t our consent w ni be prosecuted to th e full extent of th e law. “h ealth of th© duke of Fif#.” .). L. NAY. T h at d rin k coat th e sem i-royal r o b t . M c K e n z i e . bridegroom th e am ount of hia le tte rs JO H N . W. M CKENZIE. p a te n t confirm ing th e dukedom. It. is a »©rious item when a man ia made a peer. B arouete o r knight« T r e s p a s s N o tic e . sy»ar no robe»; peer» do. A p eer’s Notice is hereby given to all persons robe 1« m ade of very fine royal sc a r­ hom it may ooncern, not to e n te r up- let cloth, su itab ly trim m ed w ith Pr - w rn or trespass upon tlie prem ises of tlie mlne. th e ran k of the w e a re r being undersigned, fo r the purpose of h u n t­ known by th e num ber of erm ine bars ing, o r fishing with hookund fine, spear, which encircle th e upper or shoulder or otherw ise. Said prem ises are s itu a ­ part, of th e robe. A duke «hows four ted in ¡Sixes preeiuct, Curry county, O r­ of these bars, n m arquis th re e and a egon, ant! dcscrihed ns follows: Tlie hnlf, an earl th ree, a viscount two, E'g of SWJ au d \Y 'j sE J, section 0, T p. 32 8 „ It. 1-1 w. Any person so and r, b aron one. Th© coat of a p eer’s robe m rie« tresp assin g for tlie purpose of hunting tishiug ot' otherw ise, wdi I«.' prosecuted ■otuowhnt, b u t th e average price paid to the lull e x te n t of tlie law. fo r a set is about $1,000. No cam ping allow ed on tlie prem ises, Coronet»»—they are of silver-gilt, and people passing th rough are w arn­ no t of «olid gold—coat from $125 to ed to close th e gates. $250 apiece. S. P. P E IR C E . The new lord, on being «ummonod to the house of lords, attend», n r-, rayed iu his official robe«, and is in­ troduced to th e lord chancellor and 1 inform ally to th© mem ber« of the house of lord» by tw o poera of his v is it D R . J O R D A N ' S o n a » T t Own rank. On w alking down th e floor of the h o m e the new lord anil th e tw o — itti iin itt it ., snFciKixw.cn. peers bow th re e tim es to th e throne, T ire A * a rear»1 cal M wmmb !» »h« A W on» We^kne»*«« •» «n» e.»«iral t} la tin g t o .t h e elevation. fr«wu x / sm * MhuHtUr« t»-« al»«rea»»j T r W M « » * ttrd k>v A» Napcrk ■»««•»- A T he royal au th o rity is read ns n •w l M « ■»»»•«»»••- A qn.ck t r i r m a tte r of form , anil th e docum ent Is ■ a»>r«l cur« fire r H f « . F ta re a a r. » . i | » '( « • « i r e . Uf D r. JarO *« » a|*a«iaal p » a handed back to the new peer, who. «• Iriua »«th n iU . • lluNeaa Ira»« ««J d - l ' * r r t D « ’« Tr«re»re-tn t»-r ti bow ing cerem oniously, again retires. », by Iretre A Aara In evary u i , V k avaria*. Sk «t. *•» R wk M V of a F U j i l n D s R n U a a i i . f . , MAIL«» F »a *. fA ««tMJbl« baa. © O d d It r l d a l G if t. . Urm.n.1 C all » " ' • à A German p aper re p o r t, a singular ÜB RROSN . 00.. 1P81 asrHtat.. S F. F freak of p a tern al lib erality in the m a tte r of w edding dow ry. On the b e tro th a l of his d a u g h te r H err FO R SALE. i >ucha ;acb eck had announced th a t he would give h e r as h e r m arriage p o rtio n h er w eight in silver c u r­ O ne section of land, one-fourth val­ rency. \ccordlngly on th e w edding day the bride was form ally weigheil u ab le tim tier, tlie re m a in in g 480 acres In th e draw fag room in th e presence good g razin g land. A bout 50 acres of th e assem bled g u ests before p ro ­ -ceded to grass. A b o u t 20 acres fenc­ ceeding to m e church. T he bride ed. B uilding* co n sist of 3 dw elling tu rn in g the scale at 140 * pounds, a house» and 3 b arn s. 15 acres under sack » « • nt once tilled w ith silver c u ltiv atio n . Good o rch ard ou tlie crow ns to th e sam e w eight. The ex­ place. Land e x ten d s to ocean beach. act nunibi— of crow ns w as 13.SOO, C ounty road ru n s th ro u g h place. New a b o u t >»,$00.