The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19??, February 18, 1903, Image 4

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S teu.uer <.'re»i*eiit C ity W reck ed .
Mr. Charles Schwab has not only
bought a seaside resort lor the poor
Gtialala, Jan. ¿0, Mendocino Co.,
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY H. 11X0. : Cal.—The Steam schooner Cri -e •Ill
built a $1[’!,i,():)') steamboat (o carry
Timber 1.and, Art June3, 1878,—No­ Timber Laud, Art June 3, 1878,—Ne»
tire fob publiratioti;
tice for Ptiblicatiou.
L a m i , A ct J unk 3, 1878,—
N o t r e t o n l ’ t ut . ication .
T iu
U nk ft S tates L aud Offi»*».
R oseburg, O regon, D ecember 18, 1802.
Is hereby given th a t in com ­
; pliance with
the provisions of the act
o f congress of J u lie 3, 1878, entitled
"Au aet for the sale of tim b e r lan d s in
the States of C alifornia, O regon, Neva­
da, a tal W ashington T e n n o r y ,” as
extended to all tile P u b lic L an d States
by act of A u g u st 1, 1882, Ole P.
Haugens, ii , of Laiiulois, county of
C 'u rrv , S tat" of Oregon, lias th is
day ¡lied in th is jiffico hie sworn
stataruent No. 1118, fur the p u rch ase
of the SEJ of section No. 1!», in
T ow nship No. 31 south, ra n g e Mo.
11 west, and will offer proof to
show th a t the lan d so u g h t is m ore v al­
uable for its tim b er o r stone th a n fur
a g ric u ltu ra l purposes, an d to estab ­
lish h is claim to said land before
.1, 11. Upton, U. S. C om m issioner, at
his office a t L anglois, C urry, county,
Oregon, on S a tu rd ay , the 7th d ay of
Mareh, 19(13.
lie m im es a s w itnesses: Jam es P.
Olsen, of I ‘e u m u r k , O r e g o n , A n d re w
Olsen, of L anglois, Oregon, John L.
Auderson, T hom as Johnson, of Den­
m ark , Oregon.
A ny and all persons c la im in g a d ­
versely the aliove-desei iltr-d lan d s are
requested to iile th e ir claim s in th is of­
fice on o r before the »aid 7th day of
M areh, 1803.
J. T. B R ID G E S , R egister.
City, Captain 11. T. Payne, is lb« youiii ti'ri to aa^l from their
OFFICIAI. RABEA OF C’JRRY ' ’•>. pounding on Fi-b Ruck, on the h • !
pl.tygriHi!ad». Tiiis boat is nume«)
>b- ■Happy I) ■ y and will be provided
ability of becoming a total loss Ol) ■with every comfort and convenience
W. F. RILEY, • • - Proprietor. board the Crescent City at the ti inc l’or the cl lildren and their attend-
she struck were twelve pa.-s ng-
nearly all residents of it City,
Treasure figures show deposits in
One Copy One Y e sr ................... fl.50 besides Captain I’ayne an I the cr w
ill« bank» an I trust conceriiK of the
3ne Copy Six Month* ...............
nf sixteen persons. All were safely c iiin li v ag g reg atin g ¡f8,500,000,000,
One Copy Throe Months ...........
land' d on the rock from the steam­ or about »’108 per capita. The
and about half the number were total of available cash in the coun­
ADVBHTisniG R ate » ItnASox.vr.r.B.
try is something more than $2.500,-
sub: Hjiii utl.v taken oil by I be
000,000, or I’ -- I ha n $30 per - Capita.
schooner Scotia, which «ig’nte 1 the
wreck while passing. Of ihe lilK on W omen as Wei! as Men
A B. S abin , Lnn.doi». Oregon.
people still on the rock all are bo
C has . D ew et , ©old Dench.
Are Made Miserable by
lieved lo be members of the crew,
A. II. Oaoox, Pistol River, Oregon.
Kidney Trouble.
except ?drs. C. It. Feely and her
i The printed ».litres» on your pat r j
two children, who refused to take
? s h o w s t h e ilr tte t . w h i c h y o u r m i e /
Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis­
( s c r l p t i o n Is p a ll i .
the risk of reaching tile Scotia in
courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor
the schooner’» small boat. I’lie
, -
and cheerfulness soon
' fi<)
disappear v/hen the kid-
I ? or** islln* I i n ( It,
following passengers are among £* ij;
A5L—» neYs ar® ou* °l or<ler
those who were brought ashote:
or diseased.
