The Western American. (Astoria, Or.) 1922-19??, August 10, 1923, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    of l sacred function In which thn
cUrgy took part. The taped* of the
cknrch wni illuminated and n hi* boa-
fica wan lighted To «noto tho Ob-
aervetore Romano, tho oficlal now«-
Hor*’* Truthful Summary of
City òf the Vatican.
thrown. Into tho flames many llcon-
Uona hooka. Immoral periodical«, «ad
Rrotesunt Bible
which had boon
taken from tho hand« of tho young.
They were consumed la tho fire la
honor of the Madonna.’
"W o should bo only too happy to ba­
ilor* that this eras merely a sporadic
■ noideal But also, we hare to recog­
nise that It is symptomatic of « a atti­
tude not now in the Roman church,
though not displayed of late for polltl-
oal reasons. The church is today sun-
At We Do a Friend
A food way in boot yugy oar fit la to
month« la th« hanse of corn atina
Loreaa’a attorney ptoaded that
the articJe was written la a “tant
of passion." bat la imposing th«
«satenes Ut* Judge said: ” 1 say
U Is aImcmt within tho rosta of
treason." The artici* reflected oa
members of the tagten.
(atuaualy imagines
Borne day the Vanaouvsc
M M II I « regularly -nay ooory month—
and 1st aa go orar I t Ton'll Uko unr
boalneoaliko W f of handling I t Oar way
with It will bo friendly and thorough.
will fit a neat little nightie oa him
and a Jolly tttUev h< imet and mask,
and Nit a Utllb cross in hia hand and
a song of daltrentm-e in hla heart ,
He'« a good hoy, fallows, and worthy
-4 J of hla hire. He really love« the Klan,
1 . 1 for he protests too fiercely against It.
eminent and fuels herself «tronc
enough to show that th* old tooling*
«UH mor* her.
Newspapers Protoot
“Thor* bar* been a feW aewapeper
protests, and we are glad ta record
clouaVy paid hy the King of Baglaad « “ »«F . “ • «• 8 « t iy urged lo read
to the Pope. The Bthle. printed and
®*M«*r of Romana T h a i*
published hy the BriUah sad -Foreign I * * KI m
Bible Society, of whloh tho Kteg’s
Thto com“ *nt la by way of compii-
uncle 1« president; the accepted tagt-1
crttttjlam Par ha It B W
book of the ekurch of which he I« » • *• * » ■ * <* ■ « * “ *•
wr“ « ' I
the official aarthly hand and which Is * * • » • * • * hia theme may be. An old
Anterica, th* Intolerance o f thespMdt* one from II Popolo d'liatta. the great reverenoad by the majority of kla « ' ‘« ‘F >‘h«a lo eee the sigan of had-.
age* la being urged by th* force* Fascist I paper founded by Prim* Min- British subjects aa a most sacred book. dln« «"orhoed ' » •
The '’lunocent
supplied with American taoney to I star Musrclinl and now edited by his
drive Americans from Rome.
brother. This paper characterised the
M d e Pabltaly Burned.
proceedings aa 'moat deplorable and
la order to fully acquaint the Ameri- unworthy.* and the Ohaenratore Re­
ran people with what in going oa tat I msno entered into controversy with
Roms th* story of the proaoaaUon and 11 Popolo on the- subject Some of tha
persecution o f Methodists by Roman obeervaUons of tha Observatore are
Catholics la herewith gives as aoea hy . noteworthy, in view of its official
this Rome corrospnodent:
character aa a voice of the church. It
"Bveata of the greatest religious tat- defended intolerance, saying, 'why
portanc* have lately been taking plane may not Intolerance be permitted In
in Roma In the early part o f June religion» There it not ia «Boatton * *
tho Bible was publicly burned in the opinion hut th* truth! Not a farm
square In front of Urn church of Santa of gossramoal hot th* gooornmont at
Marta della Nartcella. It was p art. the soul! Rafthly institutions are not
at stake but eternal salvation. We be­
lieve that for men of sincere faith
intolerance is a duty — in harmony
with the thought of St Pomiaic when
he fought error and would have saved
the erring among the Albigenses.'
