The Western American. (Astoria, Or.) 1922-19??, August 24, 1923, Page Page Eight, Image 8

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OF U N I T E D «
Note B een Significant Papal
Pictures end Figure of
Rettlesneke Striking.
ikg. An o r »I photograph of Georg»
Washtngton the center of th*
no««.* reverse aid* of th« no«*,
upper left-hand corner, th* word»
ONE not.J.AR ar* In on* kind o f type,
and the same words in th* upp*r
light-hand corner ar* in a strangely
different style of type but of the same
ala*. The l*««*r E id the word ONE
in the upper left-hand corner is clear
and tree from cunning insignia, but
the letter K in the other word ONE,
upper right-hnnd corner— center pert
o f the E —bears the papal cross. Turn
the .note letigthwlae from you and It
ahinea out boldly. Perhaps there are
other cunning token* o f the Pope's
Did you know that United State« P<>»*r
America. Thee« era plain
to th* eye without a m agnifying glass
currency bearing Pope P in . photo-
muB(y w||
durinf th,
graph, the papal croaa. a Roman pie- r t lp ) of Woodrow the Great, perhapa
tare group o f Columbua “ discovering under direction of hta Pupal Prlrate
America** and a anake In th# act of secretary and Arbiter Elegantlarum.
striking, has been in circulation Joseph P. Tumulty, an Iriah-Amertcan.
throughout our country since 1WT? ( The discovery of the papal design*
Evidently. It was designed by Papal 0n (h it one-dollar b ill was made h y a
Sir Knight Joseph Tumulty. F ixer Ex- devoted member of the R oyal^tlders
traordinary for Woodrow Wilson.
¡o f the Red Robe, who submitted it lo
The one-dollar not* on one side has I the attention o f Dr. Martin W. Koae.
a group engraving o f Christopher Col- | imperial Regent o f that groat Ameri-
umbus and nine or ten o f his officers
and crew “ approaching the shores of | Scrutinise carefully all paper money
"A m erica," which they never did. of that comes Into your possession, and
coarse, as a matter of history. Colnm- help to uncover the slick trlcka of the
la standing In majestic poae with papists, who are working like demons
his right hand on his heart. In front to "capture America** by order of “ his
o f him kneels a bearded perd In an holiness."
attitude o f worship. A ll aroaad him
This one-dollar note, aeries of 1317..
a r * kneeling other men. crossing Is certainly a work of papal art. sad
themselves devoutly.
A t the ship's I doubtless the designs mean a lot to
rail stand a group o f men. one gaalng the Pop*. H it K-C soldiers probably
toward “ Am erica." another looking to- sent him a U rge amount of them. It
srard Columbus, arms upraised, one Is what one would call Vatican money,
holding his cap In .token o f victory, The worst la yet to come, no doubt.
T U Pope’s »Elver money Is in clr-
Hidden away artistically in the np- jcuUtlon in Europe
Grand Dragon
per left-hand corner, overlooking the Gifford has a sample o f IL Ask him
Columbus group, to an undeniable an- for a look-see.
graving o f Pope Pina, adorned with his
---- !---------------------
In the low er right-hand ; Liquid spirituality shines in the
corner o f the note la an engraving of . florid face o f every other priest you
a coiled rattlesnake in the act o f strik- meet.
Royal Blue Line Busses
Portland, A storia and Seaside
Leave Term inal
•th and Salmon
Portland, Ora.
Leave Kincaid’s
13th and Exchange
Astoria. Ora.
St Hal
(Continued from P a g » I )
a m ajority vole of the ettteens within
and all of tha propia should bu,v ,ftr * * " *
,ookl“ « , f u r our
courts and understand the person nel
of even our supreme court, much bet
No on* could have been more o p - (U r lh>n doM th< , n M | < American.
