The Western American. (Astoria, Or.) 1922-19??, September 28, 1923, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    Pag» F—
Friday, September 28, 1923
E v e r y Day, In E v e r y W ay, the K lan G row s Bigger and Better
shore, and of the primitive people who lived in cliff-houaea end!
abobe hut*.
Not for anything except neceeaity would we utter « word
Eric the Red discovered our Atlantic seaboard, and a Chinese that might reduce by a penny the relief fund for tho Japanese,
m e n a
mariner of ancient days was first to set foot on the Pacific Slope | We’d give them tike ahirt off our back, if we had an extra one.
m u n m i «•« r o r
long before the dawn of the Christian era. American scholars I **A hint to the wise” is timely, however, to keep our pestiferous
PmbU»hed Weekly by
should visit China and examine its literary treasures. Wonders (weifists in order.
___ i M r k u PwbiUkla* C i a , n j
P ak lk a U e a Offleee dd7-d#S rltto c k Block, P .rU a a d , O refM
are there to be revealed, and perhaps we might learn more of the
The seismic catastrophe has not changed an lota the ini- Under Auspices of Oregon
B m l w i f *187
Chapter Order of De
perial government's" policy qf world conquest and militarism.
Molay— Be There.
Another puzzler for our historians: Study \\ illinm H. PfM- The dispatches told how the Japanese naval authorities impud-
B » I m u I im | w
cott s wondrous history of the Conquest of Mexico by General en^y forbade the American rescue ships to pass the lines of their
T l w W M t i m A m e ric a n la ow ned b y T h e W aatarn i American pubiiahiwo co, «we Cortez, and identify, then, as they easily can, the mysterious race harhot fortifications, and how our naval enptains Ignored the
It la th a fo rm a lly adopted m edium fo r official pu blicity
and women. boy« ami i lr la ,
nam ed on th o flra t papa b u t all official m a tte r la deelgnated
T h e E d it o r and o o a trlE u to ra aolaly are
to H i n d ihn wall ar­
sad Joyoua "Kail
but they were fiendish CANNIBALS, sacrificing many thousands
The purpose of Japan is to conquer .the world, to overawe,
Hlldr," under au«plr»a of
5aiBfS ?u^1 Phtn^^ITjKi A y i i
ZSFkJZSZ » jw of captive tribesmen, annually, to the SUN-GOD, and feasting outwit, overcome and rule ALL nations. Here’s the unquestion­
the Oracoli fhapter Order
T. Remit
___ by check, draft, p o e t^ o r
money ordsr. or r ^ t e r * . M » | u p o n , h e i r
. t h i i W M t h e i r d e p e n d a b l e a n d e x c lu s iv e M E A T
ytw ela c o p lM , S C flltA
Molay. Saturday night, Sept,
able proof of the beginning of this fatal policy, which steadily •if
C H A N G E o r A D D R E S S : T h e e d d re e e o f » v b e crlb e re cab b e c h a n g e d a» o fte n
tha Ijiurrlhurct Club
I n o rd e rin g a c h a n g e , pleA ee g iv e b o th th e new And t h e o U e d d re ee . supply. This was only yesterday, as history is measured, and it
_ - Ito wert-pani^ _
_■----- If u n e T A lle b le O o e rte - ; jg ^ myatery ^
to fa* reVNlled. \\« kfKlW who th.--- has been maintained and developed:''
•try Unrrnllann ami hla Orac<>nlan«.
o u r A tte n tio n e n d p a in s ta k in g c e r e ---- -------- -------------
„ .
In the year 1858, when the ruling Japanese, rudely awak- trumro|(r*
l _ l a l o f c o n s tr u c tiv e v a lu e to T h o K la n a n d ita frie n d * w ill b o p a id
' fumiti lite« ; v»mr mgrirwrtt. tnmtrt
d u ,u
* sh o w,n
m ! cannibals were,, where they came from, whither they went, and
m in im u m s p a c e r a t e o f $4 a c o .u n m . • K'*"
A ll c o “
n ic a fr,*"<
tio n s 1
u ld *
b * e * **** for
jumbiet. Herbert I Mag**. Arthur’
P lt to c k B lock. F e r t la n d . O re.______________________________ __
___ i will give yoii two guesses. Were they Chinese? NO! Guess
ami i^Mumra iturhirr. Pairona
T h k k u M to lu n Q u a ra n te * t h a t all m e rc h a n d is e a d v e r tis e d In T h e W B I T I R N
again. Uh-huh! When tha modern w riters "get wise” to the
Mr ami Mr<aA II.