The Observer is generally correct Will Westbrook, Dick Miller, G rat
'N ? _
Kidney trouble has
so prevalent
in its diagnosis of men and thing*. ton Murphy, Carrie Holter.
that it Is not uncommon
From highest to lowest the news
for a child to be born T im b e r L an d A c t, June 3 ,1 8 7 8 ,
The people on the rock nr« ns
papers have none of them printed
N o tic e fo r P u b lic a tio n .
i onifort dde ns could he expeeteil
ates too often. If the
the truth about the resignati >11 of
U nited S tates L au d Office,
in the circtiin'tances. They have urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child
Binger Hermann. Wo have the
R oseburg, O leg,in, December l(i, 1902.
firewood nnd shelter of some half reaches an age when it should be able to
is hereby given th a t in eoin-
control the passage. It is yet afflicted with
Straight Goods. To be plain about
awnings. The wind is favorable bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of I plianee with the provisions of the
it Mr. Hermann stood in the way,
act of Congress of J u n e 3, 1878,
for them and coming in such a dir the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first i entitled "All uct
for the sale
step should be towards the treatment of
of railroad land grabbers (and Con­
tim ber lan d s in Die S tates of
eelion that they are protected from these important organs. This unpleasant
gress, to some extent). 11 is uppn
N evada, and
its penetratin'* cold. It. is hoped trouble is due to a diseased condition of the W ashington T e rrito ry ,” as extended
kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as
gition to wholesale forest reserva
' to all tile public land S tates by aet of
they will be rescued at daybreak.
most people suppose.
lions antagonized the subsidized
Women as well as men are made mis­ A ugust 4, 1892, Andrew O lsen, of
T h e vessel sailed from San F ran ­ erable
with kidney and bladder trouble, I Langlois, county *»f C u rry State of
railway magnates who are iL-i:ig the
cisco late Thursday afternoon for and both need the same great remedy. i O regon, h a s th is d ay filed in th is office
forest reservations as convenient
, f
, The mild and the immediate effect of | h is sw orn statem en t No. 4146, for the,
,. • , themselves
„i,™ ,.f
mean» for relieving
it Crescent C ilv. in command of C at t Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It is sold I p itrch u seo f tlieWWJ of section No. 20,in
U nited States l and Oflic«,
Roseburg, Oregon, November 28, 1902.
Notice is hereby given th a t in com­
pliance with tiie provisions of tlie aetof
' i n gress of June 3, 1873, entitled “ An
act for the sale of find e r lands in the
States oi C a l i t o l ' i d a , Oregon. Nevada,
and W ashington T erritory,” ns exten­
ded to all the Public L aud S tates try
The greatest ambition of Artier- J act of August 4, 1892, Clifford H.
Crewe, of Ophir, county of C urry,
Jean men and tronien is to have
State of Oregon, has this day filed III
homes bleastnl with children. The
this office Ids sworn statem en t No.
woman attlicted with female dis­
¡042, f,,r tlie purehaso of tire 8! NW },
NE1 NW J. NW’l NEJ of section 34, in
ease is con.-tautly menaced with I
becoming a childless wife. No , 1 Township 34 south, range 14 west, and
i will offer proof to show th at tlie land
medicino can restore dead or-
1 sought is more valuable for its timlrer
| gans, but Wine of Cardui does j i nr stone than for agricultural purpo“e9,
and to establish his claim to said land
I regulate derangements that pre­
before Geo. AV . Sm ith, County Clerk,
vent conception; does prevent
at Gold Beach, Oregon, on Thursday,
1 m iscarriage; docs restore weak
the 19th day of February, 1903.
! functions and shattered nerves
He names as witnesses :
and (iocs bring babic*» to homes
D. L. Moore. F ran k Moore, of Ophir,
Oregon, A. P. Lavitt, of C orbin, O re­
barren ami desolate for years,
gon, F. T. Crewe, of O phir, Otegon.
i Wino of Cardui gives women tho
Any and all persons claim ing ad ­
health and strength to bear heal­
versely tiie above.described lands are
thy children. You can get a
requested to tile their claim s in tins
office un or before tlie said 19th day of
i dollar bottle of Wino of Cardui
F ebruary, 1903.
’ from your dealer.
J . T. BRIDGES, Register.
113 M a r k e t fc tr e e t,
M e m p b U . T c n r .., A p r i l 14, 1901.
