-< *» «■ .B U Y Timber Laud, Act June 3,1873, -No- T imhkk L and , A ct J unk 3, 1878,- tice for Publication. N otice foi » P ubi . icatiox . THE TRIBUNE. U nited States la n d Office, Roseburg. O regon, Joly 23, 1902. Notice ie hereby given th a t ill pliance with the provision» of O FFIC IA L P A P 'li: OF ' ' BBY CO. i com the act of Congress of J u n e 3, 1878, entitled “ Au act for the sale o t tim ber lan d s in the States >. 3660, for the h is sworn statem ent xo. 2819, for the purchase of South E ast q u arter purchase of the wJ utS w J, NEJ of S u'l, of section no . it, in Township no . and Nw*4 of SEJ of section no . 10, in 35 south, range No. 13 west, mi l w ill Township No. 35 south, range No. 13 will offer proof to show* th a t tin* land west, n in i will offer proof to show Unit sought is mole valuable for ita tim ber the laud sought is more valuable for its or »tone t.ian for agricultural purposes, tim b er o r stone than for agricultural and to establish his claim to sa il land purposes, and to establish ins claim to before J . Huntley, United Stales Com­ said land liefore J. H untley, United missioner for the D istrict of Oregon, at S tates Com m issioner for O regon, at Gobi Iteneli, at Ids office at Gold Beach, Gobi Beach, at his offee at Gold Bench, Gurry eouutv, Oregon, on Monday, the , G urry county, Oregon, on Saturday 3d day of November, 1902. the Olh day o. Septem ber, 1902. H e nam es as w itnesses : I He ,l;»nies as witnesses : Fred Stewart. E lviu Miller, Thomas Alfred S. Miller, of W edderburn, Curry county, Oregon, If. L. Coojier, J . Cook, iVulter Miller, all oi Weddor- of F o rt Orford, Oregon, Fred 1). Stew ­ burn, Curry county, Oregon. Any r.nd all persons claim ing ad­ art, of O phir, Oregon, Tlierou From tu, versely tlie above-described lauds are of Corbin, O regon. Any urul nil personschiiiiiiiigadverse­ requested to tile th e ir eluinis in th is of­ ly the above described lands are re- fice on or before surd 6th day of Sep- quested to filo their claims in this office tetyher, 19e2. „ . . on or before sgld 3.1 day of November, J . T. BRIDGES, R egister. SEWINGMACHINE [W C s I fiS iS R S U E F l I A really healthy woman has lit- Jtle pain or discomfort at tlie | menstrual period. No woman l needs to have any. AVine of ICnrdui will quickly relievo those I smarting menstruid paius and I the dragging head, back and (side aches caused by falling of I the womb and irregular m enses. W iitiifor CIRCULARS S S we manufacture and prices before purchasing k k s J . T . RRIILIES, Register. TIMBER LAND AU I’, J I NK 3, 1878. — Notice fur Fublicatiun. NOTICE FOR PU B LIC A TIO N . D epartinoiit of tits Interior, Land Office at Rueebnrg, Oregon. A ugust 11. 1902. Notice is hereby given tliat the fob lowing-nainefi se ttle r lias filed notice of his Intention to m ake final proof in support of his claim , an d th at said proof will he inode before the Comity Clerk of Curry county, O regoo.nt Foi l Orford, O . egun, on Septem ber 27, 1x12, vis: Chnrlca Forty, that rana on wheel». Set» Kverywkere. ••»O' On Ids 111>inssti’a,I I’.n tiy No 9.->16, fill the 8 '„ NEL NWJ NEJ, SEJ NWJ, section ,tf>, Tp. 32 so u th , tan g o 13 west, He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous reshlem e uisin and eultivatloti ol said laud, viz: O. U nove, F. J. M asterson, X. C. Nielsen, II. I. Blakeslee, all of Fort Orioni, Oregon. J. T. BRIDGES, Register, UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. KtMtfburg, Oregon. Attgust lft. 1WI. Sol ivo t» hereoy g iw n that iq cotupilaDeo wiil» llie provixion» of thè nel ol Congre*.« of Juuu 3, ls ’s, enti lieti "An »et for thè >»looi tljn- Imr l*n«G tu ihe Siate* of t alnornla, Oregon, Nevai!«, and Washington Twrrtiory,” a« extend- e«l to all tlio l’ubilc l.aud Stalo.« bv aet of Aug­ ii« ! 