—Chicago Chroniola. dw elling house am i barn on road. A mherst students have petition«! Term», reasonable. For fu rth e r par­ th e trustee* for practical course, iu ticulars enquire nt T atu cx s O ffice . Italian and Spanish. T h . course of the medical d ep art­ m ent at Howdoin college has been READ T H E M A RK ET N EW S changed from three to four years. Sixty-six per cent, of the eirm entary school* in Belgium have savings banks for scholars, while in England the pro­ portion is only 36.B, though i t was 43.0 T f o T III NG is em itted w hich con- in 1883. » e em s tlie in terests of buyers T h . comm on school fund of Texas owns in round num brrs 38,000,000 of and sellers in the livestock, g rain , piuduc«, and llnuncinl m ark et!—the uu,old lands. One-fourth of these are <4n o tatio n s are cim q-rehensive, am i leased for g ra tin g purpose* a t four in every way reliable. cents an s < tv . T ir e .l o l l m i l l in addition carries Principal* of Chicago's public achools every day a full and tru th tu l report of are opposed to the giving of prizes and ' tlie wofl-l’s new s und presents many tuetlais to pupil*. They do not deny a,4*ci«featurM of deep Interest to the th at prise* are an incentive to effort I average reader. The J o u rn a l’s w om an’s on the |» r t of the children, but priae- page, tlie illu strated sp o rtin g news giviug develop* the im m oral tra its of 1 pns<, Jo u rn al st< riea a n d comic pages envy n rJ jealousy, and where the prizes a n d o th er g-ixl th in g s m ake it a very are offered for com petition in an essay, I ; m . pul.ar fam ily new spaper, clean nu-l to be w ritten out of the school room, b rig h t from A to Z an d y ear’s end to ar’s end. there I, a likelihood of assistance from j e I> rtily. one year by m ail, only i t ; older heads, und a consequent deceit six m onths, $:* 25; th ree m onths, $1 25 un th e port of the children. S< itii-AA e e k i v , 104 issue«, one year, #l,-o. At «M-klv, I t . The issu e, of the Sx-ini- Weekly ami W« ekiy J o u rn a l nl 1 so contain the m ark et news am i all of the fe a tu re s of th e D aily J o u r­ nal. A ddress T H E JO U R N A L , b- «ria- ft>r oor ,xx,!-.l»uuai :«*Ur wp- Ia< tor naMnt: I» » • / k. »"SX «Ma», P o rtlan d , Oregon. , prorapUr oMÜ. U. u j For»W> f KUSEME3 OF fiSBTOKY* DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? NOTIN ANYTRUST M any newspaper« have lately «(ven currency t»> reports by u rv.sponaibke partie» to the elfect Kidney Trouble Makes Yea BOscrabfe. T}1E NEW HOME SEWINO M ACHINE CO Almost everybody who reads the news- is sure re to know of the wonderful .cures made by Dr. t Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, j the great kidney, liver [t and bladder remedy. - It is the great medi- ca! triumph of the nine­ ’ ll teenth century; dis- i, covered after years of j scientific research by (,\ £ 1 Dr. Kiitr.er, th« «nii- ‘ ‘ nent kidney and blad- ’• der specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame tack, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou­ bles and Bright’s D sease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer’s Swam p-Root Is not rec­ ommended for everything but If you have kid­ ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found Just ths remedy you need. 11 has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur­ chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mall, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and hew to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and _ send your address tog Dr. Kilmer £c Co.,Bing- hamton, N. Y. T he’ «egular fifty cent and dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. Home of