I n F e b r u a r y . 1 9 0 1 ,1 t o o k o u o b o t t l e o f
W iu o i f C n r . iu i a n d o n e p a c k a e -e o f
I T h e d i o r d ’8 B la c k -D r:-.u g h t. I h a d b e e n
I m a r r i e d f if te e n y o a r a a n d h a d n e . o r
g i v e n b i r t h t o a c h i l d u n t i l I t o o k W in e
| o f C a r d u i. N o w I tu n m o t h e r o f a f in e
i b a b y trirl w h i c h w a s b o r n M a r c h 81,1901.
I T h e b a b y w e ig h s f o u rte e n p o u n d « a n d 1
, f ? . l a s w e ll a s a n y p e r s o n c o u ld f e e l .
N o w m y h o m o io h ip p y a n d I n e v e r w i l l
b o ( v lt h o u t W in e o f C a r d u i i a m y h o u s e
| a g a in .
M rs . J . W . C . B M IT H .
F or advioe find litcratOM , addreM , giving
J sym ptom s, “ The I a H h - s ' A dvisory Depart*
' iik-iit ”, 11,« C!,..Jtawooga M edicine Com pany,
C hattanooga, Tcna.
United States Band office,
Roseburg, Oregon, Dec. 22,19o2.
Notice is hereby given th a t in com­
pliance with tlie provisions of the aet
j of Congress of Ju n e 3, 1873, entitled
“ An net fur the «ale of tiu ih er lands in
the S tates of C alifornia, Oregon, N eva­
da, ami W ashington T e rrito ry ,” as ex­
tended to all tlie Public L an d States by
aet of A ugust 4, 1892, W illiam R.
! Herat, of Port Orford, County of Currv,
(S ta te of Oregon, h a s th is d ay tiled in
this offiee h is sworn statem ent No.
j 4177, for the purchase of the NEJ N Wi,
section 39, and E) SAVE and SEiNAA'i
of section No. 19, in T ow nship No. 32
1 south, range No. 14 weyt, and will offer
proof to show th a t tiie land sought is
more valuable for its tim ber or stone
th an for ag ric u ltu ra l purposes, and to
estab lish his claim to said laud before
the C ounty Clerk of C u rry county at
office at P ort Orford, Oregon on
of his
Monday, the 16th day of M areh, 1993.
He nanii's ns witnesses :
E li Bagley, W. T. K err, A. Adolpli-
s e n ,J . M. W est, all of P o it Orford, Or­
egon .
Any and all persons claim in g a d ­
versely tlie above-described lands are
requested to file th eir claim s in tills of­
fice on or before said lGth day of M arcli
J . T. B R ID G E S , Register.
T ow nship 31 S., R. I t west, and will
, ,
by druggists, in fifty-
|f.~ A'fk-
of r n,
then b..,
taint I P a y ■’ n e and with th e follow ing pass
and one dollar il'tr.'elaitt-^piklufete offer proof to show th a t the lau d sought
engers on board. Miss C. L M er­ cent
is m or • v alu ab le for its tim b er or stone
sizss. You may have a li t'j'vk'fffi
grabs which were uns liable.
i th a n f,,r a g ric u ltu ra l purposes, and to
hv m
a il
cample i». b-.ttlrt
bottle by
Tlioy were left open, however, in rill. Mrs. Fogg and babv. Mrs. C. free,
lish h is claim to said land before ,
Ml stvlcs
alvo pamphlet tell- Homo of Swamp B o o t
11. Fcclcv and two children. Nick ing all
about it, including many o( the ' J . 11. Upton, U. H. C om m ission­
heavy deals, and u ndlr the lieu
Miller, William Westbrook, C. E. thousands of testimonial letters received
lands act secured valuable lands in
from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer fice a t L an g lo is, C u n y n u iu ty , Ore-
It will bo remembered that Zuvor. C. P. Bneseh. M . k. G lass & Co., Einghamton, N. Y., be sure and I gun, on S aturday, tho 7th day of
1 March, 1903. ,
mention this paper.
Moody cheeked a deal of this and G, Murphy.
He nam es, as w itnesses: Jam es I'.
Mr. M
Don’t make any mistake, but remem­ Olsen,
of Denmark, Oregon, O. i*.
ber .the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kil­
kind for 1,500,000 acres These op
I Haagcnsen, of Langlois, Oregon. John
errttion» vvero a source of immense
j L. A uderson, Tliomas Johnson, of Den­ HARNESS<fc BRIDLES
one of Hie most dangerous points B ingham ton, N. Y., mi every bottle.
m ark, Oregon.
profit to the land grabbers. The
A ny and all persons c la im in g a d ­
1 alo n g th e whole northern coast,
Made to Order.
tlie above described lan d s are
N orthern Pacific Railway Company
TiM w jt L and , A ct J une 3, 1878,—
. is Bind
. , . to have
swiped If7, >00,000 by
I'liireltH llnviiesi» O i l .
