The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19??, February 11, 1903, Image 4

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laitt'B D aVBKY W ID V B«D »V aVXSINU.
W. F. R IL E Y .
P ro p rie to r.
O ne C opy O ne
Y ear ........... ........... fl.60
'Jne Copy S ii M ontile....................
One Copy Three Month*
A dybbtibiko R aths R k . h on
I Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878,—No­ Timber Lind, Art Jqhe 3 ,lsVfl,-— Nto
tice for I’ubliea tion.
tire for Publication.
T h e Iliilh .
iiwix .
I Here is > hot one from an Iowa T imber L and , A ct J inic 3, 1878,—
N otice fob P ublication .
exchange: At a church social in
Madison State Journal.
the country the other night there
United S tates L and Office,
Hour th e read in g of the bills,
wasn’t »eats enough to accommodate R oseburg, O regon, Decern to r 16, 1902.
Countless bills!
Notice is hereby given th a t in com-
Whht It world of wisdom they present, the crowd, so a couple of hoards plinuce'w ith the provisions of the uet
were brought in and placed on two of congress of J u n e 3, 1878, entitled
with all their frills!
Ilew the Legislators hustle
i chairs. A dullish little fellow vat “Au act for the sale of tim b er la n d s in
the States of C uliforuiu, O regon, Neva­
All day long and h alf the night—
I down on the boards with his tost da, and W ashington T e rrito ry ,” as
How they scratch their heads uml tu s ­ girl and began teetering. Observ­ extended to a ll the P ublic L an d States
ing the situation a bright little by act of A u g u st 4, 1892, Ole 1’.
Jlaag en aen , of Langlois, county of
How they rustle, hew they bustle!
! woman in the crowd propotin “ , ¡C
urry, S tate of Oregon, h as th is
Till they are exhausted, q u ite ;
this one: ‘'Why is a man on a teel d ay filed in th is office his sworn
And they sw ear, sw ear, swear
er board like a man who has jumped statem ent No. 4148, for the p u rch ase
T h at w ith wory, grief and care
his board bill?” They all gave it of the HE) of section No, 19, in
They'll be driven to dyspepsia and to up ami then she raid: ‘‘Why that’s T ow nship No. 31 south, ra n g e No.
14 west, am i will offer proof to
little liver pills,
easy, he’s got a little behind on show th a t the la n d so u g h t is m ore v al­
By the hills, hills, bills, hills,
board.” This concluded the even- uable for its tim b er or stone th a n for
Kills, hills, hills,
a g ric u ltu ra l purposes, and to estab ­
ing’s entertainment.
lish his claim to said lan d before
By th e m u ltitu d e of senseless, useless
A. B. 8am «, Langlois, Oregon.
C has . D kwf . i , Gold Beach.
A. II. C rook . Pistol River. Oregon.
T h e p r in te d a d d re* a o n y o u r p a p e r »
■ h o w * t h e d a t e to w h ic h y o u r nub- £
r ip tio n la p a id .
T h e W o r ld 's H a p p iest M a n .
The liappiestunan in the w orld,
H ear th e stack of freakish bills,
Tacky bills I
To tran sferal bills into valleys, and the
valleys into bills,
'■"□'prohibit baearat
1 And the gam e called one-old-cat;
H eaps of bills
To protect o ur lish and gam e,
Ami a bill (ain ’t it a sham e?)
T o discourage m atrim ony
J list because.the path is stony.
Oil, the bills!
Curse the authors, brainless chaps!
They are n eith er.m an nor woman,
They nt® n eith er b ru te nor hum an,
T hey are yaps
W ho will perwdi soon, perhaps,
And Iw hurled into u clim ate where tiic
trickling brim stone rills
W ill consume them and th eir bills,
All th eir bills, bills, bills, bills,
Bills, bills bills,
All th eir idiotic, inconsistent bills,
Kldney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Almost everybody who reads the news-
to know of the wonderful
cures made by Dr.
K ilm er’s Swamp-Root,
the great kidney, liver
and bladder remedy.
It is the great medi­
cal triumph of the nine­
teenth century; dis­
covered after years of
w i luuu scientific research by
Dr. Kilm er, the emt-
‘ nent kidney and blad­
der specialist, and is
wonderfully successful In promptly curing
lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou­
bles and Bright s Disease, which Is the worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. K ilm er’s Swamp-Root Is not rec­
ommended for everything but if you have kid­
ney, liver or bladder trouble It w ill be found
lust the remedy you need. It has been tested
In so many ways, tn hospital work, in private
practice, among the helpless too poor to pur­
chase relief and has proved so successful in
every case that a special arrangement ha«
been made by which all readers of thia paper
who have not already tried It, may have a
sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book
telling more about Swamp-Root and how to
find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble.