1. IS ’.U , B r a d i« « n i W. Dean, ot I’ort Oiford, cotihty ol t'urry. State of Oregon, ha« tlil« da “ hlwt In * thin ■ ' o ottl,-,i n e e ‘ Iii., »worn Matement No. itini, tor tho purrliaM ol (ho NU NE1,. SW'v XE' . .11,1 NE*, ol NW1,, »ergton 21, In Township 30 aoutii, rang,, II « e-t. anil w ill offer proof Io show Ilial Ihe land »ought 1» more val­ uable for Ila tlmlwr o e aton eth au foragrleu i- lural pilrpoae». and to e»labll»h h l. elaim Io »«Id land before 3 llu n lley United Slate» Com- inia»inner tor Ihe dl»trh t of Oregon, at O.dd j H««eh. «1 hl* oltlee «, „ ..u , t'urry Ufrv coun- at Gold „ Beach, eonn- '> on-jioii. >-u s.iur,l.j. ihe mh ,i.r, oi n O v - i Ha nam e. a . witnv„e>: Thniuiu Lane, ol , Pori OrforU, Curry voum y, Oregon, Fre,t Slew, ¡ r*: 3« ¡>?",r.* «'urry wmnly. Orrgor. Thom.» ? " o Oregon. i J S o " J''n ’* n*“(«>UA ..I l i ai ni c i' nr V ,ii . J ü ' ' a '. ? -'r L • * ' T’* < -i.*:;...I h ti ... V K IÏ . I i ' 1 , f-;f . i c .i‘lA t. < h 77 Address, /tÙG'h'H''.*| TBE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE 60. ORANGE, MASS. has brought perm anent relief to 1 11,000,000 women who suffered ■ every m onth. It makes tlie men­ strual organs strong and healthy, l i t is the provision made by Na-I Iture to give women relief from! I the terrible aches and pains which ¡blight so many homes. n nilssiouer lor the district of Oregon, at tim ber or »tone than for ugrieultiirul Gold Beach, on Monday, the 10th day purposes, and to establish his claim to of N ovem ber, 1902. He names as wit­ said land before J . H untley, United nesses : Slates Commissioner f ir the D istrict of i Thom as Lane, R. W. D ean, of Port O regop.nt Gold Botch, on Saturday, the Orford, C uriy, eouutv, O iegon, Thom- 1st «lay pf N«»vemher, 190$. ae Smith of W edderhurn, Curry coun­ lie ham»‘s as witnesses : ty, Oregon, Ered Stewart, of Ophir, C ur­ Thomas J. C«»ok, Elvin R. Miller, ry eounty, Oregon. ' W alter M ilk'r, all of We«lderl»urn, Cur­ undull persons claiming adverse­ ry county, Oregon, Kivd. I). Stewart, of ly Any the ahove-dcsci il»ed lands a le re­ Ophir, ( ’urry county, Oregon. quested to tile their claims in this of- Any ami all persons claimingadverae* lice on o r before the said loth day of ly the above described lan d s aro re­ November, 19u2. quested to tile their claims in this office J. T. BRIDGES, Register. on or liefore said 1st day of Novcmlx'r, ’ but i^' ii^jy t?r hi the near futuro avo wf.l gladi idly send t h»j w bíd ' ■•iiilMi»..d>dí;ut lo : ou. ThcMtidtiîaî iret. haro Lei joes produced YK3‘1 > ÿt a i *at i.,t. »licy c.i.-i :ate t> • un»; cxpeat.it«toi'“ï I IVI r.. lus p iciirr < »t r i«»» d ¡ V I;4. *1 Luy » . atto you t u f 2’ *’ 28 U nion Bq. N . Y., Chicago, 111., A tlanta, 0 a ., BU Louis,M o., D allas,Tex., Ban Francisco, Cal FOR SALE BY , I 'T imber L and , A ct J unk 3, 1878,— N otiue for P ublication . The A m erican occupation of the United States l and Office, R oseburg, O regon, July 16, 1902. Philippine« promises to be as bene- W Notice is hereby g iv eiitliiitiiico in p li- J. T. B RID G ES, Register. T i' her L and , A ct J une 3, 1878,— licial to those islands front a h e a lth anee with tiic provisions of tlie act of G bkktwood , L a ., Oct. 14, 1900. C ongressof June 3, 1878, entitled "An T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 187»,- N otice for P ublication . sta n d p o in t us was the te m p o rary ' I have b^en very sick lor soino time, ! net for tlie sale of tim b er lands in tlie l I was taken with a severe pain in mv N otice fob I ' iiil j / atiox . .occupation of Cuba. States of California, O regon, Nevada, | side an l.» t i i i i l i o t ' l- .lllilu ill than for agricultural purposes, and to Timber Laud, Act June 3 1878— establish ills claim to said land before T he definite ascertain