Swamp-Root. D o n ’t m ake any m istake, but rem em ­ ber the name, Sw am p-R out, Dr. K il­ m er’s Sw am p-Root, an d th e address, B in g h am to n , X. Y. on every bottle. N O T IC E . All persons a re hereby w-irned not to tresp ass upon th e lands of th e u n d er­ signed, situated in Sixes River Precii c. C urry county, O regon, fo r th e purpo of h u n tin g « ith guns or dogs, o r tisn- ing. Also not to leavfc any g ate open on going through, o r otherw ise trespass in an y m anner. A ny person so tre sp assin g will be prosecuted to th efu ll e x te n t of the law. MRS. B A C ÌIAEL A YEBS T R E S P A S S N O T IC E . Notice is hereby given to all persons not to trespass upon the prem ises of Dr. K enyon, situ a te d between Floras Lake an d the county road, iu N orthern C urry, by rem oving, cu ttin g , or des­ troying tim ber upon said land. #25 re ­ ward will be paid for inform ation lead ­ ing to a conviction of trespass as stated above. Dated at B andon, O regon, Mtfrch I t , 1901. P E T E li Nt- LSON, Agent N O T IC E . Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern, not to e n te r upon or tres­ pass in any m anner upon the land of the undersigned, situ ated at th e mouth of Sixes R iver, C ut ry eoiiuty, Oregon, for tlie purpose of hu n tin g with guns or dogs, or tishiug. Also n o t to leave any gate open on going th ro u g h , of o th e r­ wise tresp ass in any m an n er. Any p er­ son or persons so e n terin g upon said prem ises w ith o u t my consent will he plusecuted to tin- lull extent of tlie law. JA M ES. S. H U G H ES. N O T IC E . had entered a troel or com bin ation ; w e w ish to UHjrnre the publio th at there 1« n o t r u t h In Hucb report». We have been m A nutaeturing aew ln< u*a<-h)nes for over a quarter o f a cen tu­ ry. and have established a rep utation for o ur aclves und o u r m aehtoee that 1« th e en v y o f all other». Our 44 A©t© H o tu r * * im u h in o hiw never been rivaled as a fam ily m a ch in e.—It stands at th e h e ad ofall I l i f / h t i r u t t r sew in g m achines, and stan d »on its o w n m erits. T h e 44 A’ew H o m e " in t h e o n l y r e a l l y U I G U G R A D E S e w in g R u v h in e o n th e tu ih 'k e t, It ts not nec»*K.i ry for us to enter m to a tru st •<> save our credit or pay an y debt» aa we have n o debts to pay. We have never entered in to comi>etitiou w ith m anufacturers efore E. A. Dodge C. S. C om m issioner for O regon, a t M yrtle Point, Oregon, T h u rsd ay , the 17th day of S eptem ber, 1903. ¡she lia io fs a» w itnesses: E. P. Wells and T. D. G uerin, of M yrtle Point,O regon ; and Joseph Gur- hutt and 11. A. G uerin, of Eokley, O re­ O R A N G E M A S S . • New York, Chicago, 111., 8t. Louis, Mo., Atlan. gon. Any und all persons chu rn in g ad- ta. Ga.. Li.llus, Tex., Han Francisco, Cal. versely th e above-described lamia are requested to tile th e ir claim s in th is office on or helore said 17th day of Sept. 1903. J . T . B R ID G E S , R egister. Do Y ou zx THE NEW HOME SEWINQ MACHINE CD K n o w t h e News* • T iipber Land, Act Ju n e 3, 1878,—No. tice lo r P ublication. You can have it all foi U nited S tates Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, Sept 14, 1903. Notice is hereby given th at in com­ pliance with tlie provisions of th u a e to f Congress of Ju n e 3, 1»7«, entitled "rkn a c t for the sale of tim b e r lands #i, th e -States of California, O regon, N evada, and W ashington T e rrito ry /’ as ex­ tended to all the Public L and States, by a c t of A ugust 4, 1892, R. K nox R oberts, of t-an I raneisco. C ounty of San Vranciaco, S tate of C alifornia, h a s th is dav filed in th is office b is swrorn sta te m e n t No. 5711, for „he purchase of th e NWJ ef Section No. 27, in Town­ ship No. 34 S., Range No. 14 W., and will offer proof to show th a t th e laud sought is more valuable for its tim b er or stone th an fur a g ric u ltu ra l p u rp o ses, and to estab lish big claim to said land before Geo. W. S m ith, Co. C lerk, a t h is office a t Gold R each, Ore., on .Monday, the 14th d ay of D ecem ber, 1903. , He n am es a s w itnesses : Geo. F o rty , of P o rt O rford, O re g .; W. .1. Coleurook, of Corbin, O reg.; AV. I. Roberts, of Los Angeles, C al.; Chas. A. R oberts, of L os Angeles, Cal. Any and all jrersons claim ing ad­ versely the above described lau d s are requested to file th e ir c la im s in . this- olhee on or before said 14th, d ay ot D e­ cem ber, 1903. J . T. B R ID G E S, K egistel. P e r M onth 5 0 C a P e r 'M o n th in The E vening T elegram , of P o rt­ lan d , Oregon. It is .lie largest ev­ ening new spaper published iu Ore-; gon ; it contains all the new s of th e state and of the nation. T ry it for a; m onth. A sam ple copy will be aaail- ed to vou free. A ddress TH E TELEGKAM. PORTLAND,OR ' IT mbeis L a n d , A ct J une 3, JS7S,— N otice P ublica tio n . U nited S tates Lund Office, R oseburg, O regon, Aug. 25 1903. Notice is hereby given th a t in com ­ pliance with th e provisions of tin- net of Congress of Ju n e 3, 1878, e n title d "A n act for tlie sale of tim b e r lands in the S ta te s of California, O gon, N eva­ d a and W ashington T e n ito ry ,” as ex­ tended to all the P u b lic L a n d S ta te s by act of A ugust 4, 1892, M rs. E llenor H aines, of Eckley, county cf C arry, S tate to r T erritory) of O reg o n , lias this day filed in th is office h e r sworn sta te ­ m ent No. 6654, for tlie purchase of th e N,’2 N E '.f of Section N o . 30, in T ow n­ ship No. 31 S., R ange No. 12 west, and will offer proof to show th a t tin- land sought is m ore valuable fo r its tim b e r or stone th a n for ag­ ric u ltu ra l purposes, an d to estab­ lish h e r claim to said land before E. A. D odge, U. S. C om m issioner, for Ore., ai M yrtle P o in t, O re., on S atu r­ day tin- 14th d ay of Novem ber, 1903. ¡She n am es as w itnesses : C. W. ila im s, of Eckley, C urry Com • tv, O regon; Joseph C lark , of Eckley, C urry C oiintv, O reg q p ; H . A. G uerin, of Eckley, C urry County, Oregon ; Fred W ells, of Eckley, C trr y C o u n ty , Ore­ gon. Any and all p erso n s claim in g ad­ verse! x th e above described lauds are requested to tile th eir claim s in th is of­ fic e on or before said *4th day of No­ vem ber, 1908. J . T. B R ID G E S, R egister. T im ber L a n d , A ct J une 3, 1878,— N otice for P ublication , U nited S tates Land Office, R oseburg, O regon, J uly 23, 1903. Notice is hereby given th a t in com­ pliance with tlie provisions of tlie a c t of Congress of J u n e 3, 1878, entitled “ A a ¡n t for the sule ot tim iier lan d s in th e S ta te s of C alifornia, O regon, N evada, and W ashington T e rrito ry ,” as exten d ­ ed to all th e Public L anu S ta te s by a c t of A ugust 4, 1892, Roy C. Jones, of P o rt O rtord, co u n ty of C urry, State o f Oregon, has th isd a y hied in th is office h is sw orn statem ent No. 4975, fot th e purchase of tiie 1.4 NW} NW} N W } s e c t io n 25 a n d NE} NE} see. 20, tw p. No. 34 south, Tange No. 14 west, und w ill offer proof to show th a t th e land sought is more v alu ab le for its tim b er or stone th a n for ¡m ricultural puqioses, a n d to establish h is claim to said laud beh-re J. H. Upton, U. 8. C om m ission­ er at L anglois O regon, on W uturday, th e 17th. oay of O ctober, 1903. H e nam es »s w itn esses: G eorge C uirv.G eo. Forty, T. R .I.ane, a n d H . L . Coojier, all of P o rt O iford, Oregon. A ny and all persons cla im in g ad ­ versely the above descrilied