The Western American. (Astoria, Or.) 1922-19??, August 03, 1923, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    1\*n ~ l-T
punish Hi* children by bringiB« op*n t h « *
tions. The unnatural condition» wjjich now Rf%T*igking so heav­
ily upon the peoples of the earth, are ra n «*» I m the w rongdo­
ing and mismanagement by mankind only;
The future of America, whether we as a Hath» will live or
die» depends upon whether there is wisdom enough among the
people of the United States to realise the caure of their decay.
Unless we live more in harmony with Nadu sat Law, Nature will
spew us out and o’erwhelm our fesMsh effort» ts fonctton
and charg'd them to th« Klan.
God’s command is: “To subdue the earth.!” Hake the earth
bloom and fructify; make it serre mankind to Hu fullness of its
capacity, just as mankind should, sarua Gad to the fullness of
their capacity. To the people who flint attain t»these natural yet
wonderful results, God has promised dbmhrio» ever all the earth.
This promise or decree, however, does not mean what the
m v K K Y TIM S res get a Catholic departed hastily tor Portland where he
privet In public to mnka u ip w h ,
he * t m
M A m i I c u lli|.
points to ths SUre sad Stripe* sod
dramatically challenge* anybody to
toil him he dem.not » e s the rita- K *
« • « I d loes It n darn stakt mors It K
were rated by the Vatican
Warteg a ’ nag ln public Is n good
tstng as fhr as It goes, bet anisas
tkere Is n (tea coattnneMy wnrtng In
Aorerdtag to tbe last reports, Barn
still Is h Id Ing. bst bis return to. A »
torla was egpected at an aerty data, as
Bl I pich wlU renllaa ha mnat face Uta
tnuale aooner or lalar.
Henry F o ld ’s
MB he doere’t believe the fliv -
»ported in d igpeinhe » that he
society,” and that i f he should
in anything so ve ry un-Ameri-
M r. Ford’s opinion o f the Kton.” That’s just
Ford is
prompt in stating his position on everything under the syp, except
ine ? » " , a f«w l*w h id
y j ” * * * dUfoipitur the Ktop. He
must answer the question, sooner o r later.
S h e riff Harley J. Shisher o f Clatsop county is maintaining
his splendid record o f efficiency. He is unmatched in the North­
west, as fa r as we know. He is enjoying the office, too, fo r com­
edy continually is mixed w ith its tragedy. F o r example:
A fe w days ago one Bob Lepplaw, a redneck form er plumber
o f Seaside, Ore., was heard boasting around that S h e riff Slusher
waa nobody’s grandfather and that he was too slew to catch cold.
H e braggart that he had handled whiskey fo r other pereens, spotted
the S h e riff and tipped him o f f to friends.
A little bird called
Kotop, overhearing the brag, winged away to the Sheriff. Tw o
days later, accompanied by Policeman Diek Brown o f Seaside;
S h eriff,S la sh er descended ^kddenly upon Mr. Lepplaw. They
found him in charge o f a furnace at the Natatorium. Leaving
Brown to watch the place, the S h eriff went to get a warrant.
Lepplaw became suspicious and threw his booze into the furnace.
A t that moment the S h e riff returned— always in time— aad raked
tw o bottles o f liquor out o f the fire. The flame wag shooting
several feet from one bottle. The S h eriff smothered the flames,
saved his evidence and convicted the braggart, who received a
$200 fine. I t w ill be some time before Mr. Lepplaw brags again
about his ability to out-«mart S h eriff Slusher. It can’t be done!
And the S h eriff is co-operating especially with the Seaside au­
To show how stow he was, a little later, the S h eriff captured
two airplanes operating without State Ijcense and compelled the
pilots to comply with the law.
H arley J. Slusher is an honest-to-God, hundred per cent High
Sheriff, and the people o f tW w h o le State are proud o f him. He
has made good in Clatsop county, in every respect.
I have been asked to answer through the columns o f The
Western American, two questions: First, is Am erica really great?
Second, I f great, what has caused her greatness?
I t is my experience that when pertinent queries are made, es­
pecially when asked by children or uninformed persons, they
should never be answered with a half truth. Because, a h alf truth
is too apt to be more dangerous than would be an out and out lie.
Therefore, my answer to the first question is: No, America
is not really great. America, her people and their achievements,
appear great only when compared with other countries, their peo­
ple and achievements.
When all potentialities are considered, when we look at con­
ditions aa they* are and compare these with what God reasonably
m ight have expected America to be at this time, we find her so
pitifu lly insignificant that the shadow o f decay already is smoth­
erin g the goodness and sweetness out o f our national life and
bringing ip their stead recklessness and despair.
Understand me righ tly! God never has nor will He ever
reclaim more deeert scree, remove more a tum p«, plant more trees,
have more end better schools— so that the fiiaatfon» o f our chil­
dren’s brains may be more equally developed, th at their receiving,
retaining; constructive and transmuting function» may maintain
a near equilibrium, sine qua non, to human pn»gres*; help aliens
among tar to become good American citizens, secure to all the op­
portunity to do useful labor and enjoy their n e t in peace in the
secured sanctuary o f their own hemes; harass» and make good
use o f more potential force, cut out ths w ild ahd* dehumanising
ja zz o f greed and lust, too often ptoyed up to »lid supported by
our greatest inventions.
