The Klans W elcom e ¡ Delegates , 1 to A. F. L. \ ______ c n Official Joernai ta Orerea tat the Aneloat and Ulne, friona Order Knights J £ !r M ' Vol. IL No- S (CARSI Greetings to A. F. of L. Delegates, Assembling Here for Conrention. livery Oregon Klaaamaa and Klans- wom in who did not vote In the last general primary aad election, and aU ’ who hava moved reaider ew since that time, are reminded earnestly o f their duty to register aad he qualified to use the priceless franchise o f the American cttlsea la the comlag elec- Itoaa. The registration books w ill close on October I. Clllaens are qual­ ified to vote who hove been sis mouths In the State and thirty days In n pre- rlnct. E VERYBODY RBOI8TKR. so that battar government aad conditions ROYAL RECEPHQH GIVEN TO LEADERS OF WOMEN’S KLAN r S S S TO A L L SUBSCRIBERS W H O ARE ABLE TO A ID IN C ARR YIN G BURDEN TO ALL Nt’BSALKtBKBS: The maaageamnt at Tha ■É - V ■ I I ■ ■ Imperial Commander W el­ comed by Men and Women o f Oregon. may be assured. OCCASION MOST INSPIRING Great Klan Helping Might­ ily to Bring About the Needed Co-Operation. W E A. I’M - WANTED BY EMILY Unity o f Protestant Women In Betterment W ork Is Now Glorious Reality. ” APPEAL 10 HEARTS OF OREGONIANS IN M M S OEHALf She came, aha saw, she eoaqaored (Clansmen, Everywhere, Are M beans by her sweet, motherly sym- Asked lo Hein Find Him pa thy and understanding o f problems • For H^S Loved Ones. j - O m U l o r a d Im perial Oomnmadac Ilea aad advevttatag are tow, aad these big elMtafi, pia« the rah- bertas we hava aarTtved ( H i r e e alt ef criminal een*piracy against ns), reqslre a let ef capital to pat cverythfag apea a cash aad dia. ewaat basis. Far acari/ a year 1 carried this burdaa alene, aad wMh as aid exrapt sabscripttoas aad advertis­ ing the thin* that maaf critics SUPPORT PLEDGED BY POR TLA ND K LA N Portland. Ora.. Sept. I I . 1 W . T o the Grand Dragon o f Oklahoma: You have our prayerful support In your noble defense against a mad '.ISMSftttl otry la exceeded only by bis tyranny and Ignorance; who seems to have forgotten that, under -oar Constitution, freedom o f speech and press, and the of right to assemble peacabiy cannot be. Many Are Kept Out School for Leek o f Books and Clothing. aa. Yaa bava basa vary le/al aad WfTH ’ EM HEART AND SOUL In behalf of the Knights of the Ku H int Klan. by authority of Fred L. Clifford. Oreori Dragon of Oregon. The Western American * eatenda the n»oet cordial gr.yiin ga o f welcutae and good w ill to M r/flaw inaitlem pan. prooldent haven’t paid ap, kindly da aa at asea. If tha pepe**« great family ef readers will ^ d d la this way, leyaHy, we «a a yet safely ever a 5 c mm ■ ■■ REG ISTRATIO N BIG ~~ D U TY OF KLANSMEN uta a A N YW H E R E IN U. S. PRICE PO RTLAND . OREGON, FR ID A Y, SEPTEMBER 28, 1923 PUBLISHED W E E K LY ■ ■ m Officiai Joe ■wool of YE SMALL K i1 1 1 ■■ . . WELCOME 10 U W GIVEN BY KLANSMEN OF TOE NORTHWEST o THIS IS FOR EVERY ONE Imperative Necessity Re- - quires Immediate Atten­ tion to This Call. Many children of the worthy poor In Portland and other places am be- i abridged.*» Unanimously adopted by Portland Klan. No. L i . R. JOHNSON. E. C. LEWISTON KLANSMEN SŒ WONDROUS EVENT Marriage o f Two Member* Amid Ritualistic Scenes SNAKE IS REVEALED IN HEARST ATTACKS Yes, Gloria, Fellow Fired by Taft, Trying to Un­ dermine the Klan. YELLOW WILLIE HIRES HIM Public Now W ill Under- stand Series Advertised * by Norman Hapgood. LO U IS R. G LAV I8, the notorious “ special Investigator.” whose name is Ins kept out o f school because they odious to thousands In the Paclpc lack book* and adequate clothing. In NoCthWMt who know o f his base be­ trayal j o t trust and- hla’ w o r t as a trouble-maker when he was an em­ o f the Antarlcsn redoyntH-« of la b o r, w nK O S O W ,. PATTON S I T ! report without any d elaV , «11 such la the presence at a bril­ ploye in the Land O ffice ~a«d F orest and lo each end every offlrown « ^ m. lc W - < ln whose name le n by-word and a bias­ In charge of Mrs. Ann Bayley. tele­ IT SOW. tbe Sacred A lta r o f the Klan. The o f­ ingly for the rlghta of labor, aa up­ ing among honeat men in the West, «yea, fiv e feel ten. weight 156. ar ecenlc beauty, with every natural ad- phone Atw ater 0135. Mrs. R. E. Tbe snberriberi never have ficiating o fficer was the Exalted held by the A F. of U . under Ita con­ is the cunning indlvidaal that has well. usually dull or dark