A M E R I C A N to aa ad vertised, tilN K H iat all
Mr. I . It K lder, Mr.
a tio
t i o n n "to
r o r honesty
and sfflc ltn c y.
parsons o r A rm s of good re p u ta
'Journal are requested and urge d ta p a tron lia
atlo n p ro fitin g all concerned.
like Sunday-school work.
aud Mr». H.. J. G onion. Mr «ml Mr*.
"Among the rulers of the (foreign) world, there is none so A (I. k'lndlay «ml Mr. Milo Uo«*.
E a ta ra d aa aacend-claaa m a tta r A u g u a t 1, I H t a t th a pestar»Ice a t A storta .
noble and illustrious as to command universal vassalage, or who Till« w ill be A -truly Joyou« occasion.
O re g o n . u n d e r tha A c t o f M a rc h S, 1ST».
* .
A p p lic a tio n made to P ostm a ster a t A s te ria fa r t r a nafar of eeceod-claaa prlvltoga
can make hi*-virtuous influence felt throughout thcJcngth and Tllo fo«tlvll!i'« will « U ri a t * 3 0
a* P o rtla n d , O re ,
Gossips, dear Gossips, control your iong tongues,
lot k
breadth of the whole world. To have such a ruler over the whole
The editor’s patience is trL d,
* N x
world is doubtless in conformity with the will of heuven; and in Tho l>o Molay« n o te r do th in s« by
Talk about Klankraft, 'tie good for your lungs.
establishing relations with foreign countries, the object should heir*«.
And thus perhaps save your old hide.
always be kept in view of laying'a foundation for securing the
hegemony over ALL nations.”
The festive office boy did th tt. when asked to write a poetic
Lord Hotta pointed out the advantage to be gained from
prelude to the following statement of fact:
alliances with foreign powers, and how Japan could
nolo A prominent cititeli
We respectfully call President Coolidge's attention to Article j
Contrary to gossip, here and there, the editor of The Western strike for her "place in the sun" at a time when Europe and Amer­ of Editor'»
Hoqulsm. Wash, also «oil known
4, Section 4, of the Constitution of the United States, in consider­ American personally has no interest in the political phenomena
In Oregon. 1« a n In to ro elln s lottor to
ing the military despotism which Bully Walton has set up in of the State of Oregon or any part of it, except insofar as it may ica were embroiled in a world war, which he predicted.. He tho odllor >aya: "To ino II a «orna that
nubile Influence, probably without
Oklahoma. It says: “The United States shall guarantee a re­ affect the welfare of the Klan. He haa no crow to pick with added:
, ,
. . . i
"Alliances thus formed should also be directed toward pro-
?«*£«»! tTuhii ?»*
publican form of government to every State in this Union.’’
anyone. His hearts in the highlands of Tennessee and he is
harmless but powerless nutions. Such a polity could bo Klan.'* ibnruction I wish «« could
The Constitution must be and shall be preserved!
only here on an extended visit, now drawing to an end. Per- nothin„ elae ^ ^ enforcement of the power and authority tie- «•« '*• J i T '" '* !
A small squad of Regulars from Fort Sill can command the
sonally, the editor wouldn t accept the office of l nited States pUte<j ua j,y the Spirit of Heaven. Our national prestige and country They are wllllna enough, but
situation, by order of the President, and then the federal court Senator, or Governor of Oregon, if it were tendered as a gracious p o tio n thus insured, the nations of the world will come to look ‘— A1’ lack the sta m in a to nmk«
a beginning
( 1 W m a*( Bn HORN
can settle the controversy on its merits.