N otice fok P ublication .
office on o r before said 7th d ay of
w eath er was thick n t the tu n c ,
th is system in one exchange
M arch. 1903.
i . ...... ,i ti.n winch made it impossible lor Cap-
,1. T. B R ID G E S , R egister.
i 'n i t e d S ta te s L an d Office,
AViicn it was proposed to repeal the
, ,
. ,
, ,
, , »«,.
tain l’avne and Ins oil leers to keep i Roseburg Oregon, D ecem ber I, 1902.
tim ber mid stone law, Mr. I tn
Notie • is hereby given that in coin- T im ber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878.— S a i l d l e - H l a n k e t s , B i t s , .’i f . , .Ne.
pliam e with th e provisions of the a c t of
tm'.im said no, ‘•repeal the Iieu-iaim
N otice fob P ublication .
Congress of J u n e 3, 187 m , entitled “ An
D r o k c n - T lir o a te f l C o ll a r s R e ­
law and amend the timber ami stone
Htdtool H o u s e H u r t l e d .
aet fur the sale of tim ber inmis in the
p a ire d as G ood a s N ew .
State« "i California, Oregon, N evada,
law .” Mr. Hermann was right,
U nited S tates L an d Office,
! and in Washington T errito ry ,” ns ex- Roseburg, Oregon, December 20, 1902.
and the people see
The Jacksonville public school i tended to all the Pul,lie L and States by
Notice is hereby given th a t in com­ H arness and Saddles repaired a t living
m istake will ensue from lollowing building was entirely destroyed by aet of August 4.1892, Allred J. M arsh, of pliance witli the provisions of t h e net
Port Orford <■■unity ,,i. C urry S tate of of C ongress of J u n e 3, ls78, entitled
lines dictated by his superior “ in fire at an ewrlv hour Sunday morn O re g o n , has this day tiled in tiiis office
I ta iu * ;lo Î!s i, O v e j f o i i .
“ An act fo r the sale of tim ber lan d s in
office.” Mr. Hermann lias been ins. When first, discovered Ihe eu- his sworn statem en t No. 4012, for the the S tates of C alifornia, O regon, Ne­
pur,due,- of tl, SWJ of ME}, NV J SEJ, vada, an d W ashington T e rrito ry ,” as
very consistent in bis reports on ,jlfi building was enveloped in sE
|o l‘ SWJ, of sect,ion No. 31, in Town­ extended to all tiie P ublic Land States
lieu-land script for years, and if liis Hanies, making any effort to save ship No. south, of range 14 West, and by aet of A ugust 4, 1892, Robert John­
will offer proof to show that, the land
representations had been honestly tlie structure fruitless. No expln -ought is more valuable for its tim ber son, of B andon, county of Coos, state of
O regon, h a s th is day filed in tiiis office
considered and acted upon, Hitch- nniion of the origin of the fire save ■ r stone than iu rag iicn ltu rn l purposes, his sworn statem en t No. 1166, for the
to establish his claim to said land p u rch ase of tlie SEJ of section No. ;
cock’s muddle in land matters could that of incendiarism can well be and
l.efose tile County Clerk of C urry coun­ 25, in T ow nship No. 31 south, ran g e 15
avoided. President made, but tho motive that prompted ty, at Port (Irfor l, Oregon, on T fm rs- west, and will offer proof to show th a t
i day, the 19th day of F ebruary, 1903.
tlie lan d so u g h t is m ore v a lu a b le for
McKinley investigated Ibis matter »ueh a deed will perhaps ever re
lie nam es as w itnesses: AV. T. its tim ber o r stone th a n for a g ric u l­
l i e r r , 1!. W. Dean. Thou, la n e , .1. M. tu r a l purposes, and to estab lish his
and pronounced Mr. Hermann a main a mislery.
E iln p a e h , all of Port ( Il f o rd , O reg o n .
claim to sail! land before tilo U. 8.
pure man—anti nothing has since
There had been no fires in Ihe
A n y »m l all persons c la im in g adverse­ C om m issioner, a t Bandon, O regon, on
occurred to alter that opinion.— building since Friday. Saturday ly the above d , -eribed lands are re ­ M onday, tlie 9th day id Mareh, 1903.
quested to lile th e ir claim s in this of­
He n am es as w itnesses: AVilliam G. I
G rant's Pass Observer.
carpenters were at work on some fice on or before sai l 19th day of Feb­
C arroll, Fred A. Meld, Sim eon, N. B. , Cadies’ami Gent’s Shoes ami
of B andon, O regon, J o h n L.
