*•' «t ■J i l i ' LÙJÌ'J THE TRIBUNE. H r it in li P a c ific C a b le . C O H M O B A M A . Seattle, March 10.—Work op the I met her, she was tall. from a Somewhat a n g u la r, au<4 sm all Around the waist; ... ~ ----- — poiut on the Chinese coast via Yok- Her form , a trifle bent, ,OFFICIAL FAFKK OF < 1 LR\ CO. g^ama and the Aleutian Islands to W as to a g re at e x te n t, — Barclay ¡Sound, the terminus on In beauty traced. TU ESD A Y , M A RCH IH, 1992. B r itis h t i a n a - l ’a c itic c a b lu ISSL'JU) BVBKV Tl BADAV KVKNINU. WALTER SUTTON, We cplled h e r Cosm oram a, : Proprietor Kecently the daughter of the post­ mistress of Maygar-Czernya was called to the public telephone, when she heard the voice of her sweet­ heart, Gustav Tibold, who from the town hall of Taba telephoned the alarm ing message, “ Would you like to hear how l shoot myself?” Scarce­ ly were the words ended when the girl heard the sound of a shot; and subsequent inquiries revealed that the youug man bail killed himself in the manner he had indicated. W. T. KERR & CO., (Successors to John R. Miller A Co.) STOPS PAIN DEALERS IN While the tala over the project has N ot w ith intent to h a m her, SUBSCRIPTION K ATI S i engaged attention, the British gov- ’Twas a show, Athens, Tenn., Jan. 27,1901. Ever since tho first appearance of ray O ne Copy one Y e a r .................. »1.501 em inent has gone to wor k, aud for 0 “ the panorama plan, menses they were very irregular and I suffered with great pain in my hips, One C opy Six M onths . several weeks the cable-ship has IL ' » l . m u t a m an , back, st- niach and legs, with terrible O ne Oopy T hree M o p th i.................. 5y , . . .. To bong, a n a blow. 1 bearing down pains in the abdomen. been engaged in laying the cable During the past month I have been — —------------------------------------- ------------ . . in m e re eport, I called h e r m ine, taking Wine of Cardui anil Thedford’s from the Chi nene coast terminus. . tl , , . . . . Ap.vRR'risiNo H a ir s K kaionaulk . Black;Draught, and I passed theraonth- Nlie sm ile d sw eetly, looked d iv in e — i ly period without pain for tho first time It is said that the original copy This m orning the barge Georgian A„ angel>8 fHce_ in years. N a x n ib D a v is . of the Declaration of Independence left in tow of the steamer Mystery Unfurrowed; and in n a tu re G i lt A G EN TS: ! of the United States of Araanca is for Ghemainus, where she will take She was a charming creature, What Is Ilfs worth to a woman suffer­ A. B. S abin , Langlois, Oregon. on 400,000 feet of lumber and sup- ■ I'ull of grace. i now unreadable, owing to the ink ing like Nannie Davis suffered? Vet A. H. C kooic . P istol ltiver, O regon. there are women in thousands of homes having completely faded. It up plies for the British Columbia sta- She co u ld dance— danced with me to-day who are bearing those terrible tion on Barclay sound. An iur- Batroncella, P. A. T. i pears th at part of the title can still The printed address on your paper » menstrual pains in silence. II you are shows th e d a t e to wlijich your sub-S How we w ent; be deciphered, but that the body of niense cable plaut is tq be estab­ erlption is paid'. one ol these w* want to say that this O ur d a n c in g m ade m e w arm , ! the text and the signatures have lished at this point, where 60 oper To a tte u d , 1 beat all form same All communications intended for publication I nearly all disappeared. This is must be accompanied by the namo of tiie writ atiyes will be engaged permanently W ith o u t in ten t. H aving purchased the entire Stock of Merchandise of J. R. Miller & Co. er. We must know the u^mes of ouj' corres­ i owing to the inferior quality of the in attending to the business con­ She c o u ld glance—a h ! those eyes