suite sad T a s U (( - wbera ev ’ry prospect pleases Lewis It doing the field work, aa a failed as, aad tbeir friendly sap. Cyclops o f Lewiston Klaa. who Is also serve! I* e and law-abiding leaderahlp. been doing the “ dirty work” fo r the ties, brown “ bows, good talker, pleae- u |j everyone can smile.” She labor of love. port, se powerful la dm aggregate. a Christian Church minister. and assurances o f thla cohealooi. co­ Inc personality, excellent bookkeeper > | ( ]u (( #ImcUy llka th, im age of the series o f articles against the Knights E very Klan officer and member Is badly neHed saw. Yours tor Lewiston K lan la proud o f the fact operation and loyalty are given e i- end accountant, writes good hand. whom , TeryoB# h, , d ta mind— an o f the Kn Klux Klan under The by­ w ill cooperate to the lim it ln the Greater Service, that this la the first full ceremony ó f preeflon frequently by the Imperial line o f Norman Hapgood. a notorious smokes many clgnrettea. fond of Am erican matron— Queen of the work o f supplying books and clothing LEM A. DKYKK, Editor. the kind In the United States, unit­ and realm authorlllea of the Klan. sports, especially fond of bird dogs Jewish writer, ln H earst's unsavory to children who need them, if they are ing In the sacred bonds o f matrimony Thla wna true of the recent I-ebor and hunting: la a Presbyterian and A roy|U reception s a i tendered "International Magaslne.” Informed of the needs. a Klansman and a Klanawoman, both Day. at a large naaemblage of Klans- Knlgbt Tem plar; bee small aear on ,B h#r honor Mon(Uy „igh t. They are simply tryin g to make Mrs. Lewis reports that the de­ loved by boats o f friends, w men In Portland and In other gather­ money, in the characteristic “ kike” upper right cheek where be bed mole aQ(j delivered an Inspirational ad- mands upon the bureau !n the Court In honor o f this event members of in g« throughout the Northweat. A style, out o f y ello w and lurid stories burned off. alto amall w a r Juat above drMg ,n aQ im p r***!«« conversational Houee are far greater than tbe supply the Klan burned s huge F iery Cross, prominent labor union officer apoke against the KUut and Klansmen. weav­ chin. He often enjoys s game of pool. mann, r_ ^ never w ill be forgotten and the funds have been exhausted. more then 300 feet long, upon s hill- eloquently o f thla -co-operation, and Mr. Patton left n w ife end e eweet bjr thoM wko heard I t She reviewed ing their lies and absurd deductions The M O R N I N Q O REG O NIAN . _ . .. . . . . . side more more than 3000 feet above the need of maintaining It. and a rep­ 5-year-old daughter. Louise, who begs WOBUn-B work |n the world from the around a number o f unimportant started the work for a free book sup- „ . . ___ . . . . . . . ___. , , ; the city, visible for miles through th# resentative Klinem an responded with for “ Daddy” so often. He left a letter d #yi ^ antiquity down to date, otft- private letters nnd documents which ply. for which everyone Is grateful,1 , . . . smiling valley. A county fa ir waa ln the uaual assurance of c©B«tr»ctlYe to his w ife In which he stated that ||B )n i tha greet work now to *— —«■ Mistl&nd Club to Entertain " they stole from unguarded offices, e r of course— all honor Jo **•“ OREGON­ $ be ac- progress at th# time end the Cross teamwork flnenrlal trouble and pressing debt* com pushed. In Pythian Temple Satur­ IA N . and to Ita great-hearted editor, made u profound Impression upon from Klansmen. or which they bought All l ulled P er the Right I hsd discouraged him and ha would i«ft for Seattle TueadaA from unscrupulous persons like them­ Edgar B. Piper. day Evening, Oct. 6. thousands. In everything that la right, In main­ proha lily go West, maybe to the oU h„ r iu rm U o i1 had been translated selves. It would be a black and Intolerable Lewiston, situated as it ta In the taining live highest poaalbte itan darili fields or lumber camps, end try to - Trying to Make n fleea-Tp. disgrace to everybody to let children Into tarma of action and tha Woman hotbed o f misguided KJan opponents. for American labor, we are authorlaed find work end start all over again. ^ 0f tj,0 Klan obtained her strong ap- The October number o f the Infamous On Saturday evening, October g, stay out of school for lack o f clothing, Is certainly to be congratulated upon to atate. tbe Knlghte of the Ku Klux Mr. Patton le a good cltlaen and has pTOTa| Qf