When writing mention reading this generous
offer tn this paper and
e-O ’ '-
send your address to
Dr. Kilm er & Co., Bing­
hamton, N . Y .
regular fifty cent and Home or sweinp-Root
dollar sites are sold by all good druggists.
says an exchange, is llie common
every-day chap, who makes bis own
Hiving, pays his own board and has
the respect of his neighbors. He
eaves a little money as he goes along,
but he doesn’t try to get a corner
in the market, as he is a slave to
meither ambition nor society. He
»never expects to'wear outrthe setit
■of hie pants in the Senate, ami when
he elides into his clothes in the
morning lie never wastes any time
W h a t A m e r ic a n G ir ls N eed .
trying to pick out the right tint of
locks, suspenders and neckties that
W’liat American girls need is a
will blend with the general effect. high ideal—shall 1 say anew ideal?
H e wears a “biled” shirt when he —of womanhood.
•feels like it, and when his pet corn
T o be p re tty , to be daintily dre.-s
begins to jump lie whips out a jqpk-
courted, fluttered and cod
'knife and cuts a four-inchyjped. in died is the dreain uf most girls.
rthe side of his boot and nothing is The dreain must be replaced By do
-•aid about it io the papers. He termination, energy and effort to be
Don’t m ake any mistake, b u t rem em ­
has an appetite like a cyclone, and a helpful, hopeful, useful member ber th e nam e, Swamp-Root, D r. K il­
Swamp-Root, uml the address,
»never has' to sit up nights and poul- of society. Womanly beauty and
B ingham ton, N. Y., on every bottle.
Aice liis conscience. He believes in charm will grow of itself when
'th e doctrine of live and let live. character has been formed on lines
T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878,—
When ha encounters one of the of eternal truth, self-reliance and
N otice for P ublication ..
needy he doten’t stutter with his graciousness. Every girl should be
^pocket-book, .The plain plug of a helped at home and in school, be­
U nited States L ind Office.
'lin t i i s' happy because he it satis­ fore she is far in’lier teens, first to Roseburg Oregon, D ecember 1, 1002
Notice is hereby given th a t in oom-
fied and doesn’t spend the better become an expert in all the work i plianee witli the provisions of the a c t of
of J u n e 3, 1878, entitled “ An
..part of lifo io yearing for someth- which centers in the home and in
aet (or the sale of timber lands in the
,i»S about four sites too big for him. th# care uf (,1# wur(lro^ antl Becond States of California, Oregon, N evada,
.J^eokar T. Washington, the col-
•ortd statesman, who has been lect-
luring in California lately, gives the
following .'advice to all classes:
‘“ First of all we must become the
-owner* of homes. We must learn
'to save money; to have a bank ac­
count. I emphasize the saving of
•money not bec.icse ■money should
to the bard end sought in life, but
•because) the possession of money
■ represents, as a rule, foresight, self
■acifice and’• the disposition to be
.without to-day in order that we
■nny face to-morrow. I hope that
as far at possible each one of you
will teach your children some trade
•r industry by which ho or she will
.be sure tornruke a living. I hope
th at you will teach your children
that all forms of work, whether with
the hand* or head, nre honorable,
••and that all forms of idleness are
• a disgrace.”
and in W ashington T e rrito ry ,” as ex­
J . H. Upton, U. 8. Com m issioner, at
his office a t L anglois, C u rry , county,
Oregon, on S a tu rd a y , the 7th day of
March, 1903.
He nam es as w itnesses: Jam es P.
Olsen, of D enm ark, O regon, Andrew
Olsen, of L anglois, Oregon, John L.
A nderson, T h o m as Johnson, of D en­
m ark , Oregon.
Any anil all persons c la im in g a d ­
versely the above-described lan d s are
requested to file th e ir claim s in th is of­
fice on or before the said 7th (lay of
M arch, 1903.
J. T. B R ID G E S , R egister.
T im b e r L a n d A c t, J u n e 3 , 1 8 7 8 ,
N o tic e f o r P u b lic a tio n .
United States Land Office,
U nited S tates Land Office,
I Roseburg, Oregon, November 23, 1902.
Roseburg, Oregon, llec. 27, 1902.