gift upon ajrolden platter studded with diamonds as big as boss- l|p to QUr Emperor ns the Great Ruler of ALL the nations, und aguln. u n d e r the r l e r y ('ruaa I II®
chestnuts. This ought to take the tsarch out of current rumors. they will come to follow our policy and submit themselves to our e n c l o s e d n '|d itti e m b o d y in g h i* Id e e »
•>( a way to ear* the eountry. It la
given below:
“I am the State!" (L’etat e'est moi!) proclaims Bully Wal-
There you have it. anti no authority can deny the accuracy
1. Kecognlliug our governine« a»
irte* ♦Vlrt
!d be despot of the State of Oklahoma. Wonder if
Governor Walton of Oklahoma is hell-bent for destruction, of this statement. • The purpose of worid conquest by fon mieti by WAaningiou ami jeffet soii
tv iii UIC HWM*1
thelr compatriota ita thè beat yel
that poor nincompoop evfer heard of Louis XFV and what hap­ striving to. out-do Parker of Louisiana, casting the capers of all the use of military force. The recent catastrophe deferred and
devlatil. and that wo uiuat inalntaln
pened tq him? Dollars to doughnuts he never did. He is a rank anti-Klanners into dim insignificance; but, really, he is the laugh­ trouble for a while, but it is coming! The worst enemy to Ameri- !,hu gwr*ràm»n» or !....our r«iigiou«
! and clvll llbertlaa;
upstart—a blown-in-the-bottle radical of the reddest hue. He ing-stock of the country—the Mussolini of America.
k a, ^through ignorance, fanaticism, or treason, is the pacifist
3 Kerognlilng tbu (act that our
is suffering from megalomania and exaggerated ego, now assum­
The Oklahoma Klansmen are rig h t; they are obeying and up­ person who would scrap our Navy, weaken our Army, und re­ t liberi Ire are menaced by an insidimi»
\ lo* that 1« undermlnlng all that wo
ing the form of progressive paranoia.
holding the Constitution, while Walton and his inciters and verse our policy of Preparedness.
I hnld aacred In our clvll ami rellgloue
Like Hebert, the French Butcher, Bully Walton asks: “Are abettors are violating and scorning it in every way. Great will
If America should yield to the yawp of pacifists and propa- ] Ufc. whoao boaet le that It never
t f
ceremonies necessary to' reduce those whom I have already judged be the penalty which they must pay.
, gandists in the pay of foreign nations, the inevitable war might j ¡ir"u,o»e" ot " u !T o A ^ ^ d “Vmrain*
as criminals?” Or, may we expect Walton to exclaim, as did
Suppose the Grand Dragon of (Jklani)ma were to order all ^
^ lives of millions of Americans and make our country a !°n* »“d who«# w»»«p«n* or vff*n««< «ro-
Fouche: "The sight of several thousand bloody corpses thrown klansmen to ignore further orders from Walton. Within a half | vaat fleld of carnage.
* T ^ ^ n u l S r f c U“a* tl that-tb«
into the river impresses' upoiT The beholders the image of MY hour he would have no national guard, for seven-eighths of the
mean« of retaining our clvll and
Help Japan all we can, but BE-PREPARED!
State troops are Klansmen. Do you begin to sec, now, the true
Baron Shibusawa. quoted Monday in the Morning Oregon- S 5 B & 1
The strong arm of the Federal Government should reach out inwardness of the situation?
ian, is the same Shibusawa who in 1918, at Honolulu, after being fehurehc«. ho k
at once and teach this washhuckling nobody that bullyism will y
The Klan in Oklahoma is upholding the (institution, how­ “royally" welcomed by Americas business men on his tour of our
' oiumo
ever, and <vill make no move out of harmony with it. They are country, declared in an interview that “Japan will not go to war 8i«t« of
not be tolerated hi America.
. in i-envi-ntimi «»«»m-
The time has come for the President to act, else the people of giving Walton enough rope. His fate* will be that of the calf.
with America over the land and school questions in the Pacifiq 1 “ J £ wY?li
Oklahoma will rise en masse. They are against Bully Walton,
; States, but war, if it comes, will be tlue to the sharp divergence lou» Inspiration from th« lloiy iiibi».
„ ..„ „ „ m in
| In furtherance o fthat unity *o i,»»en-
interests in China.
,tol lo brilth„r„ |0„.
('» operation.
Baron Shibusawa also had u headquarters at Vladivostok in
1 »» adopt a» a uniter»»! i*roie»iant
1918-19, and the incessant troubles experienced by the American'{'iEd
Well-meaning friends^ keep pestering the editor with the
| army under General Graves were due largely to his pernicious Mount, and that we uh<>ii»h uii other
inqiiiry whether the First Lady of the Land is a Roman Catholic.
