THE BETTER READ WHAT I S MAN SAYS ON SUBJECT OF CRME 4 See Him Smash the Sickly Sentimentalists, and He Knows Them, Too. W* hat* the boner to lalrodare to o s r audience af sevraly thoaagsd reader» Mr. Nam uri lluwarth of Pert- land, who served many years In Ibe Oregon Penjtonllary and «ihn knew» ronvlrfa, their procreerà of Ihenghl, melile* of nctlon and ways af life ns well a» an efficient preacher hnewe his Bible. Uh, pardea a s he eerved thee* y rare la the IV* a* an official, NOT AH A ( UN, remember. Itear Gee. •Ip», aad saw hr’e goto* to tell yea wbat be thlnke of tk# prlaea refanu system, with reparlai rcfrrrnrr tu the Oregon Hum mer-and-Winter-Usseri- fe r -tu n s presided ever by tfaveraer Pierre. Mr. lluwurth I« a man of die. Usrllun la kle Hue ef warb. Ha la a eeholar but sat u writer, a deor aad aot a lalkar, but If yag will read ear*, fa lb and patiently what be »ay* on this eubjeri job will be wleer aad bet- tar for bat lag done n s Thin la Ike flint af a »erte» ef ad irle» dictated by him.— Editar. By KAMI EL HO It WITH Tba present sautlmeutal wave, wlilUi has swept «ter the Kngllah- *|*'skln« nation* this last half cen­ tury fur the presumed under dug sa the thuuuhlless dullards, feeble-mind­ ed end unsophisticated and Ignorant who proclaim and shout for ths con- sid< ration of the down-trodden of so­ ciety, U due to lack of Informktlon and n'srmilng powrr and )uMlP»'iif. It 1« aborting Justice end reason, nul­ lifying law, end exposing peso* and order to continual assaults by * the rrtmmnl element of the nation, which Is going on ns s continuous skirmish day und uglUL K«ntimentsllsis. in their exuberant thoughtless ssuuwvnL aro perpetual-, lug * campaign of Man's Inhumanity or alt our social and moral condltkm* o f Ilf*, ignoring law. order and con- fid.ucc, debasing our social system. The, 4H Slates of this Union and the Federal authorities expend two bit. Ii4hi dollars a yaar io jtrotoct you ana ms and our taamss. The asattmafitailst Is an anarchist „to law, Justice and order. H* Is a g ­ gressive on society, does not hnve mercy, hut when ranght Is a strong and lond advocate of same a» demon­ strated by th* matey printed phpers. which Is s form of propaganda to abort the law that they may escapo soon. This retgn of sentiment Is pro­ ducing 80 per cent of the crime* of today by stowing down Justice, for the longer U la delayed the more It Is forgotten and Interest, tn retribution fust fades away. The strongest prison paper howls to ths sentimentalists for mercy. Justice and reform, and a “ chance to make good" to society! The sooner he figures he can get out. Ilia sooner he figures h* c s s get even with the soclil system that placed hliu within It* servile gates. - -( In nil the yea#» I was associated with them as an officer and observer or passing events, I could not find more than two In one hundred who hail reduced their criminal tendencies sufficiently to meet the normal con ­ ditions of our social Itfe. In all my years of observation, I felled to find whore the Judiciary had erred an* per cent In s thousand that were brought* und left that supposedly terrible serv­ ile state reforming Institution???! The Honor Hystem Is based upon sen­ timent, net Judgment or common sense, hut on promise that the criminal’« word Ik Inviolate, end knows the evil ot ills past ways, and fully realises tit* enormity of his misdeeds, and ap­ preciates the kind consideration about to bo bestowed on him, and tba o p ­ portunity to show how slnooro and honorable he c a » be w hen confidence Is placed In him. These are th* ones w* read shout in tlio newspapers, "Another convict es­ capes from the penitentiary! “ - a IruKly who made g ood !—who appre­ ciated the confidence and opportunity bestowed on him. The rain and snows o f winter are not auspicious to con­ fide ik ;.