Notice is hereby given th u t in com-
Notice is hereby given Hint in coin pi i.
plianee with the provision« of tho act of auee with the provisions of the Act of
Congress of Jiyw 3, 1878, entitled “ An Congress of Ju n e 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of tinU’e r lands in the , act for the sale of tim ber lauds in th s
¡States of California, Oregon, Nevada, S ta te s of California, O regon, Nevada,
— . W
¡and W ashington Teeritory,” as exten- and
ashington XVilKXJ,
T erritory,” U as
tied to all the Public L aud S tates •—
■ ■ •-» L aud
- ■-•-
. by a c t
by 1 ed to all the Public
act of August 4, 1892, Clifford 11. of A ugust 4, 1892, Mary H oughton, of
The greatest ambition of Amer­
rry, P o rt Orford, county of C urry, Slate of
ican men and women is to have I I Crewe, of Ophir, county of Curry,
State of Oregon, h a s this (lav liled in Oregon, h as th is day tiled in th is office
homes blcased with children. The 1 this office his swohi statem en t No. her sworn statem ent No. 4200, for the
woman aillicted wdth female dis- ,
1042, for the purchase of the S | NW), purchase of the HE) HE) section 81, T'.
N E) NW 1. NW ) NE) oi section 34, in 32 S., R. 14 W ., L ots 1 and 2. section
ease Is constantly menaced with I
Township 34 south, range 14 west, and and NW) NEJ of section No: 7, iu
becoming a childless wife. No
will offer proof to show th at tile land Township No. 33 south, range No. 14
medicine can restore dead or- , I sought
is more valuable for its timlier west, und will offer proof to show that
| gang, but Wine of Cardui doe« | I or stone than for agricultural purposea, the laud sought is more v alu ab le fq
1 regulate defangeinenta that pre­
and to establish his claim to said land its tim ber o f stoue th a n for a g ricu l­
before Oeo. W . Sm ith; County Clerk, tu ral purposes, an d to establish IdS
vent conception; docs prevent
at Gold Beach, Oregon, on Thursday, claim to said land before Oeofge jff,
m iscarriage; does restore weak
the 19th day of February, 1908.
Sm ith, County C tetk, at P o rt O tfufd,
' functions and shattered nerve«
He names as witnesses:
O regon, on M onday, March 16, 1903.
and does bring babies to homes
D. L. Moore. F ra n k Moore, of Ophir,
Site nam es as w itn esses:
O regon, A. P. Lavitt, of Corbin, O re­
W. K. H urst, A. Adolnhsen, A. Rich­
barren and desolate for years.
gon, E. T. Crewe, of O phir, Oregon,'
ards, J. M. Lim puch, all of P o rt Or­
I AS ine of Cardui gives women the
Any and all persons claim ing ad­ ford, Oregon.
' health and strength to bear heal-
Any und ail persons claim ing ad­
versely the above.described lauds are
, thy children. You can get a ,
requested to tile th eir claim s in this versely th e above-described lands are
I dollar bottle of Wine of Cardui •
office an or before the said 19th day of requested to file th eir claim s in this
Kebritarv, 1903.
office on or before Baid 16th duy of
' from your dealer.
March, 1903.
J . T. BRIDGES, Register.
J . T. BRIDGES, Register.
'O F I
T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878,—
T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878,—
N otice fob P ublication '.
N otice for P ublication .
148 M a r k e t L tr c e t,
M e m p h is , T e n r ^ A p r il 14, 1901.
In F e b r u a r y . 1901, I t o o k o n e b o t t le o f
W in e o f C o r d u i a n d o n e p a c k a g e o f
T h e d fo r d 's B la c k - D r a u g h t . I h a d Deen
m a r r ie d f if te e n r e a r s a n d h a d n e v e r
g iv e n b ir th t o a c h ild u n t i l I t o e k W in e
o f C a r d u i. N o w I a m m o th e r o f a fin e
b a b y g i r l w h ic h w a s b orn M a r ch 31,1901.
b a b y w e i g h s f o u r to e n p o u n d s a n d I
a s w e ll a s a n y p e r s o n c o u ld f e e l.
N o w m y h o m e i s h a p p y a n d I n e v e r w ill
b e w it h o u t W in e o f C a rd u i i n m v h o u s e
a g a in .
M rs. J . W . C. ¿ M IT H .
U nited States Land office,
Roseburg, Oregon, Dec. 22, 1902.
U nited S tates Land Office,
Notice is hereby given th a t in com­ R oseburg, Oregon, December 16, 1902.