This is a grim reminder, for the un­
fortunate Albigenses were, as history
records, massacred by St. Dominic and and Italy know, "father than this you
his friends without regard to age or shall not go.” '
“ New Catholic organisations are why wo presented kirn with his First
springing up sad th* numerous so­ Pair of Long Punts «figuratively
'Weil may AvanU, the great Italian cieties already existing are being co­ speaking). W * knew all tke time that
Socialist paper, say, 'What a pity! ordinated with great vigor and ability Jerry wasn't writing that stuff; ’Han't
Must have thought the orator and the to oppose the Protestants aad espe­ is him; if it wore, he «maid be own­
reverend gentlemen who stood around cially the Methodists. The Otoraal* di ing and editing * daily, as hia cub is
him that the spiritual revaluation Roma a faw days ago said, in aa stro- going to do soma day.—The Bailor.
Chimney Sweep
brought about by the national govern
ment does not permit to throw on to mission may pack its trunks and pro-
the flames not only the books, but pore itaolf to seek another cantor of
coloaixatloa, becauao Rom* will never
“ We tad hoped that the heart of tolerate within her wails auch a (wa­
IHert changed sod adftened ter df communist Infection.’
by tho Christian sentiment of the cen­
Bigoted Roman Partisanship.
turies. Alas, it seems as though in­
“ Great newspapers have changed
tolerance, if permitted, would go aa their tone completely from a broad
tar as in the old days. The Observa- liberalism or a complete indifference
tore Romano explains the fitness of
on religions questions to a moat black
putting the Protestant Bible together
and bigoted Roman partisanship. This
with the imjporal books on the fire change has followed the Initiation of
and to Justify it thus: 'Christian uwr-
the campaign of the Knights o f Colum­
ality i« preceded by Christian faith, bus. There has been a clever organi­
and it is not illogical to deduce that sation of street processions Gorgeous
an error of mortis may be of less
spectacle* which pleaoe th* Roman
gravity than an error of faith.' This mob end furnish them with a free
Sampson Tires and Tubes
Between Park and West Park
New Home: 17th and Sandy Boulevard
Royal Blue Line Busses
Portland, Astoria and Seaside
Leave Terminal
6th and Salmon
Portland, Ore.
Leave Kincaid’«
13th and Exchange
Astoria, Ore.
theatrical entertainment. A well or­
ganised newspaper campaign is ap-
. pealing to sentiments of national pride
sgsiast the introduction of a foreign
religion and suggesting that Protes­
tantism Is on the side of anarch^’ and
means sinister social disaster. The
latest development ia the initiation of
a petition against the Meth­
odists. I f the populace could be suf­
ficiently excited one'is quite sure that
a riot would be started up to drive
the Protestants out of Rome.
“The people of Rome and the Ital­
ians in general do not hate the Prot­
estants. They are, on the contrary,
being converted la large numbers to
Protestaa't ideas.
The Methodist
schools la Rome and other parts of
Italy are welt attended by the chil­
dren of all classes of Italians, and
the same la true of the schools of
other Protectant churches. Protestant
services are well attended in Rome,
as elsewhere. In Rome a number of
Protestant ministers and laymen are
entitled to wear decorations conferred
by the Crown of Italy. Thla all proves
that they are only unpopular with the
church and the bigots. But It may be
easy lor the priests to rouse, by care­
ful propaganda and appeals to super-
stition and prejudice, a certain pro­
portion o f the people. The masses of
Rome are as fickle *a all misses of
people in great cities. Our friend« (n
England and America are asked to
watch prayerfully (be very difficult
situation In which the Proto*t«nt 3
find themselves in Italy.”
possibilities :
Smith, Ralston, Underwood, Ford, Me
Adoo, Cox, Wilson.—“ CathoHc" CUI
The above from the local R. C. Citi­
zen places the only Romanist at the
head of the list. Smith is an impos­
sibility. The toe-kissers, Cox and W il­
son, also have no chance. As to the
other four we will not pass Judgment
at thia time Why doesn’t the R. C.
Cltixen boost for Al(cohol) Smith for
president and Jim Jamming Johnnie
Parker of Ixiuizlana for A lf’a running
mate? That combination would be a
scream.—Badger American.
A X IL KILDAKL, Praprtete* R M
» Vent rally located. where frisada
meet friends and always find a
hearty welcome. We Uke to have
you com« In whether you buy or
not: leave your pen-sis hers wMIe
elioPiSna slsswhere use our phu*a
In fact you will find us rsaular
fellows and Itst-th li store la
nsa. They give «asura
>nd persensl aMealleu
larldçktty a good piar* to r heeaa
White Meat Market
Acme Pharmacy
Portland, Oregon
W it Faalor Band
Two Deliveries a Day
10:M A. M. aad t :M P. M.
