T THE P u e Eight WESTERN AMERICAN i Thuriday, June 1923 hmMiœ gSÊtsè* MILLIONS AMERICAN HOME BUILDERS work which it is expected to do. Here ña the resolution which they have adopted, which sets EDNESDAY morning a group of Portland men start«**! a ennvnss of the* bnsinesa in­ terests of the city of Portluvl to eomplete a fund of ¡£200,000 to develop and adver­ forth in unmistakable terms tin* purposes to he ueeomphshcd with this fund: * '. 1 / m ix much aa tin' Portland Chamber of Commerce proponen to m itt d fund o f f 300,000 to hr « x- tise all Oregon. fu ndrd ilurirtii thr next tiro uram for Oregon Stilli' di ctlnpnu ut; unti l¡nanmueh uh thr Portland Clima * The Klnnsmen are interested keenly. I>eeauseri»eir aggregate investment in Ore­ ‘ hrr o f Commerce li uh a ¡> imi ut ed ita undrraignrd Me intiera, trilli final outhority, uh per m a tieni tritatetiK gon amounts to many millions o f dollars. They wish to help in tin* roust motive work of telh to tupei riae thr expenditure of such fund; " Non *, thr re fore, ire, the undermined truateea, after due deliberation, hare derided that for tlir injr thP world about Oregon's matchless climate and opportunities; they are helping in every thin ,11-- fund --— nltil the expenditure , pnrpoaet of ..... _ - 7 _., thtr 'reoft. v way shown to them. Oregon jita tr llrrrlopmeut atolli l>e cnnatrucd lo X The collection of the ¡jslOO.OOO fund is spon­ ni riin tiréfolliiirhio major urti ritira: sored by the Portland Chamber of Commerce. " /. I in prò re ment o f exialing agricultural That body has appointed a group of capable bus­ ronditWHK hy ex pana ioti of prra.ent marhrts, ,thr iness executives as permanent trustees, with derrlognu ut of urte market h and im prom l unir • keting ronditione. final authority to administer and supervise the "g. The artttemrnt and hrintjiny info perni ur­ expenditure of this fund. They are men of tici ty under profitahlr candii ¡ima o f irriyated and proven business ahilil v. competent to obtain ade­ rechimeli lo mi in-1 he Stale of- ( Irego u, quate results for every dollar invested. These — ---------- “ tifc — The atteartion of t“ u rista to thè State of — Oregon hy aneli inatrumentalitiea aa inuy lo- propa­ are the men: lo urtomaliali thè deaired palpine." Abbott L. Mills, President o f the First Na­ tional Rank and Vice-President o f the Security The comptetlon o fth is developmcut fund Savings & Trust Company. atid thè carrying otit of thè pian wliich is back Otto W. Mielke, Viee-President and Man­ of it.are ttf vita! >imp«*rlrtncc lo all « f Oregon. ager of the Blake MeFa 11 Company. The pia uh havebeen earefully mudo. Tl7o Emery Olmstead, President o f the North­ fund w ill bc administered hy wclUkuowti nieu of By a formal resolution the board of western National Bank. tlie higliest iiitcgrity and nbìllty. trustees has decreed that an ade­ Boy. T. Bishop, Viee-President and Man­ ager of the Oregon Worsted Company. quate portion of this fund shall be John C. Ainsworth, President of the Fnited States National Bank. devoted to the development of the Max S. Hirsch, President and Manager of best possible systems of marketing the Hirseh-Weis Manufacturing Company. The things which arc to he accomplished Guy W . Talbot, President of the Portland through this fund arc bewig successfully done farm crops in Oregon. This means Gas. and Coke Company and o f-th e •'Pacific now in neighboring states. We are all familiar Power and Light Company. increased farmtprosperity for every with’ the*story of growth and development in Franklin T. Griffith, President of the Port­ California brought about chiefly through ad­ farmer and for the entire com - land Railway. Light A Power Company. vertising nml organ¡zedAntudy of resources and Isaac D. Hunt, Viee-President Ladd and needs. Ever,' dollar which has been invested in .munity. Tilton Bank. this manner in California lias returned mani­ fold profits. W This Fund, Raised in Portland, Means 3 Great Things for All Oregon: h irr H * I 1. A better way to market farm crops Other States Are Doing These Very Things Now! As a Business Proposition, Give! It is a good investment-foi^ the. Portland business men to subscribe to -this Oregon devel­ opment fund. It meatas definite, assured prog­ ress to all of Oregon. Unless Oregon is willing to reaeh out for the things which should be hers, they will go to her more progressive neighbors. Without this $3 the square mile—California lias 22 and Washington lias 20. O reg on has less than a million population —she can support several niilliuus. Oregon has vast areas of idle land returning no profits to its owners. This.land ran la* made productive— instead of sagi* brush and desert we can have tilled farms and prosperous villages. Oregon has vast undeveloped resources in water power. They are largely useless as long as undeveloped—only, the development which con ics with population and capital can make The tourists who have built Cali­ them a productive asset to tin* state. 'Phe improvement of agricultural conditions, fornia can be attracted in ever-in­ the betterment of marketing systems, the exten­ Tlic trustees have worked out a plan through creasing numbers to Oregon. Tour- sion of irrigation and reclamation, mean more which all subscribers to the development fund fanners to eonie and enhanced prosperity for ists invariably bring prosperity in will be permitted to pay their subscriptbftis T ii farmers already here. 24 monthly installments covering a two-year Oregon has incomparable attractions for their wake. jK*riod. the tourist. The same tourists who are now In this way .you will pay your contribution leaving a million dollars a day each day of the to the development fund just as you pay your year in California can he attracted to Oregon. water bill, your power bill, or any other of your They bring ready rash, which means prosperity monthly items. for those who serve them, flnd these tourists are An easily borne monthly contribution from each Boriland business .house will menu a the forerunner of tin* manufacturer and the farmer. It is proposed tq start the tourist stream splendid total. to Oregon al once hy well-planned advertising. Remember you are investing in Oregon’s future—which is your own future. Portland can prosper only as all Oregon prospers. Portland is in position now to leud It will he one of the best investments yon have ever made. •‘-rr— all Oregon in its prosjx-rily. All conditions arc right for this i|CW10,(W0 development fund The trustees have thoroughly considered every phase of the development fund and the to produce the results whiefi Pori land and Oregon want. Give by the Month! 3 . More tourists W hen Your Fellow Business Men Call, Give Promptly, Cheerfully, Generously The tourist stream is turned our way. The best thought of the world is being focused upon agricultural prosperity’. Industry everywhere is seeking new fiejds for development and profit. 'I he transcontinental railways which serve the Northwest are spending a million dollars a year to advertise the Northwest. Neighboring cities are advertising vigorously to center u|x )11 themselves the attention of folks who arc attracted by the railway advertising -P o r t­ land and Oregon can get equal value from this'million-dollarCampaign only bv vigorous ad­ vertising of their own. The Noblest Motive is the Public Good et. ■ (This ad. is paid for by the Knights of the Kn Klux Klan.) t J r.