San Francisco, Fob. 9.—South Sea
J . T. BRIDGES, Register.
Anderson, of D enm ark, Oregon.
Islanders to thu number of one thou- rooms, but no fire was kept, and
S '] K .Y ,
Any and all persons c la im in g nd-1
sand or more perished in a tidal 'Lie percaution was taken in leav- I'iinher Ialini, Act June 8, 18711,- verselv tlie aliove-dcseribed la n d s are
requested to file th eir claim s in th is
1GTC„ K T C .,
vveve that swept over enmooftho L- j in8 ,he Ve'niw® «» to the security
Nniiee for Publication.
office on o r before said 9th d ay of
M areh, 1903.
lands January 13 following a terri- " f everything.
AVill keep a wagon on tlie road, m aking
J. T. B R ID G E S , R egister.
U n ited States L aud Office,
ble hurricane.
! The building was a large, two RoHuburff,
regular trips about every ten days, be­
Oregon, December 1, 1902.
Notice is hereby given th a t in com­
tween Gold Beacli an d DairyviUe, for
N«ws o, tlicciilniiiily was receueii story frame, structure, tho main
T R E S P A S S N O T IC E .
pliance with the provisions of the act
the accom modation and convenience of
hero by the steam ship Mariposa part hiving been built about forty- of Congress of Ju n e 3, 1878, entitled
Notice is hereby given to all persons tlie people living en route.
which aiiivcil from 'I ihiti last niglit.
ihe Spites of California, O regon, Neva- not to trespass upon tlie prem ises of
The l»!.tnd most »fficteil were Han, " as require,1, a wing was :„l,ie,l. 1,la,
and Washington T erritory,” as ex­ Dr. K enyon, situated I,etween Floras O R D E R S T A K E N F O R A N Y -
to all tin- Public Land States by Lake and the county road, ill N orthern
liikuera anil Makokau. Oil onu ol
A R T I C L E N O T IN S T O C K .
act of A ugust I, 1892, Addio K err, of Curry, by removing, cu ttin g , or des-
these islands where a thousand na­ I the furniture and quite an extern P o rt Orford, county of C urry, State troving tim ber upon said land. $25 re­ My Goods will be sold at bottom prices
of O r e g o n , has this day filed ill this of­ ward will be paid for inform ation lead­
tives were engaged in pearl diving,
strictly or Cosh.
fice 11,T sworn statem ent No.
, for ing to a conviction of trespass ns stated
ut least one half; were drowned.
tho pu ri’lias • "f the SWJ N W J, Wj above.
s W l, NE( S \\ 1 ,,i section 30, in T ow n­
Dated nt Bandon, Oregon, M arch 14,
Kiglity otlier’islands were visited by of $3000.— Medford Mail.
ship No. 32 s o u t h , range No. II w estand 1901.
T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878—
the hurricane and tidal wave with
In consideration of tho recent will offer pro"i I,, sh ,w th a t the land
N otice fok P ubi r a t io n .
sought is more v Unable far its tiiubey
fearful loss of life.
storms all over tho Pacific coast,ac­ ,,r ¡¡tone than for ag ricu ltu ral purposes,
The surviving inliabitants are companied by freshets which swept and to ei ta ld is h lus claim to said land
United States Land Offiee,
without food, clothing or shelter. railroads and bridges before them, before tlie county Clerk of Curry coun­ Port Orford, - - Oregon. Roseburg, Oregon, December 20, 1992.
ty, a t Port O riord, Oregon. on Thurs-
Notice is hereby given, tlm t in com­
The French government is prepar it would not he very surprising to uay, the 19th day of February, 1993.
pliance with tho provisions of the act
ilo im in e s, a s witnesses:
A. A.
ing to relieve the distress as much i hear of m any train wrecks and .laiiiii
Tlie traveling public is respectfully of Congress of Ju n e 3, 1878, entitled
son, W. R. Hurst, A. J. M arsh,
"A n act for the sale of tim b er lands in
ns possible, and a warship has been great loss of lile
But so far, we T h o m a s I.ano, all of P o rt Orford Oro- inform ed th a t I am prepared to keep the States of C alifornia, O regon, N eva-,
da, and W ashington T erritory,” us ex ­
dispatched to tho scene.