pondents. we will, until further notice, sell the same at | will bring you permanent relief. Con- nected with the work. W hen u p tu rn e d would show th e ir size i ink used and yet the docum ent is ' sole yourself with the knowledge that j only a century and a quarter old. F u ll on h e r f a c e ; Later the British authorities will C u ll 1,000.000 women have been completely construct stations, probably at Yo­ W ith e rin g w ith a m irth f il scorn, F o r Deimx-nitic J* rim arle« and cured by Wine ol Cardui. These wom­ It has just leaked out th at our \V hieh w ould m ake o n e ’s h opes forlorn kohama, and also on one of the C onvention. en suffered from leucorrhoea, irregular A n d o u t of place. j troopers from the South expended Aleutian Islands. So far, however, menses, headache, backache, and . Confederate notes freely in Cuba Q uite fa m ilia r grown w ith m e, bearing down pains. Wine ol Cardui Pursuant to ,the call of George arrangements to transport supplies I ask ed h e r q u ite p lea sa n tly , [ during the Spanish American war. will stop all these aches and pains Fitzhugh, Secretary of the b e m o - to those points have not been made How she could p la n , ’ The trick was originated by young lor you. Purchase a »1.00 bottle o( cratic Central Committee, the Com public. To brin g h e r m ac h in e to to w n , Wine ol Cardui to-day and take it in I men of the Southern states, in whose initteemen met at Gold Beach, Cur P u t i t up and ta k e it down, ! homes sundry truukfulls of ” Jeff < the privacy of your home. ry county, Oregon, F e b . 13, 1902. In reply to the query what lie W ith o u t a m a n . For advice anu . atm addre -riving gymp- And in absence ol chairman and t|IOUg|,^ of (,jJe people by this time, I Davis money” had been lying idle toiua, “ The I 'diii A ..o iy 1». , . 1.. ’’ Told h e r th e n m v n a m e was N obb, The ChatUuooe a Medicine C o , Chau . . secretary, Genius Cunniff, Sr., com ,, , Tenn. for some thirty three years. The mitteeman for Gold Beach precinct, 1 ,11,ee He,ir>' 18 set do'VU as Sa>'' A nd, w ould like a n easy job— Cubans were easy victims. W ould tu rn tlie c ra n k took the chair, and B. Gytbridge, I lnS: fry K. E. Guihridge, proxy, secre- “ The people are inspiring, if I To h e r m a c h in e , ai d she They have gone over to the great U ry, ipay judge from tlieglimpses I have C ould e x p la in th e tiling und we C ould ru n a b u n k . majority. General O. 0 . Howard On motion, it was decided that haj ljf t|ieln At the opera I saw T respass N otice. A n d all offered as L o w as th e y can be Sold. the Democratic iii'iimiry elections , in a reminiscent mood says of the b eh e ld in each precinct of the| refinement andI culture pictured in S h e curled tie r lip, ste p p ed a sid e, G lancing up w ard in h e r p rid e . twenty-seven commanders of Union Notice is hereby given to all w hom it county, at 1 o’clock P. M.,on Thurs­ the faces; at the lunclieon today a y concern not to e n te r u p o n o r tre s ­ A nd lo o k in g keen , armies during the civil war only m p ass iu a n y m a n n e r upon th e land of day the 27th day of March, and that genius and energy; but the crowds D rew h e r face to a repose, two survive. General Schofield and th e u n d e rsig n ed , situ ate d in C u rry the Democratic County Convention on the street impressed ipe most. .Said, “ I ra n (and sw itched h e rc lo th e s l u n ty O regon, for th e p u rp o se of himself. Of the forty corps com­ co be held at 10 o’clock, A. M., on Their faces indicate, it seems to me, W‘e propose to keep a Full and Complete Stock of "M v own ip a c h in e .” b u n tin g w itii g uns or d o g s, or o t h e r - ; Thursday, the 3d day of April, manders on the Union side only w ise tresp ass in a n y m a n n e r. A ny I W . T racy . activity .tuid ambition not dulled person o r persons so e n te rin g upon sa id 1902. at the court house in Gold Rocky H ill, O g n ., 1902. twelve survive. p rem ises w ith o u t mv c o n se n t will be by too much coiiteulipent, yet not Beach. prosecuted to tlie full e x te n t of tlie I t was decided that the appor­ marred by discontent. Is not this For th e P o rt O rford T r ib u n e : law . Gov. Taft was before the house tionm ent of delegates to the Con­ the balance that makes your people A m e ric u u S h ip p in g S hould Lead. M R S. M ARY A. C O L E B R O O K . insular committee again on W ed­ vention be as follows: One dele­ so happy and so powerful?” nesday, and urged a reduction of 75 gate at large from each precinct, In 4considering the ship subsidy percenton sugar, tobacco and hemp, This is admirably put. Mure und one delegate for each ten votes, f i r a u i , H IT S , CA PS, H U IS SH OES, n r fraction over half of ten votes, than that, it is a dear-eyed summa- question the fact should be kept in the establishm ent of permanent m il­ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. cast for Thomas G. Green for Ku- tion of .American trails as revealed mind that such aid to our shipping itary posts and sending one thous- I DEPARTMENT OF THE IN T E R IO R , preme Judge at the Statu election ¡n American crowds. industry is essentially of the char- and more teachers to the islands. L and O ffice at R oseburg . O regon , held in June, 1900, to-ivit: aeter as the tariff which protects _________________ : J a n u a ry IB, 1902. . . ,, , i ai i N otice is hereby given t h a t tlie fol- u w E ,” 7 ," 7 ” »“ •«' w - w - a . A ten-year-old boy saved a Mich- lowing-named settler lias tiled notice burn, 2; Ophir, 1; Fort Orford, 3;. 8tato ha8 *.'* PuPul,lt,u,>- Senator H anna stated in his speech igan express train tlie other day I °f his intention to make final proof in , , . I l i o ■ support of his claim, and that said Hixes, dv Floras Creek, 5; Eckley, 3, il0‘l the only city which has appar- last Thursday in support of tlie from being wrecked by flagging i t I proof w in be made before J . H . U p to n , G r a r u t e w a r e < T i n w a r e , C r o c k e r y , E t c . E t c . Mule Greek, 2; Big Bend, 3; Quosa- ■ ently lost is the one which padded pending subsidy bill, the “ merchant without the aid of a red petticoat. 1 G . 8. C om m issioner, a t Langlois, Ore­ ten, 1; J e rry , Flat, 2. its returns ten years ago and now m arine ¡8 the only industry in the Yet Professor Pearson thinks there gon, on M a rd i 15, 1902, viz : G E O R G E F IT Z H U G H . H aving received a F ull Stock of M uslins, O n motion, meeting adjourned. suffers for i t . fullv it •. i o , , , DENNIS,GUNNIFF, Kit, ,r , • , < , , U '“ ted b t“les wl“ ch hua not recei»- are no miracles. On P re -e m p tio n D. S. No. 7682, for th e 1 Chairman. b»e United States now has a ed the fostering care of the Gov- S i S W t section 11, NVa N W O section Dress-Goods, P rints, and E v e ry th in g in 14, T p. 32 S„ R. 15 W . Stops the Cough R. E. G utiw WK, Secretary. larger population than any Europ em inent.” Such care would have H e n a m e s the follow ing w itnesses to th a t line, we sh a ll continue to sell the can country except Russia; and the j been afforded long ago, probably, if prove his c o n tin u o u s resid en ce upon and Works off th e Cold. average of our wealth and product- it were practicable to fit the sh’ip- L ax ativ e B rom o-Q uinine T a b le ts c u re and c u ltiv a tio n of said la n d , viz : old sto ck a t or nea r cost. /C a ll A sh er Post, Jo h n C row ley, T hom as ive capacity carries us far beyond ping business to the general tariff a cold in one d a y . N o C u re , no P a y . C o rn w a ll, E u g e n e Peirce, all of P o r t I f o r R e p u