m en t of the the Register and Receiver of this office Notice for l’ublication. fact th a t cholera germs are .curried nt R oseburg, Oregon," on Friday, the 21st day of November, 1902. He nam es ;by flies is one result of the efforts of United States Land Office, w itnesses: Roseburg, Oregon, Ju ly *29, 1902. i as W file A ^eyicuu health authorities to ' illiam R. M iller, C larence M iller, I V, s ta te of Oregon, lias this la, Ul purposes, ami to estab - Notice is hereby given th a t in -Charles E. H uston, all of W edderourn, m e e t the problem with intelligent*.) tl,,soffice h is sworn stateli lent N o. Jllol, ll8h ^ ¡ 8 eluiin t0* before J. compliance witli the provisions of v, United States Com m issioner tile act of Congress of June 3, O regon, Edwin 1J . W auzer,of Armour, W ith no experience in fighting the h w th e purel.aseof N AALseetionNo. 1, Dakota. bnvnsi.,., N„ .south Range No L ior the District of O regon, a t Gold 1878, entitled "A n aet for the sale of South Any and all persons claim ing ad­ dread disease wjlich kills nine-tenths west and will offer P™of to sh w th a t , office a t Gold Beach, Cur- tim ber lands in tlieS tatesuf California, versely the above described lauds are 'n t () on Watimltt; the Oregon, Nevada, and in W ashington of those m I iuri it attacks, the Manila | he la,id s....ght is...o r. v a iti hl or its requested to file th eir claims in th is of­ tim ber or at«>nv than for lu riciiltu ral , • Ynven.h r dhw Territory” as extended to all Fublie fice on or before said 21st day of Novem1 au th o rities have, of course been se purpoHVH, an d to vstublinh his claim h x ♦» ’ T/»i t Land States by aet of A ugust 4, 1892, ber, 1992. 1 - v .... 1T..U.Z5 H en am eaas w itnessed: John Jen- Nils 1’. Johnston, of H arbor, coun-1 liously handicapped in their efforts | J , T. BRIDG ES R egister. ty of C urry, State of Oregon, has this to s tu m p 'it out. The results have,1 IL18.*:?1''" ÎÎ:"VZ : 1 O rford, C urry eouutv, Oregon, Ered day Hied in thia otfiee Ids sworn s ta te -! Jiowcver, been better th an could C urry eqiuity, Oregon, on Munday, the Stewait, of O phir, C urry eo u u tv , O re­ m eat No. 3.H>3, for the pureiliiso of Lot T imhkk L and , A ct J unk 3, 1878,— 3d day of November, 1902. 5, section 12, and Lots 8, 9 and 16,1 gon. h av e been expected. Every resource He nam es as w itnesses: • N otice for P ublication . of section 11 in Township No. 4n, Any ami all p e rs o n s claim ing a d ­ G eorge F orty, of Corbin, Curry coun­ versely tlie above described lanes are south of range 13 west, and will offer of modern science has been brought ty, O regon, J. O. 1‘orterlield, A. H. proof*to show th a t the land sought is! U nited States Iauid Office, to bear by the Am erican physicians Moore, Fred 1). Stewart, all of O phir, requested to file th eir claim s in tiiis o f­ more valuable for ita tim ber o r stone j fice on o r Ix-ioiesaid btli day of N o ­ R oseburg, O reg o n ,------- 1902. Curry eouutv, Oregon. than f. ** agricultural purposes, and to j Notice is lierehy given th a t in Jn their stTldy of cholera and the vember, 1902. Any and all persons claim ing ad­ J. T. RR1DO ES, Register. establish Ids claim to said land before I compliance witli the provisions of fu rth e r spread of the epidem ic has versely tlie ubovo-described lands are J. H untley, United States commissioner the a e t of Congress of Ju n e 3, in soma degree been prevented. requested to file their claims in this of­ Timber Ruud, Act Ju n e 3, 1878,- No- i lor Oregon, a t Gold Beach, at his otfiee 1878, entitled "A n aet for the fice on or before said Jdjdav of Novem­ a t G old Bea u ll, Curry county, Oregon, sale of tim b er lauds in tlie States of T he num ber of new eases seems to, ber, 1902. tiee fur F ublicatiou. on P nturday tlie 1st day of Novemiier, California, Oregon, Nevada, and W ash­ J. T. BRIDGES, Register. 