Fred L. G iffo rd ,‘ Grand Dragon of
Oregon, visited tha merry Ititle city
larga m ajority of the votera of Oro-
th* <‘*c l,,o a • » “ »• Suprame
gon votad In favor o f inch a law. I ! < * • « •h" uM ■ *
<h* 0 " « » "
submit to thotr will. I Bin aattiftal lc ^ ° o1 11 w * what
1,1 tu ar,,on
to leave U to time to prove th* wisdom *>*“ *
h« ™ «
° ‘ h"
" h«‘ h
or unwisdom of the majority a c tio n .;* 1» * b* u‘ *° ful,ow ,h* O n t o * « *
I still bava tha righ i to do all I can f * * P )* ? And wh* ‘ '• « «
» » ' ***«
to educate others so that they w ill see
R “ ® 1« *
>• •«
th* Injustice o f pulling up our crtml- •«***• A now that w* era not engaged
nal weeds and throwing them Into th* ,n * Sunday picnic,
cosmic garden. Our laws make It a
I f we w ill consider Intelligently whst
misdemeanor for on* person to throw the Curia Romana has been doing
any kind o f refuse apon another«' prop- with their billions of Income during
erty; we should ba aa considerate of ' the last thousand rears, wu cannot fall
God's rights as we ar* of oar own.
I to understand why It la (hat they ron-
T o claim that God Is In any way re- Irei tha Intarnatlonal banka and ao
sponsible for our perverts, la to make many Interlocking corporations Nor
I a crim inal of God. Therefore, th* only w ilt w * longer afonder why it Is that
logical conclusion la that mankiad newspapers, magasine« or periodicals
now have Just what they have pro-
dneafe. Knowing this truth we should
at once change the e v il causes which
have and are producing evil results.
Things which we hare made a wrong
use of should be used aa God Intended
that they should be; then th* results
would at unce show the wisdom of
God’s plan and purpose.
I cannot believe thafbfhe Oilhollca
Happiness Is A Roadside Flower
And as we journey down the open road o f life, the flowers that line
the roadside are nodding their heads encouragingly to us, and the gentle
breezes o f the day are wafting to us their fragrance.
The open road— what a world of meaning ii\ that term— open to the
men who worship at thè shrine o f the far flung dare—
Open to men who never stagger beneath the flail—
Open to men when the wolf of despair gnaws at their souls—
The open road— glimpsed through the open door o f opportunity—
through which you may pass out into the vineyards o f the world, following
the spot o f blue— ambassadors to the Human Race— God’s every star your
T_i .
Building better than you know, as you put the shoes of happiness on
the feet o f little children and the staff o f happiness in the hands o f the
aged, the infirm and the weak— renew a glad note o f happiness in a bruised
wom an's heart, when death— the Arch Monarch o f the human race__ has
robbed her o f her all.
The Blue B ird o f Happiness will sing in your heart if you insure your
life today. -, *
State M anager The Capital Life Insurance Co.
, they pow own or roAtrol naarly all
Taka "T h e Argosy :** It has absorbed
the " All-Story,'* the “ C aviller." and
tha “ R ailway Men’s Magasine" and to
of a pagan tallow dip If the protest
ants had given them an incandescent
light derived from God's tnexhaustable
source of love, truth and justice. Re­
sults aa they are throughout the United
States should prove to up that we can­
not harvsat grain from tho tar weed.
So we now find that our short comings j
and long goings of the peat la bring­
ing some queer looking and bad act­
ing chickens home to roost
I can conceive of but one way In
which we can be loyal to God. our
country, our neighbor and ouraelves.
i and that to to live a clean, wholesome
life, doing whatever o f good we can
atmply because It la good to do ao. and
not because we hope for great reward.
Criminal carelessness In the past has
«■»bled the papal agents In the United
States to get control of nearly all of
our functioning government. I have
treated this phase o f our present po­
litical condition In other arilclee, ,bnt
J1 want to touch upon It here Insofar
j aa It relates to onr present school bill,
j I am satisfied that a majority of the
. public schools In Oregon prefer the
• ■ "!• ■ -''’H . muir niHeiiuuMiii.iuii'iiii'nnBaaneai » ' • « n i ' i i N t i : . » ' • «u w im i, .»•
C«rand Dragon Gifford 1«
Given Genial Welcoipe.