/ U nited S tates L und Office,
is hereby given th a t iu com ­
I feel
¡ofC ongress of Ju n e 3, 1878, entitled pliance with th e provisions oi the a c t
I R oseburg, O regon, D ecember 16, 1902.
“ An act for the sale of tim ber lands in of Congress of Ju n e 3, 1878, en titled
Notice is hereby given th a t in com­
the S tates of C alifornia, Oregon, Neva­ An uet for the sale of tim ber lauds In
pliance with the provisions of the
met of C ongress of J u n e 3, 1878,
and W ashington T errito ry ,” as ex-1 the States of California, O regon, Neva-
For adrice and U tom ture, addret«, .........„
The Ladies’ Advisory Depart-
! entitled “Au act
fo r tho s a l e ; I •noptÿin«,
tended to all tile Public L and States by j d a and W ashington T errito ry ,” as ex-
UMtnl , The Chattanooga Medicine Company,
Chattanooga, Tenn.
[ of tim b er lan d s in the S tates of
¡act of A ugust 4, 1892, W illiam If. 1 tended to all the P u b lic L an d S tates
C alifornia, O regon, Nevada, and
Hi rs t, of P o rt Orford, C ounty of Currv, I by act of A ugust 4, 1892. Jam es P ,
| W ashington T e rrito ry ,” as extended
State of Oregon, h as th is day filed in Olsen, of D enm ark, county of C urry,
tliis office his sworn statem ent No. State of Oregon, lias th is d ay filed
! to all the public laud S tates by uet of |
I A ugust 4, 1892, Andrew O lsen, of j
4177, for the purchase of the N EJ N W i, in th is office ids sworn statem ent
I Langlois, county of C u rry State of
I section 30, an d Ej KW), and S E JN W J'N o . 1147, for the purchase of th e
| Oregon, h as th is d ay filed in th is office [
J of section No. 19, in Tow nship No. 32 SW |, (E ‘s S W ), Lots 3, 4.) of section
south, range No. 14 west, and will offer No. 19, in T ow nship No. 31 south, range
. his sworn statem en t No, 4140, for th e ,
proof to show th a t th e land sought is 14 west, and 1 will offer
nurchaseoftheSW) of section No. 20,io ,
offer proof to show th a t
I Township 31 S., K. 14 west, and will
I more valuable for its tim ber or stoue the land sought is more valuable
than for ag ric u ltu ra l purposes, and to for its tim ber or stone than for
offer proof to sin >w th a t the land sought
establish h is claim to said land before agricultural purposes, and to es­
is m ore v alu a b le fo r its tim b er or stone;
i the C ounty C lerk of C urry county at tablish his claim to said land lieforo
thuu for a g ric u ltu ra l purposes, und to
establish h is claim to said land before
A ll i t v l o a i i f his office at P ort Orford, Oregon on J. H. Upton, U. S. Comm issioner, a t
i n 8i j i t s u i , M onday, th e 16th day of M arch, 1903. Langlois, C urry county, Oregon, on
J II. Upton, U. S. C om m ission­
H e nam es as w itnesses:
Saturday, the duy of March, 19o3.
er for the d istric t of Oregon, a t his o f­
E li Bagley, W ,T. K err, A. Adolph-
fice a t L an g lo is, C u rry county, O re­
He mt tiles us w itnesses:
■ sen, J , M. West, all of P o it O rford, Or-
gon, on S aturday, the 7th day of
O, P. H aagense , Andrew O lsen, of
, ngon.
Langlois, Oregon, Jo h u L . Andprson,
March, 1903,
He n am es a s 'w itn e sse s: Jam es P. ;
Any and all persons cia im iu g a d ­ Thomas Johnson, of D enm ark, ( )regon.
Olsen, of D enm ark, O regon, O. P.
versely th e almve-described lands are
Any and all persons claim ing ad­
H aagcnscn, of Langlois, Oregon, Jo h n
i T i v r T t n r i n x v x v x x w r-M J requested to file th e irc la im s in th is of- versely th e above described lands are
L. A nderson, Tlidmas Johnson, of D en­
to file th eir claim s in th is of­
AKAKbiS <A B ill I)LES 11i,‘)i'.,o norb< ’fore8ai<1 te th day of M arch fice on or before
mark, Oregon.
said 7th day of March,
Any and all persons claim in g ad-1
J. T. B R ID G E S, Register.
versedy the above described lan d s are j
J. T. BRIDGES Register.
requested to file th e ir claim s in th is I
p i n • e l i t i I ln i'iie M M O i l ,
office on o r before said 7th day of
T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878,—
M aich, 1 ao.i.^ B R ID O E S R egister.