! influence. The troubles includrit finally the atrocious and un-
w » ^ " . . » and
We don’t know, and, begging all for pardon, we don’t care! If
! punished murder of a fine American soldier—a young lieutenant,1 in the intm-ai of i-quity drmnud tho
Bhe is, she is doubtless a GOOD one, for she is a beautiful and
T he Klansmen do not boycott, us a m a tte r of pm»- whose family is even now in poverty and distress. -
•*“*! *rT rtT""n oron'r.?"»» J 'i r
noble woman, mother of two fine American boys.
ciple, b u t they are co n c e n tra tin g patronage w ith th e ir
T h e h ig h intelligence officer of the Japanese military outfit b. id In tru»t by or for any no ralli-d
The Klansmen have no quarrel with anyone’s religion, unless friends. T h e ir b u y in g p o w er is enorm ous. N eedless to in Siberia was one Zumota( riRht han(1 to shibusawa, who V a
the other fellow happens to be a snake-worshiper. We are off say, the persons and firm s whose names a p p ea r iu
1 i conference with the writer lost hitf leihper, hs it was intended he property of h congrcgitii'» -tonitlMlInK
of snakes—a prejudice born of prehistoric fear, inherited from appended list are not regarded as friends:
should do, and vojeed threats of a clash between America und
* h°"‘0
nnr cVni^V»s-in«r
fospfnl ancestor«: who swimw hv their pre­
■ t o t •p o p T T .a u T) T E L E G R A M , te llin g p re -
; Jopoii. Tiiia some ZuiuOt», w‘iiO in a
a. I ly ¿XpCTl, * UltoluifU i.
thiii V.f ;I« j vi« ■»»“ ■ *'
hensile tails among the leafy boughs, leaping nimbly for life when • pared news and views.
the “disartnament" cmfereme at WMhin«o„ and filled the p re « .'
pursued by horrid dangers. (This may be taken as a figure of
ARMOUR AND COMPANY, selling wholesale
full of buncombe about Japanese regard for Americans. Mr.- f*»»loual beggar« »» (ii<grgiiing to hu-
speech. W'e stand mit Bryan. Darwin was an unmitigated mutt.)
packing-house products through grocers and . Zumota is no friend of America, and neither is Baron Sfiibusawn. j
Let's keep the essential facts in view while doing our utmost w»y vast sum» uf l*rut*sl«nt monuy
T H E M E IE R & F R A N K COMPANY, d e p art­
to aid the stricken Japanese people, keep our national grip on |
store. Also tinder the ban of organized la­
the necks of the yellow pacifists, and thus keep from making arm» and iquip« thp cgt'iny, whuao
All scholars know that Christopher Columbia never dis­
only rea»on for •‘«Intlng 1» to bo pro- _
fools of ourselves.
bor because of starv atio n wages and u n fair con­
covered this continent, but that Leif Ericksen deserves the credit. wlii'ii
Is niiiilr 1»
The advantage we need in the Orient is an o|ien, hard and gfVo this country to the ropi whero
In Seattle there is a large “colony” of Icelanders. Several years
T H E R E IS NO CH OICE among the oth er de-
„ fast alliance with Great Britain.
An-Anglo-American coalition a rr <y*
Y L li* 0 ",*k*rl'r-
ago, at the time that Prince Axel of Denmark visited Seattle,
liulcborod: »«- l.vlonil today «Jim«
partm ent stores, R oberts B rothers; Lipm an,
can compel world peace and save and advance civilization. There 1 i»?2i.
there came on a visit to certain of these Icelanders a direct
Wolfe & Co.; Olds, W ortm an & King, anti other
is no other way, except for America to go it alone and ultimately ■ thVuf.V*«
descendant of Eric the Red. The writer became acquainted with
large stores. N one of them is on our list of
fight for her life. There is no need to invite disaster and the i from the ban placed upon our aocuiur
this remarkable man and from him learned that Christopher Co­
friends, and faithful K lansm eu and Kl*H>women
huge kiss of life and treasure, when-an* alliance with Britain IN
pr""1"' <larM not publish any
lumbus, several years prior to his trans-Atlantic voyage of dis­
are Urged to patronize the sm aller stores whose
THE ORIENT will keep the drums silent and prevent the roar • nation * chief enemy, because of tbo
covery, visited Rikavik, the capital of Iceland, where Eric the
owners evince a friendly sp irit and who give the
of the guns. The Pacific is the theater of the future great events, f*7 ,h,*( M
"''1 ''r'7"y wl11 »'tempt 'ho
Red resided in the olden days, and there studied and made copies
people a square deal.
and Japan already has closed the open door to China and chal- 8 Resolved, that we depioro and
of Eric’s records of his voyage to this continent, the same being
iengi?d the rights of America and Britain.
denounce the practice in the name ot
T H E PO RTLA ND B A N K S—no choice, They
written, he said,’upon white leather and carefully preserved in
. .