1902. He nam es ai witnesses: be steadily, if slow ly, dim inishing. ington T errito ry ,” as extended to ull I'uited S tates Land Office, F eter Bloingreen, Fete W all, A. M. Fublie L mhu States by aet of A ug­ I t ,is not so m uch, however, in the T imber L asd , An* J une 3, 1878,— Roseburg, Oregon, A ugust 15, 1992. M auritzen, iver llauseth all of H arbor, tlie ust 4, 1892, Belle 1. Miller, of Fort Or- Notice is hereby given that in eoin- present epidem ic th a t th e good N oth e for P ublication . Curry county, Oregon ford, co u n ty of C urry, S tate of Oregort, pliauee with tlie provisions of th o a e to f Any mid all persons clan .m gadverse- ¿his j •> nled jn ¿ ;is hl, s «orn results of Am erican rulu will hi Congress 'if Ju n e 3, 1878, entitled "A u I ly the above-described lands are reques- , 8tak.Illellt, for the purelii.se of U nited States latnd Olliee, aet for tlie sale of tim b e r lands in the ted to hie their claims iu th is office o n SEJ >( B C c t i o „ 2 0 i b ‘W | o f N W i m anifested, but in the future. R-iseliurg, Oregon, July 29, 1902. States of California, Oregon, N evada, Manila is rapidly becom ing what I Notice is lierehy given tluitiueoiiipll- and in W ashington T errito ry ,'’ as e x ­ i before the sai l ls td a y of N ovem ber i4Ull Ws 1>t s \Vj of section xo. 21, in Township No. 35 south, range no . 13 witli ihe provisions of the aet of tended to all tile Fublie Land States, 19112. J . T. B R ID G E S, Register. H avana is —a elean city. Ameri- uii'ce west, ami will offer prooi to show tliat Congress of Ju n e 3, 1878, entitled "All bv net of August 4, 1892, Jo h n Jensen, tlie laud sought is more vhiuahle for .can ideas of cleanliness will in lime act for the sale of tim ber lands in tlie of W edderlnirn, flu rry county, O r­ St ates of C alifornia. Oregon, Nevada, egon, bus tiiis day filed in tiiis office his T imi I R L and A i t J une 3 ,1 8 7 8 ,— its tim b e ro rs to u e th iu i foragrieulturul perm eate the F ilipino musses. The; and in W ashington ’Territory,” as ex­ sworn statem ent No. 3211 for tlie p u r­ N otice for P i : ruuation . purposes, and to establish his el din to said land before J . liiuitiey, tin te d application of the know hdgc nc tended to all the Fublie Land States bv chase of tlie K 1« NWJ, NEJ of SiVJ, States Colli in issiouer'ior the D istrict ot of August 4,189*2, Joseph ( locket, of ll|)JN WJ ()|- N Ej of B( C, ioll li)t iu T „ wn. quired in the present cam paign I ae United S tates L and Office, Oregon, lit Gold Beach, a t his office at W ed d e rh u rn , t urry eounty, Oregon, s|)i N|( ,,5 , of ,,in we#, , Roseburg, Oregon, Ju ly 29, 1902. Gold Bench, Curry county, Oregon, on against cholera will lead to tin- has th is, ay hied in th is office his sworn wid uffer proof to show th a t the land Notivi* is hereby given th a t iq compii- Mondays the 22d day o i September, statem ent No. .M l, mr Hie purchase of , , j ' vu| u.lb |e fur ils tlIIIiH.r prom pt stam ping out o f the disease I Eolith-W Ns. . 111 I > . W * est * . »jUHrtcr . 11 - I r f * t . r u .m l ,, h i * '! ° an te w itli the provisions of the act of 1902. He names as witnesses : section No. -3, , o(p BYone than for agricultural purposes, Thus. J. Cook, Elvin R. Miller, both when it seeks a foothold oil the is iu Township No. lift utn , lyange ah(j vstnblish his claim to said hind Congress of Ju n e 3, 1878, entitled “ An west, and will offer proof to show that I before J. H untley, U nited States coin- a c t lor tlie sale of tim ber lands in the of W edderhurn, O regon, Lee V. Mars- Jands in the future. gtatea of California, Oregon, Nevada, ters of Corbin, fu r r y county, Oregon, the land sought is more valuable for its Edison predicts th a t w ithin th irty years nearly all railw ays will dis card steam locomotives and the electric automobile will displace the horse alm ost entirely. Thu hard work of the world will be done by eleclrtc ihiwoi , and the aristocratic horse will parade in line harness an d prunee Ixfore easy going ear riages mi sm ooth toads. H e will lie u murk of wealth and distinction. >4 u b e u iu te iv f r e e bet o f C orid ali l ’ u n . A m e r ic a n ^ *r-’i j* L *rD*nd and set. genuine American movement and eaao, best timekeeper on earth, dues not tarnish and w ill last a lifetime. 