- nnd opportunity, hut summer end autumn aro looked to as very auspicious for another chance to get hack nt tha social order of things. The duty of the courts of our common- wrultlr la to adjust grievances and punish violators of the law sutflr.tently In deter them and others who may hats such tendencies or trslts. The pnnltsatlsry receives the qoclal roxffllum that Is u menace to peace and order. If one has strong criminal tralta and la endowed with caution and eaccutlve ability, he need not renr the authjrltles, law or prison during this sentimental epidemic, which lias each * firm grip on Intellect and re*- •on Only n i n i N t m la a t n i t r - « » • I« pa7Ina ili* fall penalty to bal- U N tha arrease U t o t l a m al Mato«, Oregon, a a lj avara«* Ora aad u it*, ha 11 7*are. , • Th* *ow*r of ih la otekJy ***tliucnt was demonstrated daring Ritirerà Thirty Day« aa Uovarnor of Oragoo, W E A tO H AM thICAH B U SIN E SS A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L D IR E C T O R Y AUTO ACCESSORIES Tab«* UM Don't Boy 0 Tir* Untili You Know clpllatad amid tha people, who are supposed to ha protar tad by sheriffs , CRESTON GARAGE and court» Thia la Uttla removed / Orinala Bra*. from a ukaaa of fanllniont that all 10th .and Powell BU. ; tha undar-doga ahould ha torglraa, Phone HUaeat MU Partían*. hlaaad and prayad tor, and told “ now ho *ood ’*- This aantlmoat haa •dilat­ ed Othar nattona Hi all agaa. A eaa- TE D R. M O Y E R tury and a half ago tha Hnaolan Km plra Jbacama almoat proatratod L a» and ordar bacaroa Inart and human Cradullty was ao dominant that tha untutored Mojlha kneeled at tha toot of tha traaa and prayad to tha«n. drntldunt tuay barunie dominant In Day* of tinkering on a eantary and Inert In tha neat. are gotta foncer Thia primal mpntal faculty of care far ottaprtgg h u h ba guarded and bald C H A S. C. EM ERY H O W G R O C E R IEB CONVECTIONS HI I S THE LADD Hodge’s Sweet Shop E Tha Homo of Swoot* Tha boot In aft departments Pboa* Servie# Delivery HOWE TIEE A SUPPLY CO. I«] N. Broadway p l u m b in g Hth UKoadway 4838 CONTRACTORS When on your way to sod from tba L. A. PERRY coast, bop yonr oils, grass**, gas and ' M O O EH J R. H. RANDOLPH ecc assort as from a 100 par coot Amer­ trem arles Leave at I« A. M. aad 8 P M ican. IS* par coat fair and 1*0 par Ot and Sandy Boulevard lief ore building or planning the new cant oorvtco. home, so* me. for I bore 100 up-to- , for( bar Oder____ Portland, On LINDROFF GARAGE dota piaos to salaci from. Pias* SIS — Lafayette, Oregon Ä T moihl tamtsm . j # L . AUTO SERVICE Baulavard S C H A F E R PRODUCE GROCERIES M ulto ornali Hotel Garage D A Y PRODUCE CO not ftarrri, but ar* acornad and laughed at. The reform achool la today tha pri­ mary *rhoot ot a penitentiary, and the penitentiary la tha university af crime. M BOZLEE A T IM CARVER J S M EATS, GROCERIES ANO VEGETABLE* 0*7 Relmewt VULCANIZING New and tfaed Tira* ■» ' AH Werk Onarmataed ■** Uatoa Aua. N. Partland. O-a. RESTAURANTE W# Osllvsr ELECTRICIAI HABERDASHERS P ortla n d T o p C o. H Headway HTM iT A bor 17111 or K i l Auto Tana Meda and Repaired •cat Covar», Cushions and Certain* E. Water aad Alder Ma. . Halmaa Estimated Furnished A C M E E L E C T R IC C O . Electrical Cos tractors Fixtures, Wlrls* an* 0u*ulM* All W ork Guaranteed 1*9* «00* Hawthern* Ave. Q u in n * A u to M achine S h op D ou g las* A D ou glas* S e rv ice S ta tion Portland, Or*. S l C o . F . E . C o llin s H. WARRINFR. Proprietor PORTLAND, O H I Cylinders bored P.H aacb la most cor* ■ 87* Htark Street Clothiers, Haberdashers Tailors j KwtaJ Prices Paring Joly Here W e A re T h e S e ilw o o d S h o e S tore B E A V E R E L E C T R IC C O . Mew's, Wemea’ s aad ChHdrea’s PINE SHOES “ ELECTRICIANS” Phans EAst «**1 BOB’S SI* Lunch 11100 A. M. to ItOO P. M. I STS E. 13th St. ’ SB Tenth Stese Near Stark mu way 1141 » Clara, P r o * Cozy Horn* Restaurant . a . M e K A R A G H A