Leather Belts
H ig h C ite ** Rteptelrtng
Hlaheet Quality
— im a
Vancouver, Wash.. Aug. 6, m i .
Mr. Lem A. I
Editor The
n American,
Dear Mr. DevarY*“
My attention- baa been called to an
article In voar esteemed publication
for August 1 headed “ Romanist Editor
Nabbed As Sneak." In which it is
made to appear that Mr. Riordan was
afraid to sign an article pertaining
to the Ku Klux Kian and that instead,
he signed the name of jut "Innocent
youngster,“ P. T. Btone.’ I am that
neither I nor Mr. Riordan care a rap
about the opinion of the Ku JOarc
Klan or ita spokesman., it Irks me to
think that after all the hard work I
went to la gathering material for tke
article in question, writing it and
composing the headlines, someone
else should get the credit for i t
FTanltly, I think The Western Amer­
ican Is in need at a change in Kor-
respondeata here. I wouldn’t be ao
rash ag to any that yon need someone
who would tell r ity per cent of the
truth, but for a starter, oh, about ten
per cent. To begin with, Mr. Riordan
is not a Knight of Columbus and has
no connection v ite that organisation.
Admittedly, be baa no quarrel with It
and has good frlepdi among Us mem­
ber«. Admittedly, also, he baa a quar­
rel with the Ku Klux Klan. So hare
I. So, I believe, haa>every good Amer­
ican cltixen.
But that is aside from the question.
Your Korrespoadeatt failed to mention
that there were three others In tha
party arith Mr. Itlardan when we at­
tempted to secure re/srved seats for
your show here. I was the only on«
that did any Krswling. to use yoUr
quaint spelling, and I ’ll admit that I
had achieved an excallent position
near the Fiery Kross, which would
have enabled mo to take ia every-
.Willard «tarse* R H W IÉ IflHIl' ~
Thlrty.atgM Ii and Sandy
Sunny Brook
chas .
T. M c P herson
I n s u r a n c e s p e c i a l i s t
RepraernRag tke Aetna Life lasaraae* Company
Nor was Mr. Riordan’* “ political
ambition" wholly unjustified He se­
cured tho Republican nomination for'
county treasurer by a plurality of
nearly 1000 votes aad ia tbe final
eieetton, was “ saewad under” by tka
handsome majority of I t votes aut of
»000 cast. 8 « much for that.
If yon contemplate applying (or Insurance, It will be to your Interest to
place It In th* Aetna. With unequalled financial strength, the Aetna
furnishes the boat policy ** the lowest coat.
OHlca Pboaa MAIn 66M
Rea. Phone TAbor AMO
*07 - 1 - 0 Yoon Building
H U EL Carutbar* 8t
Kodak Finishing
With the exception of a few other
departures from tbe truth, your story
of the. Klan initiation is pretty ac­
I *m taking the liberty of enclosing
information on a new organisation in
which you may be interested. In ex­
planation I may say that I am editor
of an allegod humorous Kolumn which
appears weekly In The Sun. The
"humor" may not appeal to you. And
I am frank In admitting that the funny
, articles that appear each week In The
Western American about papal plots,
etc., are far beyond my poor efforts.
I may also say that Mr. Riordan and
myself read The Western American
every week and greatly enjoy It. If
1 care to put us on the exchange
, we would be glad to lend you
> Bun.
A few days ago, I asked a former
Very truly yours,
associate of yours If you really took
your position ns editor seriously, or
City Editor.
H the products of your pen did no%ap­
peal to you In the same light as tboy
appeal to us. Ha replied that he be­
lieved you took It serlouoiy. Oh, well,
it takes all kinds to make a world
Wo can't all b* mental giants. I sup­
pose. and lar b* U from mo to re­
proach you with any possible short­
age In your Intellectual equlpmaot.
But I must bring this social ebat
,y have to a close. I realize taht your Uma (Seal)
Are Y ou Going to Build
or Remodel?
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WOOD Delivered from Hy
Own Camp
Hauling of All Kinds, Anywhere
Heasf P in s ....... ,...$1.04
Buttons................... 1.00
Cuff Links ............ 2.90
Ear Ring................. ...
Ring* ..................... 2.80
Single Charm ......... 1.00
Double Charm......... 1.80
Lavellsrs and Chela. 2.80
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