a program o f achievement w ill be given the drat of a aeries of food and books, and these needs must "H ea rst’s International" la being ad­ the able manner In which this event Klan are loyal abaolutely to the cauae done nothing that can hurt him. I f for „ „ y h o d y ’a good. They will work be end shall be supplied— by co-oper­ vertised In dally papers in each sec­ monthly dances by be Mletland Club was handled. The Women of the Klan ■ I lf union labor and to the American ever you see or beer of anyone who (o f Amerlcanlsatlon. for the new ation. It la only a small task, prem­ tion o f the country. In the hope o f Federation which, under Prealdent answers this description, please notify ¡.Johnson Immigration bill, fo r the bet- o f Portland, In the Pythian Temple, ising great results, but It ts one re­ are now organising rapidly in L ew is­ making a financial “ clean-up ” There’s ton, while the Klan la progressing (Jumpers, haa achieved ao much good Ihe editor of The Western American, terment o f the public schools, for pa- West Park and Yamhill. Thla dance quiring immediate AC TIO N . Don’t nothing In the stupid articles that _________ for all the people, aurvlved ao many who Is a friend of Mr. Patton and haa trlotlc education ' and understanding la given with the’ avowed purpose of watt tor others to do it. but YOU get steadily. can harm the Klan. The main thing hattlea with predatory explolteri. and an urgent message for him from hi* o f Ideals, for cleaner cltisenshlp. for having a good time, ao our advice is, busy, and do It NOW. Report all ytu SOuled children— the kind that Je Is to let everyone know that L. R. won ao many vlctorlea of war and wife. She and the little one (and he strict but reasonable law enforcement, check your grouch at the door. know of needy children, either to the loved, and o f whom he eeld: "Buffer Olavis, who was fired by authority of lores both of them ) are terribly tor domestic and universal peace, for ! Music for ~ the dance w ill be fur­ Klan Headquarters, or to the Parents little children to come unto Me. and President W illiam Howard Taft for peace. In everything that la fair and right, worried about him, fearing that tome cleaner politics end Greater America. nished by an orchestra which In Ur Educational Bureau. forbid them not. fo r o f *uch ts the gross treachery to his Chief, Is the the Orand Dragon atatea. organlted harm has befallen. It la all right, o f course, to H E L P kingdom of Oed.” and Inasmuch a t sly genius who has been doing the Every Item In tbe program la based self Is enough to make the feet of the average person start to shake. T H E H E A T H E N la foreign lands, to ye did If not fo r the least o f these. underhand work tor Hapgood the B ol­ labor can count upon the help o f the THKY DON’ T QUARANTI! SOOT- upon a scientific aystem of action.. Should you be so unfortunate as to weep over the miseries that hava come sty »rethrew, ye did it not unto M e." shevik-Kike. Klan, to the laat man and woman, The distinguished visitor was w e l-; LEGGER8 7 be unable to shake your feet, card upon them because they were pacifists throughout the country. Hapgood waa over in Russia tor This Is an appeal that w ill teuch Proposed government guarantee th a f corned form ally by tha Exalted Cy­ tables w ill be provided, w ith all the and didn’t hare g rit enough to fight all hearts, for the people, mad for awhile, along with others o f his The Klen'a statement o f purposes clops of th* Portland Klan and waa whisky Is pure w ill end. possibly, when competition you may deal re. nnd principles Includes tha removal for liberty, but In God’s name let’a luxury and pleasure, spending and stride, hobnobbing with Butcher the llquer paaeea from the govern­ Introduced In an eloquent adreas by Punch Of almost prehistoric vintage not allow our rase to be ao elevated squandering their substance like crew- Lenin, K ike T roteky and the other and cure of the causes of strikes, and the Orand Dragon o f Oregon. ment's poeeasalon— Pittsburgh Oaxette- closer relations between capital and The Klan Band played throughout w ill be "served. that we fa il to see and neglect o r ; turee half-demented, do not know of terrorists, who tor three year« have Ttmea A cordial Invitation la extended by Ignore the cry of needy children right j the need; they are careless, aelflah, been w allow in g In the blood o f the labor. The Klan stands for the^elght- the