N , P rop . Open from • A.M . to 1 A-IL I«* Cream Pastor B E R L IN E . D A V I » . P ro p rie tä r 20414 Third SL SEHssead OPS IIS Grand Avo.. Citisene Bank Bldg. Portland, Oregon GEORGE W ETLE has proven Aeroalf the mother of Ig- expensive salvation, than to be con­ noranre. Intolerance and superstition. M. Because aha ba* added tp and demned on tba last day by the Judge of all Ih# earth for rejecting free sal­ tshen trom the Word of Ood. W. Because tier teachings are c a l­ vation purchased bydhe precious blood culated to encourage eln and to Induce o f Chrlaf. unholy living. 00. Because I never knew the Church Scripture« s*d jadg« for myoad by U>« »Id of Ih« Holy Spirit, though I hr tp out off a member for viols ting any railed a "heretic." "turn-cost" and of the ton command meals, but knew of "bUrk sheep.” than to receive the bar persecuting unto death,those who milk o f the Word from men who don't persisted tn worshiping God according know It, and be railed "a good, holy j to dictates of conscience. 01. Because 1 have been aahanud Homan Cahottc.' ••• ot Church history and th* very im­ 70i Because 1 find tn every laud lu moral lives of a targe number of the Which 1 traveled, that, for, the most * ■ - part, good Roman Cathodes make bud l ope* o f Rome. 01. Because I saw more light In Christian, and wicked Christian* make good Roman Catholics. Of (he common people of the Protestor* Churches than 1 have seen tn the cou rse.. true Christians, converted men. cdnndt become Roman CatkoHcs. clergy of the Roman Catholic Church. 01. Becana* 1 have found In tb'a 71. Because 1 believe th* Pop*, who Church as much—If not more—drunlc- refaoeo to be Instructed In faith and morels, In tbnt he knows tt all. Is «nweos. violence, deception, blas­ antl-Chrlatlsn, and th* son of pent!- phemy. desecration ot th* Subbath, •nd all manner of uncleuultneas. than 72. ' Reran«e I could not better* ^ ever found In any equal number of . that tk» public schools, for tba best teople In the world.' 94. Because 1 have found that for- Inter*«ta af nay M ilan, aagbt to be hiding to marry, to eat meat on -F ri­ under the control ef Ike church. day*. t o abataln from kaoaat industry certain Church days—to discipline American rltlscn and take aides with .i vystem that Is a disgrace to the he body with whip* to make It obey fundamental lasUtattens af ear conn- the soul, ate., are pagan .Invention* ind should be exterminated from civ- try. Iliad beings. 74. Becaase I eaald act belters I hat 96. Because that I find wearing “rducatlua outside the Bomaa Cath­ vestments, saying mass. Messing olic church Is n damnable heresy.” 76. Belies* I canaot believe that bead* and water, beatrlhg incense and candles, praying to saints and angels Saints Patrick. Joseph, peter, Bridget. are also of pagan origin, the- same be­ t>r any of them, can be In different ing practiced until this day by In­ place* at the same time to hear pray­ diana, Chinese and aboriginal savages. ers. and. therefore, that they cannot 96. Because there Is no Pope la the help ua In any way. Bible. 71. Because tha charch has always 07. Bbcusse the Pope's doctrine and opposed the liberty of Ih* preaa, the 3alnt Peter's do not agree. liberty of speech, and even the liberty 08. Because the Charch teaches that of thought. no man ba* a right to choose Ms re­ 77. Because I consider it blasphemy ligion. to. call the Pop* “ King of Kings and 99. Because nearly all of the R o­ U r d of Lords.” man doctrine* are established 78. Because the church that has and of recent day, as anyone may see used the chain, the thnmb-acrew, the from history. virgin crib, the fagot, to make pcoplo • 100. Because 1 find the Church to. give up their religious ’ convictions ■)c a political organisation, instead of cannot be the church of Christ in assembly embracing the people of 79. Because I bet lave t W no Ood. church has a right to make slaves of 101. Because JfeJi a secret society those who desire to worship God ac­ full ot peril lo the Nation. cording to their own ronactencea. 