b lic a n I'r lip u r ie .s a iu l O rford, O regon. t,h«y. kingdom in real greatness. system. Our dome8tio products P ric e 25 cents. J . T. B R ID G E S , R egister. C o u n t y C o n v e n t io n . Germany, among European coun- can be protected by custom duties During the recent maneuvers of tries, comes next to the United levied on products from abroad, but The ' R epublican C ounty C entral Cm m1,1 iiiet! States’ but il can H|W'V only a pop- thi8 piau ; iu uol upp,y t o ' for’J g'n the French army telegraph wires so ( niittee e for C u rry Ooun,ty O regon, iii NOTICE. tine th at a man could carry on spools < •L!f“nll!olB- h‘ s.a ia V‘-nnty,..n Feb.22, illation of 52,279,D01, or about two- | vessels vessels that, t h a t carry c a r r v our ,,„ r . . r o d ................... product to four miles of it, was successfully 1902. P re se n t the following Contiilit te e ln e u : W. L. .Clienowetli, M. 1.1 thirds of our total. In area ll,e other lands. There is no essential laid at the rate of two and one-half All persons a re h e re b y w arned not to G ibson, A. H. Pont, W. T. W hite l.y United Stales, with its new posses I tresp ass upon th e kinds of tlie u n d e r­ difference iu principle between aid­ miles an hour. Walter Sutton proxy, O tto Ism ert by , .... signed s itu a te in C u rry C o u n ty , by d e ­ G a o .W . K jnitb p ro x y , P e ter Cogtelloe i s,ons> ,s *lb° u ta s large as all Europe, ing the shipping industry by sub­ Give us a trial, and we will do our best to give satisfaction. p o sitin g m a te ria l of any k in d th ereo n , by Ames 8. J o h n s to n proxy. In wealth it is the richest nation s id ie s and aiding the California B ritish experts report tlie dis- or to use a n y p a r t of tlie said lau d for M. B. Gibson was elected Chairman, . ... , ... .. .... . e ss purposes. and W alter S utton S ecretary. w o rld lll,s e v e ‘ k n o w n . mines o j-1 b u A sin orange and lemon industries by the covery in Africa of . new . . ny person so tre s p a s sin g will be On m otion, it w as derided th a t tlie gold and copper of unlim ited rich- , prosecuted to tlie fu ll e x te n t of tlie law. R epublican p rin iin y elections by held N otw ithstanding that we are in 1 cent per pound tariff on such K. D. H U M E . Hess. in th e various p re cln ete of th e co u n ty ... ,, products from abroad. W o o ls H id e s , P e l t s a n d F u r s t a k e n in e x ­ W eib lerb u rn , D r., A ug. 17, 1890. at 1 o’clock, p. m., on Mure.li 15, 1902, ie O 'ditietli century the era It is an indisputable proposition R e fe rrin g to th o above N otice, th e and that the Republican County Con- the Hague conference and w ire le ss su b s c rib e r would also notify tlie public, c h a n g e fg r G o o d s . yentlon be held at the Court House in I. , , , >• ,, that export American products th a t h e is prepared to fu rn is h w h a rfin g bold Beach on March 22, 1902, begin-) le e3lilpky the world is spendmg • D l l U i l l l i n u , j fa c ilitie s on e ith e r side of Rogue R iv er ning at 10 o'clock, a. m. more on warlike preparation than PP . o tlie most part I fro n tin g th e lands ow ned by him , a t th e ' ’ It was decided that the apportion-! ■ .... , ... at least, in American vessels. The sa m e ra te s of w h arfage a s are c h a rg e d went of delegates to the Convention b e 1 evtr befo,e- 1 he 1 n.lippine affair . D E A L E R IN . ior like accom m odations a t th e w harf as follows: One delegate at large from lias already cost this Government ‘ such shipm ents last | . a t P o rt O rford, C u rry C o u n ty , O reg o n , each precinct ulld ohe delegate for mv, nnn ......... i .. year was more than half a billion all re p o rts to th e c o n tra ry n o tw ith ­ m b 20 v o te, or fraction over half of «OO.OOD.OOO m-more and expense , , , ..... on.ion sta n d in g . It. I). H U M E . ¿0, cost ‘ - t o n -fourth ot it was ca^t for C. E. Wolverton for Hu- is going on at the rate of $12,000, reme’ Judge .,t th e g e n e ra l election of American flag Britain has carried Carried under U" der tlie the A,“eric«n 0U0 a month. Great 'June 4, 1999, upon w hich th e p recin cts i are entitled to representation as follow s: s p e n t a b illio n o f d o l la r s o n th e W hy? Because it costs more to N O T IC E . P o rt Orford, 4; Sixes, I; Floras Creek. build and operate Anieucan vessels 3; E ckley, 1; Cheteo, 3; M ountain. 2; B oer " * r - 11,18 18 ll,e 81,1,18 ll,e N o tic e is h e re b y given to all whom P istol River. 2; Gobi R each, 2; W ed- wars of Napoleon c o s t F ra n c e in than it dots for foreign craft. This it m ay c oncern, n o t to e n te r upon o r derhnrn, 2; Ophir, 2; Qunsntcn, 2; Big! , i - , „ , ,, . . difference results solely from tlie B e n d / ) ; Mule¡Creek, 1; J e r r y ’s F l i t. 2. t h 'r te c n y e a rs. G r e a t B r ita in h a s L a d ie s 'a n d ( ie n t’s S h o e s a n d tresp ass in any m a n n e r, fo r th e p u rp o se ' of h u n tin g w ith g u n s o r d o g s, upon On m otion tlio m eeting a d jo u rn e d . e q u a lle d it in a w a r w ith a s m a ll higher wages obtained in the U nit­ tlie prem ises oi M rs. J . A. B utton, or ed States as compared with figures w „ H .G I B m i N, i tiairinan. p o w e r in three years, not counting t he ra n c h o f G eorge T. B u tto n , a d jo in ­ W altkh Scrro.N, S ecretary. , . IN o k i J the cost . of its navy. ruling in Europe. Ail equitable ing, o r upon th e L eittesty ra n c h , le a s­ D e m o c r a t i c S t a t e C o n v e n t io n . ed bv tile u n d e rs ig n e d . Any person or 1 lie g r e a t ste el t r u s t is d u m h - subsidy system in part compensat­ lu r e -.. p erso u s so e n te rin g upon said pn rnises „ fo u n d e d by tlie a iip e a re n c e in C hi- ing for the difference in wages w ithout m y c o n se n t will be prosecuted W ill keep n wagon on the ro a d , m a k in g to th e full e x te n t o f th e law. ........ f . » ; ¥ .......... ........................... would undoubtedly stim ulate the D enm ark, O r.. M a rch . 27th, 1809. m ee t in th e oiti 4 Portland on T liurs «'ompitny ol r rance, who is offering American shipping industry and re g u la r trip s ab o u t every ten d a y s, b e ­ M B*. J . A. B U T T O N . General Merchandise, PORT ORFORII, OREGON. WINE0'CARDUI PR IC ES W IT H IN TH E REACH OF ALL. NEW GOODS GROCE 1 R > IE S & PR O VISIO N S, 1 i >< >1 >5S, III Hardware, No need for anybody to send away tor sup­ plies of any kind. J R R R A M I Mfl Ladies Furnishing Gonds, E. H. CHEEVER, C I X >T I I L X i , ii day, A pril 10,1909, a t 1 0 o ’clock A. M ., to la k e ste e l c o n t r a d s a t r a te s fa r , 11v i , . . i ...... ,i for the purpose of n o m in atin g cundi j lielow th o se o f th e A m e ric a n tr u s t 1 ■ 1 i ie c la im in g th e d is c o v e ry ¿ f a p rocess o u t . a n a , w h e re it p r o p e r ly be- of S U te, State SU|H iliit. loleiit o A 'ii'le F r a n c e bv w h ich ste el c a n b e l lt,,18 8- Ken a to r F r y e , w h o s p e a k s lie in stru ctio n , M euilwr ul Congress for m a d e a t h u ll tile Cost ill A m e ric a. from exact knowledge, says the pas- I th e F irst ami Second D istricts, State | sage of tlie subsidy bill would lead ' T re a s u re r, Attorney G e n eral, U nited S ta te s S enator, for ra tify in g n oolioi to the expenditure of $20,000,000 a tious for d istric t ami jo in t, legislative year in American ship building for ! and judicial ofllees; and for the tran s- notion of sut'h o th er business us imn two or three years at least. It would ’ p roperly come before it. soon equal the same industry in ; 'The suvariil