lands a re requested to tile th e ir claim s ill tiiis of­ fice ou or before said 17, d a y of O ctober, 1903. J. T. B R ID G E S , R eg ister. Notice is hereby given to all whom it i T im ber L a n d , A ct J une 3, 187?,— may concern, not to e n te r upon or tres N otice for P u bu c a tiö n . puss uport th e prem isi s of th e under signed, situated on Elk River, C urry U nit---1 S tales L a u d Office, county, O regon, for th e purpose i f I R oseburg, O regon, O ctober 28 1903. hunting, w ith g u n s, d o g s,o ro tlierw ise. Notice ia hereby g iven th a t in com­ Any person o r pt .'sons so trespassing p lian ce w ith the p rovisions of tiie net w ithout in ;' consent, will he prosecute 1 of Uohgrcss o f J u n e 1878, entitled to the full ex ten t ot tile law. "A n Act for th e sale of Tim 1-cr L anda i t E I.I BAG LEY ' th c S ta te s of C alilorni i, O regon, Ncvu- -la. ami W ashington T e rrito ry ,’’ as ex­ tended to all tlie P ublic L und States by a c t - I A ugust 4. 1892, Jo h n II. Levis of Pdaek R iver F alls, c-uintv of Jackson State of W isconsin lias this d ay tils il in th is ofiicedds sworn state­ T im ber L and A ct , J une 3, 1878,- m ent No. 5707, for tin« p u rc h a se of th e N’ otice F or P ublication . S. W. J o t S ection No 14, T ow nship 33 S o u th , of R ange 15 AV. an d will offer LTnited S tates L and Office, S O I ti proof t- show th at tin- land so n g lit is Roseburg, Oregon, Kept. 14, 1903. m ore valuable for its tim b er o r stone N otice is hereby given th a t in Com­ th a n for ag ric u ltu ra l purposes, an d pliance with tlie provisions of the a c t of to establish hie claim to said land be­ Congress of J u n e 3, 1878, entitled “ An a n d | fore tiie R e g iste r ami Receiver of tiiis a c t tor tiie sale of tim ber lands in tlie office ¡it Roseburg, O regon, ou T h u rs­ States of California, Oregon, N evada, d ay th e 10th day of Alcreh 1004 He and W ashington T e rrito ry ," as ex­ uum es a s w itnesses: T hom as Toplin tended to ail tlie Public L an d S tates by of R oseburg O regon GoO. H. H ousen a c t of August 4, 1892, W illiam I. Rob­ of R oseburg Oreg'-n W. AV. U'ar-lwell erts, of Los Angeles, C ounty oi L o s An­ of R oseburg Oregon G. AA'. L evis of geles, S tate (or T errito ry ) of C alifornia, Madison AVisconsin. lias this day filed in this office his Stock and poultry hare few Any and all persons claim ing a-lverse- sw orn statem ent No. 571^,for th e pur­ troubles which are not bowel and ly tlie ubove described lands are re­ chase of th e NE} of Section No. 27, in l i v e r irregularities. U la c k - quested to file th eir claim s iu th is office township No. 34 8., Range No. 14 W ., Draupht Stock and Poultry Medi- on or before said 10 dav of M arch 1904. ami will offer proof to show th a t t h . cine is a bowel and liver remedy J. T B R ID G E S, R egister. land sought is more valuable for its tim ­ fir stock, it puts the organs of ber or stone than for a g ric u ltu ra l p u r­ digestion in a perfect condition. poses, and to estatilish his claim to said Fhomiaent American breeders and land before Geo. AV. F ru itn , Co. Clerk, farmer« keep their herds and flocki T im reb L and . A n J une 3, 1878,— office a t Cold Beach, O re., on M onday, healthy by giving them an occa­ the 14th day o f D ecem ber, 1903.' N otice for P ublication . sional d"se of Black-Draught Stock He nam es as witnesses : and Poultry Medicine in their Geo. F o rty ,o f P o rt O rford, O re.; W. U nited States Land Office, food. Any stock raiser ic.av buy a J . Colebrook, of C orbin, O r e .; R. K . R ofebiirg. Oregon, Sept. 14,1903. ¿5 cent ha’f-pqunfi air-tight .can Notice is hereby given, th at in com ­ R oberts of S an Francisco. C a l.; C has. of thia medicine