102. Because the Roman Catholic 80. Because I believe that olvll Charch ta today what she always was. laws are binding on tho conscience of th* intolerant, bloodthirsty tiger. On every subject of the Nation, whether her own testimony she cannot change, the»« IsWs he conformable to the “et semper eadem." That la: "She Is toachlnga ol Home or not always the same.” 81. Because 4-cannot persuade my­ self to balleve that the law* of the Stonewall Jackson Klan No. 1. land are null and Told, In that they j Realm of Plortd*, located at Jackson­ do not agree with the laws of the ville, recently donated a sum ot Homan Catholic church. 1 money to the B*by Mflk Fund" o f 82. Because II believe that no church haa power to absolve Its mem i that city. Two hundred members of b«ra from oaths and their allegiance ll1** ,n ful* ro«*11* attended to tho civil government. i lhB *PBcl41 c *»Jr tobernarte 83. Because the Church teaches that i» few »■«« **pfoaaed their she ha» the 'power to alter all civil appreciation or the work o f th* Rev. law* that are opposed to equity. , . W. A. Hobson, th* pastor. 84. Because the Church warns the people through the .confessional to have no Intercourse whatever with those who once belonged to her fattb. 86. Because the Church loves att­ | thorlty better than truth end form more than spirit, ' 87 Because through all history ah* K MKRCMAXTB Alberta Tire A Rgpanr Sbop grace of man who har* none to apara, oy< n for thorasçlvoa. U Decausr 1 will never give up a ircrtainty for an uncertainty. M. Becaase I want to use aay own brains that God haa given me to beget knowledge to prove alt things, “ and hold fast to that which la good.“ *7. Becauae I prefer to be coo- L ic R v ic e auto VULCAN 1*1 Iti I Pirat Ht (Continued from Paga t ) I S u n n y t id e M a rk e t GODEL BROS. t i ! D A D RESTAURANT rpalrlag of ia to Kadlatars WMBT sod CASST------- Taller to Mon gad Wo at Pupalar Prices BBNDERB. TANK*. BODIES Acetylene Wviaie* IM Hawthern* A»# Portland, Oreeen U M EAST TWENTY -EIGHTH ST. Pbrtland. Oregon 4A3 W mhijiBton SL. Whea In Doubt Whore to Bat T I T THE HOTELS CHEVROLET Phone Eaat 0780 CH AS. C FISHING SUPPLIES EM ERY Authorised Bsrvics and Parts S tran d H o te l U n io n O y s t e r H o u s e A. E. PBTEEA, Pram S P E C IA L Satisfaction Guaranteed— IS Tsars K now ing »to w » 7 E. E ig h th a t H awthorn* N ew 100 dozen assorted Trout File*, doxen P ortla n d 40c ■ re a k fn Y o u n g ’ s D a iry L u n c h ' C A. NORW OOD O r e g o n Battery C om p a n y SS* Stork Street Brtweea Park aad West Park 6W7 Paster Bend %'e* .a n »-*• . ■ *** ^ T h e SL C h arle* H o te l Special Steaks and' Chops 5 to S P. M. i. .• ..-t.--- f - j . —- ■ , Stark Street Breadway 2873 llth and 17th Bts. FUEL SHINING PARLORS Phon* SEIIwood tret , Prompt Delivery W . Z . H ig h t W o o d a n d C oal C o. Old Homestead Baking Co. Th* RI*ht limad for Right Paopla JEWELRY KNIGHTS H o w a rd H . B e id in g Watchmaker and Jeweler HONEST WEIGHTS AND MEASURES nth aad Hawthwne AND C1GAB STAND TRANSFERS S e ilw o o d J e w e lry E n. Mowrey, Prop. • Residence 106 Eaat 34th SL B- Try U* far Service—Service You Get E sta blish ed 1804. Ine. l i l t Jeweler and Watchmaker E ast S id e V a n A S to r a g e C o . E. 36th and Hawthorn* A v*. T ry us for wurkraanahlp and aerrt« High grade W atcfK e Expert W atch. Clock and Jewelry Repairing S u n n y sid e F u el C o . 