I have heard of very fev wrecks from
Any and all persons claiming ad-
tended to till the Public Laud States by i
The schooner Excelsior took -101) this cause and these were neooni I ver e ly t l x a b o v e fie se rih e d lands are at reasonable prices. A share of tlie act
of A ugust 4, 1892, Amos Corson, of
e q u e s te d to tile th eir claim s in this of­ publie patronage is solicited.
surrivors to Papeete. I he natives pani«) by small uumhers of fatali- r fice
B andon, county of Coos, S tate of O re-j
on or before sdld la t h day of Eob-
has tills (fay filed in th is offiee his
readied the ship by swiniiiiing,three ; (¡(>¡. ()|l lhe otl„.r |,and. the ire . ru ary , 1993.
sworn statem en t No. 4167Tor the p u r­
N O T IC E .
or four miles from the tops \>f cocoa qnent ricurreitce of Irani wrecks
chase of the N EJ of section No. 20, in
Township No. 31 south,
J. T. BRIDGES, Register.
U nited S tates Land Office,
R oseburg, Oregon, December 16, 1902.
Notice ia hereby given th a t in com-
plianee with the provisions of the act
nf C'ongfe«»bi Ju n e 3, 1878, en titled
"A n aet for the calc of tim ber lauds in
the St ites of < alifornia, O regon, N eva­
d a ami W ashington T erritory,” aa ex­
tended to all tlie P u b lic L an d S tates
tiy aet of A ugust 4, 1892, Jam es P.
Olsen, of D enm ark, county of C urry,
State of Oregon, has th is day filed
in this office ids sworn statem ent
No. 1147, lor the purchase o f tho
SWJ, (Eh, SW J, Lots 3, 4,) of section
No. 19, in T ow nship No. 31 south, range
14 west, and will offer proof to show th a t
the land sought is more valuable
for its tim b er or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to es­
tablish h is claim to said land before
J. H . Upton, U. H. Comm issioner, a t
Langlois, C urry county, Oregon, on
Saturday, thu 7th day of M arch, 1903.
He n am es as w itnesses:
O. P. H aagense , Andrew O lsen, of
L anglois, O regon, Jo h n L. Anderson,
Thomas Johnson, of D enm ark, < iregon.
Any and all persons claim ing ad­
versely the above described lauds are
ri8]uested to file their claims ill th is of­
fice on or before said 7th day of March,
J . T. BRIDG ES R egister.
T im ber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878,—
N otice fob P ublication .
a n y t h i n ? y o u i n v e n t o r i m p r o v e ; a ls o g e t
PROTECTION. S e n d m o d e l , s k e t c h , o r p h o t o .
Tor f r e e e x a m i n a t i o n a n d a d v ic e .
D R . J O R D A N 'S
m E o g a o f
• v is it
l(ii 1 IU R U T 8 7., 8 1 1 FB U tlS W , C1L. ?
T h e^eet Anat*»mical Museum in the
W01 Id. W eakne»»« or any cvniractert y
due»-- p w » l ( ( r * l y raresrf i>y the olUffiet A
Specialut ob the t o u t E»t. 36 years.
Ladies Furnishing Goods
n ut trees.
She names as witnesses :
AV. R. H urst, A. Adolphsen, A. Rich­
ards, J. M. Lim paeii, all of P o rt Or­
ford, Oregon.
Any and all persons claim ing ad­
versely the above-described lands are
requested to file th eir claim s in this
offiee on or before said 16th day of
Mareh, 1903.
T imbeu L and , A ct J une 3, 1878,—
T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878,—
N otice for P ublication .
N otice for P ublication .
U nited States Kami Offiee,
Roseburg, Oregon, lice. 27, 1902.
Notice is hereby given th at in eoiuple
nnoe with th e provisions of the Aet of
Congress ,,f Ju n e 3, 1878, entitled "An
aet for tile sale of tim ber lauds in tho
S ta te s ,.f California, O regon, Nevada,
and W ashington T erritory,” as extend­
ed to all the Public L aud States by act
of A ugust 4, 1892, Mary H oughton, of
P o rt Orford, county of C urry, State of
Oregon, h a s tiiis day filed in th is office
her sworn statem ent No. 4209, for thé
purchase of the SEJ SEJ section 31, T:
32 S., R. 14 W., Lots 1 and 2, section 61
and NAVJ N E jio f section No. 7, in
Township No. 33 south, range No. l4
west, and will offer proof to show Dial
tiie laud sou g h t is more v alu ab le for
its tim tx'r o r stone tiian for agricul-
turaD purposea, and to establish his
claim to said lau d tiefore George W,
Sm ith, County C lerk, at P o rt Orford,
O regon, on M onday, Mareh 16, 1903.
thoroughly eradicated
from sy treat witliuut Ike
<H U o r r w r y
T r u M e e itte d by en K ip srt.
c n l r u r « fo r K a a p t r e r » .