Even Outlaw« Respect fid.
posed to our present law of capital T h * near- futura w ill show whether
There is nothing’ the matter with Oregon E X C E P T — That entirely
too many o f us get up in the morning at the alarm o f a Connecticut clock;
button a pair o f Ohio suspenders to Chicago trousers; put on a pair o f
shoes made in Boston; wash in a Pittsburg tin basin, using Cincinnati soap
and a cotton towel made in N ew Ham pshire; sit llown to a Grand Rapids
table, eat pancakes made with Minneapolis flour, and Kansas City bacon
fried on a St. Louis stove; buy fruit put up in California, seasoned with
Rhode Island spices; put on a hat made in Philadelphia; hitch a Missouri
mule fed on Iow a corn, in a Vermont harness to an Ohio plow, and work
like fu ry all day on an Oregon farm covered with a Massachusetts m ortgage;
and at night craw l under a New Jersey blanket and be kept awake by a
howling dog— the only home product on the place— W O N D E R IN G A L L
T H E W H I L E why ready money isn’t more plentiful in Oregon.
W .
Our Mid-Summer Sale
punishment than myself, but when a I am right or wrong in my deductions
S u b sc rib e fo r T h e W estern A m e ric a n
Why? Because they have been very
submit to the w ill of the majority.
1 public schools to the papal schools;
•till w* fiad that the greet m alorlty
.\ot* g iv e « la favor o f the school bill,
. Is In nowlaa considerad by the papal
, agents aa binding apon them, and Ihev
propose to carry the matter to the au­
lire me court.
th .
Friday, August 24, 1923
213 Tilford Building
now no larger than ane one of these
magatlnea were formally anti to
way of thinking, not naarly
S till thousands; aye! millions or pro­
testants ga on patronising retailers
who must ever hold first allegiance
Is It any wonder the Pope must
have a building of twelve hundred
rooms, and a retinue of thirty-fire
prlrate secretaries? It to claimed that
three ordinary churches would not fUl
the throne room o f tha papal capital
building. What think you Christ would
say to these .pillagers were He to re­
turn to earth* "Peed my lambs?”
Why, It is nothing, for the Jesuits to
fleece Christ's lambs even during th*
rigors of winter. Were It not for some
really good p ria a ta b tb « sufferings of
poor C « I holies would be worse than
they ar*.
Th* Pop* claims To be God on earth,
with abeoluto dominion b re r the earth
and to eves have power to excommun­
icate angels. Thoas who believe such
egotistical rot must see that there to
ntf’ reason for Christ to return to the
earth, for the Pope hap taken Christ’»
I f the Popes were all good men we
might make soma allowance for their
colloeaal Ignorance.
Bat when we
read the hlqtory Of their (afamous lives
we have no patience with th eir bias
phemy and hypocracy. Think o f a
man claiming to ba God on Earth,
whose father was his half brother, hla
grandmother being hta own mother
and afterward hla paramour; and more
his acceasloo |o the papal throne be­
ing obtained by the assassination of
his grandfather, and bis own father,
who was also his half-brother.
Is It any wonder that the Curia
Romans forbid their poor victim s to
read any publication o f the truth? The
greatest kindness that Protastanta
could Jo for the toy Catholics would
be to give them a true history of all
the popes. Very few of them hava
of Condon. Gilliam county, a day or
two ago. and was cordially welcomed
by everyone. A ll wanted lo din* him.
ind some wanted to give him a drink. (
(Hut hu't b.d ) The Ktonumen there,
of whom there are hundreds and rap­
idly Increasing, wars quietly DEE-
LIG H TE D to see their famous Chief.