1 - Long or Short Wood aad Coal •u Special Older* for Lodges anil Estertatnments 1(01 East 13th SL 1*63 Hawthorn* GARBAGE Phase Tabor «7M B est Quality G A R B A G E S E R V IC E M. L. KNIGHT 1M Por Cent Amertrmn Seeking a Tremopt B akery Legitim ate Living 18H Srirntt-secoad SL 8. E. Portland, Oregon tR y bRugger’t , . . bRead Lents peOple Like it 0122 88th Street 8. E , City Brempt Service AMES GROCERY 1 UKOCEEIES * MEATS ~ » U T S YEGXTABLES Lent« Stallen Phone Tabor 8786 BARBERS AMERICAS UNION shop w W . C. Fawkes. T h e P ortla n d L ock sm ith G E N E R A L R E P A IR IN G E x p a rt K ay and L o ck w o rk , S a w F iling, S o ld e r in g , Grinding. Model Making. E lectrica l R ep a irin g 308Vj F ou rth S tr e e t Between Salmon and Taylor Portland, Oregon a O ffice : TA bor 4*75 A L HOLM GREN Painting and Decorating Contractor Dealer In rain ts. W all Paper and Kalaomine Tinting, Picture Framing and Paper Hanging a Specialty 13 Belmont St. Portland. Ore*on M arked NEXT- 482 East Burnside Corner Bast Eighth SL I Bring In this ad and receive 10 per cent discount on your order Seilwood 2976 A. R. Woodworth •p. W . B R A D F O R D B O N -T O N B A R B E R S H O P QUALITY GROCERIES F R A N K WOLF, Proprietor Pfcaae « A l a 4810 We Deliver lid Yamhill ami Taylor IU23 Belmont SL Paper hanging, painting and tinting. Wall paper and painL Sellwaod 3178 Ph*a* Tabor 2127 PHARM ACY Frank R u u e ll B a rb er Shop , Children’ s Hatr ratting a Specialty 1417 Sandy Beate tard BEAUTY PAftLORB i, y t '-tf- Cateor -Klan, Realm of Indiana, re, porta n wonderful growth during the Mother*! past two month*. This Klan set Ua the Kiddie ncM| th«ir hair cu\, members actively at work with the When bring them td * Mr. Laird at Constituted authorities of tha law In THE BONNIE DEE putting bootleggers and gamblers out A ay style out. including uri, JPc Ot bnatae«*. 806 Pillock Block R n . W alnut 1308 M tih f, Pack tag n t Shipping IBS Fourteenth SL Perdami, O wl Main «014 Y E aat U n io n T r a n s fe r C o . Oliver Hall, Prop. special Trips (7SH First Street Portland, Ore. P R O F E S S IO N A L P H Y S IC IA N S A N D S U R G E O N S D R. E. H . E A S T PHYSICIAN and SURGEON O ffice: 803-4 p ttto ck Block Phono B eacon 461« Residence : ZS6 E. 551*1 St. Boato Phone T abor 7177 Fresh Emit and Vegetables a Specialty The 191 Third SL Beacon 1724 S h ip le y T r a n s fe r A S to r a g e C om pany O ffice Hours: 11 to I I A , M.} t to S P. W OLCOTTT Prop. 0 -GET “Gar Baoteess I* Moving” Rv«Dings call Re«. P hon « T A bor 8510 P lano and Furniture M oving Packing. Crating and Storag« Offele 1084 Hawthorn« A v«. _________ Office Phone TA bor 0856 R#*.: T A bor 01*1 P a p er H a n g in g a n d T in tin g W a ll P ap er and Paint O. a COOK ROD Near Fifth 144« E. Gllaan SL T h e B lue F ron t G r o c e r y and T h e S ervice B a rb e r S h op Stork Street Light . Manufacturing P A P E R H A N G IN G A N D P A IN T IN G just Right m Courteous Treatm ent GROCERIES BRUGGER’ S B A K E R Y 0l|J Woodstock Ara Portland. Ore. LOCKSMITHS Phone All Calls to SUnaot 6710 and a square deal for all at th* Partlaad, Ora L’petalra. Bet. M and 4th. on W ashington Broadway 7400 Taker 1044 BAKERIE8 il l laeaad Street Room M* Washington Building R a d io E lectric B ak ery . SHOE SHINING PARLOB I a dies Cento -? it. a Mrs. C. J. Busk Buxton 100 Per Cent Sarvle* BUXTON S GROCERY fresh Irate« and Vegetables W s Deliver Ohons TAbor (003 THE BEAVER PHARM ACY P . Livingston. P r o p ." Phone Seilwood 119« «S3 E. Yamhill *80 Umatilla Ave J. A. CORNES GROCEHIES P ortla n d . O re. D E N T IS T S DR. H. A . HUFFM AN DENTIST O ffice H ours: 8:30 to 11; 1 to 4 G E N E R A L PR AC TIC E * Morgan Building P ortland. Oregon Phone Sunset 8748 D R . L. R. P U G H Deatlat O ffice: Room* 8 an* 3 Leach Building 87th and Foster Road 4714 Tlat & E. Portland, Oregon ------------------------- ---------------- f ---------------------- PAU LSEN S P H A R M A C Y forty-thrid and Sandy Bird. D R. W IL L IA M R . V E T T E R TAbor 1679 DENTIST Frulla and Produce to Season Q U ALITY FIRST 8701 Poster Read Pries as low a* srs cau mak* it 403 Oakum Building O ffice BRdwy. SUS Portland. Oro*on B a a BRdwy. 8884