A q u ic k Bud <
I radical curs for P i l e » . F U s u r A a»>l
KMsteBtsr. by L>r. Jordan'» spscial
le»« aethori«,
ConeuiUHcn Ires and « rb «▼ ?**»♦•• Trsu reen t per
’ SrtuaDy r r by lettsr. A
D. t (A re m < - ,r r V r .t- e
k undertaksit. V 111« L r II >.5.
' M A K R I A f i R , M A IL U 9 C M S * . f A vslu tu ft totwii
v for m e n ) CaU u, writ-
OR. IORDAN Sc CO.. 1 0 5 1 M arket S t . 8. F.
U nited States Land Offiee,
R oseburg, Oregon, D ecember 22, 1902.
Notice is hereby given th a t in com­
pliance with the provisions of th e act of
Congress of J u n e 3, 1878, entitled “ An
aet for the sale of tim ber lan d s in the
S tates of C alifornia, Oregon, Nevada,
and W ashington T erritory,” as extend­
ed to all tlie Public L and'S tates by a c t
of A ugust 4, 1892, S arah J . H u rst, o f
P o rt Orford, co u n ty of C urry, State o f
Oregon, has th is day filed in tiiis offiee
lie, sworn statem ent No. 4176, for the
purchase of the L o t 1, section 30, Lota
2, 3, 4, of section No. 19, in Township
No. 32 south, ra n g e No. 14 west, and
will offer proof to show th a t th e land
sought is more valuable for its tim b er
or stone th a n for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land
before tlie County Clerk of C urry coun­
ty, at Port O rford, Oregon, on M onday,
the Kith day of M arch, 1903.
She nam es ns w itnesses:
E li B agley, W.'T. K err, A. A dolph-
sen, I. M. West, a llo t P o rt O rford, Or­
Any and all persons claim in g ad-
above described lands aro
le q u i ste I to file their claim s in th is of-
lh e on or before said Kith day of M arch,
! K'03.
J. T. BRID G ES, R egister.
vel'.-ely th
G R IP S . T R U N K S.
Do You
Know the News
an have it all for
Tiie Evening T elegram , of T’ort-|
land, Oregon. I t is Ihe largest ev­
ening newspaper published in Ore-;
gon ; it contains all tlie new s of the,
¡state and of the nation T ry it for a
.month. A sam ple copy will be mail
led to you free. A ddress
V A L IS E S .
if you contemplate traveling
don’t start out with your dry goods
wrapped in a pocket handkerchief,
but come to the Pacific Lumber <fe
Furniture store, and purchase one
of their new stock of valises and
grips. I t don’t make much differ­
ence about your old clothes, but
don’t allow your new clothing to
hang around and become dusty,
faded, and moth eaten, when a good
trunk can be had at little cost, at
this popular store.
O r e g o n D a ily J o u r n a l ,
D e m o c ra tic
d a i l y n e w s p a p e r , e i g h t t o 20 p a g e s , >4 a
y e a r ; >2 f o r s i x m o n t h s .
T h e J o u r n a l la
a n e w sp a p e r.
S e n d in y o u r s u b s c r i p t i o n .
I n t e r e s t y o u r n e i g h b o r in T h e J o u r n a l .
A d d r e s s T h e J o u r n a l , Box 121, P o r t l a n d «
O r.
range No. 14
enlist'd by negligence of ,,p, rators i T imbeh L and , A ct J une . 3, 1878,—
Notice is hereby given to all whom it west, and will offer proof to show that
I may concern, n o t to enter unou or tres­ the land sought is more valuable for its
Acceding to or oilier ollieinls is startling, to say
Chicago, l'eh.
N otice fob P ublication .
pass in anv m anner, upon tiie lauds of [ tim ber or stone th an for agricultural
(lie Chronicle’s New Orlean» corrcs- , the least. Latest reports place the
the undersigned, situated on Elk River, purposes, and to establish his claim to j
C urrv County, Oregon, for the purpose sail! land, before the U. 8. Com m iss­
U n ited S tates la n d offiee,
pendent, (he French colony there (lumber id’ lives lost in tlie lecent
l.u. 'burg. Oregon, N ovem ber?, 1992. of fishing, or h u n tin g w ith guns or ioner. nt Bandon, Oregon, on M onday,
lias received word that President Arizona disaster nn nut less than
Notice is hereby given th a t in com pli­ ooos. Also not to leave any gate or tin' 9th day of March, 1933.
n a m e s a s w itnesses: Himeon N.
