THE T h u rs d a y , Ju n a 2 8 ,1 9 2 3 lb# crowd, walked tb# #tr##ta #nd mlo(l#d wlUi (b# crowd# listening to lb# various remark» and Imaginary outbursts of lb# strangers to lb# great caua#. It waa lb# verdict of tb# mem be re I bat the Wary Croaa demonstra lion waa one big eua tried out In tbe west, SU PP O R T When on your way to' and from tbe A S K S Y01 coast, bny your oils, greases, gas and krcordlng to reports reaching Prohi­ In' tbl* i*»u* s nip advertiser bids aocaeaorlaa from a I* * per cent Amer­ bition (lommlesloner Hsynee regard­ ing tha Detroit proceedings against M modrvtly for your patronage—F. E. ican, It * per cent fair sad 100 per COLLINS, the ClBlier, J7S Stark cent service. near bear saloons. Magnificent Sight Greet* In addition to the padlock proceed­ street, telephone Headway 221*. This L1NDROFF G A R A G E ings close up place# wbero liquor la is a house of tht tbtolute square __________ Lafa/eMe, Ore**#__________ People, Announcing the sold Illegally, Dlstrist Ailorney Davit deal and your traO will be appreci-! Pretence of Klansmen. Phone OArfuie tS«l was said lo b*- i-unlemplatlng bringing ated. Mr. Collins k sn expert in the selection of clothi% and bat some conspiracy prosectitlons based on *1- rare liargains in ¿pmrr suits. He t L. W IL L O U G H B Y DRUNKEN APACHES lefts lions of excessive rentals charged ■ Y A VCRNONIA KLANSMAN. IN S U L T K L A N S M E N by buildings owners to tenants operat­ has coming soon »Mock of fall and Electrical Wiring ---- YKKNONIA. Ore, June *1 — Ver- winter suit» o t Af fincxt quality- ' ■ ■.1' ' ■ ''%•*. : ing "near-bear'' establishments. novta, I be buey mill city on the In­ Weetarn American Bureau. Take a look at bis delliing before you Portland. Ora. Tba rantal price* compared to those tray, apd tell bios A mi saw bis ad inj tea# *. Mr# at. N. land Highway, midway between l*ort- NKWAKK, N. J.. Juna 27 .—Mors fur similar buildings In like neigh­ laud aud Astprta. that claim» to be I TH E W ESTERN AMERICAN. then 10» membere of the Ku Klui borhoods would be pointed to aa col­ the faaleet growing little city In Ore Lesisi aa Bise M e a IM F o t Comt Klaa. altlrad In tbe white robee of the lusion between the owners and tenant# ■ T M e Wheat gun, aleo can lay claim to a fa»t grow­ Order, but wearing no maaka, purtlil to violate tbe problbUioii lew. C o s y H o rn « R e s ta u ra n t i n g Klanjdty. paled in a flag day parada and a flag R M rK A R A dgA .V Prop. Home of the beet cltltena and bual- presentation at Bloornafleld, a auburb We aae ao Patent White Open from I 4M lo 1 A. M. neae men of thin Nehalem valley are The Ktanemen were cheered and ap Flour or Alúa. ras* Parlor Ic* Cra entering tbe Jnvlalbi* Umpire every by the crowd» along Ihe line Hot bread dally at 4 P. M. la Portland, O ra .1 20*i/t Third * 4 meeting night. Vernonla la a night 0j march, except on one lone occs- balines« district. 1 town, Saturday mights It la lihpoaalble , lon wh, 0 a group or (-gihollcs and Was tarn Amsrlcan Bureau. f|tn> Illtoadway S*tl H E u flC E to walk np the aldewalks without Jew* throw eggs at tba white robed TOPEKA, Kan . —une 27.—Senator crowding off In the atreet. figure» and blaaad them as they passed ArtbUr Capper ban condemned bitterly B o n n i e D e e B a a u ty 8 h o p p e Comer Freut gad Harria#* t b . K M. LAMI- Prop. A was no excep-j Th, occurrence bee had the effect lout Saturday nlghf’ the stand taken by Governor A1 Smith Phase Vaia 8M1 Hon to the rule. Aa hundreds of peo |n,.raaalng the raspect for the or- of New York. In regard to prohibition Children'® Ntir Cutting pie were coming out of the picture t . nl«.ilnn becaure tbe Klanemen in New York almte. Senator Capper N. W. Cor M r Wj and Pork Ht«. Block Room ■hows, as a crowd was gathering for a mllrch#d on In orderly file, suffering accused Smith of pandering to tbe Oregon__________ _ rMe,S " t * big dance and ae vlellore, loggers and lh, |Dj 1(nuy m alienee and not crent foreign born of New York city, who, Phons A ll C ell* t* «U n s e t 8710 stranger» wer» promenading Ihe log a disturbance. _ * , be said, should be forced 'to accustom airéala of tba little city, a few sky­ G A B B A G I S E R V IC E The offendere were taken In charge themselves to American standards and M. !.. K N ia H T sn d J. Ct'RTIM rockets called tbe alteutlon of tbe by the poltçe and charges of dlenrderty American laws, or go back from where IS# P er Pent Asst, an Keeking a many to Seward's Mill. conduct lodged against them. One of they easts. I s g llt a i« Living ?- - - - Seward # Mill le a 300 foot hill Just I h eir n uT * »»r <« »■<»( *■ « » » haan a- ------*ia «. B, City----- - — wnth nf the ruy->limit«. While Ihe drunken priest. Prompt Servi®* Court «om T r n tm litt eyas were In that direction a hugej _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Blue StM HesStSs Bread Co. antes J o r E c o n o m ic a ! T ra m p o r i at ion ____ If ill T«HirliM? Ill Cha-nl« ( > ....... .............. I'y illy 44M.1 t Sedanette *41« Trnrk---------- ....... ............. *S77 *I