* *
t t_’ ,
N o ! In tbe last analysis, Am erica is not great, nor w ill she
ever be greet ua t il. her people have turned the «te s t perpetual
flow o f U S U R Y back from, the coffers o f the B i*System into the
Then w ill our people learn to love and; know the g r e e t/ IN flN iT K ,
and move on to rest greatness.
Here I might give a word picture o f the Redeemed America,
as I love to vision her as being; but must confine m yself to my
specific task,
“ Thou great eternal Infinite,
Thou great unbounded TVhclc, *
Th y Body is the Universe
Thy Spirit is its SouL
- ] ] , ''■
I f Thou dost fiU immensity,
I f Thou a rt A ll in sH;
Then I ’m in Thee, Thou art in me,
O r I ’m nothere at all.
H ow can I be outside o f Thee,
When Thou fillst earth and air?
There surely is no place fo r me
Outside o f Everywhere.
I f Thou art A ll and Thou dost fill
Immensity o f space,
Then in Th y Being do I dwell,
Or else I have no place;
And i f I have no place at all,
• What am I doing here?
Beyond the A ll I cannot be
Outside o f Everywhere.
Then truly in Thyself am I,
And Thou must be in me,
Or else there is no ail-in-ail,
• N o me nor Thee to be.”
-The answer to the second question asked is aH contained in
the one force: L O V E ! K was love that caused tbe In fin ite Cre­
ator to place so great an abundance o f natural wealth, in, upon,
over and around those sections o f tbe earth whisk now consti­
tute the United States o f America.
Love has given all o f the spiritual uplift whicK has ever come
to tbe peoples o f the earth, and which has always come in greater
force to those people who have had tbe strength, courage M id fo r­
titude to go into the wilderness to safodub it.
Love furnished the wisdom which directed the form and en­
actment o f the Constitution o f the United States.'
Love o f God, Country, heme, fam ily and friends has caused
all that is good or great in America.
Love neglected and caet out o f our individual «and national
life, has ushered in the papal system o f usury, fear, superstition,
and unnatural excesses which, i f permitted to remain dominant
in America, w ill destroy her.
“ Choose ye this day whom ye w ill serve, G od or Mammon!”
God o r tbe pope! The Constitution and tows o f th* U nited States,
or the canon tow o f the Roman Empire.
Shall we make America truly great? Or, shall w e continue
to feed the big perpetual papal system o f U SU R Y by perm itting
the papal controlled international banks to managnour finance«?
A ll other political issues are as nothing compared with this
one tiling: T H E N A T IO N A L IZ A T IO N OF E X C H A N G E A T
COST., So, don’t let the papal controlled pres« confuse right idea«
with their smoke-screen propaganda. Remember that education,
spirituality and the, future prosperity o f tbe United States de­
pend wholly upon this issue. • '•
C H u acu r
r p H K Ladles Home Journal adver-
Uae» s a article attacking the Sun­
day School aa tt* principal feature.
It behooves every Klanimaa to read
r e r two reara i w a* s Marli
dnrtna that Um# t an « hai
"hokum" around e Marina ha
or fiamp They last wouldn't
tor t l Furthermore, I hay ara hi
ly patriotic. Thor hagta Ini
rterca patrloUam at Patria latni
It ataje tuera the whole time.
Water», K. C. (beo*eteri *
on the etreet recently In i
re mar ha ware mida about
That'a why ihere-are ao few Calh-
ppvn o lira I » Iba Malina Corpa. It tabee s
Hrat patetot to be a Marina and a Cathollc
rn,d. rannot be a patrio!, beca«»* be owee
rolns ht» ftret altegtonae to a «<>P peeudo-
* ° r monarch who rant »ven epeak Eng-
■"•o-fltol». "Splggoty^ Ulk te barved by th»
:h o* Marine», "ir you can’t talk Cnltey
Rev. Melville T. Wire, the po|
H o n o r OUR SUBSCRIPTION LIST? »»ator 61 tbe Asteria E in t Meto
church; I« »w ay from tbs S ly oi
nMi bjr virtue oí having untrained
• annual vncatloifUt the frew n t
tie annonças A s n o t t f retori
Aacust U .
V f he'd lei^.Jha! oat, to might have
X saetea away with his propaganda. %y the Roman Cathollc gang that la
Thai amana ha «a n te have yon Insist funning It. Laaker, the Jew chairman« "Red Brick Church" and tho Rrv.
an * trained PRIEST or NUN to toll who 1» under the rule of the Caaeye, Is Gott berg, able pastor of t t o local Bap-
roar Itttl* girl or m ile boy the story Rolns to run tor Senator b o a Illinois EM congregation, will preach at both
of ehrtet.
and aleo seek* to direct the publicity the morning and evcoins «enríeos
white tho Ear. Wire I* away.
tor the Prealdenttel campaign.