N otice fo * P ublication .
Langlois Harness Shop.
tH , B it« , A ie., Jtc.
T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878.—
N otice
P ublication .
United S tates L and Office,
B r o k cn -T liro a tecI C o lla r s l i e -
p a ir e d a s G o o d a« N e w .
to study some occupation, trade or tended to all the Public L and States by R oseburg, Oregon, December 20, 1902.
Notice Is hereby given Unit in com­ H arness and Saddles repaired a t living
profession by which she can earn a actof August 4,1392, Alfred J. H arsh , of pliance ivitli tlie provisiorfs of the aet
P ort Orford county of, C urry S tate of of C ongress of J u n e 3, 1878, entitled
comfortable living for herself and Oregon, has this day filed in this office
L am y; I oìm , O i - e |f o u .
“Au aet for tlie sale of tim b er lan d s in
those who may be dependent upon his sworn statem en t No. 4012, for tile the S tates of C alifornia, O regon, Ne­
purchase of the SW ) of N E ), WJ BE), vada, and W ash in g to n T e rrito ry ,” as ;
her. I put domestic work first be HE,of HW), of section No. 31, in Town­ extended
to all tlie P ublic L and States
cause, no matter what her wage ship No. 32 south, of range 14 west, and by act of A ugust 4, 1892, R obert Jo h n ­
will offer proof to show th a t the land son, of Bandon, county of Coos, state of
earning occupation may be, or nu sought is more valuable for its tim ber
O regon, has th is day filed in th is office
matter what riches she may seem to or stone than for ag ricilltu ral purposes, h is sworn statem ent No. 4166, for the
and to establish his claim to said land p u rch ase of tile SE) of section No.
have in reality or in prospect, every before t i l e County Clerk of C urry coun­ 23, in T ow nship No. 31 south, ra n g e 16
girl should he practically prepared ty, at. Port Orford, Oregon, on T h u rs­ west, and will offer proof to sh o w ,th at ;
day, the 19th day of F ebruary, 1903.
tlie land sou g h t is m ore v a lu ab le for
Io be the wife of a peor man. In
He names as w itnesses: W. T. its tim ber or stone th a n for a g ric u l­
no oilier way than by a strict train- K err, B. W. Dean, Thus. Lane, J . M. tu r a l purposes, an d to estab lish his
L iinpach, all of Port O rford. Oregon.
claim to said lan d before th irU , S.
ing in cooking, laundry-work and
Any and all persons claim ing adverse­ Com m issioner, a t Bandon, O regon, on
general housekeeping, plain sewing
M onday, th e 9th (lav of March, 1903.
quested to file th eir claim s in tins of­
He nam es as w itnesses : W illiam G. I
and dressmaking, can such prepar fice on or before said 19tli day of Feb­
Carroll, Fred A. Mehl, Sim eon, N. B. Ladies’and Gent’s Shoesaud
ation be made. This doesn’t sound
H u n t, of B andon, O regon, J o h n L. )
J . T. BRIDGES, Register.
Anderson, of D enm ark, Oregon.
romantic, b u titis really dictated by
IL <> fS I I ^ I L
Any and all persons c la im in g a d ­
the very heart of romance; namely, Timber I,ami, Act June IF. 18711,— versely the above-described lan d s are
requested to file th e ir claim s in this
belief in uiarriuge for love, nod for
K T C f„ E T C .,
Notice for Publication.
office on or before said 9th ’ d ay of
love alone. “ I ajvo in a cottage,” in
M areh, 1903.
Will keep a wagon on tlie road, m aking
United States Land Office,
J. T. B R ID G E S , R egister.
a cabin—nay, in a city tenement, Roseburg,
Oregon, December 1, 1902.
regular trips about every ten days, be­
Notice is hereby given th a t in com­
and a flat besides— is a reality; but
tween Gold Beach an d D airyville, for
T R E S P A S S N O T IC E .
pliance with tile provisions ot the aet
when a slattern sits by the lire, of
the accom m odation and convenience of
Congress of Ju n e 3, 1878, entitled
when a |>eevish woman serves burnt ” An tu t for the sale of tim lier lands in
Notice Is hereby given to all persons the people living en route.