The Homans regarded him with re­
spectful curiosity, and more than one
was observed devoutly crossing him­
self. The Little Giant had a warm
hand and a cheery smile for everybody.
Th* fine Klan hall at Condon waa
shot np by a small bunch o f cowardly,
nlgbt'pcp*llng miscreants (a ll full of
moonshine), a few days ago. These
outlaws Joined with the white folk* In
welcoming Mr. Gifford.
In hla honor a big out door Klan
meeting was held, with th* “ Mln-yute"
Men on th* aide-line* getting an eye-
full. T h e Grand Dragon talked plainly
os usual, when hie time came to apeak,
ind everybody applauded heartily, IN ­
CLUDING the observers on tha side­
lines. Mr, Gifford conferred wtth pub­
lic o ffic ia l» »n d olhers Jnlarnaled In-
law and order, and he cum* away with
tbe conviction that Condon Is at heart
a law-abiding place, full of good
Americana; that only a few thought­
less nincompoop* had been led Into
dangerous mischief by a small group
of Roman scalawags, ex-saloon keeper*
and bootleggers
A good spirit now
prerails, and tbe decent rttlaena ol
Condon and Gilliam county, both
Klansmen and Romans, ar* Insisting
upon law enforcement and a tolerant
an«f friendly give-and-take 1« the.Great
Controversy which la going on every-
arbar* In America.
Mr. Gifford made a statement after
he returned to hla Poriland headquar­
It follows:"O h. Condon la all
right. That's a good American com­
munity, and every decent cltlsen there
believes In fair play.
We must re­
member. too. that many people don’t
understand even yet the principles and
putpuoa* of the Klan, and that ‘men
are hut boys grown t a ll.'"
what would be don* If tbe Roman-boot­
legger bunch broke loose again. Mr.
Gifford only uttered a deep growl.
*1*7 connecting the name of aotne
Shop at C alrf Bros., 68-70 Fifth Street
You Can Save Money Hera
10 to 50% O ff
« 22 ¿i
$52 Ivory Bow-
foot Met!. . . . . . . . .
$172.50 Ovurstuffed Daven­
port ami Chair
to mutch f o r . . . .
$72 Viinity Dres­
ner to mutch... . . .
try Daven­
po rt.................
$84 Dining Set, ()ue«>n Anne
style, tuble und four
chuint. walnut flniith
$117.50 to $41.80"
D r o M ip f
Does It mean that ybu have a right
to make lewd remarks about women
and girls upon the street, regardless"
Do#» It mean that anything that can
be "got by” within our multiplex, man­
made lawa 1a all right?
Doea It mean that a despicable life
by a few dollars payment, a coward'a
plea for mercy and a aorry look, be
set aside regardless of the existing
evil results which are due a traitor's
T a ille n
T u l* ** -
* 67 -—
White Porcelain Trimmed
Combination Range
White Porcelain Trimmed
Charter Oak Gas Range
18-inch oven for w< xil, 18-
inch o w n for ga«. 18-inch
broiler for tout.
top, gni« lighter in fircixix,
18-inch oven. 18-inch broil-
»>r, pew nmo«>th top over
burner«, pilot lighter.
$10 a mo.
Copnccted complete with
$86 $10 Ï m o.
__Connected compiala___
When ix’tU-r gtte rangea can
in? made the Charter Oak
Go. will make them.
w o m e I fv r n
e a -ro -
K LA N S M E N ! Patronize those who ndvor-
ti :m in TH E
News haa reached tbe state depart-
meat that the Turkish government
hat rescinded Its order prohibiting all
foreigners except British, French and
Italian from leaving the country with-
>nt permission from the Angora gov-
Americana are exempted
from a former order which compelled
them to get a special permit from
More than 15.000 Immigrants en­
tered through the port of New York
July 1. the bureau o f Immigration of
the Department o f Labor has Just
been fit to associate with clean beasts doubtful aalnt or papal agent Jkrlth
Should they
and nearly all of them hava died a vio­ these beloved names.
gain complete control It would not be
lent death.