1 extra fine Vienna Mecr- schanm Pipe. 1 genuine Meerschaum Cigar Holder, 1 genuine Meerschaum Cigarette Holder, 1 pretty leather Tobacco pourh, 1 elegant extra heavy nickel match box. 1 pair pearl cufF buttons. 1 hall top collar button. 1 neck- tin holder, 1 pair cleevo buttons. I doable chain and oue beautiful charm. A11 jewelry heavily I l k g ild plated. All theso I t piccee with one box of oui fvmous Cuban Srec ills and one quart bottle of our famous 10 year old Oueen City Club Pure Kve cannot ho bought for less than $12.00. We sell the Whiskey and Cigars in - <|kll V CO O. D w ithprivilegeofex- eludingtho 14 prizes fur amination, while Whiskey and Cigars alone cost more than we ask fo r the entire lo t Our Whiskey is an Absolutely Pure 10 year old Rye and our Cigare genuine Cuban hand- ci ado. c ' le a r__ Havana, ____________ made in our __________... own factory. These ” - cigars are fa r bette: J than anything advertised before We Guarantee the goods and J ihnsanney not _ u. __________________u___ h . - l . ______ ____ t-screw, 1 cigar cutter ai. I An Extra _ Premium of on devant Pocket j - Lnifo w ith two bhdae, 1c ___ as represented. B T l E C > glass cotter, i f 13.07 is eent in advance w ith order. Goode sent in plain package, VTritn 1 wholesale Prioe List« of Liquors and Cigars Responsible agent« wanted *rd « r to-day. QTC Ulu 6» I «Vlvl U. 8. DISTILLdiK’iS DlaTKlULllNQ CO.—-Dcpt. 431 North Clark St., Chicago, IA The Official Paper of Curry County, Published every Wednesday, at Pert Orford, Oregon, BY W A L T E R S U T T O N . E d ito r a n d P r o p r i e t o r . Sinl>M’ THE TRIBUTE, filici (lie z WEEKLY OREGONIAN Both Papere one year ior $2.25. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. Tim ber-Laud, Act Ju n e 3, 1878,- Notice fur Fublicatiun. Nutice fu r Fublicatiun. U uited S tates Land Office, U nited States L and Office, Roseburg, Oregon, Ju ly 29, 1902. ' Roseburg, Oregon, August 1, 1902. Notice is hereby given tliat in com­ Notice is hereby given tliat iu com­ pliance with tlie provisions of tlie a e t pliance with tlie provisions of th e a c t of of Congress of June 3, 1S78, entitled Congress of Ju n e 3, 1878, entitled “ An “ A ll act for tlie sale of tim ber lands in net for tlie sale of tim b er lands in tlie the States of California, Oregon, Neva­ States of California, Oregon, Nevada, da, and in W ashington T erritory,” as and in W ashington T errito ry ,” as ex­ extended to all tlie Fublie Land States tended to all the Fublie Lund Stakes by by act of A ugust 4, 1892. F eter liiom- I -1 of A ugust 4, 1892, Jo h n C. Miller, greeu of H arb o r, county of C urry, of Corbin, county of Curry, State S tate of Oregon, lias this day of (>re .on, has th is day filed in this of­ tiled in tiiis office his sworn statem ent fice, liis sworn statem ent No. 3U91, fig* N o. 3066 for tlie purchase of Lots the purcliase of the W *a S WJ, W j N W J 6, 7, 10, and 11, of section No, section 24, in Township 35 south, range 11, in Township No. 40 south, range No. 13 west, and will offerproof to show 13 west, and will offer proof to th at the laud sought is more valuable show th a t the laud sought is more valu ­ ! foi its tim ber or stone th an for agricul­ able fur its tim ber or stone than