evening, end Joyous songs were hour day standard, and for wages as that th# American Federation o f Labor sung by the Otee club o f tha Women the committee to all the readers of here at home. Everybody except hypo- a„d unobservant; thetr heart! are all Innocents, and now he’s back In high aa economic conditions w ill per­ In Its convention next week w ill dis­ o f the KUn. erttea and four-flnshers will A charming young The Western American. Amerlcat w orking for Y ellow W illie right, but they need to be told. mit. The demand la made continually cuss and taka action on the need o f Klanawoman sang. In ellvar-eweet heartily to this. Grafters in high places, and in e ffi­ Hears t. W e have fourteen m illion foreign- for economic reforms of such a sweep­ community Don’t waste tim e Inquiring why the cient public servants may find a sol­ land settlement. wKh voice and with Impressive effect, a The W estern Am erican haa sus­ born In the U. S.. more then half of ing character aa to assure to the State and Federal aid. In Oregon and beautiful song entitled "W h y I Am a Public Welfare* Bureau doesn’t func­ emn warning In this article, for The pected tor some time that It was a whom never here taken out first na­ farmera and all working folk the other States which need more popula­ Klansman.". Another young Klans- tion. or what haa become o f the thou- Western American la pickling a b ig 1 fine I talian hand like that o f "Loole” turalisation paper« and who can greatest possible share o f the wealth tion. thus helping to promote n m ove­ woman accompanied her at the piano. | sands o f dollars collected for the stick for some of them and Intends Olavis that was doing the "Investigat­ neither read nor speak our language. which their Industry and enterprise ment that w ill bring Into Oregon a It certainly was a Joy to hear them. Community Chest, for Just such use. to Wield -It soon without mercy a n d ' ing” for Hearst and Hapgood. create. Through the Klan, It la be­ m illion of the best kind of Americans Th# delegation o f honor from the hopeful o f etlll greater progress In for that’s another story, soon to be without remorse. Publicity g ra fte rs : Snch Enemies Helpful to Us. lieved. the solidarity o f the producers — home-builders and honeat tollers. Portalnd council of the Royal Rldera the Immediate future. ■ told. The squandering and grafting and “ pap” politicians, especially, and A ll Klansmen ought to feel grati­ of America can be brought about, to A ll the hlgh-raaklng officers of of money Isn’t dnder discussion now, rarticn lariy In Portland, are dne to fied indeed to have such characters The Klnn amah aa e whole end as o f the Red Robe was the cynosure of the end that right and Justice shall 'ndlvlduala are with organised labor, all ayaa, thalr brilliant ragalla stand­ both Klans were present, and a — l l ' . though It toon w ill be. but the ques­ get what they ao richly deserve. W e aa Qlavia. Hapgood and Hearst doing triumph over wrong, and that tha heart and soul, ssger to co-oparses for ing out In sharp and pleasing con­ agreed that this occasion marked the tion before the public Is this: have the recorder “ number” of the this kind o f underhanded work nnd problem of Involuntary poverty shell the common good. No labor-skinner trast among tha throng In the snow- beginning o f e get-togather m ove-1 Shall the rich, kind-hearted people last one o f them. And vra have a getting found out. for they are no­ be solved. white pbee. The Royal Riders, too. ment among the Protestants o f Ora- ot Portland and other pieces tolerate card-indexed record g ivin g the de­ torious throughout Am erica for juat can hide behind th f F iery Cross. AND ENJOY A DANCE Fiery fre es Protects Lnher The Orand Drngon of Oregon, Mr. Fred L. Gifford, hna expressed a hope gon which w ill make them far more having In their midst a large number tailed personal history o f nearly 150« such dirty work and every kneck they The Klansmen o f Oregon salute' the wars given a Joyoua welcome. hnngry children, lacking books and “ prominent” citlsene. many of Whom give ta a first-class boost. It Is also The great hall waa parked and efficient and useful In community convenMon delegatee, one and all. and " i clothing fo r school— Innocent, clean- are “ Im itating humanity abominably.” assure them of the warmest welcome. everyone, at the end. was pleased anfl betterment work. (Continued on Page t )