the States iff California, O regon, Neva- not to trespass upon tlie prem ises of
fried steak every day, when unkept ilu, and W ashington T erritory,” as ex- Dr. Kenyon, situated between Floras O R D E R S T A K E N F O R A N Y - )
children clamor and the window : tended to all the Public Land States by latke and the county road, in N orthern
I net of August 4, 1892, Addle K err, of C urry, by rem oving, cutting, or lies-1 A R T IC L E N O T IN S T O C K .
shades are awry th en poor Love p o rt Orford, county of C urry,
. . . State
------ . __...............
troying tim .....
ber up
upon said land. $23 re
fliel “« “7 nnd ncvw comes back o* Oregon, has this day tiled in tliis of- ward will lie paid for Information lead- , My Goods will bo sold at bottom prices
strictly or Cash.
flee h er sworn statem ent No.
, for ; ing to a conviction of trespass as stated j
and to our hulpless, dreaming girt th
e purchase of the 8W ) N W ), WJ aim ve.
bow hard the reality seems!—Feb
sh ip No. 32 south, range No. 11 west and 1901.
ruary Homan s Home Companion. will offer proof to show th a t tlie laud
T imbeb L and , A ct J une 3, 1878—
sought is more valuable fa r its tim ber
N otice for P ublication .
Stock T hat Pay«.
or stone than for ag ricultural purposes,
Last Sunday from daylight until
dark, a crowd of men and boys were
ihunling for nuggets of gold along
the west end of M iner street, and
also along Gold streel, washed out
by the ground sluicing of a Hood of
water from the heavy rain storm of
Friday and Saturday previous.
.Most uf the crowd were armed with
and to establish his claim to said land
before the county Clerk of Curry c o u n ­
•shovels, hoes and pans, scratching
Thirty years ago a Canadian far­ ty, at P o rt Orford, Oregon, on T hurs­
>ov*r the surface and wasitiug the mer invested in a good but net day, tlie 19th day of F ebruary, 1903.
tie names as witnesses: A. A.
gravel in their pans, gaining gold fashiunabl« bred Shorthorn eow. Jam
ieson, W. R. B urst, A. J. Mursh,
dust as well as nuggets. Tlie gold Hs bred her and her descendants to Thotuus Latte, all of P o rt Orford O re­
-evidently ennte with the gravel good hulls. This year he sold his
Any and all persons claim ing ad­
washed down from ths old diggings herd, all bred by himself except the versely th f above-dcserilied lands are
to tiles th eir claim s in this of-
■ on Yreka Flats, the gold stekers herd bull and all descended from requested
llce on or bofote said loth day o t F e b ­
ifollowing the route of the water
They numbered
J . T . B R ID G E S, Register.
»running down the west end of Min­ til) head and brought, exclusive of
er street, between the western town the bull, $10,145. No doubt this
site boundary line and Gold street herd had more than paid its way T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 181 8,—
• and along Gold street to North ever since it was founded, other­
N otice von P ublication .
street. Gold was probably floated wise the breeder would not have
tinto town with gravel on the kept it tip. It would be interest­
United S tates Land office.
streams along the north and south ing to know what the old cow Roseburg, Oregon, November 7, 1902.
i« hereby given th a t In com pli­
sides of town, but because buried brought this breeder, but certainly
ance with the provisions of the act of
In the softer sand and tailings, or she proved a good investment. An Congress of Ju n e 3, t «78, entitled “ An
floated dowti into Yreka cieek. Tlie other example of success from an act for the sale of tim lier lands in the
prospects thus found prove that bumble beginning. A man doe* not States of C alifornia, Oregon, Nevada,
there i* considerable gold in Yreka need to be wealthy to make a start and in W ashington T erritory,” as ex­
tended to all tlie Public L and States by
and Yreka Flats that may be avail : in breeding live stock. If he hat acto f A u g u st!, 1802, Mrs. Annie Pick-
ahis by improved methods of min-! the ability and is willing to give thorn, of M ontavilla, county of M ul­
ing, notwithstanding ths ground the but‘inesa the attention it re tnom ah, S tate of Oregon, has this dav
in tliis office his sworn statem ent
on the flats has, been supposed ta he quires be can build up a good herd tiled
No. 3895, for th e purchase of tlie 8W )
worked out.—Yreka Journal.
. that will some day make him in- HE), HJ 8W J of aection 12, and HE)
of section 11, in Township No. 32
Scalds and burn*.—Take tfhe dependent.—National Stockman and HE),
south, range 14 west, and will oner proof
•.quart of boiling water and dissolve
to allow th a t the land sought is more
valuable for Its tim lier or stone than
in it a* much e|>*otn salts as the:
for agricultural purposes, and to establ­
water will take up while boiling.