counties will be e n title d • ■ * I to one deleg ate for am li J25 votes and Great Britain. Tlie employment ' m a jo r frai'tion thereof east for th e lion. There is a best time for doing thus given to many thousand men T hos. G. G re en s for S u p re m e Ju d g e nt would alone compensate for the sum i tho S ta te elaettoQ in J y n e l'HMI, tu-w it: everything—that is, a time when B a k er 14. Benton ti, (Tackiinias 13, thing can be done to the best ad n , . . . i • t ... I ‘1,8'n buted in subsidies, Clatsop 6, Goiumbiu 3. Co,si 7, Crook 4, vantage, most easdv and most ef C urry 2, D o u g las )3, G illiam 3. G ra n t {actively. Now is 'th e best time 11,e ‘"iiount ol subsidies pro-; 4. Iln rn e y 3, Jaekkon l l , Jo sep h in e 6, for purifying your blood. W hy! videil for in the bill is $6,000,0(10 K la m a th 3,' fa k e 2. I aui « 15, IJiieoln 9, Lion 17, M alheur 3. Marlon 1«, MdK I ^ '’cniiae your system is now trying per annum about one-half of which know this hv £ th. t WOU'd , , , , « row l 3, ! Multnomah, i ; = k4 41, Polk H. Slier- P to " 1’ purify 1” ” * a it—you nd erup!‘onsyt *" - d March, yip rii, May * ! ? • ) \ “llo.w" 5 “ " aahlng- ¿ave come on your face and body ton 10, Whselcrg, YowbUI ,1 A d a te not late r th a n April 4tli is neonmendad to the respective c ount y c en tra l co m m ittees, subject to co n d i­ tio n s of local convenienoe, for th e sev­ e ral county conventions. H ood’s Sarsaparilla an d Pills aw .,. AU, ipterUW iMSMd, tw een (lo ld B each a n d D airyville. ior th e u eeom niodatiou and eonvvnieiiec o f th e p eo p le liv in g en ro u te . : SEWING MACHINE Do not be deceived b y ____ th o se w h o ad- ' I « 1»® »»60.90 Sew Ini ing Maehine”for This kind ofa machine can be bought from us or any of our dealers from »15.00 to $18.00. W t MARC a VARItTV. THE NEW HOME IS THE BEST. ~ -- w Ilome buy. •h o w ln a th e dlf- meant to be a ship of war in time " rem .l.vlce o f Expel ience a t the begin- I w e m anufacture en d prices before purrha«n,^ . ’’ ’¿.•'P!'’* recommend Howl', S .r .e n o r tll. of war.” too h lth lr »■ » « p r in - t medicine. hen*« -----......... W hen w< ning of the late war with Spain is! * “ It In Ihe ■' - _ ' K N2u^\.•( ! all f i , o a tt e n ­ A R T I C L E N O T IN S T O C K . tion of ail < oik » n .r u » • th e follow ing My (iotxls will In sold a t b o tto m prices se c tio n of the law : ‘’No th e riff sh a ll receive a larger a n io u n . iu c o u n ty o r­ s tric tly or C ush. d e rs from any person for ta x e s titan the a m o u n t of s u c h p e rso n ’s c o u n ty taxc9 for th e y e a r o r years for w hich the p ay­ b u y th e m en t is m ad e .’’ U n d e r th e law it is imposHibie for me to m ake c h a n g e in co u n ty w a rra n ts, and w here a w a rra n t isoflereil by a ta x p a y e r w hich amount!» to a g re a te r sum Ilian th e taxes du e, it can n o t be accept*1«!. gencies, is an element to take into I The Feeil determines the strength or thev dr '‘C4 l’unl « ’»sidering lh. -ubsidy wcaknms of Sewing Machines. The Double teed combined with other Are the medicines to take By order of tlie Demiaratlc State Cen­ tral Committee SAMUEL WHITE, Chairman R ichard W. M ontaocic . Secretary. ' Dated February 17, 1902 have always heart! recommended. »Wl't Tekeece 9,11 .«d W . l n r l l n To q u it tobacco on .llv .n il fo n .c r , b . m s . fuMof Bf«, n«rv« unü vigor, U k« Mo*To tbo »nadcr wurli.tr. that moke« »v.U tuen A ll ( In ..,, to . or , I. C u recu .r.n - >ot B Booklet And O liup I u free zddre». o » . Cblruso or H aw Vor»- ¡contracts. The importance of gov em inent control of subsidized ves­ sels, constructed to meet war emer- ) i: ii WriteORCUURS S r ““ « alk bv HARDWARE, TINWARE, GRANITEWARE, J . , STOVES & RANGES, wanted inventors DOORS & WINDOWS, PATENTS PAINTS