I first went to 8unday achool when
Unlee» the Republican party gala rid
I w ai three. I eaa remember It, two.
Of Laaker It aland* la itengar of loalnR
and a* I look bock on It now, t renttee
Every Klanaman In Astoria. Warren-
the Kioa vote no a eo a thin« to
that the llUle old lady who took mo
• n m e at. tor tt la not Ktesalih for a ton and 8««aid» loa» a sabia friend «ad
from my motear into ton infant» de­
Klamman to vote for a man who has fallow Klanaman. when Waaley I t
portment and gave me a little red
wronged a brother. A bln* to tbs wtao Bridgea, affectionately known as 'Jlgna
card with w n e pretty picture» en it
waa not trained. She could scarce I r
last Sunday morning at bln boma In
read the Bible.
HE Grand Master ot Maine Mason* Warrante«.
itood np before the Grand bodge
and told the members that Klanaman
are on-Amerlcan. It developed later
than 75 per cent of the Orand Lodge
who heard him ware If la a e n a
you think they relished being called
un-American, even by a Orand MasterT
In tbe face of thte "awful setback"
the Klanaman of Maine are planning
9ha didn’t have ear theories, this ta build a slant Kla vara In Portland.
untrained old Sunday school teacher It takes more than a tew vncuoua
o f mine. She only knew Ood wan words to make a Klanimaa taka back-
good and the world wan bad and that
Ood sent Jesus hare to save us and
that we had to believe In Him or bo
T ’EAVE YOU bad your C ongeja-
X X man on the mat yet? IX yon'
D l f o n f f OO NEXT BUNDAY. THE
haven’t you're letting golden oppor­
tunity slip through your fingers. Tall
hla* what yon think, or bettor yet,
get him to toll yon what ho think*
PEAKINO o f the degrée of Amer-
•ad than correct aotoe of hla Imgroa-
lean cltlaanahlp, a wop down In
T . before God. men, she was
lady, somebody’s mother, hod thar
spirit of Ood In bar and mad* me ap­
preciate, even a* that age, tha loving
kindness aad tender mercy of Jesuo
Christ bettor than any seminary auto­
maton ovar could with his pat theories.
•aknd him If he had to choose between
a Protestant qualified for an office
•ad a Catholic unqualified, what would
he do. The wop eald unhesitatingly
he would vote for the red-neck. He
wae rejected In the greatest Brother­
hood known to man— American idii-
AVE YOU come through with sonshlp.
your subscription to this paper
yet? If yon have, have you gotten There la one thing In tha Louisiana
the other fellow« yon know who | Incident that delights me beyond de­
haven’t to come through? You know scription. That la that there Is a
the editor can't spend bin time chasing Jndge In the Pelican State not under
down subecrlpUotu and gat out a good the rule of Coocoo and Parker, who
paper, too. You’ve got to help. You. would hare clapped their hand* In
get your money’s worth In the first ghoulish glee and welcomed tha Cath­
olic wop to the cltlxenry. It Just shows
•lama. After that It's all velvet.
the impremkm Parhnr's aruaoda baa
RAND MASTER Mika H. Thomas.
Hade and the a (feat, U Is hskvla«.
oí Tecas, sagra: "Tha majority of
the yasoos of Texas are getting tired
of a tew Mason* and a whole lot ot HAT FROM A KLANSMAN?
Don’t get the Idas he’s Mgger than
yon are. He’s dependant on yon for
hla job. He's working for yon and no
'one redllie* move than be does. Make
him understand you realise It too, and
•xpeat him to obey your bidding.
A to Wllaoa, Warrenton Drug Btorw
proprietor, was noticed visiting In Bom
■Ida last Sunday. Mr. Wllaon says tt
la rathar unusual for him to get a day
e f( this time of tha year. Ha sure waa
enjoying hie outing.
Over at Warenton tbara la a wall-
known carpenter named George Smith
who b*a a ford tha* ho thinks tt tho
only car on anrth. Recently. 1 » toll In «
of the virtues of hla mac hi no, Oaorsn
•aid: “ Why, I ran tako that car a n »
drlva to th* d m ! market, buy SR
cento’ worth of meat with two bits an*
have 35 cents change. Do you know
how I can do that?
"T m ," was the Instant reply of a
bystander, "Trada your ford In on that
NEW YORK. Aug. I.—Ten forelgg
Inert arrived In the New York harbor
tha night of July 11, all loaded with
Immigrants clamoring to be admitted
to the United 8tat*a at the beginning
of he new Immigration year. Th#
number waling at Ellis Island to bd
examined for entrance on July 2 num-
hered approximately 15.000
the quotas filed for the entire month
of July were Hwedon. Greece and a«W
Qreeee ta allowed 559 per mentln
while Sweden Is allowed «008. Th#,
monthly quota la to per cent of th*
annual quota, so If tha allowance wag
filled each month, no igimlgrantg