N O T IC E .
ish his claim to said land before the
.After letting it cool, pul in a b o ttle
Register and Receiver of this office at
and cork well for future use. Keep
All person« are hereby warned not to Roseburg, Oregon, on Monday, the
Jtandy, and whenever accidents of tresp ass upon th e lan d s of th e under­ 26th day of May, 1903.
He nam es as witnesses:
Abie kind occur keep cloths on the signed, situated inS Ixes River Preci net,
urry county, O regon. ft>r th e purpose
G rant M cM ahan, Peter O’Connor,
burn well saturated with the salt* C
of h u n tin g with guns o r dogs, o r fish- I William L abcau, all of Ely, M inn., A.
solution. Du not remove ths clothe, ing Also not to leave any g ate open ■ E. Peck, of M ontavilla, Oregon.
but peur on more solution. Keep on going through, or otherwise tre«paaa Any and all pereonselatm ingadverse-
I ly the stove-described lands are reques­
thia 4M» for a few hours, and, unlev* *n M,,Y manner.
, 1 . u .;—
1 1 .
A ny person so treap asim « will be ted to file th eir claims in this office on
b n rn >• » very bad one, a cure proneenus,) tnthe full extent of the law. or be lore said 25th day of Mav 1903
aure to result 111 a short tune.
J. T. BRIDGES, Register.
Ladies Furnishing Goods
C k < )T -IIIN < i,
United S tates Laud Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, December 20, 1902.
Notice is hereby given, th a t in com- 1
plianee w ith the provisions of the act
Tlie traveling public is respectfully of Congress of Ju n e 3, 1878, entitled
inform ed th a t I am prepared* to keep “ An aet for the sale of tim lier lahds in
boarders by the day, week, or m outh, the States of C alifornia, O regon, Neva- i
da, and W ashington T erritory,” a s ex- '
at reasonable prices. A share of the tended to all tlie Public Lund States by
public patronage is solicited.
act of A ugust 4, 1892, Amos Corson, (if
Bandon, countv of Coos, S tale of O re­
gon, has tliis day filed iu this office his i
sworn statem en t No. 4167 for the pur- '
N O T IC E .
chase of the NF.) of section No. 20, in
Township No. 31 south, of range No. 14 ;
Notice is hereby given to all whom It west, and will offer proof to siiow that
m ay concern, n o t to enter upon or tres­ the land sought is more valuable for its !
pass in any m anner, upon tlie lan d s of tim ber or stone th an for agricultural I
the undersigned, situated on Elk River, ' purposes, and to establish his claim to I
Currv County, Oregon, for the purpose said land, before tlie U. H. Comm
iss­ j
of fishing, or h u n tin g with guns or ioner, at Bandon, Oregon, on M onday,
Doos. Also not to leave any gate or the 9th day of March, 1903.
b ars open on going through or pllter-
He nam es as w itnesses: Simeon
wlse trespass in any m anner. Any per­ B. H u n t, Fred A. Mehl, W illiam O
son or persona *0 e n terin g upon said C arroll, Jam es H . H u n t ail of B an­
premises w ithout our eousent will be don, Oregon.
prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Any and alt persons claim ing ad­
J. L. NAY.
versely the alsive described lands are
robt . M c K enzie , requested to file th eir claim s in this of­
john . w. M c K enzie . fice on or before said 9th day of M arch,
J . T. BRID G ES, Register.
Port Orford,
- - Oregon.
U nited S tates Land Office,
R oseburg, Oregon, December 22, 1902.
Notice is hereby given th a t in com­
a n y t h in g y o u in v e n t o r im p r o v e ; a ls o g e t
pliance with tlie provisions of tlie act of
PROTECTION, S e n d m o d e l, s k e tc h , o r p h o to ,
of J u n e 3, 1878, entitled “ An
f o r f r e e e x a m in a t io n a n d a d v ic e.
act for the sale of tim ber lan d s in th e
BOOK ON PATENTS fe e b e fo r e p a t e n t. S tates of C alifornia, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington T errito ry ,” ns extend­
yW 'C ;A .S N O W & C O . ed
to all the Public L and S tates by act
P a t e n t L a w y e rs. W A S H I N G T O N . D . C . ¡I
^ w w w a ( i of August 4, 1892, S arah J. Hurst ot
Port O rford, county of C urry, State of
' Oregon, has th is day filed in this office
tier sworn statem ent No. 4176, for th e
purchase of the L o t 1, section 30, I» ta
2, 3, 4, of section No. 19, in T ow nship
No. 32 south, ra n g e No. 14 west, am t
will offer proof to show th a t the land
io;i m u T s T .,in
i «cut», hi . p 1 soug
uglit is more v aluable for its tim ber
The larg est Anatnsn:«
nical M in « ,« In Hie Á , OF S
th u u for agricultural purposes,
W o r ld .