from hi« dealer pliance witli th e provisions of the act R oberts, of L oa A ngeles, C al. and keep his stock in vigorous A ny and all |>ersonselaiiuiiiga-lrerse- of Congress of Ju n e 3, 1878, e n titled health for weeks. Dealers gener­ "A n m t for th t sale ot Tim ber lauds in ly tlie above described lan d s are re­ ally keep Black-Draught Stock and tlie sta te s -f C alifornia, O regon, Neva­ q u ested to tile th e ir claim s in this of­ Poultry Medicine. If your» doe« da, ano AVashington Territory ." as ex- fice on or before said 14th d a y of De­ niR. «end 25 cents for a «ample tended to all the Public I.ami States by cember, 1903. can to the manufn t-irer«. I . . J . I . , B K IlX iFS, KegisteP. ¡let -'f A u g u st 4th. 18SF1, C h arles A. Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat- R oberts, of L--s A ngeles, County of law Angeles, ¡State of C alifornia, bus th is N O T IC E . d ay tiled in tiiis office his sw--rn s ta te ­ m ent No. 5370, for tlie p u rch ase of tlie. SF ( of Fei'ti -n No. 27. in T ow nship No. N otice is hereby given lo <11 w hore 34 8.. R ange No. 14 W ., and will offer it m ay concern, not to en te r upon proof to show tiiat tiie lan-t so u g h t is more valuable t -r its tim ls-r or stone or trespass, in a n y m a n n er, apow than fo r agricultural purposes, and th e lan d of th e u n d ersig n ed , s itu a ­ to e sta b lish his claim t-> said land l-e- ted near D en m a rk , C u rry co u n ty , lore G to. AA . 8 m ith , t o. C rerk, at h i. O regon, for the purpose of h u n tin g ,-ffiee at G old Beach, Orc., on S atu rd ay , w ith gu n s or dogs, o r fishing. A lso, ‘ th e 12th day ol D erem ber, l'.nKt. no! lo leave an y gate open on going H e n am es a s witness«-» ; G rorge F o rty , of P o rt O rfo rd , O re .; th r o u g h ,o r otherw ise trespass in Thos. R. L to e , of P o rt O rf-rd , O r e .; a n y tn a n m i. Any person o r p er­ Geo. Rvckeley. of P--rt O rford, O r e .; sons to en terin g upon said prem ises Boy O. J o n e s , of P o rt O rford. Ore. Any an > all per- -it-elaim ing adverse­ w ithout my consent will be prw>e- ly the aho.N-de-urifieil lands nn- re ­ cu ted to lb# fu ll e x te n t ot th » law. quested to file their claim s in tiiis of­ H A R R Y W IL S O N 1» tit—ail D r« ., fic e on o r betore tlie sai l 12 day of. tAes. idi—d m en» a ci*-«n skm, N j I>eeenitier, It*-3. brauG wuhoat it, Cxecsret», Candy Cxth»? J . T. ld tID G E i. R egister. * ^ l u » !fe»«»» T"«r I « ♦ « « m t tic ek-aa your brood »03 tre e e Hean, T o » u it tr b o c e . « te ily »■<• forever, he M* attiring np th . i««y itv.r snfi artvi.» .9 Oreaua Seiat-WreSly Journal. «* o r ile . Twit e f 1 .'e. » e r r e and vi»oe, ta k e N » T » parities from tb . I mm I x . licgm to dav c-atlc newspaper, ever fair and at- B a c ,tM n s m tO T -w o rk e r . t h a t » » . « « e a k a m haiiiAh gimpnw. i--n*, bictct,,». blaekhrsi! «¡1 « - n e i * * « . H * o r »1. C u r t e - ia r s » way. free: 1st copies in on. year for snty a n »nfi that ftvklr tuliou* «wmiavxion t y taking CT.-w I — T -w fllSamr» » to any nddress The Journal, P. te rs i B o r-l-let sad « e m p i. f r e . Al C»s *rrl*.—beauty for ten c u ts . Alt -Irug- TV Tt .se» s-arw»< e--»f^rr »n t arm CO» mm »1.6« O. Box 121, Portland. Or. Kaowd» O», ORI cmd or N rv 7 W * *p.U ml uu lieu guorsatred, ilk, 25c. >b: aktrn» 4 a* saiOv. O m rt 0» rw - a. M. f STOCK POULTRY MEDICINE THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL M m I nventors Ï « PATENTS Tf,VAW„WiíB'J35’J!í: u IM M K Q IA T t mw r B E K « r e » » ® ° l>»i«nl«¡'0ay w » » » • i h . “ 51 ! • . » ! M r» !« » u J s d rW K O h w t« . V . n u k lw s M . T r , u . M4 SWIFT & CO., 0 **- U k Pacaarf lawya«*«, Fat»»* Oao»,Waalda,ta». O.C. a , aree»