Anyone claiming to b* an American an hundred years nntll they would
»Risen who w ill proatltnta himself to have all the names signed to the Dec-
Jesuit Influence In order to obtain larutlon o f Independence In their list
place, price or power, should be sent of Saints; Juat aa they have Joan d*
out of the United States and should Arc. They now extol the poet Dante,
aa a consistent and exemplary Roma«^
never be permitted to return.
Tbe following statistical fact state­ Catholic, attar tryin g for more than
ment should be read and fu lly consid­ five hundred years to destroy hla epic
ered^ by all Catholic* as wall as P ro­ p o e ty . I t la Wow In order for them
testants In the United Stataa and to canonise Arlus, Hus, Abelard, Wy-
cllf, Jerome of Prague and Savonarola.
British Columbia.
Papal America Includes all
of Then they might claim Voltaire, Roua-
South Am erica and Mexico. The Illit­ seau and Pains.
And now, W H A T nOES A M E R IC AN
eracy of these countries to more than
sixty-five per cent.
Protectant Am erica Include* the It mean that you cringe or fawn to
United 8tates and .British possessions; papal Influence In order to get trade,
the Illiteracy o f which la leas than hold office or to keep your Job?
Does It mean having a Jap or a
eight per cent The difference In per-
centagn would be greater were It not Chinese servant who won't talk hark
when yon make an asa of ydtiraelf?
for papal Quebc In Canada.
Does It mean that you patronise a
The factor o f time to practically the
same; the educational system In Dago or a Greek place of bualneaa,
South America and Mexico has been usually run by a white slaver?
Does It mean that you have a right
the papal parochial school.
In North Am erica— excepting Que­ to exhale your foul breath and ciggr
bec, Canada— it haa been the public etee smoke Into another person's
school system. I use th* term, haa lungs?
been, advleedly. I cannot truthfully
say la, because o f th* encroachments
o f the papal agents la the United
Their publishers print our
text hooks, revise our history and
push in their Roihlah propaganda
wherever thpy can, and give greater
euology to the few Romanists who
hava a place In hletory; and do all In
their power to gain complete control
In the United States and Canada.
They know that the names o f Wash­
ington and Lincoln are enshrined In
the memory of the American people,
and because o f this they are contlnn-
Continues-Prices Go
Lower Than Ever
They mv your friend«, and they are our
friends, and White nil of them are not Klnn«-
mon, they all nrc good American«, and do
not bow the knee to foreign dictator«. They
deserve your support ;uu) are worthy of it.
J o r E c o n o m ic a l T r a n ifiO r ia liu n
Tonring ............ . $ ««3
-------------M U
.......... -
('imp* ............... ... 1877
Nedan --------------- $1066
Utility Express T ra c k ............. ...... $760
K. O. B. Portland
Fistiar S odi«« on All Inclosed Model*
Hawthorne Avenue at Eighth 8L
Phone EAst 0730
JUDAH ISC AR IO T, who betrayed
our Lord, he* had countleaa relative»
through -the ages, and today their
nahte la legion. Home of hla coualna
can be found, perhaps, even among the
host* of the F iery Croas, awaiting an
opportunity to sell the Innocent One
for thirty plecea of aliver. The fate
o f each of these Inevitably la the same
aa In Apostolic days, (liv e a traitor
rope enoiilgh and he will always hang
Phone Broadway 1363
Acme Pharmacy
H . L . C h r is t** ** «, Prop.
3 North Third Street
Near Ankany
Oran Ite City and Alton
Klana. ¡
I f American cltlxenshlp meant any Realm o f Illinois, held a Joint cere-
of these things to you your rightful montai near Imng Lake tost week. I
Place o f rarldence to In tha Papal Pal­ Over four hundred aliens were natural-1
ace on th* Tiber,
‘ V
------- — • --■*
Portland, Oregon