for ag­ tural purposes, ami to establisli bis ricultural purposes, and to establish ids claim to said land before J . H untley claim to said land before J . H untley, United States c m niissioner for tlie dis­ United States C om m issioner ior Ore­ tric t of O regon, at Gold Beach, a t his gon, ut Gold Beach, ut his office a t Gold ! office a t Gold B each. Curry county, B each, C urry county, Oregon, on S at­ State of Oregon, on Tuesday, tlie 4th urday, tlie 1st day of November, 1902. I day of November, 1902. He nam es as He names as witnesses: w itnessed Fete Wall, Nils F. Johnston, A. M. Thomas J . Cook, Elvin R . Miller, of M auritzen, Iver H uusetli, allot H arbor, W edderhurn, Curry county, Oregon, Curry eouutv, Oregon. Willis W . Miller, E red D. Stew ait, of Any and all persons ciaim ing aij- O phir, Curry county, Oregon. veraely the above described lands are Any and alt persons claim iu g adverse­ requested to file th eir claim s in this of­ ly the above-described lands arc re­ fice on or before said 1st day of Nov­ quested to file tlieir claim s in tbisoffii u John Wooitworth, of W edderhurn, Cur­ em ber, 1902. on or before Slid 4th dav of November, ry county, Oregon. J . T. BRIDGES, R eg ister. 1902. J . T. B K ID O ES, Register. Any uuil all persons claim ing adverse­ ly tlie above described lands are reques­ T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878,— ted to file their claims iu this office on or liefore said 22d ,!av of Septem ber,1902. Tim ber Laud, Act June 3, 1878,- -No- N otice for P ublication . J . T. B1UDGE8, Register. tice for Fublicatiou. United S tates L in d office, Roseburg, Oregon, July 29, 1962. U nited States Land Office, Tim ber Land, Act Ju n e 3, 1878. Notice is hereby given th a t incom pli­ Roseburg, Oregon, A ugust 13, 19U2. Notice for Fublicatiou. Notice is lierehy given that in com­ ance with the provisions of tlie act of pliance with the provisions of tlie act Congress of Ju n e 3, 1878, entitled “ An United States Land Ofllee, of Congress of Ju n e 3, 1878, entitled act for the sale of tim ber lauds in the Ky-wbiirg, Oregon, August la, 1{M2. Notice Is tie re 07 given th at in vompiianve “ An act for the »ale of tim ber lands in States of C alifornia, Oregon, Nevada, with tue provUious of tne »vt of Congress of the State» of California, O regon, Neva­ j and in W ashington T errito ry ,” os ex­ June 3. 1«?H, entitled “An net for the «ale of tim ­ da, and W ashington T erritory,” a« ex­ tended to all tlie Fublie Land State« bv ber lauds in the States of California, Oregon, Ne- vad», and in Washington Territory,” »« extend­ tended to all the Fublie Land States bv , act of A ugust 4, 1892, Ruby A. BailejT ed to all the Fublie Land States by aet of Aug­ net of August 4, 1892, J o h n J. Swengei, 1 of W edderburn, county of C urry, State ust I, lfVJ, Auguxt Bukzini, ot Smith River, coun­ of Oregon, has tiiis day filed in tiiis of­ ty of Del Norte. State of Cali lorn i», has this day of Mvrtlc Point, cuiintv of Coos, State tiled in thi« office hjs sworn .«tatement No. 32.W, of Oregon, has this day filed in tliia of­ fice his sworn statem ent No. 3059, for for the puri-hnse of the North Half of Northeast fice ills sworn statem ent No. 3256, for 1 the purchase oftlic L ots 3 and 4, and quarter, aeclion 1<, and Lota 14 and 15 of sec­ the purchase of the NEJ^ NW J, L ots 1 S Jo f N W ’i of section 1, in Township35 tion 11, in Townahip 40 south, range IS weat, and will offer oroof to show that Ihe and 2k. section 7, Township 31 south, south, range 14 west, and will offer ¡woof land »ought is more valuable for ita timber or range 13 west, and SEJ of N E Jsic tio n to show th a t the land sought is more 12, in Townghip 31 south, range 14 valuable for its tim ber or stone than J« ley, United States Commissioner lor the