Loubct, of France, will come to that forty and the < nr in New Jersey nt ance with the provisions of f l i c a c t nF ' !...« open on going through or o th er­ B. lle
H u n t, Fred A. Meld. W illiam O,
Uuiigr,-» of Ju n e 3, 1878, entitled “ An wise trespass in uny m anner. Any per-1
city nbout June 15, 1904, on board alwnil half as many. If there ia a act for the «ale of tiiu'oer binds in the sou or persons ao e n terin g upon said C arroll, Jam es H. H u n t all of B an­
a French limn of-war, vn route to r t l i n ­ dy for this it sliould certainly States of California, Oregon, Nevada, premises w ithout our consent will be don.
and in W ashington T errito ry ," as ex ­ prosecuted to the full extent of the law. I Any and all persons claim ing ad­
versely tho above described lands are
the St. Louis Fair. The idea is tu lie »ought out and vigorously appll- tended to all tlie Public Lund States by
.1. L. NAY.
requested to file th eir claim s in th is of- 1
robt . M c K e n z ie ,
retrace the steps of historic French ! eil that the traveling public may aet ,,f August.4, 1892, Mrs. Annie Piek-
lice on or before said 9th day of M arch,
jo h n . w. M c K e n z ie .
thorn, of M ontuvilla, co unty of Mid
discoverers, nut’ to ascend the Miss j be assured ol a reasonable degree of tnoniull, S tate of Oregon, lia» this day
J. T. BRIDGE?, Register, j
i8»ippi River as they did in years safety - n t lease from official nr tiled in this office his sworn statem ent
No. IS1.,5, for the purchase of the SWJ
N O T IC E .
gone by. I t is planned th a t after «Ret and carelessness.—Coquille S E L S J SWJ of section 12. and HKJ
Il e n u t y Is ll lo o d D e e p .
HF.J, of section 11, in Township No. 32
visiting tlie World's Fair, M. Lou- Bulletin.
Notice is hereby given toali whom
»outli. rang»« 14 went, an d will offer proof
Clean Mood means a clean skin. No
bet will cross the continent on a
i t . Cueareta,Gincty Cathar
There are 25 cities in the Untied to show that the land sought ia more it may concern, not to enter upon ' t ' i e c a u c t l y e a without
n your blood and k ie u it clean, by
sprcial train, where lie will be re­ ! States of inure than 150,000 popula­ valuable for its tim b er o r stone than or trespass, in any manner, upon ! i stirring
a i y i i v t r and driving all im-
(or ag ricu ltu ral purposes, an 1 to estab-
ceived in New Yoik. There he will tion ea li, and those of Pittsburg iias ish his elaiin to said land before the the land of the undersigned, situa­ 'purities from the bod«. Begin to-day to
boils, blotches, blackheads.
ted near Denmark, Curry county,
board ft United Stales cruiser and the largest population to the square Register ami R eceiver of this office at
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Roseburg, Oregon, en M< ndav, tho Oregon, for the purpose of hunting ' Cates rets,—beauty for ten cents. All drug-
be taken beck to France,
with guns or dogs, or fishing. Also, pats, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25e, 30c.
I mile, Philadelphia Ihe lnrgeit nuin- „‘5th day of May, 1993.
He n a n u s as w itnesses:
to leave ntiy gale open on going
Rhode Island lias ju st completed her of dwelling houses, Cleveland
G rant M cM ahan, l \ t , r O'Connor,
William Lal« nil, all of Ely, M inn., A. through, or otherwise trespass in
a >4,000,000 Statehouse. Il had to l>>e largest increase in population E.
any manner. Any person or per­
Peek, of Motitavilln, Oregon,
be built high, iitorder to keep tlie since 18'jft, San Francisco Ihe small
Any and all p< rsonseluim ingadverse- sons so entering upon said premises
inundation within :1m stale.
cst debt, and Chicago the greatest ly th é above-described lands are reques­ without my consent will be prose This signature is on every box of the genuine
ted to file their eiainis in this office on
cuted to the full exient of ihe la r Laxative Brotno-Quinine r»bi»u
ti ■ .
length of streett.
or twiore said 25th dsv of May 1903.
the remedy that estrrs a v o id I n «»»*• d a y
J. T. BRIDGE.“, Reiister.
s«amta» . u « . n s .».I cusuis wares.
Tlie Official Paper of Curry County,
Published every Wednesday, at Port Orford, Oregon,
BY W A L T E R F. R IL E Y , E d ito r and P r o p r ie to r.
is iiil» s o i* ip tio n ,
pur y ea r.
mwl l lie
B o th P apers one y e a r for $2.25.