] religion, of teaching the fallow mind
the archives of the university at Rikavik. We commend this in-
Every American statesman, and every citizen,* being cn- of childhood. *u»ceptibln to any tru th
SI Mini *fror-
. P^roiriouw
Additional names will be found in this list from week lightened and patriotic, will advocate * ■ and demand the Anglo-
formation'to the K. of C. historians and others, in the hope that
M 111 till ,h<‘
uf loll lu
nnnnl In
j oo*d a n ^ ^ l r 'V prico^ctin^^orgi'vg'iiln»!
they may find much food for reflection. We also recommend that to i\vek. W hen eoTiditions complained of shall have been : American alliance, when conditions out there are understood.
The seismfc catastrophe in Japan is a mere incident in th e !
'»'I' ico nod to do«» Adult*
our Government Librarian send someone to Rikavik to acquire, rectified, in each case, th e nam e will be o m itted and w ill!
»olilom he«»«« conrerl« to »uch ab-
if possible, for our own national archives, the records of Eric he tra n s fe rre d to o u r Book of F rie n d s, who dehire and de swift march of events, and it will pale into insignificance for all Hurdltle«, but the child cun bo taught
s e rv e ,th e p atro n ag e o f o u r people.
concerned if our government does not establish and enforce a to bollove them.
the Red. . «
A ny K lansinan, o r K lansw oniari, who in an y w ay vigorous foreign policy—aa firm as that of John Hay, or William
Now; a hint to the OTHER historians. While traveling in
the Orient, afterward confirrifing his researches in various great p atro n izes a n enem y of o u r rig h teo u s cause will have to H. Seward. We*need a Jackson, or a Grover Cleveland, in the SPOKANE KLANS HAVE
libraries, the editor learned that the continent of America was an sw er fo r it when tho fa c t is know n, and a n y person o r White House,
discovered by the CHINESE! We imparted this truth to Mr J firm , o u tsid e of th e K lan, w ho know ingly s u p p o rts and
Spokane Klan N a 2 and Spokane
Hubert Beckwith Groves, of Portland, the eminent historiàn who | patro n izes a known onom y o f o u r cause, will be placed in
The KIan stan(iH four-square for law and order. No mob has Provlilonal Klan, Women of the Ku
recently placed in the literary market the fine and priceless j the above list, so th a t o u r m em bers and friends m ay know j ever written a Declaration of Independence, nor shared in the K lui Klan, itaged a ipgctarular open-
air celebration and naturalization
-volume entitled “Americanism.” He was skeptical and some-1 w ho’s who. Some persons an d film s who a re hostile to glory of producing a Constitution. Back to the Republic, under reremonial near Hpokune on Sept. 20.
what “peeved.” T is true, nevertheless.
! us a re too in significant to m e rit notice ill th e above list, LAW!
Many iplendld Klana of the North-
The CHINESE discovered this continent.
! h u t the}' arc well know n to all concerned.
we*t were repre«ented. A lilg delega­
tion would hare gone from Portland
« Out in-China, in a certain place, they have the log of a!
W hen in doubt co n cern in g the fairn ess of persons
God nnd ONE arc a majority- in the court of conscience.
and other Oregon cltlea, but for the
Chinese junk which crossed the Great Pacific and sailed along ¡mid firm s, telephone B roadw ay 4U71 and th e S ecretary
fact that elaborate arrangem ent* had
these shores, nearly a thousand years before Columbus was born, will inform you, o r find o u t w luit you v a n t to know ; anti
been made for the welcome to th e Im­
The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Klan, which perial Commander of the Women of
The Chinese archives contain these unquestionable rpcords, includ- lie su re to patronize, a t ev ery o p p o rtu n ity , the sq u are;]
ing descriptions of th^isquimeaux, of the'ands along the western j dealers wlio adf^Vtise in The W ESTER N AM ER IC AN J thrives upon persecution.
jth e Klan.
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