W e.ik i.e s e» t
n . , e ,..„ ..„ .r t r
an d to establish h is claim to said land
disease p a a t t i «■
l>y the oldeat A
Specialist on the Coast Eat. 56 years.
before the County Clerk of C urry coun­
, OR. , J0R3AH-DISEASES OF MEN i t ty, a t Port O rford, Oregon, on M onday,
■ Y P l * I H I ( . i e thoroughly eradicated A
Kith day of M arch, 1903.
‘ from syxten
«tena without the u»e of M v r e t s r j . *
T r u s s e s fitted by an Ki|»ert. n « a t - >
She nam es ns w itnesses:
ru t c m re for M u p lu r e . a quick and r
adienl cure for
F u t u r e and a
Fintssluw . by l>t. Jordan’» special pant U
lest method«,
Con’ ullMion Iree and strt'dyprlvA»-» T reV m em per.
tonal y rr by letter. A Pn»-t rs (N»re in e re rr ca-r y
k unilerrakgn. W rite for liock f I I O
*•«» I ’ M Y c-J A
MA1LBD FU kU . ( A vgtoa»Ae book 7
jr t n r n ) Cal! of «rite
DR. JORDAN & CO.. I OB I M srkd S t . S. F.
Eli Bagley, W.T. Kerr, A. Adolph-
sen, J. M. West, a llo t P o rt O rford, Or­
Any anil all persons claim ing ad-
vcrsclj the above dcserilied lands a re
requ' ste I to file th eir claim s in tliis of-
lice on or before said 10th d ay of M arch.
J. T. RBID O ES, B egister.
— 1 G I t l l S. T H U N K S .
Do You
Know the News«
an have it all for
V A L IS E S .
von (.'on'eniplalo traveling
don’t start out with your dry goods
: wrapped in a pocket handkerchief,
but come to the Pacific Lumber &
Furniture store, and purchase on*
ot their new stock of valises and
grips. It don’t make much differ­
ence about your old clothes, but
don’t allow your new clothing to
hang around and beoome dusty,
faded, and moth eaten, when a good
trunk can be had at little cost, at
this popular store.
SOc Month
in The Evening T elegram , of Port­
land, Oregon. I t is the largest ev
ruing new spaper published in Ore­
gon ; it contains ull tlie news of tho
state and of tlie nation. T ry it for a
m onth. A sam ple copy will he mail
cd to you free. Address
Oregon D ally Journal, a D a w o cra tlo
d a ily new spaper, e ig h t to 20 pages. 14 •
year; $2 for six m onths. T he Journal 1«
a new spaper. 8 end in your su b scrip tio n .
In terest your neighbor In T h s Journal.
Addreas The Journal, B ox 121, P ortland,
The Official Paper of ( urry County,
T PnliiW every Wednesday, at Fort Orford, Oregon,
B Y W A L T E R F . R I L E Y , E d ito r a n d P r o p r i e t o r .
$ 1 .5 0 p e r y e a r .
N O T IC E .
I h n n t y | M lllu o d D e e p .
Notice is hereby given to all whom
Clean blood means a clean skin. No
it may concern, not to enter upon beauty
without it. Cascareta, Candy Catbar
or trespass, in any manner, upon tie clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up th t laty liver and driving all in *
the land of the undersigned, situa­ puntiea from the body. Begin to-day to
ted near Denmark, Curry county, banish
nish pimples,
pimp'.rs, boils, blotches,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Oregon, for the purpose of hunting Cascareta,—
- beauty for ten cents. A ll drag*
with guns or dogs, or Ashing. Also, "ists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 30c.
not to leave any gate open on going
through, or otherwise trespass iu
any manner. Any person or per­
sons so entering upon said premise* •
Without ray consent will be prose i t j ..
u « ^.ry box of tb. „nm.™
cuted to Hie ftrll extent of the law Laxative Bromo-Ouinine t ^ . m .
HARRY WILSON. 1----------------
o -v —
m id t h e
B o th Papers one y e a r for $2.25.